Smart blood pressure bracelet. Fitness bracelets and watches with heart rate monitor

A healthy lifestyle, activity, sports - all these are essential elements of success today. People want to look and feel great, no matter their age. The Garmin Heart Rate Fitness Band is designed to help you stay on track and stay in shape. Here you will find the best models from this Swiss manufacturer.

Garmin fitness bracelets will help you create a great figure

The sports watch with heart rate monitor is very easy to use and the interface is intuitive. The gadget looks stylish and goes well with both a business and informal wardrobe. Garmin sports watches with heart rate monitor come in a variety of colors, so both men and women can choose the right accessory for themselves. The fitness watch with heart rate monitor has a compact shape, making it convenient for everyday wear. At the same time, the list of functions of the device inspires respect.

  • It can monitor the load and distance traveled, count calories burned and dynamically measure heart rate.
  • Smart watches with a heart rate monitor allow you to build your own training program.
  • From a wide range of models, it’s easy to choose a device that will fit into your style and highlight your fashionable look.
  • Fitness watches with a Garmin heart rate monitor are made according to the IP67 protection standard, so they are not afraid of the sun, water and mechanical damage.
  • The device has a high-capacity battery that lasts for a year of uninterrupted operation.
  • The heart rate monitor can sync data with Garmin Connect to create the best training program for you.
  • The device can synchronize via Bluetooth with smartphones.

By deciding to buy a smart bracelet with a heart rate monitor at our favorable price, you will take the first step towards the heights of sports, an excellent figure and excellent well-being. Progress with Garmin!

Updated 09/23/2017

Fitness bracelets have become popular recently. Not long ago we wrote about the fitness bracelet and even compiled ratings. But not all gadgets with a heart rate sensor are included. This sensor is called a heart rate monitor - it measures and displays your heart rate on the smartphone screen (it can also display data on the screen of the tracker itself).

The best fitness bracelets with heart rate monitor

1st place – Xiaomi Mi Band 2 (2000 rubles)

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

One of the most popular and successful bracelets with a heart rate monitor. The device from the Chinese brand Xiaomi combines cool characteristics and an affordable price. It collects a lot of positive reviews, and this is quite justified.

In addition to the fact that it can measure heart rate, it also sends notifications about events on social networks, SMS messages, etc. It is equipped with a display (main module), which is attached to a silicone strap. Monitoring of physical activity, sleep, calories - all this is included

The device holds a battery charge for a long time and boasts a highly accurate pedometer. But there are complaints about the not very convenient heart rate sensor - the edges of the sensor literally cut into the skin of the hand, but you can put up with this.

Essentially, this is the best and most affordable heart rate monitor available today. We recommend.

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2nd place – Mio Fuse (7500-9000 rubles)

Mio Fuse is an expensive gadget, the cost of which is primarily justified by its very accurate heart rate monitor. This means that it measures heart rate with minimal error. Therefore, the device is popular among athletes.

In addition, he monitors physical activity in general, sleep phase and calories. Its characteristics in general do not differ from those of any fitness tracker, but the main difference is an accurate heart rate monitor with convenient adjustment of heart rate intervals.

Some users complain that the software is far from being the best. It's hard to pair with the phone. This is especially true for the program for iOS - it can simply freeze. Well, this bracelet does not have a full-fledged alarm clock based on sleep phases. Although this can be solved programmatically.

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3rd place – Samsung Gear Fit2 (11600-13000 rubles)

Cool bracelet from Samsung, but also quite expensive. Its average cost exceeds 11,000 rubles and can reach up to 13,000 in some stores.

However, the high price is justified. This gadget is quite “powerful”, because... it uses a 2-core processor with a frequency of 1 GHz, there is 512 MB of memory and 4 GB of memory for data. The 1.5-inch display deserves special attention. It is also stuffed with various sensors: gyroscope, accelerometer, heart rate monitor with continuous measurement capability, altimeter, GPS tracker.

Of course, the device can send notifications about various events: calls, messages, etc. Essentially, this is a smart watch, although not quite a full-fledged one, because... The functionality is a little lacking.

The battery charge lasts for 3 days. The device fits perfectly on the hand and measures the pulse relatively accurately. All the goodies (sleep monitoring, physical activity monitoring) are included. You can also highlight the good information content: the screen displays the necessary information without anything unnecessary.

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4th place – Healbe Gobe (9600 rubles)

Another expensive, but quite cool fitness bracelet with a pulse (heart rate) sensor and excellent synchronization with Android and iOS gadgets.

First of all, I would like to highlight Flow Technology, which accurately measures and displays the level of calories burned by measuring glucose levels in cells. It can also detect stress levels, distance traveled, blood pressure and heart rate. Without a doubt, this is one of the best bracelets for sports - it even notifies you when you need to drink water. Among other things, the device is well assembled and fits perfectly on the hand.

There are also disadvantages: the model quickly discharges and does not warn you about it. On average, it needs to be charged once a day, no less.

Well, in general, the gadget is very good, and its accuracy in measuring heart rate is a big advantage.

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5th place – US Medica CardioFit (5000 rubles)

The next good heart rate monitor is the US Medica CardioFit, which costs 5,000 rubles. As expected, it works with smartphones on iOS and Android, is waterproof and is a silicone strap with a main module (like everything else).

The gadget is equipped with heart rate sensors (with the possibility of continuous measurement) and an accelerometer. He knows how to monitor physical activity, sleep and calories. In essence, this is a classic fitness bracelet for little money.

The device is lightweight and almost invisible on the hand, there is a function to protect against the loss of the phone and remote photography, good software. As for the shortcomings, there are some: first of all, it is not the most accurate step counting (+- 200), although this is not critical. There is sleep monitoring, but there is no “smart alarm clock” function, and no one needs these 2 functions without each other. There are also complaints about inaccurate calorie and heart rate counting, although this is only an isolated review.

To summarize, the device is not bad, etc. it collects positive reviews, we put it in 5th place.

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6th place – Mio Link (5000-6000 rubles)

A unique device designed for scuba divers. A special feature is the water resistance class WR200, which allows you to dive with a bracelet under water with scuba gear. The only sensor here is a heart rate monitor, but it is very accurate.

The main advantage of the device is precisely the accurate measurement of pulse. It is highly specialized, so it performs its main function perfectly. If you are interested in the accuracy of heart rate measurement and you do not need various secondary sensors (accelerometer, altimeter, etc.), then we recommend this model first. Its main drawback is that for accurate measurements the device must be tied tightly on the hand. This may cause discomfort, but there is nothing critical about it.

Given its low popularity, the model collects few reviews. Therefore, we put him only in 6th place.

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7th place – Polar A360 (HR) (12-15 thousand rubles)

The next worthy bracelet with a heart rate monitor is Polar A360 (HR), and it will cost 12-15 thousand. Keep in mind that the price range is large, so there is a “reason” to look for the seller more carefully - you can definitely find it cheaper.

Technically, the model does not surprise, but does not disappoint either. She can inform about various events, including sms, mail, calendar, social networks. As for sensors, there is an accelerometer and heart rate monitor. Consequently, monitoring of physical activity, calories and sleep is available.

The bracelet collects positive reviews, albeit a little. Its disadvantages are the following: it analyzes sleep only conditionally, it overestimates the number of steps, and after long periods of exertion, the hand sweats under the strap.

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8th place – Adidas miCoach Fit Smart (13,000 rubles)

A sports gadget from Adidas that is compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows Phone phones. It is equipped with a small 0.8-inch screen, an accelerometer and a built-in heart rate monitor. A 200 mAh battery will provide fairly long battery life. Well, there is also a function for monitoring calories and physical activity.

One of the main advantages is compatibility with the Runtastic and Runkeeper applications, which are relevant for runners (you can configure compatibility in the parameters). Well, and most importantly, many users indicate that it measures the pulse accurately, which is the main thing. Others, on the contrary, write that the product is raw and no effect is visible from its use. This is an ordinary and simple fitness bracelet that does not stand out from the majority.

It’s difficult for us to judge, because... There are few reviews. Therefore only 8th place.

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9th place – Fitbit Charge 2 (10,500-13,000 rubles)

It’s difficult to single out this model in any way, but let’s start with dry characteristics: the model is compatible with literally all popular phone OSs, has an OLED screen, can notify about events in the phone, and is equipped with various sensors: altimeter, heart rate monitor, accelerometer.

It can also monitor physical activity, calories and sleep. There is a breathing guide and the ability to connect to a smartphone’s GPS.

There are user complaints about the uncomfortable rubber strap, which can leave an indentation on the skin. Also, vibration does not always work with notifications and there is no “smart alarm” function. Some buyers question the accuracy of the step measurement, and the water resistance only really protects against sweat and splashes. And if you wash your hands with a bracelet, the latter may break.

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A smart bracelet with blood pressure and pulse measurement is a little more than just an attractive sports accessory. It is also a medical device that makes it possible to monitor the condition of the body in real time. Athletes can use fitness trackers with a tonometer; people prone to hypertension or hypotension; as well as those who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and who care about their own health.

Why do you need a fitness bracelet? Functions

Depending on the manufacturer and model, the device has various options. However, the main functionality is the same for all devices in this category.

The fitness bracelet determines the following indicators:

  • actual blood pressure;
  • heart rate;
  • calories burned;
  • distance traveled (number of steps plus distance in meters);
  • sleep phases.

The bracelet, worn on the hand, is equipped with a built-in Bluetooth, allowing you to synchronize it with your smartphone. The data is transferred to the phone and processed in a special application. As a result, on the display we see the body’s performance indicators.

Thus, the device gives the user the opportunity to monitor health status according to the most significant and vital indicators.

For hypertensive patients and the elderly– this is an opportunity to do without bulky devices and timely record changes in your condition.

When working out in the gym, cardio training The bracelet allows you to control the intensity of the loads and regulate them in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the body.

For people leading a healthy lifestyle, a hand pedometer with pulse and blood pressure measurement allows them to objectively assess the level of physical activity and change it if necessary.

Some models are equipped additional functions. These include the following:

  • geographic location tracking;
  • measuring body temperature and sweating;
  • breathing rate control;
  • task system;
  • alarm.

Modern fitness bracelets are most often performed moisture resistant, because most users prefer to wear them without taking them off. The bracelet must withstand daily procedures - washing dishes, going to the shower, etc. A high-quality gadget from a reliable manufacturer remains operational even when the owner of the device swims in the pool.

How to use?

A fitness bracelet, as a rule, is worn constantly, this gives the owner the opportunity to get a complete picture of the activity and condition of the body.

Smart bracelets for measuring pulse and blood pressure are equipped with their own miniature display that displays key indicators. Basically, bracelets are connected via Bluetooth to external devices - smartphones, tablets. The screen of which displays the most complete information from the bracelet. The fitness tracker notifies you of changes in current indicators using a sound signal or vibration.

To start using the bracelet, you need to put it on and connect it via Bluetooth to your smartphone. Next, install the bracelet application on your phone.

Fitness bracelets sync only with specific operating systems - for example, Android, iOS or Windows. You should pay attention to this point before purchasing a gadget, because... from synchronization with available smartphone The ability to fully use the device will depend.

Another point that you should pay attention to when buying a bracelet is the availability Russified application version.

An interesting feature is the ability to monitor the public information of other users. Thanks to this it becomes possible monitoring the health of loved ones you people at a distance, as well as sharing sports results and achievements with friends and colleagues.

In order for the analytical data to be correct, you need to enter your gender, height, weight, age and other indicators in the application.

Understanding how the application works is not difficult even for older people.

Many bracelets can have straps that can be replaced at will. Electronic capsules can be easily removed from them and worn as a pendant or clip.

How accurate are blood pressure monitors in fitness bracelets?

According to the principle of operation, pressure meters in the form of bracelets are somewhat different from classic medical tonometers that are used in hospitals.

The bracelet records the speed of propagation of the pulse wave, measures the pulse and analyzes this information. Based on the results of calculations, the data is displayed on the display.

The information is true in ~80% cases. The error can be up to 10-15 mm Hg. st. The accuracy of blood pressure data measured using a wearable device is below than when measured on a medical device. However, this is offset by ease of use and the ability to check pressure without outside help.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

“Smart” fitness bracelets with the function of measuring blood pressure and pulse have a number of advantages:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • measuring pressure without special knowledge and effort;
  • blood pressure can be measured at any time and in any position;
  • choice of colors and design solutions for devices;
  • bracelets are made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • readings are displayed on the phone screen; they are easy to understand; understandable also for older people;
  • can be used continuously or periodically as needed;
  • using the data obtained, you can rationally and correctly select a physical activity program;
  • hypertensive patients can determine the optimal time to take medications;
  • charge from the mains, operate on batteries or accumulator;
  • Some models show blood cholesterol levels, body temperature and other significant health indicators.

At the same time, there are some disadvantages:

  • the mobile application is unique for each manufacturer;
  • the device is relatively expensive (depending on functionality);
  • Some bracelets do not have a sound alert;
  • There are non-moisture resistant bracelets - you should carefully choose according to your needs.

Rating of fitness bracelets 2018 with blood pressure and pulse measurement

More expensive devices allow you to additionally assess the level of fatigue, sleep quality, physical activity during the day, and even the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Thanks to the calorie burning indicator, the owner has the opportunity to monitor his diet. The bracelet will tell you whether it’s time to go for a run, or whether it’s time to eat a cake.

Smart bracelet CK11

The main feature of a fitness tracker with a tonometer is the accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate, suitable for users who monitor their health and need to measure blood pressure.



  • Small battery capacity (up to 2 days in active use, up to 10 days in standby mode).
  • Limited radius of connection with the phone (if the signal with the phone is lost, re-synchronization with the device is necessary).
  • To determine the exact blood pressure, you need to take measurements 2-3 times, and then average the readings.
  • In the notification of an incoming call or SMS message, the device does not display the phone number and text of the message.

Fitness bracelet Rovermate Fit Oxy

The main feature of the bracelet: suitable for people who value modern gadgets, but do not need to accurately determine blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Attractive appearance of the smart bracelet, modern design.
  • Affordable price.


  • Average quality of body materials.
  • Small battery capacity (in intensive use mode, the charge lasts for 1-1.5 days).
  • Limited choice of device colors.
  • Weak software.
  • According to users, the application is buggy and closes spontaneously.
  • Inaccurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, the difference with the tonometer is ±5 divisions.
  • Inaccurate measurement of steps taken.

Y2 plus fitness bracelet

The main feature of the bracelet: it is made in a modern design, with the ability to externally personalize the device for yourself and choose a color scheme.


  • Convenient display of time on the screen.
  • Attractive appearance, modern design.
  • Various color options for the device.


  • Inconvenient strap clasp.
  • In the official mobile phone application, the translation into Russian is made with errors.
  • Inaccurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate (when measured 2-3 times, blood pressure and heart rate are very different from the previous ones).
  • Inaccurate measurement of oxygen levels in the blood (oxygen levels at rest and when holding your breath are practically the same).

Fitness bracelet E26

The main feature of a fitness tracker with blood pressure and pulse measurement: it has a wide range of health monitoring options, suitable for people who are actively involved in sports and monitor their physical condition.


  • Various colors of the device (black, green, red, pink, purple).
  • High level of water resistance, class IP67.
  • A wide range of health monitoring options: blood oxygen percentage, pedometer and other indicators.
  • High battery charge level (up to 3 days in active use mode, up to 7 days in standby mode).


The main feature of the bracelet: a high level of battery charge, allows the device to operate for up to 14 days in standby mode. The fitness bracelet can be completely personalized to the owner.


  • Lightweight, fits easily on the hand.
  • Color LED display, easy on the eyes.
  • The ability to personalize the device for yourself, including choosing a design option for the main screen.
  • Fast synchronization with a smartphone.
  • Fast charging of the device, high battery level (up to 5 days in active use mode, up to 14 days in standby mode).


  • Charger is not included.
  • Low sales of the device make it difficult to assess durability, as well as determine the accuracy of measuring blood pressure and heart rate.

Fitness bracelet DofX6Sit

The main feature of a fitness tracker with a blood pressure monitor is its attractive appearance. The high battery level allows the device to operate for up to 14 days in standby mode.



  • The glossy surface shows fingerprints and grease stains.
  • When you turn on the device in bright sunlight, the information on the bracelet is not displayed clearly.
  • There is no tactile button for switching device modes.
  • Low sales of the bracelet make it difficult to assess durability, as well as determine the accuracy of measuring blood pressure and heart rate.
  • The device gives an underestimated number of steps and kilometers traveled per day.

Fitness tracker Herzband Elegance

The main feature of the bracelet is the accurate measurement of pressure and heart rate, suitable for users who monitor their health and need to measure these indicators.


  • Durable Gorilla Glass makes it almost impossible to cause mechanical damage to the screen.
  • Accurate pressure measurement (with the smallest errors, the device measures pressure on thin people).
  • Wide range of health monitoring options: blood oxygen percentage, pedometer and other options.
  • Affordable price.


  • When you turn on the device in bright sunlight, the information on the bracelet is not displayed clearly.

Smart bracelet H09

The main feature of the fitness tracker is the accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate, suitable for users who monitor their health and need to measure blood pressure.


  • Accurate pressure measurement, the difference with a tonometer is ±3 divisions.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.


  • The device comes with a leather strap, which, according to user reviews, is impractical.
  • When worn for a long time, the skin may become irritated by the device's sensor.
  • It is not possible to program the frequency of measuring blood pressure and heart rate.

Fitness bracelet Herzband Active

The main feature of a fitness bracelet with a tonometer is the accurate determination of blood pressure and heart rate, suitable for people who need to obtain reliable information on these two indicators.


  • Accurate pressure measurement, the difference with a tonometer is ±3 divisions (measurements were taken at rest and at increased activity of the user).
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.
  • High battery level.


  • Low quality of information displayed on the display.
  • When you turn on the device in bright sunlight, the information on the bracelet is not displayed clearly.
  • Weak vibration of the bracelet.
  • The sleep mode, according to reviews, works intermittently.

Smart bracelet V07

The main feature of a smart bracelet is the low cost of the device with a wide range of health monitoring options. Accurate heart rate determination.


  • The case has a curved shape, which allows it to easily fit the owner's hand, while being very light.
  • Stylish appearance of the device and modern design of a smart bracelet with blood pressure and pulse measurement.
  • Fast synchronization with a mobile device.
  • The bracelet independently monitors the wearer's sleep patterns and physical activity patterns.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.
  • A wide range of health monitoring options: percentage of oxygen in the blood, hand pedometer (number of steps taken per day, distance traveled in kilometers per day, number of calories burned per day) and other options.
  • Affordable price.


  • Low battery charge level (in active use mode - up to 2.5 days).

Fitness bracelet WME2

The main feature of the fitness tracker: suitable for people who value modern gadgets, but do not need to accurately determine blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Attractive appearance of the device, modern design.
  • The case has a curved shape, which allows it to comfortably fit the owner’s hand, while being very light.


  • The pedometer misses some steps, the device gives an underestimated number of steps and kilometers taken per day.
  • When training in a cardio belt, steps are not counted and calories are not calculated.
  • Inaccurate blood pressure measurement, discrepancy with the tonometer by up to 10 divisions.
  • The sleep mode, according to reviews from several users, does not work or works intermittently.

Withings Pulse O2 fitness tracker

The main feature of the bracelet is the accurate measurement of the pedometer and heart rate, which will be useful for users who monitor their health and need to measure these indicators.


  • Attractive appearance of the device, modern design.
  • The ability to personalize the device for yourself.
  • Wide selection of watch accessories.
  • Prompt user support in English.
  • On the official website of the manufacturer there is the possibility of competition between different users in the number of steps taken and calories burned per day.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.
  • Accurate pedometer when worn on a belt.
  • High battery charge level (up to 7 days in active use mode, up to 14 days in standby mode).


  • Inaccurate blood pressure measurement.
  • When worn on the hand, the pedometer makes an error, counting fewer steps and calories burned per day.
  • There is no protection against moisture.
  • The device does not vibrate when notified of a call or SMS message.
  • There is no alarm function.

Wearfit F1 smart bracelet

The main feature of the fitness bracelet is the accurate measurement of blood pressure and heart rate, which will be useful for users who monitor their health and need to measure these indicators.


  • The case has a curved shape, which allows it to easily fit the owner's hand.
  • Accurate blood pressure measurement. At normal pressure, the difference with the tonometer is ±3 divisions, however, with increased pressure, the difference with the tonometer may increase.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.


  • Low battery level.

Smart bracelet X9 Pro Smart

The main feature of the fitness bracelet: it is suitable for people who value modern gadgets, but do not need to accurately determine blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Attractive appearance of the device, modern design.
  • High-quality assembly of the device.
  • Notification of incoming calls and SMS messages.


  • Spontaneous clicks on the device screen.
  • The screen display is unclear even when used indoors.
  • Inaccurate blood pressure and heart rate measurement.
  • Low battery level (in active use mode no more than 1.5 days).
  • There is no option to set up notifications from social networks.

Monitor H2

The main feature of the bracelet is the accuracy of blood pressure and heart rate measurement, which is especially relevant for users who need to regularly measure blood pressure without wearing a tonometer.


  • Small size and light weight, which allows the device to remain invisible on the hand.
  • Wide selection of accessories and straps for the device (black, red, green, blue).
  • Accurate pressure measurement, the difference with a tonometer is ±2 divisions. It is possible to personalize the fitness bracelet by setting a pressure range; when the pressure increases, the device will inform the owner with a sound signal.
  • Accurate heart rate measurement.


Low battery level (in active use mode no more than 2 days).


Thus, among the many gadgets, the best fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor and blood pressure in 2018 is the tracker. Its extraordinary design, reasonable price and, most importantly, measurement accuracy have deservedly made it the leader of our rating. For those who lead a healthy lifestyle, the device is indispensable.

The demand for smart bracelets is growing every year, and more and more manufacturers are releasing new models with wide functionality and fashionable design.

In spring, everyone starts thinking about getting in shape. Someone buys a gym membership, someone hopes to force themselves to run around the house one more time, and someone simply starts walking more... In any case, you will be faced with the question of purchasing a fitness bracelet that will allow you to track your progress (will show the number of steps and calories burned per day), and in some cases, gain additional control over your physical condition.

In fact, there is still no consensus on how necessary this thing is - a fitness bracelet. After all, just having a nice gadget on your wrist that counts your steps won't make you any more athletic or healthier. But a fitness bracelet can help motivate yourself by making your daily sports achievements more visible and expressed in numbers. In addition, almost all bracelets can track sleep stages. And some models also offer interesting additional features - notification alerts, smart alarm clock, etc.

The hardware basis of any fitness bracelet is an accelerometer. This is a sensor that detects movement. And the corresponding software installed on the smartphone receives sensor readings via Bluetooth and interprets them into steps, from which calories are then calculated (based on the user’s weight, height, age, indicated when the application is first launched). Moreover, calorie counting is very approximate, so it is hardly possible to seriously rely on it during a strict diet, for example. But, again, this is a motivating moment.

It is worth mentioning here that for the same purposes it is quite possible to use a smartphone or smart watch (we told you about how to choose a smart watch) since they also contain accelerometers. But in the case of a smartphone, you will receive more or less accurate data only if you constantly carry it in your trouser pocket, so that the vibrations from each step are clearly felt by it. It is clear that this is not very convenient. Especially if you are at least minimally involved in some kind of sport - for example, running or swimming.

Smart watches are a more logical solution. Like the bracelet, they are located on the wrist, and some models are even waterproof, allowing you to swim in them, take a shower, etc. On top of that, smartwatches with a full operating system offer much more features than fitness bracelets. And, at a minimum, they display the time, which not all fitness bracelets are capable of. However, smartwatches are noticeably more expensive, and most importantly, more bulky. This is especially important if you plan to track your sleep. It’s quite comfortable to sleep with a bracelet, but it’s uncomfortable with a watch.

In principle, if you already have a smart watch or you decide to get one, then you can save money on a fitness bracelet. But if your tasks are limited to fitness functions, and you do not need notifications and other specific features of a smartwatch, then it is better to take a fitness bracelet. Fortunately, there are also options here with time display, heart rate tracking, etc.

So, let's see what we can expect depending on the price category, and try to highlight the most successful devices.

Cheaper than 3000 rubles

Despite the fall of the ruble, you can now find good fitness trackers for less than 3,000 rubles. Of course, you need to understand that these are the simplest options - without a screen, additional sensors and any specific capabilities. Just an accelerometer, a Bluetooth module and a vibration motor (and not always) in a silicone case. But if you don't need anything else, then why not save money?

The most famous solution here is, of course, Xiaomi Mi Band. This device was released in mid-2014 and made a splash with its price: only $13! In fact, it was problematic to buy it for that kind of money, especially outside of China, because resellers took everything apart, but even with all the markups of intermediaries, it was a very attractive offer. Note the presence of such a function as a smart alarm clock. You can set the time interval during which the bracelet should wake you up, and specify the days when this should be repeated. Let's say, if you get up for work at 8:00 on weekdays, then specify the interval from 7:30 to 8:00 - and there is a chance that the bracelet will wake you up at a better moment in terms of your sleep phase than if you get up exactly at 8: 00.

We tested the bracelet in October 2014, and since then the smartphone application has acquired an iOS version and got rid of some shortcomings. So this option is quite reasonable and balanced. But the successor to the Xiaomi Mi Band, Mi Band Pulse (another name is Mi Band S1), looks even tastier. Its special feature is the presence of an optical heart rate sensor. Moreover, it can measure your heart rate automatically during sleep and constantly record it during training.

However, its price is already on the border of the price category under consideration (although it can be ordered directly from China and cheaper). But, indeed, such functionality is more typical for more expensive devices. By the way, in the case of fitness bracelets, the relationship between price and functionality is the most direct (unlike smart watches). So the more you want from a bracelet, the more expensive it will be. And, conversely, this concerns the design of the device to a lesser extent. An example of this is the same Xiaomi Mi Band, which is very nice for its price.

Another factor is the brand. Since a brand in this case is not a show-off and a whim, but reliability, a guarantee and at least some hope for good software (which is especially important in the case of fitness bracelets), we recommend that you still strive for branded devices. Besides Xiaomi in the lower price category it is only Sony with its SmartBand SWR10.

When this bracelet first came out (in the first half of 2014), it was sold for almost 4,000 rubles, that is, at that time, about 100 dollars - not very much compared to its competitors, but still a bit expensive for such a simple device. Now Sony SmartBand SWR10 can be bought in Moscow for less than 3,000 rubles (although in some places it’s more expensive). In dollars, this is less than 40, and for that kind of money this is an excellent offer.

We can't say that the Sony SmartBand SWR10 is very beautiful - it's pretty plain, just a black piece of silicone. But it, like the Xiaomi Ma Band, has a smart alarm clock, while many more expensive bracelets do not have this function.

There is also notification for notifications and calls. A vibration signal will help you not to miss a call or message when your smartphone is in your bag or jacket pocket.

From 3000 to 5000 rubles

Of these, Misfit is on average more expensive (although you can find sales on the Internet where it costs less than 2,000 rubles!), but it is also significantly more interesting both in functionality and in appearance.

Misfit Shine can be worn either as a bracelet or as a clip that attaches to clothing. A chain is sold separately, allowing you to turn the gadget into a pendant. All electronics are hidden in an aluminum “coin”, where, in addition to the accelerometer and Bluetooth sensor, there is a standard coin-cell battery. Thanks to this, the device does not require recharging, which seems to us a huge plus. True, the battery will have to be replaced with a new one every few months.

Another important feature is water resistance. With Misfit Shine you can safely swim and dive, and the bracelet is capable of tracking swimming and a number of other types of sports activities (although the information on them, of course, is very general and insufficient to make any conclusion about the quality of your training). The disadvantages include the absence of a vibration motor and the strangely implemented alarm clock.

As for the Jawbone Up Move, its creators clearly took the Misfit Shine as a model - here they have a similar solution with a battery and a clip. Alas, there is no vibration signal either. But, unlike Misfit Shine, Jawbone Up Move cannot boast of an attractive design and full waterproofness. But it uses excellent software from Jawbone - one of the pioneers in the field of fitness bracelets.

From 5,000 to 10,000 rubles

In this category, we can already count on new products and devices with truly interesting functionality and attractive design. For example, Jawbone Up2 is one of the best smart alarm bracelets that is also beautiful and reliable.

The Up2 was released by Jawbone to replace the popular Up24, which, however, often failed because its design involved distributing electronic components along the entire length of the bracelet. In Up2 this problem was solved, and the overall design was significantly improved.

Even more interesting in terms of functionality is Sony SmartBand Talk SRW30. This is not just a fitness bracelet, but a kind of smart watch, and even with the ability to answer calls.

The model is equipped with an E Ink display, which displays the time, incoming messages, information about your daily activity, incoming calls (yes, using the bracelet you can answer a call and talk without taking out your smartphone!), weather, a remote control for playing music on your smartphone and a lot of other things. Of course, like the Sony SmartBand SWR10, it has sleep tracking and a smart alarm.

Among the shortcomings, we note the not very long battery life (about three days) and inexpressive appearance. However, based on the totality of its qualities, the bracelet undoubtedly deserves attention and is one of the main candidates for purchase if you have an Android smartphone (it will not work with other operating systems).

An equally interesting hybrid is Huawei TalkBand B2. There is also a black and white screen here, and the main feature is the ability to use the device as a Bluetooth headset. At the same time, the device has a quite nice appearance (however, the golden version with a leather strap costs more than 10,000 rubles).

The difference between this model and the first SmartBand and SmartBand Talk is the function of automatically measuring heart rate once every ten minutes. Otherwise, the capabilities of the gadget are identical to the first SmartBand. And the design is not better (but not worse either). The main question is why it is needed in this form. We don't have a convincing answer. It’s a different matter for devices from the next price category, where the pulse measurement function is implemented much more meaningfully from the point of view of practical application.

More expensive than 10,000 rubles

Jawbone Up3 is the flagship of the current Jawbone line, a stylish gadget with excellent software. Its main difference from the Jawbone Up2 is the presence of additional sensors that allow you to automatically measure your heart rate. The pulse is measured immediately after waking up in the morning (the bracelet determines this moment independently and, as our testing showed, is not mistaken). Statistics accumulate, and if after some time this indicator changes significantly, this will be a good reason to consult a doctor.

During the day and night, the bracelet also measures the pulse, starting measurements at a certain time interval (this function appeared after our testing). Nighttime measurements allow you to more accurately record sleep phases (on the basis of which a smart alarm clock works), and daytime measurements in a passive state will help you understand how stress and consumed substances (coffee, cigarettes, energy drinks, etc.) affect your heart rate.

Another expensive bracelet, Garmin Vivosmart, cannot boast of having a heart rate sensor, but it is compatible with external heart rate monitors that work using the ANT+ protocol. Moreover, the bracelet can be bought directly complete with such a heart rate monitor. Other advantages of the Garmin Vivosmart include a black-and-white touch screen that displays messages and notifications, water resistance (which, alas, the Jawbone Up3 does not have) and very advanced software aimed at people actively involved in sports.

In addition, unlike all the other fitness bracelets mentioned in the article, Garmin Vivosmart does not require a smartphone to operate. All data is processed in the Garmin Connect cloud service, where it can be downloaded via a Windows or OS X computer by connecting the bracelet with a USB cable. Of course, there is also a mobile application for iOS/Android, and in the new version it has become much more convenient.

By the way, Garmin Vivosmart HR recently went on sale - a new version of the bracelet, now with an optical heart rate sensor. But this option is still too expensive.

And the last device we'll talk about is Mio Fuse. Its main feature is the constant measurement of heart rate, and not periodic, like the Jawbone Up3, Sony SmartBand 2 and other models. There are no analogues yet - only chest heart rate monitors. But unlike them, Mio Fuse can show your heart rate as it changes in real time and alert you when you reach different heart rate zones. This can be useful for training.

Statistics about your heart rate are saved in a proprietary application (it is, however, very imperfect). Plus, Mio Fuse can be used as an external heart rate monitor when working with third-party fitness apps and devices (such as GPS watches). Of course, like other bracelets, Mio Fuse can count steps and calories. But due to its specific appearance and very large area of ​​contact with the hand, Mio Fuse is not very comfortable for constant everyday wear. Rather, this is just an option for training.


We told you only about a few fitness bracelets that passed through our hands and seemed interesting to us. Of course, there are many more models on the market. However, they are all, to one degree or another, similar to the devices we described. Therefore, after reading our guide, you can independently evaluate the characteristics of the new product that interests us and compare them with examples from this material.

And, of course, if you are interested in any of the mentioned models, follow the link to a separate article for a more complete acquaintance with the device.

Finally, we will give some general tips on choosing a fitness bracelet.

Firstly, it makes sense to buy, first of all, devices from 2014 - the first half of 2015, because their prices are the most attractive. Over the past six months, no qualitative breakthrough has occurred in this area, so fitness bracelets that were a year old or even older still remain relevant.

Secondly, remember that the simpler the bracelet in terms of functionality, the longer its battery life. Simple pedometers will last a week, devices with a built-in heart rate sensor or screen (even black and white) - significantly less.

Third, be sure to pay attention to compatible operating systems. Most bands work with iOS and Android smartphones, but there may be variations.

And lastly: the hardware capabilities of the bracelet are no more important (or even less) than the software ones. And since it is impossible to evaluate software based on a list of characteristics, do not be lazy and look at the reviews of the bracelet that interests you, where there would be screenshots of the smartphone application and an assessment of its quality. We have always paid attention to this on the site and will keep you informed about all the new exciting news from this area. So stay tuned for new articles!

Why are pressure surges dangerous? For a person, this may result in poor health, but constant problems in the circulatory system lead to serious illnesses. To prevent the development of hypertension, it should be detected promptly. A bracelet for determining heart rate and blood pressure is considered the most effective and easiest way. This gadget will also be useful for athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle. The features of the device will be discussed further.

One of the most common diseases is hypertension. This problem has even affected the younger population, which makes it especially dangerous. For timely detection of the disease, blood pressure readings need to be monitored. The most convenient way is a special “smart bracelet” with the function of detecting blood pressure and pulse.

Smart bracelet that measures blood pressure

The invention was not initially intended purely for medical purposes. The market segment that the manufacturers were counting on was represented by young active people involved in strength training in the gym, running on their own in nature, or active, even extreme sports. It is important in such situations to monitor breathing, pressure, pulse rate, temperature, oxygen concentration in the blood and other important indicators of the body.

During sports activities, measuring this in the usual way is very difficult and inconvenient, since it requires either outside help or tricks with a tonometer alone. The smart bracelet solved the problem very simply. Putting it on your wrist, the display shows the necessary parameters at any time. This is especially true for those who want to lose weight while jogging, when you need to work at the body’s limiting capabilities with a reasonable load. It is determined by the pulse rate and blood pressure at the moment of starting a run, covering the required distance or time.

The use of the bracelet by hypertensive patients began later, since just a decade ago the risk category was represented mainly by older people. Today, even the young population suffers from high blood pressure, so to control blood pressure and pulse, it is necessary to undergo examinations by a doctor at least twice a day. A smart bracelet eliminates the need for such visits, performing the procedure in a matter of minutes without any effort on the part of the gadget owner.

Smart bracelet with heart rate monitor and blood pressure

The device looks like a regular wristwatch. They are attached to the wrist using a dense, soft strap made from hypoallergenic and non-toxic material, which undergoes many tests before release to the consumer. Many companies have developed their own designs that perfectly complement a sporty, romantic, business or any other look.

In addition, in addition to external differences, the parameters of the device and its technical characteristics may differ. If the simplest model has only two functions - measuring blood pressure and the number of heartbeats per minute, then the most advanced option can offer much wider functionality. For example, complex devices with a connection to a smartphone or the function of sending a daily chart of changes in vital signs to the attending physician in a special application.

There are many modern wrist gadgets that can be used without the support of a smartphone using their own battery. This is convenient for those who want to run without extra baggage or exercise lightly in sports complexes. Another important feature of the device should be noted, which is its high accuracy. Automatic and mechanical tonometers are capable of producing a certain error in their measurements and require repeated procedures to eliminate it.

The design of most smart bracelets is made so that excess dirt, human sweat, and other moisture do not get under it. To prevent this from spoiling the data taken from the blood flow system, manufacturers have made the necessary improvements so that modern devices are ready to compete with ultra-precise equipment in medical offices. This is important for those who take medications and need to monitor blood pressure and pulse levels in order to take the right pills in a timely manner.

The best fitness bracelet that measures blood pressure

To determine the leader among devices, it is best to compare several of the most popular models from different manufacturers. This will show the advantages and disadvantages of a particular gadget and allow you to make the most optimal choice.

Polar loop 2

Polar loop 2 is used throughout the day to regularly measure the level of activity of the device owner, monitoring his health by taking data on pulse and blood pressure. The main advantages are as follows:

  1. If the device is synchronized with a smartphone, which is left in the wardrobe or at home in advance, then it receives signals from missed calls or other phone events;
  2. Thanks to the “smart trainer” functions, you can plan upcoming workouts by developing a plan for several days;
  3. Monitors calories burned, monitors the owner’s height and weight ratio;
  4. Records the phases of sleep and its quality in general;
  5. Notifies you of the need for physical activity every hour;
  6. Measures the distance traveled per day;
  7. Used as a regular wristwatch.

The style of the device is sporty and very pronounced, which will not allow you to wear it every day instead of a chronometer.

Garmin vivosmart

– the device copes well with the functions of a personal fitness assistant, helping you to view the necessary data by scrolling the bracelet. The gadget is made in a sporty style with an interesting design. The main advantages are considered:

  1. Battery life reaches 7 days;
  2. If synchronization with a mobile device is configured, receives notifications about messages and calls;
  3. Includes smart alarm functions by recording sleep phases;
  4. Equipped with a countdown function;
  5. Capable of recording the owner’s activity level;
  6. Due to the display of the date and time, it can be used as a regular watch.

Available in only two colors – red and blue. It is not a very convenient device for everyday wear, since the design has a distinct sporty style. Among the disadvantages is the high cost of the device.

Fitbit Charge HR

– in addition to a heart rate monitor, it is equipped with a function for measuring blood pressure and heartbeat. Improves sleep quality, shows the current time, and monitors calories burned during the day. Main advantages:

Waterproof housing;

  • OLED monitor on which all the necessary data is displayed;
  • Can work for 7 days without the need for additional charging;
  • Continuous heart rate and blood pressure monitoring;
  • The function of setting the time and training mode is available;
  • Equipped with a “smart” alarm clock with sleep phase control;
  • Pedometer.

Among the significant disadvantages is the high cost of the gadget.

Xiaomi Mi Band

– a waterproof bracelet with a full range of functions necessary for fitness control. Due to its release back in 2014, today its cost is relatively low. The main advantages are:

  1. Low price;
  2. Monochrome display;
  3. Waterproof material and body design;
  4. The battery life without recharging reaches 30 days or more;
  5. There is a function for setting notifications;
  6. The device recognizes vital signs during sleep and exercise;
  7. Equipped with a smart alarm function;
  8. Capable of measuring heart rate and number of steps taken;
  9. Controlled by Android system.

An excellent device for those who decide to experience the usefulness of this group of gadgets.

Smart heart rate and pressure bracelets

Before choosing a device, you should know some of the features of bracelets that will allow you to purchase a reliable and high-quality fitness assistant. First of all, you should pay attention to the charging connector. It must be absolutely protected, equipped with a special cap for the plug that does not allow moisture to pass through. It would be useful to synchronize with any smartphone so that you can receive notifications on your mobile device in a timely manner without having to keep it with you all the time.

Determining the number of steps taken per day is best calculated using the built-in GPS navigator. Among modern devices you can find models in elegant, universal, sporty and classic styles. The cost of a gadget is influenced by its design, manufacturer’s brand, and list of functions. Budget models contain mainly basic options for this group of products, which does not interfere with accurately measuring blood pressure, pulse and distance traveled.

For daily wear, devices with a small screen that are almost imperceptible when in use are best suited. The device can also be used by older people suffering from cardiovascular diseases for regular and timely monitoring of vital signs.


Compared to classic medical devices that are designed to diagnose vital signs, the smart bracelet is lightweight and convenient. It not only provides timely information about blood pressure or heart rate, but also stabilizes the body’s performance, training becomes better, and sleep returns to normal.

For a doctor, the gadget data significantly simplifies the diagnosis of the cause of surges in the patient’s pulse or blood pressure, which makes treatment much more effective.

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