Not compatible with current version of iTunes. Installing new programs on an iPhone with an outdated version of iOS

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iTunes 12.1.3 for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards)

This iTunes installer is for Windows XP/Vista 64 bit systems that are unable to support iTunes video playback requirements on older and low end video cards. Only use this installer if you were directed to this page by the below alert message from iTunes 12.1 or later. Using this installer on an incorrect system may prevent your system from getting the correct iTunes installer in the future.

If you haven’t already, try using the recommended installer first.

If you were directed to this page by an alert from iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Download the iTunes installer to your Windows desktop
  2. Locate the iTunes64Setup.exe and double click to run the installer
  3. Install as you normally would. Your iTunes library will not be affected.

Post Date: Sep 16, 2015

File Size: 121.3 MB

  • PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor with support for SSE2 and 512MB of RAM
  • To play Standard Definition video from the iTunes Store, an Intel Pentium D or faster processor, 512MB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0-compatible video card is required.
  • To play 720p HD video or an iTunes LP, a 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor, 1GB of RAM, and an Intel GMA X3000, ATI Radeon X1300, or NVIDIA GeForce 6150 or better is required.
  • To play 1080p HD video, a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor, 2GB of RAM, and an Intel GMA X4500HD; ATI Radeon HD 2400; Nvidia GeForce 8300 GS or better is required.
  • Screen resolution of 1024x768 or greater; 1280x800 or greater is required to play an iTunes LP
  • 16-bit sound card and speakers
  • Broadband Internet connection to use the iTunes Store
  • iTunes-compatible CD or DVD recorder to create audio CDs, MP3 CDs, or back-up CDs or DVDs
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later and 32-bit editions of Windows Vista
  • 64-bit editions of Windows Vista require the iTunes 64-bit installer; for more information, visit
  • 400MB of available disk space
  • Screen reader support requires Window-Eyes 7.2 or later; for information about accessibility in iTunes, visit
  • iTunes is now a 64-bit application on 64-bit versions of Windows Vista. Some third-party visualizers may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. Please contact the developer for an updated visualizer that is compatible with iTunes 12.1 or later
  • iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match, and iTunes Radio availability may vary by country
  • 日本語,Français,Deutsch,English, Nederlands,Italiano,Español, Polski,Português,Suomi,Dansk,한국어,Norsk Bokmål,繁體中文,Russian,Português (Brasil),简体中文,Svensk

Many users have fallen in love with the iTunes application, which is used on gadgets like iPod, iPhone, iPad, as well as on PCs. For normal operation in any program, system requirements and compatibility with the OS are first indicated. In this article we will focus on Windows 7 and later versions that are often used nowadays. Let's look at the main errors, why iTunes won't install or start, and how to fix them.

iTunes does not install on Windows 7, 10 and other versions: let’s look at the main problems

Let's start with the fact that each program has its own requirements for installing. Therefore, first of all, let’s take a look at the requirements for installing iTunes.

System requirements for Windows


  • PC with Intel or AMD processor supporting SSE2 (1 GHz) and 512 MB RAM
  • To watch standard format videos from the iTunes Store, you need an Intel Pentium D or faster processor, 512 MB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0 compatible video card.
  • To view 720p HD video, iTunes LPs, and iTunes Extras, you need a 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor or faster, 1 GB of RAM, and an Intel GMA X3000, ATI Radeon X1300, or NVIDIA GeForce 6150 or better graphics processor.
  • To view 1080p HD video, you need a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor or faster, 2 GB RAM, and an Intel GMA X4500HD, ATI Radeon HD 2400, Nvidia GeForce 8300 GS or better graphics processor.
  • Viewing iTunes LP and iTunes Extras requires a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher; 1280x800 or higher
  • 16-bit sound card and speakers
  • Broadband Internet connection required to connect to Apple Music, iTunes Store and iTunes Extras
  • It is recommended that you have a CD or DVD burner to burn Audio CDs, MP3 CDs, or burn CD or DVD backups. Songs from the Apple Music catalog cannot be burned to CD.


  • Windows 7 or later
  • 64-bit versions of Windows require the iTunes installer; For more information, see page
  • 400 MB free disk space
  • Screen reader requires Window-Eyes 7.2 or later; For iTunes availability, see
  • iTunes is now a 64-bit application for 64-bit versions of Windows. Some third party visualizers may not be compatible with this version of iTunes. Contact the developer to get an updated version of the visualizer that is compatible with iTunes 12.1 and later.
  • Availability of Apple Music, Apple Music Radio, iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match may vary by country

In addition to system requirements, the correct installation sequence is also taken into account. We watch this process in the next video.

Video: how to install iTunes

Installation fails, or after installation I receive "error 2" or "Apple Application Support not found" messages.

In this case, perform the following steps.

  • Check that you have computer administrator rights in the account you are logging in under.
  • Try installing Windows updates and the latest version of iTunes for PC.
  • Find the iTunesSetup or iTunes6464Setup folder and, by right-clicking, click “Run as administrator” in the context menu (for the XP version, “Open”). If the application has already been installed on the PC, the system will simply offer a program fix. After that, restart your PC and try running the application again.
  • If iTunes was previously on the PC, but it was not possible to install or fix the program, then a possible solution would be to remove the components remaining from the previous installation. Then try to install the application again.
  • Disabling a security program or even uninstalling it.
  • Restart your PC.

When I try to install iTunes, I get "error 7 (error 193 on Windows)"

This problem should be considered separately, since the solution to this problem is different from the others. This means that the PC has outdated or incompatible software. At the same time, the following messages appear: “iTunes is not installed correctly. Reinstall iTunes. Error 7 (Windows Error 193)", "iTunesHelper is not installed correctly. Reinstall iTunes. Error 7", "The Apple Mobile Device Service could not start. Make sure you have the required level of rights to run system services."

To fix the problem, go to the folder C:\Windows\System32. Find files from the list and drag them to the trash:

  • msvcp100.dll
  • msvcp120.dll
  • msvcp140.dll
  • msvcr100.dll
  • msvcr120.dll
  • vcruntime140.dll

If the file is not found, move on to the next one. You should not delete other files from this folder.

Then try restoring both installed versions of Apple Application Support (64-bit and 32-bit). In the Add or Remove Programs section of Control Panel, highlight the 32-bit version of Apple Application Support file. Right-click to open the context menu and select “Fix”. We perform the same steps for the 64-bit version of Apple Application Support. Let's try to launch iTunes.

Windows Installer package error when installing iTunes

Problems when installing an application also appear due to problems with the Windows Installer. A message appears on the screen.

The program may be disabled, we are trying to start it manually. You can do this as follows. In the “Start” menu, click “Run” and enter “services.msc” in the field. A window will open with a list in which we find “Windows Installer”.

Open the file. The installer window appears. Here we select the launch type “Manual” and click “Run”.

It is possible that the program starts, but an error is displayed. In this case, we try to update Windows Installer.

We can find other options for eliminating the installer error using the links and

iTunes won't start: how to troubleshoot

Partial troubleshooting during startup is discussed above (error 2, error 7). Don't forget to check for updates for Windows and iTunes before attempting to fix errors.

Since iTunes is an Apple product, when launching the application, as well as during installation, a conflict with third-party software is possible. To exclude this option, we turn on the application in safe mode. To do this, when opening iTunes, hold down Shift and Ctrl on the keyboard. After this launch, the “iTunes is running in safe mode” window will appear. The visual modules you installed are temporarily disabled."

Then click the “Continue” button and, if the program started in this way and works without problems, do the following:

  1. Check with the manufacturer of the installed plugin for information about compatibility with the required version of iTunes, as well as information about the availability of updated versions of this plugin.
  2. Close iTunes and try temporarily moving third-party add-ons to your desktop.

iTunes program plugins and scripts are located in the following folders: C:\Users\username\App Data\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes Plug-ins\, C:\Program Files\iTunes\Plug-ins; in Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes Plug-ins\, C:\Program Files\iTunes\Plug-ins.

Startup errors also occur when it is necessary to update the program drivers. To check this, turn off the Internet and launch the application. If iTunes works fine, update the drivers.

Errors are only generated when working in a specific account. In this case, you can create another media library and if there are no problems with it, restore the previous version of the media library.

If problems appear again, you need to check your saved files, as some of them may cause iTunes to freeze or turn off spontaneously. To find such a file, do the following:

If the problem persists, repeat the steps, avoiding adding the files that caused the problem.

Let's not forget about system problems. Possible ways to solve them:

  1. Check for potentially dangerous programs. Make sure your security software is up to date and run a system scan.
  2. Try changing your security software settings.
  3. Make sure iTunes is installed correctly. If necessary, reinstall the program.
  4. Update your PC drivers.

Problems during update: what to do

The problems that arise during the iTunes update process are the same as when installing the application and we proceed in the same way as described above. However, there are individual cases that require the removal of Apple components installed on a PC. Watch the video to see how to do this.

Video: how to remove Apple software update/How to update iTunes Win7

Some issues have been sorted out. Of course, these are not all possible problems when using iTunes. Therefore, “for dessert” I’ll leave a couple of useful links! - iTunes error guide, - error codes on the official website, and for those who want to expand the capabilities of the application - read about life hacks https://,

iTunes is a special application for downloading multimedia files and a convenient audio player that plays and streams radio. This is special software required to interact with the iPhone and other Apple products. However, when installing it (starting from version 12.6.0) on 32-bit Windows 7, all sorts of problems may arise. One of them is a window with the message: “Installing iTunes requires Windows 7 Service Pack 1...”.

Reason for error

The application was developed by Apple and, first of all, is prepared to work with Mac OS, not Windows. Corporate feuds or the difficulty of adaptation - this does not matter to the average user. It is much more important to integrate the program for the normal functioning of the device and abandon unstable versions. Conclusion: the error appears due to developers porting software from one OS bit level to another.

The main reason is that you are trying to install iTunes version 12.6.0, starting with which Apple completely moves away from the 32-bit version. If you have this version, then you should definitely upgrade to x64. By the way, version 12.1.3 was the last one that can be run on Windows XP and Vista versions.

Here is a clear and simple video on updating your seven to the 64-bit version.

If the problem persists

If your bit depth matches, but the error still pops up, then we try the following. It is difficult to guarantee that the problem will eventually be resolved, but several methods can be tried.


So, if you already had iTunes on your computer, then you need to uninstall the program completely. After that, go to “Control Panel” -> “Programs and Features” and from there uninstall all applications from Apple. Next, use the search in Explorer by typing the word “Apple.” From the list, we are interested in the folder stored in the “AppData” directory, clear all the contents there and restart the computer. Let's try to install again. If this does not help, then try the second method.

Error occurs when trying to uninstall Apple Software Update

In this case, go to “Control Panel” -> “Programs and Features”. Find the application, right-click, select restore. After that, reboot and try deleting again.

Installing Individual Components

The installation file contains everything necessary for a successful reinstallation. What do I need to do?

  1. Right-click on the iTunes installation file and open it using the archiver.
  2. We extract from the archive all files with the extension .msi.
  3. We install them (not from the archive!). Important! AppleSoftwareUpdate And iTunes64 We don’t set it at this stage.
  4. Only after the installation is complete do we try to install AppleSoftwareUpdate.
  5. After this, run the iTunes.msi file taken from the archive.
“Trick” iTunes through the registry

Our reader gave excellent advice on how to bypass such a block by editing the SP version parameters in the Windows registry. You need to do the following:

  1. Open the “Run” option and enter the regedit command there.
  2. The registry will open - go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Windows\.
  3. In the list, look for the CSDVersion parameter and double-click on it.
  4. After that, we enter the value 100 there, so the REG_DWORD pointer should become 0x00000100 - this will indicate to iTunes that the system has SP1. The number system must be hexadecimal.
  5. After that, just restart the PC and try.


I repeat once again - starting from version 12.6.0 iTunes is now a 64-bit application on the corresponding versions of Windows 7/8. Apply a simple update and safely download the program to your PC. As you can see, all the methods are quite simple and will not take much time. Go for it!

In our previous instructions for novice iPhone and iPad users, we succeeded, after which we examined it in detail, found out that this program is distributed free of charge, but forgot about one very important point - the bitness of the PC operating system, which affects compatibility with.

Some users were unable to install iTunes and asked in emails - Why won't iTunes install? Other users had iTunes installed on their computer, but for some reason it wouldn’t launch. One of the reasons for such problems may be that the version of iTunes does not match the bitness of the computer's operating system.

Users of the Mac OS X operating system may not read further, but Windows owners should know that Windows operating systems come in 64-bit and 32-bit (64 bit and 32 bit). Therefore, you need to download iTunes corresponding to the bitness of the PC OS. In the first part of the material, I propose to learn how to determine the bit depth of your computer operating system and find out whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit. And in the second part we will learn how to choose the right iTunes for the operating system.

Windows 7 bit depth
Today, many people use Windows 7 on their computers; to determine the bit depth, we do the following:

1. Click the “Start” button in the lower left corner and enter the word in the search column - System. You will see this very System in the search results above, click on it. If that doesn't work, you can alternatively right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties.

2. As a result, a window should appear to view basic information about the computer, where in the System section you can look at the System type and see the bitness of Windows 7. In the example above, we see a 64-bit operating system. If you have a 32-bit one, then instead of the number 64 the computer will display 32.

Windows XP bit depth
With XP everything is pretty much the same, but there are some peculiarities.

You can, as in the case of 7, right-click on the My Computer icon and select System Information Properties in the General tab. If there are no bit numbers there, but simply says Windows XP, this means that the system is 32-bit. In 64-bit versions of XP there is a number - 64.

1. Additionally, you can verify the bitness of XP as follows: Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Information.

There is another, shorter way: Start – Run – enter in English letters winmsd.exe and click OK.

2. A window with information about the system opens, look at the Processor column; if it starts with X86, the operating system is 32-bit. In the case of a 64-bit version of the OS, the Processor section will start with the inscription IA-64, or other abbreviations containing the number 64.

It seems that we have sorted out the bit depth of operating systems, now you need to download the appropriate iTunes for your OS. By default, the 32-bit version is available for download on the iTunes download page on Apple's website, as it is more common among users. To download 64-bit iTunes, you can go to the Google search engine page and use the query - iTunes 64, find the 64-bit version.

The iTunes installation file for 32-bit systems looks like this: iTunesSetup.exe
The iTunes installation file for 64-bit systems looks like this: iTunes64Setup.exe

We hope that now you will be able to install iTunes for any operating system. Users of the Mac OS X operating system, install iTunes for Mac, as far as I know you have no problems with bit depth.

Today, the field of mobile technology continues to develop at a fairly rapid pace. Progress in the production of cell phones and smartphones becomes especially noticeable if you pay attention to how quickly Yesterday's new products become obsolete, unable to withstand the competition of newly released flagships. We will talk about eliminating one of the signs of such obsolescence below.

iPhone and iOS obsolescence

In one of our previous articles: - we looked at an option that allows you to play online videos in high quality on an old computer.
But if the process of obsolescence of hardware in most cases can be considered natural and necessary, then with software everything is not always so obvious.

In the issue of software obsolescence, two main directions can be distinguished:

  1. Lack of support and release of operating system updates by the manufacturer for old devices
  2. Lack of backward compatibility of new software versions with old OS

Support period

The first point is clear. The smartphone manufacturer does not want to spend effort and money on optimization of the new system for outdated hardware, even if this task is technically feasible. In addition to saving resources, this step also contributes to the rapid growth of sales of new manufactured devices (in this case we neglect the outflow of the customer base to a more loyal manufacturer), which also does not speak in favor of increasing the duration of support for its products.

Software backwards compatibility

As for the question backward compatibility, then this side may seem even more controversial. To begin with, let us give a conditional answer in the context of the current article to the question: What is backward compatibility?

backward compatibility- is the ability of new software versions to work with old data formats on an old operating system

Both versions of this problem are very acute for owners of previous releases of the company’s cell phones. Apple.
For example, the latter is available to owners iPhone 4S version iOS - 9.3.5 , For iPhone 4 the situation is even worse; this device can only be officially installed iOS 7.1.2. And this despite the fact that latest version of Apple operating system at the current time - 10.3.1

Consequences of software obsolescence

What does this mean?
One of the main troubles they will face users of outdated Apple devices- that, often, It is impossible to install some programs from the App Store on iOS below a certain release.
In particular, to install such a popular program for exchanging quick messages and calls via the Internet, such as Viber, from the Apple store you will need to have the installed version iOS no lower than 8.1. For applications such as Skype, network client In contact with or mobile application Instagram, maximum old version of the phone system that meets the installation conditions for the listed software - iOS 8.0.

From all of the above, we can conclude that officially we do not have the opportunity install Viber on iPhone 4 . The same applies to the other programs mentioned: Skype, vk client for iOS, Instagram and many others. Moreover, the same fate will soon befall newer models, so this issue may in the future affect an increasing number of users of Apple products.

However, there is a way to install the same Instagram on iPhone 4. This method will work with most programs.
The essence of this method is to pre-download the application from the App Store with reference to Apple ID and subsequent installation of the supported version of the program on the phone itself.

So, we will need:

  1. Computer with Internet access.
  2. Connecting to the Internet on iPhone.

Let's get started.

Installing VK App in Apple ID via iTunes

If we try install the VKontakte program on iPhone 4, then nothing will work for us, we will get an error This content (app) requires iOS 8.0 or later with a proposal to update the device to iOS 8.0

But if we go along the path Settings - General - Software Update, we will see that we have installed " newest"Software, namely iOS 7.1.2, which is the latest for iPhone 4

This means that we will have to look for workarounds.

Download the program to your computer from the official Apple website iTunes and install it.
Let's launch iTunes and log in using the account with which your iPhone was activated.

Now in the upper left corner click on the drop-down menu and select Edit menu...

In the list that appears, check the box next to Programs and click Finish.

Next, in the drop-down list, go to the Programs section we added.
In the central part of the screen, click on the App Store tab. In the upper right corner, in the search bar, enter the name of the program we are interested in, let it be VKontakte client for iPhone. Click the button under the application icon Download, enter the password for your Apple ID and click the Buy button ( The app is free, nothing to worry about)

The application is downloaded to our account, we no longer need a computer.

Installing VK App on iPhone 4 via the App Store

We connect the phone to the Internet via a mobile network or via Wi-Fi. Let's launch App Store on the device and can immediately go to the tab Updates. Here we will have the same application that we downloaded from iTunes, that is, the client VK App. To the right of the program icon there will be a button in the form of a cloud with an arrow, which allows us to install the application from the Apple ID.
Click on the cloud

Now we will see a notification that To download the latest version of the program, an updated version of the operating system is required. But here we will be asked download the previous version of this application, which we will use by pressing the button Download

We wait for the latest compatible version to finish downloading and can launch the installed program.
It is worth mentioning that this way it will not be possible install the latest version of the program on iPhone(the solution to the issue is possible if you have a Jailbreak), that is, you will probably not have access to the full functionality of the application added in new releases, but this is most often not required for comfortable use of the main features.

Today we talked about how to install the program on an iPhone with an outdated iOS system.

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