Out of harm's way: Timer Bank refused its license to operate with securities. Possible mistakes So as not to compete with Tatfondbank

The bank being rehabilitated, which lost 3 billion rubles on the stock exchange, asked the Central Bank to revoke its professional participant license

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced last Friday that it had canceled the license of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out depository activities of Timer Bank, which was being rehabilitated with the participation of the TSE group of Robert Musin and the Federal Deposit Insurance Agency. The credit institution told Realnoe Vremya that they decided to refuse to work with securities so as not to interfere with Tatfondbank in this market. Meanwhile, it was losses from stock exchange transactions that made a “hole” of 3 billion rubles in the bank and led it to reorganization two years ago.

So as not to compete with Tatfondbank

The Central Bank canceled the license of a professional participant in the securities market from the Tatarstan "Timer Bank" to carry out depository activities dated 04/03/2008 No. 016-11150-000100. The regulator's statement says that the decision was made based on a statement from the bank itself.

Timer Bank explains its decision to refuse to work with securities by the specifics of the work of the members of the TSE group and the reluctance to compete with the “brotherly” Tatfondbank.

“Timer Bank submitted a notice of cancellation of the license of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out depository activities due to the fact that this activity is not included in the functionality of our bank within the TSE group,” Airat Kamalov, chairman, told Realnoe Vremya. board of Timer Bank. - This type of activity is already carried out by Tatfondbank, and our solution will allow us to get rid of the costs of maintaining this function as planned. We are a universal bank specializing in providing financial services to companies operating in the field of government procurement, procurement of large corporations and public-private partnerships.

This type of activity is already carried out by Tatfondbank, and the decision will allow us to get rid of the costs of maintaining this function as planned, said Airat Kamalov. Photo prokazan.ru

Sad experience of BTA-Kazan

The bank’s decision could also have been influenced by the credit institution’s sad experience in the securities market, although the current management does not comment on this version. Let us recall that in 2014, BTA-Kazan Bank, as Timer Bank was then called, had problems precisely because of missing assets in the form of securities.

When the bank faced a liquidity shortage at the end of 2013 - beginning of 2014, its management explained this by the withdrawal of money by depositors and legal entities due to an attack by ill-wishers who sent SMS messages to BTA clients with messages about the bank’s problems. The Central Bank decided to rehabilitate BTA-Kazan, and Tatfondbank, controlled by Robert Musin, acted as the sanator.

However, in May 2014, literally the next day after the start of the reorganization procedure, a a new version reasons for the bank's problems. Then, at a specially convened conference, First Deputy General Director of the DIA Valery Miroshnikov said that the bank’s bad assets led to the reorganization. In particular, the reports reflected government securities worth 3 billion rubles, which the DIA did not find during the audit. “The question arises: if there is a delay in payments, why not sell and pay off clients,” Miroshnikov noted. “We are analyzing, according to our assessment, they simply do not exist.”

According to Vladimir Izaak, investigators had to find out the circumstances of the “game on the stock exchange”, where “a certain part of the money was lost.” Photo kazanfirst.ru

Is someone playing too hard?

A year later, in April 2015, information about the loss of securities worth 3 billion rubles was confirmed. Then it became known that the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tatarstan was investigating three criminal cases regarding the withdrawal of assets from the BTA-Kazan bank. Then the head of the department, Vladimir Izaak, told reporters: “All the statements that were made were combined into three criminal cases. They are being investigated under various charges.” According to him, investigators had to find out the circumstances of the “game on the stock exchange”, where “a certain part of the money was lost.” We were talking about 3 billion rubles. In addition, investigators checked the issuance of secured loans in the amount of 2 billion rubles.

Later it became known that so far the main suspect is Ruslan Alimov, former chairman of the board of BTA-Kazan. UThe damage allegedly caused by him was estimated at almost 1.9 billion rubles in December last year. Alimov is currently in custody.

Dmitry Semyagin

  • Check the functionality of your Internet connection.
  • Check the version of your operating system. The Client-Bank system page will not be displayed on operating Windows system XP Service Pack 2 and below, as well as on Windows Server 2003 without the latest updates installed.
  • IN Internet Explorer go to “Tools” → “Browser Options” → “Advanced”. In the window that opens, check the boxes opposite the items containing the abbreviation “ TLS" and uncheck the boxes containing " SSL».
  • Press the key combination Ctrl+F5. The page will be refreshed and the cache will be cleared.
  • Check the correct spelling of the Client-Bank system page address. In the address bar, delete all information after .ru and press Enter.

Check that your login and password are entered correctly. We recommend that you pay attention to the input parameters: the current input language and the Caps Lock key press. Try entering your password in text document, check it visually and copy it into the password field in the system.

This error may be displayed for the following reasons:

  • The validity period of the electronic keys has expired.
  • The term of office of the director/general has expired. director indicated on the organization’s bank card.
  • You have not yet completed the initial generation of new keys.
  • You have just done the initial generation of new keys and clicked the " Further" At this moment, the keys are not yet ready. To produce keys, you must print out an application for the production of a certificate. public key and submit it to the Bank office servicing your accounts.

For more detailed information on this error, please contact technical support.

Make sure that in the settings settings key media subscribers, you have specified the path only to the directory with secret keys. All other lines should be empty:

  • Make sure you are logged in using Internet Explorer.
  • Add the Client-Bank system website address to the list of sites operating in compatibility mode.
  • IN Internet browser Explorer click on the " Service» in the top bar (if there are no buttons, then press the key Alt on the keyboard until the strip with the buttons “ File», « Edit», « View" etc.).
  • Next, select “ Compatibility View Options».
  • In the window that opens, enter the website address in the top line website and press the buttons Add" And " Close».
  • Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.
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  • Perform a general reset of your browser settings.
  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and go to " Control Panel» → « Browser propertiesNetworks and Internet»).
  • Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».

Windows Vista, Windows 7:

  • Start».
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box " Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Windows 8–10:

  • Start» right mouse button.
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box " Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Errors when generating new keys

This error is due to the fact that the system cannot access the selected key storage location.

If you did not receive a USB device (eToken) at the bank office:

  • When filling in the generation parameters in the " Key storage location» specify « Disk drive" In field " Catalog» specify a place to store the keys. We strongly recommend that, in order to avoid errors when creating keys, DO NOT USE for storing keys, the system disk (local drive C:\) and folders stored on it (including Desktop, Documents, etc.).
  • Check whether the directory that was selected for storing secret keys in the " section is writable Key storage location».
  • Check if the Flash media you are using is working properly.

If you use eToken:

Errors when working in the Bank-Client system

Windows Vista, Windows 7:

  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and go to the " Start».
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box " Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Windows 8–10:

  • Close all Internet Explorer windows and click the " Start» right mouse button.
  • Select " Control Panel» → « Browser properties" (may be in the section " Networks and Internet»).
  • In the window that opens, go to the “ Additionally" and click the " Reset».
  • In the window that opens, do not check the box " Remove personal settings" and click the " Reset».
  • Once the reset is complete, restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

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