How to prevent Microsoft Office from updating. Installing Office updates

This material is addressed to all conservative comrades who still use MS Office 2007 and younger, but are timidly thinking about switching to the new, 2010 version.

Updating is very simple: download the distribution you need from the official Microsoft website or use installation disk, if you have one.

There is no need to remove the existing 2007 package before installing 2010.

There are several versions for PC MS Office 2010, This:

In addition, there is also a version for mobile devices running OS Windows Phone- Office Mobile 2010, as well as for collaboration with documents in the cloud - Office 365 (Web Apps) and Office 2010 for Mac.

Almost all of these releases are available for purchase online and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. The exception to the above editions is Office Standard, Office Professional Plus (for corporate clients) and Office for Students (for educational institutions only). During the installation process, downloadable editions of MS Office may not be activated. In this case, the so-called “grace period” for using the product will be 30 days. Quote:

Activation, grace period and limited functionality

To gain access to all product features, you must activate. Microsoft Product Activation is a technology to protect against illegal copying of programs, which verifies the legality of licensing of software products.

Activation This process verifies that the product key specified during installation is allowed to be used on the affected computers under the terms of the license.

Grace period You can use the software for 30 days without entering a valid product key. This period is called the grace period. During the grace period, some features and programs that are not included in the purchased product may operate. Once you enter a valid product key, only the features and programs that you purchased will be present.

Reduced functionality mode After the grace period expires, if a valid product key is not entered, the software product enters a limited functionality mode similar to demo mode. In this mode, it is impossible to save changes to documents or create new documents, and other features may be disabled. While running in reduced functionality mode, no harm is done to existing files or documents. After entering the product key and completing the activation, all functions of the purchased software product will work.

To check the activation status of your MS Office 2010 office suite, open any of its components (for example Word or Exel), click the “File” menu and select the “Help” section:

If the program is activated with a legitimate key, the text that you saw in the previous screenshot will be missing:

To check the activation status of MS Office 2007, the path is different (using Word as an example): Menu – Options – Resources – Activate Microsoft Office:

Interesting observation: Windows Update configured for me automatic search and installation of updates, regarding the SP3 package for MS Office 2007, he was silent like a partisan until I downloaded and forced its installation.

Further, in order not to indulge in lengthy descriptions of all the many aspects of using MS Office, I suggest going to the questions and answers page, where everything is outlined in detail and along the way I’ll give a couple more useful links which may be useful:

Using the distribution disk, the current installation can be changed, deleted, restored (in case of malfunctions in the operation of components) and activated:

By the way, regarding reactivation with another key, there is a little trick:

For reference: open the editor system registry and go to the branch:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration

We delete the entry in it DigitalProductID And Current, then we launch any office application, Office 2010 will immediately require you to enter a license number, enter (the office distribution must be inserted into the drive), office will quickly configure new number and that's all.

Naturally, MS Office 2010 opens and edits all files created in previous office suites. Changing file associations is involved:

Well, a few pictures of individual components of the 2010 version, for those who have not seen it yet.


File menu:

In conclusion, it remains to be said that in addition to the expanded and improved functionality, MS Office 2010 began to work even faster. Opening any document occurs in a split second. A worthy replacement for its predecessor in this regard, especially for PCs with a weak configuration.

Naturally, with this article with “funny pictures” I did not discover America for someone. The package was released a long time ago and only the laziest Chukotka it-blogger hasn’t written about it. I just told you (and perhaps with unnecessary details) about how you can update existing installation office suite to the latest version to date - 2010 version.

Successful use!

Some Windows computers come pre-installed with Microsoft Office. And many users mainly use Word to write dissertations, articles and other word problems. But the fact is that Word is often updated and this needs to be monitored so that files can be opened on different devices without problems.

Standard update

You can update the Word application in Windows 7, 8, 10 as follows, and it’s completely free:

In the same way, you can update any component of the Microsoft Office package, for example Excel or PowerPoint.

Enable automatic check for updates

If in the previous method the update section is highlighted in yellow, then it is likely that the user has this feature disabled. Turn on Microsoft update Office can be done as follows:

This action will enable automatic updates for the entire Microsoft Office suite.

Via Microsoft Store

You can update Microsoft Office on your computer through the games and application store as follows:

Updating older versions

When upgrading to a newer version (for example, upgrading from 2007 to 2010, from 2010 to 2016), you do not need to remove old applications. To run the office update on your computer or laptop, you should download the new version. Next do the following:

Common problems

When trying to update an office application, various problems may arise. They are usually resolved quite quickly.

There is no "update options" button

Typically, most users encounter the problem of missing update options button. This typical for pirated products, but also for corporate license or if update management is dictated by organizational policy.

If the user has a corporate version of the product, then you can still update it with center Windows updates , i.e. like the components operating system generally. You just need search updates and install them.

If group policy Full control over updates, it is recommended that you contact your system administrator. It is possible that new versions will be installed unless an organization is committed to using a specific version for some reason.

MS Office programs won't launch

In some cases, applications included in the Microsoft Office package stop launching. This can significantly complicate the installation process. Decide this problem can be done as follows.

If you frequently use MS Word for work or study, it is extremely important to use the latest version of the program. In addition to the fact that Microsoft tries to quickly correct errors and eliminate shortcomings in the work of its brainchild, they also regularly add new functions to it.

By default, in the settings of each program included in the Microsoft Office suite, the function is enabled automatic installation updates. And yet, sometimes there is a need to check on your own whether software updates are available. For example, this may be needed to troubleshoot certain operational problems.

To check for updates and actually update Word, follow these steps:

1. Open Word and click the button "File".

2. Select a section "Account".

3. In the section “Product Information” click the button “Update options”.

4. Select an item “Update”.

5. It will start checking for updates. If available, they will be downloaded and installed. If there are no updates, you will see the following message:

6. Congratulations, you will have installed latest version Word.

Note: Regardless of which one Microsoft programs Office you will update, updates (if any) will be downloaded and installed for all office components (Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.).

Enable automatic check for updates

In case the section “Office Update” you have it highlighted in yellow, and when you press the button “Update options” chapter “Update” missing, automatic update function for office programs you have it disabled. Therefore, to update Word, you need to enable it.

1. Open the menu "File" and go to the section "Account".

2. Click the button “Update options” and select “Enable updates”.

3. Confirm your actions by pressing "Yes" in the window that appears.

4. Automatic updates for all Microsoft Office components will be enabled, you can now update Word using the instructions provided above.

That's all, from this short article you learned how to update Word. We recommend that you always use the latest versions software and regularly install updates from developers.

Microsoft Office 2010 is a professional suite of programs for working with text and graphic materials that allows you to create, edit and share documents. A new version Microsoft Office has a ribbon interface and the Office Backstage menu, which contains a large number of functions designed to make work easier, and buttons that can be customized to the user's personal wishes.

If you download and master Microsoft Office, you will immediately feel how your productivity improves, since the list of features is impressive. The interface of Microsoft Office 2010 is clear, because the Russian version is available for each program.

The updated Word has learned to distinguish between foreign languages ​​(there is a mini-translator), can show earlier versions of a file and full information about it. Also received improved search, navigation and editing capabilities for inserted images. OneNote Notebook can sync data with by email and recognize not only text, but also voice typing.

In Excel, the visual presentation of tables has changed, there is a function for creating graphs directly in cells (compact), and the filter has been improved for working with large amounts of information. Access can integrate your databases with the Business Data Catalog. New templates have been added to it and convenient database management has been created.

The Power Point editor allows you to work on a group presentation. Inserting videos has become available, and the presentation itself can be published on the Internet via a link. Outlook can serve as a time manager, distributing your to-do list and scheduled meetings through your calendar. The quality of email flow management has improved significantly. Tips appeared in the mail warning about the time of mailing of letters.

Innovations and advantages of Microsoft Office 2010:

  • improved document security;
  • group work in a file;
  • editing images directly in Word or Power Point;
  • remote work with documents;
  • adaptation for Windows (from 8 to XP) on 32 and 64 bit.

By choosing Microsoft Office 2010 free download, you will always have access to documents at hand, even when you are not at your workplace.

Microsoft Office 2010 - free updates up to Service Pack 2.

Sooner or later, any application needs updates related to both adding new functionality and fixing possible errors at work. Microsoft system Office, and Word in particular, is no exception.

Currently, Microsoft has stopped supporting Office 2003 and later. earlier versions. Since October 2017, support for Office 2007 has also ended. Company specialists recommend installing a newer office suite.

In releases 2010, 2013 and 2016 (the latest version at the moment), the procedure for installing updates is slightly different.

So, for Word 2010, just launch the application. Open the "File" menu. Select "Help". This section provides automatic checking for updates. After clicking the function of the same name, a Microsoft support page with options for solving problems will open in the browser.

In Word 2013, similar operations are located in the subsection " Accounts» tab "File". Update options (enable/disable) can be set in the “Product Information” item.

Then you can use the “Update” button to get the latest packages.

Word 2016 has a similar menu and workflow to the 2013 version.

In a situation where the standard functionality does not help with the update, you can go to the Microsoft support site and use tips for troubleshooting problems and system settings.

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