Find a girl for a holiday abroad. Find a travel companion for a summer holiday

Together it’s not only more fun, but also cheaper and safer. We have chosen resources where it is easy to find like-minded people both for a trip to the sea and for a crazy hitchhiking trip.

Why look for a travel companion?

The idea of ​​traveling with strangers may seem strange, but it has several advantages:

  • It is more profitable to relax with a group than alone. Renting a double room and paying half for it is usually cheaper than renting two single rooms. If you are going on a trip by car, you can split the costs of renting a car, toll roads and gasoline.
  • It's calmer with a travel companion. If you go for a walk and get lost, write to a fellow traveler so that he can help you find a hotel. If you suddenly get sick, there is someone to run to the pharmacy.
  • There will be no problems with the language barrier. If you are bad at foreign languages, look for a travel companion who speaks at least English. During the trip, he will take on negotiations with local residents.
  • It's more fun together. You can share emotions and impressions with a travel companion and look for new entertainment together. And yes, you won’t have to pester passers-by to have your photo taken with the Eiffel Tower on your palm.

How to create an ad

“I’m going to Greece, who’s with me?” - bad option. You will have to spend a lot of time explaining to everyone who is interested exactly where, when and for how many days you are going to go. To quickly find suitable travel companions, create a clear and understandable ad.

What should be in the ad

  • Travel route. Tell us where you are from and where you are going. If you are going on a tour by car and do not yet know where you will end the trip, explain what places you want to visit.
  • Approximate travel dates. You should not write in the advertisement that you are traveling strictly from August 5 to 14. Perhaps your travel companion wants to join you, but is willing to do so a few days later or earlier. Please indicate the approximate time: beginning, middle or end of the month.
  • Budget. You dream of a luxury hotel and cool restaurants, but your travel companion wants to get by with little money and live in a hostel. As a result, each of you rests on your own, and the meaning of a trip together is lost. Set approximate budget limits and explain whether you are ready to go beyond them.
  • Purpose of the trip. Maybe you are planning a good old car trip with overnight stays in roadside hotels, or even in a tent. Or do you want to spend your entire vacation lying on the beach, only going to souvenir shops? Everyone likes their own type of vacation - this is normal, but it is better to discuss everything before the trip so that there are no surprises.
  • Habits that your travel companion should know about. For example, you can’t sleep when someone is snoring in the room, or you can’t stand tobacco smoke. It will be difficult for a convinced vegan to get along with a lover of juicy steaks, and an owl is unlikely to be comfortable with a lark. Don't be afraid that this will alienate potential travel companions: this way you will find the right person faster.
  • Your photo. The avatar should be you, and not your favorite cat or a random portrait from a stock photo. People want to know who they are going to spend a few days with, and anonymous advertisements are intimidating.

Start looking for a travel companion early. During the holiday season, many people have their own plans, which are difficult to change at once. If you advertise a week before your trip, your chances of finding the perfect deal are slim.

Arrange with your future travel companion to meet before your trip. You will communicate live and get to know each other better. During the trip, there will no longer be the disgusting awkwardness that arises at the first meeting.

Where to find a travel companion

Let's wave!

In contact with

Search for a community about the country or city you are going to. For example, there are topics about searching for travel companions in groups dedicated to Turkey , Paris and rest on Goa.

Finally, you can write to specialized communities. In Group " Vacation and travel companions» there are separate topics for countries and regions: choose the appropriate one and tell us when you are going on a trip and who you are looking for.

Before leaving an ad, make sure that not only friends, but also all registered VKontakte users can write to you. Open your profile so future dates can get to know you better.

This is a popular resource about independent travel. The forum has a special section for finding travel companions. Topics are divided into areas: Europe, Asia, America, Russia and the CIS. Before creating your ad, look at who is already being searched for here. If you find a suitable option, answer directly in the topic.

The forum has a calendar for finding travel companions for specific dates. You can select the country and time of travel, and the calendar will show who else is going to travel there at the same time. If you haven't found any interesting offers, leave your ad.


Quite a well-known forum for finding travel companions. Here you can find not only travel companions, but also a company for entertainment, if, for example, you want to go with someone to a festival or ride a bike.

Even unregistered users can create a new topic, but registration is still required to edit or delete it. In the title of the topic, indicate the city you are leaving from and your destination.

Dating site for finding travel friends. Enter the dates and destination of your trip and select your goal: a gastronomic trip, a beach holiday or exploring local attractions. You can immediately close the financial question and mark the appropriate option: everyone pays for themselves or one of the participants sponsors the trip.

Once you have completed your profile, verify it. To do this, you need to upload a photo of you holding a piece of paper with the name of the service in your hands, take a photo of your passport or driver’s license and confirm your mobile number. To gain access to all the features of the site and communicate without restrictions, you need to buy a VIP subscription. The trial version is valid for seven days and costs 299 rubles.

One of the world's most famous travel communities. It is used by those looking for free accommodation, but here you can also find new friends for your trip.

Register, select where and when you are traveling, and in the search results, go to the “Travelers” section. For more accurate results, set up filters: indicate the gender of your travel companion and select the languages ​​he should speak. Suitable candidates can write in a personal message and discuss the details of the trip.

To be more likely to be answered, tell us in detail about yourself in your profile and verify it. This is necessary to confirm your identity. Many users do not risk contacting those who have not passed verification.

Service for finding tours, tickets and travel companions. You can search for companions by country of destination, time of travel, city where they are going to leave, gender and age.

No registration is required to submit an ad. Fill out a short form and leave your email address where anyone interested can write.

Enter your route into the search form and finding a passing car in your direction will be as easy as paying for housing and communal services.

The list includes: the date of the trip, the model of the proposed car, the number of seats in the cabin and the price of the trip to your locality. Click "More details" and expand your search if the suggested results do not suit you.

Designate the place from where you need to get there. You will be taken to a city, village, resort, in a word, wherever you want - safe, inexpensive, fast, convenient and modern!

How to find a passing car

Hiking throughout Russia and Europe is more popular than ever! There is a great option find a passing car in the new form for searching for a trip on BlaBlaCar. It’s a matter of minutes, and the benefits are up to 75% savings on travel! Introducing a new search that will find drivers near you, wherever you are, and give drivers reliable travel companions.

Enter the place from where you want to leave into the search bar. Do not need anymore look for trips in the next big city! You will be taken to a city, village, resort, in a word, wherever you want. The main thing is that it is inexpensive - prices are lower. Even a small village is on someone's path. And now we can find this person, and he will give you a ride when he passes by.

Completely updated BlaBlaCar official website! Who doesn’t know, this is the largest service on planet Earth for finding a car companion. The site's services are used by more than 45 million people in 23 countries on all continents. Russian users - more than 10 million thrifty citizens who are looking for a cheap trip to travel.

Finding a ride with the new ride search is easy

Find a passing car inexpensively

In the Russian version of BlaBlaCar, car owners notify fellow travelers about their trip, and fellow travelers search and find the desired route for little money. Strictly speaking, the costs of fellow travelers come down to paying for gasoline. This saves money for both the driver and the passing passenger. Of course, such trips are much more economical than, for example, if you went by train or bus. Therefore, spend a little time and find a passing car– the best option for organizing your route or trip to your home.

Average prices for passing cars:

  • Moscow-St. Petersburg 700 rubles;
  • Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod 800 rubles;
  • Ekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk – 350 rubles.

Travel is full of important decisions - how, which country or city to visit, how much to spend, and whether to take out insurance. And finally, make the important purchases of tickets to get to your paradise. The whole preparation of your route consists of a large set of little things that, for example, can make the trip easier and less stressful. The Russian Travel Club always gives simple but smart advice. With us, your journey and your vacation will be happy.

Passenger experience and reviews

Read the passengers' experiences in the comments below, but here, for example, is a good experience from passengers from the Blabla website themselves who use the service. Her name is Oksana and she advises, first of all, to pay attention to the “experience rating” and reviews of other users.

“The first thing I look at is the file and reviews on the user’s profile. Then I contact you, check if the price is right for me (since in reality they often quote a price higher than on the website), I ask for a direct phone number. And then the driver sends me the make and color of the car, and I pass on this data to my family and friends, just in case,” says Oksana Sh.

Find a passing car for your next trip

Do you have any other options for your next trip? ​​Add to your bookmarks BlaBlaCar in BlaBlaBus! The benefits are clear: greater flexibility on long and short trips for you and an even stronger shared mobility community for all of us!


Bla Bla Car (BlaBlaCar) is a unique online service that helps drivers find travel companions as safely as possible. Travelers can get to their destination by spending money only on fuel. The benefit is simple: the driver saves on gasoline by choosing trusted travel companions. People without a car save money on expensive tickets for other transport.

Features of Bla Bla Car

This Internet resource has gained wide popularity and many positive reviews for a reason. Its developer, Frederic Mazzel, created and developed a unique search system. It ensures that the trip is safe and comfortable. And not only for passengers, but also for the driver.
The main advantages of BlaBlaCar are:

  • The ability to choose your own travel companions. Each user has a profile. It is linked to social media accounts. This allows you to get to know your travel companion, his interests, and hobbies as much as possible before meeting him. Your personal profile also contains comments from other users. Ever traveled with a driver/passenger;
  • Maximum support from developers. The administration responds to complaints from users who were dissatisfied with the chosen travel companion. According to the BlaBlaCar team, the company strives to ensure that each of its travel companions has a good reputation on the site;
  • The “Women Only” function is suitable for confident women who go on the road on their own. By applying this filter, options without men, either driving or as passengers, will be displayed.

And further

  • Availability of notifications about upcoming trips. The service is designed to look for travel companions not only to a specific place, but also on certain dates. Bla Bla Car notifies the user that possible travel companions have appeared for the required time. And if there is no suitable route and dates, the site will notify you when a fellow traveler appears in the right direction;
  • Exact landing and arrival location. The driver offers a convenient place of departure and arrival. The passenger can agree or try to negotiate an adjustment to the route. To do this, the website has a map on which you need to indicate the route;
  • Finding travel companions through mobile applications. The Bla Bla Car company took care of its users and developed applications for iPhone and Android. This allows you to look for travel companions wherever a person is. On the other hand, the condition is that you have an Internet connection.

A short video from BlaBlaCar

By the way, the name BlaBlaCar exists for a reason. When registering in your personal account, a person chooses the degree of his talkativeness:

  1. “Bla” (silently looks out the window);
  2. "BlaBla" (can carry on a conversation);
  3. “BlaBlaBla” (chat endlessly).

Bla bla car find a ride

Initially, you need to go to the official website of Bla Bla Car. In the provided field, information about the place of landing and arrival is entered, and a date is selected. Complete this form. The site will offer a list of available drivers on this route at the selected time.

Before agreeing to a travel companion, it is recommended to write a personal message on the website or call the driver. Clarify important details:

  • The time you plan to spend on the road;
  • The presence of deviations from the specified route and stops along the way;
  • Place of departure and arrival, and so on.

By the way, after the end of the trip, each of the participants can leave positive or negative feedback about their travel companion. This forms a rating among passengers and drivers.
Note! Leave feedback about your travel companions after each trip. This will help other users choose drivers (passengers) more carefully.

Search for a ride on a bla bla car

In order to find a travel companion in the right direction, follow the algorithm:

  1. Log in to your personal account (if you don’t have one, register);
  2. Fill out the search form on Bla Bla Car;
  3. Write or call the driver to clarify the details of the trip;
  4. Book now.

Users do not have to worry about lengthy confirmation of the application, since the driver immediately receives an SMS notification. There is also a function, using which you can specify the time for consideration of the application by the driver. If he does not respond soon, the sent request will be canceled automatically. You can pay in cash after arriving at your final destination. The service does not request advance payment online, so you should not fall for the driver’s requests for an advance payment.

The company ensures that the service functions fully, helping absolutely every person travel and save. That is why the Bla Bla Car team advises passengers to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Book only when you have completely decided on your choice. The driver's number will be displayed as soon as a trip booking request is submitted. However, you can cancel your reservation at any time without any consequences;
  • Always warn the driver about the presence of any luggage, the habit of smoking, carrying animals or other nuances that may affect the quality of the trip;
  • If you have allergies, asthma, or a weak vestibular system (sickness), be sure to warn the driver and prepare the necessary medications for the trip.

By the way

Follow the basic rules of etiquette and behavior on the road. Do not forget that the person driving is a stranger and requires a cultural attitude. You also need to wear a seat belt, since Bla Bla Car cannot guarantee the level of driver professionalism.

If your plans have changed dramatically and you won’t be able to go according to your reservation, then cancel immediately Personal Area. Because by thinking for a long time about the possibility of going on a trip, you are depriving other passengers of the opportunity to book a car who may really need it.

Notify your relatives or friends. Best to leave it to them mobile number driver and basic data about his car. Remember about your safety - do not get into a car if it does not correspond to what is indicated on the website.

Bla bla car will help you find travel companions for the driver

To start searching for passengers who will reimburse the cost of gasoline, you will need to register in the system. Provide information about the car and yourself. After that, click the “Offer a trip” button in the right corner. You will need to enter information about the route and travel dates and click “Next”. The loaded page indicates the number of passengers the driver wants to take on the trip. In addition, the dimensions of the luggage that will fit in the car, as well as write down special nuances.

To find more travel companions, select settlements through which the route will pass. Thanks to this, the offer will be displayed in the search for those who can make directions for some part of the route.
Note! It is recommended to add a photo of yourself and your car to your profile so that fellow travelers can easily recognize the driver. This will also increase user confidence.

To use the services of a network platform, you first need to register in its system. After that, you can start looking for a driver who plans to hit the road on a certain day. The main task of the passenger is to have time to sign up for the trip. To find a route, just enter the route in the search bar. Most drivers try to post information about their upcoming trip 4-5 days before departure. If a destination is very popular, then a publication about it can appear in just 2-3 days.

Users offer direct and transit routes. It is better to opt for the first option. In this case, the driver and passenger arrive at the same place. A transit trip involves dropping off a fellow traveler along the road. After reviewing the offers, you can begin choosing a trip. It is highly recommended that you carefully review the driver's profile. It is best to select users with completed information and a photo on their personal page.

Beginners who have decided to use the services of Bla Bla Car for the first time need to learn to distinguish good driver from bad:

The reviews left by Bla Bla Car users deserve special attention. The more recommendations a person has, the higher his status on the network platform. If you have the opportunity to travel with an experienced driver, then it is better to choose him.


Passengers looking for a ride should pay attention to the number free seats in the car. Often drivers try to take not 4, but only 3 companions. Thanks to this, they can fit comfortably in the car. Users mistakenly study information about the cost of travel first. But it’s better to leave this for later, since it’s much more important to make the right choice of driver.

If the passenger is satisfied with the chosen option, he can proceed to book a seat in the car, which departs to the desired destination on the most suitable day.

Booking on BlablaCar

You should start making a reservation after the user has finally decided on the choice of driver. Seat reservation can be manual or automatic. In the first case, the passenger makes a request, and then the driver accepts it. In auto mode, the second stage of booking is eliminated, since the application is accepted immediately. This method is used extremely rarely. Usually people want to get acquainted with information in advance about the person with whom they will spend several hours on the road.

After making the reservation, we begin discussing the main details with the driver. By the way, it’s convenient to do this in messages. You can find the user's mobile number in personal information. And over the phone, discuss with him all the nuances of the upcoming trip.

The time and place of arrival are required to be discussed. It is necessary to clarify where exactly the driver will depart from. If it is far away, the passenger will have to get to the meeting point on their own. The time spent on the road must be taken into account so as not to detain anyone.

Sometimes you have to contact a BlaBlaCar user who lives in another region. In this case, you need to clarify the rules for calculating time. It is best to focus on Moscow, as it is convenient for residents of different regions of Russia.

Blablacar luggage

When booking a seat, it is worth asking about luggage. If a passenger plans to take a large suitcase with him, he should notify the driver in advance. You should not leave such a question unresolved until you get into the car.

At this stage of registration, the passenger may inquire about the duration of the trip. It must be remembered that drivers do not always deliver a fellow traveler to the right place. In order to save fuel and personal time, passengers are often left on the side of the road or near the station. In this case, it is recommended to ask your friends in advance to organize a meeting in this place.

If the driver doesn't arrive

There are situations when the driver does not answer the passenger’s calls and messages. who managed to reserve a seat in his car. In this case, you need to start looking for another car, since there is no guarantee that you will be able to contact this person by the due date.

Many users advise having several backup options on Blablacar in order to still find a ride to the right place. But you cannot book many cars. You must resort to booking another trip if the driver with whom you had an agreement refuses the trip or does not get in touch.

It is worth noting that users with high ratings rarely cancel trips. After all, many value their reputation. Therefore, it is best to stop your choice on them.

Many passengers who are never picked up at the designated location still manage to find another car in the same direction. If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, you don’t need to despair right away. Instead, you need to immediately begin new searches.

Finding travel companions for the driver

After registering on the network platform, a user who wants to offer his services must place information about himself in his profile. A good addition will become a personal photograph. You should also give a brief description of the car you will be driving.

After completing your profile, you can start creating a trip. The column requires you to fill in information regarding the upcoming route. You must indicate the number of passengers. Possibility of luggage transportation. At the driver's discretion, other nuances can be mentioned.

It is recommended to add not only a personal photo and a photo of the car to your profile. This way, by the way, it will be easier for fellow travelers to find their driver at the meeting point. In addition, this increases the level of trust passengers have in the person who offers to take them to their destination.

Interested passengers will submit requests for seats in the car. The driver can only accept it manually or reject it if there is a reason for it. If desired, you can set up automatic reception of requests from other Bla Bla Car users.

To increase the number of requests for a route and recruit a sufficient number of travel companions, you can use a little trick. Between the start and end points, an intermediate place through which the path is laid should be indicated. It is possible that one of the Bla Bla Car users will need to drive to it. In this way, the driver will be able to find the client halfway across the road.

A trip organized on a Bla Bla Car will leave an extremely pleasant impression if everyone:

  • The choice of drivers and passengers will be taken seriously;
  • Will not violate the rules of the network platform.

Where are you planning to go?

Let this trip become the most budget trip of your life!

Are you going to another city? Take advantage of the opportunity to find a ride as a passenger.

Using the power of the Internet, drivers heading to a specific destination on a given date can advertise available seats in their vehicle to potential passengers for a shared ride in the same direction. The driver benefits from the fact that he can easily find a travel companion who will cover part of the costs. The passenger can get wherever he wants cheaper, and sometimes faster, than if he had chosen to travel by bus, train or plane.

Shared trip search service - .

From the official Blablakar website

In order for travel to be not only interesting, but also safe, you need to follow only a few rules.

BlaBlaCar is a sea of ​​possibilities. With BlaBlaCar you can travel with interesting travel companions, leave the city at the last minute even if there are no tickets left for trains and buses, save up to 100% on gasoline if you are a driver, go on a trip only with girls or take pets in the car... In general, almost anything is possible! We will tell you more about how to use our service correctly. And we will list the things that are prohibited on BlaBlaCar.

Bla bla car has developed rules for shared rides. Read them carefully. Here is just a brief summary.

12 things that are prohibited on BlaBlaCar

For drivers:

  • Cancel trips at the last minute;
  • Indicate incorrect information in your profile;
  • Create multiple profiles;
  • Request advance payment from passengers;
  • Change the price in personal communication with passengers;
  • Search for more passengers than you have available seats;
  • Book seats with other drivers if you are not going to go;
  • Transport cargo and animals to another city.

For passengers:

  • Canceling reservations at the last minute, or not showing up at the meeting point;
  • Trying to get there for free;
  • Consider drivers as taxi drivers;
  • Looking for travel companions is not for yourself.

Finding a ride on Blablacar is not difficult.

General tips for passengers on how to find a ride on Blablacar:

  1. Before you complete your booking, confirm luggage dimensions with your potential driver and make sure everything will fit;
  2. Trips are usually posted 3-5 days in advance. Although they are sometimes published early or at the last minute. To ensure the best selection, set an alert by e-mail. This will allow you to find out about each new trip on the desired date on the desired route;
  3. Requesting a travel reservation does not mean you are obligated to travel. Therefore, if it is important for you to travel to specific date, it is better to send simultaneous requests to other potential drivers. After all, your candidacy may not be suitable for someone. Sending simultaneous requests will provide more assurance that you won't be left empty-handed. If you get more than one “yes” answer, tell the drivers you won’t go with;
  4. On the day of your trip, be at the meeting point a little earlier than the appointed time. Send your driver a message that you are there. The driver may provide additional or more specific information about where he will look for you. If you take the initiative, you are more likely to avoid problems;
  5. While traveling, talk to your driver! Sure, it may feel a little awkward at first, but in the end, it's a great opportunity to get some ideas and tips.

Bla bla car without registration find a ride

You won’t be able to find a ride on a bla bla car without registration. You will need to either register via email or log in via your VK or Facebook account.

How to find a ride on Bla Bla Car:

  • In Yandex, at the request " ", select the official website
  • Create account BlaBlaCar and set up your profile;
  • After filling out your profile information and approving your account, you can search for trips.

There are several ways to filter your search in the left column. The most important filters are the desired departure date and time. Please note that the Bla Bla Car service has good function- email alerts about new eligible trips. Therefore, if:

  • The date of interest is too far in the future;
  • There are several trips available, but I wish there was a little more choice;
  • The price offered by the drivers for the blah blah car is not satisfactory,

Subscribe to the alert and you will be able to find a ride on Blablacar at a convenient time.

Tip: Having a completed profile and a photo that allows people to see your face will make it easier for BlablaCar to find a ride.

Blablacar find a ride from Moscow

The traveler's savings depend on how popular the road route is, but in almost all cases, using a Bla Bla Car costs less than a seat on a bus or plane. For example, one of the most popular destinations in Russia is Cheboksary.

Comparison of possible trips by train, plane, bus, Blablacar

Moscow – Cheboksary

Travel time

Trip price
1. - seats.13 hours 29 minutesfrom 912 rubles
2. By plane - the cheapest (Pobeda).Total: 1 hour 20 minutes

from 2,030

3. Taxi Moscow - Cheboksary (economy) - start in 30 minutes!10 hour 30 minutesfrom 9600
4. . 12 hours 20 minutesfrom 999
5. . 10 hour 30 minutesfrom 800

The table shows that if you find a ride on a Blablacar, you will spend 112 rubles less than if you went by train. You will arrive 2 hours earlier than if you took the bus. Of course, traveling by plane to Pobeda is not very expensive, but you won’t have to get to the airport and have to deal with check-in for the flight. But this can add a couple of hours to the estimated travel time.

Find a ride on Bla Bla Car

In order to fully use the service, you need to go through the registration process on the Bla Bla Car website. This can also be done after downloading and installing the app, which is available for both iOS and Android. If registration was made on the site, then after installing the application your account will be available to you.

The registration procedure for Bla Bla Car itself will not cause any difficulties.

If you are registered on the social networks VK or Facebook, you can use these applications to log in. In the Bla Bla Car application you will receive: a personal profile, you can add friends, celebrate your birthday, be sure to indicate your email address. The application does not have access to the function of publishing from your address on social networks - that is, you are completely safe.

If you do not want to create a full profile, you can register by filling out a short questionnaire. It is enough to indicate your gender, name, year of birth, email, and confirm your phone number.

Confirmation email address required immediately after registration. The action is simple - just follow the link that will be sent to you by email. If you create a profile, try to fill it out completely. Place your photo. The profile and photos will be checked by moderators, so do not post photos of public figures, animals, etc. To confirm your profile, enter the number mobile operator communications. A verification code will be sent to it. A profile that is completed to the maximum will increase the level of trust in you.

Search for Bla Bla Car Trips

For example, you need to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Through the application or website, find a driver whose route meets your conditions.

In most cases, drivers display information about the planned trip 5-7 days before it takes place. For popular destinations, this period is shorter - 1-2 days. This can be either a direct trip or a transit trip. For example, a driver can move from Sochi, crossing Moscow, to St. Petersburg. You can meet in Moscow, in a place convenient for both of you. This could be a highway, a bypass road, a shopping center.

Driver with high level will responsibly reflect the trip data as fully as possible. Is it possible to smoke in a car, the duration of the journey, how many stops and where will there be, how busy the car is, and so on. If there is something you don’t understand, or if you want to clarify any details, contact the driver before booking.

Always pay attention to the completeness of the profile, the presence of a photo, whether the make of the car is indicated, and the driver’s rating.

Booking a ride on a Bla Bla Car

So, you have decided on the date, time, driver - all your wishes correspond to the chosen trip. Proceed to the next step - booking. You can book a trip in two ways - automatic and with confirmation from the driver.

When you indicate the yellow icon, the booking is automatic, that is, your trip is confirmed, the seat is assigned to you. If there is no such icon, wait for confirmation from the driver. He may want to review your profile before confirming your reservation.

When your reservation is confirmed, write to the driver and clarify everything you are interested in. To do this, you can use your profile, but we recommend using SMS correspondence - this way you will exchange numbers.

  • Where will you meet? Please note that you are not contacting a taxi service. Don't expect to be picked up at your home or have a long wait.
  • What time will you meet? If the driver’s route is transit and not direct, be sure to check the time in Moscow.
  • Availability of luggage. If you will be traveling with a large suitcase, check if the driver has free space to accommodate it.
  • Travel time. As a rule, this indicator is indicated in the publication - but it’s a good idea to ask.
  • Where will you be dropped off?

We strongly recommend that you contact the driver the day before your trip. Just don’t write SMS – make a call. Be persistent. Your plans depend on it. A driver with a high level of responsibility will call you independently. First of all, he is interested in the trip – financially. Directly on the day of the trip, contact the driver again.

How Bla Bla Car newbies can find a ride

The trip will take place in the presence of people you don't know. Be careful and polite. Don’t forget that we are all “humans” - decent “humans”. Remember about safety - do not distract the driver. Don’t be intrusive, noisy - it’s not a fact that others will want to enter into dialogue with you. If you still can’t resist, take your cue from the situation.

A large number of offers posted on Bla Bla Car are made from one city to another. Is your goal a small settlement? Look at its location on the map and ask the driver where he will drop you off.

When booking, check the profile of not only the driver, but also the other passengers. Is there something you're not happy with? Please select a different travel option. No travel companions? Driver only? The choice is yours.

Important! Bla Bla Car does not check drivers. But there are passengers who, on their own initiative, reserve a car in full, with the exception of the driver, of course.

Once you've completed your trip, don't forget about the review system.

As you can see, everything is simple! Therefore, come in and register using the website or application for iPhone or Android. Complete and confirm your profile. Don't hesitate to register - it's absolutely free. If you soon need to go somewhere - you are welcome.

Disadvantages of a Blablacar trip

  • The driver may change his plans, so the trip will be postponed or completely canceled.
  • If the driver is tired, your safety is in question.
  • Lack of passenger insurance and, accordingly, no payments in case of an accident or accident.
  • If the car breaks down on the way, there will be no replacement. You will have to find a way out of the situation on your own.
  • It may happen that the driver has a criminal past. It’s difficult to talk about the consequences.

Don't be alarmed. We just warned you. In order to avoid these misunderstandings, don’t be lazy, find out as much as possible about the driver and other passengers. The time (prescription) of their registration, read the reviews, social networks. All this data will allow you to travel in maximum comfort and safety.

Benefits of Bla Bla Car travel

  • Naturally, the material side of the issue. At the same time, for both the driver and the passenger. The driver gets his money back for gasoline, and you save on public transport. This was the original goal of creating the project.
  • Communication. This is also quite a serious factor – it may even be more valuable than the financial component. A non-binding conversation - what could be more pleasant on a trip.
  • New acquaintances. And these are not colleagues, relatives, and so on, but people with whom you can communicate simply, easily and naturally. About nothing and everything at the same time. Just like on the Internet, only offline.
  • Temporary component. Yes, a car is not faster than air transport, but faster than a bus, train, or water transport. And time in the modern world is a very significant factor in everything!

Important! Bla Bla Kar is not responsible and has no right to interfere in your relationship. You will not be able to complain to us about the driver if he violates your plans, but you will be able to leave a corresponding review about him on the Bla Bla Car website.

Sometimes the service is called bablokar, bala bala, and of course, in other words.

Find a trip, passengers and fellow travelers on BlaBlaCar. Trip schedule and cost. Instructions on how to use BlaBlaCar. ...Planning a trip? Find a driver who is on the same route. Choose any destination from thousands of offers throughout the country. A trip with Bla Bla Car is simple, reliable and profitable! Find a car. Find a ride. Just enter the cities of departure and arrival, as well as departure time.

In addition to Blablacar find a ride

Additionally to the article:

  • Go to website

Well, if you can’t find a ride in a bla bla car, then try to leave:

  • Buy

A modern person does not need to stand in line at train station ticket offices and read advertisements on poles in search of a driver who will transport things to a new place of residence. It is enough to use one of the Internet services, where you can find not only trusted travel companions and carriers, but also save significantly. Today we will look at six such resources that have already gained popularity among active Internet users.

1. BlaBlaCar

The undisputed leader in the ride sharing market, a proven European service that has relatively recently firmly established itself in Russia. What is the secret of his popularity?

The first is convenience. Through the website and its mobile application, you can quickly find a driver who will go in the right direction, on the right day and even at the right time. Narrow settings are also available: for example, you can really choose a non-smoking driver who will not turn on the “chanson” or talk about politics the whole way.

The service is actively used for traveling around the country (both between settlements and between regions). It is also possible to find travel companions for trips abroad (the service, we remind you, is international). When choosing a driver, the user sees his age, make and class of car, personal preferences and the proposed cost of the trip. Availability of reviews and good rating– an additional factor of choice.

Despite the convenience, there are still disadvantages - mainly related to our special mentality. For example, some drivers don’t bother and fill out the information in the form at random. So it turns out that instead of the stated two passengers, four are crammed into the cabin. And the silent non-smoker turns out to be a puffing lover of conversation. And one more thing - the service is focused only on finding travel companions. It is difficult, if not impossible, to find a driver to transport cargo here.

2. " Throw the Hog »

This is an online service ordering service that quickly burst into the market and quickly gained good positions. It is focused on finding performers in several areas: from courier services to professional ones. It is also possible to find a driver for a shared trip and a car owner for cargo transportation.

There are no problems with the service’s website: while the previous service made it possible to search for drivers among the available options, “Throw the Kabanchik” allows you to become a customer yourself. To find a driver, you need to fill out a task, indicate the conditions, date and price you plan to pay. This process takes on average 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, all you have to do is wait: interested drivers will see the task themselves and submit applications.

When choosing among candidates, the customer can view their profiles, which contain reviews, ratings, and personal information. “Arbitrariness,” by the way, is not allowed here: the administration of the service strictly monitors the objectivity of the information specified in the profile, checks the passport details of performers, and does not provide the opportunity to “cheat” ratings or reviews. The result: a comfortable and safe trip, the conditions of which are determined by the customer himself.

3. " Everyone is lucky »

Online service for ordering freight transportation. It also aims to put the customer in a privileged position. If in the “real world” the customer rushes between cargo carriers who dictate their terms, then with the help of the service he himself can determine who, for how much and under what conditions will transport his cargo.

The service works with cargo from 1 kg, servicing private moves, commercial orders, delivery of large cargo, etc. To order cargo transportation, just place an order on the website (or in its mobile application). In just a few minutes the first offers from interested drivers will appear. Each of them offers its own price, which ultimately allows you to save on delivery. Having selected a contractor, the customer receives his contact information for further communication.

The system offers several additional features– for example, cargo insurance and route tracking. In general, most clients are satisfied with the service, but there are also disadvantages: for example, the selected driver on the spot may try to change the price of transportation or dictate his own conditions.

4. " I'll give you a ride»

A site for finding travel companions in Moscow and Moscow Region (mainly), as well as in Russia. With it, you can find travel companions for your daily commute to work, for traveling to the airport (to save on taxis) and for other personal purposes.

The first thing that catches your eye is the absolutely “no” design of the service. The feeling of being on a site from the 90s does not leave the user on any page of the resource. Because of this, functionality suffers: users accustomed to convenient interfaces may experience difficulties. On the other hand, the service copes with servicing one of the most popular ways of traveling around Moscow - ridesharing. Placing applications allows you not to catch a ride or a taxi on the side of the road, but to negotiate with the driver online. The system is quite similar to previous services: similar placement of applications (placed by drivers) with a search for potential travel companions.

Conclusion: the service justifies itself as a means for organizing trips around the vast capital. For convenience - a minus, for the ability to quickly find travel companions - a plus. There is nothing more to say about him.

5. " I'll take you there »

A service for finding travel companions, organizing trips in a “people’s taxi” and private cargo transportation. However, the site still separates the search directions: “fellow travelers”, “people’s taxi” and “cargo transportation”. The service operates in all major cities of Russia, but the advantage, naturally, goes to Moscow and St. Petersburg. By the way, the project has a “child” resource “Mahnem!” to find travel companions when traveling abroad. But it needs to be discussed separately.

The principle of operation, as you might guess, differs little from previous services: drivers post advertisements, informing about the route and travel time, and the number of available seats. A potential passenger uses the search bar on the website, looking for a trip, and finds current offers from drivers. Using the same principle, it is proposed to look for cargo carriers. The website has a rating that allows you to choose the best carrier based on comfort and level of service.

Overall: the site is useful and full of offers. On a personal note, little attention is paid to the security of transactions: each trip is an area of ​​personal responsibility for the driver and passenger. It depends on your luck here.

6. " On my way »

Another resource where drivers and fellow travelers can meet for trips within the city and between settlements. A Russian startup launched in 2012 and with great prospects.

Having examined the previous five services, nothing new can be said about the functionality of “VPuti”: it implements a similar principle of searching for drivers and travel companions to reduce the cost of a shared trip. However, there are features, and one of them is the search for travel companions based on interests. This is a good opportunity to bridge the distance while passing the time in a conversation on a topic that interests everyone. In addition, in this way you can expand your circle of useful acquaintances and connections.

It is worth noting the security factor: the service provides tracking of each trip, and if there are any complaints about violation of the rules by the driver or passenger, it blocks the violator’s account. This “cleaning of rows” can significantly reduce the risks of poor-quality trips.

Overall: the service is really promising and convenient. Especially for people interested in traveling safely and economically.

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