Updating Yandex browser: how to roll back and disable updating, why it doesn’t update. Yandex Browser or Google Chrome: which one is better What is better Yandex browser or application

When I saw the new Yandex.Browser for the first time, I decided that I finally had a normal one for review. good browser. But after working with it for some time, I discovered several disadvantages.

In general, I would like to praise the developers. The browser turned out good. Previously, Yandex offered everyone its copy of Chrome, which contained nothing else except widgets from Yandex. But then they came to their senses and made a normal browser, but still took Chromium as the basis.

Browser advantages:

It is minimalistic like any other Chromium-based browser.
- It has advanced functionality and settings that are not available in Google Chrome.
- It's simple. Those. really simple. Even the settings and options are designed so that a beginner can understand them.
- Turbo mode. Compresses pages, allowing them to load faster.
- Convenient bookmarks.
- Smart line. The address bar provides hints. If you don't remember the exact domain of a site or its name, then the smart string will help you find the site.
- Quick links. But this function not really needed.
- Built-in protection, thanks to Kaspersky Lab. Essentially, the antivirus protection built into the browser allows you to avoid viruses. Those. the principle is the same as Comodo Dragon.
- Translate the page into any of the 9 built-in languages.
- There is a version for MacOS.
- All extensions from Chrome are compatible with the browser.

Thus, Yandex.Browser combines the speed of Chrome, and additional features make the Yandex browser quite functional and useful. This browser can be safely used instead Internet Explorer or Chrome. The browser is really good and stable. What else can you expect from a large corporation :)

But there are also disadvantages:
- It is installed via the Internet. Those. you download only the client. This is not always convenient.
- Yandex.Browser, like Chrome, likes to send anonymous data. This is needed more for statistics, but it’s still unpleasant.
- The settings are still too simplified. Some users like fine-tuning, but this won’t work with Yandex Browser.
- If you close the browser and then start it, it will restore all tabs and sites opened in the previous session. Sometimes this is annoying, but you can turn it off in the settings.
- I don’t know why, but each tab creates a new process in the task manager! This is terribly annoying, clogs up the task manager and loads the system.

Actually, there are not so many disadvantages. Besides, all browsers have their drawbacks. But you can put up with the disadvantages of Yandex.Browser, since these are more shortcomings than disadvantages.

After the next browser update in February 2014, additional functions appeared in it:

Now the browser has a pop-up blocker, screen dimming while watching videos, product search and other very useful functions,

The new browser now warns about fraudulent sites using large letters that are difficult to miss.

All these add-ons are already built-in; you don’t need to find or install them additionally. But there is a function to turn add-ons on and off.


The browser is very good. But still I would like more opportunities in finer tuning. Plus, anonymously sending data develops schizophrenia in some people :)

The browser is simple, stable, and has a laconic and beautiful interface. Actually, there is nothing more to say. It's boring to talk about good browsers :) After all, everyone loves to criticize bad browsers, there are even entire forums of hatred towards browsers.

Yandex.Browser is a good browser. If you are still a fan of using Yandex services, then this browser is for you! Especially suitable for beginners and just people who don’t want to delve into the settings.

In 2015, the Yandex browser was installed by 6.29% of Runet users, and in 2017 this share was 15.41%. (OpenStat)

At the same time, the famous Google Chrome has also been increasing its share all this time (now 56% in Runet), but at the expense of other browsers, and not Yandex.

Why do people choose the Yandex browser and even sometimes think that it is better than Google Chrome? Or is Yandex simply “forcing” users to switch to it?

In this article we will look at reviews and opinions, specifications, well, I’ll express my personal opinion about this “observer”.

Yandex browser initially used the Blink engine, which is the basis for many other browsers, including Chrome and Opera after version 15.

So, in essence, functionally, Yandex Browser is not so much different from others; when you install it, you won’t even feel that anything has changed, everything will be immediately intuitive in terms of the interface.

However, some things will be new to you, so today I installed Yandex Browser for the first time (I have been using Google Chrome for many years, after Opera) and decided to look at it as New user. Well, I also read a lot of reviews and comparisons of it with Google Chrome, which we will also talk about.

There is another reason to install a browser from Yandex; any webmaster should sometimes check how his site looks and works on other devices, as well as how it works and looks on other browsers. If there is a share of Yandex Browser, it means that some people can see some other site altogether in case of some errors and sometimes it is worth correcting something taking into account other systems.

Therefore, it is worthwhile for a webmaster to install the Yandex browser at least to see how their site works in it.

Search Engine Battle

Let's start with the obvious. Search engines (Google / Yandex) impose their products on users, including browsers. This is so obvious that I think it is useless to try to avoid this point and gloss over it.

Both search engines do this in an extremely disgusting way.

When you are in Chrome and if you are logged into Yandex, you will be constantly told to make Yandex your main search, and will also be offered to install the Yandex browser. But Google does the same thing, for example, when you go to Google Translate (translate.google), then the same habits begin there too - install our products.

Few users will like this, but no one has canceled the war between the search engines Yandex and Google for RuNet; browsers are the most important weapon in this war. Whoever has the browser is the user in the search engine.

January 2010, Yandex's share of 47.6% in search. Google - 39.74% ()

January 2017, Yandex’s share of 47.75% in search. Google - 46.71%

Yandex holds the position, but Google wins confidently, squeezing out the share, although more at the expense of other little-known search engines (Mail.ru, Rambler, Bing).

Google wins almost all over the world, and national ones in general search engines It is not available everywhere, but only in a few countries, but even there Google wins.

Perhaps this is due to the constant ease of Google and the minimalist design, perhaps Yandex went somewhere in the wrong place, placing many of its services and other elements in the search, but my personal opinion is that in terms of the quality of search in Russian, Yandex is at least not inferior to Google, and sometimes even superior.

For a webmaster or copywriter, Yandex also plays a vital role.

Most people check the frequency of queries using wordstat.yandex.ru, and as a result, the top ones are also checked using Yandex.

If you make an article well for Yandex, you can be sure that it will work well for Google, it’s just that links are more important in Google, and in Yandex PF.

Yandex.Browser or Google Chrome: which one is better?

There is quite a good one comparison of Yandex and Google browsers, you can read the link, there exactly what technical points were compared.

Here I will give only some excerpts and theses:

  • The launch speed of browsers is practically the same;
  • Chrome's page loading speed is slightly faster;
  • Usage random access memory practically no different;
  • The browser settings are similar, but Yandex has even a little more;
  • Customization - Yandex Browser is a little stronger;
  • Support for add-ons is a little better in Chrome, but Yandex has built-in ones and some more from Opera;
  • Privacy - both browsers are likely to collect your personal data;
  • User protection - Yandex Browser is a little better;
  • Browser design - Yandex Browser is better customizable.

As you can see, Yandex Browser is not so bad in many respects, but in general, the browsers are extremely similar to each other.

Personal impressions

Today I installed Yandex Browser for the first time after many years in Chrome and will tell you about my personal impressions. Overall they are positive-neutral.

In general, almost everything in the browser is customizable, which is nice.

But right away there’s a problem, I can’t find my blog in the feed, although I was added there and it would seem, well, who needs to recommend a blog site through Zen in the first place, if not me? But no, for some reason it’s not there, although I’ve noticed it in my feed before.

This is not entirely on topic, but everything is absolutely strange and bad. Although there were 160 visitors from there in a month, the quality of the traffic is low, but it will work.

Visually, Yandex Browser is quite good

I don’t like the home page of Yandex itself, just as I don’t like the fact that they embed a news feed everywhere, but that’s what Mail.Ru does. and Google on your phone. Now I have some kind of constant spam of news from Google / Android on my phone.

The adblock for the Yandex browser is built-in and already exists, but Google is only planning to build it into its browser.

View of the site in Yandex Browser

Compare with Google Chrome:

View of the site in Google Chrome

The "go to Yandex search" button is disabled if you want.

Well, it’s clear that if you search through the address bar, different browsers they will search in their search, it’s kind of obvious.

Another plus is this: Yandex Browser won’t be an eyesore if the site doesn’t have HTTPS, but Chrome can be annoying. Google is forcing everyone to switch to SSL.

All browsers nowadays are free; there is no paid version of Yandex Browser, but only a free version.

What else? Yandex's smart search works pretty cool, and it completes your query for you. Yes, sometimes even better than Google, in my opinion. This is if you type into Yandex Browser through the address bar.

Personally, I have had a serious problem with Chrome for a long time, namely, RAM consumption. The computer is not the newest and even several browser tabs are eating up memory like hippopotamuses. Unfortunately, Yandex Browser waits the same way, since it is the same engine.

Now, if Yandex Browser somehow solved this problem, it would be a serious competitive advantage, but with the same engine as Chrome, this cannot be done, and if they write it in their own, it will probably work slower.

These are some general impressions I have, in general I didn’t notice any key or fundamental differences, all the different ones were small in my opinion. A curious thing is the mouse control, you can hold down the right button and do some actions, it can be convenient.

Here are a few more arguments purely for Yandex Browser, here I will copy the answer of one person who understands this:

  • Protection against wap-click. This paid services, which are connected simply by clicking on the “Watch” or “Download” button https://habrahabr.ru/company/yandex/blog/273385/
  • Built-in DNScrypt technology. Encrypts requests to the DNS server, and you can choose a third-party server for this, rather than your provider. https://habrahabr.ru/company/yandex/blog/280380/
  • Yandex.Browser is the only browser for Android that supports Chrome extensions. Not all of them, of course, but many work. https://habrahabr.ru/company/yandex/blog/309014/
  • When connecting to open Wi-Fi points will encrypt HTTP traffic. Useful from shkolota with sniffers, bad admins and fake points. https://habrahabr.ru/company/yandex/blog/267013/
  • Page search takes into account the morphology of the Russian language. Useful when you know what you want to find, but don't remember the exact form of the word. https://habrahabr.ru/company/yandex/blog/198866/
  • Omnibox normally understands incorrect layouts and is generally very different from its Chromium counterpart. Comparison: https://yandex.ru/blog/company/80546
  • Much more settings for tabs than in Chromium: https://browser.yandex.ru/blog/vkladki-v-yandeks-brauzere
  • The Android version can transfer its cache to an SD card.
  • Extensions: Simultaneous support like Chrome Web Store, and Opera Addons. It is convenient if the extension is removed from one directory.
  • Oh yes, I also use mouse gestures.

Greetings to all, dear readers of the blog site! Among the variety of browsers, the undoubted leader is Google Chrome. This fact is confirmed by the statistics of its use in comparison with other products, both throughout the world and here in Russia. The share of this browser in Russia is 55%, with Yandex Browser in second place - 21%.

What Yandex is better browser or google chrome? It would seem that the answer is obvious, but do not rush to conclusions. I assume that the statistics are somewhat “inflated” due to the fact that Chrome is the standard browser on all Android devices, which is the majority of smartphones in the world. But the browser from Yandex, just like another popular one Opera browser- by default it is not installed on any devices; this must be done manually.

To be honest, at first I was ironic about the Yandex browser, but after a detailed study I realized that it is a very convenient browser. But whether this is really so, you can decide for yourself by reading this article to the end.

The first stable version of the American Google Chrome browser appeared at the end of 2008. It was a real alternative to the two most popular browsers at that time - Mozilla Firefox and Opera. I clearly remember this time, just that year the Internet was connected to my home. The new-fangled browser used a fundamentally different “engine” to process Internet pages, which made loading sites take less time. Chrome quickly gained popularity among users.

Here is such a variety of browsers using one engine “WebKit”

After the obvious success of Google, other large companies decided that they would have their own browsers with blackjack and all that it entails, which would be based on the same engine as Chrome. And already in 2012, the Yandex company, whose search engine is used by the most users in Russia, released a stable version of the so-called “Yandex Browser”. As of March 2018, the browser from Yandex is devoid of any bugs and shortcomings that users pointed out at the very beginning, when it was first released.

When you write an article (as you do now), you have to keep several dozen different tabs with information open, and with this mode of operation, not every browser will remain as “nimble” as when working with one or two tabs. Before switching to the Yandex browser, I used Firefox as my main browser for a long time. And also Opera on the Chrome engine and Iron Browser (think of it as Chrome, only with tracking protection).

And, although in the latest versions of Firefox the engine has been completely redesigned and support for multiprocessing has been enabled (each open tab has its own process in the system), when using it you still feel a certain “slowness”, especially if you install a dozen extensions. In addition, after switching to an improved engine, Mozilla stopped working with old extensions, which have no modern analogues yet. I can say that Mazila is a good browser, but for me personally Yandex Browser is better.


Outwardly, Yandex Browser looks simple, like Google Chrome, however, there are fundamental differences. By default, the browser interface is displayed in standard light gray colors. But as soon as you scroll to the beginning of any picture or video, the color of the browser changes as if you are looking at them through glass with a blur effect. Looks very cool live. The interface does not get boring over time, which is probably why there are no other design themes provided.

And this is what the browser will look like if you scroll down a little:

The main page of the browser greets the user with an original display that contains visual bookmarks with a message counter. For example, you can locate the VKontakte website there and you will no longer need to go to the site itself to see the number of unread messages. You can do the same with mailboxes. This makes browsing the Internet more convenient. The new Opera has something similar, but I don’t like the pale interface, which makes the tabs hard to read.

It is easy to diversify the Yandex browser start page with the help of an extensive gallery of backgrounds, and it is possible to upload your own images. There are also animated backgrounds (videos), their number is not so large (23), there you will find: the sea, mountains, forests, clearings, waterfalls and even a city. Each of these landscapes is unique and pleasing to the eye. And I’m generally silent about static backgrounds; their number is simply off the charts. You can set the background to change automatically every day.

Operation speed

Yandex browser launches no faster than Google Chrome - in just over 1 second. The loading speed of the sites is also the same. However, the fact that it has a “turbo” mode plays in favor of the Yandex browser. This mode allows you to work comfortably with a slow Internet connection, thanks to the compression of pictures and videos. Presumably, this “trick” was borrowed from older versions of the Opera browser.

RAM consumption

When choosing a browser, this parameter is key for many. This is especially true for those who have an old or not very powerful PC. This also applies to me, because my computer uses outdated memory: DDR2, in addition to motherboard It only supports 4 GB of RAM in total. Here the Yandex browser shows itself on the good side, with 12 open tabs and 3 installed extensions- RAM consumption is 880 MB. Google Chrome eats 902 MB.

Turbo mode

As already mentioned, turbo mode allows you to compress traffic to speed up page loading. This mode will be extremely useful for those who access the Internet from a smartphone, because in addition to the desktop version of the browser, there is also mobile version. This way you will save mobile traffic, and therefore money. This mode is turned on simply: just click on the icon in the form of a lock and select the appropriate item. There is no need to restart the browser.

It works like this: traffic passes through Yandex servers and is compressed at the same time. Sites using the HTTPS protocol are ignored; they will be immediately displayed in the browser without going through Yandex servers. I think this is done for safety. Google Chrome and Opera initially do not have such modes, so the Yandex browser turned out to be better in this regard. Also, turbo mode will automatically turn on when the speed drops below 128 Kbps.

Privacy and Security

Let's start with security. Browsers from Google and Yandex have their own unique protection tools built in. Each company has its own database of dangerous sites, and when you go to them, a warning appears in the browser window. Also, all downloaded files are checked for security. In general, it is clear that Yandex takes the issue of security very seriously.

There's something here that Google Chrome doesn't have. We are talking about a unique tool called “Protect”, which includes a whole arsenal of active protection functions. This is, without exaggeration, the first comprehensive security system of its kind built into the browser. It includes:

  • Internet connection protection;
  • Protection when making online payments;
  • Protection from infected sites and programs;
  • Protection from shocking advertising;
  • Wi-Fi connection protection.

When making online payments, the browser automatically switches to increased security: The interface turns dark and “protected mode” appears in the upper right corner. Also, the browser will warn you if you visit a dangerous site and try to enter a bank card number.

But that's not all. It happens that you install some add-on, seemingly proven, from the official repository. Then this add-on causes problems: strange redirects (redirections) to dangerous sites, annoying advertising. In this case, the Yandex browser simply will not allow you to install it. This warning will pop up if the extension poses a security risk:

There is no way to get around this limitation. We'll have to look for another addition, but that's for the best. Here “refresh” simply means reloading the page.

But with privacy, not everything is so smooth. Privacy is how sensitively various large companies treat your personal information. First of all, these are the manufacturing companies of these browsers. It has long been known that Google Chrome is a “vacuum cleaner” that collects a lot of data about the user: location, interests and much more. “Big Brother” sells this data, among other things advertising companies so that they bombard you with targeted (tailored to you) advertising.

So Yandex is unlikely to be much better in this regard. You don’t think that such large corporations make browsers out of sheer enthusiasm? Although, given the later appearance of the Yandex browser, perhaps the main idea of ​​its creation was not spying on the user, but an attempt to catch up and overtake the nearest competitor. Maybe so. In any case, if you want no one to follow you, I can recommend the Iron browser or Tor browser. In the latter, privacy is absolute, but this also creates inconvenience.

My settings

Yandex browser or more popular Google chrome - the difference is minimal when it comes to settings. This is not surprising, because the engine is the same. But, as for me, the settings are easier to read in the first browser: the font and background are better chosen here. I played around with the settings a little, turning off all the functions that were useless to me: Zen feed, background running of applications, sending browser usage statistics, mouse gestures, reading mode. I did not touch the “security” tab ().

About add-ons

Unlike Google chrome, Yandex browser does not have its own extensions directory. Instead, it uses the Opera browser repository. The peculiarity of the Russian browser is that it is “omnivorous” in terms of extensions. You can easily install add-ons from the Google chrome store, but other browsers cannot do this. The same Opera refuses to install extensions from the Google catalog. And the domestic browser will also check these extensions for viruses, and for free. All this makes Yandex one of the best browsers.

5 reasons for my switch to Yandex browser

I will try to summarize everything that was said earlier, simultaneously highlighting some additional features of the program that I did not talk about. There are at least 5 key points because of which I switched to constantly using a domestic browser:

  1. More convenient work with text.
  2. Beautiful and minimalistic design that does not irritate the eye, while the information is easy to read. Transparency effect, like in some Windows applications 10.
  3. Excellent security. The files you download are scanned using Yandex's own anti-virus algorithms.
  4. Fast. When compared with Google chrome, the difference in speed is minimal (almost none). But Yandex is still faster than the new Firefox. There is a "turbo" mode.
  5. Support for extensions from the 2 largest catalogs: Opera and Google. Extensions are checked for viruses.

For users who often work with text, you will like one small, but useful feature: Helper panel when selecting text. It works like this: you select any text on the page, after which two buttons “pop up” - “find in Yandex” and “copy to clipboard”.

If you highlight a word in a foreign language, its translation will be offered. You no longer need to right-click and select copy. If the page is in a foreign language, you will be offered to translate the entire page using Yandex translator (similar to Google Translate).

There is also a well-organized word search, which can be called up using the “Ctrl+F” key combination. All words that contain the set of characters that you entered in the line will be highlighted in the text. If you check the box, only exact matches to the typed word will be highlighted.

After a detailed study of all these facts, I no longer had to choose between browsers from Yandex and Google to answer the question - which browser is better. Good luck to you!

The Yandex browser is developed using source code Chromium is based on the WebKit engine, which makes it very similar to . However, we found many advantages that can put the program from Russian developers head and shoulders above its popular analogues.



The main feature of this Internet Explorer is its integration with Yandex services itself. Search engine, cloud storage, maps, language translations, mail and other services are on the toolbar and can be accessed with one click. Also, some may find useful add-ons for the Yandex browser - services like weather forecasts or traffic jams.

Integrated technologies can be considered a big “plus” for users Adobe Flash for watching videos and Adobe Reader for reading PDF files.


You can continue web surfing started on a laptop at any time - on a tablet or smartphone. Bookmarks and browsing history are automatically transferred when you launch the browser on another device.


The protection system it has is a separate reason for pride for Russian developers. The company's programmers combined innovative technologies for anti-virus attacks and anti-spam with the achievements of Kaspersky Lab. When loading, pages are immediately checked for the presence of malicious code, and files are checked for potential threats to infect your computer. In addition, the authors have implemented antispam and a data theft detector.


Like the developers, the creators of Ya.Browser implemented a Turbo mode in the program, which allows you to speed up the loading of images, videos and other media content with a slow Internet connection. The results for queries in the omnibox even before pressing Enter are also worth attention. As soon as you start typing “weather in Tel Aviv” or “ruble exchange rate”, you will immediately see the answers.


With all this, the browser interface looks surprisingly minimalist. As its creators assure, they sought to eliminate elements that distract users and disperse attention. Here you can test a small innovation and “get a scoreboard.” This means that when we open a new tab, we are given a display in which we can pin eight popular tabs.

Moreover, unlike other browsers, in Y. Browser you will see recognizable site logos, and not screenshots of recent visits. This allows you to navigate much faster visual bookmarks. And also - you can change the positions of the thumbnails yourself (which, by the way, is not available, for example, in Chrome - there they are arranged according to the frequency of visits). In addition, the “Forward” arrow has been removed from the browser window; it appears only when the page is already open.


Have you often noticed that when you open a new tab with a YouTube video in Chrome and Firefox, it automatically starts playing. But this is not very convenient if you were going to watch the video later? So - in the browser we are considering, everything is thought out. You can open a video link in a new tab, and playback will not start until you activate that tab.

Weak sides

Let me finish this praise and move on to that very “fly in the ointment”. Users who have already tried the new browser have mixed opinions. Along with the positive characteristics, the Yandex browser has received its share of criticism. Feedback from active Runet users who expressed dissatisfaction with this matter consisted mainly of the following:


The address bar, outlined in a poisonous yellow outline, seems too bright to some. However, you can get rid of the frame by going to the Yandex Browser settings. In general, a number of users reacted positively to the ideology of minimalism. In their opinion, other reviewers do have unnecessary buttons and bookmarks.

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