Frozen order for Aliexpress. What does frozen order mean? What to do if your order is frozen

Sometimes it happens that a product that was previously paid for by customers may acquire the “Order frozen” status after some time. However, there is no need to panic. Site administrators do such operations in order to protect customers. These operations can only be carried out if a certain seller behaves inappropriately, has a bad rating and a large number of negative reviews.

The security service of the Aliexpress trading platform monitors those sellers who can distribute track numbers to their users that cannot be tracked; they simply do not send this or that product to its destination. In this scenario, the administrators of the trading platform close the store of the seller who treated customers unfairly.

Marketplace administrators often investigate unscrupulous sellers within three business days. If the seller turns out to be conscientious, you will be notified by email. If the buyer is conscientious, then your order will certainly be unfrozen. To avoid surprises, you should definitely contact support.

What to do if the goods are frozen on Aliexpress?

In fact, you don’t need to do anything; after checking the seller and complaints, the commission will unfreeze the goods or block them and return your money. The procedure usually takes from 3 to 15 days, so be patient!

Outcome options:

  1. Aliexpress returns money
  2. The seller resends the item
  3. Aliexpress will offer to wait for the goods after all

Option 3 is the “not very” one. Since while the product has frozen status, the protection counter also becomes inactive. The money is in Aliexpress bank. Then the seller will be unblocked and if during the administration’s decision the delivery counter has finished counting, then your money will pass from the bank into the hands of the seller, i.e. payment for the goods will occur, although the goods have not yet arrived to you.

Purchasing goods on Aliexpress requires certain knowledge from the buyer, because no one is immune from force majeure circumstances. At the same time, each buyer must take into account that the trading platform cares about him and tries to quickly resolve all conflict situations, as well as prevent dangerous purchases. The latter is possible thanks to the provided order freezing procedure. We suggest that you consider all available information about it in order to know how to behave correctly in such situations.

You may hear a question from buyers: why are orders frozen on Aliexpress? It would seem that you have placed an order, paid for it and can wait for the parcel, but sometimes you log into your account on the website and see in the order status that it is frozen. How dangerous is this for the buyer and what should be done about it? Let's understand this situation.

The main reason why the freezing occurs is the actions of the trading platform administration, aimed at protecting buyers from fraudulent actions of sellers.

Therefore, first, let’s find out what are the grounds for freezing an order on Aliexpress:

  • buyers leave negative reviews about the activities of the seller, who uses various deception schemes;
  • the store closes the portal if not all orders have been completed yet;
  • The seller provides incorrect track numbers to buyers and therefore the route of the goods cannot be tracked.

As you can see, the general concept of a frozen order on Aliexpress gives reason to believe that this is a positive procedure for the buyer, but certain inconveniences may still arise.

After the order is frozen, the administration conducts investigations to find out whether the seller is really guilty. If the latter does not deny his guilt, then in general the procedure will take no more than 3 days. It's another matter when the seller tries to provide evidence of his innocence. In such cases, the investigation procedure will take up to 15 days.

Freezing an already paid order

Having studied all the circumstances of the case, and, if necessary, the seller’s evidence, the administration of the trading platform will come to one of the following decisions:

  • If it turns out that the seller is not a fraudster and he has successfully proven this, then the order will be unfrozen and the buyer will be able to receive it. It often happens that customer complaints are not so serious - the product arrived in the wrong color, size, or does not match the example in the picture. Inexperienced buyers can wait two weeks for a package and then complain that it didn’t arrive. But given the maximum delivery time - it can take up to 60 days - therefore, the parcel may actually be on the road. It happens that the tracking numbers provided by sellers are not tracked, but in most cases, buyers track the goods on the wrong site or do it too early. Typically, the parcel route begins to be displayed only 2-5 days after the buyer is provided with a track number.
  • If an order that has already been paid is frozen, and based on the results of the verification, the seller is found to be a fraudster, then do not worry, because the money for the goods will be returned. More details about the return procedure will be discussed later.
  • The third scenario is extremely rare, but still possible. The seller does not pass the verification not because of his fraudulent actions, but because he was on vacation, sick, or for other reasons was unable to provide evidence on time. In such cases, the buyer’s money will be returned, but the goods will still arrive.

How to unfreeze an order on Aliexpress

Now we invite you to take a closer look at common scenarios and first find out how to unfreeze an order on Aliexpress.

Since the administration of the trading platform freezes the order, then only she can unfreeze it. In such cases, much depends on the seller himself, especially if he is engaged in business activities honestly. He must provide all the necessary information about the order, including documents confirming its dispatch. If the administration, after checking them, comes to the conclusion that they are real, then the order will be unfrozen. For buyers, this outcome of events is perhaps the best, since all that remains to be done in such cases is to wait for the parcel.

The further procedure for working on Aliexpress will not change. The buyer can track their parcel using tracking numbers and must confirm this after receiving it. As for money, it will not be transferred to the seller until the buyer indicates that the goods have been received and meet all the necessary parameters.

Delivery of frozen orders from Aliexpress

Please note that delivery of a frozen order from Aliexpress, after a successful investigation for the seller, carries with it some unpleasant moments for the buyer.

The fact is that when an order receives frozen status, the buyer protection counter does not stop. Therefore, the buyer may find himself in a situation where at the time of defrosting the protection period has already expired. This leads to the following consequences. Firstly, the money for the goods will no longer be stored in the Aliexpress bank and will be transferred to the seller’s account, while the goods will not yet be received by the buyer. It’s good if the parcel arrives within some time and it is without damage or other possible defects. What to do if the product does not meet the characteristics specified by the seller or it has serious flaws? According to the rules of the trading platform, it is impossible to use buyer protection, since the period for opening a dispute has already expired. If you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation, you should not give up and take no action. Experienced buyers advise in such cases to immediately contact the administration of the trading platform. Considering the current situation, employees will help to quickly find a way out of it that will satisfy all the buyer’s requirements, because for Aliexpress every customer is important.

Cancellation of an order and refund on Aliexpress

If the seller’s actions are considered fraudulent, then the order will be canceled and the money will be returned to Aliexpress.

To find out information about the refund procedure, you need to log into your account on the website and open the My Orders section. Among the entire list, look for the one that has received the specified status and click next to it on the “View data” button. Then, on the page that opens, you need to select the “Payment” tab, where all information not only about the buyer’s payment, but also about the refund will be displayed.

It may happen that the buyer receives a message about the order being frozen and the funds being returned, but a certain amount of time passes and there is still no information about the money received. Don't panic right away, especially if you have your own Alipay account. Sometimes funds are automatically returned to this account. If another payment method was used and the order status says that the funds have already been returned, then the result is the same - they are already in the Alipay account.

Such situations occur if the money is returned by default, therefore, this kind of information is simply not displayed. Therefore, in such cases, try to check your Alipay account. To do this, open your profile in this payment system and go to its settings page. As a result, information about the movement of refunded funds will be available. If you do not want to receive funds in this way, then next to the mark that the money will be returned to your Alipay balance by default, you should click “Cancel”.

Thus, the money will always be returned to the buyer in case of fraudulent actions by the seller, but it is necessary to monitor the accounts on your payment systems and the information in your Aliexpress account.

What to do if your order on Aliexpress has not arrived

Many buyers may find themselves in a situation where the long-awaited package still does not appear at the appointed place. In such cases, the question arises - what to do if the order on Aliexpress has not arrived? There are several options for the buyer, so we will pay attention to each of them:

  • Contact the seller for help. Using the feedback forms, you can write to the seller and clarify the delivery information, including when the goods were sent and the track number. If the buyer receives such information and the track number is valid, then you track the route and wait for the parcel. It happens that the post office is overloaded and therefore the parcel is delayed, but this applies to those cases where the sellers did not use the services of private international transportation companies for delivery.
  • Opening a dispute. If the track number is not tracked or there are only a few days left by the end of the protection time, then you should open a dispute. This will help protect yourself from fraudulent actions by the seller and get your money back for the product.
  • Complaint against the seller. If the buyer has been waiting for his parcel in good faith, and the protection time has expired, then the only way out is to write complaints to the administration of the trading platform against the seller. Remember, Aliexpress has its own leverage over stores, which means the conflict will be resolved as soon as possible.

The last scenario is possible when the order has the status “Awaiting shipment” for a long time. This means that after paying for the goods, the seller still has not sent it. In such cases, you do not have to take any action, since after the deadline for sending the order expires (usually 8 days), it will be automatically canceled. The result of this is that the money will be returned to the buyer to the card or any other account that was used for payment.

Feedback from Aliexpress

Communication between buyer and seller, the opportunity to write to technical support of the site or contacting the administration of the trading platform - these are all examples of feedback in Aliexpress. It is used in cases where certain questions arise for the seller regarding the product or ordering procedure. Request for help from the administration occurs when a conflict arises between the seller and the buyer, which they cannot resolve on their own without a third disinterested party.

Feedback from Aliexpress can take the form of leaving reviews about the product. Moreover, all such reviews are used to form the seller’s rating, which subsequently affects its popularity among buyers. You can leave reviews either when the order is successfully received and it meets all the specified characteristics, or when the order is damaged or does not meet the parameters specified by the seller. The main requirement for such comments is that they must be written correctly and without the use of obscene language. Otherwise, it will not be published on the ordered product page.

To leave a review, just go to your personal account in the “My Orders” section and next to the required order, click on “Leave a Review”. After this, the buyer will be redirected to a page with a field to fill out a review. Here you can write everything you think is necessary about the product and even attach a photo of it. It is possible to give a rating from 1 to 5 depending on the overall impression. This takes into account three criteria, namely the accuracy of the seller’s description of his product, communication with him and delivery time.

After all the actions taken, you must click “Leave review”. It will be further checked by a moderator and only after a successful result will the review be published.

Frozen orders on Aliexpress video

If you plan to use the services of a Chinese trading platform, then find out all the purchasing rules in advance. Based on the experience of buyers, we can say that there are quite a lot of pitfalls and they relate to any stage of the order. At the same time, dishonest buyers rely on the illiteracy of buyers and use this for their own purposes.

As you may have already seen, some buyers, counting on the honesty of sellers, wait until the last minute for the goods and do not monitor the expiration of the protection period. This leads to them being left without money and goods. In the case of freezing, no attention is paid to the protection period, and after it ends, the buyer does not know in what ways he can protect himself.

Therefore, do not give sellers the opportunity to deceive you, because the trading platform has developed many high-quality buyer protection mechanisms.
If you still have questions about the topic discussed, then we suggest you watch the video - what does a frozen order on Aliexpress mean?

In this article we will tell you what it means order status FROZEN or frozen order on aliexpress and what needs to be done about it.

If you found this article through a search, then you are sure the status of your order for Aliexpress is “FROZEN” and you are interested in what this means, why is my aliexpress order frozen? and what to do!!!

It looks something like the photo below

I tell you right away if your Aliexpress order frozen, then this is very good!!! This only means that Aliexpress cares about the security of your wallet.

And as you have already seen in the image above, the marketplace tells you what to do

This supplier was recently found to be trading unsafely. To protect your trading activities, we have decided to review this order. Please be patient and wait for our further instructions.

Think. that everything is clear. You don't need to do anything!!!

How long does the check take?

Verification usually takes 5-7 business days. Sometimes faster, sometimes a little longer, but not a month for sure

What happens after the inspection?

There are three possible options:

  1. E If the seller turns out to be normal after checking, that is, if he provides the Aliexpress administration with the necessary data, such as a postal invoice, etc. In this case, your order will be unfrozen and you will receive your order.
  2. If the seller is a scammer, then...
  3. But sometimes it happens that the seller for some reason could not pass the check, for example, he was on vacation or suddenly got sick and did not get in touch, then it happens that the money is returned and the goods arrive. But that rarely happens!

Actually, that’s all about frozen orders for Aliexpress!!!

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Sooner or later they encounter a problem when the site administration freezes their order. Most people immediately begin to sound the alarm, because... Basically, the order is frozen after the buyer has paid for the goods. However, you should not give in to panic prematurely, because the administration of the trading platform freezes orders in order to protect the buyer’s funds. How? We will talk about this in detail in our article.

Figure 1. What is a frozen order on AliExpress?

What is a frozen order on AliExpress?

  • Freezing an order on AliExpress is a suspension of the transaction between the seller and the buyer by the site administration. As a rule, the AliExpress administration freezes the order when the seller from whom you ordered the product was suspected of fraud.
  • Most often, such sellers receive money, but do not send the goods to the buyer. Or they send something other than what was specified in the order. However, in some cases it also happens that the seller sent you a package, but it did not arrive within the specified time frame. This may be due to the postal service that delivers the package, or to the theft of the goods by one of the employees of the selling company.

  • For you, as a buyer, order freezing is a very good sign, because... This procedure will protect your funds that you have already paid for the product.
  • Freezing an order can last up to three working days if the seller admits his guilt and undertakes to correct this unpleasant situation as soon as possible.
  • If the seller denies any involvement in the incident, the order may be frozen for up to fifteen working days.

What to do if your order is frozen on AliExpress?

You, as the buyer, do not need to do anything. The security service of the AliExpress trading platform will check the seller within the time limits specified above and notify you of the decision made. If the seller really turns out to be guilty, you will get your money back in one of three ways:

  • The funds spent on the purchase will be transferred to your account from which payment for the goods was made.
  • Obliges the seller to resend you the ordered goods.
  • They will inform you that the order is on the way and that you need to be patient and wait for the parcel to arrive at your post office.

What to do if your order is frozen on AliExpress?

In general, such situations when an order enters the freezing stage arise extremely rarely. Fraudulent sellers are eliminated by the security service of the trading platform almost instantly, and, most often, the fault for freezing the order lies with the buyer himself for the following reasons:

  • The goods were not delivered to the specified address within two weeks and the buyer complained to the site administration about the seller. There is no need to do this. It should be remembered that the goods are sent from another country and delivery is carried out by Russian Post. So the delivery time can be up to 90 working days.
  • The buyer filed a complaint against the seller because the track number he issued could not be tracked. In fact, it may turn out that the buyer tried to track the route of the goods using the order number or tried to do this on a third-party site.
  • When filling out the form, the buyer entered an incorrect delivery address or other contact information. In this case, the parcel will be returned to the seller.

To avoid such unpleasant situations arising through your fault, we strongly recommend that you read our article “” before placing an order.

What is a "Closed Order" on AliExpress?

What is a "Closed Order" on AliExpress?

After the security service of the trading platform makes a final decision regarding the freezing of the order, it will change to the status “ Closed" Once this happens, the buyer will no longer be able to challenge the decision. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the status of the order and the progress of the proceedings. An order may be closed for the following reasons:

  • The buyer independently closed it after receiving the goods.
  • The buyer canceled the order for some reason or the seller did not send the goods.
  • If a dispute was opened between the seller and the buyer, and the administration of the trading platform made a decision in favor of one of the parties. In this case, the order goes to the “ Closed» automatically.
  • If the seller is suspected of fraud and the buyer has not yet managed to pay for the purchase.

VIDEO: What to do if your Aliexpress order is frozen?

You will be notified by email from Aliexpress that your order has been frozen. What does it mean? The letter will state that the seller has been found to have engaged in suspicious trading practices. For this reason, his activities on Aliexpress were suspended. Until the situation becomes clearer. The seller was warned that in order to confirm his legal activities, he must provide the necessary documents (transportation documents, certificates, etc.) within 3 days. If he does not do this, the order will be canceled and the buyer will be refunded in full within up to 5 days. If the seller provides the necessary documents, Aliexpress has 15 days to verify their authenticity and resume the seller’s activities on its pages.

You will also see that your order has been frozen in My orders. It will be written next to the order Frozen Orders. You will find more detailed information in the section View Detail .
In the table of contents of the order, we can see the Frozen order status and information that the seller is expected to provide documents to verify his trading activities. You will find the same information here as in the letter.

Now all that remains is to wait to see how the seller will behave. Will he provide the necessary documents or not? In most cases, we are talking only about dishonest sellers who do not send the goods. They will only write the parcel number instead of confirmation of dispatch. So don't forget. In this case, the number may be fictitious and it will be impossible to track it. It may also happen that the seller will send you the number of a parcel that he has already sent to someone else before.

From my own experience, I will say that it has never happened before that it was “unfrozen” again. , and the goods from these frozen parcels never reached me. Therefore, if your parcel was frozen after it was sent, expect that it will never arrive. But if it suddenly arrived, you have the opportunity to leave it without additional payments.

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