Block login from your work computer to Odnoklassniki. How to put a lock on a page in Odnoklassniki

Deleting a personal page in social network"Odnoklassniki" - the procedure is easy and fast - it is carried out in just a few clicks of the mouse. The main thing is to know what, how and where to click. Even if you are not knowledgeable in computer matters and are just starting to explore the Internet, it’s okay, this is not a hindrance. These instructions will tell you in a clear and accessible form how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki - absolutely and completely. And also, what actions should be taken if attackers managed to block access to your account.

So, let's start - from simple situations to more complex ones.

Deleting a personal page

1. Go to your profile on (enter your username and password).
2. Scroll down the main page with your mouse wheel so that the site menu appears on the monitor (sections “My Page”, “Groups”, etc.)

3. In the far right column (first item “ mobile version") click "Regulations".
4. Scroll down the page again and click on the “Cancel services” link.

5. In the window that appears, indicate the reason why you decided to delete the Odnoklassniki page forever. Check the box next to one of the proposed options (for example, “I don’t want to use social networks anymore”).
6. Enter your account password in the appropriate field.
7. To delete the page, click the “Delete forever” button.

Attention! Before activating the deletion function, think again about your actions - whether you should part with your account or not. All existing content (photos, videos, audio tracks), as well as data (correspondence, ratings, comments) available on it will be destroyed. In addition, you will not be able to restore a deleted page in Odnoklassniki. You will have to create a new one, as they say, “from scratch.”

8. After this, try logging into your page again. If everything was done correctly and the Odnoklassniki admin system managed to correctly remove your personal profile, a message will appear on the screen stating that such an account does not exist. Which, in principle, was what needed to be done.

What to do if Odnoklassniki is blocked by a virus?

Under no circumstances should you try to delete your account or create a new one. And, even more so, send money to computer villains to receive an unlock code. This problem can and should be solved in a different way: the PC is infected - the virus must be removed.

1. Download from the developer’s website one of the additional anti-virus utilities (optional):

What to do if access to the page is denied by the administration?

But sometimes offenses are committed from the account and without the user’s knowledge. This is done by a special Trojan that has taken possession of the login and password for the page. It starts automatically sending spam links to someone else’s page/pages: it acts purposefully and aggressively. As a result, the system detects these illegal actions and blocks them.

In this case, do not panic, do not resort to the help of third-party online resources and “tricky” applications. All you need to do is contact Odnoklassniki technical support:

1. Open in your browser -
2. At the bottom of the page, follow the “Regulations” link.
3. Scroll the list of rules with your mouse wheel and click “Contact support”.

4. In a special form, in the “Purpose of contact” column, select the topic “Profile deleted or blocked” from the drop-down list.
5. In the fields, enter your data proving your ownership of the account - login, first and last name, E-mail specified in the profile and E-mail for communication, etc.
6. Briefly but meaningfully describe the essence of the problem. Notify the administration that you are not involved in the offense.
7. Check if all data is correct. Click "Send Message".
8. Wait for a response from technical support. It will be sent to the specified E-mail.

Let personal account in Odnoklassniki will always be available to you. Have a nice chat on the Internet.

If you need to block access to Odnoklassniki on your computer, several solutions to this problem are available to you. It should be remembered that in certain situations, the user to whom you have blocked access to the site will be able to unblock it without problems if he knows how the ban was issued.

In some cases, in order to block access to Odnoklassniki, you do not need to download anything, but use system functions. However, in this case, it is worth considering that such blocking is very easy to bypass.

Additionally, you can contact your Internet provider and ask them to block the site, but this will take a lot of time, and you may also have to pay extra for blocking.

Method 1: “Parental Controls”

If you have an antivirus or other program installed on your computer that has the function « Parental control» , then you can configure it. In this case, to gain access to the site again, you will have to enter the password you specified. You can also not completely block the site, but set certain scenarios. For example, if a user spends more than a certain time per day on this site, the site is automatically blocked for a specified period of time.

Let's consider the installation "Parental Control" using an antivirus as an example / Anti-virus. Before using this feature, it is advisable to create another account on your computer. It will be used by the person you are trying to protect from Odnoklassniki.

The instructions in this case look like this:

Method 2: Browser extension

Provided that you do not have specialized programs and you do not want to download them, you can use the functionality that is included by default in all modern browsers.

However, the blocking process varies significantly depending on the browser. In some, any site is blocked immediately, without installing any additional plugins, and in the case of other browsers, for example, with and, you will have to install additional plugins.

Method 3: Editing the hosts file

Editing file data hosts, you can prevent a particular site from loading on your PC. From a technical point of view, you are not blocking the site, but only replacing its address, thanks to which local hosting is launched, that is, a blank page. This method applies to all browsers and sites.

Instructions for editing the file hosts as follows:

There are several ways to block Odnoklassniki on your computer. The most effective can be called "Parental control", since the user will not be able to unblock the site if he does not know the password you entered earlier. However, in other cases, blocking is easier to set up.

Most likely, you have asked the following question more than once: how to block access to a site? The need to block certain sites can be different, for example, to block access to the Odnoklassniki site so that employees in the office at their work computer do not hang around on it, but do their work, or to block access to some sites that are not advisable for children to visit, and so on.

It is worth saying that the method closing access to the site, which will be described below, does not guarantee that a person who is well versed in computers will not be able to guess what is going on. In a word, if you want to prohibit access to the site from children or other people who are not very computer savvy, then everything will work. They will look in surprise at how the site does not load, and will not be able to do anything. But knowledgeable users will most likely be able to solve this problem, although this is not a fact.

Block access to sites we will use the hosts file. This file is located at: My computer - Disk C - Windows - System32 - drivers - etc - hosts.

The hosts file needs to be opened using notepad, double-click on it with the left mouse button and in the list of programs that opens, find notepad, select it and click OK. Or you can right-click on the file and select “Open with - Notepad” from the list that appears.

How do we now block access to sites using this file?!

We need to register them in this file, but there are some nuances here. To begin with, we start on a new line using the enter key and enter the following numbers:, after them we put a space and enter the site. It will turn out something like this: Then we go to a new line by pressing the enter key, and again we write, then we put a space and we write the next site and so on until we have registered all the sites. This is what it looks like for me:

When we have written all the sites that should be blocked when loading in the browser, we need to save this file. Click File - Save.

Last step left! Sites are still loading! This is all because we didn't restart the computer. We restart the computer and try to go to any of the sites that we have registered. The result is obvious - the site does not load.

In these simple ways we have blocked access to sites; your children or other people for whom all these operations were performed will no longer be able to access the site. sites to which access is denied in the filehosts.

To make these sites load again, just go to the host file, delete the registered sites, save the file and restart the computer!

Blocking the Odnoklassniki website using a HOSTS file

Block access to the Odnoklassniki website via hosts file is the simplest and in a fast way, but also the easiest to get around it. So:
For Windows XP. Open the Hosts file, which is located at this path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ there is a hosts file, open it using notepad, aka Text Document. Approximate contents of the hosts file:

Add to the end of the line:
This is what you should get:

Close and save the file.
To remove access to the Odnoklassniki site that is blocking, you need to delete the lines added above.

If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you may have problems opening the hosts file. To open it you need to go:
Start - all programs - on Notepad, right-click - Run with administrator rights.

Notepad will open. In notepad File – Open and open the hosts file along the path C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ edit according to the above example and save the changes.
You can prevent editing the hosts file using account settings and (or) access permissions to system files.

How to block access to the Odnoklassniki website in a browser:

1. How to block access to Internet Explorer.
To block classmates, open Internet Explorer: Tools – Internet Options – Contents:

Access restriction click Enable:

Go to the Allowed nodes tab. Enter a link to classmates in the “Allow viewing of the next node” field to block it and click Never:

Go to the General tab and check the box Users can view nodes that do not have ratings:

To block the Odnoklassniki website in Opera, you need to open Opera, go to settings or press Ctrl+F12, the following window will open:

In the window that opens, go to the Advanced – Content tab and click on the Blocked content... button.

You can block the Odnoklassniki website using a variety of programs that can be downloaded on the Internet.

The need to close a profile on a social network can be solved in several ways: using a paid option, complete removal. In some cases, information on blocking a hacked or someone else's account will be useful. Let's take a closer look at how to block a page on Odnoklassniki, in one case or another.

The “ ” function will help you temporarily block your page. It allows you to hide data account for everyone except friends. To use the tool and protect information from strangers, you will need to pay 100 rubles. This is done as follows:

This method can be used when you need to remove old page. The phone number associated with the old profile cannot be used for re-registration within 90 days.

Blocking a hacked profile

It is impossible to block a page if it has been opened without first restoring access. Therefore, you need to use the “ ” link, which is located on the Odnoklassniki login page and select a method for restoring it. The simplest option is to use a phone number or e-mail address.

If it is not possible to use recovery by number or mail, you should provide your details and contact. Social network employees may require you to provide identification documents in order to regain access to your hacked profile.

Blocking someone else's page

Before describing the methods for filing a complaint, you should understand that the administration of the social network will block a person only if there is a good reason for this.

What to do to ban someone else's page? There are two ways:

The information presented will help you deal with blocking your own or someone else’s page in Odnoklassniki. You can close your account either on a paid or free basis. Blocking another user's profile must be based on serious reasons, otherwise the support request will be ignored.

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