How to turn a Word page on Windows. How to flip a separate sheet in Word, instructions

In the MS Office text editor, page orientation is set to vertical by default. But when working with a document, you may need to learn how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word. The options for action depend on the year the program was released and the number of sheets being turned over.

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Word 2003 and older versions

To flip a sheet horizontally in Word for versions 2003 and earlier (1997 and 2000):

Advice! Also, this can be done in a document opened in markup mode. By double-clicking on the free space next to one of the rulers, open the same options window, which allows you to make a horizontal sheet.

Flipping part of the text

If you do not want to expand the page horizontally in Word for the entire document, first set the text format. Then select the information you need (one sheet or several) and go to the parameters:

In versions of Office 2007 and later

To turn a page horizontally in Word in Office 2007 and newer editors, use another method:

As a result of these steps, the document is completely displayed in landscape format.

For one sheet

If it is necessary in Word to rotate only one sheet horizontally, leaving the rest vertical, actions are performed similar to the method for the 2003 program. The difference is the location of the custom fields button on the options tab.

After you manage to expand the sheet horizontally in Word, the information on it is placed in a separate section in landscape format. On other pages - in the book. Already exposed sections allow you to rotate one page as desired by clicking anywhere on the part. The location is changed not for part of the text or document, but for the section.

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To change the sheet orientation in Microsoft Word 2003, click the “File” tab on the menu bar, and then select the “Page Setup” tab. A new dialog box appears, the “Margins” tab opens, the “Orientation” line is found, and the desired one is selected - landscape or portrait. After selecting the desired sheet orientation, click “OK” to save the changes.

Sometimes in the process of creating various Microsoft Word 2007 documents, there is a need to place some information on the page that would be located horizontally on the sheet. By default, all sheets are set to vertical.

Often, completing documents in Word 2007 may require turning the page. On the toolbar, find the “Page Layout” tab, select “Orientation” and select the required portrait or landscape format from the drop-down menu.

The Microsoft Word 2010 version has a similar interface, so all operations are carried out similarly to Word 2007. Sometimes in the process of creating multi-page documents, you may need to place text both horizontally and vertically.

The easiest way to achieve the desired result is to highlight the content of the page needed to change. Click the “Page Layout” tab, select “Orientation” and set the desired orientation for the selected fragment. After clicking OK, the selected page will be flipped.

Most users who work with the Word text editor know how to change the sheet orientation from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. This does not cause any problems, since all you need to do is press one button.

But when it becomes necessary to expand only one sheet horizontally, most users encounter difficulties. In this article we will look at two ways to do this. The article will be useful to users of modern versions of Word, such as Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

How to rotate just one sheet using section breaks

The first way is to use section breaks. In order to expand horizontally only one sheet, you need to separate this sheet from the rest of the document using section breaks. One gap should be placed before the sheet and one gap after the sheet. After this, this sheet can be expanded horizontally and the rest of the document will not be affected.

So, let's say you have a sheet that you want to expand horizontally. To do this, place the cursor immediately above this sheet, that is, at the end of the previous sheet. After that, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Breaks” button and select “Next Pages”. This way you will set a section break before the sheet that needs to be expanded horizontally.

After this, place the cursor at the end of the sheet that you want to expand horizontally, and again click on the “Breaks” button and select “Next Page”. This will place the section breaks above and below the desired sheet.

To make sure that the breaks are set in the right places, go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Show all characters” button. This will allow you to see the placement of section breaks and correct them if they were placed incorrectly.

In the screenshot below you can see what a section break looks like at the end of the page.

After setting the section breaks in the desired positions, you can begin to rotate the sheet into a horizontal orientation. To do this, place the cursor on the sheet that you want to expand horizontally, go to the “Layout” tab and change the sheet orientation from “Portrait” to “Landscape”.

If the gaps were placed correctly, then only one sheet should unfold into a horizontal orientation, while the rest should remain vertical.

How to rotate only one sheet using Page Options

You can also expand only one sheet horizontally through the Page Setup window. This method is a little more complicated, but it can also be used.

To begin, you need to position the cursor one page above the sheet that you want to expand horizontally. After this, you need to open the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small “Page Options” button. The location of this button is marked in the screenshot below.

This will open the Page Setup window. Here you need to select the “Landscape” option, apply this option “To the end of the document” and save the settings with the “OK” button.

As a result, all pages below the selected one will be rotated to horizontal orientation. In order for only one sheet to remain in horizontal orientation, you need to move the cursor one page down and repeat the procedure. Only this time you need to select the “Portrait” option.

If everything is done correctly, you will get one sheet in horizontal orientation, and the rest in vertical orientation.

By default, when creating a new document in Word, the sheet is positioned vertically (portrait orientation). Flipping a sheet into a horizontal (landscape) view is often necessary when you need to create a presentation or when working with wide tables when all the columns do not fit across the width of the page.

In this article you will learn how to flip a sheet horizontally (landscape orientation) in Word.

Flip a sheet in Word 2003

Changing the orientation of all pages of a document

In order to turn all pages in Word 2003, you need to do the following.

  1. Click the "File" button in the upper left corner and go to "Page Options."
  2. In the window that opens, in the first tab “Fields”, find the “Orientation” setting.
  3. Select the required page type - portrait or landscape - and click OK.

Changing the orientation of multiple document pages

To flip horizontally only a few pages of a document in Word 2003, do the following.

  1. Highlight the text on the required pages.
  2. Click the "File" button in the upper left corner and go to the "Page Options" menu.
  3. Specify the required page orientation and click “Apply to selected text” at the bottom. Click OK.

This way, the orientation will change to horizontal (landscape) only on those pages that have been selected.

Flip sheet in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

Change the orientation of all pages in a Word 2007, Word 2010 document

To change the book orientation to landscape on all pages of a document, do the following.

  1. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is in the Layout tab) at the top of the document.
  2. In the Page Setup category, click the Orientation button.
  3. To flip all pages horizontally, select “landscape”.

After selecting horizontal (landscape) orientation, all pages of the document will change their orientation. How to turn only some pages, read below.

Changing the orientation of some pages in a Word document 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016

To turn only one or more pages in a document, do the following.

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the first character on the page you want to turn.
  2. Click the Page Layout tab (in Word 2016, this menu is under the Layout tab) in the vertical menu at the top of the document.
  3. In order to turn only one page, you need to create breaks in the document. Click "Breaks" and select "Next Page".
  4. Click on this page of the document in the “Page Layout” menu and select “Orientation” - “Landscape”.

After performing these steps, all pages will turn over starting from the one on which you set the break.

To ensure that only this page remains upside down, place the cursor at the end of the last character of the page and make another break, as shown above.

Now, you can return the orientation of all subsequent pages. To do this, place the cursor at the very beginning of the next page and select “Page Layout” - “Orientation” - “Portrait”.

Thus, we ensured that only one page in the document has landscape orientation, and the rest are portrait.

If you use the Word program quite often for work, then you may need to turn the page horizontally. When you start the program, the document is always positioned vertically. In this short article we will look at how to make a page completely and partially horizontal.

Making the entire page horizontal

We perform the following actions:

  • Go to the “Page Layout” tab and we see the “Orientation” button here. The standard here is portrait orientation.
  • Click on landscape orientation, and all our sheets are flipped to a horizontal position.

This manual works in Word 2007 and higher.

Making just one page horizontal

As you can see, making the entire document horizontal was a snap, but there are times when part of the document requires using both portrait and landscape orientation. Usually this has to be used when a person writes all sorts of manuals, books, etc.

In order to make one or more pages horizontal, we need:

  1. Again go to the “Page Layout” section.
  2. We come here and look in the upper right corner. There should be a “Page Options” button. Click on it, and an additional menu opens in front of you, which prompts you to select the type of writing - vertical (portrait) or horizontal (landscape). Immediately you can choose what to apply to - to the entire document, or to its end.
  3. We select the item to the end of the document, and in Word we get one landscape sheet.

If you finish working on a landscape sheet, and you need the next sheet to be portrait, we simply do all the same work, only set the “portrait” option in the settings, not landscape. That's all. This manual definitely works in the version of Word 2007, but it will probably also work for older versions of the program.

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This question interests, perhaps, every second user of the Word program. Why is this necessary? For example, in cases where it is necessary to place graphs, diagrams, diagrams that, due to their scale, do not fit on a vertical sheet. In this material, we will look at several ways to flip a sheet horizontally in Word.

As you already understood, by default, the Word text editor provides for portrait page orientation. But it can be changed using simple methods that even a novice user can handle. Let's look at each method in more detail. Which method is right for you depends on the version of Word you are using.

How to flip a sheet horizontally in Word? Version 2003 and earlier

So, in order to make a horizontal sheet orientation in Word 2003, 1997 and 2000, the user will have to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First, go to the “File” tab located on the toolbar, then select the “Options” item.
  2. In the "Margins" section, in the line called "Orientation" the user will be offered two options for page orientation: portrait and landscape.
  3. Select “Landscape” and click OK.

How to flip only one sheet in the entire document?

If the user needs to flip horizontally only one sheet in the entire document, then the following steps should be followed.

First you need to select the part of the text whose orientation you want to change. Then go to the “Options” item. Then we select the vertical orientation we need. In the tab called “Apply”, select the “to selected text” option. Afterwards we confirm all actions by pressing the OK button.

How to flip a sheet horizontally in Word? Versions 2007 and newer

So, if you prefer to use the text editor Word 2007 and newer, then this section is for you. Here we will offer options on how to make a landscape orientation for a text document or a separate part of it.

The first thing to do is go to the tab called “Page Layout”. Then go to the “Orientation” section. By default, the text editor sets portrait orientation. What we need is a landscape one. We select the option we need, and then confirm the actions taken by pressing the OK button.

If you need to turn only one sheet vertically, all actions completely repeat the actions for Word 2003. That is, first you need to select the part of the text whose orientation you want to change. Then go to the “Options” item. Then select landscape orientation. In the tab called “Apply”, select the “to selected text” option. Afterwards we confirm all actions by pressing the OK button. The only differences are in the different location of the settings button on the tab with all the parameters.

By the way, it is worth noting that often the user does not change the orientation of the sheets on the computer, but does this when printing the document. Currently, almost all printers allow you to change the orientation of sheets while printing documents. The truth in this case is that all sheets will be rotated, and the quality and appearance of the document may suffer.

In this article, we examined several options for how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word, using methods suitable for several versions of the text editor. As you already understand, there is nothing complicated about this. It is enough just to follow the specified algorithm, strictly carry out all the steps, only in this case the result will not disappoint you, and the process itself will not cause difficulties.

Working in the word processor "Word" - formatting not only text, but also all pages. You can change the layout of a sheet in Word using standard program functions.

How to turn a page in Microsoft Word 2010

You can apply styles to a file created in Word and create unique formatting. Using a word processor, you can save time creating any type of document.

Standard document page format

By default, the program is set to portrait document orientation - the page is turned vertically towards the user. Most files are formatted on book pages: reports, coursework and dissertations, abstracts, reports, books and others.
Sometimes, in order to place a table or three-dimensional picture, a page is made in landscape orientation. Changing the position of the sheet is available in the Word program. Landscape orientation accommodates large illustrations and diagrams.

Let's look at how to flip a sheet in Word and how to make one sheet landscape in a word processor.

The easiest and fastest way to make landscape orientation in the program

Let's consider the process of changing the position using the example of Word 2013, a common updated word processor. To make a landscape view in Word, follow the instructions:

  • Find the tab for page layout on the toolbar;
  • the change occurs by clicking on the drop-down list in the “Orientation” field. Select the landscape version of the page. After completing this action, everything in the open file will become landscape;
Fig 1. In the orientation field, select portrait or landscape

You can also set landscape orientation in Word using the Page Options window. Click on the settings icon as shown in the image below:

Fig 2. Second method of change, through the parameters window

A window will open for detailed editing of the open file format.

Fig 3. Editing the format in the page settings

The following sheet parameters can be changed in the window: position of pages, difference in headers and footers, width and height of margins, beginning and end of sections and paper size. To flip a sheet horizontally in Word, select landscape orientation.

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