Exchange of an old receiver for a new tricolor TV. Tricolor exchange of old equipment for new free of charge

The TricolorTV company provides its customers with a stable and high-quality TV picture - for this they use special receivers. Unfortunately, like any equipment, receivers tend to become outdated, as progress does not stand still. Since the beginning of this year, TricolorTV has launched several promotions, within which users can contact the company with their old equipment and replace it with new generation receivers with or without additional payment. _________________________________________________________________________________

The functions of old receivers are somewhat limited compared to new ones, and with the development of technology, the difference in picture quality and the number of broadcast signals will increase. New TricolorTV receivers have a number of advantages over old ones:

  1. New TricolorTV packages will be available for customers to connect to, especially with HD and UltraHD channels.
  2. The basic package of channels may eventually be limited to 50 if you do not upgrade your equipment.
  3. New models have functions for pausing and recording TV programs - a new broadcast management service.
  4. Navigation has been updated to make setting up channels even easier.
  5. Included with many receivers is HDD 500 GB, allowing you to turn your TV into a multimedia catalog that is always available.
  6. New expanded “Multiroom” services will become available - connecting portable equipment for broadcasting TV channels.
  7. It will be possible to broadcast the entire package of channels on two TVs using a special receiver.

More advanced receivers also have other features that customers may find attractive:

  1. For gamers - an additional console for connecting and playing games with a library.
  2. For owners of a 4K TV, the CI+ module allows you to watch channels in the best quality.

Exchange conditions and where to change

You can exchange old equipment for either a single-tuner or a dual-tuner receiver - not only further functionality and broadcast quality will depend on the choice of model, but also the cost that you will have to pay extra for a brand new receiver.

Basic exchange terms include:

  1. The old receiver must be included in the list of equipment accepted for replacement. This list can be viewed on the website:
  2. A smart card must come with the receiver, the ID of which can be determined - it must be registered. An unregistered card cannot be replaced.
  3. The client must not be a participant in lending and installment plans, including products such as “FullHD in every home” and “Even more affordable”.
  4. When replacing, the client activates the “Unified” package through the special promotion Exchange – 0.

You can exchange equipment:

  1. By leaving an online order through the “Exchange Online” form on the equipment change page. The system will redirect you to the store, where you can choose a new receiver, see the cost of the surcharge and conditions. The receiver will be delivered to you and connected after payment.
  2. At TricolorTV sales offices, having previously filled out an application on the website. In this case, you need to bring your old receiver with a smart card with you (and take the contract with you, just in case).
  3. At the equipment dealer. The conditions are the same, the list of dealers is in the “Equipment Exchange” section - “Where to exchange?”
  4. At an Eldorado retail outlet, after filling out an application and speaking with a specialist.

Exchange cost

The amount of money that you will have to pay extra for changing the receiver depends on what equipment you are going to replace the old receiver with. There are several options within the promotion:

Service name What do we change it for? Amount of additional payment in rubles.
"Exchange for a two-tuner receiver with a hard drive" Receiver model GS B521H with maximum functionality 6499
“Exchange for a kit for viewing on two screens” Receiver from the GS B521 / GS B521 (with USB stick) / GS B531M / GS B533M / GS B531N range

The kit also includes a client receiver for broadcasting on two GS C591 / GS C5911 / GS C592 screens.

"Exchange in installments" Dual-tuner receiver of one of the advanced models 199 rub./month. for 25 months
"Exchange for a two-tuner receiver" Receiver from the GS B521, GS B521 (with USB storage), GS B533M, GS B531M or GS B531N line of models 3999
"Exchange for CI+ module" Module conditional access CI+ (ConditionalAccess or Delgado) with support for 4K broadcasts 3999
"Exchange for a set with a game console" Receiver from the GS B521, GS B531M, GS B531N or GS B533M + GS GAMEKIT line. 6499
“Exchange for a single-tuner receiver + “Unified” service Receiver from the GS B210, GS B211 or GS B520 model line. 3999-4199

Attention! The “Exchange in installments” service is valid only until July 31, 2018. The receiver is replaced with a new single-tuner model as part of the additional “Exchange Time” promotion.

Since March 2017, the company "Tricolor", providing services satellite television, is holding a promotion to attract new customers. This promotion managed to become very popular and allowed the company to attract many new subscribers. We’ll talk about what kind of promotion this is related to the exchange of the Tricolor receiver. What are its benefits and is it necessary to connect to this provider just because of the promotion?

Promotion from "Tricolor": receiver exchange

It is worth noting that the promotion is really worth attention. Its essence is as follows: the user brings an old receiver, the company takes it away and issues a new one. It will support Full HD channels, which will provide a more detailed picture. However, not all so simple. You can't just take old junk and replace it with new stuff. When exchanging an old receiver for new user you will have to pay an additional 4,000 rubles. This is a fair price for a new device for watching digital FullHD television. These are the conditions for exchanging receivers from Tricolor in this case.

There are other options. For example, an old receiver can be replaced with a cool HD set for 2 TVs. In this case, you will have to pay an additional 6,500 rubles.

Is it profitable?

In fact, exchanging the Tricolor receiver is beneficial to the user, because the real cost of an HD receiver, which can be obtained for 4 thousand rubles, is as much as 9,000 rubles. It is the company itself that specifies this price. It’s hard to say how much it actually costs.

But if the real price of the receiver is so high, then the terms of the promotion are very acceptable. This is partly why many users have already taken advantage of this offer.

What does the user get?

Depending on whether the user chooses to exchange for one or two receivers, he will receive different equipment. So, with an additional payment of 4,000 rubles, you can exchange your old receiver for a new two-tuner satellite receiver. You can also select an access module for your TV. As a gift, the user is given a smart card with a subscription to a television package, which will be available for 7 days. This package includes over 200 digital channels and about 50 HD channels. The cost of this package is 1,500 rubles per year, but the first week you can use it for free.

It is also possible to exchange the old receiver for two new ones. "Tricolor" offers a special system for watching TV on two TVs simultaneously. In this case, you will have to pay not 4000, but 6500 rubles. The gift also includes a card with a weekly subscription to the television package.

This is how the company tries to attract customers and, admittedly, does it very professionally.

Conditions for exchange

The company's official website contains information about the equipment that is accepted for exchange. That is, if you have a completely “ancient” receiver, then you are unlikely to be able to exchange it for a new receiver. The following models are accepted: CAM DRE; Dongle; DRE 7300; CAM-NC1; DRE 4000 and DRE 5000.

Also, all these receivers can be accepted together with smart cards and only from owners who are registered as subscribers of the company. You cannot bring equipment with an ID whose owners have not previously been registered. Needless to say, receivers must be working.

Also, subscribers who are already participating in other promotions such as “Tricolor Credit”, “Receiver to the house in installments”, etc. cannot take part in the promotion. It is worth considering that the dealer’s delivery services, as well as the services of a technician for setting up and installing equipment, are paid separately. All this is not included in the price of the promotional offer.

So, in order to participate in the action, you need to have with you: a civil passport, a receiver (which you will exchange), four or six and a half thousand rubles.

Also keep in mind that there are partners of the Tricolor company who are trading organizations. Therefore, sometimes it is not at all necessary to go to the company’s office. If there is a trading partner near your home, then you can exchange the Tricolor receiver directly with this partner. The terms of the promotion remain the same.

Is it necessary to exchange Tricolor receivers?

Of course, an exchange is not required. This is just a promotion, thanks to which old customers have the opportunity to buy new equipment at a profit. This also attracts new customers, who first need to become subscribers of the company.

But even if you don’t want to exchange your old receiver for a new one and pay extra money, you can leave your old model. It will work as before. Just ignore the promotional offer.

We will exchange old Tricolor TV equipment for new ones. This is an excellent opportunity to get a modern receiver that supports HD format with a minimal additional payment.

Is your receiver outdated, shows few channels, and does not support HD quality? It's time to exchange it for a new one!

To do this, you just need to hand over your old one and get a new, modern satellite receiver in return (or a system for connecting to two TVs).

A list of accepted obsolete equipment is given.

Offers for the exchange of equipment "Tricolor TV"

*when exchanging in installments, payment is 199 rubles per month (for 25 months). The price includes viewing the “Single” package for the specified period.

How to exchange an old receiver for a new one?

Order an exchange with home delivery.

  1. Call us and call a specialist.
  2. Give him your old radio.
  3. Receive new equipment (you will need to present your passport to register the receiver).
  4. The technician will complete all the necessary documents, register, connect and configure the operation of the new equipment.

Please check with our managers for the cost of delivery and connection of equipment in your city.

Advantages of exchanging old equipment for new

More than 200 channels, including dozens in HD, as well as many radio stations.

7 days free viewing* the “Unified” package and all additional packages: “Match Premier”, “MATCH! Football", "Children's" and "Night".

The ability to connect a tablet or smartphone to watch your favorite TV channels anywhere in the apartment (using the Multiroom service).

Pause the broadcast or record TV programs (Manage the Broadcast service).

Ability to watch TV on two TVs when connecting an additional client receiver.

You won't lose anything. Subscription to the main package of channels “Unified” and to all additional packages, as well as existing funds will be transferred to new equipment in full.

List of equipment accepted for exchange


DRE 4000
DRE 5000/DRS-5001/DRS 5003
DRE 7300/GS-7300


GS 8300/M/N
DRS 8300
GS 8302
GS 8304

GS 8308
DRS 8308
GS 6301
HD 9303
HD 9305
GS 8307
GS 8306
GS 8305
DRS 8305
GS B210
GS B211
GS B212
GS B520
GS B522
GS U210
GS U510
GS E212

Exchange terms:

  • Equipment is accepted complete with smart cards (provided that the equipment was equipped with a smart card).
  • Equipment (whose owners are registered as Tricolor TV subscribers) in working condition with a identifiable ID is accepted for exchange. Equipment with ID type xx11хххххххх, the owners of which have not previously been registered, will not be accepted for exchange.
  • Existing participants in the “Tricolor Credit”, “Tricolor Credit: third stage”, “Tricolor Credit: fifth stage”, “Tricolor TV Full HD” campaigns for each home”, “Second receiver for the home in installments”, “ are not allowed to exchange equipment Tricolor TV is even more accessible.”
  • Re-flashed receivers are not accepted for exchange.

The largest Russian digital television operator, Tricolor TV, offers high-quality services. The company has developed a unique system through which you can get a constant signal and a clear image. Every month the operator makes changes to the system, improving it. This requires subscribers not only to download monthly updates, but also to replace equipment. How is a Tricolor receiver replaced with a new one?

Currently, the digital television operator is inviting the company's customers to take part in a promotion that involves replacing outdated models of equipment with new ones. As part of this promotion, new set-top boxes are provided to users free of charge.

Improved models are equipped with new features, thanks to which subscribers gain access to an expanded list of TV channels. Why is new equipment provided free of charge? Because not every client of the company can buy receivers every year that have all the necessary functions.

Over time, the subscriber will lose access to new TV channels and will not be able to use many functions that will be available to other users through new set-top boxes.

For the sake of customer comfort, the company providing digital television services holds special promotions that allow you to exchange equipment free of charge: “Receiver exchange - 0 rub.”

Terms of action

The Tricolor promotion “Exchange of old equipment for new” includes:

  1. Issue of a new receiver, through which the user will be able to view up to 180 channels. 30 of them are HD quality.
  2. Connection to the “Unified” package (30 days test period).
  3. The warranty period for equipment is 12 months.

If necessary, you can obtain more detailed information from the customer support operator. Experienced employees will advise clients on any information or technical issue.

In order to take part in the promotion, you must complete a number of specific actions. First, you need to transfer the old equipment to company representatives and subscribe to the “Single Exchange - 0” tariff. After paying the first installment - 450 rubles. The client is given a receiver type GSD211.

The price already includes connection services.

The total cost of the equipment is paid during the year and amounts to 5850 rubles. if desired, the subscriber can connect a more advanced tariff plan, which accordingly will cost more.

Exchange old Tricolor for new: for two TVs

On the company’s official website you can see the equipment exchange offers in force in 2019:

  • "Super benefit." A new receiver is issued free of charge when old equipment is returned. In this case, the subscriber undertakes to enter into an agreement to use the company’s services for a year. Subscription fee per month should be at least 250 rubles.
  • "Time for Exchange." To connect 200 additional channels, the client must pay an additional fee of about 3,999 rubles for changing the set-top box. (possible in installments).
  • “Change and watch HD!” In this case, the subscriber also needs to pay about 4,000 rubles. You can arrange the exchange in installments. What does the client get? Possibility to watch videos in high quality – HD.
  • “More than an exchange!” As part of this promotion, you can replace old-style equipment with new ones (HD support). As part of the additional payment of 4799 rubles. the subscriber receives a couple of additional tuners, with which you can connect GS set-top boxes and interactive tablets.
  • “Exchange for 2 cheap!” By paying an additional 7199 rubles. you can purchase a kit with which you can use digital television on two screens at the same time.

Where can I change the receiver?

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