How to change the title of a document in Word. How to save a text document and rename it

Today we will talk about what properties a document has, and how you can view and edit them in Excel 2010 and 2013. After reading this article, you will also learn how to protect a document from any changes and how to remove personal data from an Excel sheet.

Remember how you felt when you first started using Excel 2010 or 2013? Personally, I sometimes got very angry when I couldn't find the right tool or a parameter where you are used to seeing them in previous versions Excel. The same applies to document properties in Excel 2010 / 2013. In these versions they are hidden quite deeply, but even so, we will quickly get to them.

This article is waiting for you detailed instructions how to view and change document properties, how to protect the document from any changes, and how to remove personal data from an Excel sheet. Go!

What properties does a document have?

Before we start learning how to view, change and delete document properties (metadata) in Excel 2010 and 2013, let's figure out what properties MS Office documents generally have.

Type 1. Standard Properties- common to everyone Office applications. This includes basic information about the document - title, topic, author, note, and so on. You can manually set your own text values ​​for these properties to make searching easier the required document on the computer.

Type 2. Automatically updated properties is data about a document file that is managed and modified by the system. For example, the size of the file and the time it was created or modified. Some properties are unique to documents in a particular application, such as the number of pages, words, characters, or application version. Such properties are updated automatically as you edit.

Type 3. Custom Properties are user-specified properties. You can add additional properties to an Office document yourself.

Type 4. Organization properties are properties defined by your organization.

Type 5. Document Library Properties refer to documents that are located in a document library on a site or in shared folder. The person who creates the library can set some properties for the library documents and set rules for their values. When adding a document to such a library, you will need to enter values ​​for all required properties or correct existing properties in accordance with established rules.

Viewing document properties

For those who do not know where to find information about a document in Excel 2010 or 2013, we offer three options:

Method 1: Display the “Document Information Area”

This method allows you to view document information directly on the worksheet.

After this, Excel automatically returns to the worksheet editing mode, and between the menu ribbon and the worksheet work area, we see the “Document Information Area” as shown in the image below.

As you can see, the Document Information Panel shows a limited set of properties. If you want to know more about your document, proceed to the second method.

Method 2: Open the Properties dialog box

If the Document Information Pane doesn't provide the information you need, try accessing the advanced properties. The first way to view additional properties is to use the same “Document Information Area”.

Here is collected information about the document, which is located on the tabs: Are common(General), Statistics(Statistics) and Compound(Contents). You can edit basic information on the tab Document(Summary) or set additional properties for the document on the tab Others(Custom). Want to know how it's done? Patience! We'll talk about this in more detail later.

There is another way to bring up the dialog box Properties(Properties):

The same dialog box will appear on the screen.

Method 3. Use Windows Explorer

Another easy way to display metadata is to use Windows Explorer without opening the Excel worksheet at all.

Now you know 3 different ways viewing document properties on your computer, so you can easily find all the important information.

Changing document properties

Earlier I promised to talk about how to change document properties. So, by viewing properties using the and described above, you can quickly add the necessary information or edit existing data. This is also possible, but not in Windows 8.

The fastest way to add an author

Changing the default author name

Default as author name Excel document the Windows username is used, but such a signature will not always be appropriate. In Excel, you can change the default author name so that only the name you need appears everywhere in the future.

Setting up custom properties

Comment: Data format in the field Meaning(Value) must match what is selected in the dropdown list Type(Type). For example, if the data type is selected Number(Number), then in the field Meaning(Value) A number must be entered. Values ​​that do not match the selected data type will be saved as text.

If you click on the property you just added and then click Delete > OK(Delete > OK), this property will disappear.

Changing other document properties

To change other metadata (besides author name, title, tags, and categories), use either " " or (Properties).

  • If the “Document Information Area” is open, then simply place the cursor in the field of the desired property and enter the required data.
  • If the dialog box is open Properties(Properties), then go to the tab Document(Summary) and add or change existing data in the fields, then click OK.

Go back to editing the Excel sheet and all changes you made will be saved automatically.

Removing document properties

If you want to cover your tracks and make sure that no one can find your name or organization name in the document properties, use one of the following methods that allow you to hide any property or personal data from public access.

We connect the “Document Inspector” to work

The Document Inspector is used to search for hidden properties and personal data. In addition, it can be used to remove properties from the book that should not be seen by other users.

Removing metadata from multiple documents

Using Windows Explorer, you can remove properties from multiple documents at once.

Comment: In this way, you can remove any document property from one or more files, even if you have Windows 8 installed on your computer.

Protecting document properties

Protecting document properties and personal information is useful if you don't want other users to change metadata or anything else in your document.

If you need to grant the right to edit a document only to some users, you can set a password and share it with a trusted circle of people.

Now your document is protected from unauthorized editing. But be careful! Anyone who knows the password can easily remove it from the field Password to change(Password to modify) and give other readers of your document the ability to change the information on the worksheet.

Wow! The article turned out to be quite long! My goal was to cover all the noteworthy aspects of viewing, changing, and deleting document properties. I hope you find the right answers to your metadata related questions.

By default, the document author is the user whose name was specified when Word was installed. You can change this name or specify a different primary author, and you can add or remove additional document authors.

Note: The illustrations in this article are from Word 2013.

Make sure the section is open Intelligence(Info). Please note that in the parameter group Related Users(Related People) the name from the additional properties of the document is specified as the author. To add another author, click Add user(Add an author) under the username.

Enter the author's name in the input field. If there are any contacts in your address book whose names match what you enter, they will appear in a pop-up window. If among them there is a name of a person who you want to indicate as the author, you can select him from this list.

Another way to add authors is to edit the parameter Author(Author) in additional document properties. On the panel Intelligence(Info) click button Properties(Properties) and select from the drop-down menu Additional properties(Advanced Properties).

Please note that in the dialog box that opens, on the tab Document(Summary) the added author is displayed in the field Author(Author). You can add multiple authors to this field by separating their names with a semicolon.

You can also add and remove authors using Document Information Areas. On the panel Intelligence(Info) click button Properties(Properties) and from the drop-down menu select Show Document Information Pane(Show Document Panel).

Above open document The details pane appears. Add or remove authors in the field Author(Author) in the same way as we did in the dialog box Additional properties(Advanced Properties). Remember to separate author names with semicolons.

How to save Text Document and change his name. You created a document in the Word text editor, saved it, but after a while you realized that it was better to rename it and move it to another location. By default all files text editor Word files are saved in the “My Documents” folder and after a while so many of them accumulate there that it’s hard to find required file(read how to find the file) can be very problematic. It is better to immediately save all files in certain folders and a certain place, so that later you do not have to guess what kind of file it is and where to look for it.

After you have finished working with the document, go to the menu File And

In field File name The dialog box that opens will display the current document name. This is usually the first line of the generated document.

On the left, select a location to save the file. I have selected in the picture Desktop. In field File name replace the name with a new one.

To save your document in a new folder, click the button in the save document window Create a new folder(a folder icon with a yellow star in the upper right corner at the top of this window where the word “Service” is written). Immediately rename the folder as needed.

If the document was already created a long time ago, then you can open it and rename it in the same way as described above, but then you will have two files. One under the old name, the other under the new one.

It is better to rename such a file without opening it. Right-click on the file and select entry from the drop-down menu Rename. The file name will turn blue. Move the cursor to point c

Every time you create a new text document in MS Word, the program automatically sets a number of properties for it, including the author's name. The Author property is created based on the user information that appears in the Options window (formerly Word Options). Additionally, the user's available information is also the source of the name and initials that will appear in corrections and comments.

Note: In new documents, the name that appears as a property "Author"(shown in document details), taken from section "Username"(window "Options").

1. Click the button "File" (“Microsoft Office" previously).

2. Open the section "Options".

3. In the window that appears in the category "Are common"(formerly “Basic”) in the section “Personalize Microsoft Office” set the required username. Change the initials if necessary.

4. Click "OK" to close the dialog box and accept the changes.

Changing the Author property in an existing document

1. Open the section "File"(formerly “Microsoft Office”) and click "Properties".

Note: If you are using an outdated version of the program, in the section "MS Office" first you need to select an item “Prepare”, and then go to "Properties".

    Advice: We recommend updating Word using our instructions.

2. From the drop-down menu, select “Additional properties”.

3. In the window that opens "Properties" in field "Author" Enter the required author name.

4. Click "OK" To close the window, the author name of the existing document will be changed.

Note: If you change the properties section "Author" in an existing document in the document details area, this will not affect the user information that appears in the menu "File", section "Options" and on the Quick Access Toolbar.

That's all, now you know how to change the author's name in a new or existing Microsoft Word document.

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