How to set up a webcam on Skype. How to set up a camera on Skype to improve video quality

The camera is an integral part of any laptop. With its help you can take photos, shoot videos, communicate via Skype, and much more. For Skype, a webcam is generally an irreplaceable thing, because it allows the user to make video calls. There are two types of cameras: the first are immediately built into the laptop, the second are external (USB models) that need to be connected to the computer. If you want to buy an external web camera, then it’s better not to save money. After all, the cheap ones are of poor quality and will not last long. Today we will tell you how to enable the camera in Skype on a laptop and in the Android operating system.

How to enable a webcam in Skype

Basically, all webcams on laptops are already enabled by default, they just need to be activated correctly using special buttons(Fn, ON or OFF).

First, let's figure out how to turn on a webcam without Skype. The first thing we need to do is check the camera drivers. To do this, right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”.

If there are no red crosses next to the camera name, it means it is turned on and ready to use. Next, we need to download any application that requires a camera. This could be a photo or video recording program. We recommend you the Live Webcam program, it is easy to use, has a user-friendly interface and, most importantly, it is free. After downloading and installing the program, you need to allow the utility to use the webcam. The request will appear after the first launch of the application; you just need to click the “Allow” button. After this, the camera is activated. The operating status of the camera can be seen by the indicator (light bulb) located next to it. There are many sites on the Internet for checking your camera online.

We have already talked about how to enable the camera without Skype, but now we need to enable the camera in the program itself. We launch Skype and try to call someone via video call. If your interlocutor cannot see you, then you need to configure the camera in the settings. For this:

How to enable the camera in Skype on your phone and tablet

Skype can now be seen on almost any gadget and the video calling function is present on each of them. For phones that only have one camera, you need to use the rear (main) camera, which is of course inconvenient. In order to enable the camera in Skype on your phone, you need to go to the application and find “Settings”. After this, you need to find the “Activate video calling” item and select it. And, as soon as you start using Skype, the main camera will immediately turn on. You can disable it in the same way.

On the website you can test your webcam and microphone for free, as well as get tips on using your devices.

Now let's look at how to enable the front (front) camera in Skype. The process is almost the same, but there is one caveat. After you have gone into the settings and activated video communication, only the rear (main) camera will turn on. In order to enable the front camera, you need to go to Skype settings and select “Select camera”. For tablet users, the process of turning on the camera is similar to that described above. We have figured out how to turn on the camera in Skype on a tablet or phone, and then we will look at the reasons why the camera does not work.

Problems with the webcam and how to solve them

For some, a webcam malfunction can turn into a real tragedy. If you have problems with your camera, you should not immediately buy a new one. You may not be able to turn on the camera due to some technical problems (see also). Read on for some valuable tips that may help:

  • Check if the drivers are installed, it may be worth updating or reinstalling them. Most often, it is the drivers that cause problems;
  • check the use of the camera with another program - the camera may not work fully on two fronts at once;
  • reinstall Skype or update to the latest version. Perhaps the reason is not in the camera, but in the program itself.

Problems with the camera on Android

We already know how to enable the camera in Skype on Android, but various problems may still arise due to a crooked firmware version, viruses, damage, or simple contamination. After update operating system The Android camera may stop working. You need to do a system rollback. If you do not have an antivirus installed on your device, then there is a possibility of program failures, including the camera. Play it safe and install an antivirus program.

If the device is impacted, important modules may be damaged. If this happens, do not try to fix the problem yourself, take it to repair. During operation, dirt or dust gets into the camera; the device requires periodic Maintenance, take it to a specialist to clean the modules. In conclusion, we note that turning on and setting up the camera is not that difficult. The cause of the malfunction may be drivers, viruses, the system, or the camera itself. In the article, we told you about ways to turn on the camera on a laptop or Android.

To get the correct video when working in the application, let's look at how to set up a camera in Skype on your device. Depending on the program version, they are used different ways Fixes inverted camera image.

When using the app on your phone, the latest version of Skype does not have built-in functionality to control your webcam settings. Are used General settings smartphone cameras.

Adjusting the webcam image in the classic version of Skype

The classic version of the program for PC has built-in functionality for setting up video. With its help you can fix the problem of upside down images in Skype.

To set up a camera in Skype on your computer, you need to follow the steps:

  1. Go to the application settings ( Tools>Settings).
  2. Next, select the tab in the sidebar Video settings.
  3. If you see the image upside down, click on the button Webcam settings.
  1. In the window that opens, go to the tab CameraControl.
  2. In the selection field Flip (horizontal, vertical) check the box to obtain the required image. You can see the result of changing the image immediately.

  1. Next click Apply And OK for confirmation.

Camera settings in Skype version 8 line on PC

Let's look at the video settings for later versions of Skype:

  1. Go to the application settings : in the top panel, click on the ellipsis sign , select Audio and video settings.

  1. In the next window, check the camera's functionality.

Expert opinion

Valentin Smirnov

Telecommunications Engineer

We see that in this version of the 8th line of the application there is no way to configure the camera. If the image is upside down, you will need to reinstall the device's camera drivers.

Updating your computer's webcam drivers

Consider the scenario for updating webcam drivers:

  1. On the desktop icon My computer right-click (right-click) and select Properties. Or go to Control Panel\System and Security\System.
  2. In the menu sidebar, click device Manager.

  1. In the window that opens, find in the list Imaging devices, double click on the name.
  2. The name of your PC's camera will be displayed. Select the camera and right click and select an action Update driver.

  1. In the next window, select an action Automatic search updated drivers.

  1. Wait until the end of searching and updating drivers on the network.

  1. After the update is successful, close all open windows.
  2. Restart your computer and check if your webcam is working Skype program– whether the problem of the inverted image has been resolved.

To be normal configure the camera to work on Skype, it doesn’t matter at all what company it is. In laptops, in most cases, the camera is already built-in initially, and therefore does not require any additional installations. All you need to do in this case is install the operating system and connect your laptop or computer to the Internet. Everything further software, the system itself will find it on the Internet. If you purchased the camera separately, it can be connected using USB cord, which is inserted into a connector on a laptop or personal computer. The connector is located at the back system unit computer or on the side of the laptop.

It is worth considering the fact that the camera does not turn on by itself, but only works when you turn on, for example, Skype. If the camera stopped working or did not work at all, this means that you need to install drivers. Drivers for the camera can be found on the Internet, first entered in the search "webcam drivers" or install them from the disk that should come with every webcam or laptop. After all the missing drivers are installed, a notification will appear in the right corner of the screen indicating that the device has been successfully connected. If this does not happen, you need to repeat the settings again in manual mode. After installation, it is recommended to reboot your computer or laptop, as in this case the new settings will work correctly.

Guide to setting up a camera on Skype

Do not forget that for the web camera to work properly, it is not enough to connect it to a computer. In most cases, the computer itself will install the driver and determine what kind of camera model it is. But, if you want to independently adjust the clarity, picture size, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, sharpness, volume and quality of the video signal, then you need to install the utility, which, as a rule, comes with the kit. To do this, insert the disc into the drive and in the pop-up window, simply click “Install a webcam program”. Many programs, in addition to these parameters, allow you to configure video signals in their interface. Also, when setting up a webcam, you should take into account the room illumination and basic specifications devices. There are camera models that rotate following the object; this property can also be turned on and off using the settings panel.

To set up the camera, turn on the Skype program, then go to the control panel tab "Tools", and select "Settings".

A window with settings will open in front of you, on the left side of the menu, in the item "Basic", press "Video Settings". Then another window will open in which you can enter required settings.

If you want to make video calls on various social networks, you just need to connect a webcam to personal computer or laptop and simply point its lens at yourself. When talking, try to sit so that the light falls on you and not on the web camera lens. Before starting a call, do not forget to check the sound in the speakers and microphone connection. It happens that the image is missing, this is due to the fact that the flash player is not installed. In this case, you just need to install the program Adobe Flash Player or its newer version. for stable operation you need to download the latest version of Skype to your computer or laptop.

If everything is installed correctly, a green item with a suggestion will appear “Call?!”. By clicking the button and allowing social network access to your camera, you can start communicating. In general, there is no single algorithm for setting up cameras due to huge amount various manufacturers and models. Each of them has its own interface features and technical characteristics. But, using the program Skype, You can easily configure the basic parameters for a full-fledged online conversation.

If you are the owner of a laptop, the question “How to set up a camera in Skype?” most likely will not worry you, since the built-in camera, when you turn on a program such as Skype, already contains all the necessary settings for video.

For those who have discovered problems with the camera when trying to make a video call using this messenger, several solutions are offered (depending on the reason).

Installing drivers

If the camera does not work properly during a Skype conference or making a video call, new drivers can help - these are special virtual “tools” or “action guides” for the device (in this case, for a computer or laptop camera).

By the way, if the sound does not work or there is no such function at all, the microphone must be turned on separately. You will also need headphones to hear what the other person is saying to you.

How to connect new drivers? First you need to find them. To obtain necessary drivers, do one action from the following list:

  • Remember whether the video device came with a disc (CD) with “native” drivers. If you still have it, you just need to insert it into the CD-ROM and follow the on-screen instructions to install (update) these utilities.
  • Download from a trusted source (or better yet, from the official website) necessary files. In order to find out where to go, look at the video camera from all sides or find its name in the instructions, and then enter it in the browser search engine with the note “download... from the official website...”.

Checking drivers

  1. Go to Start and search for Computer or My Computer (depending on your operating system).
  2. Click on it with the right mouse button to bring up the context menu.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Go to "Device manager".
  5. In the “tree” of devices, find “Video and image processing devices.”
  6. Find in this section, after opening it, the name of your camera.

If you don’t find such a line, but find one or two drivers that are not assigned to any category, next to which there is also a yellow question mark, then they are not working correctly. You need to download new ones, as described in the previous paragraph, and connect them (this is the same as installing a program).

If you find a configured (installed) driver for your camera, you need to check if it is enabled. To do this, right-click on it and see what the context menu gives you. If there is an “Enable” item there, select it. This menu also contains the “Update Drivers” command. Select it so that the system itself finds the necessary software.

What else can you configure?

How to set up a webcam on Skype? At this stage of diagnosing problems, you need to immediately set all the settings to the maximum that is comfortable for you and her (you can also configure the phone’s camera). Webcam setup:

1.Find in horizontal menu in the main Skype window, go to the “Tools” section and go there.

2.Click “Settings”, select “General”.

3.Select video settings. Place a dot in the “Automatically receive video and share the screen for...” section opposite one of the items: “Anyone”, “Only people from my contact list”.

If your version of Skype has the option “Use camera on video call” or “Enable Skype video”, check the box next to it to allow your camera to access video recording. The same can be done by pressing the following key combination: “Shift”, “Ctrl”, “R”, or selecting “Contacts” - “Video call”.

4.Click on the camera settings item to adjust the image quality using the sliders. If you have several cameras connected to your device, you should select the one you need from the drop-down list.

In some cases you may need to install Adobe program Flash Player or check for updates if it is already installed. It is best to immediately replace this software with a new one. To do this, just go to the official website of this program ( and download it completely free this program(player) with home page.

Why is the webcam not working?

How to turn on the viewfinder on a laptop or a detachable webcam if it doesn’t work?
The reason for the camera not working after all previous actions may be the constant and periodic obsolescence of Skype. To check for available updates:

  1. Log in to Skype on your laptop, computer or phone using your username.
  2. In the main window of the messenger, click on the “Help” menu.
  3. Select "Check for updates".
  4. When the system responds, you will see if there are more a new version. If you are asked to download it, agree by clicking the appropriate button in the newly appeared window.

Quit all programs that may be using the camera. Just in case, close them all so you know for sure that the camera is free to make calls with video support.

If the camera itself is faulty, you need to try to fix it from a technician or buy a new one. How to choose the right camera more. To learn more about the solution to the problem of a non-working camera, .

Now you know how to set up your camera to use Skype! To do this, just follow the above instructions.

Creating video conferences and video negotiations is one of the main features of the Skype program. But in order for everything to happen as correctly as possible, you need to correctly configure the camera in the program. Let's find out how to turn on the camera and configure it for communication on Skype.

The Skype computer program has a fairly wide range of settings that allow you to customize the webcam to your requirements.

Connecting the camera

For those users who have a laptop with a built-in camera, connecting a video device is not a problem. Those users who do not have a PC with a built-in camera need to purchase it and connect it to the computer. When choosing a camera, first of all, decide what it is needed for. After all, there is no point in overpaying for functionality that will not actually be used.

When connecting the camera to a PC, make sure that the plug fits tightly into the connector. And, most importantly, do not mix up the connectors. If the camera comes with installation disk, use it when connecting. All necessary drivers will be installed from it, which guarantees maximum compatibility of the video camera with the computer.

Setting up video in Skype

To set up the camera directly in Skype program, open the “Tools” section of this application, and go to the “Settings...” item.

A window opens in front of us in which you can configure the camera. First of all, we check whether the camera selected is the one we need. This is especially true if another camera is connected to the computer, or another video device was previously connected to it and used in Skype. In order to check whether Skype sees the right video camera, look at which device is indicated in the upper part of the window after the words “Select webcam”. If another camera is indicated there, then click on the name and select the device that is required.

In order to make direct settings for the selected device, click on the “Webcam Settings” button.

In the window that opens, you can adjust brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, clarity, gamma, balance white, shooting against the light, gain, and color of the image that the camera broadcasts. Most of these adjustments are made by simply dragging the slider to the right or left. Thus, the user can customize the image transmitted by the camera to his taste. However, on some cameras, a number of the settings described above are not available. After completing all the settings, do not forget to click on the “OK” button.

If for some reason the settings made do not suit you, you can always reset them to the original ones by simply clicking on the “Default” button.

For the parameters to take effect, in the “Video Settings” window, you need to click on the “Save” button.

As you can see, setting up a webcam to work in Skype is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Actually, the entire procedure can be divided into two large groups: connecting the camera to a computer, and setting up the camera in Skype.

Option 2: Setting up the camera in the Skype app

Not long ago, Microsoft began actively promoting the Skype application, available for download on the computers of Windows 8 and 10 users. This application differs from the usual version of Skype in that it is optimized for use on touch devices. In addition, there is a much more minimalistic interface and a thinner set of settings, including those that allow you to configure the camera.

Turning on the camera and checking its functionality

Actually, there are no other options for setting up the camera in the Skype application, so if you need more fine-tuning of the image, give preference to the familiar Skype for Windows program.

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