Translation from Excel. Instructions for transferring Excel tabular data to Word

Word is not very suitable for carrying out complex calculations, so they are all carried out in Excel. Subsequently, it becomes necessary to transfer Excel tables to Word. Unknowingly, some users may simply start "interrupt» all the data into a created table in a text document, turning a simple task into a chore, but in fact, inserting an Excel table into Word is very simple. To do this, you don’t even need to convert the Excel table into Word in any way.

The easiest way to insert an Excel table into Word is to select the entire table in Excel, copy it to the clipboard using the keyboard shortcut "CTRL+C" or through the menu, place the cursor in the required place on the Word sheet, and insert a table from the buffer using a key combination "CTRL+V" or through the menu. By default, a regular table with all the copied data will be inserted, but a special icon will appear in the lower right corner of the table, by clicking on which you can select various paste options. By moving the cursor from one type of insertion to another, you can immediately observe the result on the sheet, which allows you to most accurately select the required insertion parameter, if necessary.

As a rule, with complex calculations and a large amount of data, various adjustments are possible, which lead to changes in the data in the Excel table. Transferring an Excel table to Word every time after each such change is not an option, especially if there are several such tables. Fortunately, you can insert an Excel table into Word in such a way that there is a constant connection between them and when changes are made in the Excel file, the data in the Word table also changes. This is done using the menu "Insert Special", which can be found on the tab "Home" on the menu "Insert".

Before selecting this menu item, you must copy the table into Excel. After selecting the item "Insert Special" a window appears in which you need to select "To tie" and in the column "How:" choose "Microsoft Excel Sheet (Object)". As a result, when you change data in Excel, the data will change in Word. When you double click on such a table, we will be taken to this table in the Excel file. If necessary, you can force update the data in the Word table through the menu. To do this, right-click on the table and select "Update connection".

When copying tables from Excel to Word, as well as when transferring cell values ​​from Excel tables to Word tables, various troubles may arise in the form of mismatched formats, sizes, and simply incorrect insertion of copied data. To efficiently transfer data from Excel to Word, you need to know a few things.

How to transfer a sheet from a bookExcel to documentWord?

To transfer the data of the entire worksheet of an Excel workbook into a Word document, you need to go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Text” button group click the “Object” button. On the New From File tab of the Insert Object dialog box,

Using the “Browse” button, you need to find the workbook with the data to be transferred. It is worth noting that the active sheet in the workbook must be the one that contains the data to be transferred to the Word document. This inserts file data into a document so that it can be edited using the application in which it was created. In other words, an Excel application area appears in the Word document, which is activated by double-clicking the left mouse button. This replaces the Word ribbon with the Excel ribbon, and you can make changes in this area of ​​the Word document using Excel tools.

In the "Insert Object" dialog box, if you select the "Link to file" checkbox, the changes made to the source file will be automatically displayed in the Word document.

How to transfer a table or range of cells from Excel to Word?

To transfer a table or any arbitrary range of cells with data from an Excel workbook to a Word document, you need to copy the range of cells in Excel, go to the Word application and on the "Home" tab in the "Clipboard" button group, open the "Paste" button menu and Select one of the available paste options, such as, keep source formatting, use destination styles, save as picture, save text only, and some others.

In addition to the listed options, the “Paste Special” item is available, with which you can paste a copied table or range as an object, as well as select other paste options.

How to quickly transfer tables from Excel to Word documents?

You can transfer tables from Excel to Word using an Excel add-in. If you assign names to all the tables that need to be inserted into a Word document (create named ranges), and create bookmarks in the Word text document in those text positions in which the tables should appear and write all this data in a range of worksheet cells,

then you can use a software solution to quickly transfer tables. In this case, the tables can be located on different sheets of the Excel workbook, and the names of the sheets must be written in the range of cells with the source data.

How to selectively transfer data fromExcel toWord (automatically)?

In some cases, when there is a need to fill individual rows/columns of a table in a Word document with data from Excel, an add-in for Word that automatically fills Word tables with data from Excel will help you avoid performing multiple “Copy/Paste” actions.

For example, when filling out specifications for design documentation, you need to selectively transfer information from the Excel workbook database to a Word document. In this case, you do not need to transfer the entire Excel table, but only some of its rows, despite the fact that they are not located in the same range, which could be copied and pasted in one action. The add-in allows you to automate the process of selectively transferring data from an Excel table to a Word table.

After selecting the Excel workbook (database) and the worksheet containing the data to transfer to the table in the Word document, the dialog box displays the cell values ​​from the first two columns of the database worksheet. The user can regulate the number of displayed columns independently by changing the numbers of the first and last column. Depending on this, the contents of the dialog box change. The first row of the database file worksheet serves as headings for the columns in the dialog box. In order to transfer data from the dialog box, you need to select the desired lines using the left mouse button and the Ctrl and/or Shift keys on the keyboard.

After starting the program, the values ​​of all the lines selected in the dialog box are transferred to the table cells of the Word document, starting from the cell in which the mouse cursor is located. The add-in allows you to selectively fill tables in the Word editor with data from Excel. An example of using this add-in is filling out specifications of equipment and materials for project documentation, when in order to fill out documents by section it is necessary to selectively transfer data from databases created on the basis of Excel workbooks to a table in a Word document.

For users using widescreen monitors, it is possible to resize the dialog box to fit the width of the Word application window.

How to transfer individual values ​​fromExcel toWord?

To autofill Word documents with data from Excel, you can use ready-made solutions (add-ins) for both Word and Excel. These solutions allow you to automatically generate Word documents based on data contained in an Excel workbook sheet. These solutions provide the ability to batch fill out documents (for cases when, based on one set of initial data, you need to fill out several different documents, for example, a contract, additional agreement, power of attorney, and so on).


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the Windows operating system and open the "All Programs" section to carry out the procedure for converting the selected table into a text document format.

Expand Microsoft Office and launch Excel and Word.

Expand the “Table” menu in the top toolbar of the application window and select the “Convert” command (for Microsoft Word version 2003).

Use the "Table to Text" option in the drop-down menu and apply the checkbox to the desired separator field in the dialog box that opens. Please remember that if you select the “Paragraph Mark” option, the data in the table being converted will be separated by paragraphs, while the “Tab Mark” option will allow you to convert the table into a single section. Use the spacebar or hyphen key when selecting the "Other" option.

Confirm that the selected changes are applied by clicking OK (for Microsoft Office version 2003).

Select the rows of the required table to be converted to text format, or the entire table, and call its context menu by right-clicking (for Microsoft Office version 2007).

Select the “Layout” item and select the “Data” command in the submenu that opens.

Use the "Convert to Text" option and apply the checkbox to the desired separator field in the dialog box that opens. Confirm the application of the selected changes by clicking OK (for Microsoft Word version 2007).

Select the selected table and expand the "Edit" menu in the top toolbar of the Excel 2010 application window.

Use the Copy command to save the table to the clipboard and go to Word.

Select a location to save the text document you are creating and open the “Edit” menu in the top toolbar of Word 2010.

Select “Paste Special” and use the “Microsoft Excel Sheet (Object)” option.

Confirm that the selected changes are applied by clicking OK (for Microsoft Office version 2010).


  • How to copy an Excel table to Word

The MS Excel application is a very convenient tool for performing calculations and presenting tabular data. However, when preparing reporting documentation, it is often necessary to provide tabular information in Word format. At the same time, sometimes it is necessary to translate not only the direct content of information, but also the formatting of documents.

You will need

  • Programs MS Word, MS Excel, computer.


To transfer information from a file saved in Excel format to Word, open the spreadsheet file, select the required cells in it, right-click and select “Copy”. Then, launch MS Word, create a blank document (usually created automatically) and paste the fragment copied from Excel into it. In this case, the number of columns required to represent the table will appear in the created document, and each row from the Excel table will be represented as a separate line in the document.
This method is the simplest, however, when using it, the formatting of the source document. In addition, further editing of such a pseudo-table created in Word will be very difficult.

To make the one prepared in Excel look almost the same in Word, paste the copied information into the one prepared in advance. To do this, count how many columns and rows the original table has. Then, select the “Table” and “Insert” menu item in Word. Specify the number of columns and rows in the window that appears and click confirm. All other (cosmetic) settings can be made later.

Now, as in the first case, copy the desired one. Then, use the mouse to select the entire table created in Word, right-click and select “Insert”. All data from the source table will be neatly distributed across the empty cells of the Word table. Using Word formatting tools, correct incorrectly placed areas of the table.
This method is optimal for preparing reporting documentation, but does not allow saving, which will complicate subsequent recalculation of data.

To copy a table from Excel along with formulas and design, use “paste special” rather than simple. To do this, also copy the required fragment of the table, then select “Edit” - “Paste Special” from the Word menu. Then, select the line “Microsoft Excel Sheet (Object)” in the window that appears.
Pay attention to the position of the point in the “Insert” and “Link” lines. To prepare standard documentation, leave this indicator in the "Insert" line.
If you need the information in the Word document to automatically change depending on the data in the Excel table, then select the “Link” item. However, it is necessary to provide the Word file with permanent access to the file in Excel format.

Video on the topic


How to convert a Word file to JPG? Press the print key, then open the paint program, in the edit (or edit) menu, click paste, cut out the desired place, make a new file in the same way and save as jpg.

Helpful advice

The resulting graphic file can be saved in any format, including jpg. If necessary, repeat the operation several times, for different pages of the document. The second way to convert pdf to jpg is to download the Universal Document Converter program, which will help convert pages of a PDF document to jpg.


  • how to translate word
  • How to Easily Move or Copy a Sheet in Excel 2013

Quite often there is a need to transfer tabular data from Microsoft Word to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The table can be copied, but several commands must be run to display the information correctly.

You will need

  • - Computer;
  • - installed Microsoft Office package.


Open a document created in Microsoft Word from which you want to transfer the table to Microsoft Excel. Left-click and select “Table” – “Select Table” from the menu.

Press the key combination Ctrl+C (or the menu item “Edit” – “Copy”; button on the toolbar). Next, go to the worksheet of the book in Microsoft Excel, select the place where the top left cell of the table will be located, press Ctrl+V to copy the Word table into Excel.

Make sure the area you want to copy the table into in Excel is empty, as the data from Word will replace any existing information in the worksheet cells that are in the paste area. Check the dimensions of the inserted table. Next, click the “Insert” button.

To format the table, click the "Insert Options" button that appears next to the pasted information. If you want to use the formatting that is applied to the worksheet cells, click the "Use destination cell formats" option. If you want to keep the table's original formatting, then click on the "Keep original formatting" option.

Edit the resulting table if the table elements were separated by tabs or spaces. To do this, select the table, go to the “Data” menu, select the “Text by Columns” command there.

Select the "Delimited" option, click the "Next" button. Select the desired character (space or ), as a delimiter, and click the “Done” button. Sometimes after inserting data, you need to clear it in order to be able to use the data calculation function in Excel. For example, unnecessary spaces may appear in cells, and numbers may be inserted in text format rather than in numeric format. Dates may also not be displayed correctly. To fix this, select the data of one format, right-click and select Format Cells. In the “Number” tab, set the required data format (numeric, monetary, date, etc.).


  • how to move a table from
  • Copy a Word table to Excel

When there is a need to quickly create a table, it is better to use Microsoft Excel. It was originally designed to work with them. Here you can easily and simply do what you want. But sometimes you need to save the table in a Word file. Here we will look at how to transfer a table from excel to word.

Inserting an Excel table into Word is not at all difficult, but there are a number of features. Often the plate does not fit on the sheet or simply floats outside the margins.

There are two main ways to transfer a table from Excel to Word:

  1. Simple copying the original(via CTRL + C) and regular paste via CTRL + V.
  2. Insert table as an object via paste special.

First way

If the table is small, then it can be easily transferred from Excel to Word by simply copying it. To do this, you need to select it and use the copy button in the menu or the CTRL + C keys to place it on the clipboard. Then in Word just press the Insert button or CTRL + V.

At the same time, the INSERT SETTINGS icon appears in the lower right corner, which allows you to view how you can transform data. The following methods are offered:

  • Keep original format.
  • Use the destination table style.
  • Insert as a picture.
  • Save text only.
  • Keep original formatting and link to Excel.
  • Use the destination table style and link to Excel.

If the plate does not look correct during normal insertion, you need to use the suggested options and select the appropriate one. With regular copying, the obvious disadvantage is that the insertion does not correspond to the original: thus, intervals, fonts, and borders may differ in appearance from the source.

If the plate was not formatted in Excel, then you can make it look beautiful in Word. To do this, use the right mouse button to find the desired action. For example, set borders or change the fill.

Second way

You can transfer a table from Excel to Word as an object. This makes it possible to obtain an exact match with the source. To do this you should use Special insert, which also offers different options. Select the first one – Microsoft Office Excel Sheet (object). There is a choice here: simply insert an object or link it to the source. In the first case, it becomes possible to edit data as in an Excel sheet; the second method is mainly used if communication between programs is needed. That is, so that when you change data in Excel, they are updated in Word.

Troubleshooting problems when transferring a table from Excel to Word

The most common problem is migrating a large table. It can be very long or very wide.

Inserting a Long Table

It is more convenient to insert a long table as an object. But when you select Microsoft Office Excel Sheet (object), the data is cut off. More precisely, the screen displays only the data that is included on one page. But WORD only works with what it sees. Therefore, to eliminate this unpleasant situation, you need to use Paste Special with the parameter TEXT in RTF format. In this case, the entire plate is visible, located on several pages, and has all the capabilities: it can be edited, moved, and you can establish a connection with the source file.

Inserting a wide table

To insert a wide table in the WORD program, you need to reconfigure the page orientation from portrait to landscape and set the minimum margins (0.5 cm each). After this, you can use Paste Special and first copy the source. If the data is not included in the width, then you will have to manipulate the scale. When you right-click on an inserted object, a context menu opens; the scale is located along the path: Object Format – Size. It is necessary to place the data on the sheet so that it fits the width.

Paste from WORD

There is another method for inserting an Excel table. In the WORD program, you need to select INSERT – OBJECT – Text from file. Select the file name and perform the insertion.

In earlier versions of Word, the path for this procedure would be:

The contents of Sheet1 of the Excel file are inserted into the Word program, so it is necessary that the source sheet contains the necessary information.

Influence of program versions on table migration

Of course, the software interface differs significantly from version to version, so each implementation has its own nuances. But the methods for transferring a table from excel to word remain the same.

In earlier versions of programs, you cannot see the icon when doing normal copying and pasting. INSERT OPTIONS. It appeared in the 2007 version, so you won’t be able to view conversion options in 2003.

However, in any version of the program you can find an acceptable option for working with tables; for this it is worth experimenting a little. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without effort.”

There are often situations when you need to transfer data from Excel to Word. Although both programs are part of the same Microsoft Office package, they do not support each other's file formats. What to do in this case, when you need to move a table or text?

The option is simple. It is enough to copy the selected table or block of text into Excel and paste it into Word. This can be done through the context menu (copy/paste), having previously selected the table or range. Next, we save our file in Word formats.

Everything seems simple, but there is one thing. We all know that Excel has a lot of functions using various kinds of formulas. What to do when changes occur to them? Copy every time? No! To do this, there is a very interesting way of copying when changes are made in the Excel table and will be applied in the Word table. And we’ll look at it below.

To do this, when inserting data, you need to select paste special. This can be done using a special insert. When installing a copy in Word, select “Paste Special”. That's all, now the changes made in the Excel file will be applied to the Word files. One condition is that the files must be in the same folder.

Another copying option is intended for aesthetes. It often happens that plates that have been edited in Excel and copied to Word contain unnecessary markup elements. If the markup of Excel cells bothers you, then before pasting a copy into Word, paste it into Notepad, make a copy of the paste in Notepad again, in which case the text will be inserted without Excel markup.

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