Remote access hidden installation. Microsoft Remote Desktop

Good afternoon

In today's article I would like to focus on remote control of a computer running Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, such a task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, helping relatives or friends set up a computer if they do not understand it well; organize remote assistance at the company (enterprise, department) so that you can quickly solve user problems or simply monitor them (so that they don’t play or go through “contacts” during working hours), etc.

You can remotely control your computer with dozens of programs (or maybe even hundreds, such programs appear like “mushrooms after the rain”). In this article we will focus on some of the best. So, let's begin…

Team Viewer

This is one of best programs For remote control PC. Moreover, it has a number of advantages in relation to similar programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows you to share files;

Has a high degree of protection;

The computer will be controlled as if you were sitting at it!

When installing a program, you can specify what you will do with it: install it to control this computer, or control it and allow it to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what use of the program will be: commercial/non-commercial.

Once Team Viewer is installed and launched, you can get started.

To connect to another computer need to:

Install and run the utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer you want to connect to (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the access password (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the “desktop” of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your “desktop”.

The Team Viewer program window is the desktop of the remote PC.

R admin

One of the best computer administration programs in local network and to provide assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is a trial period of 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of operation is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer is a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on the PC that will be managed.

A mmyy Admin

Relatively new program(but about 40,0000 people around the world have already become familiar with it and started using it) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High degree of security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, via proxy.

Window for connecting to a remote computer. Ammyy Admin

RMS - remote access

good and free program(for non-commercial use) for remote computer administration. Even novice PC users can use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NAT, firewalls will no longer prevent you from connecting to your PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin


How to monitor employees, monitor children or monitor a person at a computer?

It is difficult to imagine the everyday life of a modern person without using a computer or mobile devices, connected to the global network and used daily to receive and process information for personal and business purposes. Computers have become a part of the lives of not only adults, but also teenagers and children who spend several hours on the Internet every day.

Modern schoolchildren from the first grades learn to use computer technologies and actively use them for educational and entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, the Internet is flooded not only with workshops on solving problems in physics or mathematics, which do not pose a threat to the fragile child’s psyche. The global network contains countless unsafe websites, including extremist, sectarian and adult sites, which can cause serious harm to the normal development of a child as an individual and lead to problems in the future. Agree, you would not want your child to study occult rituals or view pages of dubious content instead of doing homework after school.

Due to the above, many parents may have a very reasonable question: “How to protect a child from the harmful influence of the Internet?”, “How to find out what a child does in his free time at the computer?”, “Who does your beloved child communicate with?”, “ How to organize supervision of children?».

There are a lot of programs for monitoring computer activity and spyware, but, as a rule, they are all paid, reduce the performance of the computer and are easily detected even by inexperienced users. In reality, you will only be able to view the contents of log files with data entered on the keyboard and, in some cases, screenshots. In addition, you can view these log files only on the computer where these files were created. Those. if you are in a remote location, you will not be able to view these files. Of course, you can set up automatic sending of these logs to your email or server, but this involves additional difficulties and waste of time. Besides, it's just inconvenient.

For full control over children, it can be very convenient to use programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet. Some of these programs are very easy to set up, or to be more precise, they practically do not require it and are able to instantly establish a connection with any computer connected to the Internet.

One such program is Ammyy Admin. And despite the fact that the main application area of ​​the program is the provision of remote technical support, the features and versatility of Ammyy Admin make it easy to use it as a means of remote monitoring of children. When it comes to business, monitoring and control of employees is also one of the areas of application of the program.

Why should you use Ammyy Admin for remote control of children?

  1. You can connect to any PC in a few seconds.
  2. You can view the image of the remote computer from any other computer connected to the Internet. No tedious settings, registrations or installations!
  3. Ammyy Admin bypasses all known firewalls and antiviruses (which cannot be said about keylogger programs) and does not require installation. At correct settings It will be practically impossible to detect Ammyy Admin.
  4. Your child will never realize that someone is watching him in real time.
  5. You can interactively enable voice chat and listen to what is happening on the remote PC side.
  6. Ammyy Admin is completely free for home use, provided that you have not exceeded the usage limit of the free version.

How to set up child monitoring using Ammyy Admin?

So, the procedure for setting up the program is extremely simple and will not take more than a minute.

What to do on the remote computer that we will monitor:

What to do on the computer from which we are monitoring:

If you want to organize employee control by monitoring their work computers, then the laws of some countries require you to warn them about this. In any case, it will be useful to do this, because... Knowing that the computer is under surveillance, the employee will not engage in extraneous activities on the work computer, which will reduce the risk of infecting the computer with viruses and leaking confidential information, and will also increase useful working time.

Good day everyone!​

Today we will do a hidden assembly of the Remote Manipulator System (analogous to Radmin, Teamviewer)
I warn you right away that it is quite difficult to assemble, especially for beginners.

I will try to explain everything step by step and in accessible language.
RMS (like Radmin, TeamViewer, etc.) performs the same function - remote administration (i.e. control) of a computer

What can RMS do?
All its functions are listed here:
-Management and surveillance
-File manager
-Text chat
-Task Manager
-Connect via Internet-ID! (same as TeamViewer)
-Device Manager
-Command line connection
-Scheduled screen recording
-Simple text message
-Supports multiple monitors
-Remote installation
-Remote registry.
-Run function
-Connect to a web camera.
-Integration with firewall

I'll start by listing what the assembly is:
1. Completely hidden installation (the screen does not blink, unlike Radmin)
2. After launch, the installer uninstalls itself
3. All assembly files are hidden/system, it will be more difficult for the victim to notice something
4. An IP is additionally sent to you by email, but we will not need it, most likely, since we will use Internet-ID
5. Weight will be ~2.8mb
6. This assembly is partially scorched by antiviruses (how to make sure it doesn’t scorch - write to contacts)

So, let's start collecting:

I. Setting up an RMS server

First of all, download the archive
Attention! There is a password for the archive

Archive password:
Open the R folder, run the server.exe file, and install. Once the installation is complete, the program will launch itself:

A Security window appears in front of us:

Click Change/Set - enter the password, for example 12345678rms
Go to the Authentication tab, the checkbox should be Level 3
Next, click OK! That's it, the window disappears.

The next step for us will be setting up the server
In the lower right corner, right-click on the blue icon
Setting up Internet-ID connection
Click Get new ID, something similar appears:

The next step for us will be the second part of setting up the server:
open Start, Programs, Remote Manipulator System – Server, Settings for R-Server

There will be two steps, we have already completed the first (“security”).
2. Launch Mode – Automatic
3. Settings, uncheck all the checkboxes, check only “prohibit closing RMS”, also in the Logging tab the checkbox should be unchecked.
4. License key– enter this:

5. Close Settings

Open the directory where the server was installed and select the following files:

We copy, create a folder somewhere, paste everything there.
It is in this folder that all the most interesting things will happen; henceforth I will call this folder “New Folder”

We continue to work. Now we need to export our settings with passwords and all settings.

To do this we need to do the following:

For XP, WIN+R: regedit
For 7, just enter regedit in the “search for programs and files” line, and Ok
Go here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ then export Remote Manipulator System

And we indicate the path to our created folder (set the file name - sets) into which we copied our server files, this is what you should get:

The sets.reg file itself is a settings file; all your settings are stored there; if you want to change something, you need to replace only this file, having completed all the previous steps.

II. Editing the installer

Well, let's move on to the main part.

Select install.bat, right click - edit
(the first half of the code serves to remove the previously installed Radmin, Rem_Cam, and if RMS was installed on the victim’s computer, we don’t need anyone else to have access to the computer except us).

There are two simple steps:
1. Create mail on Yandex(!):
2. Please, don’t be stupid here, so that there are no questions later!
We find this almost at the very end and edit this to suit ourselves:

###LOGIN### is ONLY a login, WITHOUT adding, ###PASSWORD### - 12345678, here it’s clear - we indicate our registration data in Yandex.
Close and save.

Select the setup.exe file in the New Folder and right-click to open the archive.
We select everything that is in the New Folder (except setup.exe, of course) and drag it into the window that opens. Successfully added files to the archive.

As a result, you should get this:

Copy our setup.exe file somewhere.
You can delete everything else from the folder.

III. Completion

So, open the R folder, install the Viewer.exe file, through which we will connect to the “victim” via Internet-ID.

If you are going to throw your assembly to several “victims” at once, then there will be problems with the Internet ID, since it is assigned to one assembly for one computer.
If you are going to distribute hidden rms en masse, then in this case you need to connect to each “victim” via IP

How I personally recommend using this assembly.
You throw it to one victim, she installs it. Next, you can connect using the Internet-ID (which you copied above). You have done everything you need on the victim’s computer and then delete the assembly from the victim’s computer
To do this you need:
Connect to the victim and select the “Launch programs” connection - Browse - go to the victim’s windows\system32 directory, find the file de.exe, select it (check the “hidden launch” box)

The de.exe file is included in the assembly. This is a self-deleting file that completely removes your hidden RMS build from the victim’s computer.

After running this file, it is better for the victim to check whether the assembly has been deleted (to do this, we simply try to connect again); if we cannot, this means the assembly has been successfully deleted and we can use our assembly on another victim in the same way as on the first.
This is done so that there are no conflicts between two computers with the same Internet-ID.

The big advantage of this assembly is that the connection will be one hundred percent! Even if the victim has a dynamic IP (or behind NAT).

This assembly also integrates with the firewall. In the settings you can enable traffic saving, in this case everything will work faster and consume less traffic.
What was even more pleasing was the presence of a built-in RMS server scanner. If you suddenly lost your victim with a dynamic IP, you can easily find it by scanning the IP range in which it is located (for example

In general - try it, write reviews, leave THANKS

Optionally, create a downloader

What exactly is this downloader and what is it for?
This is an .exe file that deletes itself immediately after launch, downloads the file and installs it, and after launch it deletes itself without leaving any traces

So, let's begin!

Everything you need is in the Downloader folder

So, we need to register the server on Yandex.
You should already have mail on Yandex where IPs arrive. From this account we will register our server where we will upload our assembly.

For this:
1. Log in to your Yandex account
2. Follow the link http://narо
3. Click “Create a website” (we don’t need a website, just a file manager)
4. When our site is created, go to the file manager, ****
5. Select “Upload file”, upload our RMS assembly
6. After the file is downloaded, there should be a little gray “link” button, click and copy.

Let's say we already have a server on Yandex on which our file lies. Great, let's move on.
Next, unpack our downloaded archive, open the link folder, and edit the winupd.bat file.
###LINK### - address to the file
###DOWNLOADED"FILENAME### - file name

Batch file: open our batch file - winupd.bat
Save us: leave it as is
We put the rest as in the picture, it should turn out like this:
Options Tab:

In the Include tab, add the file wget.exe
Include tab:

The next step for us will be to place the winupd.exe file in the shell, which will drop it and then delete itself.
Click on the load.exe file, open the archive, drag the winupd.exe file into the load.exe file

All! Our downloader is ready!

For simplicity and convenience, you can sell our file to someone under the guise of a crack, patch, picture, etc. (I’ll tell you right away, it’s impossible to create an installer with the extension .jpg, .mp3, unless you first rummage through the victim’s registry, well, that’s nonsense, better to use SI)

Changes to Express RMS:

Simplified setup (enter login and password in the text box)
- After reboot, resends IP
- The installer now contains only 6 files:
- Installation is much faster

Please do not contact me in a personal message with a request to give me a key with restrictions, for all questions, as well as New versions of assemblies, write to me at contacts (below)

tags: hidden rms 5.5 5.4, hidden rms remote administration, hidden rms with sending ID and password by email, remote manipulator system 5.5, hidden administration, remote administration, remote manipulator system, hidden rms, hidden computer control, rms remote access, remote access, hidden web camera viewing, hidden web camera

In the era of Internet technology, people increasingly began to use means remote computer control. Thanks to the Internet, the user even from a smartphone has the opportunity to remotely control his computer.

Let's look at the situation: for example, you forgot to turn off your computer at home or you need to start or close some application. In this case, your smart phone, on which a utility is installed to manage your home PC, will help you. With this mobile utility, you can not only easily turn off your computer, but also open or close the programs you need. In this article we will look in detail software, which helps you control your computer via the Internet, be it a laptop, tablet or smart phone.

Remote computer control using the TeamViewer 11 utility

First we will look at a utility for quick access to a remote PC TeamViewer. The utility has become so popular that it has won millions of fans around the world. Currently version number 11 is available. You can download TeamViewer on the official website. Installation is quite simple and comes down to a couple of clicks and acceptance license agreement. After downloading and installing, the utility will look like this in Windows 10.

The program window is divided into a top toolbar and divided into two blocks. The first block is directly responsible for the settings of your computer. That is, your ID and password are displayed in it. Using an ID and password, a user can connect to you and control your PC. The second right block of the program contains tools that allow you to connect to a remote computer, while having a user ID and password.

In this example, we will describe managing computers using TeamViewer running Windows 7, XP and 10 operating systems. First of all, we will try to connect to a computer with an operating system Windows system XP. The computer from which we will connect to the PC with XP runs on Windows 10. First of all, the user of the PC with XP must tell us his ID and password. After that, on the right side of the program we enter his data, that is, his ID. A window should then appear asking you to enter your password for confirmation.

After a few seconds, the program should connect to the remote client and you should see the desktop of the remote Windows XP PC.

In the window that appears, you can see the top quick control panel of your computer and the desktop. If you go to the first tab of the Quick Control panel " Actions", then a list of functions that you can perform regarding the managed PC will open.

The following are available on this tab: teams:

  • Ending a user session;
  • Blocking user access;
  • Set the key combination “Ctrl+Alt+Del”;
  • Detailed information about the system on the remote machine;
  • Access for additional users to manage the PC.

On the second tab of the Quick Control panel " View» we have access to control options with appearance PC control windows. For example, in this tab we can set the quality that will be displayed in the window or change the screen resolution.

Third tab of the Quick Control panel " Communication» is responsible for options such as voice and video chat. Also on this tab it is possible to switch between users, that is, you can change controls.

The fourth tab of the quick control panel " Files and additional features "gives the administrator the following options:

  • Remote printing via the Internet from the administrator's computer to the printer of the managed PC;
  • A screenshot of the screen on a remote machine, saved in a specific format;
  • Recording what is happening on the desktop of a remote machine on video;
  • Fast file transfer over the Internet from a managed computer to an administrator or vice versa;
  • Creation of a remote fast VPN network on the Internet to protect the transmission of information.

Managing a remote machine with OS Windows 7 there is practically no difference. Below is a window with access to a remote machine on the seven, where we can see its desktop.

Managing Windows 10 is no different either. Below is a window with the Desktop on ten.

Since TeamViewer runs as a service in Windows and has a persistent and fast access to the Internet, in the utility because of this there are often conflicts with antivirus.

If you notice that a service conflicts with your antivirus, add it to the list of exceptions in your antivirus settings.

Many users wonder whether it is possible to conduct hidden management using TeamViewer. There is no answer to this question. If you need to manage your computer covertly, then you need utilities such as Ammyy Admin, LiteManager And Radmin. These utilities may work no warning signs on the remote machine and manage the PC as a service or process in Windows.

Managing Windows XP from a smartphone on Android and Windows Phone

For example, let's take a smartphone with an operating system Android. IN operating system Android has its own application store called " Google Play " To control a PC running XP via Android, we will download mobile version TeamViewer to the phone. To do this, go to the Android OS store " Google Play» and download TeamViewer. Installed version mobile version TeamViewer on Android looks like this.

Currently version 4.5 is available for Android. To connect to a PC with Windows XP, simply enter the ID and password. Having connected, we will find ourselves in such a window.

The image shows that there are five icons at the bottom of the window and the XP Desktop is visible. The first icon, a cross, will allow you to log out of the remote session. The second icon in the form of a keyboard will allow you to call virtual keyboard Android.

The third icon in the form of a wrench will allow you to call the “ Actions» with an analogy to the desktop Windows version. True, the functionality of this tab is very limited on Android.

The fourth tab will take us to settings Android versions TeamViewer programs.

If you do not need remote control via mobile TeamViewer, then when you start the program at the bottom there are shortcuts, computers, chat and files. These shortcuts will allow you to chat with a remote interlocutor or exchange files with him.

If you have any difficulties with the program, the company’s website has a support service that will help solve your problems. In addition, on the support website you can point out obvious errors in the program. The program is very popular and is available not only on Windows and Android. For example, there are versions to Windows Phone And Linux. On Windows Phone the application looks like this.

You can download the TeamViewer app for Windows Phone from the app store Windows store. Just like Android, the Windows Phone app is completely free. I would also like to note that an extended license for the utility has a number of advantages related to support service and TeamViewer Manager. I would also like to mention that in addition to managing Windows itself, you have the opportunity to control Android and Windows Phone devices from a laptop or desktop computer.

Let's also briefly look at a utility for Windows Phone called Microsoft Remote Desktop Preview. This utility can be downloaded from windows phone Phone in the store Windows store. This utility allows Windows Phone smartphones to quickly access via RDP. That is, on Windows smartphone Phone you can get quick access within your local network, for example, via Wi-Fi. To establish a connection from a smartphone in Windows, you need to enable remote control. To do this, in the system properties, put a tick in the “ Remote Assistance».

Now, to connect to a Windows PC, we will need the user and computer password. To connect in the utility on your phone in the fields “ User name" And " Password"Type in the user's IP address and password.

After these steps we will be taken to the XP Desktop, as in the previous utility. Also note that the article describes working with RDP in more detail.

For corporate clients company ManageEngine developed a software product Mobile device management for Android. The Mobile device management for Android software product allows you to manage hundreds of Android devices in a corporate environment. In the Mobile device management for Android software product, the system administrator can fully monitor, manage, audit Android devices and ensure secure storage of corporate data on them. Mobile device management for Android allows you to manage the following operations:

  • Device registration and configuration in various networks and on the Internet;
  • Provide quick access to various networks;
  • Managing user profiles of Android devices;
  • Managing Android applications and services and setting them up;
  • Internet security management;
  • Creating detailed reports describing the operation of applications and the device itself;
  • All administration is hidden from the user.

Expanding the capabilities of managing a remote server

To expand remote administration of Windows-based servers, developers offer special tools. In this section we will look at how you can bet these funds on sevens and tens. Basically, such features will be of most interest to system administrators and IT specialists. Thanks to these tools, the administrator will be able to edit, configure and delete user and domain credentials, remotely enable necessary services, as well as disable unnecessary services, work and configure with DNS and DHCP, configure group policies and remote desktop. It would take a very long time to describe the capabilities of these settings, since the capabilities of Windows servers are very large. Therefore, we will describe the process of enabling Remote Server Administration Tool for Windows 10 and Remote Server Administration Tool for Windows 7.

You can enable these settings on the top ten by downloading the installation package from the website

To enable these settings in the seven, we need to go to the “ Programs and Features\Turn Windows features on or off» in the Control Panel. Next, you need to check the box, as shown in the image below, and then confirm the installation of these components.

Below is a panel with remote administration tools in Windows 10. The image shows that the user is given a large set of tools, which includes managing server services, managing local politicians security and other means.

From the examples it is clear that even a novice PC user can enable remote server administration tools for Windows 10 and 7.


In this material, we got acquainted with the means of remote PC control, both using another computer and using a smartphone. We also learned a little about the tools for remote administration of Microsoft servers. We hope our material will be useful to you and you will be able to easily manage your remote computer and his Desk.

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