How to view and delete browsing history in the Yandex browser. How to view the history of recent computer actions Show search history in Yandex

How to view the history of visiting sites in Yandex or other browsers? How to clear history in Yandex browser? Read all the details in this article!

Hi all!
In this article we will continue with you.
Many people are interested in the question. How to view the history of visiting sites in Yandex?
You probably know that any browser stores the entire history of the sites you view.
This is on the one hand good and on the other bad...

Why might we need this functionality?
The main purpose.

You can find a page that you accidentally closed, or your computer froze, but it happens in different ways + also in the fact that you can see sites that you visited for several days, or even a week, agree, it’s convenient, right?
In addition, it is very convenient if you have children. You can see what your growing son =) or daughter is interested in, and, accordingly, find common topics for conversation with your child, thereby strengthening your authority in the eyes of the child.

There are also negative sides.
There are 2 factors here.
First, if you are an office worker or just work on a computer (not a freelancer), well, to be honest, we are all Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians... in short, from the same test) we love pro... well, you understand =) surf VKontakte, with classmates, play games, listen to all sorts of music, etc. Why does the boss need to know this?)
The answer is obvious. We need to get rid of this.
Second. If you do not remove this garbage for a long time, it will significantly load your computer. The computer starts to slow down, which is very, very... annoying?!)
Therefore, at least once a month you need to remove all this junk.
Let's start doing this with the Yandex browser.
Still, Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia; in other browsers, the principle is the same.

How to view the history of visiting sites in Yandex

1. Go to the Yandex browser.
2. Press “ctrl” + “H” simultaneously, this tab will open.

This will be the very story that we will get rid of.
You can try another way.
You can do it like this.

Setting up Yandex browser - history - history.

How to clear history in Yandex browser

To do this, go to the browser.
Yandex browser settings - history - history. From the top right, look for “clear history,” click on it and select.

You have the opportunity to clear the history in the Yandex browser in the range from an hour to the entire time. Besides this, you can delete a lot of other things, for example, files, cookies... I recommend it.
Select, clear browsing history in Yandex for all time. I recommend leaving the checkboxes that you need to delete everywhere except for passwords. It's better not to clean them.
As a result of this, your computer should start working much faster, and the boss won’t be able to burn you =)
By the way, with this method you can clear the history not only of the Yandex browser, but in any others.
That's all.
You know, I often write and think how useful my articles are to visitors to my blog, i.e. To you?
Sometimes you think, well, everything seems simple - everyone can do it, and these articles turn out to be useful (I see this from the comments and lengthy visits from search engines).
This means that my efforts were not useless.
Thank you for inspiring me to write new articles!
Bye everyone!

I think that I will not open America for anyone if I say that all our travels on the World Wide Web are recorded and stored in the history of each browser. This was done, to a greater extent, for our convenience, because in this way you can remember the necessary site that, say, you visited a month ago, but suddenly needed it again. However, there is also a disadvantage in that history is continuously preserved.

In particular, this contributes to clogging of the system, as a result of which slowdowns are possible. That is why from time to time it is necessary to visit the website history time and time. But before we do this, let’s figure out where you can even look at Yandex browser history.

Where to find Yandex browser history

The path to your saved history is slightly different in each browser. Considering that this article is dedicated to Yandex, then further I will describe what concerns it specifically. So, in the upper right corner there are settings, going into which you will see the subheading “History”. All your web page visits are stored there. This method is the fastest and easiest, but it is not the only one.

Open Yandex so that you can see the main page of the web browser itself. At the very top there will be subheadings “Scoreboard”, “Downloads”, “Recently closed”, “Additions”. As you understand, the line we need is the 3rd from the left. After clicking on it, you will see a list of all the sites you visited most recently. From there you can go to the entire history of visits, that is, the older one (the “All History” button). You can also open and view some web pages again if you wish, just do not forget after opening if they are not displayed incorrectly.

The next method is also very simple, but not everyone knows about it. To get into history, use the key combination Ctrl+H. After this, you can perform any actions with the history of the Yandex browser. Well, we figured out where the Yandex browser history is, how to view it and delete it. Let's move on to the next point.

Download history

If you want to view your download history in this browser, you can use the same methods as described above, just click different buttons. For example, in your browser settings, select “Downloads.”

On a clean web browser page, also click “Downloads” (this button will be second from the left). Well, to call up the menu with downloads using a key combination, simultaneously hold down Ctrl+J. That, in general, is what science is all about.

Well, I hope that after reading the article, the issue of searching your browser history is now resolved for you!

Video to help:

Now - only through the browser history. I’ll tell you why later, but first, let’s look at how search in Yandex is generally configured.

How to customize search in Yandex

To go to the settings, you need to click on the “Settings” hyperlink in the upper right corner on the Yandex main page. Click “Portal Settings” and get to the search engine settings service.

By going to the Search tab, you can manage search suggestions and search results.

How to view your request history now

Well, now to the actual topic - how you can view your search history in Yandex. Previously, you could manage your requests manually. This is what the “My Finds” tool was designed for. Thanks to it, the user received individual tips, saved his queries and search results. Over time, the service lost its relevance and they decided to close it. To justify the closure of My Finds, the Yandex team cited the following arguments:

  • queries of a specific user in Yandex are saved automatically and serve as the basis for creating individual tips;
  • The request history and pages visited can be viewed in the history of any browser.

If you want suggestions and search results to be generated based on your tastes and preferences, click on “Search Results” and in the last section “Personal Search” check the first box.

This way, you tailor the search to suit you, while the search engine stores your queries in its database.

How to delete search history in autocomplete

If you want to delete your saved queries (so that your mom doesn’t scold you for fucking), you need to click on the corresponding button in the search settings. In order for the settings to change, you must wait until the uninstallation process is completed. This usually lasts about a minute.

How to delete history in Yandex browser

To view the history of requests in Yandex, you need to press Ctrl+H. If you are not used to using hotkeys, click on the top menu button and select the history tab.

History in Yandex is represented both by queries through a search engine and by visits to specific website pages. The number of pages found is added to the Yandex search query history. To clear the history, you need to click on the top button on the right.

You must select the deletion time period, as well as the type of search history. If you want to get rid of only the request history, leave a checkmark in the first box and click “Clear”.

How to view your Google search history

As for the Google Chrome browser, the procedure for finding and deleting search history is similar to the process in the Yandex browser. In addition to your browser history, Google has a history of working with the search engine, which is tied directly to your account. That is, you don’t have to use Chrome to view your Google search history. To do this, click on “Settings” in the lower right corner and select “History”. The system will ask you to enter your email login and password to connect to the service.

The service is called “My Actions”. With it, you can view not only your query history, but also the following topics:

  1. Location history - if you used Google and its services, for example, in a cafe using a mobile device, then this type of history will provide the address and contact information of the establishment.
  2. Information from devices - Google will take data from your phone or tablet for more convenient use by various services. These could be notes, contacts, applications.
  3. Voice history - To improve the quality of your voice recognition, you can record your regularly used voice requests.
  4. YouTube search and view history act as two separate types of activity. Aimed at finding new videos that are relevant to the user’s saved queries.

To get into the settings for the above types of history, you need to click on the “Action Tracking” tab. The story itself can be presented in the form of blocks and actions. A block contains actions performed on one specific site.

To carry out mass deletion, you need to click on the “Select deletion option” tab. In this section, you can select cleaning for the desired period and type of search history (queries, news, YouTube, advertising, etc.).

A monitoring tool like Google’s “My Activity” is not only an assistant, but also a bad conspirator. If you don't trust online services with your data, disable tracking of all activities or configure only some of them to suit your needs.

In many browsers, it is possible to view a list of visited sites that the computer user has accessed. This is a very useful feature that allows you to find the desired site, which, for example, was closed randomly. Browser history also helps with parental controls to monitor what pages your child visits on the Internet. This function is also available in the Yandex browser - one of the most famous today. But not many people know how to view history in Yandex, which is what we’ll talk about in this article.

How to view Yandex browser history on a computer

If Yandex browser is installed on your computer, you can easily view the list of visited sites that you accessed from your computer using this browser. To do this, you need to perform a simple algorithm of actions that even an inexperienced user can handle.

Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Open Yandex browser on your PC.
  2. Go to settings by clicking on the icon as shown in the image.
  3. Hover your mouse over the History tab. A menu will open on the left with a list of recently visited sites. If this is not enough, open the full story by left-clicking on it.
  4. Now you have access to all visits, indicating the site addresses and the exact time when they were entered.

For the fastest possible search, you can use the special “search in history” line, which is located on the left. Most are also interested in how to delete history in Yandex. To do this, click on “clear history” and confirm your action.

The question of where to view the history in Yandex on a mobile device also remains relevant. For smartphone users, this action will take no more than 5 minutes, since there is nothing complicated here.

Follow these steps:

  1. First, launch the Yandex browser on your phone.
  2. Go to bookmarks by clicking on the three horizontal lines.
  3. Go to the “Stories” tab by clicking on the time icon.

To delete Yandex browsing history on your phone, you need to go to settings. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions.

Read, how to view or clear the history of a user’s network activity in a search engine. And also about the history of searches, views and likes in YouTube. To search for the desired site, page, video or any other information on the Internet, two mandatory tools are required: an Internet browser and a search engine. And both of these tools can store the history of pages visited by the user, viewing history (if we talk about YouTube videos), search history and search queries, and some tools also store comments or posts in communities.

This function of browsers and some search engines is convenient if you need to find a resource that you viewed some time ago. But there are also opposite situations when such information needs to be deleted.

There is already an article about that on our blog. In this same article, we’ll look at how to view or clear the history of a user’s network activity in a search engine.


History of Google

Every time you search for something in Google Chrome on your computer or smartphone, or using another browser with an active Google account, Google tracks your actions to personalize the results. The same thing happens when you use other Google apps or tools, like Google Maps or Google Now.

To view your Google activity history, go to your Google account. To do this, press the Google apps button and select My account.

In your Google account, in the Privacy column, find the My Activities window. And follow the link "View actions".

As a result, the tool will open My actions, which displays a complete history of application activity and web searches, information from devices (which are also connected to this Google account), voice control history, and YouTube.

Select the menu item on the left Action Tracking and you will be taken to a menu where you can view and manage activity tracking data and settings. These are application and web search history, location history, device information, voice control history, YouTube search history, YouTube viewing history.

To prevent Google from tracking your online activities, in your Google account, go to "Confidentiality", select .

To disable saving application and web history, or other tracked activities, turn them off by moving the switch next to each to the disabled position.

If this is not enough for you, and you want to clear the entire history of your online activities, then to do this, go to the page "My actions". And go to the menu on the left.

Specify the period for which you want to delete history from Google and click delete.

Yandex search history

Previously, in the Yandex user account, there was also a similar tool that saved the entire history of the logged in user. This service was called "My Finds". But with the update of the Yandex portal, it was apparently removed. Now there is no such service in Yandex.

But, Yandex remembers the user’s frequent queries in the search engine, as well as the sites you visit often. And shows them as search suggestions in the browser address bar or in the search engine search box.

This function is active by default. To disable it, go to the Yandex portal settings, in the submenu Search, and uncheck the corresponding boxes.

To delete already saved frequent requests, click the button in this menu "Clear query history". Then don’t forget to press the button Save, to save changes to Yandex search settings.

Bing Search History

Users usually choose a search engine between Google and Yandex. But don’t forget about Bing – this is a search engine from Microsoft, which ranks second in the world in terms of traffic volume.

Like other search engines, Bing stores user history. Moreover, it saves it in the cloud of the Microsoft user account.

You can find it in your Bing account, which you can log in to using your Microsoft account. To do this, go to the account menu and select Search log.

Bing search history is sorted chronologically. It can be sorted by type and by date, and you can also find a search query by keyword.

From this menu you can enable or disable logging. And by following the link "Manage my search history", manage data that is saved to the cloud of your Microsoft account.

To clear the search history, click the corresponding button "View and clear search history".

Mail.RU search history

Another popular search engine, Mail.Ru, like Yandex, does not allow you to view the user’s online activity on the Internet. Mail.Ru search only saves the history of your queries, and shows old search queries in query suggestions.

To enable or disable the ability to show user requests by Mail.Ru search or clear the request history, go to the Mail.Ru search menu and select "Customize hints".

Uncheck the box to not show old search queries in query suggestions. Or delete them by clicking the button "Clear query history".

YouTube search history

When describing the Google account, we already mentioned that it stores the history of all services from Google, including YouTube. To view a user's search history or YouTube viewing history separately, go to your Google account tool "My actions"(how to do this is described in the section of the article about Google), and go to the menu item on the left "Tracking Actions".

On the menu "Tracking Actions" find the blocks "YouTube Search History" And "YouTube View History".

By the way, to disable tracking of YouTube search history and views, move the corresponding block switches to the disabled position.

To delete YouTube history, go to the menu and select . Select the parameter (period for which to delete) and click "Delete".

You can also view or clear your search and viewing history in the YouTube interface itself. To do this, go to the YouTube menu "Story".

And select from the menu on the right the type of data you want to view: browsing history, search history, comments or community posts.

To clear the history of the selected data type, click "Clear the history …" under the data type selection menu. To disable saving the history of the selected data type, click "Don't save history...".

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