Ali Tools extension for Yandex browser. Aliexpress Tools extension: even more opportunities for online shopping Ali tools is your reliable assistant on aliexpress


In this article I want to tell you about plugins or browser extensions for Aliexpress, which will be very useful for users of the Chinese site. With such assistants, you can quickly and easily determine the degree of reliability and honesty of the seller. I will consider plugins for the Google Chrome browser, because... According to most users, this browser is considered the best. Yes, I myself use Chrome.

Aliexpress search by image

I have already talked about this extension. The “Aliexpress search by image” plugin is designed to search for products by image, and this need arises when we need to find a specific product from another seller, cheaper, or just find...

After installing the plugin, just right-click on the photo you are interested in and select “Find a product on Aliexpress using this picture.”

Aliexpress Seller Check

The Aliexpress Seller Check extension displays the seller's rating on the product page.

Guided by these data, the buyer will make the right decision regarding the seller and his product.

By clicking on the plugin icon in the browser, you will be given quick access to the main sections of the Aliexpress website, parcel tracking and other interesting information.

AliExpress Advisor

The AliExpress Advisor plugin reflects on the product description page not only the level of trust in the seller,

but also the history of the price of the goods for the month. Many people probably know that Chinese sellers are weak in the face of such marketing ploys as inflating prices and offering artificial discounts. With AliExpress Advisor, it won't be difficult to expose the sly ones.

This example shows that on August 18, the seller sets the maximum price and makes a 19% discount. There is no benefit for buyers, but how do the magic words “promotion”, “discount”, “sale” affect us?

By clicking on the AliExpress Advisor plugin icon in the browser bar, you will have access to searching for products on Aliexpress and tracking parcels. They also promise to inform customers about price reductions after the product is added to the “Favorites” section.

Sometimes there is a glitch in AliAdvisor when there is no information about the seller, the rating is zero, but there are a lot of sales and reviews. This jamb was not noticed in other plugins.


The functionality of the AliTools extension is similar to the previous one. This plugin tracks the price history of all products, calculates the level of trust in sellers, and even finds popular video reviews of products, if any.

Full review of AliTools

AliExpress Shopping Assistant

The main advantage of this assistant is the presence of a 90-day price tracker, with which you can judge the benefits of a particular purchase. Similar to the above-mentioned AliExpress plugins, the Shopping Assistant is equipped with the function of notifying about price reductions, but first do not forget to log in and click on the tab with a heart called “I wish”.

The list of features of the Ali assistant includes inviting friends who, after registering on the site, can bring us a monetary reward. But I didn’t delve into this story; if you wish, study this point in more detail yourself.

I advise you not to pay attention to the recommendation to activate cashback, because... the percentage of refund offered is very small. To get a good discount, use proven service. By the way, almost all cashback services provide extensions for browsers, so they can be included in our list of useful plugins for Aliexpress.

Aliexpress Assistant – Price Tracker (Aliprice)

I dedicated an entire article to this wonderful expansion, so I won’t dwell on it in detail, but will only say that it deserves attention. The Aliprice functionality allows you to find a product by picture, analyze the seller, track price history, and read reviews and testimonials.

Regards, Anna.

If you want to get goods at low prices, then there are a number of ways to do this. For example, some users are already actively monitoring AliExpress, where it is possible to order the necessary things or goods at prices significantly lower than those listed in the store. But there is almost no difference in the product.

However, sometimes there is no time and energy to constantly look through the necessary pages. The AliTools application will come to the aid of such users. So anyone can download AliTools for free, thus receiving a reliable assistant that can save your family budget. The extension works with all popular browsers.

For example, the utility checks prices daily for the product that you are interested in and, if necessary, will warn you about changes in the price for it. This function is especially useful during sales on AliExpress.

After all, this way you can understand: are they really offering you discounts or is the indicated low price just a hoax and it is not much different from the original cost of the product.


Using the utility you can:

  • study product reviews, thereby becoming more familiar with the products you need. Otherwise, you risk buying a pig in a poke. However, if you downloaded AliTools for free for Windows 10, 8, 7, then this will not happen to you;
  • add products to your favorites list. It is enough to perform this simple action for the utility to start tracking prices for the product that interests you. And if the cost of production falls, you will immediately know about it. In addition, you can customize the notification method yourself;
  • check sellers. The program has an internal rating system, so you can find out how much you can trust the seller. All this will allow you to make the right purchasing decision, which means it will protect you from possible further disappointments. For example, if you see an average rating for a seller, this means that his products that he presents on the site correspond to the description. In addition, the period of its operation using this platform is at least a year. However, there are a number of buyers who are not happy with their communication with this seller, 9% of them were not happy with his product, and there are also cases where the product was sent late. So here you will have to make your own decision: whether to contact such a person.

How does it work

In order to take advantage of the functionality of the application, you need to download the extension to any popular browser and run the installation. Next, go to the AliExpress website and find the products you are interested in there.

Using the installed add-on, check the price, product and seller, look at reviews, make a choice and complete the purchase if you are satisfied with everything.

All this is done using an additional widget. It appears after installing the program. It is he who will show you the level of trust in the seller, the dynamics of his prices, as well as the availability of video reviews of the product. All these indicators are very important.

For example, the detail of the product description, the speed of fulfillment of orders, the seller’s experience, negative reviews and much more are taken into account. Moreover, sometimes the rating that the seller has on AliExpress may not coincide with the rating posted on AliTools.

Dynamics is another indicator that is worth considering. Sellers often try to stir up interest in their product through various discounts. True, not everyone acts honestly. And often inflated prices are set for a while, which are then simply reduced to an acceptable level.

Thanks to the special section “Price Dynamics”, you will find out when the seller increased the price of the product and when he lowered it.

If you call up the extended menu, you will see a graph of price jumps over the past three months. Here you can add the product to your favorites and then if the price drops, you will be notified about it. To do this, just click on “Watch price”.

Video reviews are another opportunity to get to know the seller better. This way you can get acquainted with the visual experiences of other buyers.

Opera extension

Chrome Extension

AliTools version for Android

You can download this program not only to your computer, but also to devices that run on Android. To do this, find the application in the Play Market and click on “Install”. After installation, you will be able to track prices for products you are interested in, even on smartphones. And you can also shop there.

AliTools version for iOS

In order not to miss the opportunity when there is a discount on a particular product, some people prefer to download the application on mobile gadgets. After all, it often happens that good goods at reduced prices sell out very quickly. You can now download AliTools on iOS so you don't miss out on sales.

How to remove an extension

Go to the browser menu. Additional tools -> Extensions. Find what you need and click on the cart.

It will make your shopping calmer and help you decide on the best seller of the goods you are interested in. It is available for Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser browsers and Android smartphones.

After installation, a small widget will be displayed directly on the product page, showing the level of trust, price dynamics and the number of video reviews. More detailed information for each indicator is displayed in the pop-up menu.

Seller rating

The main indicator of a seller's reliability is the rating. AliExpress calculates it based on the number of positive reviews over the entire period of the seller’s work, but this does not always allow one to determine his integrity.

Take, for example, the seller of this popular Bluetooth speaker. It has a 91% rating on AliTools. This is less than on AliExpress (98.7%), but still high enough to trust the seller. It has been in business for over two years, communicates well with customers and describes products in detail, and ships orders quickly. The number of dissatisfied customers is only 3% of the total. You can do business with such a store.

However, do not rush to order the product right away. There are a few more important points.

Price dynamics

Very often there are various promotions on AliExpress. Sellers also like to drum up interest in their products through discounts. Unfortunately, not all traders are honest; they often play on our psychology. They set inflated prices for a time, and then reduce them to the usual level, passing it off as a discount. The AliTools “Price Dynamics” section will help you understand that the seller is dishonest.

The color and direction of the arrow next to the dollar sign shows whether the product is currently becoming more expensive or cheaper. The extended menu displays a detailed graph of price changes over the past three months. Moreover, here you can add the product to your favorites. Then you will receive a notification when the price decreases.

Using the example of the same speaker seller, we can easily determine the nature of the current discount and understand that it is artificial. The seller raised the price to $49.99 for one day, and then held a “promotion”, bringing the price back to 39.99.

AliExpress doesn’t remember this, but AliTools remembers it well. By the way, with the help of the extension we can find out that real discounts still exist, so it makes sense to wait. And in order not to miss a great offer, you just need to add the product to your favorites by clicking the “Watch price” button.

Video reviews

Popular products almost always have reviews. This is what happened with the column from our example: the AliTools extension found two Russian-language reviews with 4,600 and 3,300 views (this is also a kind of popularity indicator).

The video can be viewed directly in the widget in which the playlist will appear. There's even sorting by date and popularity of reviews, which will save you time when choosing products with a lot of reviews.

Android app

For those who prefer to select products from a smartphone or tablet, AliTools has an Android application. It has the same functionality as the extension, but works a little differently.


The usefulness of AliTools is obvious. A simple, and most importantly, free tool will save a lot of time and nerves, protect you from unsuccessful purchases and help bring any seller to clean water. The extension will also allow you to monitor discounts and buy desired products at the best price.

Do you know why Aliexpress is among the top ten most popular sites on the Runet? Because buying Chinese goods online is really profitable, sometimes even very profitable. But how can you make shopping even more convenient, for example, find out whether the seller has raised the price unreasonably high? Is he trying to profit from you and are there any selfish machinations in his actions? Recently released a useful browser application AliPrice, a review of which we provide you with. An extension is installed on your browser, which, when you access Aliexpress, will supplement it by downloading information from Aliprice. With its help, you can find out price changes over the last couple of months, reviews, seller ratings based on several factors, search for similar products, and everything that you didn’t want to do manually.

The extension is installed completely free of charge. Works with Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Mozilla browsers. When you click on the icon, which will be on the left after installation, a window appears:

  • Search on aliexpress.
  • Go to your personal account.
  • Transition to promotions, hot products”, etc.
  • There is also parcel tracking, which is convenient.

We go to Aliexpress, select the product we need, only in this case the necessary extension will be shown. It is worth noting that the price in the application appears below the main price; as a rule, it is slightly lower, but still not available for viewing, but here AliPrice displays this price for us. You can save a little money. We notice that the following icon appears at the bottom left:

When you click on the icon, a search for the same products in this category appears.

When you click on the percentage button, the seller's analysis appears. This will protect you from mistakes in choosing sellers.

Price history is a very convenient thing; you can monitor the dynamics of the cost of the desired product in order to buy it before the price rises again.

And one more button - review and reviews of products. The search is on YouTube and Taobao. Before buying anything, you should look at customer reviews.

Conclusions about Aliexpress extension

  • Very easy installation.
  • A clear rating about the seller so as not to fall for scammers.
  • The icon for going to the Aliexpress website hangs in the right corner of the browser.
  • A super useful thing called “Price History” - it shows what has become more expensive and what has become cheaper.

This browser extension will really be a useful addition for those who value low prices and who are used to buying a lot and often on Ali. In general, anyone can install and try it, and then just decide whether it suits him or not.

Anyone who often makes purchases on the Aliexpress website knows how important the seller rating is.

Dear friends, we are pleased to introduce you browser extension Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Firefox to check the integrity of sellers in the AliExpress online store.

At the moment, the extension works in the latest versions of browsers using the Chromium engine, such as: Google Chrome, Firefox, Yandex.Browser and Opera? as well as in Firefox.

Very convenient for beginners!

Using the extension for Aliexpress, you can easily check any seller. The page with a detailed description of the product will show the seller's full characteristics with tips and an expert's opinion on whether it is worth buying from such a seller or not. There is no need to click anywhere, the evaluation and verification of the seller occurs automatically when you go to the page with the product, nothing slows down or interferes, everything works like a clock!

extension for Aliexpress

You see what the seller’s actual rating is, how long he has been on the site, how he communicates with customers, how quickly he ships the goods, and whether the goods correspond to the description. All this adds up to the overall seller rating. Recommendations are also given, depending on this rating. All this is done by the extension for Aliexpress - Aliexpress Seller Check.

Extension Features:

  • Checking reviews about the seller occurs asynchronously, i.e. does not affect the loading speed of aliexpress pages.
  • When surfing other sites, the non-aliexpress extension is inactive and does not in any way affect the operation of your Internet browser.
  • Internet traffic consumption is minimal. In comparison with loaded pages, this is tenths of a percent. It will have virtually no effect on the metered Internet.
  • The seller’s status is remembered for 30 minutes (or until the browser is closed) and if you return to the pages of his store during this time, no additional queries are made to the online database, but the seller’s status is shown.
  • Works both on the main page of the seller and on the pages of individual products within the store.

To install the extension for Aliexpress, use the following links:

  • If you have Opera: link to the extension download page.
  • If you have Google Chrome:

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