Controlling another Android device. Remote access and management of Android devices

The modern user owns more than one multimedia device. Most often, in addition to a computer, it is a phone or tablet. Sometimes you just don’t want to move to the computer from a comfortable sofa to complete some tasks. Or there is a need for files from your home PC, but there is no way to get to it. At such moments, the “Remote Access” function will come to the rescue. Since Android remains the most common operating system for mobile devices, we will consider it.

The remote access function is also available on Android

Remote control of a tablet, phone or computer will require you to:

  1. Multimedia device with Android operating system.
  2. Stationary Personal Computer or laptop.
  3. A little time.

First of all, you should decide on the goals of subsequent actions. After reading this material, you will be able to carry out remote Android management-device from a computer and vice versa, control your PC from a tablet or smartphone. Also, such mundane tasks as finding a lost phone, copying documents or folders to and from it, working with calls and SMS will reach a new level.

Step 1 - Google to help

First, provide yourself with access to the Play Market, an online application store for Android. To do this, you will need to create a Google account, or use an existing one. You just need to go through a simple registration procedure on the site - and you're done.

Let's try to do without third-party programs for now and use the capabilities directly operating system Android. To do this, in the “Location” section, allow device detection (check the boxes next to “Google Search” and “ Wireless network"). Now, by going to the store website Google applications play under your avatar, in the settings (gear image) you will see the item “Android Remote Control”. Click it and enjoy!

This option for accessing a smartphone from a computer is not amazing in its functionality. You can force your phone to ring, erase all data on it, or look at its approximate location on a map.

Step 2 - Selecting Third Party Software

Universal programs

The most popular solution is Teamviewer.

The features of this program include, first of all, cross-platform. It doesn’t matter whether you have Linux, Windows or Macintosh - everything will work the same, namely perfectly! To work, you will need applications of the same name on each device and the Internet. Easy registration, stability, speed and free distribution have become the main features of this program. Each device is given a number and password, by entering which you can connect. The scope of application is practically unlimited - you can do everything on a tablet that you can do on a PC, and vice versa.

Remote control of an Android device from computer

The most functional solution is AirDroid.

This is due to being free, simple and functional. When you first launch, you will be asked to register. It is better to do this without limiting the functionality of the program. In any case, the main window will be displayed with two addresses and a QR code.

If the Android device and computer are in the same Wi-Fi networks, you can go to the second address (just copy it to your PC browser) and access your smartphone or tablet. Or, using the camera, scan the code directly from the PC screen - and get the same result. You will be taken to the control panel of your Android device.

If your mobile device is not connected to the same Wi-Fi network (especially convenient if it is not nearby at all), then follow the first link in the program - This is where your newly created login and password will come in handy. With these simple manipulations, you will get remote control of your Android device, wherever it is.

Using this program, you can on your computer:

  • Work with calls and address book.
  • and MMS messages.
  • Install applications from your phone memory or PC.
  • Transfer files and folders between devices (both ways).
  • Use your smartphone as a webcam.

As mentioned above, the program is completely free, but has some limitations. For example, when connecting outside of one Wi-Fi, network data transfer is limited to one hundred megabytes, and location determination and camera activation are also unavailable. As often happens, the paid version will help you get around the restrictions - only $2 per month or $20 per year. Looking at the impressive list of advantages, functionality and friendly interface, we can say that this software worth the money.

An interesting solution for conservatives and users who are afraid of getting confused in the interface. You simply get your Android screen on your computer desktop. You can perform the same actions that are available in mobile device, by creating a VNC server. A “must have” program for copying contacts or SMS. Working with personal information requires authentication.

A simple program that creates a virtual desktop for your Android device in your browser. Suitable for transferring files between devices, listening to music and videos. Has a slightly confusing interface.

Remote control of a computer from an Android device

An interesting application that completely emulates the desktop of your PC. It has a lot of settings and a nice interface. Makes remote access of an Android device to a computer fast and enjoyable. Disadvantages include noticeable slowdown on weak devices and the lack of any tools for working with screen resolution.

In many cases, it is more convenient to manage smartphone content from a personal computer or laptop. This applies, for example, to the processing of media files – photographs, audio and video recordings. Another important point– the ability to transfer large files from a mobile device to desktop computer.

This list contains several applications that will allow you to perform many operations with your phone on your PC. This includes accessing your smartphone camera or taking screenshots of your mobile device from your desktop computer.

Android is one of the most famous applications for connecting mobile devices with a computer. It also has many functions - showing notifications about incoming calls or messages, notifications from messaging applications such as Whatsapp. If you have a profile on Airdroid, the phone search function will be available.

Airmore is an application that allows you to stream videos, photos and music from your smartphone. Photos are organized by day or month to make it easier to upload or delete.

Using Airmore, you can also manage contacts and send messages to several recipients at a time.

How to use:

1. Install the application for Android or iOS
2. Open Airmore Web in your desktop browser and scan the displayed QR code. Click “Accept” on your mobile device.
3. Another way: you can also establish a connection via IP, code or connection via a mobile hotspot (distributed by wi-fi).

Airmore allows you to manage files both in the phone memory and on the SD card.

The Connect Me app allows you to stream any video or other media file stored on your phone. You can even connect to your phone camera and view the feed from your desktop computer. There is also a function sending SMS or calls without using a smartphone. The application will notify you when new calls or messages arrive.

Web PC Suite allows you to view and stream your photos, music, videos, documents, APK files(APK (English Android Package) - a format of archived executable files - applications for Android) and other types of files from your Adnoid device to your desktop computer via WiFi or personal hotspot. The interface supports drag and drop.

With Mighty Text, you can send or receive SMS or MMS to your computer using your phone number, or send SMS from your Gmail profile. The app includes a PowerView feature that allows you to have multiple conversations at once.

There are two main types of interaction between a computer and an Android device. The first option is to remotely connect and control the device from a computer. Thanks to functionality Android system, the reverse interaction has become possible: connecting the phone to the computer OS, as well as performing a certain number of tasks on it.

Implementation of remote interaction between smartphone and PC

This task can be divided into two successive stages:

  • Preparatory;
  • Direct connection and control.

So how can you control your computer through an Android device? The very first step is to install specialized programs on both devices. Without this, their interaction is simply impossible.

Let's look at the connection algorithm using the Splashtop application as an example. The program is free and can be downloaded from the GooglePlay store. Similar software is loaded onto the computer, but with official page utilities. After downloading and installing it, follow the algorithm:

On a program installed on a PC, you can activate the mode automatic switching on along with the device startup. This will ensure visibility and remote access from your Android device every time your computer connects to the network.

To end the session, press the Back or Home button on your phone. This program does not allow you to remotely turn on your computer or wake it from sleep mode.

Remote access to Android device

There are two main options for this type of interaction:

  • Google services (built-in system tools allow you to create limited remote control of an Android device);
  • Software from third party developers.

Connection via built-in services

This method gives very limited access, while it is most often used for smartphones, although sometimes it is also used by tablet PC owners.

Remote control in this way allows you to perform the following manipulations with the Android OS:

  • Track the location of the device;
  • Call and device blocking;
  • Perform a Hard Reboot.

To configure interaction in this way, you need to have account Google, and also debug the phone itself:

Let's do it with an example free application AirDroid. You can download it from Google PlayMarket. After installation, launch the application. On the main page of the utility at the top you will see the IP address. Enter it into the address bar of your PC browser.

The application offers a choice of two interaction methods. When entering the top address, registration in the system, as well as authorization, will be required. Management will be carried out from global network Internet. The second address does not require entering a login and password, but is only suitable for a local network.

Connection is possible not only from a PC, but also from other Android-based devices: smartphones, tablets, convertible laptops, etc.

After all the manipulations, confirm the login on both devices.

The main page of the application will open. Here you can find all the necessary functionality to manage your device: applications, battery charge, widgets, system data, etc.

Working with the program

The application allows you to use the following functions:

  • Making incoming calls, answering calls, writing messages;
  • Editing contact information(removing and adding new information about the subscriber, etc.);
  • Viewing gallery contents (viewing and changing photo and video materials);
  • Screenshot (this requires Root rights);
  • Working with a camera (can be used for video surveillance and determining the location of the device).

In today's material we will look at one interesting feature remote control Android smartphone or tablet via computer. Will use standard web tools and the PlayMarket application store environment and settings Google account. This will help you make working with your gadget a little easier.
For full-fledged work, you need a working Google account linked to the device, a personal computer or laptop with access to the Internet and a little time. We will look at two questions: remote installation on your Android applications and remote control and so let’s get started.

How to remotely install applications on your Android

To get started, we will make a simple personal setup and give a few examples ( all screenshots enlarge when clicked):

1. To begin, go to home page PlayMarket website and log into your account by entering your username and password;

2. When you log in, you will see your name and avatar in the upper right corner;

3. Click on the gear icon (settings) and select “Devices”;

4. A list of All devices linked to your account will appear. If you have many devices, then by model or registration date you can find the one you need and give it a unique name by clicking the rename button;

5. Great, basic settings checked and done, now you can enter the name in the search column desired application or just go to the directory;

6. For example, we went to the Music section and want to install “VKontakte Music”. Click on it and read its basic description and look at the photo;

7. If we are completely satisfied with the application, then click the install button, select your device from the list and that’s all. As soon as your Android is in Wi-Fi zone network, the application will be installed on it automatically.

Remote control Android

1. Login to home page PlayMarket;

2. In the settings menu, select “Android Remote Control”;

3. In the settings of your smartphone, the option for remote device detection must be enabled: settings – location (see screenshot below);

4. In the remote control settings, you can perform the following functions:

a. Send a loud remote call that can only be muted with the Power key;

b. Remotely delete all data on a smartphone or tablet;

c. Find the current location of your Android device with high accuracy.

So we looked at all the possible options for remote control of a device based on the Android platform. Everything is quite simple and clear, if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Have you ever wondered if control is possible? Android smartphone from a computer? Surely you already imagine how convenient it is to view files from your phone on your PC and write messages from the keyboard. Or suddenly you forgot your phone at home, and you need contacts of people at work? In this article I will tell you which applications can be used to control Android from a PC.

Controlling Android from a Computer

There are many utilities that can be used to control an Android device from a PC. We will look at two of the widely known ones, and you will choose the one that seems most convenient to you.

How to use AirDroid

Consider the AirDroid program - in my opinion, this is one of the best web-based programs for solving this problem. It has a user-friendly interface that will be simple and understandable for any user.

Now you can start controlling Android phone from a computer. This will allow you to easily view files, photos, type messages and even make calls. With this application you can take screenshots, monitor battery charge, and view all information about your device.

You can also install this application on your tablet, and you can control your Android phone from your Android tablet through the browser.

Controlling an Android smartphone from a computer: Video

Via TeamViewer QuickSupport

Let's consider another program that will help owners. It may be familiar to you - this is TeamViewer.

This utility will be a good help in remote interaction with your smartphone. Familiarize yourself with the tabs and capabilities of this program: with its help you can view information about the connected device, monitor the operation of the processor, load random access memory, monitor the battery level, control the amount of free and used memory, and all this on one screen. By going to the “Applications” tab, you can view the size, version, and installation date of applications on your mobile device. You can also delete them.

Now it is possible to conveniently restore order on your smartphone from the monitor screen; The “Processes” tab will also be useful, where you can see which application consumes the device’s resources the most and estimate its operating time.

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