Windows 8 mobile phone update. Windows Phone Update - Device Recovery Tool

The appearance of Windows 10 Mobile in 2015 allowed smartphones running Microsoft software to gain new capabilities. Now their functionality is comparable to computers on the same platform. And the new operating system is also different in the frequency of new versions - not every few years, but 1-2 times a year. Moreover, even after updating Windows 10 Mobile, the name of the platform remains the same. Only the version number changes and, sometimes, the build, of which there are now three - 1507, 1511 and 1607. And in April 2017, Windows 10 Mobile 1704 is expected to be released. The name of each build consists of two digits - the year and month of its release.

Where can I find information about Windows 10 Mobile updates?

To determine which update version is currently current, you can use the information from official page Microsoft company. Since 2017, here is the history latest changes operating system, including platforms for PCs and mobile gadgets. In this list you can find serious additions, released in entire packages 1-2 times a year, and the latest cumulative update, which appears much more often for Windows 10 Mobile, designed to fix minor vulnerabilities and errors.

The decision to create such a page was made by company representatives after receiving a number of reviews from users of the mobile and standard versions of the operating system. At first the data was only available on English language, but now information about platform updates can be read in Russian. As a result, it has become easier for users to control the occurrence of changes by updating in a timely manner. software their tablets and smartphones.

Official updates for Windows Mobile builds 1511 and 1607

The manufacturer's page contains information about the latest Windows 10 Mobile update, what's new in it, and what new features the developer has added. Thus, the newest version of the Anniversary Update, released in July 2016 (build 1607) offers:

  • improved playback of music files;
  • solving the problem with the screen not turning on after checking fingerprints;
  • ability to work with multiple certificates through one interface;
  • full communication of the smart card module with contactless devices for reading them;
  • enabling web page shortcuts using the IE browser when working in Enhanced Protected Mode.

For this, the latest build of Windows 10 Mobile, the latest update number is 14393.693. ID – KB3213986, release date – January 10, 2017. At the same time, you can also find updates for older builds on the page. For example, for Windows 10 version 1511, to which the latest upgrade with number 10586.545 (identifier KB3176493) was released on August 9, 2016. The first build of Windows 10 for mobile devices, 1507 (July 2015), has not been supported by the manufacturer since 2017. And packages for fixing errors and vulnerabilities are not released for it.

Despite the almost monthly appearance of new versions of Windows 10 Mobile, reviews left for the latest updates show that not all of them are successful. Thus, users report that after installing patch 14393.693, some applications did not start. To solve the problem, I had to use the Recovery Tool utility. The developer reports that in the new build 1704 all these errors will be corrected.

Windows 10 Mobile updates by evaluation program

In addition to official updates available for download from Microsoft, the company releases versions only for participants in the testing program. These users have different access levels:

  • “early” – the group that receives packages with the newest features and, generally, with a large number of bugs;
  • “late” – to receive already fixed updates;
  • “pre-release” – for testing packages before the official release.

Currently Last update Windows Phone 10 Mobile for testing programs, released on March 3, 2017, bears the number 15047. For the version of the operating system on the PC, a fix package number 15051 has already appeared. At the same time, downloading updates for “late” testing (Slow Ring) is also available for ordinary users on the developer's website.

You can find out which patch package is installed on your smartphone using the settings menu. To do this, go to the About section. The number of the installed update (OS Build) will be indicated here. And using the Phone Update section, you can find out which package is available for installation and download it to your smartphone.

I would like to remind the reader that Microsoft predicted the release of a new version of the Windows Phone operating system back in the spring of this year. But, despite the developer’s statements, the official update appeared only this summer. Thus, at the moment, the update of all Windows Phone devices is now at its peak.

This post is written to let you know how to update your device to latest version Windows Phone operating system, that is, up to version 8.1. The developer company, Microsoft, announces a large number of useful innovations and a significant update of the functionality of this OS.

What's new in Windows Phone 8.1?

Innovations in the latest Windows versions Phone 8.1 includes a newly created notification center for the user. It is also worth noting the following benefits:

  • the calendar has received significant updates
  • The gadget's camera now keeps the subject being photographed in constant autofocus
  • it became possible to set the background image on the device screen yourself
  • Color rendering quality is now much higher
  • optimized battery power consumption
  • Now the user can transfer his favorite applications to external media (flash card), as well as their data
  • installed voice assistant named Cortana

The procedure for updating your device to Windows Phone 8.1 depends on the country you are currently in, as well as on the model of your device. By the way, information about the availability of the latest version of the operating system for gadgets of the Nokia Lumia family can be found out from this link.

First, select your geographic location, then your country and the exact model of your smartphone.

Step-by-step instructions for updating the Windows Phone 8 operating system to the latest version 8.1

To correctly and quickly update Windows Phone on your phone, we take the following simple steps:

  • First of all, charge well battery smartphone
  • Next, check the presence of a connected Internet connection via Wi-Fi network. The size of the files downloaded for updating is quite large
  • then you need to check the availability of free space for storing data ( inner memory). If there is not enough space to download files for the update, the smartphone itself will prompt you to free up the required space
  • if the previous steps are completed correctly, then you should then click on the “Settings” button on your phone, and then get to the “Phone Update” section
  • the next step involves clicking a special button called “check for updates” (see screenshots above)
  • if your device has successfully verified that it has the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1, then you will be prompted to install it in automatic mode. The operating system installation wizard will detail the next steps
  • then the download of the necessary system files, which should end with installing them and rebooting the device. In the welcome window that appears, click “Finish”. The update was successful!

If everything goes smoothly, and it shouldn’t be otherwise, then the procedure itself will take you a maximum of 10 minutes

Synchronization installed applications and user data will also be processed automatically. If the gadget freezes at any stage, simply reboot and the operation will continue from the same place without any problems.

Almost every user sooner or later needs to update their phone operating system. Moreover, if it became available a new version operating system. True, the update does not always lead to the desired result. But still, even the mobile device developers themselves advise updating in a timely manner, especially if a new version of the operating system appears. In devices based on Windows Phone, such a possibility exists. True, in order to upgrade to Windows Phone 10 you will need to carry out a set of actions.

The easiest method to update Windows Phone

The easiest method to update the Windows Phone operating system is to use the corresponding section in the “settings” category:

  1. We go to the “All settings” section.
  2. Find the “Phone Update” menu and check for available updates.
  3. If there are available updates, select “Download”, and then “Install”.

The update process may take a long time. During this period of time, it is better not to perform any actions with the smartphone in order to avoid problems with installing the update.

The battery charge should be monitored during this procedure. It's better to first connect your phone to charger, even if the battery is fully charged.

Update using special applications

If you carried out the previous list of actions and as a result saw the notification “Phone does not need to be updated”

But if you know for sure that an update is available for your device, then you will need to download the Upgrade Advisor application and carry out a set of updates with its help.

  1. Download and install Upgrade Advisor.
  2. After installation is complete, activate the application.
  3. Check the box next to the “Allow upgrade to Windows 10” section.
  4. The program will automatically detect available updates, and then you will need to act strictly according to the prompts provided.

When starting to update your phone, be sure to make sure you have the required free space. Otherwise, various errors may occur during the process that will prevent you from updating the device. Also make sure you have a stable Internet connection via Wi-Fi, as you will need to download the update, which is quite large.

The Windows 10 Mobile platform is an operating system designed for smartphones and tablets with screen sizes up to 9 inches. With its advent, mobile devices received almost the same capabilities that are available for personal computers with the same OS version. At the same time, many users of the previous platform have a question about how to update Windows Mobile and increase the functionality of their devices. And owners of smartphones with an already installed platform periodically receive from Microsoft the opportunity to install a new build of the same Windows 10.

Latest and anniversary updates for Windows 10 Mobile

The latest Windows 10 Mobile update package available for download on the manufacturer's official website appeared online on August 16, 2016. It was called Anniversary and provided users with many advantages in the form of increased functionality of applications such as Microsoft Edge, Cortana and Action Center. At the same time, owners of supported devices did not need to take virtually any action to receive the package. It was enough to manually check for an update for the phone and install it. This package is not available for some devices because only supported smartphones and tablets can upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary and later in 2016.

Cumulative updates continue to be released by the software manufacturer. And the latest version at the moment is version 14393.448 dated November 9, 2016. Its installation allows you to fix errors from previous updates and increase security, but does not provide noticeable improvements in functionality. Therefore, if you have not yet installed it on your smartphone Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update, you no longer have to think about how to update the system - Microsoft is releasing a new build in April.

April build of Windows 10 Mobile

According to information on the official Microsoft website, from April 25, 2017, users of smartphones with previous builds of Windows 10 Mobile will have the opportunity to how to update to Windows 10 Mobile to the next version– Creators Update. It is numbered 1704 and should provide users with a greater degree of security compared to builds 1511 and 1607. Among the features of the updated platform:
  • support for virtual reality technology and 3D content;
  • quick response to a device security threat;
  • increasing the stability of wireless network access;
  • transition to HTML5 technology instead of outdated Flash.
For users participating in the Windows Insider testing program, the ability to download build 1704 became available on April 5. Moreover, both for late access and for early access. In addition, you can download Creators Update RTM builds from Microsoft servers as an ISO file and install it using a PC.

Windows 10 Update for Windows Phone

For the owner of a device with the Windows Phone operating system installed, it is also possible to update the platform to a more modern version. Although, before you try to update your phone to Windows 10 Mobile, you should find it in the list of supported devices. The names of smartphones can be found on the official website of the software manufacturer.
Installing a new operating system on models supported by Microsoft is carried out in several stages:
  1. Find and download in the Store special application Update Assistant;
  2. Open the program and click “Next”;
  3. Wait until the assistant finds an update available for installation;
  4. Check the box next to the item that allows updates to the Windows 10 platform and click “Next” again;
  5. Do not take any other action until the update is complete.

Before, how to update Windows 10 Mobile via computer, you should do it first backup copy all information located on the smartphone and download the WP Recovery Tool application from the Microsoft website. In this case, connecting to a computer a phone that is not in the list of supported models will display a corresponding message on the screen. If the device is supported, the smartphone is detected and after clicking on the tile with its name, the firmware update starts from official servers. And, if previously the method of updating Windows 10 Mobile via a PC made it possible to install the system even on unsupported models, as of July 23, 2016, the opportunity was closed by the developer.

Possible problems with updating Window 10 Mobile

When installing the operating system, certain problems may arise:
  • If the movement of the gears that indicate loading continues for more than 2 hours, a failure occurred in the process of transmitting information. To solve the problem, the smartphone reboots, and then the installation continues;

  • The smartphone battery can die right during the download. This situation can be avoided by ensuring the battery is fully charged before installing the system;
  • The device memory may not be enough. In this case, it is possible to use a microSD card as a storage device on which the system will be installed.

A failed installation in some cases requires not only a reboot, but also removal of the battery. After returning the battery to its place, sometimes you can simply continue flashing. But, if the previous operating system was already partially damaged, you will first have to restore its functionality with using Windows Device Recovery Tool.

Is it worth upgrading from Windows Phone to Windows 10 Mobile?

  • If a Windows Phone user has a question about Windows 10 Mobile, is it worth upgrading? software, the arguments for a positive answer include:
  • increasing the number of quick settings;
  • built-in support for OTG connectors and USB Type-C;
  • update voice assistant Cortana;
  • built-in Skype application for voice and video communication;
  • a new package for working with office documents.
After the owner of a smartphone compatible with the new operating system succeeded update Windows Mobile Windows Phone, he will have an almost full-fledged computer at his disposal. And he will be able not only to control the gadget with one hand, but also to scale the interface, continuously play the music he is listening to and use new Windows store Store - the same as for PC.

Selection of operating systems for mobile devices quite limited. Usually it depends directly on the device model, so switching to a different operating system is not always possible. This further limits user choice. Therefore, the entry of Windows 10 Mobile into the market was good news for them.

Official phone update to Windows 10 Mobile

Before proceeding with the update itself, you should make sure that your device supports Windows 10 Mobile. You can install this operating system on most devices that support Windows 8.1, and more precisely, on the following models:

  • lumia 1520, 930, 640, 640XL, 730, 735, 830, 532, 535, 540, 635 1GB, 638 1GB, 430, 435;
  • BLU Win HD w510u;
  • BLU Win HD LTE x150q;
  • MCJ Madosma Q501.

You can find out if your device supports the official update to Windows 10 Mobile by using the Update Advisor app. It is available on the official Microsoft website at the link: It makes sense to use it, since Windows 10 Mobile sometimes appears on new devices that were not previously available for updating.

The program will check the possibility of upgrading your phone to Windows 10 Mobile and help free up space for its installation

Upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile using the Upgrade Assistant app

This application previously allowed you to update unsupported devices as well. Unfortunately, this opportunity was closed about a year ago. At the moment, you can only update those devices to Windows Mobile 8.1 for which Windows installation 10 Mobile is available.
Before you begin the update, complete a number of preparatory steps:

  • through the Windows Store, update all applications installed on your phone - this will help avoid many problems with their operation and updating after switching to Windows 10 Mobile;
  • make sure you have a stable connection to the network, since if the network is disrupted, there is a risk of errors appearing in the installation files of the new operating system;
  • free up space on your device: to install the update you will need about two gigabytes of free space;
  • connect the phone to an external power source: if it runs out of power during the update, it will cause damage;
  • Do not press any buttons or interact with the phone in any way during the update;
  • Be patient - if the update takes too long, don't panic and interrupt the installation.

Violating any of these rules may damage your device. Be careful and careful: only you are responsible for your phone.

When all the preparatory steps are completed, you can proceed directly to installing the update on your phone. To do this, do the following:

As a result, Windows 10 Mobile will be installed on the phone. It may not contain the latest updates, so you will have to install them yourself. This is done like this:

  1. After installation is complete, make sure that the device is fully accessible and operational: all programs should work on it.
  2. Open your phone settings.
  3. In the “Updates and Security” section, select the option to work with updates.
  4. After checking for updates, your device will be updated to the latest version of Windows 10 Mobile.
  5. Wait until the updated applications finish downloading, after which you can use your device.

Video: Upgrading to Windows 10 Mobile

Windows 10 Mobile build versions

Like any operating system, Windows 10 Mobile has been updated many times, and builds for various devices came out regularly. So that you can evaluate the progress of development of this OS, we will tell you about some of them.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update 14393.953

This update was released in March 2017. For many devices it is the last one available. Since this is a cumulative update, it contains many important changes. Here are just a few of them:

  • application protection systems for working on the network have been updated, which affected both available browsers and systems like Windows SMB server;
  • The performance of the operating system has been significantly improved, in particular, the drop in performance when working with the Internet has been eliminated;
  • improved program performance Office package, bugs fixed;
  • Problems caused by time zone changes have been fixed;
  • The stability of many applications has been increased and numerous bugs have been fixed.

This is what the update did Windows system 10 Mobile is really stable and easy to use.

The Anniversary Update 14393.953 was an extremely important step in the development of Windows 10 Mobile

Upgrade Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 Mobile on devices not officially supported

Until March 2016, users of devices running Windows 8.1 could upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile even if their device was not listed as supported. Now this option has been removed, but experienced users found a workaround. Please be aware that the steps in this manual may damage your phone and are performed at your own risk.

First you need to download the program for manual update and files of the operating system itself. You can find them on forums dedicated to mobile phones.

And then do the following:

Upgrading Windows 10 Mobile to the Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update

If you're already using the Windows 10 Mobile operating system, but your phone isn't among the devices eligible for the latest update, you still have legal way from Microsoft to receive all the latest updates, although without expanding the capabilities of the device. This is done like this:

Thus, although your device is not supported for a full update, you will still receive major fixes and improvements to the operating system along with other users.

How to roll back an upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 8.1

To return to Windows 8.1 after upgrading to Windows 10 Mobile, you will need:

  • USB cable for connecting to a computer;
  • computer;
  • Windows Phone Recovery Tool program, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Do the following:

Video: Rolling back an upgrade from Windows 10 Mobile to Windows 8.1

Problems updating to Windows 10 Mobile

During installation of a new operating system, the user may encounter problems. Let's look at the most common of them along with their solutions.

Can't download Windows 10 update

This problem can occur for various reasons. For example, due to corruption of update files, phone settings failure, etc. To resolve, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure there is enough space on your phone to install the operating system.
  2. Check the quality of your connection to the network - it should be stable and allow you to download large amounts of data (for example, downloading over a 3G network rather than Wi-Fi does not always work correctly).
  3. Reset your phone: go to the settings menu, select “Device Information” and press the “Reset Settings” button, which will delete all data on the device and return the settings to factory defaults.
  4. After resetting the settings, create a new account and try downloading the update again.

Error 0x800705B4 appears when updating

If you receive this error when trying to upgrade to Windows 10, the files were not downloaded correctly. Use the instructions above to return to Windows 8.1 and then restart your phone. Then try downloading and installing the update again.

Windows 10 Mobile Notification Center Error

Error code 80070002 indicates an update error. Usually it indicates a lack of free space on the device, but sometimes it occurs due to incompatibility between the phone's firmware and the current update version. In this case, you need to stop the installation and wait for the release of the next version.

If error code 80070002 appears, check the date and time on your device

This error may also be caused by incorrect set times and date on the device. Do the following:

  1. Open your device settings and go to the “Date and Time” menu.
  2. Check the box next to “Disable automatic synchronization.”
  3. Then check the date and time on your phone, change them if necessary, and try downloading the application again.

Errors updating applications through the store or errors updating the store itself

If you cannot download an update, for example, for the Equalizer application, or the Windows Store itself refuses to start on your device, the issue may be due to your account settings being messed up. Sometimes, to fix this problem, it is enough to re-enter the device password in the “ Accounts» in the phone settings. Try the other methods listed earlier as well, as any of them may help you solve the problem.

If the application installation fails, check your account settings

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