adblock app. How to get rid of intrusive advertising on the Internet: testing Adblock

25.06.2014 Frank 0 Comments

If you use the Yandex browser, then to save nerve cells it’s a good idea to download and install adblock extension plus.

Just learn that sometimes there are good offers on the Internet (useful information, cheap things, etc.).

  • STOP! You may not want to download adblock plus when you learn about the AdGuard program. This perfect solution to block the program in all browsers at once. And this is not all of its capabilities. You can download it from the link ahead: - you definitely won’t have any regrets.

You will lose all this, although in adblock plus for the Yandex browser there is an option not to disable advertising on selected sites.

By default (standard settings), the adblock plus application (if downloaded and installed) in the Yandex browser when logging into the Internet will block not only pop-up (the most annoying ads), but everything else - including contextual ones.

You can download adblock plus for Yandex browser directly from this site (the link is at the very bottom of the post) without waiting, viewing ads and at maximum speed, however it is small - only 450 kb.

Download and configure ad blocking extensions in the Yandex browser - adblock plus

You have two options to download adblock plus. The first is to download from the official website (link is also at the bottom of the post).

There you will see the inscription: “install for Chrome” - for the Yandex browser (Iron is better than Yandex and Chrome) and Google Chrome they are the same, you just need to log in with Yandex browser.

After this, a tab with the “add” option will appear at the top - click and wait, after a few seconds adblock plus will be installed.

The second way to download and install adblock plus for Yandex

At the very bottom there is a line: “download adblock plus for Yandex browser.” Click, download, unzip and place on your desktop.

Then launch Yandex, click on the “settings” icon at the top (three bars or a key) and alternately move the cursor to the options: “additional”, “tools”, “extensions”.

As in the first case, a window will appear with the add option, it will only download, it won’t be there anymore, but will be installed immediately.

How to set up adblock plus in Yandex browser

We figured out how to download and install, but if you have favorite sites where ad blocking is not advisable, you can add them to the exception.

To do this, click on the extension icon (top, right) with the right mouse button and click on the first option “settings” - at the very bottom there is “configure”, this is not it.

There is no need to enter http:// or www, just the domain. After this, the selected sites will work as usual.

That's all. In conclusion, I’ll just say that if you want to block ads in all browsers, including Yandex, then you don’t have to install extensions in all of them.

Below is a list of the best free ad blockers. But none of them is perfect, so it is most effective to use several solutions at once.

Types of Advertising

When choosing the best blockers, we adhered to the following criteria:

  • Completely free;
  • Good user ratings;
  • No need to register account for use;
  • Recently updated (within the last 12 months);
  • Implementation as a plugin for at least one browser or operating system;
  • Blocks “media ads” (pop-ups, banners, videos, static images, wallpapers, text ads);
  • Blocks advertisements in videos (for example, on YouTube).

To test blockers, we used several sites with various types advertisements. Among them:,, YouTube and
On Orlando Sentinel, we found aggressive ad formats that most ad blockers cannot block. In fact, only a few of them effectively blocked all ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel.

We've tested each of these free tools based on the criteria provided and given them a rating. In addition, the ad blockers listed below, with the exception of Stend Fair Adblocker, are open source software. source code.

The best ad blockers - browser plugins and applications

The best option for blocking ads is to install a specialized plugin or use a browser with a built-in blocker. They interact with sites much more accurately than standalone programs running in the background on your computer.

Stands Fair AdBlocker
It is only available for browser Google Chrome. With this plugin you can block all types of advertising. But it is only available as an add-on for the Google Chrome browser.
Stands Fair AdBlocker is not designed to block ad blocks, although it can be used for that as well. The development company believes in honest advertising and rewards users who create white lists of ads shown on sites.

Luckily, Stands does a great job of blocking all other ads. Including the aggressive advertising formats shown on the Orlando Sentinel. Plus display ads, autoplay videos, and YouTube ads.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Block ads on Facebook and Google search.

Works with: Google Chrome

AdBuard AdBlock
AdGuard AdBlock was able to block all types of ads. But the biggest disadvantage of this ad blocker is that all the features are only available in the premium version. However, the difference between blocker versions is explained only in the reference documentation.

Many users have rated AdBuard AdBlock positively. It has been downloaded over 4 million times and received high ratings.
When we tested it, it was one of the ad blockers that not only effectively blocked ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel website, but also blocked advertising frames with the word “advertisement.”

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Possibility to convert whitelist to blacklist.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Yandex.Browser.

Opera Browser
One of the fastest and most productive browsers. He was one of the first to offer his users a built-in ad blocker.

Once you enable the ad blocker in your settings, it blocks almost every ad you come across. But the browser was unable to block interstitial ads on the Forbes website (blocks of quotes that appear before articles). Most other ad units were blocked.
In addition, the Opera ad blocker successfully blocked advertisements shown on the Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: built into a popular browser, simple work with a white list.

Works: with Opera.

Adblock Plus
Is the most popular software to block ads with over 10 million downloads in just Google browser Chrome. This is a free and open source project. Adblock Plus is the basis for many other free blockers.

By default, Adblock Plus is designed to only block ads that are considered intrusive or potentially harmful. Therefore, it requires additional configuration.
If you want to block most ads (including auto-playing videos), you'll need to disable the "Allow some non-intrusive ads" option in Settings. But even in this case, ABP does not block everything.

Adblock Plus was one of the tools that failed to do anything about the ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel. Unfortunately, even the “element blocking” function could not help. ABP is good and popular, but far from perfect.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: presence of anti-blocking filter.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Yandex.Browser, iOS, Android.

uBlock AdBlocker Plus
Unlike other tools, uBlock AdBlocker Plus is easy to use. However, there are some things that the developer could improve. For example, the blocker's website is just a page with the name of the plugin and no additional information.

Block AdBlocker Plus effectively blocks most advertisements, but still lets some through. For example, it did not block the automatic playback of advertising on one of the sites.

When some advertisements were loading, I used the "item blocking" feature to block specific advertisements on the webpage. For example, on the Orlando Sentinel, element blocking worked fine. And its use did not lead to a page reload (as was the case with other ad blockers).

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: easy to use, ability to lock elements.

Works with: Google Chrome.

uBlock Plus Adblocker
The biggest drawback of this plugin is that it has a clunky interface. There are several settings that are activated using switches. But most of the work involves digging into the parameters. However, uBlock Plus Adblocker effectively blocked all advertisements, including autoplay videos.

The main advantage of the plugin is the presence of a large library of third-party filters. The tool also includes advanced custom settings that allow you to create your own content filters.
During testing, uBlock Plus Adblocker blocked most advertisements. But I couldn't do anything about the banner ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: filters elements and unsafe advertisements.

Works with: Google Chrome.

AdBlocker Genesis Plus
If you used uBlock Origin or AdBlock Plus, this plugin will suit you. AdBlocker Genesis Plus is a fork of other popular plugins. It uses the same basic source code, but implements many of its own features.

Its user interface is slightly different, but the ad blocking functionality is the same. The plugin's developer claims to have specifically removed tracking code from the uBlock/AdBlock Plus source code to ensure greater privacy.

This ad blocker has a high rating (4.34 out of 5) based on over 100,000 ratings. But I found that Genesis Plus doesn't block all ads. The plugin blocked simple display ads on one site (, but was unable to block a display ad on the Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 6/7

Main advantages: no tracking code, simple whitelist button, block items button.

Works with: Google Chrome.

Adblock Ultimate
Open source project. The tool allows you to deal with most advertisements. In testing, it was able to block YouTube ads and most display ads on websites. This ad blocker has high ratings: 4.84 out of 5 from Google Chrome users and over 600,000 installations.

The plugin was unable to handle the ads shown on the Orlando Sentinel. It did not block ads broadcast on this site at all. But for those who only need to cut out most of the ads, this is a good option. Unfortunately, the plugin has not been updated for over a year. Because of this, his rating was lowered.

Rating: 6/7

Main advantages: Quick “item blocking” feature that allows you to instantly block any advertisements.

Works with: Google Chrome.


This tool is only suitable for Firefox and is more of a script blocker than an ad blocker. NoScript prevents all types of scripts from loading on web pages: JavaScript, Java, Flash and others. You can allow certain types of scripts to be loaded. But by default, the tool applies a fairly “hard” filter.

As a result of its work, most display ads are blocked. This includes aggressive advertising on the Orlando Sentinel, which other tools could not cope with. But NoScript does not block ads in videos at all.

Rating: 5.5/7

Main advantages: Complete blocking of scripts.

Works with: Firefox.

Why aren't Privacy Badger and Ghostery on this list?

You may have heard about the popular ad blockers Privacy Badger and Ghostery. The fact is that these plugins are not designed to block ads, but to refuse ads and other elements of sites that violate user privacy. As a result, they both block certain types of advertisements. But first and foremost, the tools are aimed at protecting privacy.

The Internet is literally flooded with all kinds of advertising videos, text blocks, banners and similar methods of advertising products. After viewing a cluttered site, there is a desire to remove everything unnecessary from the page in order to easily study the information. To turn off all advertising blocks, the Yandex browser has ad blockers, some of them are already built-in, while others are installed as extensions from online stores. Various anti-banners help to leave only information that is of direct benefit to the reader; they block everything else.

Anti-banners for Yandex browser work on a fairly simple principle. It is better to consider it with an example:

In fact, all anti-banners for blocking ads in the Yandex browser work according to this algorithm. There is also a slightly different blocking method, used by VPN extensions with an ad blocking function. It involves pre-loading content onto the plugin server, where it is filtered. The finished page is sent to the end user.

Ways to block ads using built-in Yandex Browser tools

The Yandex web browser already has pre-installed and completely free features to block ads. They are aimed at protecting the user from inappropriate, shocking advertising, as well as resource-intensive flash advertising. Mostly text advertising is not affected, except for adult content.

There are 2 extensions active in the browser by default:

Both extensions can be found on the “Settings” page, in the “Blocking inappropriate ads” section, as well as on the “Add-ons” tab, in the “Online Security” column. In the “Add-ons” section there are 2 more extensions of this group:

As a conclusion: it is better to leave the first 2 additions enabled, the third is optional.

Rating of ad blocker plugins for Yandex browser on PC

Let’s consider the installation process for each extension in advance, because it is approximately identical:

Important! You should not install several extensions at the same time, this will lead to unnecessary load on the browser and long page loading times. It is better to use one high-quality extension.

AdGuard - the best ad blocker for Yandex browser

We can call AdGuard the most best blocker advertising for the Yandex web browser due to efficient and accurate operation. The plugin correctly determines which block is advertising and which is not.

Other benefits of the AdGuard extension:

Just install the add-on and it will immediately start blocking ads.


It is one of the best extensions that are very popular. The top plugin has most of the benefits of AdGuard. Both extensions are direct analogues. Here we can also manage the list of exceptions, connect new databases for filtering, and it is possible to delete elements from sites manually.

The extension received second place due to the introduction of a controversial functionality – “Acceptable Ads”. The essence of the function is that the blocker skips part of the advertisement that it considers acceptable. This is good for decent website owners who pay the bills for website maintenance through advertising. Some users find advertising of any kind unacceptable.

We can disable the “Acceptable Ads” function in the “Settings” section:


The extension specializes not only in ad blocking. The main purpose of the plugin is to provide high level privacy. The add-on not only removes advertising, but also disables tracking tools. Both actions have a positive effect on page loading speed. The main advantage of the application is its high-quality locking. During testing, not a single advertising banner was able to bypass the filter.

uBlock Origin

The uBlock extension, like other plugins on the list, is completely free to distribute. To confirm the effectiveness of the module, we present the fact that the application uses the same filtering lists as AdBlock. If desired, we can add more filtering lists, but there is no particular need for them. Additionally, uBlock protects against malware and notifies you of threats from dangerous sites. The extension protects against leakage of local IP information via WebRTC.

The plugin has a lot of additional advantages:

AdBlock Plus (ABP)

This is one of the oldest extensions in the anti-banner environment. The top-end ad protector is still popular, and in terms of quality of work it is approximately equal to its analogues. ABP comprehensively blocks unwanted advertising and copes with the task quite well. Its important advantage is the ability to manually block any elements on the page.

During the test, ABP did not perform at its best; it missed part of the advertising on VK. VKontakte is one of the most popular services; even if advertising appears here, there is a high risk of encountering it on other sites. Of course, we can include additional filter lists, but this is extra work.

Applications for blocking ads on YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook

The network also has a number of highly specialized extensions designed for one resource. Mostly such plugins are developed for VK, YouTube, Facebook.

List of blockers for services:

These are good analogues of the blockers from the previously described rating, but they only work on one site.

How to block ads in Yandex browser on Android for free?

Some ad blockers for Yandex browser also work on Android. Their list is much smaller than ad blockers for Yandex browser on PC, but even these extensions are enough. The reduction in the number of plugins is due to the operating system and the inability to download add-ons from the Opera store.

  • uBlock Plus AdBlocker. Best extension for any gadget: smartphone, tablet. It cleans website pages well of advertising;
  • Adblock Genesis Plus (As of 10/23/2019, the extension is not available in the Chrome store). Quite a popular ad blocker for Yandex browser on tablets and smartphones. We can install on any device with operating system Android.

Today the article presented the most successful extensions from the group of ad blockers for computer and mobile version Yandex browser. The list is not limited to them; there are other extensions, but they are practically not supported and often skip ads. The ad blockers listed in the article help Yandex browser users forget about advertising forever and increase page loading speed.

AdBlock- a freely distributed add-on for popular browsers, designed to block annoying and distracting (and in cases with slow Internet, using up precious traffic) advertising banners and messages. The utility is open source and works perfectly on all mobile and desktop platforms. The essence of AdBlock 2019 is to create and use filters, which indicate what content on which sites should be blocked and what should be skipped. Without user intervention, the application will use rules and filters from an online database hosted on a remote server. If a change is made to the rules of the utility, the filters immediately take effect, and the result of their work will be visible after opening or refreshing the page.

From distinctive features AdBlock for Windows 7, 8, 10 is worth mentioning separately automatic update in cases of release new version without user intervention. The latest version of AdBlock 2019, which is very pleasing, does not display an empty frame or white square in place of some blocked advertisements due to code blocking of the entire page element. Using a browser with the add-on installed, browsing the Internet will become a more enjoyable and simpler experience, pages will begin to load faster, and the user will no longer be distracted by various flash videos, pop-ups, constantly opening tabs, and even flv videos. The developers have equipped the free AdBlock on your computer with the functions of hiding the utility icon and a switchable counter for the number of blocked elements.

Download AdBlock latest version for your browser, you can use one of the direct links located a little lower.

Version: 3.46.0

Program status: Free

Size: 0.82 Mb

Developer: AdBlock

System: Google Chrome | Yandex.Browser | Mozilla | Opera

Russian language: Yes

Update from: 2019-05-06

Adguard - protection #1 in 2019:

Visit today world wide web involves viewing a large number of advertisements of various formats. On some sites there is so much of it that users leave the resource in a hurry, simultaneously closing many banner windows and vowing never to visit it again. It is for this reason that a lot of programs and add-ons for browsers have appeared that block intrusive advertising.

What is AdBlock Plus

This is an add-on (or rather an extension or addon/plugin) developed by Henrik Sorensen in 2008 with the aim of introducing the product into modern web browsers in order to protect users from annoying advertising. Also known to users as “ABP”.

The extension is capable of blocking not only the loading, but also the display of various resource elements, including: background images, banners, pop-ups, and so on.

How to install AdBlock in Chrome

There are two ways to install an application in Chrome: directly and through the online store.

1. First, you need to go to the official extension portal using this link:

2. Click on “Install for Chrome”.

3. Now click on the “Install extensions” button that appears in the pop-up window.

4. Wait for the installation process to complete, after which a success message should appear.

Method number 2 - through the Google store.

2. A page will open on which you need to click on the blue “Install” button located in the upper right corner.

3. Now click on “Install extension”.

4. Wait for the process to complete.

Adding filters for AdBlock Plus to Chrome

Currently, there are a large number of different filter lists for Adblock. The main and most widely used are: “Fanboy’s List” and “EasyList”, which block the vast majority of advertising on popular resources, but are not able to prohibit the display of advertising materials on less popular sites, especially Russian ones. Therefore, users from the Russian Federation are recommended to subscribe to Russian filters. A complete list of them can be found on the official expansion portal:

To add a filter in Google Chrome you need:

1. Right-click on the plugin icon (if you don’t have it in the panel, go to your browser settings and click on “extensions”) and click on “Options”.

2. This page will display all available settings extensions. To add a filter, click on the “Add subscription” button.

3. The pop-up menu displays standard filters, most of which differ only in language. Select the filter you need and click the “Add” button.

4. You can also add a filter from another source. To do this, you need to select the “Add another subscription” line and enter the name of the filter, as well as the address of its location.

How to update the filter list

Usually the lists are updated automatically when you go online, but sometimes the plugin may malfunction and you have to update them manually. To do this, you just need to go to the addon parameters and click on the “Update now” button.

How to disable Adblock Plus in Chrome

1. Right-click on the add-on icon and select “Manage Extensions”.

2. Now simply uncheck the box next to “Enabled”.

How to remove AdBlock from Chrome

1. Open Settings and go to Extensions.

3. Confirm your desire to remove the addon and restart the browser.

Other ad blockers for Chrome

uBlock Origin

A cross-platform extension created to filter the content of web resources, including advertising materials. It has been actively developing since the beginning of 2017 and has already managed to win the favor of more than 7.5 million users.

uBlock Origin, unlike other browser blockers, has virtually no load RAM and a computer processor, thanks to which it can be used even on very “weak” devices.


No matter how strange it may sound, this extension is in no way related to AdBlock Plus, but at the same time it is very similar to it in its functionality.

It also supports lists of filters, on which it is based when blocking ads. Allows you to create your own filters, as well as configure “white” lists of web resources.


Unlike the extensions described above, Adguard is a full-fledged program, which, after installation, can block ads not only in Chrome, but also in the Yandex browser, Opera and other popular browsers.

When installing on a PC, carefully read the text in the pre-installation windows, otherwise you will “get” a Yandex browser.

Has a wide range of settings:

  • It is possible to configure a proxy;
  • You can add various filters;
  • Include parental control and so on.

It has a beneficial effect on the speed of display of web resources, since it “cuts out” advertising codes even before the browser loads the page, after which when CSS help corrects appearance elements he removed.

Enjoy your health and take care of your nerves!

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