How to change the subscriber without changing the number. How to change operator without changing number

Operator c came into force in Russia on December 1. This service began to be provided only in January 2014. As it turns out, some people don't understand MNP. And those people who know the meaning of this abbreviation should not use such a service.

MNP service means an opportunity for subscribers mobile communications move to another operator, while maintaining the previously assigned one. Simply put, with the help of such a service you can, for example, change MTS to Beeline, and your SIM card number will remain the same. A very convenient service, since you don’t have to notify all your family and friends about your number change.

How to use the MNP service

To change your mobile operator while keeping your number, you need to follow a few simple steps. Having chosen an operator, you need to take your passport and visit one of the offices of this company. However, there are several nuances here. Your current number must be registered with the current operator in your name, otherwise the transfer to another operator may be refused. To solve this problem, you can renew the contract with the current mobile operator, indicating your passport details.

In addition, you can change the operator only in the region in which the contract was signed with the current operator. For example, if the number was registered in the Moscow region, then it will be possible to change the mobile operator only in this region.

Having visited one of the offices of a certain company, you will need to write an application, indicate in it your passport data, the name of the previous operator and the number that must be kept during the transition. Then a new SIM card will be issued, which can be used at the time specified by the new operator. Next, you need to pay for the received SIM card, as well as for the provision of this service. After this, all you have to do is wait for an SMS message to your number about the start time of the service. You no longer need to communicate with your previous operator.

Having received an SMS message, you will need to insert the previously issued SIM card at the time specified in the message. In addition, you may receive an SMS indicating that the subscriber has some debt to the previous operator. In this case, you need to pay it off on the same day, otherwise the transfer may be denied.

The first couple of hours after the transition, technical problems may occur, and then you will be able to use the services of the new mobile operator.

How many people stay with their operator in order to keep the number. Afraid of losing contact with loved ones and all numbers, we miss out on benefits. However, the practice of porting numbers between operators has already become firmly established cellular communication. If you are thinking about switching to Megafon and keeping your number just now, then this material will be very useful. In it we will tell you how to switch to Megafon with your own number, what requirements need to be met, what problems may arise and how to solve them.

Is it really possible to switch from any operator to Megafon and keep your number?

Yes, this is a fairly common practice that has been recognized by the public for quite some time. You can switch from absolutely any operator and still use the number you had before. The transition will happen completely for free. You will only have to pay for the purchase of a SIM card, as is usually the case when receiving a new copy.

Requirements when switching to Megafon with your own number

But for this operation to be successful, your account with another operator must meet the following requirements:

  1. There are no debts on the number. It is worth considering that all kinds of bonuses, discounts and points awarded by another operator to pay for services are not quoted during the transition and will not be transferred. All services consumed must be paid for in cash;
  2. The number must be valid: If your number is blocked, you will not be able to transfer it;
  3. The number is transferred in the same region where it was registered: You cannot transfer a number issued in one region to use in another region.
  4. The SIM card ownership agreement must be executed in your name and passport: if your passport details have changed, you will need to change them with the current operator and only after that submit an application to switch to Megafon;
  5. The number is federal, not city: Landline phone numbers cannot be transferred;
  6. The number has not previously been transferred to another operator or more than 60 days have passed since the transfer.

Facilities, available on the balance sheet of the previous operator, cannot be transferred.

How to switch to Megafon while maintaining the number?

To change the operator while maintaining the number, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Fill out an online application for free delivery of documents and SIM cards;
  2. Wait for a specialist who will bring everything you need, help you choose a tariff and issue a SIM card;
  3. Receive an SMS notification about the success of the transition within a period of 8 days to 6 months, at your discretion.

As we can see, the procedure is quite simple. Next, we'll walk you through step-by-step how to fill out an application online.

To switch to Megafon with your number, you need to go to the operator’s official website and click on the section “Go to Megafon with your number”

Next, the client has a choice: fill out an online application for free delivery of a new SIM card or fill out an application for a manager to call back and write a transfer application in the salon. In principle, these two actions differ only in that you can fill out an application and receive a SIM card in a salon or at home.

If you want to fill out an application without leaving your home, click on the "Fill out online application" button.

If you do not trust the safety of your data and prefer to work directly with the application form, fill out four fields and click “Submit Application”. A manager will contact you and help you choose the nearest Megafon branch and the tariff to which your number will be connected.

Check the three eligibility boxes and complete the fields in all three boxes. In fact, you will do what the employees of a cellular communication salon usually do for you, that is, entering your passport data, return data for delivery, data about the number you want to transfer. This procedure is safe, since Megafon values ​​its customers and ensures the confidentiality of the entered data.

After filling out all the items, scroll a little lower and check the box.
consent to the processing of personal data and click on the “Submit Application” button. After this, the application can be considered submitted. The transition will occur within the time you specified when filling out the fields.

Please note that delivery of SIM cards and documents is free only within Moscow. Delivery costs to cities in the region 200 rub. You can find out how much delivery to your city will cost by calling 8-800-550-58-58 .

How to switch to Megafon while maintaining your corporate number?

The procedure for transferring while maintaining the corporate number is absolutely identical to that presented above, with the only difference being that you won’t be able to write an application online. You can download the application form, which you can find at the end of the article, fill it out and take it to the nearest Megafon branch where they service corporate clients. As a rule, these branches coincide with regular Megafon subscriber departments.

You can, of course, fill out an application to receive personal advice on the transition from a manager, but for this you will need to know the name of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur and the TIN of the organization, which is not always available to all employees of the organization. The transition page with the corporate number can be found.

You also have the opportunity to check which region and operator your number with which you want to switch to Megafon belongs to in the corresponding section “Check the operator and region of the number” on the switch to Megafon page.

Causes of transition failures and ways to correct them

"Megafon may refuse to transfer you with a certain wording. Let's look at what wording there may be and what needs to be done to correct the situation and connect with your number.

  1. "The debt to the previous operator has not been repaid."Solution: pay off the debt to the previous operator and re-apply to change the operator while maintaining the number;
  2. "The ported number is registered in another region (subject of the Russian Federation)."Solution: Submit an application in the region where the saved number was registered;
  3. "The number is blocked by the previous operator"Solution: Unblock the number with your operator and then reapply;
  4. "The data in the application does not match the data from the previous operator (number, full name, passport details)."Solution: Correct or check the data from the previous operator by contacting the appropriate subscriber department, and then submit the application again with the correct data.
  5. “60 days have not passed since the last port of your number and/or there is a debt to previous operators.” Solution: Wait until the deadline expires and resubmit your application.

How to refuse to switch from Megafon?

There are situations when an application is written, but the decision to change the operator for some reason was changed. What to do?

  1. Fill out an application to refuse to port your subscriber number. You can find it at the end of the material;
  2. Print and sign this application;
  3. No later than two days before the number transfer, scan or photograph the application and send it to This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are concerned about the safety of your data on the Internet, you can contact the nearest Megafon subscriber department no later than two days before the planned transfer and write exactly the same statement there. You can find the Megafon branch nearest to you in the section “Communication shops and coverage map”.

Now you know how to switch to Megafon while keeping your number. A reminder for switching to Megafon, an application to refuse to port a number, or an application to port a legal entity number can be found in the documents attached below.

You want to try tariff plans from other mobile operators, but you still need to keep your old number? In Russia, the service of changing the operator while maintaining telephone number, and it is supported by all leading mobile operators in the country. Cancel « mobile slavery» appealed to many subscribers, and you can also use this service, which is also available to Beeline subscribers.

Instructions for changing operator without changing number

Before you switch to another operator, keeping your number, you need to make sure that your SIM card has no debts to pay for tariffs and services. If there are any, they must be paid off before replacement. Otherwise, it will not be possible to change the operator while maintaining the same number. You should also remember that you can make the transition only in the region in which your current SIM card is registered.

The procedure for changing an operator without changing a phone number has many common points for Beeline, MTS, Megafon and others, does not take much time and looks like this:

  1. Contact one of our offices mobile operator in your home region, which one you want to go to, having previously taken your passport with you. It doesn’t make any sense to come in the role of another subscriber’s proxy - you can change the operator only if you are the owner of the number.
  2. Fill out the application about switching to the service of another mobile operator, a form and sample of which will be given to you by an employee of the office or salon. In the application, in addition to personal data, you must indicate the telephone number and name of the operator with whom you are served at the time of transition.
  3. Sign the contract to confirm your transition to service from another mobile operator. The date specified in the contract will become the date from the moment of which you will officially be considered a subscriber new network(you will be notified of this event via SMS).

After signing the contract, you will be issued a temporary SIM card. In order to start using mobile communications, you will need to wait for the release of a new SIM card and pay the cost of the replacement procedure, which rarely exceeds 100 rubles. Until the replacement procedure is completed, you can use the old and temporary SIM cards.

How to switch to Beeline while keeping your number?

The procedure by which you can change your old network to Beeline, while keeping your number, does not differ much from the general procedure indicated above. You will also need to visit the Beeline office, provide a passport and fill out an application. Next, you will need to select the appropriate tariff and sign an agreement, after which the employee will give you a new Beeline SIM card with your previous number.

The period during which your number will be transferred to Beeline’s service is specified in the list of rules and is indicated in the contract. If it is not specified, the transfer is carried out without third-party intervention after 8 or more days from the date of signing the contract. You can also indicate when submitting your application the desired date for porting your number to Beeline.

How to keep a landline number when changing operator?

The operator change service is not provided for landline numbers - you can only change those numbers that start with +79. It is not possible to change the operator while keeping the number - when you change the operator, a new landline number is issued, and the old one can be resold.

More than four hundred thousand people expressed their desire to switch to another operator, while leaving their phone number. Rossvyaz recorded 446,256 applications. However, only half of them (259,939 people) successfully got rid of the shackles of mobile slavery.

In theory, the process is simple: you come to the office of the operator whose subscriber you plan to become, write an application, and sign an agreement. According to the law, no later than 8 days later the number will be transferred to another operator. The document usually even indicates the exact time of transition.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in changing operators the first time. What could be the catch? We found out what pitfalls can await you on the way to a new operator, and found answers to non-standard questions from subscribers.

I wasn't transferred, why?

There may be several reasons. Firstly, if the SIM card was issued not to you, but to friends or relatives. An application to port a number can only be submitted by the person to whom a specific number is registered. If another person does this, a notarized power of attorney for the representative is required.

Secondly, an error could have crept into the application - they made a mistake in the passport number or wrote Ezhikov instead of the last name Yozhikov (as written in the document). The problem is the same if you grew up and changed your passport or, for example, got married, changed your last name, but did not notify the operator.

Alena Yarushina, press secretary of the Motiv company:

When submitting an application, the subscriber’s passport data must completely match the subscriber’s passport data located in the database of the current operator. Therefore, carefully check each letter in the spelling of your last name, first name, patronymic. Pay special attention to the letters “E” and “E”. If you changed your passport, surname or place of residence (registration) and did not inform your operator about this, you will need to come to his office again before the change and make changes to the database.

How long will they carry?

In your application, you have the right to indicate the desired date for porting your number. The only legal restriction: the number cannot be transferred to the network before the eighth day for subscribers - individuals and the 29th day for subscribers - legal entities. If you did not indicate any date in the application, then the number is automatically transferred to the new operator’s network on the ninth or 30th day, respectively.

Will there be any communication interruptions?

According to the law, interruptions in outgoing communications when moving from one operator to another should not last more than 30 minutes, and incoming communications - more than 6 hours. In fact, the “technological break” in the provision of communication services to the subscriber is usually less. Be prepared that you will be “out of reach” for some time. For convenience, you can schedule your number to be transferred at night. But there is a catch - at night it is not so easy to top up your balance with a new operator - you will have 0 on your account (if you had money on the balance of your previous operator, it will not be automatically transferred).

However, some operators give gifts to transferred subscribers as a sign of hospitality. “Immediately after porting the number, it will be activated for new subscribers. This will allow you not to be left without communication and make urgent calls before the first top-up. However, we still recommend that especially sociable subscribers plan to port their number during the daytime,” advises Alena Yarushina.

How to top up your balance after porting a number?

The abolition of mobile slavery added work and financial institutions. Previously, whether a phone number belonged to a cellular operator was determined by a directory of operators and DEF codes (the first three digits that made it possible to identify the operator). Now banks and payment systems also need to take into account the database of ported numbers. If mobile operators submit information about the transfer to this database in a timely manner, it will be impossible for the former operator to top up the account. In other words, if you changed operator X to operator Y, and then accidentally decided to top up your phone balance by transferring money to the old operator X, then your payment transaction will be denied.

Banks had to update their systems - this primarily affected online banking and mobile banking.

Press service of the Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia:

Sberbank notes that the “mobile banking” service is currently being finalized. For now, users with a ported number to pay for mobile communications are recommended to indicate the operator directly in the Mobile Bank SMS command (for example, “MTS 200” to pay for their phone number or “MTS 9ХХХХХХХХ 200” to pay for any other number).

Regional banks also updated their banking software. Thus, a new menu item has appeared in all UBRD ATMs - “Payment when changing operator.” Changes have also occurred in the Internet bank: now subscribers who have changed operators, when making payments via the Internet in the “Mobile communications” section, need to select the item “Payment for communications when changing operators (MNP service - switching while maintaining the number)”

“When paying, the client needs to work a little - choose his new operator. But the payment will arrive without delay and exactly to the address,” says the head of the directorate information technologies UBRD Konstantin Kotelnikov.

Cellular operators themselves advise that in the first few hours after porting a number, top up your balance directly at the sales and service offices of the new operator or using express payment cards.

I changed my mind. I stay!

If you suddenly decide to stay with your previous operator, then you can refuse the application only until 00:00 on the fifth day from the date of submission of the application.

Can I see everyone?

You can try at least all operators, alternately changing one for another: the number of transitions is not limited by law. The operator can be changed once every 70 days. This is due to internal procedure and interaction between operators. The transfer is possible only if the subscriber has no debts to the previous operator. And the previous operator can send information about the subscriber’s debt to the new operator within 30 to 60 days; another 10 days are given to pay off the debt. This is where the 70 days come from.

How are direct landline numbers transferred?

No way. Unfortunately, this is not possible now - only a federal number (9xx-xxx-xx-xx) is allowed to be transferred. It is also important to take into account that the number is transferred only within the region of the Federation in which it was registered with the current operator. That is, if you moved from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, then you will not be able to keep your Chelyabinsk number.

Who should I contact if any difficulties arise during the transfer?

The transfer is handled by the operator you plan to switch to. The current operator is only checking the possibility of transfer. This means that the subscriber must contact the new operator for all questions. This can be done with the help of subscribers - in real time the subscriber will be helped to resolve any issues, including those related to changing the operator.

And get a discount on communication if you suddenly change your mind

It is profitable for mobile operators to retain their customers: for your sake, they are ready to endure hardships and make concessions in order to maintain the flow of money. But tariffs suddenly became more expensive, communications deteriorated, and an inexpensive operator with good communications appeared on the horizon. This moment had to come someday: you are finally ready to get off your old SIM card, but it’s such a shame to lose your usual number. This is where MNP comes into play.

What should I know

Don’t worry, you won’t have to look into the sad eyes of the employees of the operator whose services you are refusing: the entire procedure for transferring your old number can be completed in the office of your future operator or remotely.

You will need to visit the office of the previous operator only if your passport details do not correspond to those specified in the communication contract. For example, if you recently changed your passport, but the contract was drawn up a long time ago. And yes, the contract must be executed in your name, otherwise the number transfer will not work.

Most mobile operators will send you a courier to your home or work, if that is more convenient for you. Courier services are free. He will bring the entire package of documents and a new SIM card. Just notify the call center employee by phone that you want to sign up for the MNP service when connecting. Or leave a request on the website.

MNP only works
with federal
numbers and within
one region

Another condition for the transfer is the absence of debt to the previous operator. Pay your subscription fee debt, if any.

And now about the bad: porting a number has a number of unpleasant consequences, but most of them are temporary. For the first 30 minutes after the transfer, outgoing calls and SMS may not be available. Incoming calls and SMS become available after 6 hours. The new SIM card will have a breakdown - you need to survive it.

Another unpleasant aspect of number porting: the usual USSD request can withdraw money from the account - be careful.

Vitalik changed the operator and submitted an application to port the number, because the old operator was fed up with him. At first he was happy: the connection was better, the Internet was faster, the tariff was cheaper. But then Vitalik decided to request the balance in the account and typed the usual key combination. Instead of the current balance status, the operator sent him a thoughtful haiku, and then withdrew 30 rubles from the account. Vitalik got angry and threw the phone out the window. “You are all at the same time, damned Jewish Masons!” - thought Vitalik.

What I should do

Decide whether you need to change operator. Weigh the pros and cons. If you still decide, then figure out which operator would be best suited for you now: some have a wider LTE coverage area, others have favorable tariffs. Sometimes it is better to have two SIM cards at once, but not all phones support this feature. In general, decide.

Find or earn 100 rubles. By law, none of the operators has the right to charge you a large amount. You pay 100 rubles at a time - in the future you can forget about any fees for maintaining your old number.

Take your original passport with you. All actions to change the tariff are performed upon presentation of an identity document. We remind you because many people forget their passport at home or provide a copy of it, which is not an identity document.

Fill out an application to port your number at a mobile phone store or call a courier. If you fill out an application in a communication salon, then smile and politely greet the employee. Explain to him that you need to get a SIM card, but you want to keep your old number. He will give you a number porting application and a pen. Fill it out, pay 100 rubles, get a new SIM card and be happy.

with courier

If you called a courier, he will know in advance that you are ordering a number porting service - you won’t have to explain anything again. Be polite to the courier too.

Wait 8 days. From time to time you will receive SMS notifications about the status of your transfer application. It is advisable that the balance be positive all this time in order to avoid technical problems with number porting.

On the eighth day you will receive a final SMS with information that your number has been finally transferred. The old SIM card will stop working. You can insert a new one. Victory.

What can I get

There is one way to save on communications if you still decide not to change the operator: it does not always work and not with everyone, but it still works - do this if you really have nothing to lose.

If you have been using the services of your operator for a long time, are not in the red for six months, sometimes make calls, write SMS, use the mobile Internet, then for him you are a reliable client with whom it is profitable to cooperate.

Retention Service
will offer clients
you get a discount on communication

You want to keep a reliable client, so the operator becomes more accommodating - for this he has a client retention service.

Your old operator will receive a notification from the new one that you have filed for divorce, but you want to keep the child, you have decided to leave, but you want to keep the same number - a customer retention service employee will contact you.

And here it is important to be careful: do not allow him to manipulate you, poison the line, bargain, but at the same time be polite and nice. Most likely, you will be offered a “favorable VIP tariff for special clients” or a fat discount of up to 20% on an existing tariff, so as not to switch to their competitors. That's it, you've won again.

Let's fix:

  1. Apply for MNP
  2. Waiting for your operator to contact you
  3. You complain that it’s expensive and you haggle
  4. Profit!


  1. MNP is the transfer of an old number when changing operators.
  2. An application to port a number can be submitted directly in the office, by phone or on the website of the future operator.
  3. If you complete the transfer remotely, they will send you a courier who will bring the entire package of documents and a new SIM card.
  4. MNP works only with federal numbers issued in the same region where you are applying for your future SIM card.
  5. To apply for MNP you will need: certainty, 100 rubles, a passport and a completed application for number porting.
  6. Full number transfer is carried out within 8 days.
  7. If you still decide not to change the operator, then you can cheat: write an application for MNP, wait for a call from a customer retention service employee, bargain and get yourself a discount on communication.

Are you worried about how to switch to another operator while keeping your number? We hasten to please you, since in Russia this opportunity is already available regardless of your operator. So, for example, if you have Megafon, you have the opportunity to switch to another operator, keeping your old Megafon number. This article will examine this issue in more detail.

Transition instructions

Before changing operator, you should make sure that there are no payment debts to the current operator. If they exist, clear them, otherwise changing the operator with the ability to save the number will not work. It is also worth considering that the transition is only possible in the region where your SIM is registered.

Familiarize yourself with the main points of the procedure we are considering regarding any operators:

  1. First, you should visit the office of the operator you want to switch to. Don't forget your passport. Note: the office must be in your home region.
  2. Show your passport. Next, you need to fill out an application, the form of which will be given to you at the office. Enter your personal information there, mobile number and information about the current operator.
  3. Now all that remains is to sign the contract as confirmation of the transition to another operator. From this moment on, you will officially be considered a subscriber of another network. Wait for an SMS notification about this.

There you will be given a temporary SIM card, and you will have to wait for release new card. In this case, you will need to pay for a replacement operator in an amount approximately equal to 100 rubles. Until the new card is issued, you can still use the old and temporary cards.

If we take a Beeline subscriber as an example, he will be concerned about how to change the connection to another operator while keeping the Beeline number. As for the MTS communications user, he will be concerned accordingly with how to switch to another operator while maintaining the MTS number.

Switching to Beeline while keeping the number?

The procedure for switching to Beeline without losing your number is not particularly different from the course of action described above. Visit the operator's office with your passport and fill out an application. Now select the tariff you need and sign an agreement. You will immediately be given a new Beeline SIM with your old number.

The term of transfer to Beeline will be agreed upon when concluding the contract. If not agreed upon immediately, the transition will take place in 8 or more days. In addition, you have the right to indicate in your application the date you want to switch to Beeline.

For example, you have Tele2, and you intend to switch to Beeline, keeping the Tele2 number. Then calmly follow the above.

Maintaining a landline number when changing operators

Let’s say right away that the operator change service does not apply to subscribers of city numbers. Therefore, when you change the operator, they simply issue a different number, and your old one is sold again.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to switch to another operator while keeping your number?”, then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

Mobile slavery - this is what the inability to transfer the service of your number to another mobile operator was called for a long time. Cellular companies vying with each other insisted that this would be very difficult. But when such an opportunity was required at the legislative level, a solution was immediately found. In this review, we will tell you how to switch to another operator while keeping your number. There is nothing complicated about it.

The first stage is preparatory

In order to switch to another operator while keeping your number, you need to do three things:

  • Choose a suitable operator - most likely, you already have some preferences, since you are puzzled by this question.
  • Choose a tariff plan according to your needs.
  • Organize your personal information on your number.

The last point is the most important pitfall when switching from another operator. The subscriber must ensure that the data in the contract is up to date. After all, from the moment he purchased the number, his last name or passport could have changed. Do the following - arm yourself with your passport and visit the office of your current operator, ask a consultant to check your passport data and put it in order if any differences suddenly become apparent.

Remember that if your personal data does not match, you will not be able to switch your number to another operator. The first stage of the transfer is reconciliation. And if it fails, the current cellular operator will interrupt the operation and you will still have to update your data.

Choosing an operator is simple. Typically, subscribers focus on coverage area, voice quality and speed mobile internet. Typical example– the subscriber bought a property in a rural area and discovered that he mobile phone doesn't work here. To stay in touch, you need to purchase a SIM card from another mobile operator or switch to it without changing your number. The latter option is more preferable, as it allows you not to lose your contacts (very important for business people and businesses).

Choosing a tariff plan is even easier - go to the website of the selected operator and check out the current tariffs. Select the optimal option for the number of minutes, gigabytes and SMS. If you are looking for cheap prices, go to Tele2. If you need maximum services, then Beeline and MegaFon win here. The advantages of MTS tariffs are the availability of special offers for on-network and international roaming.

Please note that it is impossible to switch to another operator with a landline number - this is a minus of the switching procedure.

Stage two – submitting an application

Updating your personal data and choosing a tariff is over. The next step is to write an application to transfer your number to another operator. You will need a passport to fill out the application. Visit the nearest office of the selected company, inform the consultant about your intentions, inform about the chosen tariff plan, sign the prepared transfer form. After this, you will receive a new SIM card.

There are some differences in the SIM cards issued - in some places they are paid, in others they are free, in others they have a temporary number, in others they are without a temporary number.

The cost of the transition is 100 rubles, maximum term- 8 days. That is, your number will be transferred in a little more than a week. It is also possible to set an individual transition date. But it should not exceed 180 days from the date of writing the application.

The third stage – reconciliation, waiting and transition

Having written an application to transfer your number to another operator, you will have to withstand a small flow of SMS. First, both operators will tell you that the application has been accepted. Then both participants will talk about the results of data reconciliation - if they match, the transition date will be indicated. Then the most interesting thing begins - the current operator will begin to beg you to stay. In most cases, employees call subscribers and promise good discounts on subscription fee. It is up to the subscribers themselves to decide whether to accept the offer or refuse to continue the transition.

On the transition date (it will take place at 12 o'clock at night) you need to remove it from your phone old SIM card and install a new one. The old SIM card will no longer be active and can be scrapped. A new SIM card may experience connection interruptions for the first 6 hours, so don’t be surprised by broken Internet, terrible dialing, or your inaccessibility to callers. By morning the connection will be fully established, and your phone number will be serviced in the network of the new operator.

Reasons for refusal to transfer and other subtleties

There are several reasons for failure that are common to all operators:

  • Passport data mismatch.
  • Availability of debt on the number.
  • The number is serviced in a different region.
  • Less than 60 days have passed since the date of the previous transition (according to some sources - less than 70 days).
  • The number is blocked.

It will be useful to know that the transition fee is charged by the new operator. And the balance of funds on the balance of the old operator is not transferred to the balance of the new one. But you can pick it up at the nearest office by writing a corresponding application.

If anything remains unclear, call hotline selected operator:

  • Yota – 8-800-550-00-07.
  • MTS – 8-800-250-08-90 or 0890.
  • Beeline – 8-800-700-0611 or 0611.
  • MegaFon – 8-800-550-05-00 or 0500.
  • Tele2 – 611 or by direct regional number (check on the Tele2 website).

You can also ask our expert any questions you have in the comments.

More than four hundred thousand people expressed their desire to switch to another operator, while leaving their phone number. Rossvyaz recorded 446,256 applications. However, only half of them (259,939 people) successfully got rid of the shackles of mobile slavery.

In theory, the process is simple: you come to the office of the operator whose subscriber you plan to become, write an application, and sign an agreement. According to the law, no later than 8 days later the number will be transferred to another operator. The document usually even indicates the exact time of transition.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in changing operators the first time. What could be the catch? We found out what pitfalls can await you on the way to a new operator, and found answers to non-standard questions from subscribers.

I wasn't transferred, why?

There may be several reasons. Firstly, if the SIM card was issued not to you, but to friends or relatives. An application to port a number can only be submitted by the person to whom a specific number is registered. If another person does this, a notarized power of attorney for the representative is required.

Secondly, an error could have crept into the application - they made a mistake in the passport number or wrote Ezhikov instead of the last name Yozhikov (as written in the document). The problem is the same if you grew up and changed your passport or, for example, got married, changed your last name, but did not notify the operator.

Alena Yarushina, press secretary of the Motiv company:

When submitting an application, the subscriber’s passport data must completely match the subscriber’s passport data located in the database of the current operator. Therefore, carefully check each letter in the spelling of your last name, first name, patronymic. Pay special attention to the letters “E” and “E”. If you changed your passport, surname or place of residence (registration) and did not inform your operator about this, you will need to come to his office again before the change and make changes to the database.

How long will they carry?

In your application, you have the right to indicate the desired date for porting your number. The only legal restriction: the number cannot be transferred to the network before the eighth day for subscribers - individuals and the 29th day for subscribers - legal entities. If you did not indicate any date in the application, then the number is automatically transferred to the new operator’s network on the ninth or 30th day, respectively.

Will there be any communication interruptions?

According to the law, interruptions in outgoing communications when moving from one operator to another should not last more than 30 minutes, and incoming communications - more than 6 hours. In fact, the “technological break” in the provision of communication services to the subscriber is usually less. Be prepared that you will be “out of reach” for some time. For convenience, you can schedule your number to be transferred at night. But there is a catch - at night it is not so easy to top up your balance with a new operator - you will have 0 on your account (if you had money on the balance of your previous operator, it will not be automatically transferred).

However, some operators give gifts to transferred subscribers as a sign of hospitality. “Immediately after porting the number, new subscribers are activated. This will allow you not to be left without communication and make urgent calls before the first top-up. However, we still recommend that especially sociable subscribers plan to port their number during the daytime,” advises Alena Yarushina.

How to top up your balance after porting a number?

The abolition of mobile slavery has also added work to financial institutions. Previously, whether a phone number belonged to a cellular operator was determined by a directory of operators and DEF codes (the first three digits that made it possible to identify the operator). Now banks and payment systems also need to take into account the database of ported numbers. If mobile operators submit information about the transfer to this database in a timely manner, then it will be impossible to top up the account of the previous operator. In other words, if you changed operator X to operator Y, and then accidentally decided to top up your phone balance by transferring money to the old operator X, then your payment transaction will be denied.

Banks had to update their systems - this primarily affected online banking and mobile banking.

Press service of the Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia:

Sberbank notes that the “mobile banking” service is currently being finalized. For now, users with a ported number to pay for mobile communications are recommended to indicate the operator directly in the Mobile Bank SMS command (for example, “MTS 200” to pay for their phone number or “MTS 9ХХХХХХХХ 200” to pay for any other number).

Regional banks also updated their banking software. Thus, a new menu item has appeared in all UBRD ATMs - “Payment when changing operator.” Changes have also occurred in the Internet bank: now subscribers who have changed operators, when making payments via the Internet in the “Mobile communications” section, need to select the item “Payment for communications when changing operators (MNP service - switching while maintaining the number)”

“When paying, the client needs to work a little - choose his new operator. But the payment will arrive without delay and exactly to the address,” says Konstantin Kotelnikov, head of the information technology directorate of UBRD.

Cellular operators themselves advise that in the first few hours after porting a number, top up your balance directly at the sales and service offices of the new operator or using express payment cards.

I changed my mind. I stay!

If you suddenly decide to stay with your previous operator, then you can refuse the application only until 00:00 on the fifth day from the date of submission of the application.

Can I see everyone?

You can try at least all operators, alternately changing one for another: the number of transitions is not limited by law. The operator can be changed once every 70 days. This is due to internal procedure and interaction between operators. The transfer is possible only if the subscriber has no debts to the previous operator. And the previous operator can send information about the subscriber’s debt to the new operator within 30 to 60 days; another 10 days are given to pay off the debt. This is where the 70 days come from.

How are direct landline numbers transferred?

No way. Unfortunately, this is not possible now - only a federal number (9xx-xxx-xx-xx) is allowed to be transferred. It is also important to take into account that the number is transferred only within the region of the Federation in which it was registered with the current operator. That is, if you moved from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, then you will not be able to keep your Chelyabinsk number.

Who should I contact if any difficulties arise during the transfer?

The transfer is handled by the operator you plan to switch to. The current operator is only checking the possibility of transfer. This means that the subscriber must contact the new operator for all questions. This can be done with the help of subscribers - in real time the subscriber will be helped to resolve any issues, including those related to changing the operator.

“Mobile slavery” is the phenomenon when a subscriber of one mobile operator cannot switch to another, since he will have to change his number. Recently, “slavery” was abolished, and maintaining the same number became possible regardless of whether you changed your mobile phone provider. The material discusses how to switch to another operator while maintaining the number.

Switch to MTS

The MTS operator has been providing a number porting service since the first months after the release of the bill banning “mobile slavery.” Subscribers of any other operators can do this, but this can only be done on the basis of personal submission of the corresponding application at the office-shop of this operator. In order to submit the appropriate application, you need to act in accordance with the algorithm:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents. You will need an identification document - a passport or another for foreign citizens, a SIM card with the old phone number, as well as mobile device, it is also advisable to have with you the contract concluded with your current mobile service provider.
  2. Only the person for whom the old SIM card is registered and the contract is concluded can submit an application. If he is unable to come to the store in person, then his representative will also need a notarized power of attorney to perform actions on his behalf.
  3. Pay off your debts to your current mobile operator, but keep in mind that the positive balance of your current SIM card cannot be transferred to a new one.
  4. When you come to the MTS office, you need to write an application to port the number. Please note that it must be filled out in accordance with the passport, and all data must be indicated in the same way as in the old contract for the provision of mobile telephony services. The contract specifies your passport details and phone number that you are going to keep.
  5. You can choose the date when the transfer will be made. This date must be between 8 and 180 days from the date of filing.
  6. A day before the transfer, you will receive an SMS message indicating the exact time of the transfer, as well as the likelihood and duration of communication interruptions during this period.

Immediately after submitting the application, it is registered, and you cease to be a subscriber of the previous operator. At the same time, MTS issues you a temporary SIM card with the same number, which must be topped up with at least 100 rubles required to carry out the transfer service. The tariff package Tariffische is activated on the issued SIM card by default.

This SIM card is not very functional, you won’t be able to change the tariff on it, but you can use it to make all the necessary mobile communications without restrictions, and its balance is topped up just like any other.

As for your permanent card, you can choose any tariff for servicing it - you can specify the desired one when writing an application in the office, it will be connected automatically. If you do not provide additional data, then you will automatically receive a SIM card with a Tariff package, which you can change later.

Switch to Megafon

You can start the transfer process in two ways: by visiting Megafon and leaving a transfer application, or by doing it online at In the first case, you will need the same documents as listed in the previous part of the article, and filing an application will have the same features. The second transfer method (online) will be discussed below:

  1. Follow the link, enter your current phone number in the left input field on a green background.
  2. In the field to the right of your number, indicate your region of residence. If the current SIM card was issued in another region, indicate the region where the number was issued. Online transfer will be possible only within the same region in which the old phone is valid (for example, you can exchange the Moscow MTS number for the Moscow Megafon number).
  3. Check the box below the phone number entry field to confirm your consent to receive personal advice from a specialist on the transfer process.
  4. Then click the Start Transfer button. It will become active as soon as you complete all the steps discussed in the previous paragraphs.

After completing all the above steps, a support specialist will contact you, from whom you will receive all the necessary information on the transfer. After this, a transfer application will be drawn up and submitted remotely over the phone, and you will be additionally notified about the time and conditions of the transition to a new operator.

The conditions necessary to complete the action are the same as for MTS: the number should not have a debt, it should not be blocked, and it is imperative that the application be submitted by the same person for whom the service agreement was drawn up.

Switch to Beeline

You can also switch to the services of this mobile operator with your number online. You are required to submit an application remotely on the website, after which a specialist will contact you to submit an application by phone. A specialist will help you not only choose a tariff, but also answer all your questions related to Beeline services.

You can also order free delivery of a new SIM card by phone, so you don’t need to visit the office at all.

Like MTS and Megafon, the cost of the transition is 100 rubles, which are debited from the balance of your number. Beeline returns them to your account immediately after the transfer is completed 8 days later.

You can submit an application using the link - at the bottom of this page, find the Go to Beeline button and click on it. A form will open in which you will need to enter your phone number, passport data and some other additional information regarding the current contract for the provision of mobile communication services.

Switch to Tele2

Tele2 has the same requirements for transfer as other operators: no blocking, positive balance of the current number, personal application by the person for whom the old number is registered (or by a notarized power of attorney), transfer is required within the same region of registration of the number.

The application is submitted in two ways:

  1. Online on the page at the link There you need to find the Go button, click on it, fill out the appropriate form, after which Tele2 employees will contact you using the contact information you provided.
  2. Physical submission of the application at the point of sale of Tele2 products. Method the easier it is that the on-site staff will help you fill out the application correctly.

A distinctive feature of services on Tele2 is that the transfer is provided completely free of charge. When submitting an application, you can also immediately select the tariff that will be connected to your transferred number.

Switch to Iota

To transfer your phone number to Yota, you need to visit the mobile operator’s showroom and submit an application for the transfer. In addition to the standard transfer requirements, such as the execution of the contract in your name, the absence of blockages and debts of the previous number, Yota requires one more condition to be met: the debt to the current operator must be repaid strictly no later than five days before the date of submission of the application for the transfer.

Like MTS, Yota provides additional SMS information to its customers about the exact time of number porting. But this process can take up to nine days.

Underwater rocks

How to switch to another operator while keeping your phone number? Despite the fact that the procedure for changing an operator looks quite simple and, according to the law, should not present any difficulties, nevertheless, it is not always possible to change an operator quickly and the first time. This is due to a number of obstacles and pitfalls, the most common of which are the following:

  1. The application can only be submitted by the person to whom the number is registered. A personal visit to the mobile operator’s office is required. An alternative is a notarized power of attorney for another person.
  2. An identification document (most often a passport) must be the same as the one that was valid at the time of concluding the contract with the current operator. If you changed your passport while using the services of a certain operator, you will not be able to change your mobile communications provider while keeping your old number.
  3. You should not have any debt to the operator whose services you are currently using. The debt should not arise during the entire time that will pass from the moment of filing the application to the actual transfer (by law - no more than 8 days).
  4. All subscriptions, Additional services on the current number must be disabled.
  5. It is quite easy to make a mistake on a statement. All passport and other data entered into the application for a change must fully comply with those specified in the contract. This applies to periods, commas, abbreviations, abbreviations, letters e and e.
  6. If you got married or changed your last name (or first name) for other reasons, but did not notify the old operator about this, or did not renew the contract with him, then you will not be able to switch to a new one.
  7. By law, you can indicate the desired date for porting the number, but this can be done no earlier than the 9th day after submitting the application for individuals, and no earlier than the 30th day for legal entities. It is impossible to change the operator faster.
  8. During the transition there may be interruptions in communication. Although by law they should be no more than half an hour on the day of transition, in reality the figures may be different. The problem is partially solved with the help of “welcome packages” of messages, minutes, etc.
  9. Funds are not transferred from balance to balance. That is, it is important for you not to go into the red during the waiting period, but also not to leave a large balance of funds on your balance, since this money of yours will “burn out.”
  10. If you change your mind, you can pick up the application no later than the end of the fifth day from the time it was submitted. If you change your mind later, the transfer will still be completed, since it will no longer be possible to cancel it.
  11. There are no restrictions on the number of transitions, but you can change the operator no more than once every 70 days. This is due to the required minimum time of interaction between operators, during which they transmit to each other data about the absence of subscriber debts.
  12. A change of operator is possible only within the region where the contract is concluded. You will not be able to keep your Moscow number if you move to St. Petersburg.
  13. If technical difficulties arise during the transfer, you need to contact your future operator about this, since it is he who is involved in the transfer process.
  14. You cannot port a direct landline number. Only federal numbers in the format 89ххххххххх are subject to translation.

Statistics on operator change procedures maintained by Rossvyaz are also disappointing. Although in the first year of the abolition of “mobile slavery” 500,000 applications to change operators were registered, less than 250 thousand subscribers actually switched to another operator. However, now you know how to switch to another operator while keeping your number.

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