Classic treatment. What classical music is recommended to listen to, when and for what diseases?

Many people love music, but not everyone knows about its healing properties. Even in ancient times, it was used to get rid of various ailments, as it causes a special vibration in the body, which creates a biofield that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Each piece radiates its own energy, so it is important to choose the right melody.

Treatment with music - myth or reality?

Scientists have been arguing for quite some time about how sounds can help and how they affect the human brain. Most often, sessions even use a special therapy that has not yet been fully researched.

Scientists have been developing this project for a long time. Initially, the test subjects were rats. The animals were put into a maze and the doctors watched how long it took them to find the exit. After that, they were divided into several groups, placed in separate cells and music was turned on. For some, classics were played, and for others, various loud sounds. After several weeks had passed, the rodents were put back on treadmills. The rats who were turned on to Mozart found the exit much faster than the first time, while others searched for the coveted white light a third longer. From this we can conclude that pleasant sounds affect the parts of the brain that are responsible for intelligence.

Further experiments showed that various compositions also affect people, and even more strongly. At the moment of listening, the auditory center is initially excited, then the impulses move to the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions. After this, if the work is to your liking, the nervous system is excited, and if not, it is blocked.

Scientists have studied different genres. It has been revealed that the subconscious mind perceives classical and soothing music much better than thunderous music. It has been stated that positive and light melodies are beneficial for both pregnant women and young children to listen to.

There is a statement: if two children with the same intelligence are given the same problem to solve, and at this moment the first sits in silence and the second listens to a calm composition, then the “music lover” will cope much faster.

Therefore, nowadays treatment with classical music various diseases increasingly used by doctors. Completely healthy people must listen to pleasant sounds if they want to remain the same.


Music therapy can be passive or active. In the first, the patient listens to compositions, and in the second, he himself participates in the performance. If the patient has a severe degree of illness, then he begins the session as a listener. After all, you must initially learn to correctly distinguish sounds. Exercises that allow you to feel the vibration can be a great help with this. For example, a doctor touches a guitar string and presses it against the patient's back.

During active therapy, a person always uses his voice, performs various compositions to relax and obtain the desired effect, and music treatment is based on this. Sound therapy helps you concentrate and eliminate spasms.

Individual and group approaches are also used. Initially, a person attends the procedures exclusively by himself, and after positive dynamics, the classes begin to take place collectively.

Methods of influence

The healing properties of music have been known for a long time. The main idea of ​​this therapy is the effect of sound on the thalamic area of ​​the brain, which is responsible for emotional and sensory perception. Smooth instrumental vibrations pass through the nerve endings and provide a powerful impulse for the entire body and system in general.

Such a wave awakens the production of a variety of biologically active elements that help regulate the functioning of all internal organs. Soothing music unconsciously activates intuition and performs a kind of reboot of consciousness. Smooth melodies direct a person to a refined perception of the world around him and light thoughts.

The rhythmic and loud composition actively stimulates physical features. The effect is felt as a surge of strength, vigor, joy, and also allows you to cope with severe physical exertion. Such constant artificial stimulation quickly depletes the body.

Disharmonious and intrusive sounds, as well as noise, can, on the contrary, lead to mental instability, irritability, aggression and depression. It is no secret that people who constantly live in such an environment often exhibit suicidal or antisocial behavior. We do not recommend listening to bands playing heavy metal and hard rock for a long time, as they generate negative emotions. Therefore, this influence changes the qualitative characteristics of the individual.

Impact on alcoholism

The treatment of such an illness with music has shown positive results. To do this, a person must listen to certain compositions. Most often, either songs with a motivating character. Good results were obtained through the perception of organ sounds, as well as singing to them. The patient should listen to the game in a calm environment, with complete abstraction from external stimuli and thoughts. It is best if this room is also completely empty.

In order to cure alcoholism, you need to use complex therapy. Naturally, songs alone cannot do this, but thanks to them you can achieve a more lasting and faster result. In modern clinics, such therapy is often combined with medication and other procedures.

For an alcoholic, the healing properties of music act as a calming force, and they also lift the mood and direct it in a positive direction. Thanks to the procedure, the patient becomes more balanced and his appetite increases, as a result of which he begins to recover. The mood created by the compositions helps not to resist treatment and accept it with enthusiasm.

At the same time, this therapy creates certain vibration waves that have a positive effect on the internal organs. Thanks to this, those parts of the body that have been damaged by constant alcohol consumption will be healed. The immune system becomes stronger and resistance to a variety of diseases increases. Therefore, the treatment of such an illness with music is completely justified and proven.

Classic for strengthening memory

Traditional melodies have a beneficial effect on a person’s ability to remember. Scientists from the Italian city of Chieti came to these conclusions. They developed the so-called Vivaldi effect and proved that by constantly listening to his famous composition “The Seasons”, memory improved in older people.

During the study, 24 volunteers were required to remember a certain series of numbers. The group that listened to this piece for a large amount of time completed its task much more easily than its competitors. This phenomenon can be explained by increased attention, as well as tension. Classics undoubtedly stimulate the improvement of physiological capabilities, therefore such procedures are justified. Science already knows how to treat the brain with Mozart's music, as well as the influence of his works on young children, who, when listening to the great composer, begin to develop intellectually faster. And now a new term will be introduced into scientific circulation - the “Vivaldi effect”.

Effect of soothing music

The classics have the most beneficial effect on the body. Research conducted by scientists at the University of Florence has shown that if hypertensive patients listen to calm and light melodies every day for at least half an hour, their health will become noticeably better. And at the initial stage, music treatment can even replace the use of medications. In order to stabilize arterial pressure, quiet sounds that evoke a feeling of serenity are recommended for listening. If you breathe calmly and sit silently during therapy, the result will be significantly enhanced. Thanks to this approach, physical relaxation occurs, and the resulting positive emotions help relieve mental stress.

For headaches and heart pain, listening to Oginsky's polonaise, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody and Beethoven's Fidelio is perfect.
A universal remedy is soothing melodies. They help with various pains, hypertension, mental stress and insomnia. In order to increase your heart rate, fast-tempo music with high volume is suitable.

Music for treating the heart should give a person pleasure, increase myocardial contractions and help achieve good physical well-being. Annoying sounds have the exact opposite effect and, more often than not, can cause harm.

Ancient times

History has cases when the right melody worked wonders. For example, in the 16th century in Italy, an extraordinary mental epidemic engulfed residents of several settlements. A large number of people froze motionless, fell into a deep stupor, and stopped drinking and eating. All victims were sure that they had been bitten by a rare species of tarantula. Only a special dance melody could bring me out of this state, which began with a very slow rhythm and gradually turned into a frantic dance. This is where the tarantella known today came from.

Music healing also took place in the 14th century in Western Europe. Then a huge epidemic of the dance of St. Vitus took over the country. Crowds of possessed and twitchy people moved through the cities and villages, uttering inarticulate sounds, blasphemy and curses, and also falling foaming at the mouth. This problem stopped only where the authorities managed to call in instrumentalists in time, who played a slow, soothing melody.

The use of the healing properties of music in ancient times did not bypass the plague. In cities with such a misfortune, bells did not stop ringing. Scientists have proven that microbial activity dropped by 40%.

The idea of ​​healing with sounds was born long before the advent of civilization. You can read about this in the Old Testament. One of the biblical parables told how David cured the Israeli king Saul from brimstone melancholy by playing the harp. Aesculapians of Ancient Egypt recommended listening to the singing of a choir for insomnia. Scientists such as Pythagoras and Aristotle argued that it was melody that could establish balance and order throughout the Universe, as well as recreate harmony in the physical body. Music to treat nerves was used by the Arab philosopher Avicenna 1000 years ago.

Impact on children

Babies react positively to everything related to sounds and singing. Therefore, there are certain recommendations for them:

For the restless and excitable, classical music at a slow tempo is useful;

Melodies with words (arias, songs) have a much stronger impact than without them.

Treatment with music is prohibited:

Infants who are prone to seizures;

Children with a serious condition accompanied by intoxication of the body;

Patients with otitis;

Patients with rapidly increasing blood pressure.

It has been proven by scientists that playing music at the age of 5-15 years will help significantly improve the development of analytical abilities, memory and orientation. This therapy also has a positive effect on the nervous system. In many European countries, receiving singing or music lessons or playing instruments is a mandatory element of education, since this is what has the strongest emotional impact.

There is certain music for treating illnesses that can be used independently at home. In such therapy, you need to adhere to certain recommendations.

1. It should be powerful, inviting and leading to positive experiences.

2. It is best not to use anxiety-inducing or dissonant pieces.

3. You need to avoid songs that, through their content, could convey a certain message, or instill incorrect information.

4. When compositions with vocals are used, they should be in foreign languages, so that the person’s voice is perceived as another instrument and does not interfere with the integrity of the process.

5. For the same reason, you should avoid melodies that evoke specific associations, say, Mendelssohn's wedding march.

Music therapy for children can be divided into two types, used both separately and together:

1. Active form is playing various instruments. Each child has their own song to sing. One gets the best effect in front of an audience, while the other definitely needs privacy.

2. Singing is most often used as an addition, since it has a small therapeutic effect, because the sound is born inside the body and does not go through all the stages of penetration.

Musical recipes

Scientists conducted great amount tests and studies, after which they came to the conclusion that some melodies actually have strong therapeutic effects.

For the treatment of smoking and alcoholism, in combination with acupuncture and hypnosis, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, Schubert’s “Ave Maria”, Sviridov’s “Blizzard” and Saint-Saëns’ “Swan” can help.

There is also music for treating nerves, namely works by Pakhmutova, Tchaikovsky and Tariverdiev. In order to remove the effects of stress and concentrate on a specific task, to retire and create a feeling of free space, masterpieces of composers such as Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Liszt and Schubert are suitable. Stomach ulcers can be overcome by “Waltz of the Flowers.” In order to overcome fatigue, it is recommended to listen to “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky and “Morning” by Green. To get rid of irritation and lift your spirits, blues, reggae and calypso will help; all these genres originate from the temperamental African melody.

There is also music in the treatment system for mentally ill people, it helps to completely relax and arrange all thoughts correctly, namely “Waltz” from Shostakovich from the movie “Gadfly”, a romance from harmonious pictures to Pushkin’s story “Blizzard” by Sviridov and the creation “Man and Woman” » Leia. Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” restores heart activity and blood pressure. To prevent gastritis, Beethoven’s “Sonata No. 7” is suitable. Grieg's Peer Gynt and Oginsky's polonaise will relieve your headaches.

Japanese doctors claim that there is music for treating joints, to which they include Dvorak’s “Humoresques” and Mendelssohn’s “Spring Song.”
Listening to Mozart helps children develop their intelligence.

Harmful effects

Various melodies can improve well-being and help the functioning of all body systems, but they also sometimes cause certain changes, which in the future are quite difficult to return to the original state.

Works that have intermittent rhythms and do not take into account the laws of harmony have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system. Even special music for depression can have a negative impact on the body when it is listened to at a volume of more than 120 decibels.

If today debates about the power of classics still continue, the harm of deafening cacophony has long been proven through numerous negative examples. Famous rock musicians have problems with the central nervous system and hearing aid.

One of the most famous rockers of his time, Kurt Cobain, committed suicide. Fans of his work systematically fell into a trance while listening to his works. Regularly playing aggressive rhythms and deafening sounds disrupted the functioning of his subconscious, which could have become one of the reasons for suicide.

Treatment of depression in a young woman.

Young woman, 26 years old. Not married, no children.

From a prosperous full family, relations with parents are good. Past diseases: frequent bronchitis, purulent tonsillitis, frequent inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. As a child, she suffered from nosebleeds. Heredity: father - operated on for chronic osteomyelitis of the thigh of unknown etiology at the age of 20 years, mother - uterine fibroids, paternal grandfather - tuberculous meningitis in early youth.

The girl considers herself sick since the age of 23, when she had a love disappointment, after which she was in a constantly low mood. She has lost the meaning of life and does not enjoy it. The patient complains that she constantly feels melancholy and sadness. Despite such a depressed mood, she rarely cries. Does not like to communicate with people, withdraws into himself. Appetite is reduced, the patient has 1st degree body weight deficiency.

Homeopath's comment: A homeopathic doctor needs to know the cause of the disease. Without understanding it, we will never be able to cure the patient. If a patient tells us about love disappointment, then we should always ask him about the nature of this disappointment, about what feelings he experienced during it. The choice of homeopathic medicine will depend on this!

For example: a man lost his beloved wife - she died suddenly. He experiences severe grief, suffers from the loss of a loved one, constantly remembers her, often cries, has lost interest in life, cannot go to work, his blood pressure began to rise, he withdraws into himself, often begins to add salt to his food, and does not tolerate the sun well. The underlying emotion is grief from the loss of a loved one. Homeopathic medicine - Natrium muriaticum.

For example: a woman’s mother suddenly died of cancer. She took her death seriously and cried a lot. A year later, she is in a difficult psychological state: she cries a lot, her mood is low, she has lost interest in things that previously gave her pleasure. She developed a fear of cancer and developed severe anxiety about her health. 6 months after her mother's death, she began having panic attacks. Fear of crowds and confined spaces developed. The fundamental emotion is fear (the patient was afraid that she might die just as suddenly and quickly). Homeopathic medicine - Argentum nitricum.

Therefore, we always interview all our patients in detail.

So, the patient had a love disappointment. What character? At the institute, she was in love with a young man for 2 years. He studied in another group, she rarely saw him. Although they knew each other, they never communicated closely. The young man had a girl whom he loved very much, but for some reason he did not marry her... My patient smiled at the young man at every opportunity, flirted with him, and he reciprocated her feelings - with a slight flirtation and a smile.

Two years later, in his last year at the institute, the young man married his girlfriend. My patient took this very seriously, was depressed, felt resentment and betrayal on his part.

This situation seemed strange to me.

We tried to figure it out together.

My patient all this time believed that the young man loved her, which is why he did not marry his girlfriend for so long, but could not break off this relationship because of cowardice and a feeling of pity for her. After he finally got married, the patient became disappointed, felt grief, and felt betrayed.

Is this real grief from love disappointment?

I don't think so. After all, the young people did not have a real relationship, they did not date, they did not even kiss. However, in my patient’s mental world this picture was presented as a romance; she hoped that they would be together. But the relationship was one-sided, the so-called “unrequited love”. My patient is a very sophisticated, romantic person. She is prone to fantasizing and daydreaming, so she had a hard time breaking up with a young man.

So, according to the patient, she was able to survive this disappointment and has not remembered it for a long time. But gradually she began to notice a decrease in mood. Parents also noted this and worried about their daughter. She was often in a sad mood and loved to be alone. Nothing in life brought her joy, she did not experience love or warm feelings for her family members.

This condition lasted for about 2 years. During this time, the patient went to work, but did not receive satisfaction from it. The only thing that brought her joy were frequent trips out of town to see old friends and trips to the sea. Returning from another trip, she began to plan the next one.

Over the past 2 months, the girl's condition has worsened. My mood dropped even further and apathy arose. Severe weakness developed and it was difficult for her to walk. The patient lay in bed almost around the clock. She couldn't do housework. I had to quit my job. The appetite decreased even more, and severe exhaustion occurred.

The patient notes an increased desire for salt and spices. She also loves cold milk (she specially freezes it in the freezer). She has increased coldness in her feet.

In this state, she turned to me for help.

Before carrying out repertorization and selecting a homeopathic remedy for the patient, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. We are talking about depression. But what kind of depression will we treat in this case?

Exogenous (reactive, associated with some kind of traumatic factor) - neurosis? Or endogenous (processual) - a mental illness that develops by itself, without previous external psychological trauma.

If we do not decide on a diagnosis, we will not be able to help our patients! Indeed, in these two cases (neurotic and endogenous depression), homeopathic remedies will be fundamentally different.

So, I concluded that the patient has endogenous depression. The provoking factor (love disappointment) in this case is questionable. Most likely, the girl was already in a certain painful state of mind at that time, which led to this kind of romantic fantasies and the illusion of a love relationship.

So, from the point of view of modern psychiatry, the diagnosis sounds like this:

Depressive personality disorder F 34.1

This is where the diagnosis in psychiatry ends, and, as a rule, the patient is immediately prescribed antidepressants. What's next? Long-term, long-term use of antidepressants and a questionable prognosis... The mechanism of action of antidepressants is to change the metabolism of monoamines in the brain, and is aimed at increasing the concentration of serotonin and dopamine in the synoptic cleft, the lack of which is precisely the cause of depression.

What is the root cause of decreased serotonin concentration?

Modern orthodox science does not answer this question.

But homeopathy deals with these issues!

What is the complete diagnosis in the language of homeopathy? What caused the development of such severe depression?

Considering the patient’s burdened heredity, namely: tuberculous meningitis in her grandfather and chronic osteomyelitis of unknown etiology in her father, which most likely was a consequence of his tuberculosis infection, it can be assumed that the girl was born into a tuberculin miasm. This is confirmed by frequent nosebleeds, inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes and a long history of bronchitis in childhood.

What is miasm from the point of view of homeopathy? This term was first used in homeopathy by Samuel Hahnemann; it was he who formed the concept of miasma.

Miasm is a pathologically altered type of constitution that determines the individual course of any disease and is caused by hereditary burden. There are four main miasms: psora, pseudopsora (tuberculin miasm), sycosis, syphilis (the latter term does not mean an infection, but a constitution). S. Hahnemann proposed the concept of miasmatic medicines, that is, those that most fully reflect these variants of the pathological constitution. Subsequently, the doctrine of miasms was most thoroughly and deeply developed by a professor at the Chicago Medical College. Goering J. G. Allen.

The theory of miasms is described in detail by J. G. Allen in his work “Chronic Miasms.” Let me give you a few quotes from this book: “...we cannot choose the most appropriate possible remedy unless we understand the phenomena of the active and basic miasma, whether we are aware of this fact or not. A healing remedy is only an “image” of the pathogenesis of an existing miasm,” “ can we observe the development of a disease without having certain knowledge about these painful forces (miasms), with their mysterious but persistent movements, pauses, rest, forward movements, retreats and attacks ..."

“The nature of the miasm determines the nature of the disease and its form.”

So, the full Diagnosis from the point of view of classical homeopathy sounds like this:

Depressive personality disorder. Activation of tuberculin miasm.

What are the symptoms of tuberculin miasm?

In such a patient, some of the following characteristics can be observed: nosebleeds, inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the head and neck, easy fatigue, the slightest exertion makes one more tired than usual, frequent fainting, dizziness, intestinal bleeding, increased need for salt and pepper in food, deterioration at night, various lung pathologies (asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia...), crooked teeth, purulent inflammation of the middle ear and many other symptoms.

Mental damage is also characteristic.

J. G. Allen: "Many cases of insanity have developed from tuberculous meningeal inflammation or from a diffuse tuberculous infiltration or from tuberculous formations on the pia mater."

J. T. Kent: “It is true that tuberculosis and mental illness are transitional conditions. In many cases, when a patient is cured of tuberculosis, he develops insanity. On the contrary, those who were cured of a mental disorder often later died of tuberculosis. This demonstrates the deep nature of the nature of these states. Mental and pulmonary symptoms often merge into one another.”

This fact was the reason for the construction of tuberculosis hospitals near psychiatric hospitals. The tuberculin miasm is characterized by a passionate desire for travel and change.

In our case, the patient’s illness is caused by a pathologically formed type of constitution and is a hereditary disease process caused by a tuberculosis burden on the part of her grandfather and father, in other words, an active tuberculin miasm.

Cure of active miasm is possible only with the help of certain deep-acting (anti-miasmatic) homeopathic medicines.

In this case, it is necessary to choose a homeopathic medicine that belongs to the tuberculin miasm.

The following symptoms were taken to analyze the case:

- psyche: consequences of love disappointment

- psyche: desire to travel

- psyche: cry for no reason

- psyche: tired of life

- general: nervous weakness

- general: desire for cold milk

- general: desire for fish

- general: desire for fat

- general: desire for salt

- general: desire for spices

- extremities: cold feet

According to the results of repertorization, the following drugs are in the first three positions: Phosphorus, Tuberculinum and Natrium muriaticum. I do not consider homeopathic medicine - Sepia, because it is a sycotic drug, and its psycho-emotional picture does not correspond to this case.

Choosing a homeopathic medicine.

Phosphorus - covers many symptoms, this is an interesting option. In addition, Phosphorus is one of the important antimiasmatic drugs belonging to the tuberculin miasm. This medicine is responsible for severe depression and treats it successfully. But in this case there is no psychomental picture of Phosphorus, namely: hypersensitivity to all environmental factors, increased sensitivity to the suffering of other people. This is a deeply sympathetic person, amorous and romantic in nature, easily excitable and lively. Phosphorus has many fears: darkness, ghosts, thunderstorms, death... As a rule, Phosphorus is characterized by a great need for company. Although in the exhaustion stage, Phosphorus patients appear withdrawn, apathetic, distant, with an aversion to company and a desire for solitude. But in this case there must be a root cause - severe mental or physical exhaustion, which my patient did not have.

Natrum muriaticum is a good option. The drug belongs to the tuberculin miasm. Used in the treatment of severe depression. But the psychomental picture of Natrium muriaticum is more characterized by the presence of “resentment and a guilt complex.” These patients reason like this: “Everyone offends me, probably because I’m a bad person...”.

Patients of the Natrium muriaticum type are characterized by “unrequited love.” They often fall in love unrequitedly, but with a certain contingent. The object of their love is people with whom they can never be together. For example, a girl may fall in love with a priest, a teacher, a person from a different social class, or a married man. This love causes them great suffering, which they enjoy, tormenting themselves, becoming even more convinced of their “guilt.”

My patient, on the other hand, was happy during the time she “had the affair” and became depressed when the “relationship ended.”

Thus the only sure possibility is Tuberculinum.

The whole picture of the patient's psyche corresponds to the clinical description of this drug. In V. Boericke's Materia Medica we find the following characteristics of patients of the Tuberculinum type: “The patient always feels tired; movement causes severe fatigue; aversion to work; constant desire for change."

Tuberculinum is responsible for a variety of deep mental pathologies: depression, melancholy, mania. This is a romantic person, prone to fantasizing, daydreaming, and love fever. Patients of this type are never satisfied with life and may lose interest in life. But they always have a passionate desire for travel and change.

Interestingly, the patient had no physical complaints at the time of treatment. The symptoms unilaterally affected only the psyche. Tuberculinum also appears under the heading: Psyche - mental symptoms alternate with physical ones.

It is also interesting that Tuberculinum is not included in the heading “Indifference to one’s family.”

However, J. T. Kent successfully treated with Tuberculinum a young woman suffering from severe depression, who complained that she had lost her senses and no longer felt love for her husband and children. He described her medical history in his work: “Clinical Cases.” In treating this patient at first, J. T. Kent used many homeopathic medicines, but no effect was observed: “I had reason to seriously suspect that there were tuberculous deposits in the brain; a pronounced tuberculosis history convincingly testified to this. But I came to this conclusion only after six months of careful study of her case...” The drug that completely cured her was Tuberculinum, after which her feelings for her loved ones returned and her mood returned to normal. “All the lost love returned to her, her psyche came to life.”

Report in 1 week.

Homeopathy - comparatively, it arose only about 200 years ago, although its basic principles were laid down already in the time of Hippocrates. Even then, there were two approaches to treatment - treatment by the opposite, that is, by means whose action is aimed at suppressing the disease, and treatment by the opposite - homeopathy, as it was called later.

The basis of homeopathy included the works of a talented doctor, chemist and language teacher, who formulated and substantiated its basic laws.

Even at the beginning of his medical practice, Hahnemann became disillusioned with the traditional methods of treatment of that time, considering them barbaric. The scientist argued that modern healing quickly leads to the death of the patient or causes new diseases.

Samuel Hahnemann, based on his research, which he conducted on himself, developed a theory that has remained almost unchanged for 200 years. He formulated the basic principles of a treatment method that operates according to the laws of nature.

Homeopathy is also based on the law of healing, which was formulated by Hippocrates: “Like heals like.” The essence of this law comes down to the fact that a substance that can cause a disease when present in large doses can cure it in small doses. Source: flickr (David Hwang).

Basic principles of homeopathy

His teaching is based on three basic principles.

The first principle is. For this purpose, Hahnemann called for selecting a medicine that causes a condition similar to the problem that needs to be eliminated.

For healing, you should use the smallest dose of a substance, since, from the point of view of homeopaths, large doses that cause a disease can effectively affect the same disease if taken in minute quantities. The smaller the dose of a substance, the more actively it affects the body.

Minuscule doses of the drug are prepared by potentization, a multi-stage dilution of liquid and solid active substances, during which, after vigorous shaking or thorough rubbing or dilution, the drug receives the energy of the original substance. The lower the concentration of the starting material, the higher the effectiveness of the drug.

The second principle is to treat the person, not the disease.. Homeopaths believe that the human body is a holistic, indivisible system, and the symptoms of the disease do not indicate a failure in any individual organ, but damage to the entire system. Therefore, it makes no sense to treat a single organ or eliminate symptoms when you need to influence the entire system as a whole. Based on this principle, in homeopathy there is no division into specializations of doctors, just as there are no drugs that cure any specific diseases.

Hahnemann noticed that only people with similar characteristics responded well to the same medicine. This is how the concept of a medicine arose, which he identified with the type of person. In order to determine the constitutional type of a medicine, it is necessary to test its effect on healthy people of a similar type.

The success of treatment largely depends on the correct choice of drug, which corresponds not only to the symptoms of the disease, but also to the way the person looks, the characteristics of his psyche, his food preferences, as well as the body’s reactions to external factors. Source: flickr (tiffini).

The third principle is to restore the balance of all body systems. - the main goal of homeopathy. In order for this system to fight the disease, its defenses must be activated and self-regulation mechanisms must be turned on.

Classical homeopathy uses only one drug for healing. The use of a monopreparation allows you to track the body's reaction to it. And understand how the treatment occurs, what reactions it causes. This is necessary in order to correctly prescribe further therapy or adjust the treatment process. This process is determined by Hering’s law, according to which the healing process always proceeds from a more complex disruption of the system to a less complex one. For example:

  • symptoms go away in the reverse order of how they appeared, and the one that appeared last disappears first;
  • First, internal problems go away, and then external ones: from internal organs to skin problems;
  • from top to bottom: from head to feet.

Sometimes there is a noticeable deterioration in health, which serves as one of the signs of healing. With old chronic processes, the cleansing body is actively freed from the consequences of ailments. As a result, all the symptoms of the disease gradually worsen temporarily, for example, cloudy, bad-smelling urine is passed, copious discharge from the genitourinary organs begins, and joints become swollen.

Failure to comply with Hering's law in treatment entails that the disease can go inside, deeper, causing other, more serious complications, which often happens with aggressive drug treatment of diseases: getting rid of one symptom, the disease appears at another, even more dangerous, level.

Homeopathic treatment always requires great effort from both the patient and the doctor. Only constant analysis will make it possible to determine how the patient’s recovery is progressing step by step, from one layer to another.

Diseases treated by homeopathy

Often in cases of chronic diseases, allopathic medicine can only support and eliminate symptoms. Homeopathic medicine first of all identifies those causes of health problems that are hidden deeply and strikes at them.

This healing method works most effectively on childhood diseases, as the child’s body reacts more actively to such treatment. Parents, having turned to a specialist about their child’s physical problems, are surprised when, after taking prescribed medications, the children’s psyche also returns to normal - behavior stabilizes, hyperactivity decreases, and whims go away.

Diseases and pathologies that can be cured or alleviated with the help of homeopathic medicines:

  • allergic reactions of various etiologies;
  • childhood and teenage problems – speech neurosis (stuttering), diathesis, frequent acute respiratory infections, mental retardation, underdevelopment fine motor skills, enuresis
  • gynecological, psychological and sexual problems;
  • injuries;
  • diseases: pulmonary, ENT, ophthalmic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, kidney, male reproductive system, endocrine system.

Of course, homeopathic medicines will not cure every person, but sometimes the situation develops in such a way that slowing down the development of the disease becomes a victory.

Advantages of using homeopathy

Classical homeopathy uses remedies prepared from highly diluted natural materials - plant, mineral, organic. They give impetus to the body and provide energy for self-healing. They are safe and non-addictive, do not accumulate in the body, do not cause side effects or allergies, and have no contraindications or age restrictions.

Homeopathy provides an individual approach. It is aimed at the person as a whole, and not specifically at the disease. As a result, in practice, each case of the disease is individual. It is impossible to apply the same healing methods in different situations, so a homeopathic specialist painstakingly collects data about the patient in order to highlight the specific characteristics of his body, complaints of ailments, and establish individual characteristics of emotional and psychological reactions to the disease.

The use of homeopathy requires the doctor to have extensive knowledge and experience, the ability to understand not only symptoms, but also psychology, requires extraordinary abilities and complete dedication.

Homeopathic medicines are inexpensive and available to everyone. Homeopathy can be combined with other treatment methods.

about the author

Almost from the very beginning of her medical career, Oksana has been using alternative methods treatment. In her practice, Oksana follows the fundamental laws set forth in the works of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Music is an inexhaustible source of vitality and inspiration. We catch in it the frequencies of the surrounding world: the greeting of the forest, the sound of the wind, the light sea breeze, the chirping of birds and the quiet conversation of trees. Sounds have always had a huge impact on a person’s well-being.

Historical aspect

Music is a powerful tool used to influence the spiritual and physical state of a person. Since time immemorial, doctors of Ancient Egypt, as well as Ancient Rome, have used sounds to treat the body and soul. And healers in Ancient China created unique “musical recipes”, because they firmly believed in the magical power of healing with sounds. The Italian Senocrates used the sound of trumpets to restore the health of the insane.

The prophet David, by singing and playing the cithara, healed the biblical king Saul from depression, and the doctor Asklepiades stopped quarrels with the help of musical vibrations. It has long been believed that the sounds of church bells cleanse a person’s heart, renew his vital energy and strengthen his spirit. Thanks to these practices, a science called “music therapy” emerged.

Impact on humans

Music therapy is the practice of using melodies and sounds to improve a person's emotional and physical balance. The year 2003 was marked by its recognition as an official method of treatment. There are music and medical academies around the world with musical rehabilitation departments.

These institutions teach the use of music to treat mental and physical illnesses. In the era of constant development of science and technology, there are a large number of approaches to studying the influence of music on our body and soul. Let's consider how sounds can influence an individual. A known factor is that music evokes emotions. Musical art can evoke certain feelings, experiences, even affects; it has the ability to change mood.

Healing through art

If we consider musical material from the point of view of rhythm, the following will become clear: every element of nature has a rhythm of movement - just like every human organ works in its own rhythm. It is this movement that coincides with the rhythm of some musical instruments. If the body is sick, the rhythm of the human internal organs is disrupted. It is music that allows the body to listen to a certain rhythmic melody. Guided by a few tips, you can “adjust” the rhythm of the diseased organ to a healthy regime.

Moscow doctor Mikhail Lazarev treats the bronchi and lungs using the flute in his practice. French actor Gerard Depardieu cured a speech impediment in just three months in his youth. What did the maestro do? That's right, I listened to classical music every day, in particular the works of the brilliant Mozart. A. Einstein even once remarked: “In Mozart’s music you can see the Universe.” In some experiments, it was proven that under the influence of Mozart’s music, improvements in brain function occur in an adult.

However, they are temporary, since in the brain of a mature individual synapses (from the Greek synapsis - connection, connection. The area of ​​​​contact of nerve cells with each other or tissues containing nerve cells) have already been formed. In addition, Mozart’s easy-to-understand music has a positive effect on the development of the child’s psyche, creative skills and the formation of intelligence in particular.

Mozart was a genius and began to write musical works at an early age; it was this factor that added to his music a childlike simplicity of perception that little listeners subconsciously feel. The feeling of joy from Mozart’s music heals and gives a feeling of lightness. flightability. Each individual musical instrument has healing properties.

Joss technique

music journalist

There are special techniques that allow you to be treated with classical music. For example, the music therapy system invented in 1954 by the French musician and acoustic engineer M. Jos.

The musical material was carefully selected in accordance with the person’s psychotype, taking into account age and other parameters. The results of the treatment proved that the healing was more than successful. France will soon be replenished with two music therapy hospitals. In these hospitals it was possible to recover from disorders such as psychosis and, in particular, schizophrenia. It is difficult to verify the fact that all patients were completely healed, but good result It was already known that music helped patients cope with depression.

The researcher conducted several music therapy sessions per week, consisting of three pieces of music, varying in form and character. The first essay was in tune with the patient’s sad mood,
the second was the opposite in color: it was used to neutralize the first.

The last composition had a very strong emotional impact and suggested the right mood.

If we take as an example several works that give real positive results in people aged 20–30 years, they will be the following:

  • "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven.
  • Prelude in C major from the first volume of Bach's Ave Maria.
  • Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra by Chopin.

Zhos’ stress relief technique still works today. It's no secret that every person has moments when he feels lonely, sad and sad. Music helps to survive such a state. There is a simple explanation for this: most composers wrote their works while very lonely. Take, for example, the works of Anton Bruckner, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Mahler, Maurice Ravel, Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

As has already been noted, musical material can transform a person’s inner world; some compositions even help to throw out aggression. For example, the ballet by neoclassical composer Igor Stravinsky - “The Rite of Spring”. Fauvistic (from the French fauves - wild animals) characters, archaic ragged rhythms, polytonality, polymodality, polyrhythm, theatrical performance - all this will help to throw out your aggressive self.

To relieve stress...

Chopin's piano music, Tchaikovsky's orchestral paintings, and the lightness of the impressionistic coloring of Debussy's works will help relieve depression and stress. To normalize sleep, you can listen to the suite “Peer Gynt” by E. Grieg, “Elegy” by M. Little Fox, and works by Vivaldi.

If your blood pressure has risen, listen to excerpts from “Swan Lake” by P. Tchaikovsky, some “Songs without Words” by F. Mendelssohn, “Intermezzo” by J. Brahms. To develop mental abilities, rationality and clarity of thinking, listen to the polyphonic music of Bach. To be in harmony with yourself and feel happiness, immerse yourself in Mozart’s easy-to-understand music.

To relax all body systems, you can use the sounds of the forest, rain, the sound of the sea, and the wind. Music therapy is a science that is rapidly developing. If you are interested in experiencing the miraculous power of this art, sit or lie down comfortably, turn on classical music and immerse yourself in another world, because as the great I. Goethe said: “The greatness of art is most clearly manifested in music.”

About the Mozart effect

The phenomenal ability of his music was discovered more than two decades ago. American neurologist Frank Roche was the first to determine that the musical material of the Viennese classic Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has an unusual effect on human physiology.

Roche's research has shown the positive effect of musical material on the functioning of the human brain. Of course, scientists argue whether this is a consequence of the good mood caused by classical music. In any case, researchers have the thesis that this is the result of physiological processes that are associated with the characteristics of the music of the Austrian composer. Mozart is a genius, his amazingly easy writing of complex works at a very young age is stunning, and his ease of perception of music is admirable.

  • piano helps the thyroid gland work better;
  • the violin has the ability to attract people to special emotions: it teaches them to know themselves and other people, helps them feel compassion for the grief of others;
  • as you might guess: drums improve the health of the heart muscle and, accordingly, improve its rhythm; the harp also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • the flute is responsible for better lung functionality and expands them;
  • the cello has its own concern: it corresponds to the rhythm of the kidneys;
  • duduk allows the listener to go deeper inside himself and meditate;
  • the saxophone helps maintain the rhythm of sexual energy; this instrument activates the activity of the genital organs;
  • If you are going to listen to evening mass, and therefore the organ, vital energy will fill your body. Interestingly, this tool affects the spine, giving it greater strength. There is a hypothesis that the organ connects the energy of space and Earth. That is why the king of instruments is used in the church - the place of communication between man and the highest divine power.

Music has been used to treat depression since ancient times. Thus, King David not only cured King Saul by playing the harp for him with his own hands, but also cast out evil spirits from his soul.

Interesting information about musical instruments

Already in the 3rd century BC, the beneficial effects of music on the human body were noticed. In the Parthian kingdom, in a special temple of music and healing, people were forced to listen to music to get out of depression.

Egyptian priest Shebut-m-Mut, the great physician Avicenna and famous Old Testament musician Imhotep already knew that melody has the ability to influence mood. And in the 18th century, it was already scientifically established that sounds of various tones and frequencies can influence blood pressure and heart pulsation not only in humans, but also in animals.

It has been scientifically established that the rhythm of therapeutic music for depression should be with heartbeats or be slightly slower. In this case, the sound intensity should not exceed 100 decibels, which corresponds to moderate volume.

Interestingly, according to the theory of music therapy, each instrument is responsible for its own organ.

So, which tool is responsible for what?

  • the organ is responsible for the musculoskeletal system in general and specifically for the spine;
  • the violin heals the soul;
  • to the rhythm of the drum, the heart rate normalizes, the vessels begin to pump blood evenly, distributing oxygen throughout the body;
  • the piano helps restore thyroid function;
  • accordion is responsible for intestinal metabolism;
  • the flute reduces the risk of bronchial asthma;
  • cello – inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

The saxophone is considered the sexiest instrument - it increases libido.

And when combined into an ensemble or orchestra, instruments work wonders. They make it possible to feel the power of music, which has a beneficial effect on depression and neurosis.

Classical music is a cure for depression

The therapeutic effect of music against depression is equivalent in its relaxing effect to the effects of a sauna or electric sleep. Classic works have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, have sedative properties, relieve depression, and improve lung function.

How healing music works is not fully understood. It is only known that sound vibrations affect certain organs, resonate with their own vibrations and affect their functioning. It has been noted that classical music has a beneficial effect, and listening to famous works helps to cope with unpleasant emotions.

The most commonly used music for the effects of stress and depression are the works of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Part 2 of the V symphony has the most effective effect on the body. It can stop an attack of arrhythmia caused by a stressful condition.

It is better to get rid of melancholy with the help of another immortal work - the oratorios of Johann Sebastian Bach.

The best music for overcoming long-term depression that makes you think about suicide is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony No. 1 in D major. It was experimentally found that the most effective effect is provided by a combination of symphony and massage procedures in a room with high humidity - in a bathhouse or sauna. After the first session, the mood improves and emotional stress recedes.

Musicologists believe that the works of composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky help find a way out of the most difficult situations.

It is clear that this music is suitable for treating stress, but this one, on the contrary, introduces stress, it cannot be said. Everyone has their own favorite works that they try to listen to in difficult or pleasant moments of life.

Different people's bodies may react to different pieces of music differently. But the fact that there are general trends has been proven empirically and confirmed by scientific research.

Harmful effects of music

Music can improve well-being and normalize the functioning of organic systems. But it can also cause pathological changes.

Works with intermittent rhythm, which do not take into account the laws of musical harmony, have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system.

Even generally accepted music for depression can cause serious damage to the body if it is listened to at a volume of more than 120 decibels.

If the healing power of classical works is still debated, the harm from loud cacophony has been proven in numerous examples. Many famous rock musicians have problems with the hearing aid and central nervous system.

Kurt Cobain, one of the most successful rockers of his time, committed suicide. Fans of his works systematically fell into a trance while listening to his compositions. For him, constant exposure to deafening sounds and an aggressive rhythm caused a disruption in the functioning of the central nervous system.

And this is not the only famous rock musician who committed suicide. Russian rockers who repeated this sad path are Alexander Bashlachov and Dmitry Selivanov. And this is only a small part of the list.

Listeners of rock concerts have slower reactions. The body begins to produce stress hormones that erase information and impair memory.

Under the influence of low-frequency vibrations of a bass guitar, insulin levels rise, moral standards drop below the threshold of tolerance. Even if rock is your favorite music, listening to it should be limited.

Psychologist D. Azarov identified a combination of notes that is similar for all cases of suicide of rock musicians - it has been experimentally proven that such a combination stimulates depressive thoughts. Doctors sometimes call rock music “sound poison”.

Music therapy

Sessions of listening to music that relieves depression are as follows.

The patient is asked to sit comfortably on a couch or in a soft chair, relax, put on headphones and attach sensors, thanks to which you can track the body's reactions to listening to a melody.

They empirically determine which works have a beneficial effect on the body and evoke pleasant emotions. Sometimes a paradoxical situation arises: the patient does not like anti-depression music, but the body gives positive reactions. In this case, you have to look for an alternative option - otherwise dual perception will arise.

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