How to make a Valentine's mailbox. Valentine's mailbox

Valentine's Day is a holiday, rather, for adults, and children perceive it simply as another reason for fun. If children in kindergarten do not yet fully understand even the essence of this holiday, then schoolchildren actively celebrate it and even prepare gifts and declarations of love for this day. But children are timid and shy people, especially when it comes to their first love, so they do not always dare to confess their feelings to the object of their sympathy. Valentine's post at school can help with this.

Such an event is organized under the leadership of the school principal and artistic director; teachers and head teachers also take part in the planning.

Organizing mail for Valentine's Day at school requires careful preparation, and the process goes something like this:

  • a mailbox is being prepared - one or several, depending on the number of children in the school;
  • the box is decorated in a holiday style - with hearts, angels, and other decorative elements;
  • a few days before Valentine's Day, announcements about the upcoming event are posted around the school so that children can prepare letters and valentines;
  • responsible persons are appointed - teachers and students. From each class, 2-3 students are selected, who are released from classes on the holiday and begin the duties of postmen;

How does Valentine's Day mail work at school?

  1. Students drop pre-prepared valentines and notes into the box;
  2. Each note or valentine must include the class number and the name of the child to whom it is addressed. For example: 5th grade, Anya Ivanova;
  3. Students drop mail into the box during breaks, and at the beginning of the lesson, postmen, under the guidance of teachers and head teachers, sort the mail by class, determine which class is in which room studying in this lesson and deliver love correspondence.

With this special mail it is not necessary to send love messages. Girlfriends enjoy preparing valentines for each other and exchanging them on Valentine's Day using this school mail. It’s a pleasant and unforgettable feeling when the postmen enter the classroom and call your name; it’s so nice to understand that someone has prepared a little surprise for you, and perhaps even a real declaration of first love!

More ideas for Valentine's Day at school

To create a romantic mood on this holiday, the walls of the school are decorated in advance with paper figurines of angels and hearts. The students themselves do this under the guidance of teachers or high school students. Each class decorates the walls and windows near its office, and thus the entire school is transformed.

Also, on Valentine’s Day, it is customary to organize concerts and games in which high school students are happy to take an active part. Such a concert can be held in the form of the popular television program “Love at First Sight.” This option is more suitable for high school students, and for students in grades 5-9 you can organize a thematic KVN or song competition.

Another interesting idea is to make and give each student an emblem in the form
heart, which is attached to clothing. Children wear these emblems all day.

To make them, several students are selected to cut out and paint hearts. It turns out that each class has its own original emblem. You can also indicate the class number on it.

Valentine's Day can be celebrated in the classroom by having a tea party, for which the children prepare sweets and pastries in advance. It’s good if the treats are also themed - in the shape of hearts or angels.

These are just a few ideas for Valentine's Day at school. The main goal of this holiday is to show children that they should not be ashamed of their first tender feelings, that love is wonderful!

Holding holidays at school helps create a more friendly atmosphere in the classroom, but only if the event is well prepared. Nowadays, February 14 is celebrated not only by couples in love; many schools organize festive events.

This holiday is especially interesting for high school students, since at this age falling in love already occurs.

How to spend Valentine's Day at school so that the event is fun and memorable? To do this, you will have to carry out serious preparatory work.

If for an elementary school a short extracurricular event is enough, where children can be introduced to the stories of the holiday or have a couple of outdoor games, such as a relay race. It’s worth preparing a full-fledged event for high school students.

Children should prepare for the event in advance. Each class prepares a bright festive wall newspaper; students can prepare skits, learn songs and dances. Older children can even prepare a large-scale flash mob in the school lobby or school hallways.

You definitely need to decorate your school for Valentine's Day. You can use inflatable balloons, heart-shaped ones, or bright posters with famous sayings about love written on them.

Cupid's Mail

The most famous holiday tradition is exchanging notes with declarations of love. In order for Cupid's mail to work, you will need to install a box with a slot (like a mailbox), and also select a couple of letter carriers from each class.

Anyone can drop a message into the box, not forgetting to indicate the name of the recipient and the class in which he studies. During breaks, letter carriers check the contents of the box, selecting letters addressed to their classmates and delivering them.

Organization of the evening

The holiday itself is usually held in the assembly hall. The event is divided into two parts. First comes the creative part, during which guests of the holiday are invited to watch concert numbers prepared by the participants of the holiday. The second part includes competitions, games and, of course, dancing.

The creative part of the evening may include the most different numbers. Of course, they must be thematic. Participants of the holiday can read beautiful poems about love and act out scenes from famous literary works.

However, the second part, as a rule, arouses the greatest interest among children. When choosing competitions for Valentine's Day at school, do not forget that a school evening is not a party at a club. It is necessary to take into account the age of the children, their possible shyness and the presence of personal antipathies and sympathies between students.

Thus, games for Valentine's Day at school should correspond to the theme of the holiday, but at the same time not have a touch of vulgarity, which is often present in competitions held at “adult” parties.

Games for children in grades 5-7

Children of middle school age usually take part in outdoor competitions with pleasure.

Each player has a balloon tied to their ankle. A cheerful melody is turned on, to which the children dance, trying to keep their balloon intact, but at the same time burst the balloons of their opponents.

The game is played in the form of a relay race. First, the children are explained that a heart pierced by an arrow is a symbol of love. Then they play the game.

The teams line up near the start of the relay, and at the finish line they set up a chair on which darts lie, and a little further on a heart cut out of foam is attached to the wall. Each relay participant runs a distance from start to finish, takes a dart from a chair and throws it, trying to hit the heart. The winner is the team that completes the relay faster and leaves the most darts on the target.

Three or four people take part in the game at the same time. Players are given small mirrors. They should look in the mirror and praise themselves, saying how much they love themselves. The main task of the player is not to laugh. And it will be quite difficult to do this, since those around you will roar with laughter, listening to what compliments the player gives himself.

Each team receives a poster in the form of a sheet of Whatman paper, which depicts the outline of a heart. And also a large number of small hearts cut out of paper. The team’s task is to put a face on a drawn heart out of small hearts, “draw” eyes, a nose, a smile, etc.

Games for high school students

For high school students, you can choose funny competitions that allow you to demonstrate your erudition, acting abilities and dexterity. Here are some ideas for games for a Valentine's Day party.

This game is played on the same principle as that used in the program of the same name. And in order for the competition to correspond to the theme of the holiday, love songs should be selected for the tasks.

This game works well for a relatively small group, and is suitable for an evening for one class. It is necessary to prepare notes with tasks - forfeits. To make it more interesting, the notes can be placed in containers from Kinder surprises, in empty halves of walnuts glued together, or in balloons that will need to be burst to get the note out.

Each player chooses a task for himself and completes it. Tasks can be like this:

  • give a compliment to a neighbor;
  • list five famous couples in love from world literature;
  • fold a flower from a napkin and give it to someone present;
  • sing a love song, etc.

If a player cannot or does not want to complete a task, then he is given a “fine”. Options for fines will also need to be thought through in advance. For example, a player who has been at fault can be asked to read a poem about love or jump on one leg.

To play, you need to prepare cards on which proverbs about love, phrases from poems and songs will be written. The presenter explains the task to the players: “Often lovers do not have enough words to be able to convey their feelings, so they resort to expressive language of gestures and facial expressions. Each player who receives a card must convey without words what is written there so that others understand what it is about.”

This game will allow you to identify among the players the masters of giving compliments. Each participant must come up with a compliment for his beloved (or beloved, if the player is a girl). The difficulty is that the invented phrase must contain the word that the player receives by drawing lots. The words for this game need to be chosen so that it is not easy to formulate a compliment. For example, “refrigerator”, “hockey”, “puddle”, etc.

The game is played by dividing the participants into two teams - boys and girls. The task of each team is to come up with as many pleasant adjectives as possible that characterize the opposing team (examples: amazing, cute, beautiful, original, etc.). Compliments are pronounced by each team in turn. The team that cannot come up with another adjective loses.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, a special post office for lovers began operating at our Institute of Paths, Construction and Structures. Our three real cupids, starting from February 10, received “Valentines” all day long, for their subsequent transfer to the desired recipient, and shot their magic arrows at students and even teachers of our institute. But let’s first figure out where this “Valentines” tradition came from.

What is the history of this holiday?

Valentine's Day - the holiday of lovers - has been celebrated on February 14 in Europe since the 13th, and in the USA - since 1777, in Russia - since the early 1990s.

In the 3rd century. AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having discovered these “anti-state” marriages, the emperor ordered the offender to be imprisoned and then executed. In prison, Valentin, deprived of holy books, diversified his forced leisure time by writing notes to the jailer’s daughter. The young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. The symbols of Valentine's Day are all those objects that we associate with the concept of love. These are figurines and images of Cupid or Cupid - the ancient gods of love, these are all kinds of hearts, including chocolate ones; these are flowers and doves, rings. And, of course, special Valentine cards.

The same “Valentines” mail was organized on the eve of the holiday at the Institute of Railways, Construction and Structures. Special “mailboxes” were equipped, where everyone could anonymously send their congratulations on the holiday, or love messages. On February 14, during the long break, these love “piggy banks” were opened, and the recipients received their long-awaited “Valentines”.

One of our students shared her impression:
Anna Krasnova SAP-311: “The weather was bad outside, I wasn’t in the mood. But as soon as we entered our favorite institute, our mood immediately improved. During the long break, incendiary music played, and cupids shot at passers-by with their arrows, causing them to write “Valentines.” It’s still wonderful that love exists to this day.”
If for some reason you missed this magical action, then do not be upset. Love doesn't need a reason. Don’t mince words, and most importantly, don’t hide your feelings!

Fragment of a painting by Fragonard Jean Honore.

Can you imagine such impudence? For five whole years I wrote love letters to her...
- And then?
- And then she married the postman.

Making your own Valentine's mailbox is not at all difficult. Although the advisability of installing it, for example, in an office or school, is questionable. After all, not all employers welcome informal relationships between colleagues, and at school, the presence of such a box will disrupt the learning process for the whole day (and it’s good if for one day).

But if you are not afraid of such difficulties, then get to work.

Next to the mailbox for valentines, it is worth hanging a short instruction in which you indicate the requirements for valentines, the opening time of the box and the conditions for their delivery. Think about all these points in advance.

It is assumed that no one will steal valentines, but to avoid such force majeure, place the box in the field of view of a security guard or other responsible person.

Box for valentines from a ready-made box

The easiest way to make a box for valentines is from a ready-made cardboard box, for example, from paper packaging. To make such a box elegant, you will have to decorate it. To do this, you can use colored or compressed paper or fabric. You can stick hearts or cards, pictures with flowers or romantic scenes on the valentine box.

On Valentine's Day, people in the United States give over 150 million Valentines. This makes Valentine's Day the second most greeting holiday in this country. Moreover, more than 50% of all Valentine cards given on Valentine's Day are purchased during the week before February 14th.

Then you need to make a slot for cards and letters. It can be cut out either in the lid or on the side.

Photo from the site //

Mailbox from a ballot box

If you have the opportunity to use such an urn, then all you have to do is decorate it. And in such a way that the decor can be easily removed later.

Safety valentines for mailbox

Perhaps there are people in your work team, school class or student group to whom it is unlikely that anyone will write a Valentine card.

To ensure that the holiday remains a holiday and does not result in a personal tragedy for anyone, prepare so-called safety valentines for absolutely everyone. Naturally, they should be anonymous, and they should be confessed not as love, but as friendship. This way you will prevent awkward situations when someone is left without a Valentine.

Today I have a St. Valentine's post office, and I advise you to arrange it too.

Unfortunately, a box like the one in the photo does not exist in real life:

I just took a photo of a regular box at the nearest post office and added a line


But nature does not tolerate a vacuum, and therefore I propose to fill this gap and make a similar box!

For what? I'll tell you now. Look how it happens.

St. Valentine's post office at school.

When my daughter was in school, she would bring home a pile of Valentine's cards on Valentine's Day, which we spent the whole evening, or even two, sorting through.

Whatever was there:

  • valentines cards,
  • valentines books,
  • with and without signature,
  • purchased and handmade,
  • valentines-hearts or decorated with hearts,
  • various manufactured.

My daughter read the text and peered at the handwriting, trying to figure out the author, and I simply admired the fantasy of the design.

And all the letters were collected in a huge box installed in the school lobby, and the letters were carried to the classes by special attendants, who, it seemed, were even exempt from lessons. In general, there was a whole guard of honor at the box, and a slight mass psychosis at school (in the good sense of the word).

I can hardly imagine how it was possible to study on this day)))

And if in some year Valentine’s Day fell on a day off, or a flu quarantine was declared, then consider it “boss, everything is gone”))

I smiled at all this, but it was a little sad that this one came to us so late. And so I thought - what’s stopping us from making this box at home and at work? I don’t see any objective reasons)) That’s why I’m writing what I came up with.

Valentine's mail at work.

1. Take a box from an electric kettle or food processor (although it would be great for a TV or refrigerator)))

  • we cover it with cute wallpaper (wrapping paper, clippings from magazines and catalogues, old postcards - you can sequentially, or you can do it in collage style (at different angles and with an uneven edge shape). If there is a theme of feelings - good, no - any bright pictures
  • or we don’t paste it over, but wrap it and pin it at the back with a stationery stapler
  • or nail it with a furniture stapler

2. Select the front side and cut out a hole for letters: if the box will stand on the table, cut it on the upper horizontal plane, if it hangs, then at the top of the front vertical plane, like on post offices.

3. To prevent the lid from being opened ahead of time, use a knife or an awl to prick holes in the lid and the side of the box closest to it, thread a beautiful ribbon-string, tie it tightly and seal it with a comic seal (roll a knot into a lump of plasticine, flatten and press any relief, at least coin).

4. Under the letter slot we write large and catchy (or glue the inscription) -


St. Valentine's post office is open

5. We bring the box to heart condition - we finish drawing hearts, or gluing heart stickers, or cutting them out of colored paper (colored covers of old notebooks, bright pages of the same magazines and catalogues) and gluing them again.

6. We fix next to the box (above it, in front of it) a sheet with approximately the following content:

Dear Colleagues

(Clients, Buyers, Partners, Guests, Visitors, Friends)!

February 14 is approaching - St. Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day.

We have stepped up and are declaring it the Day of Love!

No matter what, you and I love each other and we cannot live without each other!

Please write us a few kind words (together or to someone personally) and drop the letter in this box.

We will be VERY pleased to read about your love at the end of the working day on February 14th!

Thank you! You are very dear to us!

P.S. You can also come to us with your mailbox from St. Valentine, and we will definitely put something in it!

7. We put a stack of leaves near the box, attach several handles on a spring and wait for the evening of February 14)))

Make and place a box for collecting love mail in advance, preferably now.

If the enterprise is large, do it in every department; if it is small, place it where there is the greatest traffic and stoppage.

(I wonder if this will increase store traffic? Maybe I should suggest this idea to sales coaches?)

It seems to me that this box would be very suitable at home - if at least 3 people live there, there will already be 6 valentines for everyone. And reading them with the whole family is much more interesting than reading them individually. You can simply ask little children to draw how they love mom, dad, grandma, etc. This will turn out to be a hand-drawn valentine. I think it will be great.

How do you think?

It may also appear at work and at home - if, of course, you do it)))

With wishes of bright LOVE LETTERS from St. Valentine's mail,

P.S. I have already made and am displaying my love mailbox)) Drop valentine comments in it, copy and display on your websites and social pages, not forgetting to indicate the Author, i.e., me))

I need you, it’s possible to live without your love, but it’s difficult!

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