How to update your iPhone to the latest version of iOS? Updating iPhone without problems How to download without WiFi restrictions.

There is a limitation on iPhone and iPad that prevents users from downloading large games and programs from the App Store via the mobile network. Previously, the download limit was 100 MB, but with the release of iOS 11, the developers increased it to 150 MB. However, this is still not enough for many users with unlimited mobile Internet. In this article, we will describe two simple ways to bypass this limit on downloading applications from the App Store. The instructions are relevant for devices based on the iOS 11 and iOS 10 operating systems.

Method No. 1 - date translation

Perhaps the fastest way to bypass the restriction on downloading large applications via the mobile network is to translate the date:

  • Go to Settings → General → Date and time.

  • Turn off the Automatic switch and in the dial that appears, change the date to the next month (or any other day thereafter). Unload “Settings” from the list of open applications - after this the changes will be saved.

  • Go to the main screen and click on the “frozen” icon of the application being downloaded.
  • Important: While the application is downloading, do not stop the download by clicking on the icon and do not change the date in the settings to the original one. Otherwise, a crash may occur and you will have to download the application again.

  • Find the required application in the App Store and click on “Download”. Wait for the download ID to appear - it will be “blank”, since downloading does not occur via the mobile network.

  • Reboot your device. To do this, press and hold the device's physical lock button until a special context menu appears, then drag the power off slider.

  • Turn on the device and on the main screen, activate the download by clicking on the “frozen” icon if the download does not start automatically.
  • Important: While the application is downloading, do not stop the download by clicking on the icon. Otherwise, a failure may occur and you will have to repeat the above steps.

    The above instructions work on devices with the current version of the operating system at the time of writing - iOS 11.2. Most likely, Apple developers will not close these “loopholes” in the future, since ways to bypass the restriction on downloading applications from the App Store via the mobile network do not cause any harm. It remains a mystery why the Apple corporation does not allow this limit to be removed through “Settings”.

    If you use Apple equipment equipped with an LTE module, and are also the proud owner of unlimited mobile Internet, you have probably come across an unpleasant error more than once: the volume of data downloaded from the AppStore over mobile networks is not infinite. So, in iOS 11 you cannot download more than 150 MB per day, and in the “top ten” and earlier versions it is even less. It is difficult to say where the “legs grow” from such a limitation. In the end, this is our smartphone/tablet, our mobile Internet and it is paid for from our wallet, why Apple decided that it should regulate this parameter is unclear. Another thing is clear. Difficulties are created to be overcome, and today we will do this.

    A quick Google and several experiments showed: the solution to the problem lies literally on the surface, even two, relevant for different OS versions.

    For iOS 10 and earlier.

    1. Turn off Wi-Fi and start downloading the application using mobile networks.
    2. We see a window with an error, click “OK”
    3. Turn on Wi-Fi, use the “Settings” menu for this;
    4. Turn on airplane mode;
    5. We reboot our Apple device (turn it off and on again);
    6. Disable Airplane mode and wait for applications to continue loading.

    Whether it was a bug or a feature is hard to say, but in iOS 11 the developers closed this feature, so users had to find a new way to continue downloading after exceeding the 150 MB limit. And he was found.

    For iOS 11

    1. We start downloading the application, wait for an error notification;
    2. Go to Settings - General - Date and time;
    3. Disable automatic date setting and manually select any later date. Even for a day, even for a month, it doesn’t matter;
    4. We return to the desktop and resume the download by tapping on the shortcut of the application being downloaded.
    5. After the download is complete, turn on automatic date setting again.

    That's all. As you can see, bypassing the download restriction from the AppStore has become even easier.

    Every owner sooner or later is faced with the fact that it is time to update the iPhone to the latest version of iOS due to the fact that the old version is outdated, and the new one has advanced features and functions necessary for operation.

    It is intended that technology does not stand still and each new version of the operating system complements and improves the previous one, adding clarity of functions and speed of perception. In this article, you will learn how to update your iPhone yourself, so that in the future you will be able to use it correctly and not make mistakes.

    Please note that not every iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS. This is due to the fact that different smartphones have different amounts of memory and the necessary processing capabilities.

    If your gadget has a memory of up to 16 GB, then downloading all the updates can be very difficult and there is a risk that when installing the program, a system error may pop up, which will not only disrupt the update installation process, but can also cause the device to freeze, which is extremely difficult to fix . In the worst case, the device will be blocked and you will have to carry out a recovery process, during which all files and data contained in the iPhone will disappear forever.

    Today, many are arguing about whether it is worth upgrading a working iPhone to a new version of iOS. Many people complain that after the update, programs work poorly, freeze, annoying inconveniences and disrupting the usual rhythm. However, after weighing all the pros and cons, we still assure you that this is necessary if there are no contraindications for your device. And here's why.

    Firstly, the bugs that tormented you so much in the previous version of the iOS system will forever rid you of their presence.

    Secondly, by updating the system you will allow the battery to become better, since updated versions are designed to make the battery easier to work with and significantly extend its life, increasing the time for listening to music, watching movies, time spent on the Internet and talk time.

    Thirdly, having updated, your iPhone will be charged with new chips from Apple, will receive modernized functionality, and you will be able to save on buying a new device, because you will have almost everything that the new iPhone has for free, just by updating the version of your iOS.

    Fourthly, the downloaded updates will protect your iPhone from viruses much more seriously, they will protect you at the highest level from certain threats and from intruders, since the manufacturer incorporates the most advanced technologies into the latest version.

    Fifthly, when updated, your smartphone will surprise you with its ease and speed of use, providing quick response and understanding. After all, each update is also a period of cleaning up old files that slow down your work.

    Preparatory stage before the update

    Therefore, before you update iOS on your iPhone and begin the system update process, check the programs for security by running them through an antivirus. In addition, the antivirus program must be active. The computer's operating system should also be updated to avoid misunderstandings. Finally, you should restart your PC to install the updates you have made.

    It is advisable to copy data from the iPhone and temporarily transfer it to a secure iCloud cloud storage for quick and reliable recovery if the iPhone freezes during the update.

    If you are going to install the update using a 3G or WI-FI network, then keep in mind that the battery charge must be at least 70%, otherwise the iPhone may discharge at the most inopportune moment, interrupting the update process and harming your device.

    Also, take the time to check how much free memory is left on your iPhone and whether the updated software will fit there. If this is not done, then the OS update process may stop, during which the smartphone will be blocked, an error will occur, and all data on it may no longer be restored.

    Therefore, in the “Settings” section, select the “General” subsection and go to the “Usage” option, where you will read everything about the memory of your device.

    How to update iPhone

    In nature and practice, there are two ways to update iSO on an iPhone: using a stable Wi-Fi Internet connection directly on the iPhone itself and using the iTunes program via a computer. Both methods are good, but there are certain differences that need to be taken into account when installing the operating system.

    Updating directly on the iPhone is, in principle, convenient, but slow due to the poor speed of the network router. Updating on a computer is faster and more reliable, but it requires a USB cable.

    Updating iPhone via WI-FI

    To update your iPhone, connect it to a Wi-Fi router or turn on 3G/4G mobile Internet. Make sure your smartphone is plugged in and charging, as the update process can take up to 30-40 minutes. Please note that the update stage should not be interrupted under any pretext. Then open the “Settings” window on your device and select the “General” section, in which activate the “Software Update” command.

    The smartphone will definitely find out the existing new versions of the system and offer to install them on the iPhone - “Download and Install”. By agreeing, you confirm your intention by pressing the indicated key and start the process of installing updates. When the step is completed, the iPhone will automatically restart, and when it turns on, you will find the latest version of iOS on it.

    Updating iPhone via iTunes

    To more confidently update your OS, check your PC for the latest version of iTunes. If it is missing, be sure to download it for free from the official Apple page. Again, remember that interrupting the update process is prohibited.

    If everything is ready, then you need to connect your iPhone to your PC via a USB cable. The next step is to activate iTunes and find your smartphone in it. In the first window, the entry “Check for Update” will appear, which means checking for updates (since iTunes is updated, do not click), and then go to the “Download and Install” option, which means downloading and installing the software. After a while, when the update is downloaded in full, the iPhone will turn itself off to reboot and turn on the updated version of iOS.

    Recently I encountered a problem that I urgently needed to update the application, but there was no available WI-FI network nearby. I decided to update using the mobile network, unchecked the box in the market, but the download still did not start, instead the play market wrote “Waiting for WI-FI network” and the process stopped. There is of course no option in the Play Store settings related to the cause of this problem.

    Video. Applications from Play Market without WI-FI cannot be downloaded on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

    Video. Applications cannot be downloaded from Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

    Why Xiaomi refuses to download applications and games using the mobile network

    In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and clear, and the play market turned out to be not to blame for the current problem. My Xiaomi operating system, MIUI, has a feature called a built-in bootloader. He is responsible for downloads, updates, their speed, size - well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to a smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the downloader only downloads via WI-FI, then no matter how much you want, you won’t be able to download anything without it. This is exactly what happened, the Play Market simply could not update the application, since the file size when downloading was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

    To be able to download and update applications not only via WI-FI, but also via a mobile network, follow the instructions below.

    Instructions for setting up the Xiaomi bootloader (MIUI)

    First, go to “Tools” - Tools on the smartphone’s desktop. Here we select the “Downloads” icon - Downloads.

    A window opens in front of us where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything like that. We are interested in settings, so we click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.

    Menu items pop up, one of which is called “Settings”. This is exactly what we need, so we click on it.

    Now we are looking for the phrase “Download size limit” - a limitation of the mobile Internet. By default there is usually 1MB. We are not happy with this because we want to install apps with a large size. Let's tap on this point.

    We select from the required options the one that suits us and click “Ok”.
    That's all, now you can safely download and update applications using the mobile Internet.

    Note: if you do not have unlimited Internet on your smartphone or you use up the allocated traffic very quickly, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as this can hit your wallet.

    Mobile Internet is becoming faster and cheaper (relatively) every year, so the need for wireless Wi-Fi networks is gradually disappearing. If owners of smartphones based on Android can use the Internet from a cellular operator without any restrictions, then owners of all iPhones and iPads from Apple are forced to experience serious inconvenience. If, when downloading via the mobile Internet, the size of the application downloaded from the App Store exceeds 150 MB on iOS 11, an error message will appear.

    Apple has added a limitation to the iOS 11 operating system that prevents iPhone and iPad owners from downloading programs and games weighing more than 150 MB from the App Store via the mobile Internet. In iOS 10, this limit was at 100 MB, and in earlier builds it was even worse. The error message from Apple states that you need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network to download the app.

    Most likely, the American corporation deliberately added such a restriction to iOS so that iPhone and iPad owners were forced to experience the need for Wi-Fi networks. There is simply no other explanation for this, since all subscribers pay for mobile Internet from their own pockets and, probably, the user has the right to independently decide what to download. Previously, there was a way to bypass this limitation by simply turning on Airplane Mode and rebooting the phone, but in iOS 10.3.3 it was closed, so for a long time users of Apple devices experienced great inconvenience.

    However, there is a fairly simple way to bypass the 150 MB limit when downloading from the App Store via the mobile Internet. It works extremely simply, and to load it you don’t even need to reboot, that is, from the point of view of execution, it is even simpler than those that came before. To begin with, you should set one or more applications to download, and then wait for the error message to appear.

    When it appears, you need to go to “Settings” and open the “General” – “Date and Time” sections. Here you should deactivate the switch opposite “Automatic”, after which you need to manually change the date to a later one. For example, if it is November 26th, then you can choose November 27th or December 10th - any day in the future. When this manipulation is done, you should return to the desktop and click on all the icons of applications that you did not want to load without Wi-Fi. If everything was done correctly, they will download to the device without any problems, even if their weight exceeds 1 GB.

    It is important to note that during their download and installation, you should not change the date back under any circumstances, since in this case the error message will appear again, and the entire download procedure will have to start all over again, which will result in wasted loss of mobile Internet traffic. This method works on all versions of the operating system

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