The book “21 critical mistakes in chess. The book “21 Critical Mistakes in Chess” The book “21 Critical Mistakes in Chess” awaits you

© Alexey Slobodyanyuk, 2015

© Olga Kolyadina, illustrations, 2015

Editor Olga Kolyadina

Created in the intellectual publishing system

21 critical mistakes in company management
on strategic business game
"Princes and Cabbage"

How often do you encounter errors in your work? How often do you or other people do them? With a high degree of probability we can answer that constantly. And the price of such mistakes can be very high, especially in business. And their reasons are extremely diverse - these are the relationships between managers and ordinary employees, the behavior of the director or enterprise management strategies.

How often do you play games in your life? At first glance, you might think that games are only for children, but we finish playing them long before entering university. However, this is not entirely true. All our activities, be it work, relationships, family life, company management, communication with other people, are subject to the rules that we or other people prescribe. Those who play by the rules receive bonuses, those who break the rules sooner or later lose.

Our life is the biggest game. And if you know its rules and understand them thoroughly, you can win many valuable prizes. But until then, we will hit the bumps more than once and learn only valuable lessons from life. Our game training “Princes and Cabbage” is designed to make them brighter and more visual, and also, if you want, less painful.

Everything happens in it, as in the life of every company and every state. After all, life in a company is a little like a role-playing game or, if you like, a fairy tale: there is a tsar, boyars, princes and ordinary people, there are overseas merchants and rival enemies. There are joys, feasts and victories, but there are also trials, difficulties, failures and conflicts. And the way all the characters in the game behave in difficulties, they are also employees of the company, determines what the end of this story will be - happy or not so happy. But if in an ordinary fairy tale one red young man, strong and brave, is enough to successfully complete the tests, then in the life of a company everything is much more complicated. It will take all the strength of the leader and all the spirit of the team to stay afloat and withstand the collisions of modern life.

Human behavior is unchanged in life and in the game. But in the game, his usual strategies manifest themselves much faster and more clearly. The game is a kind of catalyst in which it immediately becomes clear what a person is good for and what is difficult for him. After completing the game, you can clearly see what kind of person makes a leader, whether he knows how to manage resources and how exactly he manages the company’s resources, how communication is established in the company and what problems there are among employees in different positions.

During the existence of the game “Princes and Cabbages,” we identified many behavioral patterns of management and employees and, based on them, created 21 critical errors in company management. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them now. Look at the most typical behavioral strategies in a company and you will definitely find yourself or your colleagues in them!

Mistake 1: The Reveler Tsar

In some kingdom, in some state, in one prosperous company, the leader decided that he had already achieved the highest power, honor and respect. This means that the time has come for him to leave difficult affairs, live and rejoice.

There are, and very often, situations in life when, having achieved his goal, a person relaxes and decides that he has done everything and now he can have fun, enjoy power, without getting involved in the process of managing the Company. This is what happened at one of our games.

It would seem easy to determine what exactly the error is, but in reality everything is much more interesting. I’ll immerse you a little in the details of what happened.

A young man acted as the Tsar at the game. And in this role, he, first of all, saw an opportunity to carefreely enjoy life and indulge in blissful bliss. He quickly, without hesitation, appointed two nice ladies as boyars and actually transferred all power to them.

The girls very soon realized that the Tsar was more looking at the paintings on the walls and sighing about the boredom of being a monarch, rather than running the state and not delving into the processes taking place in the country. The boyars quickly took advantage of the situation and turned it in their favor - they filled their pockets, hiding behind the decrees of the Sovereign.

Common situation? Certainly!

Very often this happens both in the company and in the country, when the supreme commander-in-chief is having fun, and the authorities completely trust their deputies, who begin to unleash corruption, rob the treasury, make illegal transactions for their own enrichment, under the guise of the Chief. But the leader does not know what is happening behind his back and is surprised when people or employees organize revolutions, strikes, riots, etc.

So in our game, the young man’s idea of ​​​​the role of the king as the most boring and easy one was dispelled when the people, stripped to the bone, were ready to raise the sovereign with a pitchfork. Although he, in turn, was convinced that everything in the state was fine and it was prospering.

The mistakes here follow one from another - the first is, of course, connivance in management, the wrong choice of deputies, insufficiently developed delegation of powers, lack of control and attention to ongoing processes. It is necessary to identify such situations in advance, before the moment when everything is ready to collapse. And our game training “Princes and Cabbages” can help with this.

Mistake 2: Pig in a poke

The second common mistake has similar consequences for the life of the company as the previous one, but the source of this mistake is different.

One day, the Prince, the Merchant and the Peasant, having united with the goal of maximizing profits, included the Boyar in their conspiracy. The bribed Boyar, hiding behind the Tsar's decrees, took away lands from other Princes for fictitious sins against the Tsar, and transferred them to his Prince. Complaints from the population did not reach the Tsar, since the Boyar assured the Tsar that nothing of the kind was happening.

If in the first case, our Leader-Tsar simply gave up on managing the state/company and the Boyars, taking advantage of this, lined their pockets, then in this case, the Tsar tried to do everything right, but the Boyar turned out to be corrupt.

What then is the mistake here? - you ask. Is it possible to predict such a situation? The mistake here occurred at the recruitment stage.

When such situations occur, most likely the reason is that companies do not have a clear personnel selection system in place. There are, of course, isolated cases when this is just a coincidence, but it’s hard to believe that a person who easily colluded with competitors was accidentally hired to the position of TOP manager.

Perhaps such a Manager did not take part in the final interview, citing being busy, meetings, etc. The Manager here must be aware that if he does not take part in the selection of his right hand, then in the event of such surprises from this Hands down, the responsibility still falls on the shoulders of the director. Is it worth the risk? Or can you set aside an hour in your calendar to chat and feel out the person?

There is only one conclusion here - build a clear and strict system for recruiting and selecting personnel in your company, take part in the selection of key persons in the company in order to understand for yourself who comes to such a high position.

Often such mistakes are invisible at first glance, but later they turn into big management mistakes that affect the success of the entire corporation. To identify them at an early stage and to know about them, you need a lot of experience. Or you can spend one day at the “Princes and Cabbages” drive training to be confident in your own behavior strategies and in your employees.

Not every professional player knows all the tricks and most common mistakes in playing chess. If you want to take a closer look at the intricacies of the game and learn 21 critical mistakes of a beginner in chess, then this book is perfect for you.

In the book by Maxim Omariev, moments on the chessboard that will lead to defeat are selected and described in detail. What should you do to avoid this, to get out of a stalemate if your opponent is deliberately leading the game to such a mistake? You will find all this on the pages of the publication.

In the book “21 Critical Mistakes in Chess” you will find:

  1. Common mistakes;
  2. Ways to get out of the situation;
  3. How to combine chess and other areas of life.

The book was compiled by Maxim Omariev as part of the preparation of the ChessMaster chess school. Maxim has 15 years of playing experience, is a champion of Moscow according to the ACP, and a repeated participant in Russian championships.

The study of such mistakes is included in a comprehensive chess training program. Graduates of the school became winners of internal championships 14 times. 86% of beginners receive a rank after 2 months of training.

Read the book, learn how to overcome the most difficult situations with victory, and surprise even the most experienced players with your knowledge and understanding of the mechanics of the game.

experience of participants in the most powerful business game “Princes and Cabbage”

Alexey Slobodyanyuk

© Alexey Slobodyanyuk, 2015

© Olga Kolyadina, illustrations, 2015

Editor Olga Kolyadina

Created in the intellectual publishing system

21 critical mistakes in company management

on strategic business game

"Princes and Cabbage"

How often do you encounter errors in your work? How often do you or other people do them? With a high degree of probability we can answer that constantly. And the price of such mistakes can be very high, especially in business. And their reasons are extremely diverse - these are the relationships between managers and ordinary employees, the behavior of the director or enterprise management strategies.

How often do you play games in your life? At first glance, you might think that games are only for children, but we finish playing them long before entering university. However, this is not entirely true. All our activities, be it work, relationships, family life, company management, communication with other people, are subject to the rules that we or other people prescribe. Those who play by the rules receive bonuses, those who break the rules sooner or later lose.

Our life is the biggest game. And if you know its rules and understand them thoroughly, you can win many valuable prizes. But until then, we will hit the bumps more than once and learn only valuable lessons from life. Our game training “Princes and Cabbage” is designed to make them brighter and more visual, and also, if you want, less painful.

Everything happens in it, as in the life of every company and every state. After all, life in a company is a little like a role-playing game or, if you like, a fairy tale: there is a tsar, boyars, princes and ordinary people, there are overseas merchants and rival enemies. There are joys, feasts and victories, but there are also trials, difficulties, failures and conflicts. And the way all the characters in the game behave in difficulties, they are also employees of the company, determines what the end of this story will be - happy or not so happy. But if in an ordinary fairy tale one red young man, strong and brave, is enough to successfully complete the tests, then in the life of a company everything is much more complicated. It will take all the strength of the leader and all the spirit of the team to stay afloat and withstand the collisions of modern life.

Human behavior is unchanged in life and in the game. But in the game, his usual strategies manifest themselves much faster and more clearly. The game is a kind of catalyst in which it immediately becomes clear what a person is good for and what is difficult for him. After completing the game, you can clearly see what kind of person makes a leader, whether he knows how to manage resources and how exactly he manages the company’s resources, how communication is established in the company and what problems there are among employees in different positions.

During the existence of the game “Princes and Cabbages,” we identified many behavioral patterns of management and employees and, based on them, created 21 critical errors in company management. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them now. Look at the most typical behavioral strategies in a company and you will definitely find yourself or your colleagues in them!

Mistake 1: The Reveler Tsar

In some kingdom, in some state, in one prosperous company, the leader decided that he had already achieved the highest power, honor and respect. This means that the time has come for him to leave difficult affairs, live and rejoice.

There are, and very often, situations in life when, having achieved his goal, a person relaxes and decides that he has done everything and now he can have fun, enjoy power, without getting involved in the process of managing the Company. This is what happened at one of our games.

It would seem easy to determine what exactly the error is, but in reality everything is much more interesting. I’ll immerse you a little in the details of what happened.

A young man acted as the Tsar at the game. And in this role, he, first of all, saw an opportunity to carefreely enjoy life and indulge in blissful bliss. He quickly, without hesitation, appointed two nice ladies as boyars and actually transferred all power to them.

The girls very soon realized that the Tsar was more looking at the paintings on the walls and sighing about the boredom of being a monarch, rather than running the state and not delving into the processes taking place in the country. The boyars quickly took advantage of the situation and turned it in their favor - they filled their pockets, hiding behind the decrees of the Sovereign.

Common situation? Certainly!

Very often this happens both in the company and in the country, when the supreme commander-in-chief is having fun, and the authorities completely trust their deputies, who begin to unleash corruption, rob the treasury, make illegal transactions for their own enrichment, under the guise of the Chief. But the leader does not know what is happening behind his back and is surprised when people or employees organize revolutions, strikes, riots, etc.

So in our game, the young man’s idea of ​​​​the role of the king as the most boring and easy one was dispelled when the people, stripped to the bone, were ready to raise the sovereign with a pitchfork. Although he, in turn, was convinced that everything in the state was fine and it was prospering.

The mistakes here follow one from another - the first is, of course, connivance in management, the wrong choice of deputies, insufficiently developed delegation of powers, lack of control and attention to ongoing processes. It is necessary to identify such situations in advance, before the moment when everything is ready to collapse. And our game training “Princes and Cabbages” can help with this.

Mistake 2: Pig in a poke

The second common mistake has similar consequences for the life of the company as the previous one, but the source of this mistake is different.

One day, the Prince, the Merchant and the Peasant, having united with the goal of maximizing profits, included the Boyar in their conspiracy. The bribed Boyar, hiding behind the Tsar's decrees, took away lands from other Princes for fictitious sins against the Tsar, and transferred them to his Prince. Complaints from the population did not reach the Tsar, since the Boyar assured the Tsar that nothing of the kind was happening.

If in the first case, our Leader-Tsar simply gave up on managing the state/company and the Boyars, taking advantage of this, lined their pockets, then in this case, the Tsar tried to do everything right, but the Boyar turned out to be corrupt.

What then is the mistake here? - you ask. Is it possible to predict such a situation? The mistake here occurred at the recruitment stage.

When such situations occur, most likely the reason is that companies do not have a clear personnel selection system in place. There are, of course, isolated cases when this is just a coincidence, but it’s hard to believe that a person who easily colluded with competitors was accidentally hired to the position of TOP manager.

Perhaps such a Manager did not take part in the final interview, citing being busy, meetings, etc. The Manager here must be aware that if he does not take part in the selection of his right hand, then in the event of such surprises from this Hands down, the responsibility still falls on the shoulders of the director. Is it worth the risk? Or can you set aside an hour in your calendar to chat and feel out the person?

There is only one conclusion here - build a clear and strict system for recruiting and selecting personnel in your company, take part in the selection of key persons in the company in order to understand for yourself who comes to such a high position.

Often such mistakes are invisible at first glance, but later they turn into big management mistakes that affect the success of the entire corporation. To identify them at an early stage and to know about them, you need a lot of experience. Or you can spend one day at the “Princes and Cabbages” drive training to be confident in your own behavior strategies and in your employees.

Mistake 3: Secret Mission

Another common mistake of many companies is employee ignorance of the company’s mission, when global goals are simply not conveyed downwards.

Any company, any corporation has a mission, if this company is built according to all the laws of the genre, if it plays in the market according to the correct laws of business.

What is a “mission” and where did it come from? At the first stage of a company’s development, the purpose of its activities is solely to make a profit. And only then, when a certain amount of income is received, does the company think about the high meaning of its activities, one might even say about the philosophy of its business - about what it can offer its clients.

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