What does Nano sim look like? Differences between SIM card formats and how to change their sizes

For decades now, SIM cards have been an indispensable companion to any mobile phone or smartphone. During this time, SIM cards have been reduced in size several times and are now available in 4 different formats, 3 of which are still actively used today. Now we will talk about the types and sizes of SIM cards that are used in modern smartphones and push-button phones.

Initially, GSM networks did not use SIM cards. Instead, the mobile operator registered the factory number of the mobile phone to identify the subscriber. This method of identification was inconvenient, since it is hard for the user to connect to the existing phone.

To solve this problem, a SIM card was invented. This small module was installed in the phone and used to identify the subscriber. And in case of replacing a mobile phone, the user could simply move the SIM card into the new device and continue to use mobile communications.

During its existence, the size of the SIM card has constantly decreased. In total, 4 types of SIM cards appeared, each of which is smaller than its predecessors.

  • Full-size SIM cards. The first generation of SIM cards appeared in 1991 and were the size of a bank card. Nowadays such SIM cards are called full-size and are no longer used. This format is so outdated that most smartphone users have no idea that it even existed.
  • Mini-SIM cards. In 1996, a Mini-SIM card appeared with significantly reduced dimensions. It is this SIM card that we are accustomed to consider as “standard”, although in fact it is a smaller version of a full-size card. It was actively used in phones from the mid-90s to the mid-2000s. Now Mini-SIM is practically not used in new phones, but if you come across an old device, for example, Nokia 3310, then there will be a connector specifically for mini-SIM.
  • Micro-SIM cards. The next step in reducing the size of the SIM card was the emergence of Micro-SIM, which was introduced in 2003. In addition to the reduced size, this card has received a number of other improvements, for example, an expanded phone book. Now this SIM card is already 15 years old, but it continues to be actively used in classic mobile phones and budget smartphones.
  • . The latest generation of SIM cards is Nano-SIM. This type of SIM card appeared in 2012 and is now the most common. Nano-SIM is used in almost all smartphones in the mid and high price ranges.

Despite the constant miniaturization of size, the location and shape of the contact pads of the SIM card, as well as the operating principle of the processor built into it, have remained virtually unchanged. This allows you to use modern SIM cards in older phone models. But, it should be noted that some older phone models may not work with modern SIM cards. The problem is that old SIM cards operated at 5 Volts, while modern cards only use 3 Volts. Therefore, if the phone supplies a voltage of 5 Volts to the card, it will go into protection and will not be detected by the phone.

What are the sizes of SIM cards?

As we have already said, the size of SIM cards has been regularly reduced. In the table below we show the sizes of all four types of SIM cards that currently exist.

SIM card format Application Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm)
Full size (1FF) Outdated, not used. 85,60 53,98 0,76
Mini-SIM (2FF) Almost never used, can be found in old mobile phones. 25,00 15,00 0,76
Micro-SIM (3FF) Used in push-button mobile phones and budget smartphones. 15,00 12,00 0,76
Nano-SIM (4FF) The most modern SIM card format. Used in mid- and high-price smartphones. 12,30 8,80 0,67

When purchasing a new mobile phone or smartphone, it often turns out that the existing SIM card is not the right size. If you need a larger SIM card, you can use a special adapter that allows you to insert a SIM card into a larger slot. Now such adapters come with any new card, but they can also be purchased separately.

Most often you need a smaller card, for example, you have a card in Micro-SIM format, but you need a Nano-SIM. There are several ways to solve this problem. For example, you can simply contact the mobile operator’s office and ask to replace the card with a new one. This procedure usually takes only a few minutes and is absolutely free. You can also make the SIM card smaller by simply cutting it to the desired size. This procedure is best done using a special device (Sim Cutter or SIM card stapler).

However, you can take a risk and try to reduce the size of the SIM card manually, using scissors. The picture above shows what dimensions you need to follow in order to cut Micro-SIM from Mini-SIM (on the left) and Nano-SIM from Micro-SIM (on the right).

Currently, many modern gadgets can only use a smaller version of a standard SIM card - micro sim. This is due to attempts by technology manufacturers to save internal space in the device in order to place other elements more compactly and make our phones and tablets smaller, thinner, lighter and ultimately cheaper to produce than their predecessors.

Having bought a new phone or tablet (for example, Samsung, HTC, iPhone or iPad), you may find that the standard SIM card does not fit it and in order to continue using your usual SIM card after purchasing a new device, you can cut it off. The main chip remains in place, only the size of the plastic base is reduced. It’s not difficult to make a micro sim from a regular SIM card at home; you only need sharp nail scissors, a sharpened pencil, a ruler, sandpaper (or a nail file) and a little patience.

A regular SIM card is a plastic rectangle with a chip, measuring 25x15 mm. The dimensions of the micro SIM card must be 15x12 mm. You can cut a regular SIM card to the desired size as follows:

If the SIM card after resizing is larger than necessary, this can always be corrected; if the size is significantly smaller, the SIM card will become impossible to use and you will have to change it to a new one.

If you are afraid of ruining your SIM card or are simply too lazy to tinker, you can replace the standard SIM card with a card of the required size at any Beeline office. Upon presentation of a passport, the subscriber will be issued a new SIM card, or an old SIM card will be cut to micro sim format using a device that looks like a stapler. It will take a minimum of time.

The opposite situation is also possible - using a micro SIM card in devices with standard slots. To do this, you will need a special adapter for micro SIM cards, which can be purchased at any communication store. Thus, your micro SIM card will become universal for most devices.

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Nano sim and microsim: what are the differences and similarities?

The development of high technologies occurs at a very fast pace, and quite often progress affects the most familiar things, for example, such as type and size.

In recent years, several types have begun to be used, depending on the model, and now when buying a phone you need to take this factor into account.

But what is the difference between nano sim and microsim, is the difference between them fundamental?

Total information

Nano sim and Micro sim are designations for the sizes of SIM cards that are used in a particular device.

NanoSIM is much smaller than microSIM and has dimensions of 12.3 mm by 8.8 mm (while microSIM is 15 mm by 12 mm).

It is important to take this point into account when choosing a device, since a microSIM will not be installed in a port intended for a nanoSIM (although the opposite situation is possible and a smaller card may well work in a larger port).

Moreover, we are talking here only about the size of the plastic field on which the chip is glued.

The chip itself has a standard size - the same one that was implemented in standard SIM cards.


What is the actual size of these types of cards?

It must be taken into account that they differ not only in size, but also in the width of the various fields. For example, with a micro format, the bottom indentation from the chip is greater than the top, while in the nano format the opposite is true (this makes it possible to make a cut corner).

Table 1. Dimensions of nano- and micro-format SIM cards
Dimensions (when the card is positioned vertically, the cut corner is at the top, on the right)MicroNano
Left offset from chip0.5 mmUp to 0.3 mm
Chip offset to the right2 mmUp to 0.3 mm
Distance from the chip below1 mm0.5 mm
Chip distance from top1.5 mm0.5 mm
Maximum total card length15 mm12.3 mm
Maximum total map width12 mm8.8 mm

These dimensions are approximate, as the appearance of the cards may vary slightly between different manufacturers. But at the same time, they are all workers.


The appearance of microsims occurred about 7 years ago– then this type of card became widespread, mainly among Asian devices, but over time, European brands began to use this innovation.

But it did not have time to become particularly widespread, because literally a couple of years later, a nano-sim was developed, which was introduced into new models and.

This innovation was first picked up, as always, by Asian manufacturers, followed by European ones.

The nano format has been widely used for many years. At the moment, this is the minimum possible size of the card, since its subsequent reduction requires a reduction in the size of the main working chip, and this will make it impossible to use the new card in all currently existing device models. After all, absolutely all phones and tablets currently have a standard chip size.

Why is this necessary?

Why did you need to change the size of the SIM card at all?

Mass introduction of reduced-size SIM cards happened about seven years ago.

It was due to the fact that the devices were rapidly becoming more complex and receiving more and more voluminous internal “electronic” filling, while manufacturers simply could not increase their size any further.

Thus, a SIM card reduced first to a mini format, and then to a nano format, helps to save quite a lot of space.

Although at first glance, for the user himself, the difference seems insignificant, when it comes to microelectronics, it turns out to be very significant. In addition, this allows you to significantly reduce the size of the card port, which also saves significant time.


It's important to note that despite the change in card size, the size of the operating chip itself remains the same.

That is, only the plastic field around it decreases.

This can be inconvenient during operation, since the card is easy to lose and inconvenient to install, but it significantly helps to save space under the device body.

Currently, absolutely all mobile operators sell standard-sized SIM cards, the plastic field of which has two rows of notches. This way you can remove the chip on the SIM card exactly the size you need. The notches are made like a “matryoshka” - standard card, micro-SIM (next row of notches), nano-SIM (another row).

But what should owners of large old SIM cards do, which now do not fit into any new phone or tablet?

The easiest way is to ask for a replacement card at your office.

Some operators provide this service for a fee, others for free.

If for some reason the office cannot carry out such a replacement, then you can report the loss of the SIM card and the desire to keep the same number.

Then, after restoring a SIM card with the same number, you will be given a modern type of “plastic” - with notches according to the size of the card described above.

Many repair services, etc. offer a service such as cutting SIM cards (from standard to micro or nano, from micro to nano). Taking into account everything written above, it seems that this service is completely pointless, but it may be suitable for owners of unofficial SIM cards or when registering a card under a different name (when the office may refuse the user a replacement).

Trimming process

Depending on the level of the service in which you want to trim the card, the cost of this service can vary significantly within a wide range.

There are services that charge up to 1000 rubles for this service.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about it, and if you have the right tools, attentiveness, accuracy and a certain amount of time, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Advice! If you are not confident in your accuracy or visual acuity, then it is better not to carry out this procedure yourself, as you may render the card inoperative.

To trim, you will need sharp scissors with fairly thin blades, a ruler, a pencil and about 10 minutes of free time.

Carry out the procedure as follows:

  • Measure with a ruler and draw with a pencil on the SIM card those fields that need to be cut off (based on the table given at the beginning of this material);
  • Please note that the cut corner must be maintained otherwise the card will not fit into the port;
  • Carefully cut the plastic strips, not immediately along the line, but little by little, gradually approaching it (this will prevent you from breaking the SIM card during the cutting process and will make the procedure easier).

After completing this operation, install the card into the device and check its functionality.

Some users claim that if too much was cut off (provided, of course, that the chip is not damaged), the card can still be installed in the port and moved there a little.

As soon as the chip is in the right place, it will be recognized.

Others even suggest sticking the chip onto paper or cardboard of the required size in this case.

From a purely technical standpoint, such methods should really help in case of an error. But in fact, it is very difficult to do the gluing carefully on your own, and it is better to seek help from a service center. Otherwise, the card may become inoperative.

Once upon a time, more than 20 years ago, which by the standards of the modern IT industry can even be considered untrue, mobile phones used special numbers recorded in them at the factory to identify themselves in the cellular provider network. However, this approach was not very convenient for both users and manufacturers. They were interested in "separating" the subscriber ID from the hardware. This is how the idea of ​​using additional individual cards with built-in microcircuits arose. This approach is used today in networks of various standards - GSM, CDMA, UMTS, LTE, but we will talk mainly about the most widespread option - GSM/3G.

The telephone device, as a physical device, has an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number, which can be considered unique on a global scale. It participates in the transaction logs of the cellular operator and, in principle, can be used to block access to the network, search for stolen phones and other similar actions. In some countries, it is illegal to falsify or change this number. The IMEI number can usually be found on a sticker under the battery and on the box. From a technical point of view, it is written electronically in one of the microcircuits and, of course, can also be read programmatically. If the telephone has the ability to install several SIM cards, then there are also several IMEI numbers. This number is available not only for phones, but also for modems, tablets and other devices designed to work in mobile networks. Formally, manufacturers could get by with just this number and not use traditional serial numbers for their products, but today this “separate” approach is more convenient for them.

A similar SIM card number is called ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier). It is often engraved on the cards themselves. It is similar to the serial number of the device - the only difference is that it is unique and cannot be repeated on any other card in the world. Although if you add the manufacturer and model name to the serial number of the phone, then this combination will also be unique.

Direct identification of the subscriber in the cellular network takes place using the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) number, which is recorded in the SIM card. This number determines the ownership of the card by the operator and allows you to link the card user with his account with the provider, including the phone number, permitted services, and so on. The card also stores other unique information, the description of which is beyond the scope of this article.

A few words should be said about card protection. The first milestone is a four-digit PIN code. If you don't know it, you won't be able to use the card to access a cellular network or read your address book. The user can change or cancel this code (it is usually disabled on newly purchased cards). If the PIN code was entered incorrectly several times, to unlock it you need to use the PUK code, also provided by the operator along with the SIM card. Even less commonly used are PIN2 and PUK2 codes, which allow the user to limit the list of allowed subscribers for outgoing calls.

But even if you know all these codes, you won’t be able to copy the card using everyday methods. There is another special code written inside it, known to the operator, which is used in the identification algorithm. This process is designed in such a way that the pure code is not transferred from the card to the phone. Instead, the device sends a task to the SIM card processor to encrypt the key, and transmits the response to the operator. The latter compares the result with that received in its data center, and if they match, the subscriber gains access to the network.

One of the popular options for “full-size” smart cards today

Technically, a SIM card is one of the variants of smart cards - microcomputers with their own processor and memory that communicate with the outside world through an interface of several electrical contacts. Smart cards are found today in the banking industry, used for access control and in various payment systems. Usually the card has several kilobytes of permanent memory, a couple of kilobytes of RAM and some flash. In the case of phones, the latter was previously used to store a notebook, but the limit on the number of entries (250) and support for only two fields (name and phone) has practically deprived it of this role today.

Electronic filling takes up very little space

Formally, the card has eight contacts for connecting to a reader (if you try really hard, you can try to count more). However, in reality only six are used. And given modern progress in microelectronics, the filling takes up literally a few square millimeters.

But if we talk about external dimensions, then it all started with a credit card format - 85.6 × 53.98 × 0.76 mm. This format of smart cards is still used today, but it stopped satisfying the wishes of cell phone manufacturers a very long time ago. Much more practical is the Mini-SIM version, which measures 25x15 mm with a beveled corner (to determine the required orientation of the card in the slot). The thickness did not change. It is this format that is the most widespread today and is found in most cell phones.

Mini-SIM and Micro-SIM cards use much less plastic

It is clear that such a reduction did not bring any losses in terms of functionality. But you need to understand that Mini-SIM is good specifically for placement in a telephone body. Using a card of this size, for example, for payphones, is obviously inconvenient.

After the massive transition to the Mini-SIM format, for a very long time it remained practically the only option for use in the field of mobile communications. Even successes in reducing the external dimensions of telephone sets did not require further reduction of the subscriber card. But still, he was not allowed to gain a foothold for centuries.

Special frames can be used to install Micro-SIM (sometimes Mini-SIM)

One of the most active market players in its new smartphone model two and a half years ago implemented work with the Micro-SIM format, the dimensions of the cards are 15x12 mm (the thickness has not changed again). For cards of this format, almost the entire front surface was occupied by contact pads. But there were no technical difficulties for him to place the chip, especially with the development of chip manufacturing technologies. Note that, from a consumer device design perspective, the market did not require this step. So, rather, the company played in the field of marketing, once again repeating “we are not like everyone else.”

Electronic “filling” takes up very little space even in Mini- and Micro-SIM

Interestingly, this year the same manufacturer played this card again. The latest model of their smartphone works exclusively with Nano-SIM, in which the thickness has already been reduced - 12.3 × 8.8 × 0.67 mm. Eight standard contacts no longer fit into this format, so only six truly working ones remain. No technical functions of the card were affected this time either, but the size of the new phone was not as reduced as one might think (and some even increased).

Almost the entire front surface of Nano-SIM is occupied by contact pads

A very reasonable question arises: how does this miniaturization story affect consumers? If we talk about those who buy a new phone with a contract and a new card, they usually don’t care what version of the SIM card is installed in it. And if a person basically has only one phone or he doesn’t plan to rearrange cards, then it’s not even “usually”, but “absolutely”.

To install Micro-SIM in the Mini-SIM bay, you can use adapters

But for those users who are accustomed to using several devices and/or SIM cards, the situation is less pleasant. In the case of a Mini/Micro pair, you can try to make do with so-called adapters/adapters (of course, after replacing all Mini format cards with Micro format cards). There are no advantages to this story, only disadvantages - you need to carry additional parts with you, and in addition, the adapter can damage the connector contacts during replacement (or the assembly may even get stuck in the slot).

As for changing cards, the official way is to visit your operator’s salon, write an application, wait and all that. In addition, if you suddenly have some entries on the card, you will need to take care of saving them. A more affordable option in terms of time spent is to contact numerous workshops, where your card will be cut with a special tool in a couple of seconds (by the way, large salons and even the operators themselves do this). If you really don’t want to go anywhere, then a sharp knife and a strong hand can also successfully solve the problem. For the first time, a printout from the Internet with a “cutting” diagram may be useful (see, for example,).

With Nano-SIM the situation is more complicated, since both the linear dimensions and thickness of the card are smaller. The methods remain the same. But at present the first of them should be recognized as the most correct. However, given the prevalence and cost of the device, for which you may need a Nano-SIM, this should not be a problem.

The desire for miniaturization is a fairly characteristic and typical feature of our time, especially in electronics. This trend has not spared such a world-famous corporation as Apple. Now it offers consumers a new type of device - iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 3G and some similar ones, which use SIM cards reduced in size by literally a few millimeters. The improved format cards are called nano-SIM and Micro-SIM.

Their development began back in 1998, and the final version was approved only in 2003. Initially, they were intended for smaller electronic devices, but soon specialists, in pursuit of reducing dimensions, found their use in ordinary mobile phones.

The standard SIM card we are used to has a format of 25 by 15 by 0.76 millimeters. The new version (Micro-SIM) is almost half the size - 15 by 12 by 0.76 millimeters, and the dimensions of the nano-SIM are quite impressive: with the same thickness, its length is 12.3, width is 8.8 millimeters. But, in fact, the chip format itself has not actually changed, the developers have simply removed the excess plastic around it.

Today Micro-SIM is used in the iPhone 4/4S and iPad operating systems in NTS smartphones and tablets, in some models, and Nano-SIM is used in tablets with iPhone 5 and iPad mini.

It should be noted here that Micro-SIM, compared to conventional SIM cards, significantly expands the capabilities of the electronic device. So, for example, she is able to:

Support access to the map by several applications simultaneously, as a result of which you can transmit streaming data via two or more channels at once;
- prevent hacker attacks on a mobile device, since the cells and the card are mutually authenticated;
- save the extended phone book;
- perform additional security functions, since with its use it is possible to create a multi-level PIN code with a universal code, as well as a local code or codes for individual applications.

To use such a card, you will also need a new phone. But purchasing it is only half the battle, because the subscriber sometimes does not want to change his tariff plan, that is, he does not want to lose certain benefits and favorable conditions from the mobile operator. It turns out that there is a way out: it’s quite possible to make a Micro-SIM from a standard SIM card. There are two ways to complete this task. Let's look at them in more detail.

How to make a Micro-SIM with your own hands?

Method one: replacing the card with the operator

Today, without any problems, it is possible to order the service of replacing a regular SIM card with a Micro-SIM at the office of your mobile operator. Sometimes an office employee can offer an additional service in the form of a “SIM pair” kit, which, in addition to the coveted “micro” card, will also include a standard card. It is noteworthy that the second SIM card can also be activated, that is, if necessary, it can be inserted into slightly outdated phone models.

However, there are some obstacles here. The main one is that today not all operators are ready to provide such services. If, say, in the customer service centers of the telecom operator MegaFon, a standard card is replaced with a Micro-SIM absolutely free of charge, then in other offices you can easily encounter a refusal. And, secondly, such a replacement entails certain financial costs, because sometimes it is necessary to purchase the corresponding phone model with the card.

Method two: cutting a standard card to Micro-SIM format

The whole operation looks quite simple: a regular card is cut to fit the Micro-SIM. True, for this purpose you should purchase a special tool, the cost of which starts at approximately eight dollars. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary stapler into which the familiar Mini-SIM is inserted. One click – and the required, strictly consistent format is obtained.

On the other hand, there is practically no point in purchasing a tool that will obviously be used only once. Therefore, many users with such a problem immediately contact service centers. Usually there it is possible not only to perform high-quality trimming, but also to receive an adapter as a kind of bonus, that is, the remainder of the old card. It may still come in handy: it’s easy to insert an already manufactured Micro-SIM into it, and, if necessary, use this set in old-style phones. By the way, such adapters are also sold by service centers separately - at a price of approximately 100 rubles per set, which includes two pieces.

It’s possible to cut a standard SIM card yourself, at home. To do this, you need to “arm yourself” with a well-sharpened knife or sharp scissors, a pencil, a ruler and a template in the required format. The dimensions will not be difficult to find on the computer network (they are also mentioned in this article).

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