Wireless standards ieee standard. Wireless VPNs

Wireless computer networks are a technology that allows the creation of computer networks that fully comply with the standards for conventional wired networks (for example, Ethernet ), without the use of cable wiring. Microwave radio waves act as information carriers in such networks.

Currently, wireless network devices are produced based on several standards, some parameters of which are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Some parameters of wireless network standards






Frequency range, GHz

Number of channels

Maximum speed, Mbit/sec

54 (108 with hardware compression)




There are two main areas of application of wireless computer networks:

Work in a confined space (office, exhibition hall, etc.);

Connection of remote local networks(or remote local network segments).

To organize a wireless network in a confined space, transmitters with omnidirectional antennas are used. The IEEE 802.11 standard defines two modes of network operation - Ad-hoc and client-server. Ad-hoc mode (otherwise known as “point-to-point”) is a simple network in which communication between stations (clients) is established directly, without the use of a special access point. In client-server mode, a wireless network consists of at least one access point connected to a wired network and a certain set of wireless client stations. Since most networks require access to file servers, printers, and other devices connected to a wired LAN, client-server mode is most often used. Without connecting an additional antenna, stable communication for IEEE 802.11b equipment is achieved on average at the following distances: open space - 500 m, a room separated by partitions made of non-metallic material - 100 m, an office of several rooms - 30 m. It should be borne in mind that through walls with a large content of metal reinforcement (in reinforced concrete buildings these are load-bearing walls), radio waves in the 2.4 GHz range may sometimes not pass through at all, so in rooms separated by such a wall you will have to install your own access points.

To connect remote local networks (or remote segments of a local network), equipment with directional antennas is used, which makes it possible to increase the communication range to 20 km (and when using special amplifiers and high altitude antennas, up to 50 km). Moreover, Wi-Fi devices can also act as such equipment; you just need to add special antennas to them (of course, if this is allowed by the design). Complexes for combining local networks according to topology are divided into “point-to-point” and “star”. With a point-to-point topology (Ad-hoc mode in IEEE 802.11), a radio bridge is organized between two remote network segments. In a star topology, one of the stations is central and communicates with other remote stations. In this case, the central station has an omnidirectional antenna, and other remote stations have unidirectional antennas. The use of an omnidirectional antenna at the central station limits the communication range to approximately 7 km. Therefore, if you need to connect local network segments that are more than 7 km apart from each other, you have to connect them using the point-to-point principle. In this case, a wireless network is organized with a ring or other, more complex topology.

The power emitted by the transmitter of an access point or client station operating according to the IEEE 802.11 standard does not exceed 0.1 W, but many manufacturers of wireless access points limit the power only by software, and it is enough to simply increase the power to 0.2-0.5 W . For comparison, the power emitted by a mobile phone is an order of magnitude greater (at the time of a call - up to 2 W). Since, unlike a mobile phone, network elements are located far from the head, in general it can be considered that wireless computer networks are safer from a health point of view than Cell phones.

If a wireless network is used to connect local network segments that are remote over long distances, the antennas are usually located outside the premises and at high altitudes

In practice, it is better to choose one standard of wireless equipment, and if you need to use compatible modes, check for certification of the corresponding solution.

Wireless communications, or communications over a radio channel, are used today to build highways (radio relay lines), and to create local networks, and to connect remote subscribers to networks and highways different types. The Radio Ethernet wireless communication standard has been developing very dynamically in recent years. Initially it was intended for building local wireless networks, but today it is increasingly used to connect remote subscribers to highways. With its help, the problem of the “last mile” is solved (however, in some cases this “mile” can range from 100 m to 25 km). Radio Ethernet now provides throughput up to 54 Mbit/s and allows you to create secure wireless channels for transmitting multimedia information.

This technology complies with the 802.11 standard, developed by the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1997 and describing protocols that allow the organization of local wireless networks (Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN).

One of the main competitors of 802.11 is the HiperLAN2 (High Performance Radio LAN) standard, developed with the support of Nokia and Ericsson. It should be noted that the development of HiperLAN2 is carried out taking into account the compatibility of this equipment with systems built on the basis of 802.11a. And this fact clearly demonstrates the popularity of wireless access based on Radio Ethernet, which is growing as the number of users of laptops and other portable computing devices increases

2.Design of an enterprise wireless network

Using wireless technologies, you can connect computers (on a point-to-point basis), individual network segments, etc. Most often, in local networks, wireless access devices are installed as an access point (Wireless Access Point, AP). In this case, personal computers are connected to access points, through which they access both the organization’s local network and the Internet, while the access point acts as an analogue of a local network hub.
After choosing a wireless network standard, you need to determine coverage areas. One standard AR device “covers” an indoor area with a radius of about 75-100 m. Although there are various estimates for calculating coverage diagrams, these values ​​significantly depend on specific conditions: room layout, wall material, etc. The best way is to carry out test measurements on the ground using appropriate equipment. As a rule, this is a very expensive operation, so people often limit themselves to testing the signal level using the built-in means of the wireless adapter (standard Windows tools). It should be taken into account that the existing equipment at the enterprise during its operation can create interference to the wireless network, and provide the necessary technological reserves. And even in the absence of constant interference, programs used in a wireless network must be resistant to short-term loss of communication.

The number of access points installed will also be affected by data transfer speed requirements. The data transfer rates indicated in Table 1 are maximum, and the bandwidth is divided between all devices that are connected to this channel. It should also be taken into account that the data transfer rate decreases at maximum distances with a weak signal level.

Installing additional access points will allow you to distribute users between them and increase the speed of data exchange. Because the correct placement of access points requires consideration of many factors, in practice, wireless networks are often designed based on the analysis of measurements of RF signal parameters in real conditions.

If you need to design a connection between two buildings, then you should use specialized wireless bridges and possibly directional antennas.

If the operating mode of the system involves the mobility of devices (moving them while working with the system, switching between different access points), then such a solution requires the use of special software.

3. Wireless security and authentication of Wi-Fi users and devices

An access point can be compared to a local network hub that is placed in a publicly accessible area. Anyone can “connect” to this segment and listen to the transmitted information. That's why correct setting Client connections need to be given special attention.

To protect information transmitted over the wireless network, all data is encrypted. Historically, the first security standard for Wi-Fi - WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) - provides encryption using a static key known to both the user and the administrator of the access point. Unfortunately, in practical implementation In this document, errors were found that allow one to calculate this key in a short time (on the order of several hours). Therefore, WEP protocols, even with an increased key length, cannot be considered secure when creating a corporate wireless network.

If the devices used to create a wireless network do not support new security protocols, then administrators can protect the transmitted information by creating virtual private networks (VPNs).

The new security standard WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) provides for both the use of dynamic (changeable) encryption keys and user authentication when logging into a wireless network. When designing a wireless network segment, you should purchase only devices that meet this standard.

Wireless networks use two methods to verify users and devices when they connect. The first is checking the MAC addresses of devices connected to a given access point. In this case, the administrator must manually configure for each access point the corresponding list of MAC addresses of devices that are allowed to connect wirelessly.

The method cannot be considered safe, since MAC addresses are easily determined by listening to the wireless segment, and “substituting” the MAC address is not difficult even for a not entirely experienced user.

The second method is based on the point-to-point connection protocol with reliable authentication - EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol). For enterprises, 802.1x authentication using a RADIUS server should be recommended.

The most secure method is to use certificates instead of passwords for authentication. However, it requires the enterprise to have a configured PKI system.

Figure 1 – Creating a RADIUS server policy for a wireless network. When creating a policy remote access The RADIUS server template must be set to "Wireless"

With this setup, clients that have not previously been part of the domain cannot connect to it wirelessly because they do not have the required certificates installed. You should either first connect the computer to the domain using a wired network, or set up a special policy for temporarily connecting guest entries (in this case, by entering temporary session restrictions in the RADIUS server connection policy). When connecting to the network for a short time, the client will receive a certificate and will subsequently operate in accordance with the permanent wireless access policy.

Figure 2 – Enabling Windows Firewall

When connecting your computer to a public wireless network, you should take the same security precautions as you do when surfing the Internet. First of all, be sure to protect the connection with a firewall (for example, the built-in Windows firewall XP - option Protect Internet connection in properties wireless connection). By doing this, you block access to data stored on the local computer from the external network.
Enabling this option provides protection Windows systems XP with the first service pack. On computers with Windows XP, when the second service pack is installed, it is necessary to prohibit the developer's default access permissions to the computer from the outside (this is done by configuring the firewall by disabling exceptions).

List of sources used

    Bogdanov. A.Yu. Information Technology in economics. – M.: Eksmo, 2006.

    Wentzel. E.S. Information Systems in economics. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008.

    Volkov A.K. Information Technology. – M.: Infra, 2006. –

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is developing WiFi 802.11 standards.

IEEE 802.11 is the base standard for Wi-Fi networks, which defines a set of protocols for the lowest transfer rates.

IEEE 802.11b
- describes b O higher transmission speeds and introduces more technological restrictions. This standard was widely promoted by WECA ( Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance ) and was originally called WiFi .
Frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum are used ()
Ratified in 1999.
RF technology used: DSSS.
Coding: Barker 11 and CCK.
Modulations: DBPSK and DQPSK,
Maximum data transfer rates (transfer) in the channel: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps,

IEEE 802.11a- describes significantly higher transfer rates than 802.11b.
Frequency channels in the 5GHz frequency spectrum are used. Protocol
Not compatible with 802.11 b.
Ratified in 1999.
RF technology used: OFDM.
Coding: Conversion Coding.
Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM.
Maximum data transfer rates in the channel: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps.

IEEE 802.11g
- describes data transfer rates equivalent to 802.11a.
Frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum are used. The protocol is compatible with 802.11b.
Ratified in 2003.
RF technologies used: DSSS and OFDM.
Coding: Barker 11 and CCK.
Modulations: DBPSK and DQPSK,
Maximum data transfer rates (transfer) in the channel:
- 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps on DSSS and
- 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps on OFDM.

IEEE 802.11n- the most advanced commercial WiFi standard, currently officially approved for import and use in the Russian Federation (802.11ac is still being developed by the regulator). 802.11n uses frequency channels in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi frequency spectrums. Compatible with 11b/11 a/11g . Although it is recommended to build networks targeting only 802.11n, because... requires configuration of special protective modes if backward compatibility with legacy standards is required. This leads to a large increase in signal information anda significant reduction in the available useful performance of the air interface. Actually, even one WiFi client 802.11g or 802.11b will require special settings the entire network and its immediate significant degradation in terms of aggregated performance.
Myself WiFi standard 802.11n was released on September 11, 2009.
WiFi frequency channels with a width of 20MHz and 40MHz (2x20MHz) are supported.
RF technology used: OFDM.
OFDM MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology is used up to the 4x4 level (4xTransmitter and 4xReceiver). In this case, a minimum of 2xTransmitter per Access Point and 1xTransmitter per user device.
Examples of possible MCS (Modulation & Coding Scheme) for 802.11n, as well as the maximum theoretical transfer rates in the radio channel are presented in the following table:

Here SGI is the guard intervals between frames.
Spatial Streams is the number of spatial streams.
Type is the modulation type.
Data Rate is the maximum theoretical data transfer rate in the radio channel in Mbit/sec.

It is important to emphasize that the indicated speeds correspond to the concept of channel rate and are the limiting value using this set technologies within the framework of the described standard (in fact, these values, as you probably noticed, are written by manufacturers on the boxes of home WiFi devices in stores). But in real life, these values ​​are not achievable due to the specifics of the WiFi 802.11 standard technology itself. For example, “political correctness” is strongly influenced here in terms of ensuring CSMA/CA ( WiFi devices constantly listen to the air and cannot transmit if the transmission medium is busy), the need to acknowledge each unicast frame, the half-duplex nature of all WiFi standards and only 802.11ac/Wave-2 can begin to bypass this, etc. Therefore, the practical effectiveness of outdated 802.11 standards b/g/a never exceeds 50% under ideal conditions (for example, for 802.11g the maximum speed per subscriber is usually no higher than 22Mb/s), and for 802.11n the efficiency can be up to 60%. If the network operates in protected mode, which often happens due to the mixed presence of different WiFi chips on various devices ah in the network, then even the indicated relative efficiency can drop by 2-3 times. This applies, for example, to a mix of Wi-Fi devices with 802.11b, 802.11g chips on a network with WiFi 802.11g access points, or a WiFi 802.11g/802.11b device on a network with WiFi 802.11n access points, etc. Read more about .

In addition to the basic WiFi standards 802.11a, b, g, n, additional standards exist and are used to implement various service functions:

. 802.11d. To adapt various WiFi standard devices to specific country conditions. Within the regulatory framework of each state, ranges often vary and may even differ depending on geographic location. The WiFi IEEE 802.11d standard allows you to adjust frequency bands in devices from different manufacturers using special options introduced into the media access control protocols.

. 802.11e. Describes QoS quality classes for the transmission of various media files and, in general, various media content. Adaptation of the MAC layer for 802.11e determines the quality, for example, of simultaneous transmission of audio and video.

. 802.11f. Aimed at unifying the parameters of Wi-Fi access points from different manufacturers. The standard allows the user to work with different networks when moving between coverage areas separate networks.

. 802.11h. Used to prevent problems with weather and military radars by dynamically reducing radiated power Wi-Fi equipment or dynamically switching to another frequency channel when a trigger signal is detected (in most European countries, ground stations tracking weather and communications satellites, as well as military radars, operate in bands close to 5 MHz). This standard is necessary requirement ETSI requirements for equipment approved for operation in the countries of the European Union.

. 802.11i. The first iterations of the 802.11 WiFi standards used the WEP algorithm to secure Wi-Fi networks. It was believed that this method could provide confidentiality and protection of the transmitted data of authorized wireless users from eavesdropping. Now this protection can be hacked in just a few minutes. Therefore, the 802.11i standard developed new methods for protecting Wi-Fi networks, implemented at both the physical and software levels. Currently, to organize a security system in Wi-Fi networks 802.11 recommends using Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) algorithms. They also provide compatibility between wireless devices of different standards and modifications. WPA protocols use an advanced RC4 encryption scheme and a mandatory authentication method using EAP. The stability and security of modern Wi-Fi networks is determined by privacy verification and data encryption protocols (RSNA, TKIP, CCMP, AES). The most recommended approach is to use WPA2 with AES encryption (and don't forget about 802.1x using tunneling mechanisms, such as EAP-TLS, TTLS, etc.). .

. 802.11k. This standard is actually aimed at implementing load balancing in the radio subsystem of a Wi-Fi network. Typically, in a wireless LAN, the subscriber device usually connects to the access point that provides the strongest signal. This often leads to network congestion at one point, when many users connect to one Access Point at once. To control such situations, the 802.11k standard proposes a mechanism that limits the number of subscribers connected to one Access Point and makes it possible to create conditions under which new users will join another AP even despite more weak signal from her. In this case, the aggregated network throughput increases due to more efficient use of resources.

. 802.11m. Amendments and corrections for the entire group of 802.11 standards are combined and summarized in a separate document under the general name 802.11m. The first release of 802.11m was in 2007, then in 2011, etc.

. 802.11p. Determines the interaction of Wi-Fi equipment moving at speeds up to 200 km/h past fixed points WiFi access, located at a distance of up to 1 km. Part of the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) standard. WAVE standards define an architecture and a complementary set of utility functions and interfaces that provide a secure radio communications mechanism between moving vehicles. These standards are developed for applications such as traffic management, traffic safety monitoring, automated payment collection, vehicle navigation and routing, etc.

. 802.11s. A standard for implementing mesh networks (), where any device can serve as both a router and an access point. If the nearest access point is overloaded, data is redirected to the nearest unloaded node. In this case, a data packet is transferred (packet transfer) from one node to another until it reaches its final destination. This standard introduces new protocols at the MAC and PHY levels that support broadcast and multicast transmission (transfer), as well as unicast delivery over a self-configuring point system Wi-Fi access. For this purpose, the standard introduced a four-address frame format. Examples of implementation of WiFi Mesh networks: , .

. 802.11t. The standard was created to institutionalize the process of testing solutions of the IEEE 802.11 standard. Testing methods, methods of measurement and processing of results (treatment), requirements for testing equipment are described.

. 802.11u. Defines procedures for interaction of Wi-Fi standard networks with external networks. The standard must define access protocols, priority protocols and prohibition protocols for working with external networks. Currently around this standard a large movement has formed both in terms of developing solutions - Hotspot 2.0, and in terms of organizing inter-network roaming - a group of interested operators has been created and is growing, who jointly resolve roaming issues for their Wi-Fi networks in dialogue (WBA Alliance). Read more about Hotspot 2.0 in our articles: , .

. 802.11v. The standard should include amendments aimed at improving the network management systems of the IEEE 802.11 standard. Modernization at the MAC and PHY levels should allow the configuration of client devices connected to the network to be centralized and streamlined.

. 802.11y. Additional communication standard for the frequency range 3.65-3.70 GHz. Designed for latest generation devices operating with external antennas at speeds up to 54 Mbit/s at a distance of up to 5 km in open space. The standard is not fully completed.

802.11w. Defines methods and procedures for improving the protection and security of the media access control (MAC) layer. The standard protocols structure a system for monitoring data integrity, the authenticity of their source, the prohibition of unauthorized reproduction and copying, data confidentiality and other protection measures. The standard introduces management frame protection (MFP: Management Frame Protection), and additional security measures help neutralize external attacks, such as DoS. A little more on MFP here: . In addition, these measures will ensure security for the most sensitive network information that will be transmitted over networks that support IEEE 802.11r, k, y.

802.11ac. A new WiFi standard that operates only in the 5GHz frequency band and provides significantly faster O higher speeds both for an individual WiFi client and for a WiFi Access Point. See our article for more details.

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Most wireless networking standards currently in use were developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Wireless networks can be divided into personal (WPAN), local area (WLAN), metropolitan (WMAN) and wide area (WWAN) networks.

IEEE standards apply only to the last three types of wireless networks.

Personal wireless networks are managed by the 802.15 working group. Within the framework of the standard, four groups are defined that solve different problems.

Personal wireless networks

Table 1. 802.15.x standards

Local wireless networks

The most common wireless networking standard is IEEE 802.11 technology; this is a standard for organizing wireless communications in a limited area in local network mode, i.e. when several subscribers have equal access to a common transmission channel. It is better known to users by its name Wi-Fi, which is actually a brand proposed and promoted by the Wi-Fi Alliance.

Table 2. 802.11.x standards


Description of the standard

original 1 Mbit/s and 2 Mbit/s, 2.4 GHz and IR standard (1997)

54 Mbit/s, 5 GHz standard (1999, products released in 2001)

improvements to 802.11 to support 5.5 and 11 Mbit/s (1999)

bridge operations procedures; included in IEEE 802.1D standard (2001)

international roaming extensions (2001)

improvements: QoS, enable packet bursting (2005)

54 Mbit/s, 2.4 GHz standard (backwards compatible with b) (2003)

allocated to 802.11a (5 GHz) spectrum for compatibility in Europe (2004)

improved security (2004)

Japanese expansions (2004)

Improvements in radio resource measurement


maintaining the standard; trimmings

increase in data transfer speed (600 Mbit/s). 2.4-2.5 or 5 GHz. Backwards compatible with 802.11a/b/g


WAVE - Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment (Wireless Access for the Transport Environment, such as ambulances or passenger vehicles)


fast roaming

ESS Mesh Networking (English) (Extended Service Set - Extended Set of Services; Mesh Network - Mesh Network)

Interoperability with non-802 networks (for example, cellular networks)

wireless network management

reserved and will not be used

an additional communication standard operating at frequencies of 3.65-3.70 GHz. Provides speeds of up to 54 Mb/s at a distance of up to 5000 m in open space.

Protected Management Frames

new standard under development by IEEE. Data transfer rates are up to 1.3 Gbit/s, power consumption is reduced by up to 6 times compared to 802.11n. Backwards compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n.

a new standard with an additional 60 GHz range (frequency does not require licensing). Data transfer speed up to 7 Gbit/s.

Of all the existing IEEE 802.11 wireless data transmission standards, only four are most often used in practice: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n.

The IEEE 802.11a standard is the highest bandwidth of the 802.11 family of standards, providing data rates of up to 54 Mbps. Unlike the base standard, which is focused on the 2.4 GHz frequency range, the 802.11a specifications provide for operation in the 5 GHz range. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) was chosen as the signal modulation method. The disadvantages of 802.11a include higher power consumption of radio transmitters for 5 GHz frequencies, as well as a shorter range.

In the IEEE 802.11b standard, data transfer rates are up to 11 Mbit/s, operating in the 2.4 GHz band; this standard has gained the greatest popularity among manufacturers of equipment for wireless networks. Since equipment operating at a maximum speed of 11 Mbps has a shorter range than at lower speeds, the 802.11b standard provides for an automatic reduction in speed when signal quality deteriorates.

The IEEE 802.11g standard is a logical development of 802.11b and involves data transmission in the same frequency range. Additionally, 802.11g is fully compatible with 802.11b, meaning any 802.11g device must be able to work with 802.11b devices. The maximum transmission speed in the 802.11g standard is 54 Mbps, so today it is the most promising wireless communication standard.

802.11n provides up to four times the data transfer speed of 802.11g devices (which have a maximum speed of 54 Mbps) when used in 802.11n mode with other 802.11n devices. Theoretically, 802.11n is capable of providing data transfer rates of up to 480 Mbps. 802.11n devices operate in the 2.4 - 2.5 or 5.0 GHz bands.

In addition, 802.11n devices can operate in three modes: Legacy, which provides support for 802.11b/g devices, and 802.11a Mixed, which supports 802.11b/g, 802.11a and 802.11n “pure” devices » mode - 802.11n (it is in this mode that you can take advantage of the increased speed and increased data transmission range provided by the 802.11n standard).

The 802.11ac standard operates only in the 5GHz spectrum. There will be backward compatibility with 802.11n (at 5GHz) and 802.11a devices. At the same time, a significant increase in not only bandwidth, but also coverage is expected.

An important innovation is MU-MIMO (Multiple User) technology. This is actually a spatial radio switch that allows you to simultaneously transmit and receive data from multiple users over one frequency channel.

In terms of services, 802.11ac, on the one hand, is focused on a much more complete replacement for wired access at high speeds than 802.11n. On the other hand, of course, there is a goal to effectively support multimedia services around streaming video high resolution.

The availability of frequency channels in the 5GHz spectrum, which varies significantly from country to country, and in the Russian Federation is, for example, only 100MHz (5150-5250MHz). Therefore, until our regulator thinks deeply about the need to free up part of the 5GHz spectrum for Wi-Fi purposes, as has been done in many countries, such an attractive technology will remain a beautiful fairy tale in our realities.

802.11 ad The standard will operate in the 60GHz spectrum, which is not licensed in most countries. There is significantly more free bandwidth available here than in the congested 2.4GHz and already congested 5GHz spectrum.

In terms of services, this standard focuses on supporting high-definition (HD) video. Also, services like “wireless docking” are expected here, when all devices are a computer, monitor, projector, etc. have wireless data exchange. The ultra-high frequency used results in signals that are quite narrowly directed. There are also many problems due to the intense absorption of signals when passing through obstacles, so the main expected use case is the interaction of devices within a room.

802.11ad is expected to be compatible with the WiGig standard.

Regional and city networks

Technologies united under the WiMAX brand are aimed at implementing broadband wireless access over significant distances. The commercial promotion of the technology is carried out by the WiMAX Forum organization.

According to the 802.16 standard specification, the maximum distance at which interaction over WiMAX networks is possible is 50 km, and the total throughput is 70 Mbit/s.

In actual operating conditions, these figures are much more modest and amount to about 8 km and 2 Mbit/s. Such characteristics make the WiMAX protocol very attractive for replacing traditional technologies for providing the “last mile” for access to the Internet and telephony. Providers of an extensive metropolitan wireless network can provide “dedicated” wireless channels for organizing virtual private networks between company offices. The advantages are obvious: greater throughput than using SL technology, no need to lay cables.

In the near future, widespread introduction of 802.16e standard devices is planned. This is a mobile version of the WiMAX protocol, designed for use as end terminals of devices such as computers, PDAs, mobile phones, etc.

Developed with government assistance, the WiBRO standard performs the same functions as and is compatible with the 802.16e standard. The original version of the WiMAX protocol, described in the 802.16c standard, used frequencies in the range of 10...66 GHz. This range has some licensing restrictions. In addition, it cannot be used where there are obstacles between the receiver and transmitter.

The 802.16a standard, which describes the use of the 2 ... 11 GHz range, was released in 2004. Since the operating logic of WiMAX involves the use of a point-to-multipoint scheme with a fixed channel capacity for each subscriber, a time-division multiple carrier access mechanism is used at the link level ( Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). This method is widely used in cellular networks (eg GSM) and allows for guaranteed quality of service.

The 802.16 standard involves encrypting traffic using the DES algorithm. Mobile option WiMAC (802.16e) expands information security capabilities by adding station authentication using the EAP protocol, key management using the Privacy and Key Management Protocol Version 2 (PKMv2) and AES encryption. When using the 802.16 standard to transmit corporate data, it is recommended to strengthen the built-in security mechanisms using virtual private network technologies.

When designing and deploying networks, you need to remember that the frequency range allocated for Wi-Fi is very limited, so you need to try not to use antennas with a gain greater than necessary, and also take measures to prevent interference with neighboring networks.

Modern wireless data transmission technologies are being actively introduced and widely used both in the production activities of most companies and for building computer networks for home use. New hardware solutions in the field of wireless data transmission make it possible to create both wireless computer networks within one building and distributed networks across an entire city. A wireless network user who has a laptop or PDA equipped with a built-in wireless communication module is no longer tied to a wired local computer network, but can freely walk from room to room or move to a neighboring building, while remaining constantly connected to the network. Roaming support allows users to stay connected to the network while within wireless coverage. Corporate employees who travel regularly for business reasons view wireless technology as an essential part of their business. Wireless computer networks are actively deployed in public places such as hotels, transport terminals, restaurants, cafes, providing visitors with access to the Internet. According to experts, the intensive development and widespread popularity of wireless data transmission technologies over the past few years have been due precisely to this opportunity.

Wireless computer networks can be installed for temporary use in premises where there is no wired LAN or where network cables are difficult to lay. Installing and configuring wireless networks is very simple. The wireless network is built on the basis of base stations (Access Point access points). Access point is a kind of bridge that provides wireless access to stations equipped with wireless network cards, among themselves and to computers connected to a network via wires. The coverage radius of one access point is about 100 m. Moreover, one point can simultaneously support several dozen active users and provides information transfer speeds for the end subscriber of up to 11 Mbit/s. With the help of access points, wireless workstations, laptops, and handheld devices equipped with wireless communication modules are combined into a wireless computer network, the performance of which depends on the number of simultaneously working users. To improve the performance of the wireless network, additional access points are installed. By configuring wireless access points to different radio channels, you can achieve optimal distribution network traffic networks.

Compatibility of a wireless computer network with a wired infrastructure is not an issue at all, since most wireless access systems comply with industry standards for connecting to Ethernet networks. Wireless network nodes are supported by network operating systems (like any other network nodes) using network device drivers. Compatibility between different wireless network systems is indeed a complex issue, since there are many different technologies and manufacturers. In addition, compatibility issues between devices using the same frequency should be taken into account.

Low cost, fast deployment, wide functionality for the transmission of data traffic, IP telephony, video all this makes wireless technology one of the most promising telecommunications areas.

Basic wireless network standards

IEEE 802.11 standard

The “patriarch” of the family of wireless networking standards is the IEEE 802.11 standard, the development of which began in 1990 and was completed in 1997. This standard provides data transmission at a frequency of 2.4 GHz at speeds of up to 2 Mbit/s. Data transmission is carried out either by Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) or by Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). DSSS technology is based on creating a redundant set of bits (chip) for each transmitted bit. The chip uniquely identifies data coming from a specific transmitter, which generates a set of bits, and the data can only be decrypted by a receiver that knows this set of bits. FHSS technology uses a narrowband carrier frequency that hops in a pattern known only to the transmitter and receiver. At correct synchronization The transmitter and receiver support a single logical communication channel; to any other receiver, transmission via the FHSS protocol appears as short-term impulse noise. Using DSSS technology, three stations can operate simultaneously (without overlap) in the 2.4 GHz band, and FHSS technology increases the number of such stations to 26. The reception/transmission range using DSSS is higher than that of FHSS due to a wider carrier spectrum. If the noise level exceeds a certain level, DSSS stations stop working altogether, while FHSS stations have problems only at certain frequency jumps, but these problems are easily resolved, as a result of which FHSS stations are considered more noise-resistant. Systems that use FHSS to protect data use bandwidth inefficiently, so data transfer rates are typically slower than systems using DSSS technology. Wireless network devices with relatively low performance (1 Mbps) use FHSS technology.

The IEEE 802.11 standard was further developed in the form of specifications, the names of which contain the letter designations of the working group that developed this specification.

IEEE 802.11a standard

The 802.11a specification uses the 5.5 GHz frequency band, which allows for channel throughput of 54 Mbps. The increase in throughput was made possible by the use of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology, which was specially designed to combat interference in multipath reception. OFDM technology involves converting a serial digital stream into a large number of parallel substreams, each of which is transmitted on a separate carrier frequency.

IEEE 802.11b standard

The 802.11b specification is a description of a wireless data transmission technology called Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity). The standard provides data transmission at a speed of 11 Mbit/s at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. To transmit the signal, DSSS technology is used, in which the entire range is divided into five overlapping subbands, each of which transmits information. The values ​​of each bit are encoded by a sequence of complementary codes (Complementary Code Keying).

IEEE 802.11g standard

The 802.11g specification can be thought of as a combination of the 802.11a and 802.11b standards. This standard provides data transfer rates of up to 54 Mbps when using the 2.4 GHz band. Similar to the 802.11a standard, this specification uses OFDM technology, as well as Complementary Code Keying, which ensures mutual compatibility with 802.11b standard devices.

Technologies and methods of data protection in Wi-Fi networks

One of the important tasks of administering a computer network is ensuring security. Unlike wired networks, in a wireless network, data between nodes is transmitted “over the air”, so the ability to penetrate such a network does not require the intruder to be physically connected. For this reason, ensuring the security of information in a wireless network is a basic condition for the further development and application of wireless data transmission technology in commercial enterprises. According to the results of a survey of chief security managers of IT companies conducted by Defcom, approximately 90% of respondents are confident in the prospects of wireless networks, but are postponing their implementation indefinitely due to the weak security of such networks at the present stage; more than 60% believe that insufficient security seriously hinders the development of this area. And since there is no trust, many companies do not risk abandoning time-tested wired solutions.

WEP security protocol

The first security technology for wireless networks is considered to be the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) security protocol, originally laid down in the specifications of the 802.11 standard. This technology made it possible to encrypt the flow of transmitted data between the access point and personal computer within the local network. Data encryption was carried out using the RC4 algorithm on a key with a static component of 40 to 104 bits and with an additional random dynamic component (initialization vector) of 24 bits in size; As a result, data was encrypted using a key ranging in size from 64 to 128 bits. In 2001, methods were found that made it possible to determine the key by analyzing data transmitted over the network. By intercepting and analyzing network traffic from an active network, programs such as AirSnort, WEPcrack or WEPAttack made it possible to crack a 40-bit key within an hour, and a 128-bit key in about four hours. The resulting key allowed the attacker to enter the network under the guise of a legal user.

During testing of various network equipment operating according to the 802.11 standard, an error was discovered in the procedure for preventing collisions that occur when a large number of wireless network devices operate simultaneously. In the event of an attack, network devices behaved as if the channel was busy all the time. The transmission of any network traffic was completely blocked, and within five seconds the network was completely out of order. This problem could not be solved either with the help of specialized software or with the use of encryption mechanisms, since this error was laid down in the 802.11 standard specification itself.

All wireless data transmission devices operating at speeds up to 2 Mbit/s and using DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) technology are susceptible to this vulnerability. Network devices of the 802.11a and 802.11g standards operating at speeds greater than 20 Mbit/s are not affected by this vulnerability.

Thus, WEP technology does not provide an adequate level of security for an enterprise corporate network, but it is quite sufficient for a home wireless network when the volume of intercepted network traffic is too small for analysis and key discovery.

IEEE 802.11X standard

The next step in the development of wireless network security methods was the emergence of the IEEE 802.11X standard, compatible with IEEE 802.11. The new standard used the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, and the RADIUS access server (Remote Access Dial-in User Server). Unlike WEP, IEEE 802.11X uses dynamic 128-bit keys that change periodically over time. The secret key is sent to the user in encrypted form after passing the authentication stage. The key's validity period is limited by the duration of the currently valid session. After the current session ends, a new secret key is created and sent to the user again. Mutual authentication and data transmission integrity are implemented by the TLS transport layer security protocol. To encrypt data, as in the WEP protocol, the RC4 algorithm is used with some modifications.

This standard corrected the shortcomings of the security technologies used in 802.11, such as the possibility of hacking WEP and dependence on manufacturer technologies. IEEE 802.11X is supported by Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. By default, in Windows XP, the session time for working on a secret key is 30 minutes.

WPA security standard

In 2003, the following security standard was introduced: WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), the main feature of which was the dynamic generation of data encryption keys, built on the basis of the TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) protocol and allowing to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted data. Under the TKIP protocol, network devices work with a 48-bit initialization vector (as opposed to the 24-bit WEP vector) and implement rules for changing the sequence of its bits, which eliminates key reuse. The TKIP protocol provides for the generation of a new 128-bit key for each transmitted packet and improved message integrity control using cryptographic checksum MIC (Message Integrity Code), which prevents an attacker from changing the contents of transmitted packets. As a result, it turns out that each data packet transmitted over the network has its own unique key, and each wireless network device is endowed with a dynamically changing key. Although TKIP works with the same RC4 block cipher as provided by the WEP protocol specification, WPA technology protects data more reliably than the latter. The keys change dynamically every 10 KB. According to the developers of this standard, the probability of receiving identical keys is very low.

IN general view The structure of the secure WPA technology can be represented as a combination of the IEEE 802.11X security standard, the Extended Authentication Protocol EAP, the Temporary Key Integration Protocol TKIP, the MIC message integrity verification technology and a centralized RADIUS authentication server designed to work with wireless access points. The presence of authentication of wireless network users is also a characteristic feature of the WPA security standard. To operate in a WPA network security system, wireless access points must support user authentication using the RADIUS protocol. The RADIUS server first verifies the user's authentication information (against the contents of its user ID and password database) or digital certificate, and then causes the access point and client system to dynamically generate encryption keys for each communication session. WPA technology requires the EAP-TLS (Transport Layer Security) mechanism to work.

A centralized authentication server is most appropriate to use on a large enterprise scale. The password value is used to encrypt packets and calculate the MIC cryptographic checksum.

A prerequisite for using the WPA security standard within a specific wireless network is that all devices on the network support this standard. If the WPA standard support function is disabled or missing for at least one of the devices, then network security will be implemented by default based on the WEP protocol. You can check wireless network devices for compatibility using the lists of certified products presented on the Wi-Fi Alliance website (http://www.wi-fi.org).

WPA was originally developed as a temporary standard, so both its hardware and software implementations have become widespread. For example, installing the Service Pack SP1 update of the Windows XP operating system on Intel Centrino laptops makes it possible to use the WPA standard. Due to the fact that most software implementations of the WPA standard generate a secret key using the user's password and the computer's network name, knowledge of this password allows intruders to easily penetrate the wireless network. The password is the basis for obtaining the encryption key, and therefore choosing it wisely is critical to the security of the entire network. An attacker, having observed the key exchange procedure with an access point several times, can analyze the traffic in order to obtain a password. Passwords shorter than 20 characters are considered to significantly reduce the security of a wireless network.

Wireless VPNs

VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology has become widespread to ensure the confidentiality of data transmitted over wireless networks. Previously, VPN technology was primarily used to securely transfer data between distributed business units over public wired networks. A virtual private network created between network nodes using the IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) protocol, which consists of a set of rules designed to determine identification methods when initializing a virtual connection, allows for the secure exchange of data packets over the Internet. Data packets are encrypted using DES, AES, etc. algorithms. VPN technology is highly reliable. Creating a wireless virtual private network involves installing a gateway directly in front of the access point and installing VPN clients on the workstations of network users. By administering a virtual private network, you configure a virtual private connection (virtual tunnel) between the gateway and each VPN client on the network. The main disadvantage of using a wireless VPN is the significant reduction in bandwidth.

IEEE 802.11i standard

In the middle of last year, the Wi-Fi security specification received final approval from the IEEE standards committee and was presented in the form of the IEEE 802.11i standard, called WPA2. This standard is based on the concept of a reliably protected network Robust Security Network (RSN), according to which access points and network devices must have excellent technical characteristics, high performance and support for complex data encryption algorithms. IEEE 802.11i technology is a further development of the WPA standard, so these standards implement many similar solutions, for example, a security system architecture for authenticating and updating key network information. However, these standards differ significantly from each other. In WPA, the data encryption procedure is based on the TKIP protocol, and IEEE 802.11i technology is based on the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm, which provides more reliable security and supports keys of 128, 192 and 256 bits. In IEEE 802.11i technology, the AES algorithm performs the same function as the RC4 algorithm in the WPA TKIP protocol. The security protocol using AES is called CCMP (Counter Mode with CBC-MAC Protocol). To calculate the cryptographic MIC checksum, the CCMP protocol uses the CBC-MAC (Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code) method.

It should be noted that the new IEEE 802.11i technology is also not the final solution to the problem of Wi-Fi network security, since wireless network users will require a more flexible network security management system.

Possible types of attacks on wireless networks

Security systems currently being developed require proper administration. Matt Hines, a representative of CNET, cites the following statistics for the United States: by 2007, 80% of wireless local networks located in the United States will be considered unprotected; in 2006, 70% of successful attacks on wireless networks will be carried out solely due to the settings left at default.

The first action taken by an attacker to penetrate a wireless network is to search for an access point with disabled security modes. You can also access wireless network resources by finding out the network SSID (Service Set IDentifier), which is used in 802.11 wireless networks (Wi-Fi). This identifier is a secret key set by the network administrator, but its value can be obtained by scanning network traffic with appropriate software (for example, using the NetStumbler program). By default, the SSID is part of the header of every packet sent over the network. Therefore, some network equipment manufacturers have introduced an additional configuration option that allows you to disable SSID broadcasting. In addition to the SSID, specialized software allows an attacker to learn many other parameters of the network security system.

As one of the measures to counter unauthorized access to the network, we can recommend assigning a list of MAC addresses of network users. At the same time, the MAC address value is not encrypted, so scanning network traffic allows you to solve this problem.

To unauthorizedly determine user identification data (name and password) of a wireless network, attackers sometimes practice creating a fake access node, called an evil twin. In the immediate vicinity of the attacked wireless network, the attacker installs a base station with a stronger signal, disguised as a legitimate wireless network base station. And when users of the attacked network begin to register on such servers, they will reveal their identification information.

Preventing wireless security threats

Based on the results of an analysis of possible threats to the security of wireless networks, experts propose some rules for organizing and configuring wireless networks:

  • when creating wireless networks, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the network equipment used (this information can be obtained on the Wi-Fi Alliance website: http://www.wi-fi.org);
  • Correct placement of antennas and reducing the coverage area of ​​a wireless network by limiting the transmission power of the antenna reduces the likelihood of unauthorized connection to a wireless network;
  • In the network equipment settings, you should disable SSID broadcasting. It is necessary to deny access to users with the SSID value “Any”;
  • To configure the access point, it is advisable to use a wired connection, disabling wireless access to parameter settings if possible. The password to access the access point settings must be complex;
  • You should periodically audit the security of your wireless network and install driver and operating system updates;
  • use a list of MAC addresses of legal wireless network users;
  • one of the main tasks of a network administrator is to periodically change static passwords;
  • keys used on the network should be as long as possible. Constantly changing key information will increase the security of the network from unauthorized access;
  • wireless network data encryption technology must provide the highest degree of security, taking into account its support by all wireless network devices;
  • It is advisable to install firewalls on all computers on the network and disable the maximum possible number of unused network protocols in order to limit the possibility of an intruder getting inside the network;
  • The network administrator is obliged to regularly carry out administrative and organizational measures to prevent the disclosure of user passwords and other key information.


Global network equipment manufacturers are actively promoting new hardware and software solutions for wireless data transmission. In October 2004, 3Com announced a solution in the field of wireless switches Wireless Mobility System, which allows for pre-planning of the network, centralized management of it, automatic diagnosis of access points, detection and isolation of extraneous network segments, access control and separation of user groups. Wireless Mobility System has high mobility, fast roaming, as well as a high degree of readiness for transmitting delay-critical traffic (VoIP, video) using CoS and QoS mechanisms.

According to experts, by the end of this year, about 20% of the LAN equipment segment will belong to Wi-Fi equipment. The main areas of application of this standard will not change; significant growth will occur in the field of office and home networks. The structure of application of Wi-Fi technology will look approximately as follows: home 10-15%, office 60-65%, hot spots 30-35%. When developing new wireless products, priorities will be given to security, improving user convenience in terms of settings, etc., and increasing throughput.

Solving the problem of security in Wi-Fi networks can really expand the circle of users and raise their trust in wireless networks to a fundamentally new level. But this problem cannot be solved only through the adoption of standards and through the unification of equipment. Service providers must make significant efforts in this direction; a flexible security system is required, access policies must be configured, and the competent work of the wireless network administrator also plays an important role. In short, all necessary measures should be taken and all possible ways for security.

When purchasing a flash drive, many people ask the question: “how to choose the right flash drive.” Of course, choosing a flash drive is not so difficult if you know exactly for what purpose it is being purchased. In this article I will try to give a complete answer to the question posed. I decided to write only about what to look for when buying.

A flash drive (USB drive) is a drive designed for storing and transferring information. The flash drive works very simply without batteries. You just need to connect it to USB port at your PC.

1. Flash drive interface

At the moment there are 2 interfaces: USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. If you decide to buy a flash drive, then I recommend taking a flash drive with a USB 3.0 interface. This interface was made recently, its main feature is high data transfer speed. We'll talk about speeds a little lower.

This is one of the main parameters that you need to look at first. Now flash drives from 1 GB to 256 GB are sold. The cost of a flash drive will directly depend on the amount of memory. Here you need to immediately decide for what purpose you are buying a flash drive. If you are going to store it text documents, then 1 GB will be enough. For downloading and transferring movies, music, photos, etc. you need to take the more, the better. Today, the most popular flash drives are from 8GB to 16GB.

3. Housing material

The body can be made of plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. Most flash drives are made of plastic. I can’t give any advice here; it all depends on the buyer’s preferences.

4. Data transfer rate

Earlier I wrote that there are two standards: USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. Now I will explain how they differ. The USB 2.0 standard has read speeds of up to 18 Mbit/s and write speeds of up to 10 Mbit/s. The USB 3.0 standard has a read speed of 20-70 Mbit/s, and a write speed of 15-70 Mbit/s. Here, I think, there is no need to explain anything.

Nowadays you can find flash drives of different shapes and sizes in stores. They can be in the form of jewelry, fancy animals, etc. Here I would advise taking flash drives that have a protective cap.

6. Password protection

There are flash drives that have a password protection feature. Such protection is carried out using a program that is located in the flash drive itself. The password can be set both on the entire flash drive and on part of the data in it. Such a flash drive will primarily be useful to people who transfer corporate information to it. According to the manufacturers, if you lose it, you don’t have to worry about your data. Not so simple. If such a flash drive falls into the hands of an understanding person, then hacking it is just a matter of time.

These flash drives look very beautiful, but I would not recommend buying them. Because they are very fragile and often break in half. But if you are a neat person, then feel free to take it.


As you noticed, there are many nuances. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In my opinion, the most important parameters when choosing are: the standard of the flash drive, the capacity and speed of writing and reading. And everything else: design, material, options - this is just everyone’s personal choice.

Good afternoon, my dear friends. In today's article I want to talk about how to choose the right mouse pad. When buying a rug, many people do not attach any importance to this. But as it turned out, this point needs to be given special attention, because... The mat determines one of the indicators of comfort while working at a PC. For an avid gamer, choosing a rug is a completely different story. Let's look at what types of mouse pads have been invented today.

Mat options

1. Aluminum
2. Glass
3. Plastic
4. Rubberized
5. Double sided
6. Helium

And now I would like to talk about each type in more detail.

1. First I want to consider three options at once: plastic, aluminum and glass. These rugs are very popular among gamers. For example, plastic mats are easier to find on sale. The mouse glides quickly and accurately on these mats. And most importantly, these mouse pads are suitable for both laser and optical mice. Aluminum and glass mats will be a little harder to find. Yes, and they will cost a lot. True, there is a reason for this - they will serve for a very long time. These types of rugs have minor flaws. Many people say that they rustle when operating and are a little cool to the touch, which may cause discomfort for some users.

2. Rubberized (rag) mats have soft sliding, but the accuracy of their movements is worse. For ordinary users such a rug will be just right. And they are much cheaper than the previous ones.

3. Double-sided mouse pads, in my opinion, are a very interesting type of mouse pad. As the name suggests, these rugs have two sides. Typically, one side is high-speed and the other is high-precision. It happens that each side is designed for a specific game.

4. Helium mats have a silicone cushion. She supposedly supports the hand and relieves tension from it. For me personally, they turned out to be the most inconvenient. According to their intended purpose, they are designed for office workers, since they sit at the computer all day long. These mats are not suitable for casual users and gamers. The mouse glides very poorly on the surface of such mouse pads, and their accuracy is not the best.

Mat sizes

There are three types of rugs: large, medium and small. Here everything primarily depends on the taste of the user. But as is commonly believed, large rugs are good for games. Small and medium ones are taken mainly for work.

Rugs design

In this regard, there are no restrictions. It all depends on what you want to see on your rug. Fortunately, now they don’t draw anything on rugs. The most popular are logos computer games, such as Dota, Warcraft, ruler, etc. But if it happened that you couldn’t find a rug with the pattern you wanted, don’t be upset. Now you can order a print on a rug. But such mats have a disadvantage: when printing is applied to the surface of the mat, its properties deteriorate. Design in exchange for quality.

This is where I want to end the article. On my own behalf, I wish you to make the right choice and be satisfied with it.
For anyone who doesn’t have a mouse or wants to replace it with another one, I advise you to look at the article:.

Microsoft's all-in-one PCs have been replenished new model all-in-one PC called Surface Studio. Microsoft recently presented its new product at an exhibition in New York.

On a note! I wrote an article a couple of weeks ago where I reviewed the Surface all-in-one. This candy bar was presented earlier. To view the article, click on.


Microsoft calls its new product the world's thinnest candy bar. Weighing 9.56 kg, the thickness of the display is only 12.5 mm, the remaining dimensions are 637.35x438.9 mm. The display dimensions are 28 inches with a resolution greater than 4K (4500x3000 pixels), aspect ratio 3:2.

On a note! The display resolution of 4500x3000 pixels corresponds to 13.5 million pixels. This is 63% more than 4K resolution.

The all-in-one display itself is touch-sensitive, housed in an aluminum case. On such a display it is very convenient to draw with a stylus, which ultimately opens up new possibilities for using a candy bar. In my opinion, this candy bar model will appeal to creative people (photographers, designers, etc.).

On a note! For people in creative professions, I advise you to look at the article where I reviewed all-in-one computers with similar functionality. Click on the highlighted one: .

To everything written above, I would add that the main feature of the candy bar will be its ability to instantly turn into a tablet with a huge working surface.

On a note! By the way, Microsoft has another amazing candy bar. To find out about it, go to.


I will present the characteristics in the form of a photograph.

From the periphery, I note the following: 4 USB ports, Mini-Display Port connector, Ethernet network port, card-reader, 3.5 mm audio jack, 1080p webcam, 2 microphones, 2.1 Dolby Audio Premium audio system, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0. The candy bar also supports Xbox wireless controllers.


When purchasing an all-in-one PC, Windows 10 Creators Update will be installed on it. This system should be released in spring 2017. In this operating system there will be updated Paint, Office, etc. The price for an all-in-one PC will be from $3,000.
Dear friends, write in the comments what you think about this candy bar, ask questions. I'll be glad to chat!

OCZ demonstrated the new VX 500 SSD drives. These drives will be equipped with a Serial ATA 3.0 interface and are made in a 2.5-inch form factor.

On a note! Anyone interested in how SSD drives work and how long they last can read in an article I wrote earlier:.
The new products are made using 15-nanometer technology and will be equipped with Tochiba MLC NAND flash memory microchips. The controller in the SSD drives will be Tochiba TC 35 8790.
The lineup VX 500 drives will consist of 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB and 1 TB. According to the manufacturer, the sequential read speed will be 550 MB/s (this is for all drives in this series), but the write speed will be from 485 MB/s to 512 MB/s.

The number of input/output operations per second (IOPS) with data blocks of 4 KB in size can reach 92,000 when reading, and 65,000 when writing (this is all at random).
The thickness of OCZ VX 500 drives will be 7 mm. This will allow them to be used in ultrabooks.

The prices of the new products will be as follows: 128 GB - $64, 256 GB - $93, 512 GB - $153, 1 TB - $337. I think in Russia they will cost more.

Lenovo presented its new gaming all-in-one IdeaCentre Y910 at Gamescom 2016.

On a note! Previously, I wrote an article where I already reviewed gaming monoblocks from different manufacturers. This article can be viewed by clicking on this one.

The new product from Lenovo received a frameless display measuring 27 inches. The display resolution is 2560x1440 pixels (this is QHD format), the refresh rate is 144 Hz, and the response time is 5 ms.

The monoblock will have several configurations. The maximum configuration includes a 6th generation Intel Core i7 processor, volume hard drive up to 2 TB or 256 GB. Volume random access memory equal to 32 GB DDR4. The graphics card will be responsible for the graphics. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 or GeForce GTX 1080 with Pascal architecture. Thanks to such a video card, it will be possible to connect a virtual reality helmet to the candy bar.
From the periphery of the candy bar, I would highlight the Harmon Kardon audio system with 5-watt speakers, the Killer DoubleShot Pro Wi-Fi module, a webcam, USB ports 2.0 and 3.0, HDMI connectors.

In its basic version, the IdeaCentre Y910 monoblock will go on sale in September 2016 at a price of 1,800 euros. But the candy bar with the “VR-ready” version will appear in October at a price of 2,200 euros. It is known that this version will contain GeForce video card GTX 1070.

MediaTek has decided to upgrade its Helio X30 mobile processor. So now the developers from MediaTek are designing a new mobile processor called Helio X35.

I would like to briefly talk about Helio X30. This processor has 10 cores, which are combined into 3 clusters. Helio X30 has 3 variations. The first - the most powerful - consists of Cortex-A73 cores with a frequency of up to 2.8 GHz. There are also blocks with Cortex-A53 cores with a frequency of up to 2.2 GHz and Cortex-A35 with a frequency of 2.0 GHz.

The new Helio X35 processor also has 10 cores and is created using 10-nanometer technology. Clock frequency in this processor will be much higher than its predecessor and ranges from 3.0 Hz. The new product will allow you to use up to 8 GB of LPDDR4 RAM. The graphics in the processor will most likely be handled by the Power VR 7XT controller.
The station itself can be seen in the photographs in the article. In them we can see storage compartments. One bay has a 3.5" jack and the other has a 2.5" jack. Thus, it will be possible to connect to the new station as solid state drive(SSD) and HDD(HDD).

The dimensions of the Drive Dock station are 160x150x85mm, and the weight is no less than 970 grams.
Many people probably have a question about how the Drive Dock connects to a computer. I answer: this happens through the USB port 3.1 Gen 1. According to the manufacturer, the sequential read speed will be 434 MB/s, and in write mode (sequential) 406 MB/s. The new product will be compatible with Windows and Mac OS.

This device will be very useful for people who work with photo and video materials at a professional level. Drive Dock can also be used for backup copies files.
The price for the new device will be acceptable - it is $90.

On a note! Previously, Renduchinthala worked for Qualcomm. And since November 2015, he moved to a competing company, Intel.

In his interview, Renduchintala did not talk about mobile processors, but only said the following, I quote: “I prefer to talk less and do more.”
Thus, the Intel top manager created great intrigue with his interview. We can only wait for new announcements in the future.

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