Installing bluetooth driver on windows 7. Is it possible to install bluetooth on a computer? Installing Bluetooth on PC

The presence of a certain number of radio-electronic devices will certainly lead to the idea of ​​connecting them to a computer for wireless transmission of any data. Each owner of, for example, a mobile phone connected it to a computer using Bluetooth and transferred photos and music. This is really convenient when you are sitting on your favorite sofa and leisurely selecting files to send to your computer, and there are no cables dangling around, which, by the way, you still need to try to get.

The Bluetooth standard provides for data transmission over a distance of about 10 meters; With the development of this technology, both the speed and the distance at which devices can confidently “communicate” with each other increase. Thanks to this, it is possible to create even a small computer network based on this wireless data transfer standard, connecting several computers, mobile phones, PDAs, printers, etc.

Installing Bluetooth on a computer is as easy as shelling pears - all modern adapters come in the form of a USB keychain, the size of a regular flash drive. There are also versions made in a special microformat. Agree, if you are using a regular desktop computer, then the size of the adapter plugged somewhere in the area of ​​​​the rear panel of the system unit actually does not matter. Size matters when used with laptops that are not equipped with a built-in Bluetooth adapter, and allows you not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the laptop.

Connect the Bluetooth adapter to a free USB port on your computer. Having detected a new device, the Windows operating system will happily notify you about this and will try to automatically install the necessary drivers via the Internet; if the attempt is unsuccessful, you will be asked to specify the path to the drivers yourself. In this case, you will need the CD that came with your Bluetooth adapter.

If you do not know where the drivers for your device are located on the CD, it is recommended that you close the dialog box that requires you to specify the path to the driver and trust the auto-installer located on the disk itself. To run the auto-installer, simply insert the disc into your CD-ROM drive and follow the on-screen instructions. In most cases, you won’t even need to read these instructions - just obediently click the “Next” and “Finish” button. With this approach, the drivers will be installed with default settings and, most likely, this will be enough to fully work with Bluetooth.

During the driver installation process, a Windows window may appear warning that this hardware has not been tested to work with this version of Windows and prompt the user for action. Don't worry about these kinds of messages - just click the "Continue" button.

The installer may also ask you to remove the adapter from the USB port before installing the drivers. Do not refuse this offer, because... the drivers simply won’t install and you’ll have to start the whole process all over again.

When the driver installation process is successfully completed, a new icon in the form of a blue oval with a scissor-like inside will appear in the system tray. If the “scissors” are red, then the adapter is turned off and to turn it on you will need to right-click on this icon and select the only available option “turn on adapter”. Your device is now turned on and ready to use.

On a desktop PC, the presence of Bluetooth will also be indicated on the motherboard. But for this purpose, opening the system unit (besides, if the computer is still under warranty) would be stupid.

Here is a harmless way to check for bluetooth on your PC.

  1. Open the context menu of the “My Computer” shortcut (right-click on it)
  2. - "Properties"
  3. – “Hardware” (if Windows XP is installed)
  4. - "Device Manager".

Next, look for Bluetooth in the list that appears. If it is not in the list, it is not available on the PC. In this case, you can simply purchase an additional USB Bluetooth adapter and the lack of Bluetooth on your computer will be compensated.

How to install bluetooth on a computer?

Now let’s figure out how to install a Bluetooth adapter on your computer yourself.

  • Install the drivers (they come with the device on the disk).
  • Connect the adapter via a USB connector.

The device is detected by the computer automatically. If you don't have drivers, you can use the BlueSoleil utility. Download it from the Internet and install it on your PC. So, the adapter is installed, now . How to do it?

Usually, after installing Bluetooth, an icon in the form of a blue tooth appears on the taskbar. The device is controlled through this icon. If after installation this image does not appear, then do the following:

  • “Start” - “My Computer” - “Control Panel”.
  • Find Bluetooth controls in the list and turn on the device.

Everything is much simpler on a laptop. To control Bluetooth there is a separate button on the device body.

Economy versions of laptops may contain only a button, while the adapter itself may be missing. After it has become clear how to install a Bluetooth adapter on your computer yourself, let’s move on to the specifics of setting it up.

  • Run a scan to identify devices within the module's range.
  • - "Control Panel"
  • — “Devices and Printers”
  • - “Add device”.

Upon completion of the scanning stage, you will see a list of found devices. Select the device you want to connect to. Basically, that's all.

Note on topic! I have a couple more articles about bluetooth in stock, so I invite you to read it. I told where, and also said. There is also an article and.

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Currently, the most common wireless communication standard is Wi-Fi technology, with which you can transfer and download files at very decent speeds. But not so long ago, almost every user was constantly transferring files via Bluetooth. This standard made it possible to transmit and receive information at speeds of up to 1 Mbit/s, and today its fourth specification supports theoretical speeds of up to 24 Mbit/s.

Even in our time, such characteristics look significant, but for some reason users and manufacturers remember less and less about the impressive characteristics of the Blue Tooth. So, many laptops of recent years do not have this wireless data transfer protocol. In general, this attitude is amazing, since store shelves are full of wireless mice and keyboards that communicate with the computer precisely according to this standard. That’s why today we’ll talk about how to install bluetooth on a laptop.

Choosing a USB adapter

This is the name of a special device with a Bluetooth module that is connected to the USB port of a laptop. After installing the appropriate drivers or programs, you will be able to receive or send files. Since all modern devices of this class are extremely compact, only a few millimeters of the adapter body will protrude above the surface of the USB port.

Thus, before you install bluetooth on your laptop, you need to buy it. How to choose equipment of this class?

In fact, there are no special recommendations here. First, pay attention to the class of the device: we have already written that today there are four versions of Bluetooth (the last one is just beginning to come into use), so it makes sense to buy an adapter of at least the third specification. Today there are a huge number of Chinese Bluetooth 2.0 “whistles” on the market. Their cost is low. Of course, they are so-so, but for a connection or keyboard they are quite suitable.

Since installation is most often required precisely for this purpose, there is no particular need to choose. But! If you plan to use a computer, laptop or tablet as a kind of FTP server, buy only an adapter with Bluetooth 3.0 or higher, otherwise the connection speed simply will not be enough.

Before installing Bluetooth on a Lenovo laptop, it is generally better to buy an adapter with the fourth specification, since this company is quickly starting to integrate it into its devices.

Also, pay attention to the overall build quality of the device. It is best to buy those adapters that come with some kind of management utility. In not so distant times, there were even devices that came with the BlueSoleil program, the cost of which on the official website was almost a thousand rubles! This is much less common today, but it doesn’t hurt to look.

Since “Blue Tooth” is not so common today, look at combined devices: Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules are combined in one case, which makes the adapter even more versatile. Before installing Bluetooth on your computer, go to specialized stores.

Software solutions

Now we will discuss programs that are best suited for organizing wireless communication between your devices. And the first on the list is the not very well-known, but functional and free Widcomm utility. Before installing Bluetooth on an Asus laptop, it is better to download it. The fact is that this program best uses all the advantages of wireless communication modules from this particular company.

Widcom installation

First, download the online installer from the official website, which will automatically save the most current version of the application to your computer. Since it is not possible to install Bluetooth on a computer without an adapter, it must also be connected to any free USB port.

In the installer window, be sure to check the Accept checkbox. Immediately after this, you can click on the “Next” button, after which the next installation program dialog box will open.

Attention! The program will automatically detect all Bluetooth adapters connected to your computer and also check their compatibility with its drivers. Only if this check is successful does the direct download of the installation package itself begin.

Please note that the installer file is quite large, so owners of GPRS/EDGE modems will have to be patient. In addition, after successful installation and verification of the device, you will need to click on the Reboot button in the final installation dialog. After rebooting, you will find the program icon in the system tray. Here's how to install Bluetooth on a laptop.

How to configure Widcomm

Right-click on the icon and the main window will open with all Widcomm options. In particular, here you can give a meaningful name to each of the devices that are connected to the computer. In the “Local Services” and “Client Applications” tabs, permissions for local security policies are set, and separate ports are mounted for each specific gadget.

How to connect devices via Widcomm?

This application provides a fast and common type of device connection. If you plan to transfer a small file once, the easiest way is to click on the “Find devices” button, after which your smartphone or other gadget will appear in the list. Then we come up with a random PIN code and enter it on the computer and on the connected device. The connection will be made, after which the file will be sent or received.

Before installing bluetooth on your laptop, come up with some standard code that will be reliable enough to use on all your devices.

In the case where you plan to constantly connect to the gadget, it is best to set up a permanent connection. Click on the “Connect Bluetooth device” item, then follow all the same steps that we have already discussed above. The only difference will be that the identification code entered once will be saved by the program and the device itself, after which it will not need to be written each time it is connected.

BlueSoleil program

Unlike the option described above, the BlueSoleil program is paid (about $30), but its functionality is definitely worth the money. How to use it?

As in the previous case, you need to turn on Bluetooth on your phone and connect the adapter to your computer or laptop. After this, in the main program window, double-click with the left mouse button on the stylized image of the ball. We look for your device in the list that opens, then click on the file transfer service icon. Before installing Bluetooth, find out the name of your gadget in advance: in cities it often happens that there are several phones in the field of view of the adapter, and therefore it can be difficult to choose yours among them.

You will also need to come up with a PIN code, enter it into the appropriate fields on your phone (or other gadget), after which the connection will be established. Managing the program is very simple, so you will quickly understand all the nuances.

Install Bluetooth on the tablet

Let us immediately note that finding a tablet without this wireless communication standard is almost impossible. So you definitely don’t have to look for an adapter for your tablet. Therefore, we will talk about those programs that can simplify and improve the management of wireless communications on a tablet.

It is no secret that many Chinese manufacturers include extremely useless and inconvenient utilities of this kind in the basic firmware for their tablets, and Samsung itself is not guilty of this very rarely. So how to install bluetooth on an Android tablet?

Bluetooth File Transfer

This program is very simple, compact and completely free. Designed specifically for tablets, it allows you to make the most of the existing Bluetooth module for transferring files.

In addition, the developers offer an FTP server option, which allows two-way access to files. Thus, you can transfer and view files both on the tablet itself and on the computer that is paired with it. Important! Unlike many similar applications, Bluetooth File Transfer allows you to send and receive not only individual documents, but also entire directories with them. This eliminates the need to install programs for working with archives on the tablet, many of which are not of very high quality and are paid.

ASTRO Bluetooth Module

This is not a stand-alone program, but a module for the file manager for Android, ASTRO File Manager. Both applications are free. What important options does this utility have? Oh, there are not so few of them!

Through its widget, you can quickly turn the Bluetooth module on and off, use your tablet as an FTP server, scan the network for public resources, and also open folders on your device for shared access. The module is regularly updated, and therefore more and more new functions are constantly appearing in its composition.

Here's how to install Bluetooth on your laptop or tablet. There is nothing complicated about this, since today there is a huge number of not only free applications, but also cheap Bluetooth adapters for connecting them to computers that do not have this module technologically.

Using Bluetooth technology, you can connect various devices to your computer without using wires. However, for correct operation you will need to perform certain manipulations. The whole process is divided into three simple steps, which we will discuss in detail below.

There is already an article on our website that provides instructions for setting up Bluetooth in Windows 10. You can read it using the link below, and for owners of the seventh version of this operating system, we have prepared the following guide.

Step 1: Installing Drivers

First of all, you should make sure that suitable drivers are installed for the Bluetooth adapter or motherboard with built-in equipment. They ensure correct interaction of all connected devices, and sometimes allow additional functions to work. Read more about how to perform this manipulation in our separate material.

Step 2: Set up Bluetooth support service

Windows 7 contains a large number of services that ensure normal operation of the system with various equipment and tools. Among the list of all services there is "Bluetooth Help", which is responsible for detecting and negotiating remote equipment. Its configuration is carried out as follows:

Before leaving, don't forget to click on "Apply" for all changes to take effect. If after some time the settings you have chosen are lost, we recommend logging into the system under an administrator account and repeating the instructions.

Step 3: Adding Devices

Your computer is now ready to work with devices connected using Bluetooth technology. When connecting peripherals, you should add it to the equipment list and configure settings if this does not happen automatically. The whole process looks like this:

You will find detailed instructions for connecting various wireless devices to your computer in our other materials at the links below.

Bluetooth technology is no longer used so often today, although it is excellent for data exchange. Today, almost every mobile device (mobile phones, smartphones, tablet PCs) is equipped with such technology. But few people use it to exchange data with a personal computer or laptop. Using this wireless technology, you can save your files to your computer and vice versa, record them on your phone without using a USB cable.

Most laptops today, unfortunately, are not equipped with this technology. There are some models, but they are few. There is no need to despair, since such a module can be installed externally.

So, if the Bluetooth module is built-in in a laptop, this will be written about in its characteristics. Its activation is performed using a combination of the Fn keys (on the laptop keyboard, bottom left, between the Ctrl and Windows keys) and one of the function keys - F1, F2 or another from this row, on which the Bluetooth icon will be drawn.

If, however, your laptop is not equipped with such a device, you will need to install it yourself. To do this, you will need a special Bluetooth adapter and drivers for it; the device is connected to the USB port of the PC.

Detailed instructions for installing the technology on a laptop will be provided by the manufacturer of your adapter, but they are usually typical for all devices. Before connecting devices, you need to install special software and drivers for the device (if they are not included with the adapter, they can be downloaded on the Internet).

Bluetooth installation

  1. We insert the installation disk into the laptop drive and wait for autostart.
  2. The program installation wizard starts, we follow it step by step:
  • agreement with terms of use, ideally, read the license agreement;
  • select a location for installation on the laptop disk;
  • installation is performed automatically, wait for completion;
  • We reboot the laptop system.

If the installation wizard from disk does not start automatically, go to “My Computer”, right-click and click “Open” or “Autorun”.

  1. After installing the program, connect the Bluetooth adapter via the USB port, wait until the computer detects the device, if it does not, reinstall the drivers and software.
  2. Launch the shortcut on the desktop that appeared after installation - the Bluetooth icon. In the window that opens, enter your data - computer name, its type, etc.
  3. Make a test connection with your phone or tablet. When you find a laptop in your phone, try to connect to it, enter a random PIN code (standard pairing procedure when connecting two devices via Bluetooth for the first time). If the installation is completed correctly and the device is functioning, a form will appear on the computer in which you must enter the same PIN code. After this, you will be able to transfer your files.

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