Firmware for Lenovo p780. Firmware for Lenovo P780 phone


Devices manufactured in 2013 and 2014 are flashed in the same way (universal preloader).

This is the firmware port VIBEUI 2.0 1507 7.91.1 DEV from Vibe Developer Team for ROW/ROW+ markup.

The idea is to get rid of the internal fat partition and allow the system to use all the memory for applications, and this is best implemented on the European layout, which has an emulated internal memory map in /data/media.

ROW+ partition enlarged boot and recovery partitions (16 MB each), and system (1 GB). there is support for exfat for memory cards, exfat+ntfs+ext4 for otg. The included recovery also understands exfat.

1) During the first boot, the names of the internal memory and SD are swapped.

In the settings, switch the default memory to SD and everything will be as it should.

2) Default memory is always SD. That is, the application cache will be on the memory card.

3) Internal memory now lives in /data/media. If you want to save the contents of the internal memory, save it somewhere before flashing the firmware, and restore it afterwards.

4) To synchronize the calendar with Google, install Google Calendar


- fixed bug with Google services
- at the same time they are updated to the latest version
- updated Google Play, Google TTS, Google Search
- updated SuperSu
- LenovoSafeCenter removed

1) Changed init.*.rc in ramdisk
2) The kernel and the necessary binaries from s228
3) Compiled and added special versions of sdcard and vold
4) Patched services.jar (MountService class taken from firmware v024 from Megafon Login+ phone)
5) Patched mediatek-common.jar
- some additional applications have been added to data, you can remove them if not needed

Cons: Same as the original

In these firmware packages folderstarget_binno, scatter fileMT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txttake directly from the firmware folder.

We also take into account

Firmware VDT P 780 DEV ROW + V 6 FT for Flash Tool

The firmware is designed to switch to ROW+ markuponly for phones with 4GB memory .

For 8 GB:Download firmwareFROM HERENext we download We copy the contents of the latter and replace it into the firmware and flash the phone.


1) Default memory is always SD. That is, the application cache will be on the memory card.

2) Internal memory now lives in /data/media. If you want to save the contents of the internal memory, save it somewhere before flashing the firmware, and restore it afterwards.

* ROW+ V6 (/system=896Mb)

* updated firmware database (VDT prerelease) (LED, T9, etc. work according to the list)
- the camera was replaced with a standard Lenovo one
- removed antivirus, browser, and something else, in my opinion, unnecessary
+ added applications: Nova Launcher, ButtonSavior, BetterBatteryStats, Battery Mix, Swiftkey, Terminal, Calculator++, Root Explorer, TeslaUnread, Titanium Backup, TricksterMOD, Flashplayer, True Dialer (all through the vendor, if not necessary it is removed normally).
*maybe something else, I don’t remember

You cannot then restore the backups/data of others firmware through recovery!
If you just want to upgrade to ROW+V6, leaving your old ROW firmware, do this:

1) in recovery, make a backup of the boot, system and data partitions of your firmware.
2) flash this one with a USB flash drive, going to ROW+V6
3) enter recovery and restore boot, system and data of your firmware from the backup.

Flash in Firmware Upgrade mode!

VDT (mixmax1982, SaranskCity, ishkornik), usnkreal

Firmware VZV_v4.4.2_P780_VIBEUI_V2.0_1507_FINAL_ROW+ FIXED from Andreya108 for recovery

    • Spoiler

      • memory bug fixed
      • bindu 1.2.3 newlcm kernel (please send us a PM if there are problems with it)
      • added BetterBatteryStats and debugfs automount
      • added TitaniumBackup (must have)
      • added RootExplorer (must have)
      • added Kernel Adiutor (must have)
      • added Terminal Emulator (must have)
      • added Calc++ (the only one that isn't bad that I've come across)
      • added DumcharMarkupInfo (what markup?)
      • Some of the scripts in init.d (changing governors and schedulers) were killed. customize everything to your liking via Kernel Adiutor
      • good old and reliable camera and gallery, who needs new ones, put them separately
      • separate version without GAPPS (not tested)
      • The fonts are narrow, for those who need wide ones, install the patch through recovery: (298.47 KB)

VZV_v4.4.2_P780_VIBEUI_V2.0_1507_FINAL_ROW+ for recovery

If you already have ROW+ markup, then simply flash the firmware through recovery, if you have a different markup, then you need to switch to ROW+ according to this: Download FROM HERENext we download We copy the contents of the latter with replacement into the firmware and flash the phone, and then flash this firmware through recovery .

Firmware from the Vibe team Developer Team VDT_P780_1507_FINAL_ROW+_FT from Igor Shkornik under flash tool.


Memory fixed

ROW+ markup;
New recovery;
New kernel version bindu-prada_row-1.2.3-stocklcm.289-lz4;
Fixes of the Russian language, revision of the Ukrainian language;
Working T9 in the dialer;
New camera 4.1 + white gallery;
Fixed operation of LED display;
Fixed scrolling through pictures on the lock screen;
Updated Lenovo applications;
Updated Google applications;
Location search fixes;
Fixed icon placement on work. tables;
Support NTFS, Exfat in OTG;
Removing built-in Lenovo applications (when reset to factory settings, they are restored);
Fixed voice input;
New version of the weather (the old one was cut out from the firmware);
UCbrowser has been replaced with a stock browser from Google;
Removed annoying messages about duplicate contacts;
Built-in Dolby Atmos for better sound;
The SYNCit account has been deleted from the settings;
Update cut in settings;
Chinese awards in the center of themes have been cut out;
Auto brightness has been slightly adjusted;
The noise reduction item has been cut out, the checkbox to turn it off has been moved to call settings;
Restored vibration when turning on the phone;
Time zones fixed;
At your request, the antivirus was removed;
The system font has been changed, taken from the row version;
Google keyboard in white firmware style + added a row with numbers at the top;
Added Superuser item in the "Security" section;
Added an Engineering mode item in the "For Developers" section;
Added various tweaks to init.d (like Youtube has become slower, need to check);

Download the firmware from the link above VDT_P780_1507_FINAL_ROW+_FT . FROM HEREdownload the desired markup , , . We copy the contents of the latter with replacement into the firmware and flash the phone with a flash tool.

Google and all available applications have been updated, media has been added.



We flash the flash tool as before. For 8GB phones, copy the contents of the folder row+v7(s=1024) into the firmware with replacement.
Also in the firmware folder you will find the folder.IdeaDesktop, we just throw it on the memory card, after flashing the firmware, in the launcher menu we select - Options, scroll to the right, select Data> Local recovery and restore the desktop. (This is in order to get a customized ready desktop, the icons are scattered initially, so I added a backup of your desktop).

Previous firmware versions are under the spoiler

DDV_VIBEUI_V2.0_1507_7.91.1_DEV_P780_ROW+v7 Spoiler

DDV_VIBEUI_V2.0_1507_7.91.1_DEV_P780_ROW+v7 from DemonDimon-VIP


Markup ROW+v7

New kernel boot-1507row-bindu-prada_row-1.2.8-stocklcm.337-lz4

New recovery twrp-

Contact manager Ideafriend 3.8.745 without Russian T9

White bar and curtain

From UriKill (Calendar, Music and FM Radio, Voice Recorder, Compass)

Replaced the Calendar: - I further translated the calendar, where there were words in English and one word in Chinese, corrected some of the meaning, and removed the Postcard button from the screen when there is a birthday reminder, and removed it from the post bar, replacing it simply with Sunday. sign (like don’t forget to congratulate by calling or writing SMS).

Replaced Lenovo Music: - new light version without online services! (which seem to have disappeared forever.)

Replaced the Radio: - what was in the final one from VDT was not our radio, but from the K3 Lemon phone, after disassembling it I found a bunch of smales with online services, what for what... it’s not clear, and the icon did not change when replacing the theme (from little things), but the functionality and quality are the same. + redesigned the graphics in the status bar. The radio can now work without headphones.

Replaced Voice Recorder: - ways to save call recordings and scan them with Voice Recorder work

Google keyboard version 3.1 in white style is left (do not update, otherwise you will get standard Google in dark color, without upper numbers)

Replaced the standard font with S228_ROW (Different font on the screenshots)

The launcher has been replaced with version 7.3.68 (New with a nice interface and the ability to change the grid). The weather in the standard widget does not work, it is Chinese, use Lenovo's.

Added emoticons from Emjoy

Replaced camera with SCG_arm_hd_std_sus_3.6.7

Removed: LenovoEmail, LenovoSync, SHAREit, SuperNote, Lenovo Browser (Who needs patches or apk, install from the VDT website

Added (via Vendor - can be deleted from the Applications item): ES Explorer, TitaniumBackup PRO, AdobeFlashPlayer, UCMobile Browser (Belka), lenovo CarApplication (Driving), WPS Office

Updated: SuperSu to 2.62

Added melodies to Alarm Clock, Notifications and Ringtones

Removed scripts

Updated Gapps (Google Play Services, Play Market, Google)

Replaced loading screen with Partical (Start logo)

Installation using PC via FlashTool

For 4 GB phones we simply flash the firmware

For 8 GB phones: copy the contents of the "row+v7-8gb" folder into the firmware with replacement and flash it.


00memory: optimization of the virtual memory subsystem

01zipalign Garbage Cleaning

02sqlite_optimize: Optimizing internal databases with settings

03log: recording logs to SD card

04noop: Interface smoothness tweak

05battery: Increase battery life.

06ext4: Journaling OFF | Performance Project

07ram_manager: Lowmemorykiller (automatic killing of background applications when there is insufficient memory) for our needs

Vdt: automatic process scheduler selection

All these tweaks for cleaning garbage, RAM, more efficient energy saving, as well as for a smoother interface


New kernel boot-1507row-bindu-prada_row-1.2.9-stocklcm.342-lz4

New recovery twrp- (With Russian language. In recovery select Setting, Language)

Returned Contact Manager Ideafriend 2.0.1 from Russian T9

From UriKill the latest developments in patches:
White bar and curtain + transparent quick launch panel
In Settings->Display - Curtain style can be edited
In Settings->Advanced settings - Services, Autostart, CPU control, GPU statistics
In Settings->Notification Center (Battery Style) - you can edit the appearance and animation of the battery (the standard one has been removed)
Returned launcher version 6.8 (Standard widget works)

Camera 4.1 as in VDT ​​Final

Returned LenovoEmail, LenovoSync, SHAREit, SuperNote, Lenovo Browser

Updated: SuperSu to Pro 2.66

Replaced sounds in media/audio/ui

ViperFX is built into the firmware (Viper driver is built into)
DolbyAtmos does not conflict. Can be used in pairs.

BusyBox has been updated to the latest version 1.24

Old TV fading effect when locked

Returned scripts from VDT

Ok Google now works on command

I didn’t fix the smart menu with a long press (too lazy to dig) It works from the button

Updated Gapps (Google Play Services, Play Market, Google)





There's no point in posting screenshots



Updated: Google Services, Play Market, Google TTS (Speech Synthesizer), Device Services (LSF-Device-Phone), UCBrowser, SYNCit, ShareIt, SnapCamera 8.2.3. Returned the ability to scroll through wallpaper on the lock screen.


Updated: Google Services, Play Store, Google search, Device Services (LSF-Device-Phone), UCBrowser, SYNCit, ShareIt, SnapCamera 8.2.6, TitaniumBackup, latest SuperSu 2.78 Pro mod (from Cobra1111), latest LenovoLauncher_7 installed .4.380.160720.0fff469_arm_google (taken from Android 5-6, the standard weather widget works). The pictures of scrolling through the wallpaper have been replaced, the standard one on the block screen, a kernelAdiutor has been added (if someone thinks that the system kills background applications too harshly, then make 2 settings in the Kernel Adiutor:
1) Low Memory Killer -> medium mode
2) Virtual memory -> zram -> 520Mb).

The rest of the firmware is unchanged.

Updated: Google Services, Play Store, Google search, Device Services (LSF-Device-Phone), UCBrowser, SYNCit, ShareIt, SnapCamera 8.2.7, TitaniumBackup 8.0.0 Pro, latest mod SuperSu 2.79 Pro SR3 (from Cobra1111). Replaced wallpaper scrolling pictures, standard for block screen, added HEBF Optimizer (a powerful program for setting up your phone and optimizing), GovTuner 3.8 was added to the system, Build.prop was customized for speed and energy efficiency, kernelAdiutor was removed, native camera SCG 3.6.7 was added, BusyBox has been updated to version 1.26, the initial boot of the device has been replaced (Boot logo), The Theme Center has been replaced with LenovoThemeCenter_2.67.421_MOD (native).
In the archive, the KITKAT_ROOT_BUSYBOX patch, if it hangs at maximum accuracy, then install it; the item in the additional settings Superuser will not work. There will be no freezes. I did this: I installed this patch, checked if it didn’t freeze, rolled the SuperSu patch on top again, didn’t notice any freezes)


install the Terminal program, open it, give root, then write
su (press enter on the keyboard)
govtuner (enter again)
The lines will run, and at the very end we write down the profile number that we want to select: 1-Battery; 2-Balanced; 3-Perfomance
I set profile 1, the best battery saving, without loss of performance. If you want maximum performance, set profile 3
After setting the profile number, press enter, wait for application, exit the terminal and reboot the device.



I updated all available applications, removed HEBF, Govtuner, replaced the contact manager with 3.8.745, corrected build.prop, removing optimization for Govtuner, left the firmware name DDVX in the build prop (not important, there is no point in changing it), the latest recovery is 3.1.1 , some media files (for camera and lock, ringtone from MUI), corrected framework from Bodya-Kolibass to combat the hanging logo.

Attention! Patches and additions used on KitKat have not been fully tested on Vibe 2.0.

Don’t forget to backup TWRP to a micro SD card before applying the patch.


For those who get "Android process. media" errors after installing these firmwares from a PC (4GB and 8GB), try using

Edited November 19, 2017 DemonDimon-VIP
Added firmware DDVX2_Vibe2_1507_DEV_P780_ROW+7_Final

38 users liked the post

Russian custom Ultra Lite firmware.
For installation from PC
full translation into Russian, English, Chinese.

Firmware changes
Kingsoft Office
Lenovo Cloud storage
Antivirus Norton Mobile Security
Navigation system Route 66 Maps + Navigation
Asphalt 7
Block Breaker 3
Gameloft Store
Little Big City
Instructions for beginners
News and weather
Desktop pictures
Additional themes

Removed 3G,G icons next to antennas
User memory size increased to 0.9GB
The size of the internal SD card remains the same 1.5GB
Additional item Reboot (Normal or Recovery) in the Power Menu
Additional items in Settings, "Battery", "Startup", "Engineering menu"
Patched Modem.img to solve the problem with 2G mode
ROOT + RootShell + Busybox
init.d optional
All firmware is re-signed with AOSP certificates
Recovery TWRP
Powerful BackUp with root rights
File manager with root rights
I’ll add something else, I’ll remember

What does not work:
No disabled modules noted

Firmware discussion topic



    Build number: P780_ROW_S110
    Date: 06/29/2013
    Creator: Lenovo R&D Group
    Composition: firmware images
    OS: Android 4.2

    keyboard: multi-language
    IdeaFriend release version
    Lenovo Compass
    A complete set of programs for the Russian region
    Lenovo Power final version

    Topic of discussion


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from PC!
    Build number: P780_ROW_S112
    Date: 07/17/2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo

    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Size: 675 997 746
    Topic of discussion


  • Build number: P780_ROW_S115
    Date: 07/08/2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo

    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Changes: ----

    Installation conditions: Installed ONLY ON OFF 112_ROW through standard recovery!
    What works: EVERYTHING!
    Change log:
    Changing the radio module firmware version
    Link to discussion topic


  • Ladies and gentlemen!
    I present to your attention...

    MIUI DUAL-SIM MTK version (includes Russian and Ukrainian) for installation on top of ROW firmware:

    Firmware for Lenovo P780 (from and
    - all modules work (if you find a new bug, post in the topic and wait for fixes from the developers)
    - Russification by ~95% (English is found here and there)
    - Russian dialer with T9
    - added a minimum set of Google applications (Market + synchronization)
    - MIUI Recovery, RootShell, init.d, and external SD by default. (thanks Hacker!)
    - I won’t describe everything - try it..
    Link to discussion topic


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from the BODY!
    Build number: P780_ROW_S116_130828
    Date: 08/28/2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: firmware images as part of the OTA update. Contains ONLY modified files.
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Download: from Lenovo-forums /coming soon/
    Size: 68 MB
    Installation conditions:
    Installed ONLY ON OFF 115_ROW through standard recovery!
    What works: EVERYTHING!
    Change log: no
    topic of discussion


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from PC!
    Build number: P780_ROW_S116_120828
    Date: 08/28/2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: Full firmware image
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Download: download
    Installation conditions:
    FOR ANY FIRMWARE! For smartphones purchased in China, the GSM module firmware may need to be replaced
    What works: EVERYTHING!
    Change log:
    Lenovo application update
    Topic of discussion


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from PC!
    Build number: P780_ROW_S119_300913 8 GB
    Date: September 30, 2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: Full firmware image
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Download: download (coming soon)
    Size: 658,927,999 bytes
    Topic of discussion


  • System applications from the official firmware P780_ROW_S110

    Description of Lenovo P780 system programs
    Build number: P780_ROW_S116
    Date: 06/29/2013
    Creator: Lenovo R&D Group
    Composition: all system applications
    OS: Android 4.2
    topic of discussion


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from the BODY!

    Date: December 31, 2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: firmware images as part of the OTA update. Contains ONLY modified files.
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Topic of discussion


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from the BODY!
    Build number: P780_ROW_S123_131231
    Date: December 31, 2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: firmware images as part of the OTA update. Contains ONLY modified files.
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    Topic of discussion


  • Date: December 31, 2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: firmware images as part of the OTA update. Contains ONLY modified files.
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating the 8 GB version of the smartphone!
    Build number: P780_8Gb_ROW_S123_131231
    Date: December 31, 2013
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    Composition: Image for updating from PC.
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from the BODY!
    Build number: P780_ROW_S124_140403
    Date: April 03, 2014
    Creator: Of Lenovo

    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    1- Ota archive for updates from recovery 11.28MB 1211 Number of downloads:
    2- Full firmware image from PC

    Topic of discussion


  • Firmware with RUSSIAN language for updating from PC!
    Build number: P780 S124_8Gb_ROW_140403
    Date: April 03, 2014
    Creator: Of Lenovo
    1- firmware images as part of the OTA update. Contains ONLY modified files.
    2- Full firmware image from PC
    OS: Android 4.2
    languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian
    keyboard: multi-language

    1- Full firmware image from PC
    The following changes have been discovered so far:
    1. When starting your smartphone, less memory is occupied! (at 123 it was always 50-55% clogged (standard widget), now it’s 40-45%)
    2. There was a rotation to the horizontal plane when typing SMS (I've been waiting for this for a long time)!
    Topic of discussion


  • Firmware Lenovo P780 KitKat (P780_ROW) 8 GB + 4 GB Euro version

    I don’t know if it’s possible to directly flash this version on 2014 devices! Didn't check!

    Works on EURO 2014 devices!

    For Chinese devices manufactured in 2013, check the operation of the built-in modem. If necessary, change it. Opinions vary so far.)
    Firmware from the Russian region for updating from PC + OTA!
    When installing from a PC - Possibility of installation on any firmware version!
    When installing an OTA archive - ONLY on 124 with an unchanged system!
    Build number: S213_140708
    Date: 07/14/2014
    Creator: Lenovo - QC update for ROW region
    Only for countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus (former CIS), not intended for Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey and so on - they have a different firmware and it is not ready yet.
    Composition: Firmware for PC + OTA update
    OS: Android 4.4.2
    Languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian / keyboard: multilingual
    Installing the OTA update
    Installed ONLY ON OFF 124_ROW with standard recovery Installed only on 124_ROW and only through standard (not extended) recovery.
    RUT rights will have to be obtained AGAIN
    0. Make sure that you have the official firmware S124_ROW, standard (not extended) recovery* and that system (GOOGLE) applications have not been erased/changed**. And also that there is no memory re-allocation. If at least one point is not fulfilled, the firmware will not install. nothing bad will happen, the update will simply not install and the previous version will remain.
    1- Download the archive googleota_P780_Update_to_KK_ROW.rar on your PC
    2- Unpack and extract the archive
    In ANY way NOT unpacking, copy this archive either to the root of the memory card or to the root of the built-in memory
    3. Reboot into recovery in ANY way (either from the off state - using buttons, or Quick Boot).
    4. The installation starts AUTOMATICALLY.
    5. Reboot after installation - starts automatically
    6. MAKE A WIPE after the UPDATE! open the dialer and dial ####7777#
    Whoever doesn’t do it, we’ll laugh at him and his bugs with the whole team
    7- Success!
    Topic of discussion


  • Official:
    S226_ROW_140919 OTA (there is already a version for PC) - KitKat 4.4 Date: 09/19/2014
    S123_ROW_131231 OTA + PC
    LiFe v0.3-v0.7 / v0.9-v1.2 - Android 4.4.2 - there is a ready-made solution for 2014 phones
    X-VIBE ROM for Lenovo P780 by Xakep
    LeWaOS RUS
    MIUI V5 JB 4.2 (DUAL-SIM version)
    Chinese devices need to flash the radio module. The most stable version for Russia / Ukraine / Belarus modem_P780_V101 (For Android 4.2):
    Memory re-partitioning is available for both versions (4gb and 8gb) of Android 4.2.2, install via Recovery.
    How to flash Lenovo P780
    Instructions for flashing firmware via a computer using a program
    Through the program, CWM or TWRP we flash

    Make ROOT and Recovery on Lenovo P780

    If you installed custom firmware, the likelihood that root access and a modified recovery is already installed there is very high. And when using the recommended ones, the probability is 100 percent.
    Recovery is flashed via FlashTool. We get root through the MTKdroidTools or VRoot program.
    It is possible to make root rights through recovery, we get the Superuser application

    Detailed instructions for flashing phone firmware Lenovo P780, with all the necessary files and the bootloader program.

    First, let's look at the modifications of this phone model, because it is produced for the European and Chinese (Asian) markets, so we must take into account that they have different firmware. The European version of the phone has 8GB. built-in memory and the Chinese (Asian) version has 4GB. built-in memory and a simplified modem part.

    If you want to know how to improve network signal reception, you can read about this in the article

    Preparing to flash Lenovo P780 firmware

    As usual, before you start flashing your Lenovo P780 phone, you need to fully charge it, this will save us from the unnecessary risk of getting a brick.

    Making a backup copy of Lenovo P780 data

    Before changing or updating the phone program, the first thing you need to do is back up your data (Contacts, Messages, Photos/Videos, Calendar, Music and Applications).
    Go to the Settings menu - System - Recovery and reset - Data backup - Backup to internal memory

    A list will be offered to select the data to be copied

    We select everything we need and press the button select the name of the folder with the archive, by default the name looks like this: year-month-day-hh-mm-ss for example 20150703 100608 .

    We wait until the data is backed up, save the copy in a safe place and move on to the next step.

    Installing drivers for Lenovo P780

    To do this, turn off the phone completely, be sure to disable the fast boot function if it is activated, to do this you need to go to Settings – System – Special. Features – System – Fast loading.

    Or when you turn off the phone, also uncheck the shutdown menu

    Install all the necessary drivers, which can be downloaded from the link:

    After this, connect the USB cable to the switched off phone and the system will install everything automatically, if not, then the missing driver files can be found in the folder with the program: SP_Flash_Tool_Lenovo_P780/ SP_Drivers_v1.5

    After successful installation, a new device will appear in the device manager XXX)

    All Lenovo P780 firmware versions

    Download the firmware specifically for your phone version, if you are not sure which one you have, then how to do this is written in the article

    European version

    Chinese (Asian) version

    Each archive with firmware contains all the necessary files.

    Lenovo P780 firmware program

    Download and unpack the software for the SP_Flash_Tool_Lenovo_P780 firmware anywhere and run the flash_tool.exe program from the folder where we extracted the files.

    You can download the program SP_Flash_Tool_Lenovo_P780 here:

    The initial window of the program will appear, which we need to prepare for flashing the phone:

    First of all, select the file with the markup, to do this you need to click on the button and specify the file location in the folder with the Lenovo P780 firmware (it contains the sequence of the firmware and the list of necessary files), in our case we will consider the firmware of the European version of the Lenovo P780 phone.

    After checking the integrity and presence of all necessary files, the program window will be filled with a table with the names and addresses of all partitions to be flashed, and the device processor model will appear on the phone image on the left side of the window.

    As the firmware mode, select the item

    At this point, preparation of the flash_tool program for firmware is completed, you can begin the process of updating the program on your phone, just click on the button

    After the firmware process starts, the program will go into standby mode for connecting the device (i.e. phone)

    After connecting the phone, a red loading bar will appear at the bottom line

    There are two types official firmware for Lenovo P780- Chinese, (designated as CN), and European ( ROW). Both of them can be installed without any problems via the Flash Tool, one on top of the other. This article will talk about installing official firmware.

    Note! If your Lenovo P780 smartphone was released in 2014 (usually indicated on the box), it is not recommended to flash it via the Flash Tool, otherwise the device will irreversibly lose its functionality.

    Preparing for firmware:

    ● Download the archive with drivers, unpack, install them.
    1) (you need to unpack the archive and install the .exe file after agreeing to the license);
    2) (copy the .inf files from the archive to the C:\WINDOWS\INF folder);

    ● Charge the device at least 30%, preferably more.

    Firmware process:

    1. Disconnect the smartphone from the computer, if connected.
    2. Make sure that the files with the firmware and the Flash Tool program are unpacked from the archive. The program can be downloaded separately.
    3. We look for a file in the folder with the name Flash_tool.exe, run this program with administrator rights.
    4. In the launched program, click, and select the file called MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txt . It is located in the folder “target_bin” .

    5. After this, a list of what will be flashed will appear in the program window. Make sure there is a check mark next to each item. If there is no checkmark somewhere, check it manually, and in the pop-up window select the file in the folder with the firmware. The name of the selected file must match the name of the item opposite which you checked.

    6. NECESSARILY put a tick next to the item DA DL All With Check Sum, otherwise your Lenovo P780 will stop working.

    7. Only after you have completed all the previous 6 steps, press the button “Firmware -> Upgrade” in the program window. The smartphone can be connected to the computer using a cable. If you did everything correctly, the firmware process will begin, as indicated by a moving line at the bottom of the program window. Do not under any circumstances interrupt the firmware process or disconnect your smartphone from the computer.

    8. The successful completion of the firmware will be indicated by a pop-up window with a green circle in the middle. Only now the device can be disconnected from the computer.

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