Presentation on the topic "File. Computer file system"

Files and file system Computer Science - 7 Bulatova A.V., computer science teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20 town. Progress

What a small computer can do with a large program, a large computer can do a small one, hence the conclusion that an infinitely large program can operate without any computer. Stanislav Lem

What is a file? All programs and data are stored in the long-term (external) memory of the computer in the form of files. A file (from the English word file - dossier, set of documents) is a certain amount of information (programs or data) with a name, stored in the long-term memory of a computer.

File name The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot: the actual file name and the extension that determines its type (program, data, etc.). The actual name of the file is given by the user, and the file type is usually set automatically by the program when it is created. Example: probe. txt Units of measurement of information. doc

Agreement 8.3 Before the release of the Windows 95 operating system, most IBM PCs ran MS-DOS system, which had very strict file naming rules. These rules are called convention 8.3. Under convention 8.3, a file name can consist of two parts separated by a dot. The first part can be up to 8 characters long, and the second part (after the period) can be up to 3 characters long. The second part after the dot is called the name extension. When writing a file name, you are allowed to use only English letters and numbers. The name must begin with a letter. Spaces and punctuation are not allowed, except exclamation mark(!), tilde (~) and underscore (_).

Long file names Since the introduction of the Windows 95 operating system, file naming requirements have become significantly more relaxed. They are also valid in all subsequent versions of Windows operating systems. 1. Up to 255 characters are allowed. 2. It is allowed to use symbols of national alphabets, in particular Russian. 3. Spaces and other previously prohibited characters are allowed, with the exception of the following nine: /\:*?"|. 4. Multiple dots can be used in a file name. All characters after the last dot are considered the name extension.

File type Extension Executable programs exe, com Text files txt, rtf, doc Graphic files bmp , gif , jpg , png , pds Web pages htm, html Sound files wav, mp3, midi, kar, ogg Video files avi, mpeg Code (text) of the program in the programming languages ​​bas, pas, cpp

File system Each storage medium (floppy, hard or laser disk) can store a large number of files. The order in which files are stored on the disk is determined by the installed file system. A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories.

Single-level file system For disks with a small number of files (up to several dozen), it is convenient to use a single-level file system, when the directory (disk table of contents) is a linear sequence of file names. To find a file on disk, you just need to specify the file name.

Multi-level hierarchical file system If hundreds and thousands of files are stored on a disk, then for ease of searching, the files are organized into a multi-level hierarchical file system, which has a “tree” structure (looks like an inverted tree).

Path to file To find a file in the hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file includes the logical name of the disk, written through the "\" separator, and the sequence of names of nested directories, the last of which contains the given one. required file. C:\Abstracts\ C:\Abstracts\Physics\ C:\Abstracts\Computer Science\ C:\Drawings\

Full file name The path to the file along with the file name is called the full file name. C:\Abstracts\Physics\Optical phenomena. doc C:\Abstracts\Informatics\Internet. doc C:\Abstracts\Informatics\Computer viruses. doc C:\Drawings\Sunset. jpg C:\Drawings\ Winter. jpg

Folder B operating system Windows uses the concept of “folder” instead of directories. A folder is a Windows object designed to organize files and other folders into groups. The concept of a folder is broader than the concept of a “directory”. In Windows, at the top of the folder hierarchy is the Desktop folder. (The next level is represented by the My Computer, Recycle Bin and Network Neighborhood folders (if the computer is connected to a local network).

Hierarchies Windows folders

Standard actions with files Such actions with files as “create”, “save”, “close” can only be performed in application programs (Notepad, Paint, ...). The actions “open”, “rename”, “move”, “copy”, “delete” can be performed in the system environment.

Operations with files and folders Copying (a copy of the file is placed in another directory); Move (the file itself is moved to another directory); Delete (the file entry is deleted from the directory); Renaming (file name changes).

Write down the full names of all files?

Write down the full names of all files C:\My Documents\Ivanov\QBasic. doc C:\My documents\Petrov\Letter. txt C:\My documents\Petrov\Drawings\Sea. bmp C:\Movies\Interesting film. avi?

Build a directory tree C:\Pictures\Nature\Sky. bmp C:\Drawings\Nature\Snow. bmp C:\Pictures\Computer\Monitor. bmp C:\My documents\Students\11th grade\Dolgolenko A.E\ Report. doc?

Local drive C: My documents My drawings Computer Nature Grade 11 Dolgolenko A.E. Pupils Report. doc Monitor.bmp Sky.bmp Snow.bmp Check:

Homework: draw up a diagram of a multi-level file system Desktop (draw up on a landscape sheet)

Practical work Creating folders and files of various types. Archiving. Remember the safety rules when working with a computer!!! Don't forget about the TB notebook!!!

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Slide captions:

Files and file system

File A file is a certain amount of information (program or data) that has a name and is stored in long-term (external) memory

Types of files and extensions File type Extensions Programs exe, com Text files txt, doc Graphic files bmp, gif, jpg, etc. Sound files wav, mid Video files avi Programs in programming languages ​​bas, pas, etc.

File system A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories

Hierarchical file system Root directory Directory_1 Directory_2 File_1 Directory_1.1 Directory_1.2 File_1.1

Example of a hierarchical file system C:/TEXT Chess. exe GAMES probe. txt CHESS

Representing a file system using GUI The MS–DOS hierarchical file system, containing directories and files, is presented in the operating system Windows system using a graphical interface in the form of a hierarchical system of folders and documents. A folder in Windows is analogous to the MS – DOS directory.

Difference: However, the hierarchical structure of these systems is somewhat different. In the MS-DOS hierarchical file system, the top of the object hierarchy is the root directory of the disk, which can be compared to the trunk of a tree on which branches (subdirectories) grow, and on the branches are leaves (files). In Windows, at the top of the folder hierarchy is the Desktop folder. The next level is represented by the My Computer, Recycle Bin and Network Neighborhood folders (if the computer is connected to a local network).

Hierarchical folder structure Desktop Network environment My computer Trash E: A: C: D: Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4

Operations on files Copying (a copy of the file is placed in another directory); Move (the file itself is moved to another directory); Delete (the file entry is deleted from the directory); Renaming (file name changes).

Windows graphical interface Allows you to perform operations on files using the mouse using the Drag&Drop method (drag and drop). There are also specialized applications for working with files, the so-called file managers: Norton Commander, Windows Commander, Explorer, etc.

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Abstract for the presentation

The presentation has been prepared to study the order that determines the way data is organized and stored on storage media in computers. Objectives of the presentation: to tell children about the file system, which determines the format of the contents of storing information that needs to be grouped in the form of files.

  1. File system
  2. File systems for various platforms
  3. Relationship between physical and logical disk
  4. Logical drives in Windows OS
  5. Definition of a file and its representation in a graphical OS
  6. Calculating the maximum disk size in various file systems


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    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

      To conduct a test / verification work

Slide 1

Slide 2

File system

  • File system - an order that determines the way of organizing, storing and naming data on storage media in computers, as well as in other electronic equipment: digital cameras, mobile phones and so on.
  • Slide 3

    The file system determines the format of the content and physical storage of information, which is usually grouped in the form of files.

    File system

    A journaled file system keeps a constant record of all write operations to the disk (journal, log). Thanks to this, after a failure, the file system always automatically returns to a working state.

    Slide 4

    File system

    • FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 – unlogged file systems from the Microsoft campaign (Operating systems Windows 98 – 2000)
    • NTFS – journaling file system from the Microsoft campaign (Operating systems WindowsXP and higher)
    • Ext2/3 is a journaling file system designed for Linux OS
  • Slide 5

    File system

    • ReiserFS is a journaling file system designed for Unix OS.
    • HFS is a journaling file system developed by Apple Computer for Mac OS.
    • CDFS is a file system for working with CDs and DVD discs. Based on ISO9660 standard.
  • Slide 6

    • Usually if HDD do not divide, it will be called C:
    • If you divide it into two sections, these will be C: and D:
  • Slide 7

    Logical drives in Windows OS:

    • Drive A:
    • B: left for the second drive
    • Two sections hard drive C: and D:
    • DVD drive E:
    • Flash drive F:
  • Slide 8

    • We will take care of the safety of information
  • Slide 9

    • A file (from the English word file - dossier, set of documents) is a certain amount of information (programs or data) with a name, stored in the long-term memory of a computer.
    • Icons (pictures) indicating created files Microsoft Office 2007
  • Slide 10

    File characteristics:

    Depending on the file system, a file may have a different set of properties.

    • File name
    • File type
    • file size
    • date of creation
    • Starting cluster number
  • Slide 11

    File name:

    • Abstract on computer science. DOC
    • The file name is user defined.
    • The name extension or file type is determined by the program in which it was created

    In Windows OS, the following characters are prohibited in the file name:

    • > < | ? * / \ : "
    • A dot separates name and type
  • Slide 12

    File system

    File types in Windows OS:

    Slide 13

    • A directory (English directory - directory, index) is an object in the file system that simplifies the organization of files.
    • Folder (English folder), Directory, Directory (equivalent concepts) - a special file containing information about other files (their names, location, etc.) Traditionally, in graphical mode it is displayed with a folder icon.
  • Slide 14

    • Current catalog
    • Subdirectory
    • Root directory
  • Slide 15

    File systems

    • Rest
    • Documentation
    • Example.doc
    • lesson.doc
    • Drawings
    • Snow.jpg
    • sea.jpg
    • Music
    • concert.mp3
    • game.iso
    • Root directory is the main directory of the disk.
    • A subfolder (subdirectory) is a folder located inside another folder.
    • Folder (directory) – combines files and subfolders
  • Slide 16

    File system

    • Documentation
    • Rest
    • Example.doc
    • lesson.doc
    • Drawings
    • Snow.jpg
    • sea.jpg
    • Music
    • concert.mp3
    • game.iso
    • D:\Recreation\Music\concert.mp3
  • Slide 17

    • Act1.DOC
    • Act2.DOC
    • Figure 1.BMP
    • Essay.DOC
    • WORKS
    • PHOTOS
    • MAP.BMP

    Exercise. Write full file names.

    Full file name:

    • Disk name:\folder path\name.type

    Let's check:

    • E:\FIGURES\Figure1.BMP
    • E:\Essay.DOC
  • Slide 18

    Task (A6, GIA 9, 2011) The user worked with the catalog C:\Documents\Agreements\Sales First, he went up one level, then went down to the Urgent catalog, then went down to the Purchase catalog. Write down the full path of the directory where the user ends up.

    Answer options:

    • From:\Documents\Agreements\Sale - initially
    • From:\Documents\Agreements - one level up
    • From:\Documents\Agreements\Urgent - to the Urgent directory
    • From:\Documents\Agreements\Urgent\Purchase – to the Purchase catalog
  • Slide 19

    Task (A6, GIA 9, 2011) The user worked with the Archive catalogue. First it went up one level, then it moved to some subdirectory of the current directory, and again it moved to some subdirectory of the current directory. As a result, the user ended up in the C:\Data\Documents\2009 directory. Determine the fully qualified directory name where the user was originally located.

    Answer options:

    • C:\Data\Documents\2009 – ended up in the directory, go in the opposite direction
    • C:\Data\Documents - left the directory for the first time
    • C:\Data – left the directory for the second time, the user ended up in this directory when he left the Archive directory, and we need to go into it
    • C:\Data\Archive
  • Slide 20

    • Disk structure:(A) track(B) geometric sector(C) track sector(D) cluster
    • Cluster - in some types of file systems, a logical unit of data storage in a file allocation table that unites a group of sectors.
    • A cluster is the smallest disk space that can be allocated to store a file
    • The concept of a cluster is used in the FAT, NTFS, FS Plus file systems. Other file systems operate with similar concepts (zones in Minix, blocks in Unix).
  • Slide 21

    Logical structure of storage media in the FAT file system

    1. Operating system boot record
    2. File Allocation Table (FAT – File Allocation table). Contains complete information about the files located on the disk.
    3. The files themselves.

    • Full formatting - includes physical formatting (layout into tracks and sectors) and logical formatting, creating a file allocation table and root directory. After complete formatting, all information stored on the disk will be destroyed.
    • Quick formatting only clears the file allocation table and the root directory. The files themselves are saved and, in principle, it is possible to restore the file system.

    An external memory device divided into clusters.

    Slide 22

    • The file occupies an integer number of clusters. White – free place, one color - one file
    • As a result of work (erasing, copying, deleting), file fragments end up scattered across the disk.
    • Defragmentation is the process of organizing files so that they lie without gaps
  • Slide 23

    • This is how various programs show defragmentation
  • Slide 24

    Let's say we created a file of 11 bytes in size.

    • FAT16. The file will occupy 32 KB, because... cluster size 32 KB
    • FAT32 or NTFS. The file will occupy 4 KB, because... cluster size 4 KB
  • Slide 25

    16 bits to store the cluster address.
    216 = 65536 clusters.
    1 cluster = 64 kilobytes
    64 KB * 65536 = 4194304 KB = 4096 MB = 4 GB
    4 GB – maximum disk size supported by the file system

    32 bits to store the cluster address.
    232 = 4,294,967,296 clusters.
    1 cluster = 4 kilobytes
    4 KB * 4,294,967,296 = 17,179,869,184 KB = 16,777,216 MB = 16,384 GB 16 TB
    16 TB is the maximum disk size supported by the FAT 32 file system

    Slide 26

    A mask is a designation for a group of files.

    When creating a mask use:

    • *– any number of any symbols, including more than one
    • ? – any one symbol must be present.

    Masks are typically used to search or filter data. Most often - files.

    We work with the console. We search for files using Windows.

    Slide 27

    Slide 28

    Exercise. Create a file mask.

    View all slides


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    Slide 1.

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    Slide 4. File systems for various platforms are listed.

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    Slide 27.

    not presentations !

    Best regards, Andrey Yudin.

    �PAGE � �PAGE �1�

    Presentation on the topic “File. Computer file system"

    This presentation was originally created as illustrative material for Chapter 1.4 “File and File Systems” of the textbook “Informatics and ICT. Profile level" N.D. Ugrinovich, published in 2007 by the BINOM publishing house. But gradually, in the course of working with children, some questions were changed, removed or added.

    The presentation turned out to be heavy, more than 2 MB, due to the large number of pictures inserted into it. But in this case, the end justifies the means. Since clarity when memorizing fairly complex questions on this topic gives quite high results than just text displayed on the screen. This presentation designed for several lessons.

    It can also be used in regular classes, excluding some slides. Delete or hide (right click on the slide (hide slide).

    The presentation contains 27 slides, one way or another illustrating issues related to the computer file system.

    Slide 1. The definition of a file system is given.

    Slide 2. The connection between the file system and the file is given. As well as the definition of a journaled file system.

    Slide 3

    Slide 4. File systems for various platforms are listed.

    Slide 5. Shows the relationship between a physical and logical disk.

    Slide 6. Shows how logical drives are named in Windows OS.

    Slide 7. The issue of information security in case of problems with the OS is considered.

    Slide 8. The definition of the file and its representation in the graphical operating system are given.

    Slide 9. File characteristics are shown.

    Slide 10. The concepts of file name and type (name extension) are given. It also shows which characters are prohibited in Windows OS in file names.

    Slide 11. Shown is a table of the most common file types in Windows.

    Slide 12. Definitions are given: Folder, Directory, Directory.

    Slide 13. The concepts of root directory, subdirectory, and current directory are illustrated.

    Slide 14. The diagram discusses the issues of nesting folders and files.

    Slide 15. The file structure discussed on the previous slide is depicted as a tree. Shows how the full file name is formed.

    Slide 16. Assignment for independent completion. Based on the tree shown on the slide, write down the full names of the files. After pressing any key, answers are displayed on the screen for students to check their work.

    Slide 17. The solution to the problem on this topic from the GIA is considered. (A6, GIA 9, 2011.)

    Slide 18. The solution to the problem on this topic from the GIA is considered. (A6, GIA 9, 2011.)

    Slide 19. The concept of a cluster is illustrated.

    Slide 20. The logical structure of the storage medium in the FAT file system is shown. Issues of full and quick formatting are considered.

    Slide 21. The concept of disk defragmentation is given.

    Slide 22. Screenshots of various programs showing a non-defragmented disk.

    Slide 23. One of the disadvantages of file systems associated with a cluster is shown.

    Slide 24. Calculation of the maximum disk size in various file systems is shown.

    Slide 25. A definition of a file mask is given and examples where it is used are shown.

    Slide 26. Examples of compiling file masks are considered.

    Slide 27. Assignment for independent work of students. Self-test answers are displayed for each task separately.

    For the presentation, I propose a small two-variant independent work on compiling file masks.

    A large number of tasks included in the Unified State Exam, according to the file system, are located on the website of Konstantin Yuryevich Polyakov:

    They can be used not only when preparing for an exam, but also in regular lessons.

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything more on the Internet. If anyone knows other resources with tasks ( not presentations ! ) please give me a link to the address [email protected]

    Best regards, Andrey Yudin.

    Download abstract

    What is a file?

    • All programs and data are stored in the long-term (external) memory of the computer in the form of files.
    • File- this is a certain amount of information (program or data) that has a name and is stored in long-term (external) memory.
    File name
    • The file name consists of two parts separated by a dot: the actual file name And extension, defining its type (program, data, etc.).
    • The actual name of the file is given by the user, and the file type is usually set automatically by the program when it is created.
    • Example:
    • proba.txt
    • Units of information.doc
    Agreement 8.3
    • Before the advent of Windows 95, most IBM PCs ran MS-DOS, which had very strict file naming rules. These rules are called agreement 8.3
    • By convention 8.3, a file name can consist of two parts separated by a dot. The first part can be up to 8 characters long, and the second part (after the period) can be up to 3 characters long. The second part after the dot is called the name extension.
    • When writing a file name, you are allowed to use only English letters and numbers. The name must begin with a letter. Spaces and punctuation are not allowed, with the exception of the exclamation mark (!), tilde (~), and underscore (_).
    Long file names
    • After the introduction of the Windows 95 operating system, file naming requirements became significantly more relaxed. They are also valid in all subsequent versions of Windows operating systems.
    • 1. Up to 255 characters are allowed.
    • 2. It is allowed to use symbols of national alphabets, in particular Russian.
    • 3. Spaces and other previously prohibited characters are permitted, with the exception of the following nine: /\:*?"<>|.
    • 4. You can use multiple periods in the file name. The name extension is all characters after the last dot.
    File system
    • Each storage medium (floppy, hard or laser disk) can store a large number of files. The order in which files are stored on the disk is determined by the installed file system.
    • File system is a file storage and directory organization system.
    Single-level file system
    • For disks with a small number of files (up to several dozen) it is convenient to use single-level file system, when the directory (disk table of contents) is a linear sequence of file names. To find a file on disk, you just need to specify the file name.
    Multi-level hierarchical file system
    • If hundreds and thousands of files are stored on the disk, then for ease of searching, the files are organized into multi-level hierarchical file system, which has a “tree-like” structure (looks like an inverted tree).
    The path to the file
    • In order to find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file includes the logical name of the disk, written through the separator “\”, and a sequence of names of nested directories, the last of which contains the desired file.
    • C:\Abstracts\
    • C:\Abstracts\Physics\
    • C:\Abstracts\Informatics\
    • C:\Drawings\
    Full file name
    • The path to the file along with the file name is called full file name.
    • C:\Abstracts\Physics\Optical phenomena.doc
    • C:\Abstracts\Informatics\Internet.doc
    • C:\Abstracts\Informatics\Computer viruses.doc
    • C:\Drawings\Sunset.jpg
    • C:\Drawings\ Winter.jpg
    • In the Windows operating system, the concept of “folder” is used instead of directories.
    • Folder is a Windows object designed to group files and other folders into groups.
    • The concept of a folder is broader than the concept of a “directory”. In Windows, at the top of the folder hierarchy is the Desktop folder. (The next level is represented by the My Computer, Recycle Bin and Network Neighborhood folders (if the computer is connected to a local network).
    Windows folder hierarchies Standard actions with files
    • Such actions with files as “create”, “save”, “close” can only be performed in application programs (“Notepad”, “Paint”, ...).
    • The actions “open”, “rename”, “move”, “copy”, “delete” can be performed in the system environment.
    Operations with files and folders
    • Copying (a copy of the file is placed in another directory);
    • Move (the file itself is moved to another directory);
    • Delete (the file entry is deleted from the directory);
    • Renaming (file name changes).
    Write down the full names of all files Write down the full names of all files
    • C:\My Documents\Ivanov\QBasic.doc
    • C:\My documents\Petrov\Letter.txt
    • C:\My documents\Petrov\Drawings\Sea.bmp
    • C:\Movies\Interesting film.avi
    Build a directory tree
    • C:\Drawings\Nature\Sky.bmp
    • C:\Drawings\Nature\Snow.bmp
    • C:\My Documents\Report.doc
    Build a directory tree
    • C:\Drawings\Nature\Sky.bmp
    • C:\Drawings\Nature\Snow.bmp
    • C:\Pictures\Computer\Monitor.bmp
    • C:\My Documents\Report.doc

    Lesson topic: File and file systems


    All programs and data are stored in the computer's long-term memory in the form of files.

    A file is a program or data that has a name and is stored in long-term memory.

    File name

    The file name consists of two parts separated by a dot:

    Example: Essay. doc

    File name

    The file name can include up to 255 characters (the Russian alphabet can be used), of which usually 3-4 characters are allocated for the extension.

    File type: Extension:

    Text files txt, rtf, doc

    Graphic files bmp, gif, jpg, png

    Sound files wav, mp3, midi, kar

    File system

    Each storage medium (floppy, hard or laser disk) can store a large number of files.

    The order in which files are stored on the disk is determined by the installed file system.

    A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories.

    For disks with a small number of files (up to several dozen), it is convenient to use a single-level file system, when the directory (disk table of contents) is a linear sequence of file names. To find a file on disk, you just need to specify the file name.

    If hundreds and thousands of files are stored on a disk, then for ease of searching, the files are organized into a multi-level hierarchical file system, which is a system of nested folders (most often, instead of directories, the concept “folder” is used). Each folder can store lower-level folders, as well as files .

    The path to the file

    In order to find a file in a hierarchical file structure, you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file begins with the logical name of the disk (A, B - floppy disks, C, D, E, etc. - hard and optical disks.), then a sequence of names of nested folders is written, the last of which contains required file. Disk and folder names are written using a delimiter « \ »

    E: \8 Class \ 8 A class \ F.I. \ - the path to the file

    E: \8 Class \ 8A class \ F.I. \ Essay. doc - full file name

    Find the file path and full file name

    Actions with files

    By using special programs- file managers - you can perform the following operations on files:

    • copying;
    • moving;
    • deletion;
    • renaming.

    Using the programs, win.rar you can produce

    • archiving files.


    • Fast (clearing only the table of contents); Complete
    • Fast (clearing only the table of contents);
    • Complete (laying tracks and dividing into sectors).

    Defragmentation .

    Check your answers are correct!!!

    C:\My documents\Ivanov\ QBasic . exe

    C:\My documents\Petrov\Letter. txt

    C:\My documents\Petrov\Drawings \ Sea. bmp

    C:\Movies\Interesting film. avi

    Assignment from the State Inspectorate - 9

    The file work1.doc was stored in a certain directory. After creating a new subdirectory in this directory and moving the work1.doc file to the created subdirectory, the full file name became C:\

    What was the full name of this file before it was moved?

    • C:\document\9class\work1.doc work1.doc C:\document\work1.doc document\9class\math\work1.doc
    • C:\document\9class\work1.doc
    • work1.doc
    • C:\document\work1.doc
    • document\9class\math\work1.doc


    § 2.3, ex. 2.3 – 2.6, pp. 50 - 58

  • Publications on the topic