Open the phone number. How to save contacts from Android to computer? Copy numbers to SIM card

Transferring contacts from the phone book from an Android phone to another Android smartphone is a hot topic. Sooner or later, every owner of an Android smartphone or tablet is forced to change the device for a number of reasons: the appearance of a new device, switching to another model, or buying a second device for work purposes. And then there is a need to transfer contacts from one device to another.

In this article we will look at several simple and common ways to transfer contacts from Android to Android phone. We will also look at the features, advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Synchronization using Google account

The first and easiest way to transfer contacts from Android to Android is to synchronize your Google account. The method will allow you to quickly transfer your telephone database from one device to another without any extra effort. This is also true if the directory contains a large database. Not suitable if you only need to transfer some contacts.

The instructions consist of a couple of simple steps:

  1. On your old Android device, add or create a Google account. If the account is present, skip the action and move on to the next step.
  2. Synchronize your phone book using your Google account. To do this, you need to go to the device settings menu, open your Google account, and then select “contacts” and sync phone numbers.
  3. On a new Android smartphone or tablet, add the same google account as on the old device, and then synchronize the data. All your contacts and phone numbers will appear in the directory automatically.


When performing the operation, access to mobile or wireless Internet is required, otherwise you will not be able to transfer contacts. Internet speed also affects the data synchronization time, on average 5-15 seconds, and sometimes up to one minute.

Main advantages:

  • The method is simple and also requires a minimum of effort and time.
  • Full transfer Android contacts on android phone.
  • Allows you to do without a computer.
  • Convenient if the phone book contains many numbers.

Main disadvantages:

  • You cannot synchronize contacts without the Internet.
  • The method is not suitable if Google services are missing or not working on one of the devices.
  • No selective porting of phone numbers.
  • Number confusion if the account was previously synchronized with the contacts of another device.

Import/export phone book

You can transfer contacts from phone to phone by exporting the phone book from one Android device and then importing this file to other devices. Android OS has a phone book archiving feature called import/export. Thanks to this, a complete backup copy of the directory is created, for storage in a safe place, or restoration in other devices. Importing or exporting occurs in three stages: archiving, copying, and restoring.

To create a phone book archive, you need to export contacts:

  1. Open the standard “Directory” application, since third-party utilities often lack this function.
  2. Click on the button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner. Select “Import/Export” from the pop-up menu.
  3. In the window that appears, click on “Export to VCF file”.
  4. Then save the file; you do not need to change the name. To save the file, you need to call up the hidden panel on the left by clicking on the 3 stripes in the upper left corner.
  5. If the internal memory of the device is not displayed, you need to click on the button in the form of three dots - in the upper right corner. Select “Internal Memory” from the pop-up menu.
  6. Next will open file manager where you need to select your preferred folder and click the “Save” button.

Important! In the early Android versions or on devices that do not have a file manager, the file with phone book contacts is saved by default to the root section of the internal memory. The directory archive file stores only phone numbers and names, some additional information and ringtones, often not copied, and the quality of photographs is reduced to save space.

Restoring contacts from an archive is done by importing contacts in one of two ways:

  1. In the directory, select “Import/export” from the pop-up menu. Next “Import from VCF file" Specify the location where you saved your contacts during the import stage - phone or Google account. In a new window, select the file, after which the contact transfer will begin.
  2. Open file manager. Find the location where the contacts file is stored. Click on the file and select a save location - phone or Google account.

Below we will consider the intermediate stage and methods of transferring a file with contacts to a mobile device.

Transfer contacts from Android to Android via computer

The method is useful in three cases: when one or two devices do not support memory cards; You need to save a backup copy on your computer at the same time; The display does not work, but the previously created phone book file is stored in memory.

To copy contacts from your phone to your computer, follow the instructions:

  1. Connect one or both devices to your PC via a USB cable.
  2. On the first device, find the phone book file and copy it to the PC. Afterwards, transfer it to the memory of the second device.
  3. If both devices are connected, it is not necessary to copy the file to the PC; it is enough to immediately transfer the phone book archive to the memory of the other device.
  4. Next, set up phone numbers.

Main advantages:

  • Simplicity and accessibility.
  • Quickly transfer contacts to one or more devices.
  • No internet or Google services required.

Main disadvantages:

  • Only mass transfer of contacts.
  • Requires a PC and USB cable.
  • Some smartphones/tablets require driver installation to detect them.

How to copy contacts from Android to computer using FTP connection

This method is also based on interaction with a PC, only the intermediary is Wi-Fi router. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Download and install an application that can automatically create an FTP connection, for example Moto File Manager.
  2. Open the program in hidden panel Select “Remote control” on the left.
  3. Connect device to home Wi-Fi network and click the “Connect” button.
  4. The application will activate the function of sending files via the FTP protocol and will provide the address required to be entered in the address bar of the explorer on the computer.
  5. After pairing, find the folder with the saved file, and then transfer it to a PC or other device connected via a USB cable or FTP.

Main advantages:

  • There is no need to connect the device to the computer via a cable and/or install drivers.

Main disadvantages:

  • Required Wi-Fi router, application for creating FTP or Internet for downloading the program.

In the absence of the Internet or a PC, a Bluetooth wireless module is suitable for transferring a phone book file.


  1. Activate Bluetooth on the sending and receiving devices. To do this, in the settings section, Bluetooth item, set the regulator to the “on” state. Activate the detection function on the receiving device.
  2. On the sending smartphone or tablet, using the file manager, select the file and click on the “share” button.
  3. In a new window, select using “Bluetooth”. Then accept and save the file on another device.

Main advantages:

  • There is no need for the Internet, PC, etc.

Main disadvantages:

How to transfer contacts from phone to phone using Gmail

This method is similar to the previous method, only Gmail email is used instead of Bluetooth.


  1. Activate Internet on mobile device.
  2. Using the file manager, mark the file with contacts and click on the “share” button. In the new window, select “Gmail”.
  3. The application will launch where you need to specify email address to send the file, and click on the send button. If there is no Internet, sending will occur the first time you connect to the network.
  4. On another device, you need to go to Gmail and download the attached file.

Main advantages:

  • Simplicity and accessibility.
  • There is no need to pair two devices, use a PC or additional equipment.

Main disadvantages:

  • Internet access required.
  • Google services are required.

The algorithm for copying the phone book corresponds to the previous method. The main difference is using flash memory instead of SIM cards. This method compensates for some of the shortcomings of the SIM card, and is also suitable for transferring contacts to a tablet or other Android device.

The procedure for transferring contacts from Android to Android phone via flash:

  1. Open the application with phone numbers and click on the “Import/export” item.
  2. In the window that appears, select “Export to storage” or “Export to MicroSD”. The item name may differ due to translation.
  3. Confirm the export of contacts, where the device will inform you of the saving path. This is usually the root folder of the internal SD drive.
  4. Open the file manager, find the telephone database file with the “vcf” extension and send it in any convenient way to another device.
  5. Save the received file on the smartphone or tablet to which you want to transfer phone numbers.
  6. Open the telephone database file in the file manager. In the window that appears, select “Contacts” to save phone numbers automatically.

If the new device does not have a file manager or nothing happens when you click on the phone base, then you need to do the following: open the directory application, then select “Import/export”, in the window that appears, select “Import from media”.

In addition, the database can be downloaded to a memory card, kept in the phone memory or cloud storage. Thanks to this, you can always restore contacts in the event of an unplanned move to new smartphone.

Main advantages:

  • To transfer phone numbers, Google services, a computer and the Internet are not required.
  • When exporting, additional information, contact photo, etc. are saved.
  • There is no limit on the number of numbers in the telephone database.

Main disadvantages:

  • There is no option to selectively save phone numbers.

How to transfer numbers from one phone to another via SIM card

If phone numbers are stored on the SIM card, then the database can be easily transferred to a new device. The method is relevant if you need to copy the phone book, but there is no access to the Internet, Google services are missing or not working. However, you will not be able to copy the phone book to a device without a SIM, such as a tablet.

Transferring contacts from an Android phone to an Android phone is done in two steps. The first requires saving contacts to the SIM card, and the second requires restoring. If the numbers are stored on a plastic card, then skip the first step and move on to the second.

Stage 1: transfer contacts from phone to SIM card.

  1. Open the “directory” on your mobile device and select “Import/export”. As a rule, the item appears in the drop-down list after clicking the ellipses button.
  2. In the window that appears, select export to a SIM card and wait for the operation to complete.

Stage 2: transfer data from SIM card to smartphone or tablet.

  1. Install the card into a new smartphone or tablet.
  2. Open the “directory” and select “Import/export”.
  3. In the window that appears, select import from a SIM card and wait for the operation to complete.


The SIM card memory can hold up to 250 numbers. If there are more contacts, some of the records will not be saved.

Main advantages:

  • No internet, computer or Google services required.

Main disadvantages:

  • Limit SIM card memory to 250 numbers.
  • There is no option to selectively transfer contacts.
  • When copying numbers, additional information and photographs are not saved.

Copying contacts from Android manually

This method is suitable for users who use Android smartphone for work purposes and only need to port some phone numbers. This is also a convenient way to share a contact from the directory with friends or loved ones.

To manually copy contacts from Android you need:

  1. Go to the directory and select the required phone number.
  2. Click on the button in the form of three dots to call up additional actions. In the list that appears, select “send”. Select contact numbers if there are several phone numbers and click “ok” or “next”.
  3. In the list that appears, select the appropriate transfer method: Bluetooth, Email, Gmail, text message, Google or Yandex drive.

After confirming the action, the allocated phone numbers will be sent via the selected method. All you have to do on another device is save the contact.

Main advantages:

  • Easily send phone numbers to your smartphone or tablet.
  • There is no need to synchronize your account, save a database, Google services or use a computer.
  • Selective contact transfer.

Main disadvantages:

  • Send only one contact at a time.

Video on how to transfer contacts from android to android


Use Google sync for simple and quick copying of numbers, as well as other data. If you don’t have a Google account, then it’s best to transfer contacts from phone to phone using “Import/Export”. And manual copying is suitable for selectively sending some numbers.

Each user may one day need to export the phone book from a smartphone to another medium. But not all people understand how to copy contacts from Android to computer. But, if you approach the mentioned process as seriously and thoroughly as possible, it turns out that the way out of the situation is extremely simple, and therefore will not take away the time and effort of mobile owners. As a result, everyone will be able to transfer phone numbers to a PC, laptop or other device, ensuring their safety and security. Subsequently, the resulting file can be used to restore contact information in the event of a malfunction of the Android or the need to import the saved information to a third-party device.

Those people who have not yet figured out how to transfer contacts from Android to a computer should pay attention to 3 main methods of saving and exporting a phone book:

  • send using your Google account;
  • using external media or a USB cable;
  • by installing an additional application on your smartphone that transfers contacts.

The last approach is the most difficult, since it requires working with third party programs, which do not always turn out to be sufficiently reliable and effective.

Using an account is more accessible than the other listed approaches. This approach is superior to direct file transfer by completely eliminating the possible difficulties in working with the received information.

An alternative method of transferring information is to manually rewrite combinations. But independently reprinting numbers is not reliable (typos and clerical errors are possible), takes a lot of time and requires regular input of fresh information. However, the convenience of this method raises serious doubts.

Via Google

We have already discussed the maximum simplicity and accessibility of using an account, which allows you to transfer a number in a few clicks. Another advantage of the method is the fact that every owner of an Android smartphone has a Google account, since without it it will not be possible to download and install applications from the official store.

To move your phone book you will need:

After this, you just need to log in to your account on your PC and extract the required information, which will be located in the cloud storage, but for reliability, you can send an additional file via e-mail. This requires:

  • open the application with contact information(almost the same name is used);
  • select the option to export files from the menu;
  • indicate saved numbers or a SIM card as a source;
  • make the recipient an email;
  • start the process.


To transfer contacts from Android to computer, you will need:

  1. open the phone book on your smartphone;
  2. expand the drop-down menu and select the item associated with contact information;
  3. stop at the information export line;
  4. select the destination where the file will be transferred;
  5. confirm the selected actions and transfer the information to the phone memory or SD card.

After that, all you have to do is connect your mobile phone or memory card to your PC or laptop and download the file. But it is important to remember that the information will be saved in vcf format, which will not be displayed correctly. Instead of familiar names and numbers, users will see strange symbols. To fix this problem, you will have to:

  • download a special editor that can change the format of text files;
  • open a document downloaded from your phone using the received program;
  • Convert using the utility menu.

Windows 1251 or ANSI should be specified as the final text format. In this case, the document is initially encoded in UTF-8 format.

The choice of program is not of fundamental importance, but the most convenient and functional is Notepad++ or Sublime Text. The principle of operation in both cases is similar, and only minor nuances and details change.

Using programs

The disadvantages of the programs have already been discussed, but those who find the previous approaches inconvenient should take a closer look at special utility Airdroid. To use it to transfer a phone book, you will need to register and create your own account and install the application on your smartphone. As a result, users will be able not only to copy numbers, but also to fully use their mobile phone, even when it is not nearby. This is justified by the fact that the main purpose of the mentioned utility is related to remote control by telephone.

The programs built into smartphones from manufacturers deserve special mention. The name of the application depends on the brand of phone, and the main purpose of the program is to create backup copy contact details.

It is most convenient to keep a phone book on a smartphone, but over time there are a lot of numbers, so in order not to lose important contacts, it is recommended to transfer them to a computer. Fortunately, this can be done very quickly.

There are several ways to transfer contacts from your phone book to Android. For these tasks, both built-in OS functions and third-party applications are used.

Method 1: Super Backup

The Super Backup application is designed specifically for creating backup copies of data from your phone, including contacts. The essence of this method will be to create a backup copy of your contacts and then transfer them to your computer in any convenient way.

Instructions for creating a backup copy of your contacts are as follows:

Now the file with your contacts is ready, all that remains is to transfer it to your computer. This can be done by connecting the computer to the device via USB using wireless bluetooth or via remote access.

Method 2: Sync with Google

Android smartphones sync by default with Google account, which allows you to use many branded services. Thanks to synchronization, you can upload data from your smartphone to cloud storage and upload it to another device, such as a computer.

Before starting the procedure, you need to set up synchronization with the device according to the following instructions:

Synchronization is usually already enabled by default. After connecting it, you can proceed directly to transferring contacts to your computer:

Method 3: Copy from phone

In some versions of Android, the function of directly exporting contacts to a computer or third-party media is available. This usually applies to “pure” Android, since manufacturers installing their own shells for smartphones may cut down some functions of the original OS.

The instructions for this method are as follows:

Now all you have to do is transfer the created file to your computer.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about creating a file with contacts from your phone book and transferring them to your computer. Additionally, you can use other programs that were not discussed in the article, but before installing, read reviews about them from other users.

Transferring contacts from a phone is the first question that arises when changing an Android device or updating the firmware. We will tell you how to quickly and safely save all your contacts and easily transfer them to another device, be it a PC or directly to Android.

There are many ways to transfer contacts and a phone book, we have created instructions for the simplest and most universal methods, choose the one that suits you: but keep in mind that to transfer to a PC you will need at least a USB cable or a Bluetooth receiver.

Transfer contacts from Android to Android using Google synchronization

This is the easiest way to transfer your phone book when changing the firmware or updating the device, and you won’t need any third party applications or complex manipulations. To services Google installed The device has a built-in synchronization function by default; it allows you to save data for transfer to the cloud:

How to transfer contacts to Android using PC

We need: a previous phone that supports connection via a USB cable and the USB cable itself, or a PC and a phone with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
Our task: save the phone book in 1 file in CSV or VCF format and transfer it to a new phone. Most old phones do not have such a built-in function, which is why we use a computer and a program that supports a large number of phones from different manufacturers MOBILedit! (You can also use your manufacturer's program to synchronize data - they are usually located on official websites).

This method is focused on transferring contacts from an old phone to a modern Android device, but in general it is universal.


We will talk in more detail about transferring the .csv contact file to Google, because this is the most convenient of all methods and it has many advantages:

  • automatic synchronization with new contacts on your Android if the Internet is available, if this function is enabled on the phone
  • you can edit contacts even without a phone
  • transfer contacts to any other android simply by specifying your account
  • restore deleted contacts within 30 days
  • automatically or manually merge duplicate contacts from different services (phone book, social media, postal services, etc.)

To do this, you must have mail from How to create an email account in Gmail, what else do you need an account for? Play market Google, and what opportunities you will get after registration are described in detail in the article: Registration and setting up the Play Market.

Instructions for importing .csv copies of contacts into Google

By the way, in a completely similar way you can export all numbers from your Google account, in case of transfer to a device with a different Android operating system system.

How to transfer contacts to Android without a PC

The choice of method for transferring contacts to Android without a PC depends on capabilities of your previous phone. Let's look at the main ones:

Via Bluetooth

Connect your 2 devices: to do this, turn on Bluetooth on both phones, on your Android device go to: Settings - Bluetooth - checkmark (slider) on "Visibility to other devices". On your previous phone, go to bluetooth settings and turn on the search for a new device, select your Android in the list and confirm the connection - to do this you will need to enter any identical numbers (password) on both devices.

Select the contacts needed for transfer: in the options (functions) of the phone book of your previous phone, look for "Select multiple" or "Select all"(if you don't find such an option, try clicking first "Transmit (Send) via Bluetooth", and perhaps here your phone will prompt you to select several contacts). Not all phones have this feature, so you may have to transfer each contact individually or choose a different method. And the lucky ones need to select send via Bluetooth in the functions and wait a little.

Save contacts to SD card (not all regular phones support it)

In the phone book options, find “Save contacts to SD memory card”, then install it in your Android device and go to: Contacts – Options – Import/Export – SD card.

Via SIM card

This method is used in the most hopeless situation (the previous phone is just a “dialer” without additional features), since the number of contacts that you can transfer at one time is about 200 (depending on the capacity of the SIM card) and the length of the name is limited.

You need to transfer contacts to the SIM card memory on your old phone and install it in a new Android device (if you have a large phone book, you will have to do this action several times, remembering the name you settled on).

So, in this article we looked at how to transfer contacts to Android in the most convenient, simple and fastest ways.

Choose the method that suits you to transfer contacts to Android and be sure to sync them with your Google account or at least save your phone book on your PC or any cloud storage, for example, Google Drive, and you will always have access to them, regardless of the location or state of your Android device.

Smartphone users are often interested in how to copy contacts from Android to computer. If you also have a similar need, then this article should help you. Here you can learn two ways to copy contacts to your computer.

Copy contacts using an Android device

The easiest way to copy contacts from Android to a computer is to export contacts from the Contacts application on your mobile device, and then import them into some program on your computer (if necessary).

To do this, launch the Contacts application and open the application's context menu (using the three-dot button or touch key under the screen). In the context menu you need to select the “Import/export” item.

After this, another window will appear on the screen in which you need to select the “Export to internal memory” item.

As a result, all your contacts will be saved in internal memory Android device in the form of a “Contacts.vcf” file. Then you can copy this file to your computer by connecting your Android device with via USB cable.

Copy contacts using the Google Contacts service

You can also copy contacts from Android to your computer using the service " Google Contacts" To do this, go to “Google Contacts” using a browser (site address). In the Google Contacts service, you need to click on the “More” button, and then on the “Export” button.

After this, the service will offer to go to old version Google Contacts service. We agree and wait for the page to reload. Next you need to click on the “More” button and again on the “Export” button.

Next, a window with export settings will appear. Here you need to select the format in which you want to copy the contacts to your computer, as well as the desired group of contacts. After selection required settings just click on the "Export" button.

As a result, the browser will download contacts from the Google Contacts service and you can use them on your computer.

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