The best application for. The best programs for Android

There are an extremely large number of applications created for gadgets running on the Android operating system.

All of them, for convenience, can be divided into several categories. In this review we will look at the most useful of them.

Please note that some of the applications are completely free, some are shareware (with the ability to make purchases or purchase a paid version with advanced features).

Some applications are paid.

Android applications: working with files

Synchronization program installed applications between different devices running on .

It’s convenient because once you’ve configured certain game settings, for example, on your phone, the same settings (or saved level) will be on your tablet and your other devices.

With this program you can connect your Android device to your laptop.

By doing this you will get general access to files, and you will also be able to receive or send, as well as delete or install applications.

This application is considered one of the best for cleaning gadgets from excess “garbage”.

Useful in cases where there is little system space left on the device and it is not possible to install this or that application.

Android Applications: System Applications

This application is designed to create backups applications, data and settings on your gadget.

It features additional useful functionality: it is possible to transfer all applications to a memory card.

You can also remove those system applications that are not removed in a standard way.

An application that allows you to save battery power on your gadget.

Distinctive feature: indication of the predicted battery life of the device, also shows the approximate time required to charge the device.

The paid version allows you to maintain and view device charging statistics.

This multifunctional program will check your gadget for viruses and show how much memory applications take up.

You can also enable power consumption modes, speed up those installed on the device, or stop this or that process.

Helpful information:

Android applications: video, audio, multimedia

Convenient program for instant and automatic transfer to the video you are currently shooting.

After registering on the program’s website, the video you shot will instantly appear on your website page (of course, when the device is connected to the Internet).

It’s useful because the video files are saved on the site and you don’t have to worry about losing data on your device - a copy is always at hand.

A program for listening to more than 50,000 radio stations from around the world. It is possible to add your own stream (by entering a URL).

It is also possible to save your favorite songs and stations in your favorites, save playback history, and rewind or rewind songs.

Master of telecontrol

Master of telecontrol

This universal infrared remote control will fit various devices: air conditioning, music center, etc.

For operation, it is possible to select the type of device and manufacturer’s brand.

Android Applications: everyday life

With this planner you can write down your plans and ideas, set reminders for the required time, create voice notes, which the program can convert into text.

A program that collects discounts from all coupon sites.

It will save your time: when you see a product or service you like in “real life”, you check in the program whether there is a discount on it, and if there is one, you immediately buy it online.

This program is an “advanced” voice recorder.

If you need to record something urgently, don’t look for the voice recorder button on your device, this program background records all the sounds around you.

All that remains for you is to rewind the recording for the required period of time and save the fragment you need.

Android Applications: Finance

With this small application you can track the Bitcoin exchange rate.

It is characterized by low resource consumption and is quite informative: the program has four course charts: for the last six months, a month, a week and 24 hours.

This application will be useful for those who want to keep abreast of stock indices, currency fluctuations, etc.

Distinctive feature: it is possible to add indices of other companies or exchanges, as well as prices for precious metals and energy resources.

Android apps: maps and navigation

This Android application can show you how to get from point A to point B using public transport.

There are route maps for most major cities in Ukraine. A useful feature is that it informs you about the cost and travel time on different routes, the number of transfers, etc.

The main “advantage” of this program is the ability to work without connecting to the Internet.

A detailed directory of organizations, equipped with a navigator and map, will tell you their address, opening hours, contacts and even user reviews.

Also shown are city transport routes, plans of large retail establishments, and on which side the entrance to the building is located.

Android applications: social networks, communication


Moreover, it is not necessary to create your own account.

The selection of public pages in the program is sorted by various topics. By selecting the necessary publics, you can create your own reading list.

Android Applications: Educational Programs for Children

In this educational game, your child completes various tasks from the kitten.

It will be interesting for younger children: for example, a child will need to catch a fish of one color or another and put it in a round or square aquarium.

A useful function is keeping statistics: parents will be able to find out what games the child played, his correct or incorrect answers to tasks.

Your child will learn the basics of arithmetic in a fun and playful way.

By clicking on a number, the child will hear a funny poem about it.

Having “befriended” the hedgehog, he will lead him to a clearing where the number of mushrooms specified in the exercise grows.

Android Applications: Foreign Languages

Free app for learning foreign languages.

It differs from many similar ones in its game form of learning and competently similar lessons on various topics.

This program for teaching foreign languages ​​will help those who “cram” new words.

It is necessary to repeat words at certain intervals, this way they are better remembered.

Android apps: for all occasions

The application is specially designed for those who want to lose weight, but cannot give up sweets.

Translates “yummy” into the number of steps that must be taken to neutralize the sweetness.

The built-in pedometer allows you to set a goal - to walk a certain number of steps per day.

With this program you can create good habits, while getting rid of harmful ones.

In addition to the built-in ones (for example, spending more time outdoors), it is possible to add your own (for example, learning to knit).

This application will replace your visit to a nutritionist.

With its help, you can develop a menu for the day, week or even month (depending on the number of calories you want to allow yourself and personal data (height, weight).

In addition, the program will suggest dish recipes and maximum serving sizes.

This application was once noted by Bill Gates himself.

With its help, you can listen to one of three thousand lectures on a wide variety of topics - from tax legislation to human anatomy.

Using this program, you can instantly recognize a particular melody that you have heard but do not know the artist.

To do this, you need to bring the device to the sound source and press one button. Moreover, it is not necessary that the song be performed by the author himself; you can sing the tune yourself.

If your hearing is fine, the program will suggest the author of the song and even show the lyrics.

Program for treasure hunters.

Of course, it will not change professional equipment for searching for metals in the ground, but the developers claim that the application is capable of finding cast iron, steel or iron (metals that are magnetic) in the earth's thickness.

The application will be useful for those who want to improve their photography skills.

Provides access to features to assist with lighting and focusing while shooting.

It is possible to make adjustments in real mode, zoom in on photographed objects, and edit pictures.

Surely parents who are concerned about their children’s “smartphone addiction” will like it.

Allows you to block selected programs for a certain time (for example, doing homework or walking in the fresh air). specified time.

Users of this “reader” are distinguished by the intelligent feature of processing selected books: in a special window, the authors of the application have entered data on the author, title, and date the book was added to your personal library.

It is possible to choose the font and background color that is most comfortable for the eyes.

The application is specially created for those who are absent-minded.

Did you put it somewhere and can’t find it? Now you don’t have to search the whole apartment looking for it – just clap your palm loudly.

The program detector is automatically activated and your gadget will notify you where it is with a pre-configured signal.

Users of this program are a community of people around the world who do not mind or are lazy to share free Wi-Fi hotspots.

It is possible to connect to these points using the smartphone settings.

To do this, just find the password in the program, copy it, go to settings, paste it there and use the Network.


Thanks to this application, it is possible to create “deep” photographs with the so-called parallax effect.

Your device's camera can capture images from four angles, creating a truly 3D photo.

This application is an intellectual game that allows you to maintain motivation in self-development. Moreover, the character who needs to be developed is yourself.

Points in the game are earned by completing a wide variety of tasks: from the “art” of buying clothes to active sports.

The program will be of interest to those who love nostalgia.

Timehop ​​can combine photos from previous years, SMS messages and posts from four social networks.

After this, you can see what happened on the current date over the past years.


As you can see, indeed useful programs there are a lot for Android. The main thing is to decide on the direction.

And if you think our list is incomplete, write in the comments which application should be added.

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A large number of new programs appear on the application market every day. Applications for devices with the Android operating system occupy a significant share, partly due to the fact that they allow more functions to be implemented on it compared to other platforms.

So that you don't get lost among the huge variety, website made a review of the most useful applications for Android that are really worthy of attention and space in your mobile device.

Save web pages for reading

There are plenty of messaging services. To the popular Viber, iMessage and Telegram, Facebook Messenger has also been added, the audience of which has already exceeded 200 million users. It features a minimalist design and excellent functionality: in addition to sending text messages, the application allows you to share photos, audio recordings and videos, as well as make and receive calls.


Waking up in the morning is easy for few people. We all, of course, set the alarm clock for the right time, but as soon as it starts to ring, we snooze the call again and again with our usual movement. The Puzzle Alarm Clock app, available on Android devices, will help you overcome this bad habit. To turn off the melody, it offers several options: solving puzzles, mathematical problems, unpleasant flickering of the flash, and, in especially severe cases, a monetary fine for each change in the alarm time!

Physical activity

Physical activity tracking services are gaining popularity. So Google launched its Google Fit application, which allows you to collect the activity statistics you need and monitor all indicators using sensors. The program keeps track of how far you have walked, run or cycled and counts the calories burned.

Increased Productivity

If you are familiar with the concept of procrastination, the Focus Lock app for Android can help you increase your productivity. It allows you to temporarily block all “harmful” applications that distract you and prevent you from focusing on important things. All you need to do is set the time intervals for work and rest, and the program itself will give a signal when you have the opportunity to use blocked services. If you try to launch a prohibited application, you will not succeed, and you will not be able to remove the lock in Focus Lock itself. For some, such a radical method can be a salvation.

Sync apps

The amazing IFTTT automation app is now available on Android. The service allows you to save your time by creating connections between actions in different applications. For example, you can duplicate all the photos you added to Instagram on Twitter, or save files received by mail to Dropbox. There are recipes great amount, you can find ready-made ones in the application, or you can create your own.


Now Android device owners have the opportunity to use the amazing weather app from Yahoo! - Yahoo Weather. It has one of the most beautiful interfaces: beautiful photos from Flickr are selected for each city and weather. In addition to air temperature, there is also animated data on wind strength, a city map, moon phase and the current position of the sun.

Convenient calendar

Users mobile devices under Android control They can use various applications to organize their day. This can be either a full-fledged calendar planned for months in advance, or a simple to-do list containing simply a list of tasks. Accomplish combines both of these approaches: you can drag tasks directly from your to-do list onto your calendar and schedule when it's convenient for you to do each task.

Time management

Another useful application that allows you to plan and organize your time. MyLifeOrganized will become your personal secretary, who is constantly next to you, keeps a list of tasks and promptly reminds you to complete them. Tasks can be combined into groups and the dependence of the implementation of some tasks on the execution of others can be established. There's even an option to specify the location where the reminder should go off (for example, to remind you to buy batteries when you're in the store).

Learning new words

If you're tired of your usual routine life, the cool app Shuffle My Life will help you overcome boredom and bring a little spontaneity into your every day. The application will offer you to complete one of the random tasks, of which there are currently more than four hundred. For example, take a photo of five unusual objects on the way to work, read new book or write a speech on an arbitrary topic and record it on a voice recorder. The program controls the execution of tasks, so don’t try to cheat.

Task Manager

Every day, PlayMarket is updated with dozens of programs for Android: almost any software has several analogues (sometimes they number in dozens). Searching for really good software in a colossal catalog is sometimes too difficult, as it takes up too much time. Often we lack patience and perseverance, and we choose the best from the worst. But it shouldn’t be this way! Therefore, especially for you, we have selected the best programs for Android and compiled the TOP 10 applications. It is quite possible that in such a list you will find what you have been looking for for so long.

Call recording from Appliqato

If you are interested in recording calls on Android, the best program is Appliqato. Thanks to its good functionality, this unique application has won the favor of a huge audience of users all over the world.

The first thing that attracts you to Appliqato is its pleasant interface and simple design. Home page programs - just two folders called “Saved” and “Inbox” - all your recorded conversations are located here. There are several operating modes available for users of this software: “Ignore all”, “Record all” and “Ignore contacts”. In the first case, only those phone numbers that are entered in the settings are recorded. In the second - absolutely all conversations. And in the third - only calls that came from unknown numbers.

The program is very easy to use, but is not without its drawbacks. It's about advertising. However, you can disable it, but to do this you will have to purchase a paid, more functional version.

QR Droid Code Scanner

The purpose of this software is to decipher QR codes using the camera built into the Android device. Also, QR Droid Code Scanner can successfully handle the most common barcodes. Thanks to this feature, you do not need to download an additional application, thereby saving space on your phone. The scanner is quite convenient to use.

Even the most inexperienced user can understand the settings. The principle of working with this utility is completely simple: just point the camera at the desired object and wait a few seconds until identification occurs and the contents of the code are reflected. In addition, this QR code reader for Android allows you to find out the data hidden in travel guides, as well as read personal information contained in the QR code. For example, contacts or email address.

GPS Anti-Radar from AIRBITS & Reactive Phone

Thanks to its excellent functionality software is a good replacement for its stationary counterpart. The radar detector application for Android is the best among many similar ones. It identifies control cameras along the route and provides data about all traffic police posts. In addition, the program immediately warns that the speedometer has exceeded the permitted speed limit by more than 19 km/h.

The main advantages of GPS AntiRadar are:

  • Simple and very convenient interface;
  • Complete with detailed maps of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan;
  • Ability to work together with other software in the background;
  • The utility does not take up too much space and does not consume much battery; it can also work on weak devices.

Lightroom Mobile

Lightroom Mobile tops the ranking of the best Android apps for photo editing. This is a universal photo editor that allows you to professionally process images directly on your smartphone. To use the program's functionality, Android version 4.1 is required. and higher.

The program also allows you to organize your pictures and synchronize them with other devices. It is possible to edit any photo using the potential of Adobe. In this case, you can use a whole set of tools, ready-made presets and more complex filters. The program interface is quite simple - as a rule, no difficulties arise with them.


Roadly (radar detector) – great program for Android, a video recorder that is designed to help drivers on the road. In addition, this unique utility includes traffic sign recognition and a radar detector that warns about cameras. Roadly is equipped with a warning function about the location of fixed cameras and their coverage area. The program options allow you to send the recorded video to YouTube with just one click.

The unique functions of this software are: recording coordinates, current speed directly into a video file, automatic stop/start when stopping or moving. Since the application actively uses the smartphone's resources, it is important to ensure a constant connection to charging.

Secret Video Recorder HD

An excellent modern program for Android spy, this is one of the best secret video recorders. This unique software is very convenient and simple to use. It only takes one click to start and then stop video recording. However, the application does not reflect on the screen what it records. In addition, you can use your smartphone as usual at the same time, playing games or browsing pages in the browser. The phone does not produce any sounds, but the video will be of very high quality. You can download this software completely free of charge.

Features of Secret Video Recorder HD are:

  • No preview;
  • Unlimited video recording;
  • Support rear and front camera;
  • Night mode support.

Lime HD TV

Best programs To watch TV on Android, our rating includes Lime HD TV. Such an innovative program is an excellent way out of a situation where, due to the lack of an antenna or for some other reason beyond your control, there is no access to television. You can watch your favorite movie or TV show absolutely free, but there are some restrictions on the list. Although among the 140 free information, children's and sports channels there will certainly be something to watch.

The highlight of Lime HD TV is the ability voice search, as well as quickly switching between channels. Thanks to this utility, you will not be bored on the road or in a situation where you need to while away an hour or two.


The Noom pedometer automatically counts the user's steps around the clock, using only two percent of the battery charge per day (this is very economical, because per day of use such software uses energy similar to twenty minutes of display operation). This pedometer program for Android is a real find for those who are actively involved in sports, trying to lose weight or maintain weight at a certain level.

By downloading Noom you will always be aware of your daily activity, sometimes being surprised at how much or little you move. The features of the pedometer are that it works in the background and that the interface is available in Russian, the program is free for users, consumes very little energy and, most importantly, is a good motivation for doing sports.


The top programs for Android also include the password manager Keeper. It is the leading software for secure digital storage and easy password management. Not only individual users, but also organizations will be able to use such a utility. To protect confidential information, the presented software uses strong encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Keeper offers users cloud-based, encrypted password storage that is accessible in any situation. In addition, you can use your account on any other gadget, including a personal computer.

VK Live

VK Live is software for VK live broadcasts. This is a real find for bloggers, including beginners, who dream of popularity. The service allows you to publish video broadcasts on your VK page and in a group. In addition, using such software, you can watch live broadcasts of celebrities and your friends, chat live, responding to comments, adding stickers and hearts, create your own broadcasts, and make money from it. VK Live is quite easy to use. To record, just connect and then configure the camera and microphone. As soon as you start broadcasting, all users who follow you will receive a corresponding notification about the start of the broadcast.

In addition to its advantages, the program has some disadvantages. In particular, we are talking about the inability to block individual users, as well as the lack of information about who has already viewed your posts. In addition, there are no age restrictions on VK Live.

Just 20 years ago, English was studied exclusively in schools as part of general education program. Now the situation has changed dramatically - people of all ages want to know it: children, teenagers, adults. Parents have been sending their children to special clubs since the age of 5. And in adulthood, learning takes place in numerous language courses. Proficiency in English is beneficial in a variety of situations:

  • Our country is home to a large number of international companies that require employees with knowledge of English;
  • In recent years, more and more people are traveling around the world. On such trips it is simply necessary to have a certain vocabulary of foreign words. This will help you find the right place, not get lost, order food, etc.

To learn a language from scratch or improve your knowledge, you don’t have to spend money on tutors or courses. Moreover, not everyone has the opportunity to devote several evenings a week to attend classes. Especially for such cases, there is an excellent alternative - mobile applications. They are installed on devices with operating systems Android systems, iOS. Many of them are free to download, others have a reasonable price. Developers of such services create unique methods for effectively learning both the language as a whole and its individual aspects: vocabulary, grammar, etc. The main advantages of apps for learning English include:

  • reminders about classes and various notifications;
  • minimum costs by time;
  • easy and quick access;
  • support for the most popular devices (Android gadgets, iPhones, iPads, etc.);
  • ability to work offline;
  • cost savings;
  • good results.

Top 10 apps for learning English

10 HelloTalk

The most effective pronunciation improvement
Rating (2019): 4.5

The next line in the ranking is occupied by a unique program that allows you to learn a language with the help of native speakers. She in automatic mode switches you between tasks in your native and foreign languages. The user can talk and correspond with people from other countries. The search for media takes place taking into account individual wishes - region, country, etc.

The HelloTalk mobile service received Google Play's Best award in the category of social applications in 2017. It has thousands of downloads around the world and quite high ratings. The main advantages are a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, getting rid of the language barrier, free installation and use. No deficiencies found.


Learn quickly with interesting videos
Rating (2019): 4.5

FluentU is a unique app that allows you to quickly learn English through interesting videos. The service provides videos with built-in subtitles and the ability to instantly translate unknown words. Among the videos you can find music videos, trailers, moments from films, TV series, etc. FluentU turns them into a full interactive lesson where the user first watches the video and then answers the questions.

Before starting classes, you yourself indicate your favorite films, TV series, and clips. Taking this information into account, the application creates an individual training plan. The advantages of the service are excellent performance, best reviews, the ability to install on iPhones and other gadgets (with Android OS), a well-thought-out effective technique, interesting way training. Disadvantage: free subscription is limited.

8 Johnny Grammar's Word Challenge

Best Quiz App
Rating (2019): 4.6

Johnny Grammar is an application in the form of an exciting 60-second quiz. It includes tasks on grammar, word knowledge, and spelling. The program helps you significantly improve your language level in an interesting way. An additional motivation is the competition with more than 100 thousand participants around the world. During the process, the most active students are assigned unique badges.

In case of an incorrect answer, the program explains in depth the correct answer. This allows you to expand your knowledge in a variety of directions. There are several difficulty levels to choose from: from simple to advanced, as well as about 10 interesting thematic blocks (travel, hobbies, food, etc.). The advantages are: interesting form, comprehensive study of different aspects of the language. Many users don't like having a timer, which is distracting.

7 Memrise

Great app for adult learning
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Memrise application for Android and iOS is recognized by users as one of the most effective. It suggests learning languages ​​through visual memorization. The technique promotes learning about 40 words per hour. The main tool of the service is special pictures memes. As the user learns, he can share his rating and compare his results with others.

After the free installation, you need to select the appropriate course. It can then be downloaded and used offline. Memrise's main focus is on vocabulary. Among the advantages are: simple operation, effective memorization of words, free training, the ability to download courses, good feedback. The only flaw is the lack of voiceover of words.

6 Puzzle English

The most interesting training
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Puzzle English application has significant differences from similar services. Learning here takes place in several ways: watching your favorite TV series with subtitles and adding unfamiliar phrases to your dictionary or using the built-in teacher (there are several difficulty levels to choose from). The program also provides the opportunity to learn English in the form of games: constructing phrases, auditory perception, translations, etc. The main “highlight” of the application is learning using audio and video puzzles.

Puzzle English has a cheerful virtual teacher, Harry Teacher, who reminds you of lessons, cheers you up with his accent and helps you learn new words. The main advantages include a special service for children 6-8 years old, which is distinguished by bright, interesting puzzles, convenient learning and good results. The disadvantage is the high cost of the full course.

5 Words

Better memorization of new English words
Rating (2019): 4.7

The developers of the Words application provide the opportunity to improve your knowledge for free in English in just 20 minutes a day. The methodology includes 8,000 words (25 daily), 26 topics and more than 300 lessons. It develops auditory perception, vocabulary, and spelling. Among the thematic blocks there are: food, nature, money, transport, etc. The service remembers problem words and repeats them periodically. The learning process takes place in a playful way.

Based on user reviews, the Words app is effective way learning a language with minimal time investment. The advantages include a built-in dictionary, voice-over of words, distribution of lessons by specific skills, the ability to select topics, free installation on iPhones and gadgets with Android OS.

4 Easy ten

The fastest vocabulary growth ever - just 3 minutes a day
Rating (2019): 4.8

A classic way to expand your vocabulary of foreign words is to study flashcards. Easyten is an application based on just such a method. All words are distributed by level: from beginner to fluent. You only need to spend 3 minutes a day on the program. Users note that over time their vocabulary expands noticeably.

Each lesson involves learning 10 new words. Important advantages of Easyten are the ability to listen to the correct pronunciation, interesting tests, and minimal time investment. Among the shortcomings are the need for a paid extension of training after a week and a narrow focus.

3 Duolingo

Convenient form of training
Rating (2019): 4.8

Duolingo is the second most popular service for learning English. It can be installed for free on an iPhone or Android device. The application pays great attention to grammar and vocabulary. Most often he uses dictations and translations for teaching. Users can learn multiple languages ​​to choose from. Suitable for children.

The training is divided into courses, during which you can learn about 2000 new words. At the same time, you receive points, complete additional tasks against time, etc. The service remembers common mistakes, based on which it offers individual training. Benefits include: visible results, research-proven effectiveness, reminders. The main disadvantages are that little attention is paid to spoken language; after a while you have to buy a paid subscription.

2 Polyglot

Polyglot is a program based on the famous 16-hour course by D. Petrov. Having appeared quite recently, it has already received many excellent reviews. The application is paid (cost on Android or iOS is 99 rubles), but the first two lessons can be taken for free. The course is quite intensive and includes all aspects of learning English (grammar, pronunciation, etc.).

Each lesson consists of 100 questions that must be passed. The user moves to the next level if he gives more than 90% correct answers. The most important advantages of “Polyglot” are high efficiency, based on a proven methodology, a simple, intuitive interface, and excellent reviews. The only negative is that the full course is paid.

1 LinguaLeo

LinguaLeo is a unique platform for effectively learning English in the form of a game. The main character, the lion cub Leo, invites you to complete interesting tasks and get meatballs to feed him. It is based on a methodology based on 7 principles: automatism, awareness of the goal, pleasure, etc. Available for installation on Android, Windows Phone and iOS. Has separate courses for children.

On iPhones, LinguaLeo is one of the most popular applications. Has paid content that includes advanced features. The main advantage is the creation of an individual training plan based on a special test. The advantages also include the use of various audio files, videos, music that increase interest while studying, free installation, and high efficiency. No deficiencies found.

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