Where to set a password on your computer. How to set a Windows login password: setting up your account

One of the main tasks of every PC user is to protect his computer from third-party interference. You probably won't like it if someone else gets access to the files stored on your PC, so if you still don't know how to put a password on a computer, It's time to correct the situation and expand your knowledge in the field of protecting your data from prying eyes and hands

Of course, setting a password does not guarantee that no one will be able to use your computer. Unfortunately, any protection can be hacked if necessary, and if someone seriously decides to gain access to your PC, they will achieve their goal. However, it is unlikely that such important data is stored on your device that all the hackers in the world will try to gain access to it, and most likely you are thinking about how to set a password on your computer in order to limit access to the PC for some family members who probably do not have the knowledge. necessary to crack the password.

In this article we will look at two ways to set a password on a computer - through the operating system Windows and through BIOS. The second option is universal and does not differ depending on what is installed on your computer. operating system, but the first one has some differences, so we will separately look at how to set a password on a computer with Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows XP. Essentially this basic knowledge, however, many users have many questions about this, so below will be given step-by-step instruction with corresponding pictures.

How to set a password on a computer in Windows

As stated earlier, the process of setting a password using Windows There are some differences depending on the version of the operating system you are using, so we have prepared separate instructions for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows XP.

Setting a password in Windows 7.

Let's go to "Start - Control Panel".

In the window that opens, change View from "Category" on "Small Icons", if this has not been done previously.

Now you need to come up with a password account, which we will later use to turn on the computer. The password must be entered twice. In addition, you are required to enter a password hint, which will be needed to recover it if you forget it. After filling in all fields, click on the button "Create a password".

Your computer is now password protected and will require you to enter your password each time you start and exit sleep mode.

How to set a password on a computer in Windows 8.

First you need to open the menu windows 8. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the very top right screen of the monitor. In the menu that appears, select a section "Options".

After this, an additional Windows 8 menu will open, where you need to select a partition "Change computer settings". Further in the section "PC Settings" select item "Users", then click on the button "Create a password". In the page that opens, opposite the line « New Password» enter the desired password, which must be repeated in the line "Please re-enter your password". In line "Password Hint" provide information that, if you are unable to log in using your password, will help you recover it.

For the changes to take effect, click on the button "Further". After this, a page will open with a notification about the successfully created password. Click on the button "Ready" and the next time you turn on the system you will be prompted to enter a password.

How to set a password on a computer in Windows XP.

1. Open the menu "Start" and select "Control Panel".

2. In the window that opens, select "User accounts". There may be some differences depending on the selected display mode; we have provided screenshots for both options.

3. In the window that opens, select your account. If in progress Windows installations and the next time you use it you did not specify a username, then the username must be used "Admin", which sets the default for all computers.

4. In the account management window, click on the section "Create a password."

5. Next, you must enter the desired password twice in the appropriate fields. The system will also ask you to enter a hint to recover your password. You can fill out this field or enter nothing, it all depends on your personal preferences and this field is not mandatory.

6. After filling in all the required fields, click on the button "Create a password". Now the system will prompt you to make your files and documents hidden from other users. In this case, there is also the opportunity to refuse, so when making a decision, it is based on personal wishes. That's all, the password setting has been completed successfully, which you can do by restarting your computer.

How to set a password on a computer in the BIOS

It should be said right away that setting an account password using the operating system involves a much simpler procedure than a similar process through the BIOS. However, before you put a password on your computer in Windows, you should consider the BIOS option. The fact is that a password set in this way is much more secure and cannot be cracked programmatically. To make the necessary settings, you need to enter directly into the BIOS itself. This is done by pressing a specific key when turning on the computer. Depending on the computer model, the key will differ, the most commonly used "Delete". You can clarify this question by using the Internet or documents that came with your computer. After you find out which key is used to enter the BIOS, you can begin setting a password.

It should be noted that the BIOS versions also differ, so there may be differences in the menu items and it will not be possible to provide universal instructions. For example, in some versions the password is set in the section "BIOS Setting Password", when you click on it, you will be prompted to enter a password. True, this password will only be requested when entering the BIOS; we need to make sure that the need to enter the password arises when loading the operating system. To do this you need to find the section "Advanced BIOS Features", and opposite the point "Password Check" set value "Always".

In another BIOS version The password is set in the section "Password on boot", opposite which you need to set the values "Enabled"

If you have a computer in your house, one for the whole big seven, and everyone wants no one to interfere in each other’s personal space - in this case, there is only one way out - you need to create a password for each user account. But how to set a password on your computer?

Let us consider this issue in more detail using the example of two operating systems.

Setting a password for Windows 7

All user accounts in Windows have administrator level access by default. Those. all users can make changes to the operation of the computer (install various programs and drivers). Also by default in Windows passwords are not provided, which means there is no protection for our computer from third-party users.

The password for a computer on Windows 7 is set in the following order:

That's it - the password is set!

Setting a password for Windows XP

The password when turning on a computer running XP is set as follows:

That's it: a password has been created and the password-protected account is available only to you. To complete the procedure, it is recommended to restart the computer. As you can see, setting a password to turn on the computer was not at all difficult!

If you are not the only one who uses the computer, then it makes sense to create another account with limited rights, specifying a specific range of access (for example, Internet access, games, etc.).

Similarly, you can not only set, but also change a previously set password.

On the question of choosing a password

Before you proceed directly to setting a password, you need to come up with one. It would seem like nothing complicated, but many users make mistakes at this stage.

You should not use any publicly available information about you for your password, such as your first or last name, the names of your children, or dates of birth, either your own or those of close relatives.

Eliminate hackneyed words from password options, such as Password, Login, Netpassword, 12345, and so on. Why are these words not suitable for passwords? Because when a computer is hacked, scammers or virus programs check them first, hoping for our laziness when creating a password. The less the password is associated with you or with well-known words, the higher its degree of security will be.

The most secure will be a complex password that combines numbers and letters written in different registers (a combination of uppercase and uppercase - example: Gor1ShoK25).

Also keep in mind that the minimum password length for Windows OS is 6 characters.

In conclusion, we note that sometimes there is no need to protect the entire computer if you only need to protect part of the information. In such cases, it is enough to set a password for the folder, as we wrote about.

Hello! Today I realized that I have already written a lot of advice on the blog, but about that how to set a password on a computer I haven’t written yet, so I’ll correct myself. In fact, it's very important point, which will help protect your computer from prying eyes. But to tell the truth, any protection can be hacked if necessary, and if someone really needs your information, they will get it. But these are special cases; to protect your computer from children and curious relatives, the password that is set on your account will be enough.

Today I will write how to set a password for your account in the Windows 7 operating system; you can also set a password in the BIOS system, but I think that I will write about this a little later, in a separate article. We'll look at how to set a password when you have one administrator account.

I advise you to immediately come up with a password that you will set. I’ll say right away that there are no dates of birth, surnames, first names, etc. you don’t even need to hack such a password, you can guess it :). Come up with a good password of ten characters. The main thing is that you remember it, and preferably not write it down anywhere, just so that no one sees it, well, you understand :).

When setting a password, look carefully at the keyboard layout language, whether Caps lock is enabled or disabled. Otherwise, set a password, and when you try to log in using it you will be refused, my friend once had this, he hid it from himself :).

If you have already come up with a password and know how to enter it correctly, then let's get started.

Set a password on your computer

Open “Start” and click on the picture of your account, so we will quickly get to the account settings.

A window will open in which click on “Creating a password for your account”.

A window will open in which we will set a password. Everything is very simple, we enter the password we came up with twice, then a hint, this is a thing that everyone can see, but only you it should remind you of the password. And press "Create a password".

Now you can restart your computer, and when you turn it on you will need to enter the password we set, like this:

You can also block your computer, for example, when you leave it for a few minutes. Just press Win+L and the computer will be locked. A window will appear in which you need to enter the password we set and after clicking on the arrow, you can continue working with the computer. Sometimes this is very useful.

In order to remove or change the password that we set on your computer, also go to Start and click on the photo of your account. A window will appear in which you can select “Change your password”, or “Removing your password”.

In order to change the password, you need to enter the current password, and then the new one twice. And if you want to delete a password, you just need to specify the current password once and confirm the deletion.

This is how easy it is to protect your computer, and just as easy to remove the protection, for example, when relatives leave :). Good luck!

Necessity. But first, let’s answer the question - why do you need a password on a PC and when can it come in handy? What can he protect us from?

If you install it on Windows 7, it can protect you from many troubles:

  • will not allow someone else, without knowing the code for the operating system, to use your computer.
  • necessary for the security of your personal or proprietary information located on hard drives when you're not around.
  • will limit the time your children spend on the computer while you are not at home.
  • serves as the first step in protecting your machine from viruses.

Installing it will undoubtedly be useful.

How to place it correctly

Or a laptop with installed Windows 7 is not difficult at all using a user account. As a rule, on almost all home machines and devices from small companies that are not concerned information security, only one user account is used. It usually has your name and gives you full administrator rights. of this computer. Thus, if we turn on a computer or laptop and log in under this account, we will be able to view all the files on the disk, documents, photos. And not only look, but also delete. It also gives all rights to install and remove any programs. Both useful and not very useful. It is on this main account that we will provide protection for you in such a way that when you turn on the device without entering a password, you will not be able to access data, install or delete the application.


So, put a password on the operating room Windows system 7 of your PC is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to perform certain actions in the sequence listed below.

First you need to click the “Start Menu” button (the check mark on the button in the left corner at the bottom of the desktop), then go to the “Control Panel” menu item. In the future, for brevity, this sequence of actions will be written as follows: “Start Menu - Control Panel -...”

A window with control panel elements will open; we will need to change its appearance a little. To do this, in the right corner of the folder you need to change the display type in the “View” item from “Category” to “small icons”.

The Windows window view has changed to full, listing all control panel elements.

We need the “User Accounts” item - look for it and go in by clicking on it once.

A user account management window will open, which is called “User Accounts”. Here we need to select the “Create a password for your account” link.

This step is one of the most important. You need to come up with a set of characters. To be more secure, it should be difficult for humans or malware to pick up. It is better if capital letters, numbers and special characters are used along with lowercase letters. For example, "Got5%4". The more symbols, the more reliable, but don’t get too carried away - usually 8-10 symbols are enough. It should be noted that passwords like “123” or “qwerty” and the like can only protect against a child, and not for long. In the future, he will definitely pick it up and use your computer uncontrollably. Moreover, a simple password will not protect against intruders or malware.

We came up with it and entered it twice the same way to confirm and put it, repeating it in the appropriate input fields. If you wish, you can enter a hint for it, but you should not write it there explicitly, especially since Windows 7 itself will not allow you to do this. After you write everything, click the “Create password” button and now you can finally set it.

Now your PC user account is under good protection - a password has been set, about which the corresponding message “Password protected” is displayed. Now you can either change it or delete it completely. Further, every time you turn on, when booting Windows 7, the system will require you to enter the required characters; without this, you will not be able to log in to the system under your account.

That's it, a password has been set for your Windows 7 computer.

In our age of information and modern technologies– the protection of personal data should occupy an important place in the life of every person. Each of us is already accustomed to setting a password on a smartphone, but rarely does anyone create a password for a PC. And in vain, because through a computer, for example, through a browser and its history, you can find out a lot of information about us and not only find out, but also use it against us. This is why it is important to password your computer. In this material about how to set a password on a PC. All instructions will be given for the most popular platform today, Windows 7.

How to set a password on a PC: methods

Strictly speaking, there are only two ways to create a password for a computer - the first: by setting a password on a personal account, the second: by locking the BIOS. However, before we tell you how to set a password on your computer using these methods, we will make a small digression and briefly tell you what an account and BIOS are, so that when creating a password, you still understand what we are dealing with.

— What is a user account?

Each computer, even if it is called personal, is designed for autonomous use by several users. Any user can create and set up their own account and customize it to their needs, including setting a personal password.

Speaking in simple language, a personal account is an opportunity to create several different interfaces on one PC, each of which will be optimally tailored to the needs of a particular user.

— What is BIOS?

BIOS is special program, sewn into the motherboard, which loads on our PC even before the system boots and instructs the system with what parameters it needs to boot. After we press the PC power button, the BIOS loads first, and only then, if everything BIOS settings are correct, the operating system starts loading. You can read more about what a BIOS is in our material - “”.

How to make a password on a computer using account password creation?

In order to set a password on your computer by password-protecting your account, follow the following instructions:

1. Click on the “Start” button, click on the “Control Panel” item.

2. Opposite the “View” parameter, set the value to “Small icons”, then click on the “User Accounts” item.

4. In the “New Password” column, set the secret combination, and in the “Password Confirmation” column, repeat the password.

If desired, in the “Enter a password hint” column, indicate a hint, but keep in mind that the hint can be viewed by any PC user, so it should only very subtly hint at your password, and not give it away completely.

5. Click the “Create password” button.

6. That's it! The account is password protected.

Now let's check if the password is saved, for this:

1. Click on the “Start” button, click the arrow after the “Shut down” button.

2. In the drop-down menu, select the line “Change user”.

3. As you can see, we are required to enter a password, and if we enter it incorrectly, we are given a hint.

How to create a password for a computer using BIOS?

To set a password on a computer using using BIOS, first of all, you need, of course, to go into the BIOS. Read in detail how to do this in the article “How to open the BIOS” (link above).

Once you are in the BIOS, follow these instructions:

1. Open the Security tab.

2. Find the Set column HDD Password, click Enter and enter the desired password twice.

3. Save your changes.

Now, when you try to turn on the PC, you will see the following message.

To remove your password:

1. Go to BIOS.

2. Open the Security tab.

3. Find the Set HDD Password column, click Enter.

4. In the Enter Current Password column, enter set password, and the Enter New Password and Confirm New Password columns must be left empty; to do this, press Enter twice and save the changes.

How reliable is the BIOS protection?

At first glance, it seems that the password set in the BIOS is a very serious measure, but if the user who wants to access your PC is an advanced one and knows that all BIOS settings can be reset just by removing the battery from motherboard, it becomes clear that this is not the case.

Of course, you have to open it to remove the battery. system unit, but who would stop before such an essentially not very difficult matter if he wants to gain access to important information.


So, now you know how to set a password on your PC and you can choose which method of protection you prefer. To be sure, no one forbids using both methods. We hope your data will be safe and inviolable!

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