WhatsApp 4 new. What is WhatsApp and how to use it

WhatsApp Messenger is a mobile messenger program for fast and free communication by exchanging short messages in the form of text, pictures, video and animation, as well as audio and video calls.

To start using the application, just download WhatsApp for free on your Android phone and in Russian from the link below, enter your mobile number and activate your account via the received SMS.

Important! For WhatsApp Messenger to work correctly, you need a constant connection to the 3G-4G (H-LTE) mobile Internet or Wi-Fi access point.

Distinctive functionality of WhatsApp

The program greets the user with a pleasant, slightly green interface, designed in a minimalist style. Main:

How to download and install WhatsApp on your Android phone step by step

The first thing you need to do is download WhatsApp for free to your Android phone as an APK file or through the Play Market. Then start the installation, then open it through the icon that appears in the smartphone/tablet menu and enter your cell number. An SMS with an activation code will be sent to the entered number; it must be entered into the program if it has not done so itself.

After successful installation, you can go to the Contacts section and see who you can write to via WhatsApp (there will be a green WhatsApp icon next to the name).

In the application you can set a status: busy, at school, at the cinema and another, which all your friends and family will see.

Remember! Everything you write and send via WhatsApp Messenger happens over mobile networks (the Internet on your phone), for which you may be charged at your rate.

Advantages of WhatsApp Messenger on Android, where you can:

You can download WhatsApp on your Android phone for free and in Russian and is recommended for all users who are tired of paying for SMS and MMS messages.

WhatsApp is a new, fast, free (for the first year of use) way of communication between people who have already installed this application, and it does not matter whether they are close or far from each other. The owner of a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, including devices running on operating systems such as Windows, Android, IOS, can download WhatsApp today.

Why do you need WhatsApp?

  • To send free messages with or without emoticons.
  • To attach various information to sent messages: pictures, drawings, photographs, audio, video files.
  • To participate in chats with multiple participants.
  • To send your location to any of the participants in this system.
  • To save on regular phone calls and sending standard SMS messages.
  • To quickly start communicating in a new format (no registration required). Moreover, the program itself scans your contact book (phone book) for already registered users of this system.
  • To be able to communicate with one (or several) of the three hundred thousand registered WhatsApp participants around the world.
  • To use all the features of this application completely free for a whole year after installation and for a symbolic amount - for the second and subsequent years of use.

Before downloading...

Before downloading WhatsApp, the user needs to check whether his device meets the requirements of the program:

  • Whatsapp messenger works using 3G, 2G, 4G, EDGE or WiFi networks. If your smartphone (tablet) has access to the Internet using one of the indicated methods, then you can take advantage of all the delights of this program.
  • Subsequently, you will be able (if necessary) to install WhatsApp on a personal computer, but only if the account is already activated from a mobile phone (smartphone). Read more about downloading to your computer here.
  • Before downloading, you need to make sure that you have chosen the latest version of the popular messenger, because the owner of the rights to this program is constantly improving it and releasing new versions.


Instructions for Android owners.

First way:
1.Go to the official website of the program https://www.whatsapp.com.

2.If you need to change the language, click on the small triangle in the upper right corner of the page, located near the two letters indicating the display language and the stylistic image of the globe. From the drop-down menu with a list of languages, select the desired one (for your WhatsApp to be in Russian, accordingly, you need to select “Russian”).

3.After selecting the language, find the “Download” link at the top of the page and click on it (after “Whatsapp Web” and “Functions”).

4.When a new window opens in front of you, divided into two parts - for the phone and for the PC:

  • a) click on the “Android” link on the left side if you are downloading the installation file for a smartphone to a computer or laptop;
  • b) follow the link whatsapp.com/dl (it is located just below on the right side of the window inside the phrase “Go to whatsapp.com/dl on your phone to install the application”), if you are downloading from a smartphone, and then follow select the Android version and follow the instructions further.

5. A new window will open in front of you with a large green button called “Download now”. Click it to start downloading. This way you will download the latest version of WhatsApp.

Second way:
Follow the direct download link https://www.cdn.whatsapp.net/android/2.16.381/WhatsApp.apk

If you want to find out even more information about how to download the application on your phone - , on your tablet - . Read about what to do after downloading and how to install the WhatsApp application on any device. The same information, but regarding installation on the phone, .

Instructions for those who have an iPhone (device with the iOS operating system):

  1. To start downloading WhatsApp to your iPhone, follow all the steps indicated in the previous instructions, only in the fourth step you will need to select “iPhone”.
  2. If, after going to the fifth step in the instructions, you did not get to the download page and did not see the “Download” button, download the application installation file from the AppSore store using the link https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/id310633997 or use an alternative method downloads.

Instructions for Windows Phone owners:

  1. Follow steps 1–3 from the main instructions or immediately follow the link https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/store/p/whatsapp/9wzdncrdfwbs.
  2. On the Microsoft website to which the system will redirect you, click the “Get application” button to start downloading it.

Instructions for owners of Nokia, Blackberry:
1.Follow steps one through three of the main instructions.

2. Find the inscription “Other platforms” at the bottom of the screen and click on the “Nokia Symbian” link if your phone model is Symbian, “Nokia S40” if your phone model is S40, “BlackBerry” if you have a Blackberry device.

3. Click the “Download now” button to download the program.

Instead of the instructions described above, you can immediately follow the link:
https://www.whatsapp.com/nokia/WhatsApp_2_16_57.sis and wait a little while the file is downloaded.

Instructions for PC owners:

  1. To download the application for free, follow steps one through three from the very first instructions.
  2. On the right side of the screen, click on one of three links (depending on the operating system installed on your device).

You can simply download Whatsapp for your computer or laptop by following one of the links instead of the previous steps:

  • Download Whatsapp for Mac OS - https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/mac/files/WhatsApp.dmg.
  • Download WhatsApp for Windows OS 8 and older with a 64-bit system - https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/windows/release/x64/WhatsAppSetup.exe.
  • Download the new version of WhatsApp for Windows 8 and older with a 32-bit system - https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/windows/release/ia32/WhatsAppSetup.exe.

Alternative download methods

Why can't it download from the official website? The fact is that some versions of this application may be under development. In this case, versions for some platforms cannot yet be downloaded from whatsapp.com.

What to do in this case:

  • Find sites in your browser that provide the opportunity to download this messenger from their resources. The main thing is that the site must inspire your trust or be previously checked for security by you. To avoid saving a file with viruses or simply a non-working distribution onto your device, read the comments and reviews of other site users before doing so.
  • Download the desired file via torrent.

Take advantage of the free opportunity to communicate with your loved ones, family, as well as new and old acquaintances, even from different parts of our planet, by downloading WhatsApp!

WhatsApp is a free program that helps us save on SMS. Usually it is installed on the phone, but there are times when WhatsApp is simply necessary on the computer. The creators of this program did not take care of this! They have released many versions for: iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia, Windows Phone. But, for the PC, alas, they forgot or didn’t want to.

There are several ways to download WhatsApp for your computer in order to take advantage of all the functions of the application without having a phone. If you don’t want to bother with the emulator and figure out how to install it, just download the Russian version of WhatsApp from our website. This program is fully adapted for all operating systems including windows 7 and eight. You can download it from the link provided on our website.

Attention! The official version has been released, you can download it from the link below:

Let's consider the second installation option in more detail. Before installation, we recommend that you read the video instructions.

WhatsApp on PC via emulator

There is nothing complicated about it, just follow these instructions with pictures:

WhatsApp Messenger (Vatsap) - in addition to standard functions, the user also has access to a version for sending messages and images. In fact, WhatsApp is simply necessary on a computer; it can replace SMS and MMS services on a mobile phone.

WhatsApp calls are already possible!

The latest version works on all major operating systems and can be found for iOS, Phone, BlackBerry. Among the main advantages is cost reduction by switching from standard paid SMS to sending messages over the Internet. This technology eliminates international fees and charges for transferring information abroad. The developers promise to keep the application without a subscription fee for the first 12 months. Subsequent use will incur a nominal cost of less than one dollar per year. We recommend downloading the new version of WhatsApp to your Computer. It is very important.

How do you know if you've been blocked?

It is impossible to determine the user who blocked you. Such contacts in your phone book remain externally unchanged. Blocking is calculated indirectly, referring to some differences from those people who continue to communicate with you. We will double-check the chat window and the account of the user who deleted you from his life.

  • Once in WhatsApp, look at the “Contacts” category. Among the recorded numbers, find the person who may be blocking you. If there is no information about his online status next to his login, then there are reasons to suspect him of closing his account.
  • Go to the dialog (chat) window. A person's login must indicate his last visit to the social network. If we do not find such information, we again make sure that it is blocked.
  • All messages are marked with a tick when sent. The second one is posted after reading it. Only one checkbox indicates when messages sent to the user are ignored.
  • Accounts are constantly updated, but when a contact is blocked, the person affected by this action does not receive new information.
  • The absence of changes indicates that information is being withheld from a stranger - you have been excluded from the list of friends. It is advisable to make sure that the information has changed by logging into WhatsApp under a different login.

Scan the QR code to connect to the computer version

The messenger is activated after scanning the QR code with your smartphone. To do this, you will need to follow the link to the official website. Among other things, double-check the authenticity of the page in your browser and the installed application on your phone. Access is possible when the smartphone is connected to the Internet.

How to transfer chats to another phone

Currently it provides two options for moving your chats. They are available to smartphone owners. Other users will have to wait until the official release of such a feature. Having Phone, history is transferred as follows: using an SD card and OneDrive.

SD card. If you have such a storage medium, go to the messenger settings and select the “chat and calls” category. There you will see an item about backup. Once the copy is made, the SD card is transferred to the new device. Automatically, after registering on the new phone, a recovery option will be offered - we select it. OneDrive cloud storage will require a stable Internet connection. Preferably at 3G speed. Only through the Live ID who created the backup will it be possible to restore the history on a new phone. Be sure to log in to your WhatsApp with the correct account. The OneDrive cloud is offered by default to all phones that have recently connected to the messenger - just select the appropriate category. The time it takes to download data from OneDrive directly depends on the Internet speed. Mobile Internet is not recommended due to its slow speed and unstable connection.

The Play Market becomes an obvious and habitual action. This store will offer WhatsApp in Russian, as well as all additional applications available for it. Suitable for most users who actively use the messenger in everyday life.

The last option is third-party sites. WhatsApp on them is also downloaded from official sources, so the risks of catching viruses are minimal. However, make sure that the site is reliable: re-read the reviews, look at the ratings, and read the resource’s policy.

The WhatsApp messenger is very popular today, I must say that some people cannot imagine communication without it. The developers give us the opportunity to install it on all modern platforms.
So, in order to download the WhatsApp application for free and in Russian, you need to click on one of the buttons below that corresponds to your device.

Whatsapp for phones:

Whatsapp for computers:

Important: we offer you only official versions of the application. Remember that by downloading files from unverified sites, you jeopardize the security of your data.

Detailed photo instructions for installing Whatsapp:

Download WhatsApp for free: how to do it

You can download and install WhatsApp for free from our website. Here is the algorithm of actions:

  • Download the file you need (click on the buttons at the beginning of the article). You can download the program to almost any modern smartphone or computer.
  • Next, run the downloaded file and accept all permissions.
  • Next, you need to select a country and link your account to your phone number. No need to cheat, indicate the correct number, because... it will receive a verification code that is needed for activation.
  • Next, enter your name, choose a beautiful avatar and... communicate) For free!

One of the reasons that made WhatsApp so popular was that registering here is painfully simple. No logins or passwords are needed, just a couple of minutes and you can already communicate. And what’s more: you don’t need to look for contacts either - they are all already in your address book, and those who have WhatsApp are marked with a green tube. Well, you can invite those who are lagging behind and have not yet downloaded this application yourself. You will find this function by going to “Settings” - “Contacts” - “Invite”

You can download WhatsApp for free and in Russian from our website, we use only official versions.

Advantages of the messenger

If you did everything as we told you, then now you know how to download WhatsApp on your smartphone. And so that you don’t miss anything, we decided to tell you about the advantages of the application, thanks to which it has won such love from users.

  • Firstly, there is no payment: you only need to pay for mobile Internet if you are using it, and if you have Wi-Fi, then you don’t have to worry about it at all). Sending files, videos, photos, calls - all this is for you.
  • Secondly, WhatsApp is so simple that it is intuitive to use. The absence of logins, passwords and registration forms significantly saves your time.

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