Unlink from mi account. How to properly unlink a Mi account from a Xiaomi phone

MI account is distinctive feature produced by Xiaomi, and has recently become increasingly popular. , as a rule, takes no more than a couple of minutes, the same can be said about deleting an account. You don’t want to use this account anymore, but don’t know how to remove MI account from your Xiaomi phone? Let's try to figure it out.

Below, I will divide the article into 2 blocks, depending on your situation, choose the one you need.

If you have access to your account

In this case, there are two standard type: unbinding from account or complete removal. These methods are fundamentally different in structure:

  1. The first method unlinks the data: phone number, email address. That is, the account no longer belongs to you, but is located on the Internet. This procedure is quite simple and most common. You will need to know the password.
  2. The second method completely deletes the account, but does not immediately unlink the number, which is why sometimes crashes occur and may require a password for a MI account that no longer exists. Solving this problem will not be easy without the help of Xiaomi support, so it is strongly recommended to choose complete removal as a last resort.

Do not forget that an unlinked, completely deleted account and MI Cloud cannot be restored!

Simple deletion of Mi account (unlinking)

Before starting the process, write down the IP address (your unique ID) and password.

  1. Go to “Settings”, look for the “MI account” subsection.
  2. We open this window and at the bottom of the page we see an oblong red “Delete” button.
  3. We click on it, enter the password and after a minute (if no problems occur) we receive a notification that the account has been successfully deleted.

The developers made a small mistake in the names, because the account was not deleted, but only disconnected from the smartphone. If this is enough for you, the process ends at this point.

Complete account and Mi Cloud deletion

To perform the second method, you must know your password and login; if you don’t remember something, then immediately restore all the data, and then continue from this point.

  1. Open the official Xiaomi website in the browser.
  2. We look for the “Login to MI account” section and enter.
  3. After successful authorization, look below for the “Delete” item (on an orange background).
  4. After this, we are transferred to a screen where we need to carefully enter the ID and PASSWORD.
  5. If everything is entered correctly, a page with English text opens, which contains a list of materials that will be lost forever when permanently deleted.
  6. IN last line, where our agreement is requested, put a tick, then click “Delete account».
  7. That's it, the operation is completed.

In some cases, you need to wait two or three days for the phone number to be completely unlinked. During this period, it may constantly require a password. The lag usually goes away on its own, but sometimes specialist help is required.Mi FAQ

2 ways to delete Mi account from Xiaomi phone if there is no access

Here, too, there are two methods to choose from: using the “Recovery” mode or flashing the device. We note that both are undesirable for the device and can cause a number of problems with the operation of the smartphone if some mistake is made.

Are you new to technology and not sure if you'll do everything right? For safety, it is better to contact service center, where specialists will carry out the necessary procedures.

Want to try it yourself? Then use the instructions below.

Resetting the device via Recovery

  1. Be sure to do this before starting the procedure, otherwise the data will be irretrievably lost.
  2. Turn off the phone and use the power and volume up buttons to get into recovery mode.
  3. We make the final “Wipe”.

There is no guarantee that after this the device will not ask for a password again, but it’s worth a try.

Flashing the phone

It is carried out using special utilities and drivers. If the device has a processor Snapdragon, will fit the following programs: Miflash, Fastboot. For CPU MTK Flashtool is a good option. On new firmware versions, the operation may fail, so it is recommended to use older ones. But even in this case, no one gives a 100% guarantee that the account will be completely deleted. Without an Internet connection, most likely, you will not be asked for a password, but online the chances are 50/50.

Please pay attention! If after the above options your phone starts to crash, incorrect work, frequent freezes and forced reboots, you need to contact either the service center or write directly to Xiaomi support. Their email addresses and phone numbers tend to change, so new up-to-date information can be found on the company's official website.

Video instruction

Answers to popular questions

Can an MI account be deleted on its own if it is not used for a long time?

No, It is Immpossible. Even if you don't visit there for several years, the materials will still remain available for viewing.

I don’t remember the password for my account, and the flashing and recovery methods don’t help. What to do?

We offer you two solutions: try to restore access, or contact Xiaomi officials with your problem.

Recovery can negatively affect the device?

Yes, such a possibility exists, although it is small.

Now you know how to completely unlink your phone from your Mi account, and this process does not include complex nuances and special problems. It is similar, for example, to deleting a page in social network. Nothing new or unusual. You just need to take the procedure carefully and responsibly.

Egor Borisov

I am the editor-in-chief and administrator of the website. I started getting acquainted with Xiaomi with the Mi 5 model. At the moment, there are more than 30 types of different gadgets from this brand. I have experience in setting up and repairing many models, with which I personally helped our users. Find out about the composition of our project on the page.

Xiaomi phones are very popular all over the world due to their low cost. At the same time, the power and functionality of Xiaomi phones are in no way inferior to modern expensive well-known brands.

Xiaomi phones are no worse in terms of security. Phones of this brand have the Mi Cloud or Mi account function. This is an additional security measure that allows you to search for your phone, block it in case of loss or theft, and remotely delete all data from the phone. The Mi account is entered once during the initial setup of the phone and is saved in its memory. At the same time, some Mi account data, such as the password and data for its recovery, are stored on the phone in encrypted form and cannot be viewed. In other words, if you forgot your Mi account details, you won’t find them on your phone.

After a factory reset or update software, the Xiaomi phone may request the details of the Mi account with which it was synced before the reset or update. If the user has forgotten the data from the Mi account, they will need to be either restored or deleted. You can recover your Mi account data using the phone number associated with your account or through Xiaomi support. This method will give positive result, if you have the linked phone number in use and all documents regarding the purchase of the phone are at hand. But there are times when Mi account data is forgotten and there is no way to recover it. In this case, you will need to delete the forgotten account from your phone.

How to delete Mi account from Xiaomi phone?

Some people think that by flashing a Xiaomi phone you can get rid of a forgotten Mi account. Unfortunately, it is not. Mi account data is stored in a protected memory area that cannot be affected by formatting when resetting the Xiaomi phone to factory settings or firmware. There are still some ways to delete a Mi account on the Internet using programs. But these methods are not always suitable for deleting a Mi account from Xiaomi phones.


The fact is that when a “hole” is detected in the security system, the manufacturer installs a “patch” that does not allow deleting the Mi account in an unauthorized way. At the same time, Xiaomi phones receive system updates, which cannot be rolled back in any way, because all Xiaomi phones have a locked bootloader. You cannot install if the bootloader is locked. previous versions BY.

You can quickly and safely delete a Mi account on Xiaomi phones using specialized programmers. However, if the phone is powered by a Qualcomm processor, the Xiaomi phone will need to be entered into EDL mode. IN this mode On the phone it becomes possible to downgrade the firmware version and perform service operations to delete a Mi account with a locked bootloader.

Programmers that can be used to delete Mi account on Xiaomi phones:

MRT Dongle, MRT Key;

Octoplus FRP Tool

In most cases, deleting a Mi account takes no more than one hour. You need to remember that after unlocking, all data on the phone will be deleted (contacts, photos, installed applications). The phone will be the same as from the store, and you will need to configure and install everything again.

Everything is always at hand in our service center necessary equipment for quickly and securely deleting Mi account on Xiaomi phones. By contacting us with this problem, you will always receive fast decision problems at a low cost!

Most often, users of Xiaomi smartphones encounter using a mi account the only time before any problems arise - when setting up the phone for the first time. Therefore, the difficulty of entering a password if necessary later is a rather pressing issue. So, I forgot the password for my mi account - what should I do?

Mi Account

is a profile linked to a smartphone in the Xiaomi operating system, the registration of which the phone requests the very first time it is turned on. This account a must have when using any Xiaomi phone.

Mi account performs a lot of different functions on Xiaomi, most of which users for some reason do not know about:

  • Gives initial access to the phone;
  • Synchronizes various Xiaomi brand accessories with the appropriate applications on the phone (for example, with Mi Fit, access to information with Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale, etc.);
  • Allows you to change the design of desktops and application menus on your phone (replacing themes);
  • Gives access to resetting settings (since resetting settings is the complete or partial removal of information and files from the phone, Xiaomi must make sure that it is really you who is doing this);
  • Receiving new versions of phone firmware, replacing them or notification of their arrival;
  • Operation of various services from the Xiaomi brand;
  • If you lose your gadget, by logging into your mi account, you can control the phone from your computer;
  • The main function is access to or all of the phone’s information (contacts, media, SMS, notes, documents, other information linked to the smartphone), as well as the ability to track the SIM card inserted into the device in case it is lost.

From the above, we can conclude that having a mi account and its active use is necessary and may one day save your phone.

Creating and using a mi account is free.

How to create mi account

As mentioned earlier, registering a mi account occurs immediately when you turn on the phone after purchasing it. But you can also create a Xiaomi account a second time on the same device, from a computer and from a phone of a different brand through the official website - account.xiaomi.com/pass/register.

How to create a second mi account on an already used device:

  • Go to "Settings";
  • Find the “Mi Accounts” tab;
  • There you will need to log out of your current account, after which you will be taken to the official website;
  • On the site, following the usual steps, you can create a second account.

How to create a mi account from a phone of another brand or computer:

  • To do this, you need to go to register accounts on the previously mentioned official website;
  • Using your email or phone number, register an account.

Mi account: forgot password

But most likely, if you opened this article, you already have an account in the Xiaomi system and with it some problems or malfunctions.

In most cases, resetting your mi account is not difficult. But this is only in the situation if you have information previously linked to this account - mail, phone number. However, even if not, you can find a way out here too.

Mi account: forgot password - how to reset

The best option to recover your account password is to recreate it in memory. Remember the day you registered in the Xiaomi system, and what code you could set at that time. Also try entering all the passwords that you use on other sites or social networks. networks.

If all attempts are in vain, consider several methods of password recovery.

Mi: password reset if there is linked information:

  • When prompted to log into your mi account, click on “Forgot password”/“Forgot password”;
  • You will be taken to the Xiaomi website in the “Reset password” section;

  • Enter the linked phone number or email and click “Next”, you will be asked to confirm sending the code to your phone or email;

  • Enter the received code in the field and click “Submit”;

  • Next you will be prompted to enter twice New Password, observing all the requirements (number of characters, etc.), which now should definitely be written down somewhere so that the situation does not repeat itself;

  • Ready!

Mi: password reset if there is no linked data:

1. In this case, you will have to write in those. Xiaomi support (and on English language), postal addresses:

2. Explain your problem and indicate that you have lost access to all information associated with your mi account;

3. Please note that you may be required to provide various data related to your phone: imei code (International Mobile Equipment Identity), purchase receipt, proof of ownership of the SIM card inserted into the device, and even a photo of the phone box;

4. Unfortunately, communication with those. the service may take some time, up to several weeks, so be prepared to keep all passwords more securely in the future.

What to do if you forgot your mi account login

Typically, mi account accepts email with phone number as login, therefore, if you have this information on hand, log in using it, and look at your login in the account itself.

If you cannot recover either your password or login, all you have to do is unlink your smartphone from your mi account.

How to unlink mi account from phone

Xiaomi system accounts are very carefully linked to phones, so the process of unlinking can be difficult, and in some cases even impossible.

This procedure is also divided into 2 ways: if there is linked information, and if there is none.

How to unlink an account if you have access to it:

1. Visit “Settings”, “Mi Account” tab;

2. Click “Sign out”;

3. If you continue to use the phone, create another account.

How to unlink an account if you don’t have access to it:

1. To do this, you will need to reset the settings (also two methods), which, unfortunately, does not guarantee that you will not be prompted again to log into your account or reflash your smartphone;

2. Open "Settings";

3. Go to the “Advanced” tab and scroll to the very bottom;

4. Click "Backup and reset" and scroll to the bottom of the page again;

5. Go to “Reset settings” and click the corresponding button there, making sure to check “Clear internal memory»;

6. If the phone does not ask you to log in to your account, you are in luck - a reset will occur and the phone will reboot. If requested, try to reset via recovery by turning off the phone and calling up a special menu.

Another way to fix all problems with your account is to reflash the phone, but even in this situation, the phone may ask for an account password in the future.

And finally, if none of the above helped you, contact technical support. support or service center - they will tell you exactly what to do.

How to delete mi account

It happens that you are selling a phone, want to switch to another account, etc., and you need to delete your current account.

Before deleting your mi account, unlink it from everyone Xiaomi devices, to which he was attached - all phones, Mi Band bracelets, tablets, etc. Otherwise, you will not be able to use these devices later.

After you have made sure that you have signed out of your Xiaomi account from all devices, there is only a small matter left to do:

  • Go to account.xiaomi.com/pass/del;
  • On the website, click “Delete account”;
  • Confirm deletion;

Xiaomi does a lot to ensure the security of its smartphones. In my operating system MIUI has built in the ability to link the gadget to an MI account. This is done in order to quickly find a lost or stolen gadget, as well as to block or reset settings remotely. Apple has used this feature for a long time – Xiaomi also does not want to retreat in the security rating. But there are times when the code or other data from the Mi account is lost or forgotten on smartphones Xiaomi Redmi 4X or Xiaomi Redmi 4a. Resetting your Mi account can not only help you out in a situation with lost phone, but also useful if you cannot unlock the bootloader or use other Xiaomi services.

In today's article we will deal with the following things:

  • how to unlink your account from your phone if you have or don’t have access to your profile;
  • how to reset your Xiaomi account on your smartphone.

How to unlink your phone from your Mi account

Why does it become necessary to unlink your Xiaomi smartphone from your Mi account? For example, you decide to sell your phone and do not want anyone to use your confidential data that is stored in your account. There are also cases when you need to unlock your device, but you mistakenly linked the gadget to an account that has reached the maximum allowed number of bootloader unlocks.

If you have access

This is the easiest way to unlink an account from your device. To do this, you need to have a smartphone and data for your Mi account. To do this, follow these steps:

  • go to “Settings” on your device;

  • go to “Mi Account”;

  • select your account and click on “Delete account from phone”;

  • enter the password and ID if the device requires it and unlink the phone from the account.

Complete unbinding occurs within a few days. You can receive a message about the successful completion of unlinking to the unlinked phone number or email that was specified during registration.

If you don't have access

It is much more difficult to unlink your Mi account from your smartphone if you do not have any data from the account, because you need to remember the ID and password, but due to unknown circumstances you do not have this data. Then one of two things will help: firmware or a full reset of the gadget to factory settings. In any case, all data on your internal storage will be deleted along with contacts, messages, passwords, photos and other data. Naturally, this is a radical method, but humanity, alas, has not come up with another.

Reset the gadget or Hard Reset It is advisable to do this not from the settings, but using the stock or custom Recovery menu or recovery environment. It's more reliable way, because if you perform a similar procedure from the settings menu, then your account may not be affected, which is not what we need. After full reset you get not only a clean MIUI system, but also the absence of any linked Mi account. Please note that unbinding will also not happen instantly, but over several days or within a day.

...but you can try this too

Reflashing the device works in the same way as the above method. During this procedure, the built-in flash drive is completely formatted along with all data and the Xiaomi account is unlinked. It is advisable to resort to this method only when the smartphone has other problems other than simply unlinking the account. The firmware is flashed using the Mi Flash program or special tools for Fastboot (an unlocked bootloader is required). There is no need to dwell on this in detail, as there are other instructions on the topic of flashing firmware for Xiaomi smartphones.

The above methods are not the last, since there is an even more “radical” way - try to write in technical support Xiaomi. Please note that it will not take a day to solve such a problem, but weeks may pass until those. support will make sure of your benevolent actions and check whether you are a scammer. To do this, you may be asked to take a photo of the device box, the stickers on it, take a photo of the receipt or order in an online store, etc.

What to do if you forgot your Mi account password

The situation is similar here with untying. You can reset your password if:

  • you have access to your mobile device account;
  • you do not have access to your Xiaomi account.

Let's look at the first option. If you have forgotten your Xiaomi account password, you can recover it directly from your browser on your computer. To get started, follow this link: https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/forgetPassword. On this page you will see a form in which you need to enter the linked phone number.

Select the country code and enter the remaining numbers. In the next form you need to confirm the agreement to send a letter to your email. Click the "Send" button or the "Enter" key. Go to your email and copy the received security code into a new form. Please note that the email with the code may be sent to your Spam folder - be sure to check it.

After this, you will have access to fields in which you can enter a new password and confirmation for it for your account linked to Redmi 4x. Click on “Submit” and wait for the operation to complete successfully. Don't forget to write down your new password on a piece of paper or save it in Text Document on your PC so as not to lose it in the future.

If you do not have a password or a linked SIM card along with access to e-mail, you can try writing to Xiaomi support. The approval time for an application to restore access can take from several weeks to a month. During this time, you will safely communicate with consultants of a famous brand, send them photographs of the box of your device as confirmation that you are not a fraudster and you did not steal this device, and you want to receive someone else’s Mi account data. You can write to support using the following methods: email addresses: [email protected] And [email protected]. If these methods did not help you, unlinking it and creating a new one on the official Xiaomi website will help solve the problem with your account.

The reason why you needed to delete your MI account could be an error in the registration data or you simply stopped using Xiaomi products and wanted to delete the information permanently. Whatever the real reason for deleting your Xiaomi account, you can do it according to the instructions below and delete your Xiaomi account permanently.

5 steps required to delete MI account

STEP 1. Follow the link to the Mi Account deletion request page— https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/del

STEP 2. After logging into your Mi account, you will need to confirm deleting your account in the following dialog:

To delete your Mi Account (...), enter your password and confirm that you want to delete all data associated with this account. All content associated with your account will be permanently deleted, including. Unused Mi Credits, Photos and contacts you synced to Mi Cloud, Themes you purchased from the MIUI Theme Store, account-related in-app purchases and purchase history on mi.com will be deleted.

To continue deleting your Mi account, you must check the box next to “Yes, I want to permanently delete my Mi Account and all its data.” (Yes, I want to permanently delete my Mi account and all its data.) and click the “Delete Mi Account” button.

STEP 3. Confirmation for deletion

The next step will be to send a request to your email with a confirmation code for the operation of deleting your Xiaomi Mi account.

STEP 4: Copy and paste the verification code you received in email, and send the code.

STEP 5: Confirm that you want to close your account.

Note!!! Before confirming the deletion, make sure you are signed out of the Mi account you are deleting on all devices. If you delete your Mi account before logging out, problems may arise when you continue to use connected devices.

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