Problems with GPS on Android. What to do if GPS does not find satellites on Android

Car owners often complain that the navigator does not see satellites. The reasons for such a deviation can be very diverse, for example, a violation of the device’s firmware or physical damage resulting in partial failure of the device. Using software Navitel users often encounter firmware crashes. You can reboot yourself.

Among the list of the most common reasons why a device may not see a satellite are the following factors:

  • incorrect operation of the navigation almanac;
  • device firmware violations;
  • serious damage leading to failure of the gadget.

Problems in connecting the device to the satellite may also arise due to the presence of pronounced structural features of some vehicle windshields. In this case, you need to try to establish a connection outside the machine.

Almanac failure

The functioning of the device implies its correct functioning in 3 modes:

  • cold start;
  • warm start;
  • hot start.

In cold start mode, the device does not have up-to-date data about its own location. This is why connection may take quite some time.

A cold start for Navitel devices can take up to 15 minutes. During this time, the gadget receives updated data for the almanac, information from satellites about the boundaries of the orbit.

When using warm and hot start in internal memory The device contains up-to-date information about the almanac.

Important! The period of correct display of the almanac is no more than 3 months; after this time, all data must be updated.

A long shutdown of the device can result in a failure of the almanac; to restore the basic functions of the gadget, a boot using a cold start is often sufficient. Prolonged shutdown of the gadget may result in failure of the device. In such cases, reinstalling the latest software helps correct the situation.

The device does not pick up satellites due to a firmware failure

What to do if the navigator does not pick up satellites? Quite often, such problems arise against the background of malfunctions of working software.

Important! There are many reasons why Navitel software malfunctions. The most common is long-term use.

To restore the device's full functionality, a flashing will be required. You can perform the manipulation yourself or contact a service center for help. You can easily replace Navitel software yourself by downloading the current version.

Maps of current versions will allow you to use new ones functionality, which are often not available for legacy firmware versions.

Failure of the receiving antenna

If the navigator stops finding satellites, the reason may lie in the failure of the antenna receiving the signal. In order to catch a signal, the antenna needs to be replaced. If the navigator does not see satellites, the significance may lie precisely in the failure of such an element. Repairs in this case will be quite expensive, especially if the antenna is soldered to the board.

The Navitel navigator, like any other, can suddenly stop picking up satellites. In this case, the user should try to determine the source of the failure. If serious damage is detected, you must contact the service center.

Mikhail Orekhov

Gadgets have become an integral part of the life of the average person; smart watches and smartphones have long occupied human hands. And the interior of a modern car cannot be imagined without a navigator, the problems of operating which we will talk about today.

Chinese electronics, which dominate the Russian automotive goods market, contrary to the opinion of many, demonstrate high-quality work. Inside most devices you can find neat soldering, reliable internal and external elements and a casing.

However, no one excludes the factor of manufacturing defects or improper operation.

So, if you got behind the wheel on a beautiful morning and realized that the guidebook is broken, you have two options: start identifying the problem yourself or contact specialists who will tell you.

Main causes of malfunctions

Among the host of random circumstances, patterns and harmful effects, the following “popular” problems are distinguished:

  1. “Memory full” message – the RAM storage is full of dump files and unfinished program sessions. The solution is logical - press the “RESET” button, which is located on back cover housings.
  2. There is no response to the power button - the first reason is the lack of battery charge to start. Put the device on charge, automatic switching on will happen in a couple of minutes. The second option is mechanical damage to the elements of the switching system. Only qualified assistance from a service center will help here.
  3. Does not respond to tactile pressure - the face navigator is frozen, or the display is faulty. The first case is solved by a software reset, in the second - by the manufacturer’s service.
  4. The display response does not correspond to the press - there are obvious problems with sensor calibration. They can be corrected by manual settings(click on the cross on a white background, strictly in its center). After 20 seconds, the changes will be saved, a little more on Android.
  5. Lack of sound - there are several reasons: minimum volume level, FM transmitter mode is turned on, damage to the speakers. The solution methods are simple: set up the decibel regulator, manually turn off the mode mentioned above, and contact a specialist.
  6. An error after pressing the “navigation” button is a malfunction of the system or a separate navigation program. Removing the memory card with interval activation will help here.
  7. The charge does not accumulate - you may have: problematic Charger, faulty charging socket, incompatibility of the two named elements. Make sure the fuse is in good condition, replace the faulty component or charger.

You can find out how to use the navigator.

Universal first aid methods


Widely used when obvious traces of mechanical damage are not visible. Then qualified specialists remove the memory card, load the firmware, and “revive” the device while holding down the power key. Next, the software change procedure is initiated. Common mistakes made by car owners:

  • presence of viruses on SD cards and software;
  • lack of battery power;
  • not all firmware can be found for free;
  • Failure to flash the firmware yourself is not a warranty case.

The difficulty of restoring a navigator after failure depends on the situation. In the best case, you will need to repeat the software change procedure, in the worst case, reset the device settings to factory settings.

Many owners are eager not only to update the navigation software, but also to understand why the gadget is not working. You can open the OS menu, where you can change settings and install third-party programs.

Such “games” are fraught with certain consequences, because the navigator is designed for specific purposes and can be made into Tablet PC unreasonable.

Satellite signal reception

Problems with finding “you” on the map are often found with navigation gadgets. The problem is cold, warm and hot starts.

A cold start completely disorients the device; it poorly determines its location. takes from 10 to 30 minutes.

Warm mode involves preserving almanacs of “navigation bins”. The presence of additional information contributes to the fastest positioning time.

Hot switching - establishing a satellite signal and determining the location occurs in a matter of seconds. Largely due to the “freshness” of almanacs and ephemerides.

Navigators are rather capricious devices, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. The modern driver has a unique opportunity to find his way to his destination, a faithful assistant in the urban jungle.

Electronics problems are solved using software or instrumental methods. And it is not always necessary to contact service centers.

Yandex Navigator is confidently among the leaders in the ranking of navigation applications for mobile devices. A side effect of this popularity is a large number of difficulties in use. Let's look at the most common complaints and try to fix them.

Unfortunately, this is very vague information, which can be attributed to dozens of reasons, including the user’s inability to run the program and real-life geolocation failures in some areas. Therefore, let's look at the situation in more detail to highlight the various aspects of the problem, and not the trivial lack of knowledge about the operation of the smartphone.

In this material we will limit ourselves to the difficulties that occur when using navigation from Yandex.

The navigator cannot start correctly

The application was installed correctly, but does not even start: it displays error messages and crashes immediately after launch. The reason may be failures when installing the program on the smartphone.

By system requirements Almost any modern device supports Yandex Navigator, so the option with a lack of resources is extremely rare. This can be indicated by constant freezes and long pauses even before basic actions.

The smartphone may not be able to handle the application if it has less than half a gigabyte of RAM installed. For example, 256 MB is very little by modern standards.

As for the first case, you need to delete the program through the phone settings, and then re-install it. So, in Android OS you can use Play Store. If the crash was due to an error during installation, reinstalling will fix the problem.

Why does the program need an Internet connection?

Yandex Navigator can also work if you first prepare the program for this mode. In particular, you need to download to your smartphone the very maps that will be used to display your location without access to the Internet. This can be done from the application itself. Open the “Download maps” section in the menu, then specify the required city. If you are lucky and there is a map, download it.

It is worth noting that Yandex maps on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and many other countries have very decent coverage, so there is a high probability that there will be no difficulties at this stage.

  1. Before downloading, switch to WiFi, since some cards are large in size.
  2. True, it still won’t be possible to completely remove the connection to the Internet, so formally Yandex Navigator really only works online.

The fact is that although the maps are stored in the smartphone, you still need a connection to plot a route and search in the immediate vicinity. To some extent, preliminary calculation of the route helps - then you can move along it without communication. One way or another, exchange via the Internet will be significantly reduced, and the speed of the program will increase.

Of course, without an Internet connection, the Navigator will not be able to download useful information, such as traffic information. Just in case, check: if they are not displayed, perhaps the traffic light image in the corner is currently gray. If so, click on it - the traffic light will be activated and will display the traffic situation in color. And a digital display is used to show traffic congestion from 0 to 10.

There is a route, but the Navigator does not track movement along it

  1. First you need to make sure that receiving geodata is enabled.
  2. Then check your Internet connection and its speed (for example, open a website or two in your browser).
  3. If activated, the Internet is connected, but the program refuses to display the movement, try exiting the application and re-entering it.
  4. If it doesn't work, force stop special button from the settings section where applications are shown (the procedure is almost the same for Android and iOS). Launch Navigator again.

If it refuses to drive again, restart your smartphone. Have you tried everything but to no avail? Reinstall the program. Although it usually doesn’t come to this, Yandex programmers have written a good application.

Let’s imagine that even such serious measures did not help. In this case, the difficult way remains is to stop using Yandex Navigator on this particular smartphone. Since it’s not destiny for them to work together, use analogues.

Voice search crashes

There are several options here:

  • The microphone may be broken.
  • Or the Internet connection speed is not enough.
  • Or maybe the surroundings are not quiet enough - the street is noisy or the music is blaring.
  • It's better not to use it voice search in a noisy environment.

Well, sometimes the Navigator, like other programs, may refuse to function without any apparent reason. Wait, he will come to his senses and start working. Or follow the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

Apple CarPlay Yandex Navigator. Solving a sound problem.

If Yandex Navigator does not work in Uber / Uber, video

What else can cause Yandex Navigator to malfunction?

If the current position is not displayed or changes suddenly, exit the application and enter again. Unfortunately, such failures are possible.

If the arrow indicating the direction disappears, or if you search for satellites for a long time and are periodically unable to maintain contact with them (especially on a long route) check the time settings, set the correct time zone.

For geolocation from satellites The time is also transmitted, and if it diverges greatly from the system time, errors are inevitable.

Occasionally, the program refuses to plot a route, citing the complete absence of a path between points - despite the fact that there is a road and you can drive along it. More often this happens abroad. Alas, the program is not omniscient, and accordingly, routes are not laid out everywhere.

Contact the developers, help improve useful software -

And sometimes there are reasons that in no way relate to the Navigator or satellites. There are several areas in the center of Moscow (in particular, near the Kremlin) where the application does not work. But this is not a mistake, but the foresight of the security services: special transmitters for the protection of strategic objects interrupt the satellite signal, giving out deliberately incorrect data.


In the article, we looked at the main reasons that can lead to Yandex Navigator failures, whether on Android OS or another system.

Add your questions and comments about the program, we will discuss the features of its work with the whole world. Good luck on the road!!!

Modern gadgets are already so sophisticated that you can determine your location without resorting to GPS navigators anymore. Sometimes this is necessary for applications to work correctly, sometimes to create the correct route. When GPS doesn't work on Android, it becomes difficult. What could be the reason for this and what should be done to solve this problem?

Any device does not receive a satellite signal well or does not receive it at all if it is located indoors. Therefore, it is better to determine your location on the street. Ideally, the space should be free even from tall buildings and trees, so that the sky is completely open, so that nothing prevents the gadget from searching for a working signal and connecting to the necessary satellites.

Incorrect GPS setting

All devices are equipped with two GPS modules. One is a standard receiver, which can be enabled in the settings (General - Location - Mode). When choosing mobile networks or Wi-Fi device will determine the location from the towers without connecting to GPS satellites. This method is the fastest, but it does not always give an accurate result.

When you select the “GPS Only” mode, the phone or tablet will connect to the satellites, but this will take the device some time. In this case, it is advisable to be outside in an open area or at least put the gadget on the windowsill. It is for the operation of the second module that you need correct setting. How to check if the device receives a signal? To do this, you will have to download and install GPS Test, a diagnostic application.

After starting the program, select Update only in the AGPS settings, and Keep Screen On in Settings. Now you need to return to the main program window, the GPS test on your tablet or phone will begin. It is important that Wi-Fi and mobile data should neither be enabled in the Location settings nor currently in use.

If diagnostics show that the device does not find satellites, then you should check whether the GPS settings on Android are correct. How to set up GPS? To do this, you must first download any application that can process the GPS signal. If it does not help, you need to check the settings of the COM port of the communicator.

Unsuccessful flashing

After not the most successful attempts to flash a gadget or specifically a GPS module, not only the system, but also simply its individual parts, for example, geolocation, may stop functioning. There is also a frequent cessation GPS operation on a Chinese device.

To correct this situation, you need to enable AGPS in the location and GPS settings. After this, you need to enter through the dialing window engineering menu(the combination is different for all phones). If you cannot enter it, you will have to use any special program, but already with root rights. Procedure in the Android engineering menu:

  • On the Satellites tab of the YGPS tab, check if there is a signal, i.e. does the phone or tablet even try to find satellites;
  • go to the Information tab and there, in order, press the buttons full, warm, hot, cold (this is necessary to reset previous settings);
  • on the NMEA Log tab, click start;
  • return to the Satellites tab and wait from 5 to 15 minutes until the device finds the maximum number of satellites and the GPS signal scales turn green;
  • go back to the NMEA Log tab, click stop.

This method is shown in more detail in the video.

Initial binding and calibration

It happens that the device is located in some remote area. In this case, it is advisable to place it in an open area for a long time and wait until the search and binding takes place.
Sometimes navigation may stop working because the compass calibration is incorrect. Such a phone or tablet will be oriented incorrectly, resulting in a problem with the GPS on the device. To calibrate you need to download special application,GPS Essentials. After installing and launching it you need:

  1. Click on the compass icon.
  2. Choose a smooth, flat surface, place your communicator on it and remove all electrical appliances from it.
  3. Smoothly rotate the device around each axis 3 times.

After this, you need to try to connect again and, if necessary, repeat the calibration.

Problems with the device itself

If a gadget, tested and configured in accordance with all the rules, still does not pick up satellites, check the GPS settings and find the reason only in service center. It may be that the problem lies in the device itself.

Many phone owners operating system Android is faced with a problem when the built-in GPS module refuses to find GPS satellites or finds them, but cannot connect. There may be several reasons for this behavior of the module, let’s consider the main ones:

The parameters for connecting to satellites are entered incorrectly in the settings file;

An A-GPS module is installed, which often does not find satellites on the phone on its own;

The module is not working.

I would like to look into the problem with the A-GPS (Assisted GPS) module, since Chinese phones that have it in 98% of cases are now extremely popular and are pushing global brands out of the market.

How does A-GPS work?

The main difference from the standard GPS module is that it connects not only with satellites, but also with towers mobile operators, which significantly improves the quality of location determination. When this function is enabled, the phone often cannot connect to GPS satellites itself and requires a “Full restart”, even if it was just turned on. It's not the problem themselves Chinese phones, namely A-GPS module, which costs pennies compared to GPS, so it works accordingly. Let's figure out how to set up GPS on Android.

How to determine whether an A-GPS or GPS module is on your phone?

If you have a phone with two SIM cards and made in China, there is a 99.9% chance that you have A-GPS. But to make sure of this, you can go to the engineering menu. This will begin the process of fixing the issue of a broken connection with satellites.

To enter the engineering menu, you need to dial the following number in your phone: *#*#3646633#*#*. If the combination does not work, you can try entering *#15963#* or *#*#4636#*#*, however, in this case your menu may be different.

After entering the phrase, you are automatically taken to the engineering menu and will see a window with the following content:

You need to move to the left, scrolling through the settings pages to the “Location” tab.

Now select the first item “Location Based Service” ( Basic settings location determination). If you have the A-GPS tab, then follow the further settings. Otherwise, this article will not help you much.

Setting up GPS on Android

If you have an A-GPS tab, go straight to it. You should have a window that looks like this:

Compare the settings with yours, adjust if necessary, according to the screenshots:

If everything is written correctly, you can go back one level to selecting the “Location” items and go to “YGPS”.

Here you see that your GPS module does not find satellites, or rather, it finds, but does not connect due to incorrect inclusion:

You need the "Information" tab. The main manipulations will be carried out in it.

As you can see, the status is “UNANVAILABLE”, and TTFF is stuck forever searching. No matter how long you wait, nothing will change.

The essence of fixing the eternal search is to do full reset“Full”, and then, after 2-3 seconds, click on “A-GPS Restart”. Those. you reset the frozen search process to zero, thereby overwriting all preset settings, and immediately reboot the module. Not having time to pick up the standard configuration (incorrect), the module finds all the satellites from scratch.

After 10-20 seconds, you will see satellite signals on the “Satellites” tab, and after another half a minute the module will successfully connect to them.

The search was done from the 1st side of the house, on the balcony, respectively; nothing was found on the second hemisphere. You will find all your companions on the road.

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