Extend traffic on Beeline 5 gigabytes. How to extend traffic on Megafon: detailed description of additional packages with traffic

Most tariff plans of the MegaFon operator, which are in demand among modern subscribers, include a pre-defined quota of web traffic, within which customers have the opportunity to use all the resources of the World Wide Web at high speed.

Accordingly, within a month, subscribers are quite capable of using the entire allocated quota. And here a service like “Extend Internet 5 GB” can come to the rescue; we will discuss the price, conditions, and details of its use in our article today.

Description of the MegaFon service “Extend Internet traffic by 5 GB”

Considering the name of this additional service, its purpose becomes quite obvious: in case of using all the traffic provided in the terms of the tariff plan, activation of the service will provide subscribers with an additional 5 gigabytes of high-speed mobile Internet.

The service is available for connection to subscribers who use any tariff plans from the “All inclusive” line.

The main terms of the offer are as follows:

  • Option activation fee: 400 rubles;
  • Provided traffic quota: 5 gigabytes.

As you can see, the subscription fee in the terms of this offer is specified in an amount that exceeds the cost of some tariff plans, so you need to think carefully about activating the service, weighing the pros and cons.

Before considering the combinations with which MegaFon offers to connect “Extend Internet by 5 GB”, you need to pay attention to other nuances of using the service, because in addition to financial conditions, its users need to know about the following points:

  • The validity period of this option extends until the standard traffic package used in the tariff is updated. That is, “Extend the Internet” can be valid for almost a whole month if you activated the option immediately after the extension of the active tariff, or 1-2 days if the activation occurred several days before the planned extension of the tariff;
  • The user is not notified in any way about the remaining traffic in the additional package. You can check the information by entering a command on the on-screen keyboard of your smartphone *558# ;
  • The option is not available for use on other tariffs that are not part of the All Inclusive line.

Commands for connecting the “Extend Internet 5 GB” service to MegaFon

If your “tastes” in consuming Internet traffic from mobile devices are so serious that you do not have enough volume provided in the tariff, and you want to extend it by an additional 5 GB, you can connect the corresponding service not only using a number or codes, but in four different ways:

  • In the web interface of the Personal Account system;
  • When sending a message to a number 05009062 . The body of the message must contain the text “YES” in upper case (in capital letters) and without using quotes;
  • When entering a USSD request in the format *370*2# on the on-screen keyboard of the mobile device you are using.

How to disable “Extend Internet 5 GB” on MegaFon

As we have already said, the validity period of the option is limited by the renewal time of the tariff plan used. That is, if, before the tariff plan is renewed and the subscription fee for its use is charged, you do not use all the traffic provided within the framework of “Extend Internet 5 GB”, the service is automatically deactivated. If the traffic is used up earlier, the service will be turned off automatically immediately after it ends.

The average representative of 21st century society: a person with a smartphone in his hand. Since the advent of the mobile Internet, the phone has literally become an extension of ourselves, slowly displacing computers. It’s so convenient: to always be aware of what’s happening thanks to the World Wide Web. Therefore, extending the Internet on Megafon has become such a necessary procedure.

Forewarned is forearmed. In order to continue surfing the Internet and figure out how much traffic you need to add, you need to know how many MB you have at your disposal. It's easy to do:

  • In the input field you must enter the request *558#. The request is valid for any tariff plan.
  • You will receive a response message from the operator, which will indicate the amount of Megafon's free traffic.

Second way to check:

  • Enter the request *105# into the input field.
  • In the interactive menu that opens, you need to go to your personal account (select “My Account”).
  • Third step: “Remaining” item.
  • A response SMS from the operator will be sent to your phone.

Also, before extending the speed of your Internet connection on Megafon or turning to other options for maintaining your connection, you can use the functions of your Personal Account and find out the balance. This can be done both from a PC and from a smartphone.

  1. You must log in to the system.
  2. In the “Services” section, select “Balances for service packages”.

If for some reason you gave up mobile Internet or used up the entire MB capacity before the end of the month, on Megafon you can easily reconnect or additionally connect to the Internet.

Options for extending traffic on Megafon

You can acquire additional Internet volume on Megafon, regardless of the period and time of traffic consumption, the availability of which is determined by the tariff plan. Additionally, each client of the operator is given not only the option of extending traffic on Megafon tariff plans, but also the opportunity to increase the speed of connecting to the network.

“Extend the speed” for a day

“Extend XS speed” is a service from Megafon, which gives the user an additional 70 MB until the end of the day at the time of its activation. Offer price: 19 rub.

You can take advantage of the offer in 3 ways:

  • USSD request: *372# ;
  • SMS: send the word “YES” to 500 90 63;

Attention! If at 00 of the current day of connection there are unused megabytes left on the account, they will be burned.

"Extend 1GB speed"

This offer gives the user an additional 1 GB of traffic. The period of use is one month from the date of connection. Cost – 175 rubles.

Activation options:

  • USSD request: *370*1# ;
  • SMS: send the word “YES” to 050 090 61;
  • through the official Megafon website.

"Internet Extra 1 GB"

When using the service, the user's Internet traffic speed increases by 1 GB. Validity period – 1 month. The cost is 175 rubles, which will be automatically debited from the subscriber’s account. 2 inclusion options.

First: USSD request *105*51#.

Second: through the official website of the operator.

  1. In the “Internet” tab, select the “All Internet options” menu item.
  2. Select the required package (“Internet extra 1 GB”).
  3. After clicking on the “Connect” button, the system will send you to a page where you will need to enter a phone number in the format 8 920 XXX XX XX.

"Extend 5GB speed"

This tariff will be beneficial to users who prefer to stay online 24/7. The operator provides all those who connect with an additional amount of Internet traffic in the amount of 5 GB per month. The cost of the tariff is significantly higher than the others - 400 rubles. Connects in 3 ways.

  • SMS: send the word “YES” to 050 00 90 62;
  • USSD request: *370*2*1# ;
  • through the official website.

When connecting the option through the Megafon website, in the same “Internet” tab, select the required “Extend speed 5 GB” tariff, after which the phone number is entered in the field.

You can also manage your Internet using your personal account.

  • To do this, the user must log in to the system.
  • Then go to the “Services” section.
  • Select "Services and Options".
  • Go to the “All available” tab, where the subscriber will be presented with a list of all possible options for increasing traffic.

Important terms and limitations of renewal options

All of the above services are available to all Megafon subscribers, however, there are restrictions according to which certain network users can subscribe to a certain package.

All traffic extension options can be used an unlimited number of times. The condition is the availability of funds on the balance sheet.

Attention! You can connect additional MB of Internet even if you have the main ones. When using the Internet, recently connected megabytes will be written off after the main ones run out.

You should also pay attention to the territorial features of connecting over traffic. All the packages described above are available throughout the Russian Federation in accordance with the specifics of the tariff plan. The exception is the “Internet Extra 1 GB” tariff. It operates only in the subscriber's home region.

One more point: the correspondence of the package of additional Internet traffic and the current tariff plan. Thus:

  • the “Extend Speed ​​XS” package is available for the “Internet XS” tariff;
  • “Extend the speed of 1 GB” and “Extend the speed of 5 GB” are available for the Megafon Online tariff and other tariffs without the Internet;
  • “Internet Extra 1 GB” is available for “Megafon – All Inclusive”.

Auto speed extension option

Internet auto-renewal is a feature thanks to which you can always stay online, without wasting time on additional steps to connect to the Internet. Activation of the function is possible for subscribers of the “Megafon – All Inclusive” and “Turn On” tariff plans.

The essence of the function: when the main megabytes expire, 200 MB of Internet will be automatically added to the user’s account. The cost of a 200 MB package is 30 rubles. At the same time, automatic activation of additional Internet is possible up to 15 times a month. A special feature of the offer is that if the subscriber independently increases traffic in any other way (purchase of a different package), the connection is suspended and resumed when the MB balance is zero.

Attention! If you do not have time to use up the automatically activated additional traffic before the end of the month and the scheduled addition of MB to your account, the additional MB will expire.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the Internet auto-renewal option is activated by default. If desired, each client can refuse it:

  • Using voice menu. You need to dial the number 05 00 11 33 and follow the robot's instructions.
  • Call Megafon customer support and ask the operator to do this. All subscribers have a free call number - 0500.
  • Independently using your Personal Account. You need to select “Services and options” in the “Services” menu section. Go to the “My” tab. A list of all active offers will be presented there. You need to find an item with automatic internet renewal and disable the option with 1 click.

USSD command options for extending traffic in regions

Using the Internet renewal service implies performing the same actions for all residents of the Russian Federation. However, this was not always the case. Some time ago, USSD commands for residents of different regions were slightly different from each other. Therefore, if you are not a resident of Moscow or the Moscow region, and when trying to increase the number of MB you encounter problems, the operator recommends contacting company representatives. You can call the short number of Megafon's unified information service 0500. The employee will give an accurate answer regarding the current situation and offer you available options to stay online.

If you have run out of traffic on MegaFon and you do not know how to renew it, then use the instructions below.

Did you know? On October 24, 2007, MegaFon announced the start of providing 3G communication services.

Extending the Internet for the next day means providing you with additional 70 MB. The traffic is valid from the moment of connection until 23:59 of the present day. Megabytes that you did not manage to use will not be transferred to the next day. The fee for this service is 19 rubles.

To check the remaining traffic you need to enter the command *558# call.

To enable this option, you can use three ways:

  1. connection via the official MegaFon website;
  2. entering a short command on the telephone keypad *372# call;
  3. sending an empty SMS message to the number 05009063.

After 24:00 this service is terminated. Internet megabytes are calculated using rounding to the nearest 250 KB.

Extension of traffic by 1 GB (month)

In order to extend MegaFon traffic for 1 GB, you need to use one of three ways:

  1. order an additional 1 GB in your personal account on the MegaFon website;
  2. get additional 1 GB by entering the command on your phone *370*1*1# call;
  3. send an SMS request to receive 1 GB of Internet to the number 05009061 with the text 1.

Important! An Internet session of extended traffic is rounded up according to the terms of the tariff plan/tariff option that are currently in effect for you.

For connecting this service, 175 rubles will be charged from your main mobile account. All additionally provided gigabytes of Internet are valid until the end of the monthly package of your tariff plan.

Example: On April 17 you connected “Internet S”, this package expires on May 16 at 23:59; if May 16 has not yet arrived, but you have already used all the traffic, then it can be extended, but it will be valid until May 16 23:59 (even if the extension was one day before the end of the main package); starting from May 17, the extended Internet and the new package cannot be combined. Everything that was ordered additionally disappears.

Many people ask the question: how to connect 1 GB of traffic to MegaFon? First you need to make sure whether you need it at all. To do this, it’s worth checking how many mega/gigabytes are left in your account. Command to check -*558# call.

Extension of traffic by 5 GB (month)

For people who often use the Internet service on MegaFon, the company provides the opportunity to order an additional 5 GB at any time. You can extend the Internet in the same three ways: through a short command, through the official MegaFon website and by sending an SMS. Team for more 5 GB - *370*2*1# call. To renew via SMS you need to the number 05009062 send a message with text 1.

Did you know? The beginning of the Internet era is considered to be 1969. It was then that a network was created that united 4 American government agencies.

You can extend MegaFon traffic by 5 GB for only 400 rubles. The validity period is limited by the same rules as the period when ordering 1 GB. All details of the service can be found on the website of the telecommunications company MegaFon.

Limitations and main parameters for extending traffic on MegaFon

If you are using the MegaFon - All Inclusive package, then after all your megabytes have run out, the renewal will occur automatically. In this case, you will be provided with 200 MB for 30 rubles. You can use no more than 15 packages per month. After this, you can use the “Internet Renewal” line of services, which are described above.

The fee for connecting to the Auto Renewal service is not deducted from the main account. To disable the option, you can send an SMS to the number 05001133 with the text “0”, type a short command on the keyboard *105*1133# call or use standard functions on the MegaFon website.

Important! All of the listed Internet extension services do not operate in the Kamchatka Territory, the Republic of Sakha, the Sakhalin Region, the Republic of Crimea, the Taimyr Municipal District, the Magadan Region and the city of Norilsk.

All Internet renewal services listed in this article are valid in the same zones as the current Internet package. All prices shown include VAT 18%.

With the advent of tariff plans and special options providing unlimited Internet, the question arose of how to extend the speed. After all, most of the available options and tariffs imply a certain amount of traffic that is provided to the user at maximum speed. After this limit is exhausted, it becomes almost impossible to use the Internet, since a speed limit is triggered and is valid until the end of the billing period. Many cellular companies that provide their subscribers with access to the Global Network have developed special packages that activate additional Internet volume. Megafon was no exception: in the list of options that allow you to add speed, you can find as many as two offers. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Packages “Extend Internet speed”

For subscribers who have packages activated on their numbers that imply a certain amount of traffic within the billing period, as well as tariff plans with megabytes included, then speed extension options will be an excellent solution for you when the speed is reduced due to exceeding the established traffic. In total, there are two options for such options, with which you can add one and five gigabytes. The cost of these services will depend on the region where the SIM card is registered and used. For example, in Samara it is 195 rubles and 260 rubles. You can activate additional Megafon Internet volume only if you have a basic option/tariff that has an included data volume.

Conditions for connection and use of speed-extending options

  • The package is activated if the required amount of funds is available in the account. Activation is not performed at the expense of the operator (if the promised payment is connected).
  • If the speed extension package was connected before the traffic for the main package ended, then the remaining volume under the main option will be consumed first, and then the one that was connected for the purpose of speed extension.
  • The additional volume of Megafon Internet provided as part of the options under consideration expires before the onset of a new period for the main package (for example, you connected to the package on October 1, in the middle of the month the traffic was exhausted and a package that increases speed with a volume of 1 gigabyte was activated; act such a package will be available until October 31 or until it is completely spent). With the onset of a new period, the traffic volume for the main option will be updated.
  • You can connect several packages at the same time. The volume of traffic for them will be summed up.
  • If during the period in which any of the speed-extending packages was activated, the tariff was changed (for example, a tariff plan was connected with megabytes included), then the option will continue.

How to activate the “Extend speed” package (1 GB)

To activate a package that extends the speed within one gigabyte, you must dial a request of the form *370*1*1# and wait for a notification that the option has been successfully activated. A similar procedure can be performed in your personal account by pressing the desired button. It is also possible to receive traffic through a text message: to do this, send an SMS to 05009061 with the number one in the text. There is no need to disable the package: as soon as all the megabytes included in it are spent, it will be automatically deactivated. If before the onset of the new billing period the subscriber has not managed to use the additional volume of Megafon Internet, it will be destroyed. Thus, it makes no sense to connect a large package if there is little time left before the start of the new billing period.

How to activate the “Extend speed” package (5 GB)

To activate a package that extends the speed within five gigabytes, you must dial a request of the form *370*2*1# and wait for a notification that the option has been successfully activated. A similar procedure can be performed in your personal account by pressing the desired button. It is also possible to receive traffic through a text message: to do this, send an SMS to 05009062 with the number one in the text.

Customize Megafon Internet “for yourself” using speed extension options. If at some point the volume of traffic provided by the tariff plan or the option activated on the number becomes insufficient to work on the network, then by connecting one of the packages, you can continue to comfortably use the Global Network at an acceptable speed. Set up Megafon Internet and connect the packages you are interested in using one of the methods given.

Do you want to know how to extend traffic on MegaFon at any time? Then this instruction is exactly for you.

Extending traffic for the next day means adding 70 meters of Internet above the tariff for 19 rubles, but the cost may vary depending on your home region. The traffic validity period begins from the moment of connection and ends at 23:59 of the same day. Internet meters that you did not have time to use automatically expire and do not transfer to the next day.

In order to view the remaining Internet traffic, you must enter the USSD command *558# call.

The options for how to activate this service for extending traffic for a day are as follows:

  1. Go to the main MegaFon website in the personal account section
  2. On your mobile phone, execute the USSD command *372# call;
  3. Send an SMS with any content, but preferably empty, to the special number 05009063.

Megabytes of Internet traffic are calculated rounded to the nearest 250 KB. The service is valid until 24:00.

Connecting an additional 1 GB of traffic for a month.

Connection options for 1 GB Internet:

  1. on the official MegaFon website you can also order 1 GB of Internet traffic in your personal account;
  2. enter USSD command *370*1*1# call;
  3. by sending an SMS message with the text “1” to the number 05009061.

On a megaphone, rounding of traffic and sessions is determined by the tariff or a specific Internet option.

The cost of extending traffic by 1 GB is 175 rubles. This service is valid until the end of the monthly package of your tariff plan.

Example: If the “Internet S” package was connected on March 19, then it is valid until 23:59 on April 18. Without waiting for April 18, you can extend your traffic if you have run out of the megabytes provided and you need more. But if you do this even on April 17, then its validity will still end on April 18. The new package and extended Internet traffic starting from April 19 cannot be combined. Additional ordered traffic disappears.

Before connecting 1 GB of traffic, check the mega/gigabyte balance in your account. This can be done as follows by sending the USSD command *558# call.

Connecting an additional 5 GB of Internet traffic for a month.

This service is necessary for those people who often use the Internet service on MegaFon.

Options for connecting additional 5 GB are as follows:

  1. on the official MegaFon website you can also order 5 GB of Internet traffic in your personal account;
  2. enter the USSD command *370*2*1# call;
  3. send an SMS message with the text “1” to the number 05009062.

The cost of extending traffic by 5 GB is 400 rubles. The validity period of this package is the same as when connecting 1 GB of additional Internet traffic. All details about the provision of the above services for adding additional Internet traffic are published on the official website of the MegaFon company.

When renewing traffic on MegaFon, there are certain nuances that you should be aware of.

When all megabytes are used, the service is automatically renewed if you have the MegaFon - All Inclusive package activated. And then for the amount of 30 rubles you will receive 200 megabytes of Internet traffic. A maximum of 15 packages can be activated in one month. If these Internet traffic packages are not enough for you for a month, then you can use the “Internet Extension” services. You will find information about these traffic extension services above.

For activation of the “Auto Renewal” service, payment is not deducted from the main account.

How to disable additional gigabytes of the Internet.

Options for disabling the service:

  • send an SMS message with the text “0” to the number 05001133;
  • enter the USSD command *105*1133# call on your phone;
  • On the official MegaFon website you can also disable this service.

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