Windows won't start after update. What to do if your computer stops working after an update How to start your computer after an update

Good health to all, my dear readers, blog guests, as well as novice system administrators and programmers.

Black screen

A very common and common occurrence is when, after rebooting and installing updates, you only see a black screen. No inscriptions, no drawings, sometimes even without a cursor. This happens because new files related to the operating system itself have been added to the system. Either the data package was installed incorrectly or downloaded.

This can be found especially often when, when installing the system, the user simply turns off the power or reboots the computer independently.

A black screen indicates that the system interrupts its loading at the stage of entering the graphical shell. This can be treated by rolling back the system to the last successful working state.

Blue screen

Blue screen is a more serious problem, especially with white lettering. This means that the system is “crashing”. That is, its system files fail, causing the shell itself to completely fail.

The blue screen with error c0000145 is especially dangerous. In this case, I recommend completely reinstalling Windows, otherwise there is a high risk that one day you will simply lose all your files.

Also, it’s worth checking your hard drive, it happens that when it produces errors, the OS begins to turn blue.

In such situations, I recommend taking the hard drive to a workshop for professional diagnostics. This is not the case when you see a black screen with a cursor, this is already a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Rolling back updates and restoring the OS from an earlier one will not help here. It is necessary to completely demolish the shell and install a new one. Just don't forget to transfer the files.

Computer keeps rebooting

A common problem. Is it associated with broken files of the update packages themselves, or occurs in cases where the service pack was downloaded from an unconfirmed source. Sometimes crooked programmers independently disassemble the update, throw out everything that, in their opinion, is unnecessary, then archive it and distribute it on torrents.

After installing it on a laptop, a problem appears: the machine constantly reboots. In such cases, you need to restore the operating system from an earlier state through a checkpoint. This can be done through safe mode or using a bootable USB flash drive (or disk). Also, this can happen when you download any software for the Android system. Therefore, I recommend downloading such software directly to your smartphone.

How to remove an update?

Let's imagine that you installed a service pack, but it gives an error. In this case, the update must be removed. This is done as follows. From here download Windows 7.

A from here Ultra ISO program. Install the software and insert a clean flash drive into the USB port. Open the software.

Press the button open.

The program interface should display all the files that are on the image with the operating system.

Now, in the window that opens, in the first line, select our flash drive. In the second, we set the recording method to be the same as in the picture. Click recording.

In the sign that appears, click “ Yes"and wait for the end of the recording.

Now we need to boot from our flash drive. Not in safe mode, namely from a flash drive. We see this screen and click this line.

In the window that appears, select the first position, click Further and wait for the end of loading.

For many users after Windows updates 10 some malfunctions and malfunctions occur in the computer device. The main ones are the following:

  1. Windows 10 does not boot for a long time.
  2. The system does not want to start and work.
  3. Black screen.
  4. Appearance blue screen with mistakes.

To eliminate them, it is necessary to understand the sources of operational failures and possible ways getting rid of these sources.

If after last update Windows 10 system does not start, remember how it behaved before shutting down or rebooting. Perhaps some program was loaded, or an error appeared after connecting a new device and a virus software. In the course of troubleshooting such problems, the system may improve or deteriorate its performance. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared to restore it and return it to its original, working condition.

The system does not start or takes a very long time to load

The system takes a long time to load or does not load at all - this problem occurs when running a large number of additional programs or malicious software connecting to the process. Therefore, you immediately need to check your computer for viruses and prepare electronic media with installation Windows files 10.

To solve the problem, take the following steps:

  1. Using the media, we boot the device in safe mode. In the menu, select the source from which the system modules and drivers needed for your computer will be loaded.
  2. Open Task Manager. This can be done using the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys. Find the Startup tab.
  3. Startup contains the entire list of applications that can be loaded when the system starts. It is necessary to select from among them the minimum that is needed for normal operation of the computer, and disable the rest.

These simple steps will help reduce system boot time and improve system startup.

Working with safe mode is useful when removing viruses, unnecessary programs, fixing driver errors, activating an administrator account.

In addition, you can optimize and defragment the disk:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Select the Computer tab, drive C.
  3. In the window that opens, find the Properties item and click the Optimize button.

Taking advantage CCleaner program, you can remove all junk files from the disk and erroneous keys from the registry.

If Windows 10 does not work after updating, restore the system to an earlier working state. This method is only suitable if the computer creates system rollback points or restore points. To do this, you need to carry out the following procedure:

  1. Reboot your system. Once it turns on, press F8.
  2. The recovery menu appears.
  3. Go to Diagnostics, then Extra options.
  4. Find the Recovery tab.
  5. Follow the instructions and select from available list Restore point to the rollback state.
  6. Restart your computer. The current version of the operating system is removed.

Blue screen appears

CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED. The error code is accompanied by the warning “The computer did not start correctly” or “Windows did not boot correctly.”

In such cases, a regular reboot helps.

INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE. The error may appear after updating to Windows 10 or BIOS motherboard, when restarting the computer after a system rollback, partitioning of the hard drive, if files are damaged.

The easiest way to resolve this error is:

  1. In the Automatic Repair window, select Advanced options.
  2. Among the list of parameters, you need to find Boot options - Restart.
  3. After the system restarts, press the F6 button to reboot into Safe Mode using the Command Prompt.
  4. Enter the command phrases one by one:
    • sfc /scannow;
    • dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth;
    • shutdown-r.

System files will be scanned and restored if they were damaged.

Black screen appears

There are malfunctions in which the computer device does not turn on, and the screen is black after the update. This problem occurs when video card drivers are installed incorrectly, exiting sleep mode, removing a virus, or downloading updates.

The screen can have 2 types:

  1. With a mouse cursor.
  2. No cursor, solid black display.

In the first case, the screen can have not only a mouse cursor, but also a rotating wheel. What does this mean and what to do in such cases?

Software glitch

This happens when the system booted only for the first time before Windows 10, when you turned off and then turned on again or rebooted the computer. Software glitch occurs as a result of an update.

To restore the system, you need to update it again.

System conflict with primary drivers

Previously installed drivers may create a conflict with the system, so to resolve this issue, do the following:

  1. Find Start - Control Panel. Under Power Options, click System Settings.
  2. Under Shutdown Options, uncheck the Enable fast startup (recommended) box.
  3. Save your settings.
  4. Click on Start. Find the Computer tab.
  5. Right-click Properties and do the following: Hardware - Device Manager - Video Adapters.
  6. Find your video card and Update drivers. Drivers are installed either in automatic mode from the Internet, or from special software.

In the second case, when the screen is only black without a cursor, start the system in safe mode:

  1. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and continuously click on the F8 button to open Safe Mode. This system launch is simple, but does not always work.
  2. In the window that opens, find the following sections: Diagnostics - Additional parameters - Command line.
  3. Type bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true.
  4. Click the Enter button.
  5. In the newly opened window, click Continue. The download continues.
  6. In the new window, select Enable Safe Mode.
  7. Press Enter.

Correcting virus activity

If the computer does not boot, the screen is solid and black, then most likely the system has been damaged by malicious virus software. Try to use the simplest method.

Boot Windows 10 in safe mode, scan with an antivirus application and delete infected files.

If viruses have damaged the explorer.exe file, which is responsible for the work GUI, you can perform the following operation:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys simultaneously or open the Start menu.
  2. Go to Task Manager, then Run new task.
  3. Write explorer.exe in the line and run the task.
  4. Through the Run line, pressing the Win + R buttons, enter the regedit command.
  5. Expand the HKLM branch.
  6. Go to the Software section.
  7. Next, click the Microsoft - Windows NT - Current Version tabs individually.
  8. Open the Winlogon folder, then Shell and double click.
  9. Change the value to explorer.exe.
  10. Save your settings.

Getting rid of system malfunctions after upgrading to Windows 10 is not particularly difficult and does not require technical knowledge and skills from the user. After completing one of the operational procedures, the system will boot without delays or failures. Your computer will work better.

The operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 were not designed for the number of changes that Windows 10 contains. In this regard, the occurrence of various errors during the update is almost inevitable. However, none of these problems are unsolvable: all the answers that Microsoft itself did not provide have long been found by users. As a last resort, you can always run System Restore to roll back the changes.

Problems and their solutions

There are many errors associated with updating Windows to version ten. There is no single solution to the problem, except for a general method that copes with most problems. If the methods below do not help, you can use system recovery, which is described at the end of the article.

General method

Be sure to try using standard means elimination Windows problems 10. This method not only works, but also helps eliminate problems that otherwise cannot be corrected.

This method can cure the following errors:

  • sound problems;
  • Internet problems;
  • problems with modules and connected equipment (Wi-Fi, keyboard, camera, printer, etc.);
  • rapid battery drain;
  • blue screen and unexpected system crashes;
  • Problems opening media files and playing videos in the browser.

To open the Windows 10 troubleshooter:

Sound problems

If the general method does not help you, do the following:

System won't start or black screen

In most cases, this problem is due to driver incompatibility after the update: either the wrong drivers were automatically installed, or old ones remained that are incompatible with Windows 10.

If the problem is not in the drivers, it will be almost impossible to figure it out. You will need to resort to system recovery, as described below.

First of all, you need to somehow turn on the computer. To do this, start the system in safe mode:

Depending on the situation, further actions vary:

  • if your system did not start at all (there was no melody when you turned on the computer), download all the original drivers from the manufacturers’ websites and install them;
  • If the problem was only the absence of a picture, it will be enough to remove the existing video driver, as described below.

Follow the steps below:

  1. To launch Task Manager, search for it in the Start menu, but this doesn't always work in Safe Mode. Press combination Win keys+R, type control and click OK.
    Press Win + R, type control and click OK
  2. Go to the Hardware and Sound category.
    Go to the Hardware and Sound category
  3. Open Device Manager.
    Open Device Manager
  4. Expand the “Video Adapters” group, right-click on the device there (if there are several of them, roll back all of them one by one) and select “Properties”.
    Right-click on your graphics card and select Properties
  5. Open the Driver tab and click Roll Back. When the removal is complete, click “OK”. Restart your computer. The launch will occur in normal mode, but without the remote driver. Download the video driver from the manufacturer's website and install it manually.
    Open the "Driver" tab and click "Roll Back"

Internet problems

The first step is to manually install the drivers responsible for the Internet and use the general method for solving problems. In "Troubleshooting", in addition to "Connecting to the Internet", try also selecting the error option " Network adapter».

In addition to "Internet Connection", try also selecting the "Network Adapter" error option

If this doesn't help, the problem is most likely due to core protocols being disabled, which often happens when updating Windows 10:

The problem may also be with an external firewall or antivirus installed on the computer. Turn them off.

If you have a problem solely with your Wi-Fi connection, there is another error option that is often found on older laptops:

Start or Explorer doesn't work

Standard Explorer and the Start menu are closely related. The problems they cause usually accompany each other and are solved in the same way.

Problems like this are usually caused by mid-stage updates. Restart the computer until the “Applying updates” when turning on and off finishes.

If this does not help, you need to wait half an hour until the system downloads the next batch of packages to update again, and then restart the computer again:

  1. Run an update check yourself. Press the Win + I key combination to open Control Panel, go to Update and Security and click Check for Updates.
    The first thing you should try is to check for updates yourself
  2. If nothing is found, try restarting Explorer. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch Task Manager. If it appears collapsed, click More Details.
    If Task Manager appears minimized, click More details
  3. Find Explorer (may be called Explorer), right-click on it and select Restart.
    Find "File Explorer" here, right-click on it and select "Restart"
  4. If after restarting the computer the error returns, the only option left is a registry error. Press Win + R to open the Run utility, type regedit and click OK.
    Press Win + R, type regedit and click OK
  5. Copy HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced to the Registry Editor address bar and press Enter.
    Copy the path to the Advanced folder into the address bar and press Enter
  6. Right-click on the empty space on the right side of the window and select New and then QWORD Value.
    Create a new QWORD parameter
  7. Name the created parameter EnableXAMLStartMenu.
    Name the created parameter EnableXAMLStartMenu
  8. Right-click on the created parameter and select “Edit...”.
    Open the created EnableXAMLStartMenu parameter
  9. Give it a value of 0 and click OK. Restart your computer.
    Set the value to 0 and click OK

Computer freezes

Only in very rare cases is the problem truly a lack of resources, even if you have very weak computer. In terms of gluttony, Windows 10 is not much different from previous versions.

The computer freezing problem occurs due to update and information collection services, which can heavily load the processor and RAM. And if one of the services catches an error, even very strong hardware can suffer.

To solve this problem, you will need the Destroy Windows 10 Spying program, which specializes in disabling hidden system services:

Video: how to use Destroy Windows 10 Spying

Keyboard, wireless mouse, camera not working + problems with some videos

Most of these errors can be corrected by installing drivers, but in the case of the keyboard and webcam, other problems are possible, to solve which you will have to open the Registry Editor. The problem with a wireless mouse also has a slightly different solution.

First of all, try installing the necessary drivers, if any. Then use the general method and, if it does not help, proceed to the individual ones.

Keyboard doesn't work

To fix the keyboard, do the following:

  1. Enable the on-screen keyboard that is controlled by the mouse. Go to System Settings (the gear icon in the Start menu) and open the Accessibility section.
    Go to system settings and open the "Accessibility" section
  2. Open the “Keyboard” tab and check the “Enable on-screen keyboard».
    Check the box "Enable on-screen keyboard"
  3. Don't close the on-screen keyboard yet. If it gets in the way, just roll it up or drag it into a corner.
    Don't close the on-screen keyboard so you don't have to go into the settings again
  4. If English language not selected by default and language bar in the lower right corner of the window you do not have, press one by one the buttons to change the keyboard layout, and then the last one pressed (by default - Alt, Shift, Shift).
    Press the buttons one by one to change the keyboard layout, and then the last one pressed.
  5. Expand the Start menu using the on-screen keyboard, type regedit and open Registry Editor.
    Expand the Start menu using the on-screen keyboard, type regedit and open Registry Editor
  6. Copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\(4D36E96B-E325–11CE-BFC1–08002BE10318) to the Registry Editor address bar and press Enter.
    Copy the folder path (4D36E96B-E325–11CE-BFC1–08002BE10318) into the address bar and press Enter
  7. On the right side of the window, find the UpperFilters parameter, right-click on it and select “Edit...”.
    Find the UpperFilters option, right-click on it and select "Edit..."
  8. In the window that opens, erase everything, enter kbdclass, click “OK” and restart the computer.
    Erase everything, enter kbdclass, click OK and restart your computer

Wireless mouse does not work

To configure the keyboard:

The camera does not work or there are problems with video playback

These problems have one reason: in Windows 10, several outdated video codecs are disabled by default, which also affects old webcams and some video files (it can even affect some programs):

  1. Open the Start menu, search for regedit and open Registry Editor.
    Open the Start menu, search for regedit and open Registry Editor.
  2. Copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\Platform to the address bar and press Enter.
    Copy the path to the Platform folder into the address bar and press Enter
  3. Right-click on the empty space on the right side of the window and create a new “QWORD Value”.
    Create a QWORD parameter
  4. Name the created parameter EnableFrameServerMode and open it.
    Name the created parameter EnableFrameServerMode and open it
  5. Set the value to 0, click OK and restart your computer. Ignore all safety warnings.
    Set the value to 0, click OK and restart your computer

Cyclic reboot

Microsoft fixed this bug a long time ago. The problem of cyclic reboots can be solved, but you will not be able to update the system. To resolve this error, download another version of the system and install it. If this option does not suit you, it will be enough to simply cancel the “buggy” application of updates:

You can enable updates again by entering the same commands in the Command Prompt, but replacing the word stop with start. However, then the cyclic reboot will return again, so it is better not to do this.

The computer does not see the phone

First, try using the basic troubleshooting method by selecting “Hardware and Devices” in the troubleshooting tab.

First, try using the basic problem solving method

If this does not help, the only problem left is the lack of MTP in the system. Find Media Feature Pack for N and KN on the official Microsoft website, download and install it.

Download Media Feature Pack for N and KN from the official Microsoft website and install it

Battery icon is missing

In most cases, the problem is simply the absence of the required checkbox in the settings. This can be solved quite simply:

If the switch does not help you, leave it enabled and try restarting the “hardware” through the “Device Manager”:

If all else fails, the only problem left is the registry error that was made when transferring the settings. This often happens when updating Windows to version ten. It’s impossible to say the exact location of the error, since there are many options. It is best to use CCleaner, which specializes in such problems:

Video: how to return icons to the “Taskbar”

The Russian language has disappeared

In Windows 10, the interface language is set according to the primary input language. If you had English as your default language, the interface language will be the same after you upgrade to Windows 10. All you need to do to return the Russian interface is simply change the order of the input languages.

Video: how to change the interface language from English to Russian

Stretched screen

First of all, you need to check the screen resolution:

The problem may also be an incorrect video card driver that Windows 10 automatically installed. Download the official driver and install it.

The last possible cause is an incorrect display mode. Press the Win + P keyboard shortcut and select Computer Screen Only.

Press Win + P and select "Computer Screen Only"

Screen flashes

The reason for this error is quite unusual - a conflict between two not particularly important services. By disabling them, you will get rid of the problem and will not harm the performance of the system in any way:

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up the “Task Manager”. If it is in a simplified form, click “Details”.
    If the “Task Manager” is in a simplified form, click “More details”
  2. Open the “Services” tab and click on “Open Services”.
    Open the “Services” tab and click on “Open Services”
  3. Find the “Support for Control Panel Items...” service and open it.
    Find the service “Support for Control Panel Items...” and open it
  4. Select the startup type "Disabled", click the "Stop" button if it is active, and click "OK".
    Select the startup type "Disabled", click the "Stop" button and click "OK"
  5. Now do the same with "Registration Service" Windows errors" and restart your computer.
    Do the same with "Windows Error Logging Service" and restart your computer

Desktop disappeared

This problem seems quite scary, but in fact it is solved quite simply. There may be several reasons for this.

  1. To get started, simply right-click on your desktop and select View and then Show Desktop Icons.
    Right-click on the desktop and select "View" and "Show desktop icons"
  2. Press the Win + I key combination to bring up the “Control Panel” and go to the “System” section.
    Go to System from Windows 10 Settings
  3. Go to the "Tablet Mode" tab, select "Use Desktop Mode" and "Don't ask permission or switch mode." If there is a switch “Enable additional features touch control...", move it to the "Off" position. Restart your computer.
    Go to the "Tablet Mode" tab, select "Use Desktop Mode" and "Don't ask permission or switch mode"
  4. If this does not help, use the Win + R key combination to call the “Run” utility, copy the command Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,5 into it and click “OK”. Restart your computer again.
    Copy the command into the Run utility and click OK

Files are missing

The likelihood that the files were actually deleted is extremely low. Most likely, they were moved to another location or associated with another user.

Also find the Windows.old folder through the search and check it for your files.

There are times when files are moved to a hidden folder and the search cannot find them. Try allowing display hidden files and folders:

  1. Using the search, find and open “Control Panel”.
    Find and open Control Panel
  2. Go to the Appearance and Personalization category.
    Go to the Appearance and Personalization category
  3. Click on "Show hidden files and folders".
    Click on "Show hidden files and folders"
  4. In the “View” tab, check the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” box and click “OK”.
    Check the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” box and click “OK”

If the problem was a failed system update, your files may be in one more place. Enter %SYSTEMDRIVE% in the search and proceed further as follows:

  • \$INPLACE.~TR;
  • \$INPLACE.~TR\Machine\Data\Documents and Settings\<имя_пользователя>;
  • \$WINDOWS.~Q;
  • \$WINDOWS.~Q\Data\Documents and Settings\<имя_пользователя>.

If there are no such folders, it means that the update did not fail or you did not allow hidden files and folders to be shown.

There may be situations in which lost files were moved to a location that does not exist for the new system. In this case, they cannot be found through search. One such situation is when the files belonged to the “Administrator” user, which is disabled by default. The “Administrator” user and the user with administrator rights are completely different concepts: there is always only one “Administrator” on the computer, he has a little more authority and is disabled by default.

We perform the following actions:

  1. Open the Start menu, type Computer Management and open the utility you found.
    Search through search and open “Computer Management”
  2. On the left side of the window, expand the “Local Users and Groups” group and click on the “Users” folder.
    Expand the "Local Users and Groups" group and click on the "Users" folder
  3. In the right part of the window, double-click the left mouse button on the “Administrator” user.
    Double-click the left mouse button on the “Administrator” user
  4. Uncheck the "Disable" box account" and click "OK". Then try using the search again, or restart your computer and log in under the “Administrator” account.
    Uncheck the “Deactivate account” box and click “OK”

Video: how to open hidden folders and files

Contacts disappeared

All you have to do is log into your account Microsoft entry. If we are talking about contacts from People, Mail and other Microsoft applications, they must be linked to your account.

Laptop is heating up

Windows 10 does not always correctly detect the capabilities of the computer and can greatly overload the processor, which leads to its overheating. The first thing to do in case of a similar problem is to install official drivers from the manufacturer (the Chipset driver is especially important, if there is one).

  1. If this does not help you, you will have to limit the maximum processor load:
    Open the Start menu, find and launch Control Panel.

  2. Open the Start menu, find and launch Control Panel
  3. Open the System and Security category
    Open the "Power Options" section.
  4. Open the "Power Options" section
  5. Click on the inscription “Setting the power plan” next to the selected mode.
    Scroll down the list, expand the Processor Power Management group, then Maximum Processor Health, set both values ​​to 95%, and click OK.

Expand the "CPU Power Management" group, then "Maximum Processor Status", set both values ​​to 95% and click "OK"

Search doesn't work

Built-in search in Windows 10 is a pretty useful feature. Problems in its performance can cause severe discomfort to the user. Fortunately, there are few reasons for this error, and all of them are very easy to fix.

To get started, you should use the troubleshooter:

If the search does not start working, you should try changing the startup mode of the corresponding service. By default, it has a delayed start, and due to certain problems in the system (for example, incorrect detection of RAM), all deferred actions may never occur. If search still doesn't work, try rebuilding file indexing. This will eliminate the latter possible reason

an error that was not anticipated by previous actions. Rebuilding the indexing can take up to an hour.

Video: what to do if search doesn’t work

Video and font blur This is a fairly rare error that usually occurs when settings are incorrectly transferred from a previous one. Windows versions

. Fortunately, the solution is very simple. First you need to enable display of known file formats:

  1. Now let's move on to fixing the error itself:
    Right-click on your desktop and select New and then Text Document
  2. Open the created text document and copy the following three lines into it:
  3. Save and close the document, right-click on it, select “Rename” and replace the last three letters from txt to bat.
    Install text document bat resolution
  4. Run the document as an administrator and restart your computer.
    Run the document as administrator and restart your computer

A new user has appeared

When updating the system, this happens in almost half of the cases. All you need to do is delete the new user. Don't forget to make sure that the account you are deleting does not have the files you need. Be sure to check on the user's desktop, in the Downloads and Documents folders.

If the user you need is not in the list, it is a built-in account. It cannot be removed, but you can disable it:

Applications download, install and launch themselves

This is not really a bug, but rather an intrusive policy of Microsoft. You'll become very familiar with it if you're running an unlicensed version of Windows 10.

Cancel automatic download and installation of applications

If you have a licensed or cracked version of Windows, all you need to do is change the Store settings:

If you have an unlicensed version of Windows, you will also need to block the store through the firewall:

  1. Right-click on the Start menu and open Control Panel. If it is not there, find “Control Panel” through the search.
    Right-click on the Start menu and open Control Panel
  2. Go to the System and Security category.
    Go to the System and Security category in Control Panel
  3. Go to Allow apps to interact with Windows Firewall».
    Go to "Allow apps through Windows Firewall"
  4. Click on the “Change settings” button, find “Store” in the list, uncheck all the boxes and click “OK”.
    Uncheck all the “Store” boxes and click “OK”

Cancel automatic launch of applications

To solve this problem you will need CCleaner. Disabling startup is also available in the standard Task Manager, but it will not show you some applications:

Windows don't open

In fact, windows open, but this happens outside the desktop. This can happen if you were using multiple monitors before updating Windows.

Right-click on an empty space on the Taskbar and select “Cascade Windows.” For the button to be active, several windows must be open.

Right-click on an empty space on the "Taskbar" and select "Cascade Windows"

You will have to do this for all programs that you used on previous version Windows.

Windows 10 Recovery

If your errors could not be resolved, or they do not fit any of the listed points, the only option left is to restore the system. It will not roll you back to a previous version of Windows. If you upgraded to Windows 10 from more than earlier versions, you can return the original version of the system by installing Windows from scratch.

Return to factory settings

This method will be available in any case. By using it, you will reset the system to the state it should be after a clean Windows installations 10. This way you can fix errors caused by update failures or avoid problems associated with the transfer system settings from a previous version of Windows.

Video: returning to factory settings

Checkpoint recovery

This method is unlikely to be appropriate in the current situation, since it is intended primarily to restore the system after errors made while working with the computer, and not during a Windows update. However, this will help solve the problem if you upgraded from Windows 10 to a more current version. If the creation of restore points has not been enabled, you will not be able to use this method.

Video: Checkpoint Recovery

Problems with the operating room Windows system 10 - a very common occurrence. The likelihood of their occurrence is never as high as when updating the system from previous versions. Fortunately, most of them are quite easy to solve, and there are no irreparable errors.

It sometimes happens that users' computers experience problems after the latest Windows 10 update. The operating system has performed a so-called “major” update to Windows 10. After loading the system, the user discovers that as a result of installing the update, some functionality of the system has changed, some components do not function correctly, as usual.

I encountered some problems on my computer after updating the operating system to Windows 10 1803 (Windows 10 April 2018 Update). So I decided to write this article to tell you how you can fix some of the problems. These situations may not occur on all computers, and you may not have to do anything.

Immediately after the official release of the big Windows updates 10, I performed the update on my computers. Read more about different ways to install an update to a new version of Windows 10. The installation of the system update went without any problems.

As a result of applying updates, Microsoft adds or removes some functionality in the OS and changes settings. In this article we will look at some situations that I encountered on my computer.

We will discuss ways to solve problems that arose after the last system update:

  • The hidden recovery partition gets a drive letter in File Explorer.
  • The microphone does not work in applications.
  • The camera does not work in applications.

A recovery section has appeared in Explorer

Immediately after updating the computer, I opened Explorer and saw that a new disk with a size of 450 MB appeared there. The disk properties indicate that it is an "Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Partition".

It is strange that this partition appeared on the desktop PC, but on my two laptops the additional partition did not appear. A similar section on desktop computer, unlike a laptop (which would be logical), in principle there should not be, since system unit was assembled from individual parts rather than purchased assembled from a PC manufacturer.

After opening Disk Management, I realized that this is a recovery partition that is created on the hard drive with a partition table during the installation of the operating system. After updating Windows 10, the system for some reason assigned a letter to this partition, made the disk open, and named it “Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Partition.”

This is official hidden section, so it would be correct to hide the disk partition in Explorer, because it is completely unnecessary there. In the article I have already described in detail how you can hide a disk partition different ways. Please note that you cannot remove the letter of the problematic drive from the Disk Management snap-in.

I will duplicate the working method here:

  1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator. Read how to start Command Prompt on Windows
  2. Enter the commands sequentially (after entering each command, press the “Enter” key):
diskpart list volume
  1. The command line interpreter window will display all drives connected to this computer. To select the right drive, refer to the drive letter and drive size that are displayed in Explorer.
  2. Enter the command (volume number is the disk number displayed in the command line, opposite the drive letter):
select volume X (where X is the volume number)
  1. Select the drive letter assigned to the recovery partition on your computer. In this case, the letter “D” is selected, you may have another letter. Run the command:
remove letter=D (where D is the drive letter)

Close the command prompt. Open File Explorer and make sure that the recovery partition has disappeared from the Devices and Drives section.

The microphone does not work in installed programs on the computer

The next problem was the microphone not working. This problem was discovered by accident. I installed it on my wife's smartphone Skype program. Then I decided to demonstrate how the application works: I called from another room from Skype on my computer to Skype on my mobile phone.

It turned out that they couldn’t hear me, but I could hear everything. Before the Windows 10 update, the microphone in Skype program worked normally.

During the conversation, a message in Skype indicated that the program could not detect the sound card. I checked the sound settings in the system and in the program: everything is configured as expected. The microphone indicator works, I can hear myself through the speakers, but nothing in the program works.

First I ran the system one, but the tool did not identify any problems with the sound. Then I reinstalled the audio driver, but that didn't help. An Internet search turned up nothing. I was once again convinced that on the computer and in the program correct settings. In Windows Settings, in the “Sound” section, the microphone works normally, but for some reason Skype cannot detect the sound card.

To test the microphone in another program, I launched the program Camtasia Studio and tried to record a short video. The program immediately warned that there were problems with sound on the computer. It turns out that third party applications nothing to do with it, the problem arose in the operating system. Meanwhile, the microphone in Windows works.

I started looking at all the settings Windows Settings 10. The key to solving the problem lay in the “Confidentiality” section.

Under Privacy, under Application Permissions, select Microphone, and then change some settings:

  1. Check the Allow microphone access on this device option to ensure microphone access is enabled.
  2. In the “Allow microphone access” setting, you need to move the switch to the “On” position.

  1. In the “Select apps that can access your microphone” section, find Skype (or another program) and slide the switch to the “On” position.

After this, the problem of the microphone not working in programs installed on the computer was solved. It turns out that operating system After updating to the new version, I disabled access to the microphone for programs in order to protect privacy.

The camera does not work in programs on the computer

If a problem with the camera's operation arose after updating the system, you can solve it using the method described above.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Start menu, enter the Settings app.
  2. Open the “Privacy” section, in the “Application Permissions” setting, open the “Camera” setting.
  3. Make sure camera access is enabled on this computer. In the Allow apps to access the camera option, slide the switch to the On position.
  4. In the “Select applications that can access the camera” setting, allow the necessary programs to access the camera.

Conclusions of the article

If problems occur after the latest Windows 10 update, the user can change some system settings. In particular, you can hide the recovery partition from Explorer and solve the problem of non-working devices: microphone and camera.

Windows 10 is an imperfect system and problems are common, especially when installing updates. There are a lot of mistakes and ways to solve them. First of all, it all depends on at what stage the problem arose and whether it was accompanied by code. We will consider all possible cases.

The computer froze during the update process

If your computer freezes when updating Windows 10, you need to find the cause of the problem and fix it. To be able to do this, you need to interrupt the system update.

First you need to make sure that the computer is really frozen. If nothing changes at all within 15 minutes or some actions are repeated cyclically for the third time, the computer can be considered frozen.

How to abort an update

If the update starts to install, you most likely won't be able to simply restart your computer and return it to normal; the installation will retry every time you restart. This problem does not always occur, but it is very common. If you encounter it, you must first interrupt the system update, and only then eliminate the cause of the problem:

  1. Restart your computer using one of the following methods:
    • press the reset button;
    • hold down the power button for 5 seconds to turn off the computer, and then turn it on;
    • turn off the computer from the network and turn it on again.
  2. When you turn it on, immediately press the F8 key.
  3. Click on the "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" option on the system boot option screen.

    Select "Safe Mode with Command Line Support"

  4. Open the start menu after the system starts, type cmd and open " Command line" on behalf of the administrator.

    Open Command Prompt as an administrator after the system starts

  5. Enter the following commands in sequence:
  6. Restart your computer. The system will start in normal mode.
  7. After eliminating the cause of the problem, enter the same commands, but replace the word “stop” with “start”.

How to eliminate the cause of freezing

There can be many reasons for being stuck receiving updates. In most cases, you will see an error code message after 15 minutes of inactivity. What to do in such cases is described at the end of the article. However, it happens that no message appears, and the computer continues to endlessly try. We will consider the most popular cases of these.

Stuck at the “Getting updates” stage

If you've been seeing the "Getting Updates" screen for about 15 minutes without any progress, you shouldn't wait any longer. This error is caused by a service conflict. All you have to do is disable Windows Automatic Updates and start checking for updates manually.

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc. If Task Manager opens in a simplified view, click More Details.

    If the Task Manager opens in a simplified form, click "More details"

  2. Go to the “Services” tab and click on the “Open Services” button.

    Click on the "Open Services" button

  3. Find the Windows Update service and open it.

    Open Windows Update service

  4. Select the startup type “Disabled”, click on the “Stop” button if it is active, and confirm the changes made. After this, the updates should install without problems.

    Select the startup type “Disabled” and click on the “Stop” button

Video: How to disable Windows Update service

Stuck at 30 - 39%

If you are upgrading from Windows 7, 8 or 8.1, updates will be downloaded at this point.

Russia is big, but there are almost no Microsot servers in it. Due to this, the download speed of some packages is very low. You may have to wait up to 24 hours for the entire update to download.

The first step is to run the Update Center diagnostics to prevent an attempt to download packages from a non-working server. To do this, press the Win + R key combination, enter the command msdt /id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic and click OK.

Press the Win + R key combination, enter the command msdt /id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic and click OK

Also try updating your current version Windows (without upgrading to Windows 10). Once complete, try upgrading to Windows 10 again.

If this doesn't help, you have 2 options:

  • install the update overnight and wait until it finishes;
  • use alternative way updates, for example, download Windows image 10 (from the official website or torrent) and update from it.

Video: What to do with the endless update to Windows 10

Stuck at 44%

Update 1511 was accompanied by a similar error for some time. It is caused by a conflict with the memory card. The bug in this update package has been fixed for a long time, but if you somehow encountered it, you have 2 options:

  • remove the SD card from the computer;
  • update via Windows Update.

If this doesn't help you, free up 20 GB free space on the system disk.

Computer froze after update

As is the case with problems during the update process, you will most likely see one of the code errors, the solution to which is described below. But this does not always happen. In any case, the first thing you need to do is get out of the frozen state. You can do this in the same way as if you get stuck during the update process: press F8 when you turn on the computer and select “Safe Mode with Command Prompt Support.”

If you haven't seen the error code, try all the following methods in turn.

Getting error information

Before fixing the problem, you should try to find out some information about the error that occurred:

  1. Open Control Panel. You can find it by searching in the Start menu.

    Open Control Panel from the Start menu

  2. Select the "Small Icons" viewing method and open the "Administration" section.

    Open the "Administration" section

  3. Open Event Viewer.

    Open Event Viewer

  4. In the left pane, expand the Windows Logs category and open the System log.
  5. In the list that opens you will find all system errors. They will have a red icon. Pay attention to the "Event Code" column. With its help, you can find out the error code and use an individual method for eliminating it, which is described in the table below.

    Errors will have a red icon

Video: Event Viewer and Windows Logs

Resolving Conflicts

The most common cause of freezing is that Start menu and Windows Search settings were not transferred correctly from a previous version of Windows. The result of such an error is a conflict with key system services, which prevents the system from starting.

  1. Open the Start menu, type “services” and open the utility you found.

    Open the Services utility

  2. In the window that opens, find the Windows Search service and open it.

    Open Windows Search

  3. Select the startup type "Disabled" and click the "Stop" button if it is active. Then click “OK”.

    Disable Windows Search service

  4. Open Registry Editor. You can find it by searching “regedit” in the Start menu.

    Open Registry Editor from the Start menu

  5. Copy the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\AppXSvc into the address bar and press Enter.

    Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\AppXSvc

  6. On the right side of the window, open the Start option.

    Open the Start option

  7. Set the value to "4" and click "OK".

    Set the value to "4" and click "OK"

  8. Try restarting your computer normally. Perhaps the steps taken will help you.

Change user

Start menu settings and Windows Search are the most common causes of conflicts, but there may be others. Search and correct each possible problem there is not enough strength or time. It would be more intelligent to reset all changes, and the easiest way to do this is to create a new user.

  1. Go to the "Options" window. This can be done through the Win + I key combination or the gear in the Start menu.

    Go to the Options window

  2. Open the "Accounts" section.

    Open the "Accounts" section

  3. Open the “Family and other people” tab and click on the “Add user...” button.

    Click on the “Add user...” button

  4. Click on the “I don’t have data...” button.

    Click on the "I don't have data..." button

  5. Click on the “Add user...” button.

    Click on the inscription “Add user...”

  6. Specify the name of the new account and confirm its creation.

    Specify the name of the new account and confirm its creation

  7. Click on the created account and click the “Change account type” button.

    Click the "Change account type" button

  8. Select the Administrator type and click OK.

    Select "Administrator" type and click "OK"

  9. Try restarting your computer normally. If all is well, you will see a selection of accounts.

Video: how to create an account with administrator rights in Windows 10

Uninstalling an update

If changing the account does not help, you will have to roll back the updates. After this, you can try to update the system again.

  1. Go to Control Panel and open Uninstall a program.

    Open "Uninstall a program" in "Control Panel"

  2. On the left side of the window, click on “View installed updates.”

    Click on “View installed updates”

  3. Based on the date, remove the latest installed updates.

    Uninstall the latest installed updates

Video: How to remove an update in Windows 10

System Restore

This is an extreme way to solve the problem. It is equivalent to a complete reinstallation of the system.

  1. Press the Win + I key combination to open the Settings window and open the Update and Security section.

    Open the "Settings" window and open the "Update and Security" section

  2. Go to the “Recovery” tab and click “Start”.

    Go to the "Recovery" tab and click "Start"

  3. In the next window, select “Save my files” and do whatever the system asks you to do.

Video: how to reset Windows 10 to system settings

Black screen problem

The problem of the black screen is worth highlighting separately. If the display shows nothing, this does not mean that your computer is frozen. Press Alt + F4 and then Enter. Now there are 2 scenarios:

  • if the computer does not turn off, wait half an hour to prevent a delayed update, and proceed to restore the system as described above;
  • If the computer turns off, you have a problem playing back the picture. Do all the following methods in turn.

Switching between monitors

The most popular reason for this problem is incorrect identification of the main monitor. If you have a TV connected, the system can set it as the main one even before downloading the necessary drivers for its operation. Even if there is only one monitor, try this method. Before downloading all the necessary drivers, errors can be very strange.

  1. If you have multiple monitors connected, turn off all but the main one and try restarting your computer.
  2. Press the Win + P key combination, then the down arrow key and Enter. This is switching between monitors.

Disabling Fast Startup

Accelerated startup involves delaying the activation of some system components and neglecting preliminary analysis. This may cause an "invisible" monitor.

  1. Restart your computer in safe mode (press F8 while turning on).

    Restart your computer in safe mode

  2. Open Control Panel and go to the System and Security category.

    Open Control Panel and go to the System and Security category

  3. Click on the “Customize the functions of the power buttons” button.

    Click on the button "Customize the functions of the power buttons"

  4. Click on the inscription “Change settings...”, uncheck the Quick Launch box and confirm the changes made.

    Click on the inscription “Change parameters...”, uncheck the Quick Launch box and confirm the changes made

  5. Try restarting your computer in normal mode.

Video: How to turn off Fast Startup in Windows 10

Resetting an incorrect driver for a video card

It may be Windows 10 or you may have installed the wrong driver. There can be many variations of errors with a video card driver. You need to try several ways to install it: by removing the old driver, manually and automatically.

  1. Restart your computer in safe mode (how to do this was described above), open “Control Panel” and go to the “Hardware and Sound” section.

    Open Control Panel and go to Hardware and Sound

  2. Click on "Device Manager".

    Click on "Device Manager"

  3. Open the “Video Adapters” group, right-click on your video card and go to its properties.

    Right-click on the video card and go to its properties

  4. In the “Diver” tab, click on the “Rollback” button. This is driver removal. Try restarting your computer normally and check the result.

    In the “Diver” tab, click on the “Rollback” button

  5. Install the driver again. Open Device Manager again, right-click on the video card and select Update Driver. Perhaps the video card will be in the “Other devices” group.

    Right-click on the video card and select "Update Driver"

  6. First try automatic update drivers. If the update is not found or the error persists, download the driver from the manufacturer’s website and use manual installation.

    First, try automatic driver update

  7. When installing manually, you will just need to specify the path to the folder with the driver. The checkbox for “Including subfolders” should be active.

    When installing manually, you just need to specify the path to the folder with the driver

Video: how to update the driver for a video card in Windows 10

Code errors, their causes and solutions

Here we will list all the error codes that are associated with updating Windows 10. Most of them can be solved quite simply and do not require detailed instructions. The extreme method, which is not mentioned in the table, is complete reinstalling Windows 10. If nothing helps you, use it and install the best one right away. latest version to avoid a problematic update.

Instead of "0x" the error code may read "WindowsUpdate_".

Table: Update related errors

Error codesCause of occurrenceSolutions
  • 0x0000005C;
  • 0xC1900200 - 0x20008;
  • 0xC1900202 - 0x20008.
  • lack of computer resources;
  • hardware does not meet the minimum system requirements;
  • incorrect recognition of computer components.
  • update BIOS.
  • 0x80070003 - 0x20007;
  • 0x80D02002.
No internet connection.
  • update using another method.
  • 0x8007002C - 0x4000D;
  • 0x800b0109;
  • 0x80240fff.
  • system files are damaged;
  • access error.
  • disable the firewall;
  • disable your antivirus;
  • do defragmentation.
0x8007002C - 0x4001C.
  • antivirus aggression;
  • conflict of computer components.
  • disable your antivirus;
  • check your computer for viruses;
  • update your drivers.
0x80070070 - 0x50011.Lack of free space on the hard drive.Free up space on your hard drive.
0x80070103.An attempt was made to install an older driver.
  • hide the error window and continue installation;
  • download official drivers from the manufacturer’s website and install them;
  • Reconnect the problematic component in Device Manager.
  • 0x8007025D - 0x2000C;
  • 0x80073712;
  • 0x80240031;
  • 0xC0000428.
  • the update package or system image is damaged;
  • I can't verify the digital signature.
  • update in another way;
  • download the image from another source.
  • 0x80070542;
  • 0x80080005.
Difficulty reading the package.
  • wait 5 minutes;
  • empty the folder C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution;
  • update using another method.
  • no internet connection;
  • DNS problems;
  • The driver for the video card is outdated;
  • There are not enough files in the Update Center.
  • check your internet connection;
  • check DNS;
  • update in another way;
  • update the driver for the video card;
  • 0x80070652;
  • 0x8e5e03fb.
  • another program is installed;
  • there is another more important process going on;
  • system priorities are violated.
  • wait for the installation to complete;
  • restart your computer;
  • check your computer for viruses;
  • check the registry for errors;
  • Open Command Prompt as an administrator and run sfc /scannow.
  • no internet connection (time expired);
  • invalid request to the server.
  • check your internet connection;
  • install the KB836941 patch package (download from the official Microsoft website);
  • turn off the firewall.
  • failed to connect to the Microsoft server;
  • too much ping;
  • region error.
  • check your internet connection;
  • disable the firewall;
  • turn off the VPN.
  • 0x800F0923;
  • 0xC1900208 - 0x4000C;
  • 0xC1900208 - 1047526904.
Incompatibility of the update with the installed software.
  • check your computer for viruses;
  • check the registry for errors;
  • remove all unnecessary programs;
  • reinstall Windows.
  • 0x80200056;
  • 0x80240020;
  • 0x80246007;
  • 0xC1900106.
  • the computer was restarted during the update;
  • the update process was interrupted.
  • try updating again;
  • disable your antivirus;
  • clear the lists of scheduled tasks and startup, then restart the computer;
  • delete the folders C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and C:\$WINDOWS~BT.
0x80240017.The update is not available for your system version.Update Windows via Update Center.
0x8024402f.The time is set incorrectly.
  • check that the time set on the computer is correct;
  • open servises.msc (via search in the Start menu) and enable the Windows Time Service.
0x80246017.Lack of rights.
  • activate the “Administrator” account and repeat everything through it;
  • check your computer for viruses.
  • open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the command net start msiserver;
  • restart Update Center.
  • you are in a virtual environment;
  • file system error.
  • exit the virtual environment;
  • open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the command chkdsk /fc:;
  • open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the command sfc /scannow;
  • Check the registry for errors.
0xC000021A.Sudden stop of an important process.Install the KB969028 patch package (download from the official Microsoft website).
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x20004;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x2000B;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x2000C;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x20017;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x30018;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x3000D;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x4000D;
  • 0xC1900101 - 0x40017.
Rolling back to a previous version of the system for one of the following reasons:
  • conflict with drivers;
  • conflict with one of the components;
  • conflict with one of the connected devices;
  • hardware does not support new version systems.
  • make sure your computer matches minimum requirements Windows 10;
  • disable the Wi-Fi module (Samsung laptops);
  • turn off all devices you can (printer, smartphone, etc.);
  • if you are using a mouse or keyboard with its own driver, temporarily replace them with simpler ones;
  • update drivers;
  • remove all drivers that were installed manually;
  • update BIOS.

Complex solutions

Some of the methods listed in the table are complex. Let's look at those with which difficulties may arise.

Reconnecting the problematic component

To disable, for example, the Wi-Fi module, it is not at all necessary to open the computer. Almost any component can be reconnected through the “Task Manager”.

  1. Right-click on the Start menu and select Device Manager. It can also be found through search or in the Control Panel.

    Right-click on the Start menu and select Device Manager

  2. Right-click on the problematic component and select “Disable device.”

    Disconnect the problematic component

  3. Turn the device back on in the same way.

    Turn on the problematic component

Clearing lists of scheduled tasks and startups

If an unwanted process is included in the startup list, its presence may be equivalent to the presence of a virus on your computer. A scheduled task to start this process can have a similar effect.

Regular Windows tools 10 may be useless. It's better to use CCleaner right away.

  1. Download, install and run CCleaner.
  2. Open the “Service” section and the “Startup” subsection.

    Open the “Service” section and the “Startup” subsection

  3. Select all processes in the list (Ctrl + A) and disable them.

    Select all processes in the list and disable them

  4. Go to the “Scheduled Tasks” tab and cancel all of them in the same way. Then restart your computer.

    Select all tasks in the list and cancel them

Video: How to disable autorun applications using CCleaner

Disabling the firewall

Windows Firewall - built-in system protection. It is not an antivirus, but it can prevent some processes from accessing the Internet or restrict access to important files. Sometimes the firewall makes mistakes, which can result in one of the system processes being restricted.

  1. Open Control Panel, go to the System and Security category and open Windows Firewall.

    Open Windows Firewall

  2. On the left side of the window, click on the inscription “Turn on and off...”.

    Click on the inscription “Turn on and off...”

  3. Check both “Disable...” and click “OK”.

    Check both “Disable...” and click “OK”

Video: How to disable the firewall in Windows 10

Restarting the Update Center

As a result of the work of the "Update Center" there may be critical errors, which will interfere with the main processes of this service. Restarting the system does not always help solve this problem; restarting the Update Center itself will be more reliable.

  1. Press the Win + R key combination to bring up the Run window, type services.msc and press Enter.

    In the Run window, type the command to call the services and press Enter

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and open the Windows Update service.

    Click "Fix flagged"

Video: how to clean the registry manually and using CCleaner

Alternative update methods

Due to various circumstances, updating Windows 10 in the usual way may not be possible. Among the methods that can help in such cases, two can be distinguished:

DNS check

The cause of the connection problem with the Microsoft server is not always the Internet connection. Sometimes the error lies in broken DNS settings.

Select "Obtain DNS server address automatically" and click "OK"

Activation of the "Administrator" account

An “Administrator” account and an account with administrator rights are two different things. There is only one “administrator” on the computer and it has more capabilities than an account with administrator rights.

  1. The Administrator account is disabled by default.

    Open the Start menu, type lusrmgr.msc and press Enter.

Uncheck the “Disable account” checkbox and click “OK”

Video: how to activate the Administrator account in Windows 10 Windows 10 update freezing is a common event, but this problem can be solved quite simply. Not all cases are straightforward, but in extreme cases everything can be corrected simple removal
