Mail j. Logging into Google mail: analysis of a number of issues

The opening of Gmail email from Google was initially perceived by many Internet users as an April Fool's joke. After all, the launch date of the service fell precisely on April 1, 2004. Rumors about the emergence of Google's second serious project after the creation of the search engine alarmed the Internet community literally the day before. But despite the “mixed” opinions, this event heralded the era of a new generation of online mail. Today, more than 1 billion people from all over the world, when establishing communications with friends, comrades, and business partners, say: “Send a letter to my Gmail, here is the address...”.

The development of the electronic service took three years. Paul Buckheit, the author of the project, began work in August 2001 at the direction of Google management. However, according to Buchheit, he made the first developments of online mail without a system application back in 1996.

During the creation process, Google's email service was given the name Cariobu. It was named after the utility Buckheit created for searching for letters in his own mail. Actually, at that time this function was a proprietary feature of Gmail (now there are much more of them).

For the first two months, Paul worked on the email code on his own. And then with assistants. By 2004, the team of creators of the Google email service had grown to 10 people.

Throughout its history, Gmail has undergone various metamorphoses - both in code and in external design. Now he holds the honorary title of one of the best emails on the network.

From this article, dear reader, you will learn how to log into Google mail on your computer and mobile devices on the base operating systems Android and iOS, how to use additional applications for monitoring emails.

Gmail on computer

1. To log into your account, open the page in your browser -

Note. If you use Google Chrome, open a new tab and click the “block of squares” button. And then select Gmail from the tiled menu that opens.

3. To log into your account, enter your login (email address) - “name” Click Next.

Enter your password and click “Login.”

Monitoring incoming messages

If you use email throughout the workday, turn on desktop notifications. As soon as a new email arrives in your account, a notification will pop up on your display.

This setup is done like this:

Note. First of all, you need to log into your account (log in).

1. In the top panel, on the right, click the “Gear” button.

2. Select Settings.

3. On the “General” tab, in the “Desktop Notifications” section, click on the radio button next to the “Enable notifications about new emails” setting.

Work in your account offline

(Google Chrome Guide)
This option is indispensable when you need to read received letters in your mailbox when there is no Internet connection. It is configured as follows:

1. You need to open in your account: the “Gear” icon (the “Menu” button in the upper right corner) → Settings.

2. Click the "Offline" tab and follow the "Launch Gmail Offline" link.

3. On the tab that opens, click the “Install” button to connect the add-on for viewing emails offline to the browser.

4. B modal window confirm the command: select “Install application”.

5. To view received emails without an Internet connection:

  • in the panel, click “Services”;
  • in the tab that opens, select “Gmail Offline”;
  • Click the “Enable offline mail” option;
  • to log into your profile ( [email protected]) through the addon, click “Continue”.

7. To manage correspondence, click on the “arrow” icon next to the “gear” at the top right. And then click the mouse to select the required function (for example, enter “Unread”).

Browser addon Checker Plus for Gmail

(for Google Chrome)
Allows you to read new emails from without opening profile tabs. Supports multiple account management. Uses only the necessary data. Does not send confidential information to third parties. Provides the user with the ability to enable voice or audio notification of the receipt of a new letter.

Displays photos of contacts (plus, you can attach your photo to the selected contact). Excellent control of messages by tags. Able to work in background: Even when the browser window is closed, the notification system will still work. Has an option to change the page scale. Additionally, it can be used as a widget for the “Awesome New Tab Page” extension.

To set up a checker add-on for your profile, do the following:

1. Click the “Menu” button (three bars) in the browser panel.

2. Go to: “Settings” → “Extensions”.

3. At the bottom of the list of connected addons, click the “More extensions” link.

4. In the online store, in the “Search…” line, type Checker Plus for Gmail.

5. Go to the application page and click “Install”.

6. After connecting, a checker icon will appear in the right corner of the browser. Click it.

9. Click the addon icon again and start working with email.

Gmail on Android devices

To work in a Google mail service account on mobile devices Android devices are used special applications. Let's get to know them better.


The “native” messenger of the service was created by Google Inc. Simple, reliable. Instantly notifies you of sent emails. In it you can not only read messages, but also send them. Supports offline work. Equipped with internal search (by address, word). Automatically sorts mail by recipient (advertising letters, social networks). Reliably protects against spam emails: filtered messages are automatically transferred to the Spam folder. Can work with multiple accounts. Including profiles third party services, supporting the POP/IMAP protocol -,, etc.

1. From the home screen of the device, go to the mobile market Google applications Play.

2. In the search line, enter the query - Gmail.

3. Go to the messenger page. Tap “Install”.

4. Allow the application to access device data (identification data, contacts, files and photos): in the window that opens, click “Accept”.

5. Once the download and installation is complete, tap “Open”.

6. In the messenger window, run the “Go to Gmail” command.

7. Use the vertical menu and top button bar to manage messages.


A worthy alternative to Gmail. Also developed by Google specialists. Designed to eliminate user stress from a huge flow of emails. Keeps important messages visible and eliminates information clutter. Analyzes correspondence using “smart” algorithms. Informs about all important events: without opening the profile, the user can find out about the status of parcel delivery, transaction confirmation, flight delays.

Automatically groups letters by tags and thereby maintains perfect order in correspondence. It has a reminder function and postpones reading letters until a specified time. Supports instant search for emails by request: very useful when you need to retrieve ticket details or find a friend’s email. 100% integrated with Gmail: has the same user-friendly interface and powerful spam filter.

1. In the store Google Play Find the Inbox app from Gmail.

2. Tap “Install” and then “Open”.

3. Click the “three stripes” (the button on the left side of the top panel) to open the application control panel (email categories, Spam folder, options).

4. Tap “Settings” to change messenger options (notifications, deletion, shortcuts, etc.).

Setting up Gmail in iOS (iPad, iPhone)

In the iOS operating system, connection and authorization in the Gmail mail service account is carried out using standard means:

1. Click the “Settings” icon on the gadget’s desktop.

2. In the panel, select the “Mail, Contacts, Calendars” section.

3. Tap your finger to launch the “Add Account…” command.

4. Select Gmail from the list of services.

7. In the panel that opens, if necessary, you can enable the “Calendars” and “Notes” options.

9. Go to your home screen. Click the "Mail" icon.

10. In the window that opens, tap Gmail to go to your mail service account.

Enjoy using Gmail!

Logging into your Gmail account is quite easy. But first you need to create your account on this service. Now you will learn how to easily and correctly log in to your mail, and you will also understand the basic settings of this mail service, and you will understand how to change mail settings, and also learn how to edit existing contacts.

If you have not previously registered with Gmail, then do it now, since the procedure is simple and does not require special skills or knowledge.


We register an account because... it is the same for all Google services. let's go by .

Click the “Create account” button. fill out the form.
During the process, you must indicate your data - initials and desired email address. You can specify any first and last name, since the resource allows you to create a different number of mailboxes. And we get...

When registration is completed, the system will automatically redirect you via a link to your personal account, that is, you will find yourself in personal account, where you can already start working fully and using the capabilities of the Gmail system. But please note that each time you re-enter, you will need to enter your login information - this is your email address and password, so save the information in a safe place.

Some novice Gmail users experience some difficulties when logging in, but problems can be avoided if you enter the correct data and agree to the browser saving the password. This way, in the future, you won't need to enter your password and Gmail address on the keyboard, as they will be automatically entered when you log into your account.

How to log into Gmail:

Enter the data we talked about above - login, password (the login is your mailbox address);
After entering the data, click the “Login” button;

How to log out of account?

To sign out of your current Gmail account to change your profile or for other reasons, you'll need to select Sign Out from your profile image.

Gmail Settings

Mail works without any settings, but an inquisitive mind may want to adjust everything to suit itself. The main settings are hidden under the gear icon.

After mastering basic functions Gmail mail, you will want to change the mail configuration or change the template. To do this, in the left menu, find the “Gears” tab and click. A drop-down column of functions will open, from which select the “Themes” function. Or click on “Settings” - a context menu will open in which you can select whatever you want.

Create contacts

In the Gmail service, you can create and delete contacts, as well as perform group actions with existing ones. It is possible to enter additional information about the contact: phone numbers, addresses, birthday.
To add a new contact, select the “Contacts” section.
A window will appear where you need to enter information about the contact you are creating. Changes will be saved automatically.
To change Gmail contacts, you need to select the desired contact to edit, click on it, and now you can edit all its data.
In the process of using Gmail, you will gradually master all its functions, and in the future you will be able to do everything at your own discretion.– the most popular Internet postal service in the CIS. The resource also includes thematic news sections, social networks, a messenger and a search engine. Nice mailbox interface and easy setup allows him to bypass similar Google services and Yandex. service portal - Home page


When registering, we indicate personal data, a phone number to restore access, if the password is lost or forgotten, we select which of the service domains your mailbox will be located on -


When specifying the mailbox name, you can view which name options the service has generated for you as a hint. You can choose one of the proposed options or enter your own.

Registration form: Be sure to indicate your phone number by first selecting your country of residence.

You can have several mailboxes at once and connect them to one, not even necessarily just This way you can view all your mail from one account. To do this, go to the top panel “More => Settings => Mail from other mailboxes” and add already registered email accounts:

  • Yahoo
  • Gmail
  • Yandex
  • Outlook, etc.

Just click the “Add Mailbox” button and enter your email address


To make your mailbox unique, you can select a ready-made theme in the tab on the top panel, which is called “Themes”. Choose and install, try and reinstall as much as your heart desires.

You can choose any theme or color as the background.

There is one more aspect of the letter design that it is advisable to customize - this is your signature at the bottom of the letter. This is what the recipient usually sees at the end like “Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov.” This can be written in “More => Settings =>Name and signature” and the signature will be automatically added to every letter.

You can use your original signature if you are not conducting official correspondence.

You can also configure how the response will be sent - with or without the contents of the received letter - “More => Settings => Working with emails”. Just leave or uncheck the “Sending emails” section. There are many more useful parameters that make working with the box easier:

  1. Adding new contacts to the Address Book.
  2. Displaying incoming emails in a folder.
  3. Grouping of letters.

As you can see, in this tab you can create, delete, edit and clean folders.

Working with folders

For better mail organization, sometimes you need additional folders. You can create a new one by right-clicking on the list of folders. It can become an archive, a subfolder of an existing folder, store important information and be password protected, or serve for separate correspondence.

Can be used to create a blacklist. mail settings are not at all complicated. You may also be interested in the Notifications and Autoresponder tabs. You can configure them yourself.

The Google search engine is very popular and every day a large number of users are interested in logging into and registering a mailbox. Many services are integrated into the mail options. It is a convenient, reliable and secure email service.

By creating your own account in Gmail, integration into social network Google+, YouTube, Play Market(Android applications), Disk (10 GB of space for storing personal information), Documents, etc. After registering and logging into your email, data synchronization occurs.

  • enter your email name and password;

  • The email login link will appear at the top of the Google page.

  • You can also log in to Gmail from the Google search engine page, using the button on the right “ To come in".

If you were unable to log in due to an incorrect password, you need to check the layout language, uppercase or caps mode ( CapsLock), is it enabled additional keyboard (NumLock). If all else fails, click the " Help is needed" and follow the instructions to recover your password (more details below in the article).

Registration in mail

If you have not yet registered in Gmail, you should first go to search engine Google. After that:

  • a page for entering the data required for registration will open;

  • Fill out all the lines, enter the verification number from the picture and click " Further";

Automatic login to

On the Gmail login page (registration must already be completed), select the “ Remain in the system". After launching the browser by clicking the " To come in" The mailbox opens. Now the gmail will open automatically.

Notifications about letters without logging into Gmail mail

For more convenient work with mail, special applications have been created that are integrated into the Google Chrome browser (download) and will automatically notify you of sent correspondence, without logging into the mail page. Such add-ons include Checker Plus for Gmail. After installing it, a mail icon and a notification about sent letters will be displayed on the right side of the browser (Google Chrome) (more detailed information after clicking on it).

Also, this add-on simplifies working simultaneously with several personal mailboxes, has voice notification and control, makes it possible to use mail even when the browser is closed, etc.

Login to without password - password recovery

This service is very attentive to the difficulties of users and all steps to restore mail have already been carefully worked out. The technical service has developed a clarification method that can be used to determine the real owner with a high probability. This instruction will cover the most difficult method - without access to the number mobile phone and without having a second mailbox attached:

  • On the email password entry page, you need to click the link “ Help is needed";

  • A page will open with a selection of possible problems, where you need to select “ I do not remember the password" and indicate your email address (if it does not appear automatically). After that, press the button " Continue";

  • on the next page you need to specify the password in the form in which it was remembered and select “ Continue" or " I find it difficult to answer”;

  • You will be prompted to use a phone number. Because In this manual, the method without access to a phone number is considered, then the item “ I can't use the phone";

If the mobile is available, the " Continue", enter the SMS code and install New Password. This completes the restoration of access for those who have a phone number linked to their account at hand.

  • the dates of the last login to and registration are entered;

  • the next step is to answer the secret question entered during registration. Here you can enter the correct answer and select " Continue" or click on the button " Skip this question" if the question itself is forgotten;

  • all subsequent steps are aimed at proving your belonging to this box. Each omission of a question will only prolong the procedure for restoring gmail mail ( Upon completion, the system will process all these responses and provide access to the mailbox.

In the future, it is better to be safe from such cases and write down the data in a safe place. It wouldn't hurt to attach a valid phone number or a second mailbox to your email. You can do this in your account profile settings.

History of mailbox creation

Google's first email account was launched in 2004. After three years spent on its creation, the news published a revolutionary announcement. The public initially perceived the email service, accessible to everyone, promising free gigabyte storage as a joke.

Subsequently, thanks to gmail (gmail), great leaps forward took place in this area and almost all Internet mail services began to use these technologies.

A person who comes online for the first time has a primary task - registering his or her email account. Services offering similar services great amount, but one of the most popular is Gmail from the famous company Google. The mail system has been operating since the spring of 2004, and every year it gains millions of satisfied users. Why is this mail better than others? Let's look at the main advantages that allowed Gmail to take a leading position in the market:

  • the mailbox can hold up to 10 GB of information;
  • built-in instant messaging and video calling system;
  • quick search for a specified word among messages;
  • powerful antispam system;
  • high degree of protection;
  • Availability mobile applications for all popular operating systems;
  • one account for several services (YouTube, GoogleDisk, GoogleMaps, etc.)
  • all letters and contacts can be labeled and structured;
  • built-in control for spelling errors;
  • every minute backups to prevent data loss in case of internet loss.


Before you can take advantage of the benefits described, you will need to go through a short registration process. To do this, go to the website

Click on the “Create an account” button and you will be taken to the page for filling out your profile data.

Enter the required information. Be careful when creating your email password. You should not use a combination consisting of your birthday date or your mobile phone number. For best security, the password should contain both alphabetic characters and numbers.

After all the items have been filled out, click the “Next” button. An agreement window pops up informing the user of Gmail's privacy policy. After reading, click “I Accept.”

If everything is done correctly, you will be transferred to such a window with congratulations.

Immediately after creation, you will be automatically authorized in the mail. Even if you close the site and return to it in a couple of days or weeks, your mailbox will still be open. There is no need to enter a password every time. However, if you use a public computer or several mailboxes at the same time, then logging out of your account is inevitable. For such situations, we will look at the authorization procedure and tell you how to log in. email Gmail.

Login to email

Go to the page and enter your email address. Click “Next”.

Jimail mail login

Important! Do not enter your information on other sites. The only correct email address is

A window appears in which you must enter a password.

If the password is correct, you will be taken to your mailbox.


To log out of your account, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the window that opens, click “Exit”.

Working with letters

Thanks to the user-friendly mailbox interface, working with letters has become a real pleasure. All mail can be structured, marked with various markers, saved as drafts, and created as mass mailings.

To start writing a message, click on the red button in the upper left corner of the screen.

One of the main conveniences is that the window for typing messages appears as a tab. This way you can simultaneously write a new letter and interact with the mailbox.

The bottom panel allows you to attach various files to a letter from a computer or from a virtual GoogleDisc, insert emoticons, and also instantly print the text.

Various mailbox settings

Gmail is considered the best email for a reason. For comfortable use, Google programmers have equipped the mail system with a whole list of useful settings. Let's briefly talk about the most important ones.


The service is equipped with the ability to save necessary email addresses. You will no longer need to remember the email of a work colleague or old friend. Moreover, you can fill out information about the person yourself (name, date of birth, phone number).

Adding a contact is incredibly easy. To begin, you need to go to home page mail and find the Gmail tab in the upper left corner.

Click on it and a small menu opens.

Click the “Contacts” button and get to the list of added addresses. This window displays the people you communicate with most often. If the person you need is not on the list, then click on the red label in the lower right corner of the screen.

A window opens where you can find the person you need. Simply enter his first and last name, and then search by photo.

Import from other mailboxes

Another important feature that will be useful for those who use several mailboxes at the same time. To transfer a contact or important letter from one mail to another, there is no need to copy all the information. The whole process is simplified to a couple of mouse clicks.

To do this, in the “Contacts” window, click the “More” button in the left column.

The menu opens. We are looking for the “Import” button.

Select the service from which you want to import contacts.

That's it, now important addresses or messages located in other mailboxes, are also available on Gmail.

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