How to fool the breathalyzer at the entrance. How to cheat a breathalyzer: useful tips

As we wrote in one of the previous articles on the site, this is a complex measuring device, which determines the percentage of ethyl alcohol vapor in exhaled air.

The measurement error of professional breathalyzers should not exceed 0.02 ppm.

And the sensor itself works according to a rather complex principle:

  • semiconductor - alcohol molecules settle on the conductor, thereby increasing the current resistance;
  • electrochemical - the percentage of alcohol is determined by the oxidation reaction in the presence of a catalyst;
  • infrared spectrograph, tuned to the absorption wave of ethanol molecules.

Many drivers have a question: Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer? ?

Let's try to figure it out.

How to fool a breathalyzer?

At the moment, only one really effective method is known. This is ventilation of the lungs before you blow into the tube.

Why does this work?

Alcohol is found in the blood. Venous blood enters the lungs and is filled with oxygen to travel further through the arteries and capillaries. We exhale alcohol vapor along with carbon dioxide.

Accordingly, if you ventilate your lungs well and take several deep breaths and exhalations, the content of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air will decrease for a short time. But very little.

Thus, simple measurements show that after drinking a glass of champagne or a bottle of beer, the ethanol content increases from 0.16 to 0.25-0.3 ppm. If you take deep exhalations and inhalations, this figure will be 0.2-0.24, that is, it will decrease by 0.05-0.06 ppm.

From here we draw the following conclusions:

  • ventilation is needed to temporarily deceive the breathalyzer (that is, if you are forced to blow once);
  • the lungs must be ventilated unnoticed, otherwise the inspector will guess everything;
  • the alcohol content decreases slightly.

Conclusion: this method will help you if you drank a bottle of beer or a glass of weak wine. If a person took half a liter on his chest without a snack and washed it all down with beer, then no amount of hyperventilation will help - even from the fumes it will be possible to determine that the person is drunk, and from a great distance.

Other ways to fool the breathalyzer

In principle, we could end the article here, because a breathalyzer analyzes the air and finds ethanol molecules in it. However, other odors that drivers try to overcome the fumes are indifferent to the breathalyzer.

Accordingly, neither chewing gum, nor seeds, nor anti-police agent or oral spray can help, since ethanol molecules enter the lungs from the blood.

Many drivers praise the following successful, in their opinion, methods for deceiving a breathalyzer:

  • chewing tea or coffee beans;
  • eating chocolate;
  • consumption of sweet water;
  • mint candies, barberry candies and so on.

All this will only help you hide the smell. You can, for example, eat garlic or onions - they will certainly block the smell, especially since traffic rules do not prohibit eating garlic. If your behavior does not reveal that you have recently been drinking, then the inspector will not have any suspicions and will let you go with God.

However, even if you chew a pack of mint gum at once, it will not help get rid of ethanol molecules in the exhaled air.

There are legends that sunflower oil hides odor very well. This is true. If you drink 50-70 milliliters of oil before drinking, you may not get drunk so quickly, since a film forms on the walls of the stomach. Only sooner or later alcohol will still enter the bloodstream. So sunflower oil can’t help you in any way either.

The only way left is to deceive the inspector. You can blow past the tube or pretend to blow. Perhaps some inexperienced beginner will buy it, but this happens very, very rarely. In addition, most testers have a function such as “Anti-deception”, which regulates the volume of exhaled air.


It is impossible to fool a professional breathalyzer.

Deep breaths and exhalations will only help if you haven't drunk enough. All other methods are fairy tales for novice drivers. Therefore, the editors of the portal website advise not to drive even after drinking a bottle of beer. Wait until the alcohol wears off in an hour or two, and you can continue driving safely.

Not every method can help you fool a breathalyzer. There are a number of products and substances that only make the situation worse. For example, it could be a lit cigarette or chocolate candy. If you urgently need to get behind the wheel, you can first cleanse your body of alcohol using gastric lavage or activated charcoal.

It's one thing to drink alcohol and take public transport or walk, but it's completely different to drive. Remember, even a small dose of alcohol in the blood can cause danger to you and others.

If there is even the slightest opportunity to postpone traveling by personal transport, use it. If you still need to hit the road in your own car, then be careful, because lately there are traffic police posts at every turn, and they, in turn, will definitely not leave you alone.

Remember, government officials know everything existing methods cheating the breathalyzer, so you are unlikely to be able to lull their vigilance. Moreover, it is almost impossible to deceive modern devices for determining the amount of ethanol in your body.

But don’t despair, if you act correctly, you won’t have much of a chance to bypass the picky traffic inspectors and keep your license and the contents of your wallet.

Breathalyzers and their principle of operation

It is easier to outwit the enemy if you know him by sight. There are two main types of devices for measuring blood alcohol that the State Traffic Inspectorate may encounter:

  1. An electronic breathalyzer is the simplest and most unreliable device. It is quite cheap and has a number of disadvantages, including the possibility of basic deception. All you have to do is imitate breathing into the tube, while actually breathing past it.
  2. An electrochemical breathalyzer is a professional tester that is increasingly appearing in the arsenal of a successful traffic inspector. The sensors of such a device capture the chemical composition of your breath down to the smallest elements. You won't be able to breathe past it, since it will only turn off if it checks that there is enough air from your lungs. Therefore, it will not be possible to deceive such a unit. We can only hope that it hasn’t been serviced for a long time, because the procedure is quite expensive, and calibration needs to be done every six months. One of the most popular models of this generation are Dingo and Drager, you can purchase them for yourself and measure the performance before getting behind the wheel. Don’t even try to outwit these traffic police meters, it’s useless.

There is a third type of tester, but it is a medical device, so it is unlikely to be encountered outside a clinic.

Foods and drugs that slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood

Let's consider some folk remedies that slow down the process of ethanol entering the blood, thereby increasing the time before the onset of alcohol intoxication, and, consequently, decay and removal from the body. Also, these products will help hide the smell after drinking alcohol:

  1. Vegetable oil. The most popular product in the fight against alcohol, its breakdown products and unpleasant odors. The fact is that vegetable fat has the property of enveloping the walls of the stomach, due to which ethanol is absorbed into the blood much more slowly. If you drink the oil immediately after drinking alcohol, you will have a better chance of getting home without incident. But remember, the effect of the method is limited to 20 minutes. This method also works well in combating unpleasant odors if you need to pass a checkpoint at work.
  2. Fatty food. It works like the previous method - it envelops the gastrointestinal tract with a thin film, slowing down the process of alcohol entering the blood, and also absorbs some of the substances. It has been proven that a person who consumes fatty foods along with alcohol gets drunk more slowly, and his condition after the meal is less deplorable.

Methods that speed up the removal of alcohol from the body

You can remove ethanol breakdown products using the following actions and products:

  1. Gastric lavage will get rid of any remaining alcohol that has not yet entered the bloodstream.
  2. Absorbents will help cleanse the body of toxins. The most popular absorbent agents are: activated carbon, Smecta and Polysorb. They are also recognized as the safest, since they are not absorbed into the blood and do not have a negative effect on internal organs. They act on the principle of a magnet - they collect malignant microelements and remove them from the body naturally.
  3. A contrast shower will not only improve your well-being, but will also ensure that alcohol breakdown products are removed through the sweat glands. A sauna would be more appropriate for this purpose, but in the fight against alcohol it will only be a dangerous catalyst that can lead to unpredictable consequences, including death.
  4. Medications. There are several drugs to speed up the removal of ethanol from the body. These include: Alka-Prim, Alka-Seltzer, Askofen, Aspirin-upsa, Zorex, etc. Medicines help speed up the liver’s work in processing toxins, and also improve metabolism in general.
  5. Tea with lemon, honey and ginger will act as an energy drink that will help you quickly improve your condition. These components will also speed up the metabolic process and remove toxins and waste.
  6. Kefir will soften hangover syndrome, and, thanks to lactic acids, will ensure accelerated breakdown of ethanol breakdown products. Contrary to the opinion of some experts, alcohol and milk can and should be consumed together. the exception is individual intolerance to milk or its staleness. In this case, allergies or diarrhea are possible. In other options, milk should not be abandoned. Before drinking alcohol, milk will protect the intestinal walls from the irritating effects of alcohol, and if a hangover occurs, it will bind toxins and remove them from the body. Milk stimulates the human immune system. so, “three in one”, you are guaranteed.

Instant methods to fool a breathalyzer

There is really only one option to fool the breathalyzer, but it will only work halfway. That is, you will achieve a 2-fold reduction in alcohol levels. This will only help if you drank twice as much as allowed (about 0.38 ppm).

You should ventilate your lungs. To do this, the inhalation should be active and short, and the exhalation should be slow and as deep as possible. Using the “ventilation” effect, you will ensure a decrease in the concentration of alcohol in your breath. Be careful, a sharp drop in oxygen (if you breathe actively both inhaling and exhaling) can make you feel dizzy. Do not perform this technique while moving.

Methods for masking the smell that will not help fool a breathalyzer

Let's consider tactics for masking bad breath as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages. Don’t forget, these methods will not help you deceive breathalyzers; they will only divert suspicion from others from you. These options do not last long, and using them is not always pleasant.

  1. Anti-policeman. The most effective drug to eliminate any unpleasant odor. Made with essential oils that provide fresh breath and a pleasant aftertaste. Actively works from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The effect disappears immediately if you light a cigarette. Doesn't affect the chemistry of your breath, so breathalyzers will still detect the presence of ethanol.
  2. Coffee beans and dark dark chocolate. Both products have the ability to mask any odors. They are often used in everyday life, in perfumery, to overcome the persistent, unpleasant odor from various products and substances. In a situation with alcohol, coffee and sweets will only work if they are in the mouth. They will not affect the breathalyzer readings in any way.
  3. Spices and herbs. The most unpleasant way of masking, since in their pure form they have a very bitter aftertaste. Most often used in the fight against fumes: bay leaf, cloves and anise. But be careful, after chewing these spices, it will not be so easy to get rid of the aftertaste. A stem of fresh parsley is more pleasant. These options only work for a very short time, and rarely do they live up to expectations.
  4. Tobacco. Despite its own characteristic smell, it makes your problem even more pronounced.
  5. Mints and chewing gum. They, like tobacco, aggravate the situation. Fruit-flavored lollipops are better for camouflage.

Correct behavior during analysis

Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to fool breathalyzers, we can prevent the process itself. Traffic police officers don’t force everyone to breathe through a tube, so you need to look as relaxed as possible. Drive confidently, do not break traffic rules, do not attract undue attention, and then, perhaps, you will successfully get home through all the traffic police checkpoints.

The breathalyzer does not show, does not work. What to do?

Calls to the Service Center with questions: Breathalyzer does not show, - does not work, - errors, - broken, do this quite often.

As a rule, the problem is that the device does not respond to morning fume . Most of us believe that if there is bad breath, it means the person is intoxicated. It is not always so!!! Practice shows that the vast majority of breathalyzers, which, according to customers, did not detect alcohol in the situations described, turned out to be functional when tested and their readings were within the acceptable error range. So what’s the matter, because most likely there is alcohol in the exhaled air in the case of morning fumes? The answer lies in the ethanol concentration level. Often by morning a small dose of alcohol remains in the blood, and it begins to decrease even faster with increased activity, and even more so after a good breakfast. And the breathalyzer, depending on the model and the established error, reduces readings below a certain level to zero. Also, in some people, the level of alcohol in the blood is constantly high and different from zero, this can be caused by illness, taking medications, or simply a characteristic of the body. Therefore, breathalyzer manufacturers also additionally take such cases into account and limit the results displayed on the device screen to avoid false positives. Unfortunately, this is not described in any instructions and is often the subject of controversy.

Let's look at an example.

  • The actual concentration in exhaled breath is 0.13 ppm,
  • The error of the breathalyzer is -/+ 0.1 ppm in the range up to 0.5 ppm,
  • The breathalyzer showed 0.0.

This is just a variant of a morning hangover when The breathalyzer does not show and does not work.

At first glance, the breathalyzer does not work, but this is not so. Taking into account the error of readings in this case, readings on the screen from 0.03 to 0.23 ppm are possible. And if we add to this a minimum response threshold that is not described anywhere to cut off false positive results, then the result of 0.0 is logical and justified.

Service center: repair, calibration and setup of breathalyzers

The second common case when a breathalyzer breaks down, errors, is a situation when it does not react to alcohol at all. But here there are three approaches:

1) If the readings decreased gradually due to a large number of tests, for example at an enterprise at a checkpoint, then this is normal and predictable, since any breathalyzer is designed for a certain number of measurements and its sensitive element (sensor) gradually wears out. In this case, the device scheduled or unscheduled calibration required. This situation is quite normal; here you need to monitor the test counter (if there is one) or roughly calculate the number of tests performed based on the daily flow of people being tested. It is also necessary to observe the time interval between calibrations. And if the limits specified in the operating instructions are exceeded, send it for scheduled Maintenance V service center, if the number of measurements does not exceed the recommended number and the inter-calibration period has not expired, and the device clearly reacts incorrectly to alcohol, then this is most likely a warranty case.

2) If last night the owner of the device actively consumed alcohol and immediately checked it without following the operating instructions, then in this case there is a very high probability that the sensor has become unusable. This is a very common case, especially with personal breathalyzers. In principle, all breathalyzers, especially personal ones, are not designed to allow you to drink alcohol and immediately test yourself. The fact is that, compared to any, even the weakest alcohol, the concentration of ethanol in the lungs is incomparably lower, since before it enters the exhaled air, it needs to pass from the stomach to the blood, and from there to the lungs. Therefore, just once you drink alcohol and immediately exhale into the breathalyzer, you can break it. At best, you should expect an error in the operation of the breathalyzer; perhaps the following will appear on the screen: "Err" or "Sen" or something similar, depending on the model.

3) In the third case, the device suddenly stopped working at all or does not respond to exhalation under normal operating conditions. The reason why the breathalyzer broke down most likely lies in a mechanical failure or in the power supply. If replacing the power supply or batteries does not help, then you need to send the device to a service center for diagnostics.

All drivers are afraid of being stopped by traffic police officers on the roads, and every motorist has good reasons for this. Some are afraid of fines for traffic violations, others are afraid of a breathalyzer if there was noisy fun the day before, and alcoholic beverages linger in the blood. The latter situation is especially common for modern society, so the question of whether it is possible to fool a breathalyzer is relevant for almost all drivers.

General information

If a person has recently drank, then ethyl alcohol is definitely present in his blood, no matter whether it was wine or cognac. It would be right not to drive when you have a hangover, but modern motorists quite often violate this generally accepted norm of modern society. If you are stopped by a traffic police officer in this state, you will definitely have to blow into the phone - on the road or already in a specialized medical institution. The result is unpleasant - a fine of 30,000 rubles and, possibly, deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 2 years.

The future is unpromising, so individual drinkers and drivers are especially interested in the question of whether it is possible to fool a breathalyzer, and how to do it correctly in just one attempt. The permissible dose is when the instrument panel shows 0.5 ppm or lower, and anything higher is an obvious sign of the presence of alcohol. To ensure that the real indicator does not exceed the established standards, it is necessary to fool the breathalyzer. How to do it?

Effective methods of deception

Before blowing into a breathalyzer, you need to remember a few little secrets that do not provide a 100% sobriety result, but somewhat affect the final result of such a study.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

    1. Before you pass, you need to take a few breaths to ventilate your lungs. Holding your breath is extremely undesirable, since such manipulations only increase the concentration of ethyl alcohol.

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

  1. Physical activity helps to accelerate the removal of alcohol from the blood, so before you get behind the wheel, you can run around the car several times, do push-ups, and squats. As practice shows, such manipulations really help.
  2. Effervescent vitamins suppress alcohol in the blood, but such a drug does not affect the result of a breathalyzer. You shouldn’t really count on his help, because positive result observed with very small doses of alcohol.
  3. Alcohol is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream if you drink a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil immediately after drinking. If you do this before drinking, alcohol intoxication never sets in. For the product to really work, it is recommended not to drink a lot and remember the need for the upcoming trip.
  4. Fatty foods also inhibit the absorption of alcohol into the blood, so it is recommended to eat something like this, or better yet, have a hearty meal before drinking. Then the traffic police officer will accurately distinguish a sober driver.

Despite the range of proposed methods, the question of whether it is possible to fool a breathalyzer is still relevant for the modern generation. The fact is that such a device reacts to the slightest doses of alcohol and even gives a false positive result. To avoid troubles on the road, it is better not to drink at all, and even exclude the consumption of alcohol tinctures for treatment purposes, and the consumption of sweets with cognac. Otherwise, the presence of alcohol is still noticeable and can cause a lot of trouble on the city roads.

Proven myths about the breathalyzer

Many experiments with the “pipe” on the road ended in failure, since alcohol was still found in the driver’s body. This once again proves that the breathalyzer reacts to the slightest doses of alcohol if they are present in the lungs. In order to avoid serious troubles on the road in the future, it is necessary to find out which methods of deceiving the “tube” are ineffective and false. So:

  1. Coffee beans only suppress the odor, but do not remove the presence of alcohol from the blood. Therefore, if you drink coffee or chew it in an insoluble form, the breathalyzer will still detect an overestimated dose of alcohol in the blood if the driver drank the day before.
  2. Some car enthusiasts naively believe that smoking and drinking heavily can eliminate ethanol from the systemic bloodstream. In fact, such primitive methods only suppress the persistent odor of alcohol, but do not reduce its concentration in the blood.
  3. Someone suggests holding your breath for a few seconds when inhaling into the “tube,” but, as practice shows, this method not only does not work, but also causes harm on the road. At such a moment, the concentration of ethanol rapidly increases, which can negatively affect the performance of the breathalyzer.
  4. “Anti-policeman” is a seemingly proven tool that no generation trusts. In fact, the desired effect is more dubious than real. Of course, this drug suppresses the smell of alcohol, but this inhibitory effect does not in any way affect the ethanol content in the systemic bloodstream. Such a driver will not pass a sobriety test.
  5. Mint candies and chewing gum also do not save you from the “pipe”, since, like the previous drug, they only temporarily mask the smell, but are not able to eliminate its cause even in a minimal amount. Therefore, the real dose of ethanol in the blood will be clearly detected.
  6. Cloves and cinnamon are two spices that suppress the smell of alcohol if you chew their dried fruits. Indeed, the fume disappears, only the alcohol is contained in the blood in the same volume. The driver will definitely not pass a breathalyzer test, so it is advisable not to trust this old-fashioned method at all.
  7. Onions and garlic are also not able to remove alcohol from the blood; moreover, in combination with fumes, they provide a shocking smell that will attract the attention of a traffic police officer during a routine check. So it’s better not to tempt fate and not to eat such specific vegetables before getting behind the wheel, especially after drinking alcohol.

It has already been proven that none of the proposed methods works in practice, so you should not count on reducing blood alcohol concentration. If the traffic police inspector cannot replace the suspicious aroma in the air, then it will not be possible to conduct a breathalyzer at all. As a result, you can get into serious trouble with the law and even temporarily lose your driver’s license with a temporary restriction of the right to drive a vehicle.

Useful information for drivers

If a person is absolutely sober, gets behind the wheel and gets a routine breathalyzer test, there is no need to panic and fear a false result. If the device shows an excessive dose of ethanol in the blood, the driver must insist on a medical examination in a hospital. Only doctors will be able to clear his tarnished reputation and save him from serious problems with the law.

Oddly enough, in practice such cases do occur, and they have their own quite understandable justification. It is possible that before getting behind the wheel the person drank heart drops infused with alcohol; or ate candy with liquor. As a rule, in hot weather such a small dose of alcohol in the blood increases, and a breathalyzer shows the state of alcohol intoxication.

If a person has drunk a small dose of alcohol and his body temperature has risen, he should not drive, since the concentration of ethanol in the blood increases by 7%, which is quite enough to be convicted of drunkenness. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon such experiments on the road and remain sober.

Also, one should not exclude errors in breathalyzers, especially if there is a modern model with software. The driver, knowing that he is right, must insist on a repeat examination, but in a hospital setting, with the subsequent drawing up of a protocol of his innocence. It's just a device, and it can make mistakes too.

The error of the “tube” may be associated with provoking environmental factors. For example, paints and varnishes, glue, and other toxic substances increase the concentration of ethanol in the blood. Therefore, it is important to be more attentive to the environment and avoid contact with such irritants.

All that remains is to add: before getting behind the wheel, drinking even in limited doses is prohibited. The consequences on the road can cost lives, since impaired concentration of a drunk driver quite often leads to fatal accidents.

The government of the Russian Federation regularly tightens penalties for driving a car, motorcycle and other vehicles while intoxicated. In addition to the potential punishment, it is worth noting the trend towards lowering the established threshold for alcohol content in ppm. Thus, in 2013, persons whose blood alcohol content did not exceed 0.3 ppm were allowed to drive a car, and in 2016 – 0.16.

It is important to understand that it is almost impossible to fool a modern breathalyzer, since it has special sensors that allow police officers to determine whether the suspected driver exhaled into a special tube or not (some models even display the amount of air in ml on the display). Previously, this method was quite popular among drunk drivers: it was enough to just close the hole with your tongue and be able to simultaneously puff out your cheeks; Now it will not be possible to pull off such a cunning trick.

Important: every police officer should know how to deceive a breathalyzer in order to prevent a caught drunk driver from further driving a particular vehicle.

There are quite a lot of methods, all of them use certain shortcomings of the measuring device, for example, the increased sensitivity of sensors installed on the isthmus between the body and the receiving tube. However, modern electronic breathalyzers do not have such disadvantages, therefore it is strictly not recommended to drive a car while intoxicated, relying on their action.

This article describes several ways to deceive a breathalyzer, which have different operating principles:

  1. The first are based on taking any products or drugs that slow down the absorption of alcohol and, as a result, the process of intoxication as a whole.
  2. The latter have the opposite effect, trying to remove alcohol from the body as quickly as possible.
  3. The latter have the best effect, but are very short-lived.

Taking foods and medications that slow down the absorption of alcohol

A special place in this group of products is vegetable oil, which will help fool the breathalyzer, but only during the first half hour after alcohol enters the body. The fact is that the oil particles, being in a very close connection with each other, so firmly envelop the walls of the esophagus, intestines, as well as the oral cavity and the surface of the tongue on both sides, as if wrapped in a plastic bag, that alcohol particles literally cannot penetrate inside and simply go further into the stomach, where in the mentioned half hour they will dissolve and decompose.

By the way, there is a fairly widespread myth that if you drink a little vegetable oil after drinking alcoholic beverages, this will facilitate the rapid elimination of alcohol from the body naturally, and the breathalyzer readings will also be close to their normal values. This opinion is fundamentally incorrect, since the breathalyzer samples the air that is exhaled from the lungs, which after a hangover will still contain alcohol vapor for about 10 hours. So, it will no longer be possible to fool a breathalyzer after a hangover using this method.

Advice: since vegetable oil has a fairly strong laxative effect, after drinking a relatively small amount of alcoholic beverages, you can use it only to quickly remove harmful substances from the body.

A more advanced way to cheat the breathalyzer is to eat fatty foods in significantly larger quantities than on a normal day: for example, if you eat several hamburgers from McDonald's, KFC or Burger King or slices of pizza, the process of intoxication will take a much longer time. time than in a normal situation. The abundance of complex fats, which the body must break down and store within a limited amount of time, forces it to literally “postpone” the process of absorbing alcohol until later. Therefore, it is obvious that after every milliliter of alcoholic beverage you drink, you must immediately eat something fatty.

The use of methods that accelerate the removal of alcohol from the body

The dietary supplements of the “Antipolice” series, which act on the principle of a classic laxative, have received a fairly wide advertising campaign, but with the only difference that these supplements act more selectively, exposing the molecules necessary for excretion. According to numerous reviews on various RuNet forums, both tablets and sprays in the series can reduce the time it takes to remove alcohol from the body by several hours. In addition, the drug “Antipolitsay” is capable of almost completely eliminating hangover syndrome, therefore taking it together with various headache medications is highly not recommended - it is fraught with the appearance of even stronger unpleasant sensations.

One of the most effective ways to quickly remove alcohol from the body is to visit a bathhouse, sauna or steam room. It is important that it be very warmed up, and it was simply impossible to stay inside it for more than 5-7 minutes. This method works with all people without exception, since it does not depend on the individual characteristics of the body, forcing it to get rid of moisture and other harmful substances as soon as possible.

Important: it has one minus, although it is quite significant: the process is quite lengthy. So, to remove all substances read by the device contained in one liter of low-alcohol drink, you will need at least 2.5-3 hours in the bathhouse.

However, if it is necessary to go, for example, in the morning, and in the evening to “have a drink for company,” then this method has a right to life. Obviously, it will not be possible to remove the substances from stronger alcoholic drinks in such a short period of time.

Part of the way to get rid of a hangover and remove alcohol from the body is to do some physical exercise that makes you sweat profusely. These include, first of all, cardio exercises (especially running and swimming), as well as classic push-ups, pull-ups, and so on. Again, this method is suitable in case of mild intoxication.

Activated carbon can also help remove excess substances from the body, alcohol and its decomposition products, which literally forces the body to get rid of toxic elements by any means. Taking activated carbon has one side effect: increased gas formation, which will continue for 5-6 hours after taking the tablets orally.

Advice: it is recommended to take one tablet per kilogram of body weight, but if you need to “sober up” for a breathalyzer as quickly as possible, you can take two. However, resorting to this emergency method more than once a year is not recommended.

Short term methods

Most effective method full-fledged deception of the breathalyzer - carrying out a preliminary procedure for checking the alcohol content of the lung ventilation by performing several quick but deep cycles of inhalation and exhalation of air. In this way, you can achieve a decrease in indicators by almost half, which means that it will work with a blood alcohol content of 0.32-0.38 ppm, that is, with mild intoxication.

Drinking a cup of coffee or strong tea right before the test will help change the readings of the device. The effect of these drinks will last for a maximum of one and a half minutes, so you need to figure out exactly how to manage to drink a few hundred milliliters in front of the inspector in advance.

If the facial muscles allow, then you can fool the breathalyzer using an intermittent breathing technique, which involves partially taking in air from the outside. Obviously, you still have to blow into the device in order for certain motion sensors to work. The main difficulty in using this method is that the described procedures will have to be carried out under the supervision of a traffic police officer.

Methods by which it is impossible to fool a breathalyzer

Tightening penalties for drunk driving and lowering the permissible alcohol content inevitably entails the emergence of huge amount“miracle” drugs that are supposedly capable of removing alcohol in 2-3 hours without side effects. Therefore, it is important to always get acquainted with the composition of certain products before purchasing them, and also understand which elements do not contribute to the removal of toxins from the body.

  1. Alcohol inhibits the removal of sugar from the body, therefore, after consuming any alcoholic beverages and subsequent sweets, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system are likely to occur, and in the future, the development of glypoglycemia.
  2. The content of plant herbs and their elements cannot in any way “dilute” the air in the lungs, saturated with alcohol vapors, therefore their effect on the elimination of alcohol can be equated to zero.
  3. The use of menthol deodorants only leads to an increase in indicators, since in the vast majority of cases they contain ethyl alcohol.

Modern breathalyzers calculate all readings based on certain chemical reactions, so changing the readings of the device simply by removing the smell with the help of herbs and deodorants will not work.

Also, holding your breath or covering the hole with your tongue only aggravates the situation: modern breathalyzers are able to take a sample even from a relatively small amount of air, because all those alcohol vapors that are deposited on the inside of the tongue will reach the reading elements. If the amount of air taken in is still not enough, the device signals this using a special display on the screen.

The secret to passing any breathalyzer is that:

  1. Accept alcoholic drinks should always be used only in quantities permitted by the laws of the Russian Federation.
  2. It is necessary to sober up well after drinking large quantities of alcohol before driving a car.

Every driver must remember that on the road he must control himself 100% in order to react in time to every movement of nearby vehicles. When driving onto the road, and especially the highway, the driver takes responsibility not only for the people traveling in his own car, but also indirectly for all those moving on the roadway.

Video: how to fool a breathalyzer

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