How to create a VK page without a phone number. How to create another page on VK How to make a new VKontakte account

Despite the rigidity and severity of the established requirements, it is possible to circumvent them. But this will require patience and the ability to wait from the person registering. In addition, creating an account without a cell phone is fraught with difficulties in the future, since it will be incredibly difficult to restore a hacked profile that is not linked to a real SIM card. But, if such difficulties do not seem frightening, you just need to stock up on time and the ability to wait desired result. Additionally you will need some money.

Before moving on to studying the main features of registration, it is necessary to understand why users create fake profiles. Typically, fake pages are created to make a profit, which can be made in several different ways:

  • thanks to numerous references present in publications and recordings;
  • through advertising and promotion of all kinds of goods and services;
  • simply by gaining a large number of subscribers and selling the account;
  • making money on profile popularity.

An additional reason for registration may be a banal desire to take advantage of someone else’s fame and get a little of the attention of a large number of others.

It cannot be denied that there are other reasons for creating fake accounts. The final motive that forced one to take such a step depends only on the thoughts and desires of the creator of the page, therefore it is almost impossible to list all the probable reasons, since they can turn out to be the most surprising and unexpected.

How to register a fake page?

Finding out how to create a fake VKontakte page is extremely simple. This procedure is no different from standard registration in social network and does not contain anything unexpected or unusual. To be able to use social media. network, you will need:

  1. open the authorization page or log out of your own profile;
  2. click on the inscription prompting you to create an account;
  3. enter your mobile phone, where you will receive a special code;
  4. enter the received code in the field provided;
  5. fill in your personal information.

It is worth remembering that when creating a password, you need to seriously think about its reliability. It must be complex enough so that it is not hacked by attackers, but convenient and memorable so as not to lose access to the social network.

This is exactly what registration on VK looks like, if you don’t go into details and individual features that allow you to do without a SIM card.

How to create without a phone number?

It is impossible to register without entering a special code, but this does not mean that it cannot be obtained without a specially purchased SIM card. To figure out how to create a fake page on VK without a phone number, just take a closer look at the numerous online services created specifically for receiving all kinds of codes and passwords.

To use such a portal, you will need to select the appropriate one and:

  • top up your balance by paying a fee for using your cell phone;
  • indicate the received number in VK;
  • wait for a message with a code combination to arrive;
  • enter the code.

It is worth remembering that this mobile phone is provided for one-time use, so you will not be able to use it again.

It is important to note that the cost of the service can vary greatly, depending on the service chosen, but it almost never exceeds 15-16 rubles. In this case, payment is made through electronic wallets.

What to pay attention to when registering a fake?

Having determined how to create a fake VK page, you need to make sure that it seems believable and does not arouse suspicion among subscribers and guests of the account. To do this, you need to take care of:

  1. filling out the questionnaire plausibly;
  2. subscribing to several interesting public pages and people;
  3. adding the maximum possible number of friends (within reason);
  4. publishing bright, effective posts;
  5. regularly adding photos and even videos.

The latter is especially important, since it is the photo that is the face of the page, which gives an impression of its owner. Therefore, before registering a profile, it is worth looking for the pictures you need. Popular photo hosting sites and foreign social networks are perfect for this. It is worth collecting such a number of frames that will allow you to update your profile for a long time, adding new photos.

Creating a fake on VK without a phone

It is worth noting that the administration of the social network does not support fake profiles, so users should remember that, even knowing how to make a fake VKontakte page, they may encounter difficulties. If there is evidence that the profile owner is using someone else's information, the page may be blocked.

That is why it is necessary to approach the creation of a page as creatively and thoroughly as possible. The first is required to create a unique image that others will like, and the second is needed to avert suspicion. If both points are taken into account, all that remains is to promptly update your status, photos and publications, sharing the latest news and posts with subscribers.

Register on VKontakte without a phone number It becomes more difficult every year, but it is still possible. The contact's management gradually taught users of the social network to link their phone numbers to their personal pages.

At first, linking a phone number to a page was optional, almost optional, but over time, registering and using VK becomes more and more difficult.

Now many functions are not available to network users who have not verified their phone number. Even if you were able to register several years ago and link only your email, but now you don’t have a phone number linked, you will not be able to create a group or edit personal information, and when you want to join the community or like, you will be asked to enter annoying captcha.

Still, there are many benefits from pages that do not have a mobile phone number attached. For example: spam (spam programs usually use a service with automatic captcha solving, so they are not afraid of them), a second account (you never know just to listen to music, but you don’t want to appear online in front of your friends, or else will start writing to you. By the way, read the article about ) and many other functions.

Why do you need to link a phone number to your personal VKontakte page?

It is obvious! For extra protection.

In addition to protecting you from spammers who send messages and perform various manual actions, you can always restore access to your account in the event of a hack.

Imagine a situation where they know your email (login) and password, then 95% of people have the same passwords everywhere, which means they will simply change your password for your email and personal page and you will no longer be able to log into VKontakte under your name. And if you have linked a phone number, you can always restore access to your page.

While scammers can still find access to your email, they can’t access your phone. Only if you don’t give it to them or it’s stolen from you, but even in the event of theft, modern phones are tracked and blocked in a minute.

In addition, VKontakte can enable login confirmation via SMS, which completely eliminates the possibility of hacking. Even if the hackers have your login and password, and even all the data from your email, without the code that you received via SMS they will not be able to log into your page. Therefore, you better link your phone number right now, otherwise you risk being left without an account later.

By the way, many conspiracy theorists believe that mandatory linking of phone numbers is necessary to collect personal information for the FSB.

How to register in VK without a phone number

Method one: use a landline phone

You can always create a VKontakte page without a mobile phone. To do this, you need to do this at the stage of registration where you are asked to indicate a phone number, indicate the landline number in 11-digit format and click “let the robot call.” Then a robot will call you on your home (landline) phone and dictate a code that you must enter on the website.

Thus, registration in VK without a phone number It becomes quite simple and you can register as many pages as you like for one phone number, which is amazing.

Method two: register via Facebook as a foreigner

Let's consider the second method of registering on VKontakte without a mobile phone number:

As you know, the social network VKontakte is entering the foreign market and is trying to actively interact with other social networks, including Facebook. VK has the ability to register via Facebook, but only for foreign citizens. This option is not available for CIS countries.

Therefore, in order to deceive the system, you need to make the site think that you are visiting from another country. For example, from Canada. To do this, you can find any anonymizer on the Internet and get in touch.

For CIS countries, a prominent standard registration form is:

There will be a completely different registration form for international visitors. Please note that for some reason we are missing one column.

If you don’t quite understand the registration schemes, we recommend watching the video tutorial:

Second way.

This is a rather interesting question that is beginning to worry users more and more. Especially those who prefer to work through social networks. So let's start studying it.

Why and when is this needed?

But before that, let’s try to figure out one more very interesting thing with you. More precisely, we will try to understand when a new VKontakte page is really needed.

Such “spare” questionnaires are necessary for store clerks. We are talking about online stores that make their main profit by attracting users from social networks. So, a person can not “clutter up” his profile, but simply use a working profile. After all, the new VKontakte page, as a rule, serves precisely this purpose.

But sometimes second pages start and regular users. They are called "fakes". Quite often, such pages are used to deceive users and hack real profiles. Let's find out how to create a second one

If the page is out of date

The first scenario is when the user already has a profile, only it is very, very old. About 5 years ago. At that time, it was customary to link all profiles to the user’s email.

Owners of old pages are very lucky. After all, they won’t have to find a way to create a second VKontakte page. It is enough just to register it according to the new scheme. That is, link directly to your mobile phone. That's all the problems. Enter your login, password, your first/last name, and then your mobile number. created in this way, as a rule, are very easily restored after hacking.

True, there are other options for the development of events. For example, what should users do whose pages are already linked to their mobile phone? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Option "zapara"

Let's try to use one interesting technique that, unfortunately, does not always work. For it you need to have a page linked to your phone. It is with such a questionnaire that we will work.

First of all, go to “VKontakte” (“Login” - “My Page”). By the way, if you link a second profile, your login will remain the same, but the password will be the one you set. After you log in, all you need to do is go to “My Settings” and see how your mobile phone number is indicated. Change its first digit, and then register your profile using the same mobile number.

As already mentioned, this option does not always work. So to speak, it is based purely on the luck of the users. Thus, if you want to know how to create a second VKontakte page, then another scenario will suit you.


So, now we will try to register a new profile using specialized applications. Now this method is considered quite popular among most users.

For him you will have to find special program for "VKontakte", which expands the standard functions of the social network. This includes reading other people’s messages, exiting all public pages “in one fell swoop,” and creating a second profile.

You just need to log in to the application and then select the function to create a new profile. Next, you will see the familiar registration page, where you will need to come up with a password, first/last name and fill out some personal information. The final stage is to enter your mobile phone number in the appropriate field to link your profile. That's it. When you do everything, you will have two pages linked to one number.

However, it is worth remembering that this option is very risky. After all, most of these types of programs are nothing more than the most common and real viruses. They simply steal data from your current work profiles. Aren't you afraid? Then feel free to download this application. If common sense takes precedence over desires, then it is worth trying the only logical way out of the current situation.

New SIM card

Users who do not want to be deceived while wondering how to create a second VKontakte page can use one very interesting and logical approach. Since we are linking the account to the phone, we will have to buy a new SIM card and then register a profile for it.

Agree, this is a very simple and quick scenario for work. Go to any store cellular communications, buy any SIM card, and then just use it once. After registration, of course, it is better to make a call from your mobile phone once a month so that the number is not blocked and transferred to someone else. That's all. Now you are familiar with all the available ways to register a new profile on the VKontakte social network.

Good day everyone. Not long ago we looked at the registration process on the Odnoklassniki social network. You will find more details about this. Today we will see how to register in one of the most popular social networks - Vkontakte. This network is extremely popular among Internet users. With its help, you can meet new people, learn a lot of interesting things about your friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc., find people with whom you were on vacation or sat at the same desk. Today we will talk about how to create a VKontakte account.

In order to register on this social network you will need: a computer, tablet, laptop, smartphone. And also your number cell phone. Because registration is linked to your phone number. One account can be created for only one phone number.

A little information.

How to register on VKontakte.

To create a new account in this social network go to home page, where we are immediately offered instant registration.

We indicate your first and last name. Click Register.

After this, a field will appear to indicate your field. Specify and click Register again

An SMS message with a 5-digit code should be sent to this number. Enter it and click " Send code»

If the code entered is correct, a field will appear below for entering the social network login password. Try to create complex password. The indicator below the field will tell you how complex your password is. After that, click “ Login to the site».

First, you will be asked to indicate the city and number of your school to search for possible classmates, friends or girlfriends from school. After you have indicated your school number and year of graduation, your possible friends will appear below. See if you can find some of your acquaintances or friends. To add a suggested contact as a friend, click the button " Add as Friend" Then we move on to the next step - searching for your classmates.

Here we indicate the name of the university, years of study, and we will also be offered potential friends. Go ahead.

This is what our page on the VKontakte social network looks like after creation. Empty. Let's fill it up gradually. First, we are asked to install our photo. To do this, click the " Select photo" You must have it prepared. Select it and set it as your main photo. Then gradually, step by step, we fill in the other sections with our information.

In order to edit your data, change your first and last name, click on the link at the top “ Edit information»

We get to the editing page. On the Basic tab, we change or add basic information: date of birth, children, marital status, etc. Then we go to other tabs and fill everything in the same way with our data. Try to provide as much information about yourself as possible so that your friends can find you faster.

How to link an email address to your account

To link an email address to your page, go to ""

Go to the settings page, go down a little lower.

Here we can change the current password, copy the link to our page, which may be useful for...

Enter your email address in the appropriate field and click “ Save address».

To continue the operation, enter the current password for our page.

After this, a letter will be sent to the specified address with a link to complete the binding. email address. We click on it.

And we receive a notification that the email address has been successfully linked to our VKontakte account.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

That's all for today. You and I have become a real user of the social network VKontakte. Good luck and have a great mood!

A married couple is well suited to each other if both partners usually feel the need to argue at the same time

For some time now, the social network has tightened its rules registering new accounts, making it mandatory to link to mobile phone .

Now you must use your phone number when registering.

Those who are interested in how to register in contact via email you will have to disappoint - such an opportunity no longer exists.

Note! The VKontakte administration has eliminated the possibility of registering an account through just one mailbox in 2012. This decision was dictated by security considerations and optimization of the social network. Due to the tightening of the rules, the number of registered accounts has decreased - the level of fraud and the load on the servers have decreased.

In any case, there is still a way to register an account without using your own phone number.

To do this you will need to use a server virtual telephony to receive SMS messages.

Proovl SMS

Pinger allows you to get virtual number, where you can receive messages.

Pinger registration process

So, how to register in contact if there is already a page? First you need to visit the service page.

We won’t need a form to log in for an existing user yet, so you need to select the “Create account” option.

Important! To fully use the service, you will need a recent version of Flash Player.

Selecting this option will direct the user to a page with a registration form.

Be afraid that all the points are not in English, even though the browser translator will not translate them. In any case, there is no Russian version of the service.

This form must be completed as follows:

  1. Username, which will subsequently become the login for logging into the service.
  2. A unique secure password, which will also be needed to log in.
  3. Password confirmation.
  4. E-mail address to receive notifications and restore access in emergency situations.
  5. Mandatory agreement with the terms of use of the service
  6. A verification code that confirms that the user is not a robot.
  7. Account creation button.

If you fill out the fields incorrectly or do not confirm your agreement with the terms of use and privacy policy of the resource, then registration will be impossible.

For this you will need:

  1. Enter your postal code (this site will help you find it out).
  2. Select your gender (Male – man, Female – woman).
  3. Indicate age (it is better to indicate age over 18 years).
  4. Click the button to search for the most suitable phone number.

After this, the system will select numbers for some time.

As a result, a list of them will appear. You need to select one from those offered and confirm your choice with the “Confirm” button.

The choice occurs once, after which it is impossible to change the number for a specific account.

After this, the system will offer to publish news about the acquisition of virtual mobile number On the page Facebook. This choice is optional, so you can simply click “Cancel”.

After this, a page with a message manager will open. There will be a field in the center of the screen. In which received messages will be displayed.

There will be an update button above it (useful if the message does not arrive for a long time).

To view your own virtual phone number, gently press the “Options” button. It will be indicated at the top of the form, in the “Phone number” column.

It can be selected and copied to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).

It is only important not to copy anything after this, otherwise the number will be erased from the buffer and you will have to copy it again.

Registration in VK without a phone number

Now you can proceed to registering an account on a social network. To do this you need to open home page and click “Registration” in the middle of the screen or under the login form.

The first thing you need to do is choose a first and last name. They will be real or an alias - the user’s personal choice.

You just need to remember that the administration blocks frankly fictitious names.

The next step is to indicate the country and city of residence. The veracity of this information also remains at the discretion of the user who is registering.

And finally, the reason for registering with Pinger – confirmation by phone number:

  1. In the country selection field, you must indicate the country with the code of which the newly created virtual number begins (in this case, it is the USA, code +1).
  2. Then enter the phone number in international format.
  3. Click the button to receive a verification code.

A line will appear under the form in which you must enter the received code. You can view it on the Pinger page created in the first part of the instructions.

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