Installing and setting up Skype on a laptop.

One of the most famous programs for communicating on the Internet. Previously, it was only available on PCs, but with the spread of smartphones, it migrated to mobile devices. With its help, it is easy to reach a friend anywhere in the world, and completely free of charge. This applies to both messages and video calls. To connect Skype, use our guide.


To fully use the program, you need to download it, register an account (if you don’t have one) and log in. Let's look at each of these actions in turn.

You should start by installing the program. It is officially available on Windows, Mac, Android, WP and iPhone. Accordingly, you can get it for all current platforms.

In case of mobile devices Just download the application through the official store:

On computers and laptops, the installation file is easiest to download from the official website The installation procedure for Windows and Mac OS is standard; there is no point in describing it.


We will look at the procedure for creating an account using the version of Skype for Android as an example. But on other platforms everything is basically the same. This is what a sample instruction looks like:

Getting the opportunity to hear a loved one when the latter is on the other side of the planet - isn’t this the greatest invention of mankind? Of course, you won’t be able to touch it, but you can easily see it: a video call on Skype turns the unfulfilled dreams of our ancestors into reality. You can try the program directly on your computer

So, if you wish, you can always download Skype for a computer running:

  • Microsoft Windows: From XP version up to last update“tens”, Skype is supported on all operating systems bearing the proud name Windows. Use the program on all kinds of devices that support this operating system: PC, laptops, netbooks.
  • Linux: The most optimized operating system supports Skype perfectly, making your experience even more enjoyable and faster.
  • In addition, the program requires much less on-site and random access memory than in the same Windows. Skype is supported in the following versions: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE Linux.
  • MacOS: Skype service is available to you if you have operating system Apple version 10.5.8 or newer update.

How to use Skype on a computer?

If you want to use Skype program, you just need to download it from the link provided, or go to the official website of the developer and download it from there. Either way, you get it completely free latest version programs. If you do not have a microphone or webcam headset, you can communicate with other users via chat. By purchasing these devices, you get the opportunity to communicate through a voice call (like a telephone) and through a video call.

For user convenience, the following options are available:

  1. Headphones and microphone: can be purchased separately or as a single device. By purchasing them, you can buy a higher quality webcam, and without the audio recording function.
  2. Webcam with built-in microphone: this way you don't have to buy a microphone separately. It will be enough to use regular headphones or, if circumstances permit, use speakers.

Setting up Skype on a computer

Tune software It’s actually very simple: just check the box, selecting a valid microphone from the list (there may be options for connectors to which devices are not connected). Carry out the test - it will take you a few minutes, and then configure the microphone. Next, you can make absolutely free calls to other users who also use Skype.

How to connect Skype: instructions for dummies

Previously, users were able to communicate only in chats using Email, on forums and in in social networks. But the world of high technology does not stand still. Therefore, today users already communicate through special program Skype.

What features come with Skype?

How to connect Skype to communicate with loved ones from other countries? Using this program, the user can call anywhere in the world. The main thing is that the second participant in the conversation also has it installed. In Skype, you can not only see your interlocutor, but also transfer video and photo materials. And if, for example, you top up your personal account, you will be able to make calls to mobile phones.

How does communication work on Skype?

Today Skype is one of the most common types of communication. To communicate with other users, you only need to know the account name. In order to find an acquaintance or friend among a million subscribers, you need to enter his name in the search bar. After you exchange data with him, you can use all the functions of Skype: chat, telephone or web camera.

What do you need to communicate freely via Skype?

To do this you need to have a web camera and microphone. For a desktop computer you need to buy both. Although modern web cameras already have a built-in microphone. If you have a laptop, then it is advisable to have a built-in camera. But how to connect Skype to a laptop if it does not come with a webcam? Almost all modern portable PCs are already equipped with front cameras, but if they don’t have one, you can simply purchase this device at a computer store.

How to connect Skype to a laptop or computer?

First you need to download the installation file to your computer. After downloading, you need to run the program. A window will open where you will need to select a language and confirm that you are familiar with license agreement. After installation is complete, a window will appear asking you to enter your username and password. If you do not have an account, then you need to follow the “Register” link.

How to register for Skype?

After you click the “Register” button, the browser will open registration form. When registering, you will need to indicate your email address, last name, first name, and also come up with the desired login by which you will be searched in the system. After filling out all the data, you will receive an email with a link that you need to click on. After the e-mail has been confirmed, you can begin setting up.

Setting up Skype

First you will need to fill in some personal information, upload an avatar (you can upload it from a PC or take a photo via a web camera). It is also very important to set up your microphone and camera. For deeper settings, you will need to go to the “Tools” tab.

Can Skype be connected to other mobile gadgets?

You can connect Skype (laptop, desktop PC, tablet, smartphone) to any device. There's nothing complicated about it. You just need to download the installation file to your device and run it. We hope that after reading the above, you will be able to connect Skype to your laptop or computer without any problems.

Communication on the Internet has become commonplace. If previously everything was limited to text chats, now you can easily hear and even see your loved ones and friends at any distance. There are a large number of programs for this type of communication. Skype is considered the most popular application for voice communication. The application gained its popularity due to its simple and intuitive interface, which even an inexperienced user can understand.

But in order to quickly understand the program, it is still worth reading the instructions for setting it up. It is not always clear what to do in certain situations when working with Skype. Therefore, read this article to know how to connect Skype to your computer.

The process will be described in the form of step-by-step instructions, starting from installation and ending with setting up the microphone and examples of using Skype functions.

Download the installation distribution of the application from the official website.

Run the downloaded file. Confirm it if Windows asks for administrative rights.

The first installation screen looks like this. By pressing the button additional settings, you will open an option to select the installation location and confirm/cancel adding the Skype shortcut to your desktop.

Select required settings and click the button to agree to the license agreement and continue installation.

The installation of the application will begin.

Once the process is complete, the program login screen will open. If you don't have a profile yet, you need to create one. To do this, click the create new button account.

Your default browser will open. On open page There is a form for creating a new account. Here you need to enter information about yourself: first name, last name, email address, etc.

It is not necessary to enter real personal data (full name, date of birth, etc.), but Mailbox It is advisable to enter a real one, since with it you can restore access to your account in the future if you forget your password.

Then you need to come up with a username and password. When choosing a password, pay attention to the form tips, which show how you can come up with the most secure password.

Then you need to enter a captcha to confirm that you are not a robot and agree to the terms of use of the program.

An account has been created and you will be automatically logged into it on the Skype website.

Now you can enter the program itself through the client installed on your computer. To do this, enter your created username and password on the login form.

If you have problems logging in, for example, you forgot your password, then read it - it tells you how to restore access to your Skype account.

After logging in, you will be prompted to perform the initial setup of the program.

Click the Continue button.

A form will open for setting up sound (speakers and microphone) and webcam. Adjust the volume based on the test sound and green indicator. Then select a webcam if necessary.

Click the continue button. Read the brief instructions on how to select an avatar in the program.

The next window allows you to select an avatar. You can use a saved image on your computer or you can take a photo from a connected webcam.

This completes the preliminary setup. All settings can be changed at any time. To do this, select Tools>Settings from the Skype top menu.

So, the program is installed and preliminary configuration is done. All that remains is to add contacts for the conversation. To do this, select the menu item Contacts>Add contact>Search in the Skype directory and enter the username of your friend or acquaintance with whom you want to talk.

You can add a contact by left-clicking on it and then clicking the add button.

Enter the message you want to send along with the add request.

Request has been sent.

All you have to do is wait until your friend accepts your request.

Request accepted - press the call button and start a conversation!

Now let's look at the process of setting up Skype while using it.

Microphone settings

Good sound quality is the key to a successful conversation. Few people enjoy listening to a quiet or distorted voice. Therefore, at the beginning of a conversation, it is worth adjusting the sound of the microphone. It wouldn’t hurt to do this even when you change one microphone to another, since different microphones can have completely different volume and sound.

Read detailed instructions on setting up a microphone in Skype.

Screen sharing on Skype

There are times when you need to show your friend or colleague what's going on on your desktop. In this case, you need to use the corresponding Skype function.

Read on - it will help you figure out how to share the screen with your interlocutor on Skype.

Now you know how to set up Skype on desktop computer or laptop with Windows system 7, 10 and XP. Invite your friends to participate in the conversation - thanks to these instructions, you won’t have to explain to them in detail how to get Skype on your computer.

Have you downloaded and installed the popular messenger? Now, to start using it for free, you need to set up Skype on your computer.

Basic settings, or My Skype

To start using Skype on your computer, go to General settings, by clicking in the “Tools” menu, the “Settings” submenu. Next, select “Basic” - “General”. Here you can choose to start the program when you turn on the computer (when you start Windows), show friends’ avatars, change your status if there is no activity for more than n minutes (you choose the number yourself) (the mouse does not move, the buttons on the keyboard do not press), as well as select a language .

When you go to the second line of the main settings, you can adjust the sound, that is, connect a microphone, for example. Select the microphone you need if you have several of these devices connected to your computer. The same goes for speakers (you can connect speakers or headphones).

Check the box "Allow automatic setup microphone" so that there are no periodic sound distortions and volume changes.

The next item in the main settings is video.

The same goes for your video. Click "Webcam Settings" to adjust the image from your camera.

Next on the list is an item called “Skype Wi-Fi”. This is an opportunity to enable Skype over public Wi-Fi networks. You can find out more detailed information by clicking on the “Details” button in the specified section.

Security Settings

Since the Skype messenger is, in fact, open to anyone who wants to use it (and for free), your account may receive unwanted messages or calls from people unknown to you, if you do not close this opportunity.

Follow these steps sequentially to set up the security of your communications:
1.Log into Skype.

2.Click on the “Tools” menu (sixth from the left) and select the “Settings” sub-item (or simply press the key combination “CTRL” + “,”).

3.In the “SkypeTM-Settings” window that appears, you will see on the left a list of parameters that you can adjust to suit your personal needs. Click on the “Security” line, then “Security Settings”.

4.Now change, if necessary, the security settings by placing dots opposite the required items. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Receive calls from any user or “only from my contacts”.
  2. Receive video and broadcast your screen to everyone, only those included in your contact list, or disable this option (the “no one” option) altogether.
  3. Receive chats from everyone or just from friends (contacts).
  4. Save the entire history of conversations and other events in Skype on your computer or not save at all (select one of several options from the drop-down list).
  5. The last section concerns the removal of Cookies, which can clog up your computer over time, as well as other Web settings.

1.Log into the messenger.

2.Open the settings tools menu.

3.Select Alert Settings.

4.Select (by checking the boxes) what notifications you would like to receive: when someone logs into Skype (or Facebook) or leaves it, starts a chat with you, sends a file, a message, a voice message or video, celebrates his birthday, transmits contact information.

Profile setup

Below the menu bar in the main Skype window is your first and last name, which is displayed to other users unless they manually change this information. To set up a profile, you need to click on this inscription. You will be taken to the profile and status editing tab.

When you click on “Change avatar” you can upload an image (photo, picture) that will represent you when communicating on Skype; and by clicking on “Take Photo” you can take a photo with your webcam. If you choose the second option, after you take a photo you are happy with, click “Use this image.” Please note that to view your photo (avatar) on Skype, just like for other data, you can make the necessary privacy adjustments in the settings and limit access to viewing your photo, for example, only to the list of your contacts.

By clicking “Manage”, you can edit or enter other data into your profile: phone numbers, email (you may have several mailboxes), city, information about yourself, and more. Near each item you can select access to your information (for example, public information, contacts...)

Adding contacts

What is a contact in Skype? This is the user you have added to your contact list. To always be able to call your acquaintances or friends, you need to find them in the Skype system and add them to the list. At first you will have only one contact - this is the Echo/Sound Test Service, which helps all new users. To do this you need to call this subscriber.

How to add new contact:

  1. Check the internet connection on your computer.
  2. Log in to the program.
  3. At the bottom left, find the “Add Contact” button.
  4. Enter your email address, first name, last name, Skype login - using any of these data you can find the person(s) on the Skype network.
  5. When you find the person you want, click Add.
  6. Click "Send Request..." to send a request to add you to this person's contacts. If necessary, change the standard text to your own.
  7. Go back to the main Skype window - you will see that there is one more line in your contacts. Until that user adds you, they will display a question mark.

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