Unchecky what is this program for removing unnecessary checkmarks. Unchecky program - tick killer Download and installation

Nowadays it is very difficult to install any program and not get caught up in all sorts of add-ons included in the installer. Some companies still strive to feed the user with their useless and often very buggy applications. A striking example of such a company is Yandex. This company implements its software in almost every installer free utility. Mail.ru is also not far behind. Its satellites, browsers and much more tend to clog the user’s computer. For a long time, unfortunate users had only one thing to do - be extremely careful when installing this or that program. But our man is not a fool. One very capable programmer from Russia has created a program that will relieve users of the need to catch unwanted software. The rescue is called Unchecky. What is this program? We'll talk about this below.

What are unwanted programs?

Probably each of us has encountered such a situation during installation free programs: you launch the installer, click “Next”, and there, in addition to the desired program, there is also a carload of incomplete applications from Yandex or Mail.ru. Not only are they absolutely unnecessary, but they also unrealistically load the computer if installed. Such applications include, in particular, Yandex.Browser. It is useless because it is an exact copy Google Chrome. Only with even worse optimization.

Mail.ru Group also suffers from such programs. There is really nowhere to escape from her garbage. All kinds of under-browsers "Amigo", satellites "Mail.ru", "Odnoklassniki", "Games". There is no longer any strength. And if you consider that these applications are loaded along with the system, then this is generally a guard. Intrusive offers to install “Yandex” or “Mail” as home page in the browser.

This is what the Unchecky program is for - to ruthlessly stop the aggressive PR of these unscrupulous companies. And, I must say, the program copes with this task with a bang. Now let's look at it in more detail.

Which programs most often contain “gifts”?

Usually these are free applications designed for the mass segment. It is in such utilities that it is most profitable for Yandex to implement its crafts. 100% available in uTorrent, Skype and Aimp installers. Also, such attachments are often found in programs downloaded from torrent trackers. Some repack authors are especially guilty of this. For a fee, they introduce slag from Yandex and Mail into their installers. And ordinary users then suffer.

Popular instant messengers (QIP, Mail.ru Agent, etc.) are also susceptible to this disease. In general, gifts are available in those programs whose installers are most often downloaded. This helps companies promote their applications, and authors make money by making dubious deals with these villains. It is impossible to win the fight against this hydra. But you can use rescue programs. Unchecky is one of them.

What is Unchecky?

This is a program designed to save the user from DC voltage attention when installing free software. Roughly speaking, she herself will uncheck unwanted programs. Thereby prohibiting their installation. Although the utility is small, it is quite capable of handling almost all installers. Its lightness and low demands on system resources allows it to constantly hang in the tray. The performance of your PC will not suffer at all.

The most interesting thing is that this utility is needed only by users who are on a wonderful operating system from Bill Gates and his company. Neither Linux nor Mac are susceptible to malware. Yandex and Mail.ru do not want to waste their energy on them. For which they are honored and praised. That is why the program has one version - for Windows.

Principle of operation

The unwanted application blocker works like a firewall. Naturally, he needs to be given some rights. You should run the program as an administrator, because it simply will not work. Unchecky scans the running installer and checks it for unwanted applications. At the same time, the program uses the built-in library, which contains almost all the garbage provided to us by the caring Yandex (and not only by it).

The Unchecky blocking program, although small, is capable of scanning any installer for unwanted applications. Of course, she also has misfires, but this happens extremely rarely. Unless you come across some non-standard application. However, with additional programs Of the installers for uTorrent, Skype and other popular utilities, Unchecky does a great job. This software has no equal. Using the firewall principle, it scans installers and removes unnecessary checkboxes during installation.

The principle of the program is ridiculously simple, but extremely effective. The utility is not able to cope only with those unwanted applications that have appeared recently. They are simply not in the database. However, with the update of the version, these shortcomings will be taken into account and corrected. Fortunately, the author did not abandon his brainchild, but continues to actively refine it. It seems that the reason for this is letters from grateful users. In their eyes, the developer of this utility is almost Prometheus.

Download and installation

You can download Unchecky in Russian anywhere. But it’s better to go to the developer’s official website. Because that's where the latest version is located. In addition, the utility will be 100% free of any impurities. The latest version at the moment is called Unchecky 0.4. You need to download it. This is the latest stable version.

Installation is very simple. Even a beginner can handle it. All you have to do is press the “Next” button all the time. There is only one caveat. Do not change the destination folder under any circumstances, as the program may not work correctly as a result. For those who love novelty and do not care about stability, there is the Unchecky 0.4 beta version. The beta is not as stable as the previous release, but is still capable of functioning normally.

When installing this utility, your antivirus will swear loudly, but that’s okay. It recognizes Unchecky as unwanted software only because it is deeply integrated into the system and is capable of modifying system files. So he perceives her as a threat. In general, it is better to disable this hysterical antivirus when installing. Because the program may not install correctly if this same antivirus cuts its files during installation.

After installing the program, do not forget to add it to the exceptions in your antivirus and firewall. If this is not done, then an overly zealous antivirus will try to block and remove some program components, considering them to be malicious software. And the firewall may try to block her access to the Internet. In this case, you will not receive updates. But this happens extremely rarely, since only Windows firewall. But in our country, fortunately, few people use it. But it’s better to add it to exceptions. You never know.

Downloading via torrent

Of course, downloading files from a torrent tracker is much more enjoyable. The speed is several times higher than when downloading from some file hosting service. But downloading an application of 2-5 megabytes in size using a torrent smacks of perversion. Be that as it may, it is possible to download Unchecky 0.4.3 beta via torrent, since it is available there. Just keep in mind that the latest versions are not available on the torrent, since only applications that have undergone preliminary testing are posted there.

It's worth using a torrent tracker that you trust. Because dishonest distributions may contain a certain amount of malicious programs. If you don’t have a preferred service, then everything is even simpler. Just type the phrase “unchecky torrent” into a search engine and you will have a bunch of options. Download for your health.


In some cases, you will have to do a little tweaking of the program. There will be no problems with this, since the Unchecky Rus version has full support for the Russian language (and you definitely downloaded it), and was made by our compatriot. And it has very few settings. By the way, the author advises not to change the standard settings too much, since in this case effective work applications are not guaranteed. Well, let's take his word for it. And we won’t change any special settings.

All we need to do is decide whether to allow the program to make changes to system file hosts. If you absolutely do not need this (because the hosts may contain information that cannot be changed under any circumstances), then it will be enough to check the box next to “Do not use” hosts file". If you don't care, then we leave everything as it is. That's the whole setup.

Working with the program

After installation, you need to launch the program using a shortcut on your desktop. That's all. The utility will reside in your system tray and will ruthlessly stop attempts to install unwanted applications. Whenever you install free software from the system tray, a message will be displayed stating that the installation attempt was stopped. This is how Unchecky works. What kind of program is it if it doesn't load the computer? This is the trick of this utility. She does everything herself. And it does this almost unnoticeably.

To work with the program you do not need any special skills, because it works itself. Fully automatic. Just when installing any free application a message will appear from the system tray stating that the installation of a potentially useless product has been prevented software. Otherwise, the utility behaves quietly. And this is another plus of Unchecky. What kind of program is it if it annoys the user with constant demands?

The only thing Unchecky may ask for over time is an update. There is no need to resist here, because with each update the program only gets better. And new versions always include some interesting new features. And updates usually close the holes of old versions.


If for some reason you are not satisfied with the program, then removing it will not be difficult. Although it is difficult to imagine such a situation, because if there is justice in the world, then it is implemented in the form of Unchecky. How to remove the utility? Exactly the same as all other programs. Go to "Control Panel", select "Programs and Features", look for the desired program, right-click on the name and click "Delete". After this, the program will uninstall itself. Nothing complicated.

It is worth noting that the uninstaller may ask questions about what you are not happy with about this utility. Of course, you can rightfully ignore the question, but it’s better to answer. The fact is that in this way the developer learns about the shortcomings of the program. These statistics help him make his product even better.

During uninstallation, do not forget to check the “Delete user settings” checkbox so that the utility is completely removed. It would also not be harmful to check the registry for the presence of tails from remote programs. This, in principle, should be done once a month. And Unchecky has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Very often, after installing a program, the user notices that his home page in the browser has changed, advertising toolbars have appeared, or unnecessary applications. This is due to the fact that developers include additional software in the executable file, the appearance of which on the computer occurs without the user’s initiative. Antiviruses do not react in any way to such intrusive actions, since software installation occurs due to inattention - users simply forget to uncheck the boxes when installing programs.

Unchecker is a reliable assistant that automatically removes “birds” and thereby prevents the installation of intrusive applications and advertising panels. The utility has a simple interface in Russian and has optimal parameters out of the box, eliminating the need to make additional settings.


  • automatic removal of “checkmarks” during software installation;
  • rejecting requests to change the home page in the browser;
  • protection against loading advertising toolbars and potentially dangerous files;
  • simple Russified interface;
  • autostart with Windows.

Principle of operation:

The developers tried to minimize user participation in setting up the program. Immediately after installation, the utility is minimized to the system tray and is completely ready to perform its main task.

The main menu of the application consists of three tabs. The “Home” section contains information about the work performed (how many “birds” were “processed”) and shows the status of the Unchecky service. The “Settings” block allows you to disable notifications when you uncheck the boxes, select the interface language and remove the icon from the system tray. Here, in “Advanced settings” you can turn off recording in the Hosts file. However, for most users this is not necessary and should only be done when there are conflicts in the system. The third tab “About the program” logically contains information about the developer.


  • high application efficiency;
  • The utility is completely free;
  • optimal parameters “out of the box”;
  • maintaining statistics of work performed.


  • the application will not 100% protect against the installation of unwanted software;
  • theoretically a conflict with the system host file is possible.

Unchecker will save inattentive users from installing unnecessary software. True, the downside of such concern is that sometimes you may not find out about interesting offers. Therefore, we advise you to take a balanced approach to any process, and the hero of our review will help you avoid filling your disk with unwanted programs.


  • Adguard - application for blocking Internet advertising;
  • AdwCleaner is a utility for searching for adware and spyware.

Unchecky is a utility that will be an excellent assistant for those people who have to install a lot of software on their computer. It's no secret that software developers very often supply installers with all sorts of toolbars, programs of dubious necessity and other rubbish. If during the installation process you forget to uncheck any boxes (and the developers are very diligent in hiding them), then install unnecessary software on your computer, which may not be so easy to remove.

So, the Unchecky application is specifically designed to “uncheck” all unnecessary checkboxes for you in a timely manner. The program does this in background, working as a system service. At the same time, it can notify you about its actions using pop-up alerts. All program activity is recorded in a log, allowing you to see at any time what software was blocked and when the program was blocked. The utility itself is completely free, fully translated into Russian, contains a minimum number of settings and consumes system resources quite “democratically”.

Good afternoon friends. Unchecky is a special software that is used to prevent the installation of various harmful programs - viruses - on your PC. Or just software you don't need.

I think that each of you at least once in your life has encountered the fact that after installing another piece of software, along with this software, a whole series of programs are installed on your computer that you frankly do not need.

This is at best; at worst, these programs will try to take over control of the computer. That is, they will begin to engage in outright sabotage. For example, such programs often disable the restore points of your system so that you cannot restore the system and return everything to its place.

Among other things, such pests often disable the Task Manager so that you cannot suspend the operation of many programs that they manage to run. The following message appears: “The manager has been disabled by the administrator.” What other administrator? In other words, you have caught an outright virus.

But more often it happens that in such cases a number of programs are simply installed that you do not need. For example, icons from VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mail, etc. appear on the desktop.

The most interesting thing is that through uninstallation programs like Revo, this newly installed software is not always displayed. If it is visible, then by all means remove it. If it is not visible, go to Control Panel, then “Uninstall Programs” and remove all programs installed that day.

I have written a lot about this, and even wrote two FREE books “” and “”. Therefore, we will not dwell on this. I can only remind you - always keep an eye on the checkboxes in the program installation panel.

When installing any program, select not “Installation Recommended” (may be the default), but “Custom Installation” (for experienced users). During a custom installation, you will install exactly those program components that you need, without unnecessary software, often malicious.

Also, when you download software from Torrent sites, keep track of what exactly is being downloaded. If you see the inscription “ Silent Installation", cancel this download and download the same program from another resource. Silent installation is installation directly while downloading a program from a torrent site.

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