What is the difference between a touchscreen phone and a smartphone? What is a smartphone and how is it different from a telephone?

Often users who plan to buy new phone or switching from a push-button to a touchscreen model, asking what is the difference between a smartphone and an Android? If you dig deeper, the question may seem incorrect, since Android is operating system, on which many phone models work today, and the smartphone itself is a gadget that runs on an operating system. In addition to calls and SMS, it is capable of performing the functions of a pocket computer, so in this article we will look at how smartphones running other OS differ from Android devices.

Advantages of Android over other smartphones

Now you know what an Android phone is, since we have already figured it out. This is a device that runs under the OS of the same name. But how does it stand out from other operating systems and why are Android gadgets so popular today?

The operating system has a number of differences, the most noticeable of which are:

These are the main features that distinguish an Android phone. At the same time, the gadget also offers flexible settings, but some users note that it is difficult to configure the device. WITH basic functions It's easy to work in the Settings menu. The OS also differs in that it can scale Internet pages, play Flash videos, etc.

Windows smartphones and gadgets running Android OS

What is the difference between Android and Windows is a question that is no less popular today than the constant debate about Android and iOS. Both manufacturers offer both budget and expensive devices, and also bring to the market models with different functions and designs. What's the difference?

Almost all developers of other mobile operating systems (including Windows) do not allow editing in the code. Users receive significant changes in settings only after downloading official updates.

In addition, very few applications have been developed for Windows, so users complain that the company store lacks software (readers, players), games, and Google services Sometimes they don't sync well or don't work. But in the latest models, both problems are practically solved.

Differences between iOS and Android

An equally popular question is: what is the difference between an iPhone and an Android smartphone? After all, a gadget that runs on iOS, i.e. a full-fledged operating system, can also be called a smartphone. Today, the word “iPhone” has practically become a household word, and the word “smartphone” is practically not used in relation to Apple devices.

In addition to the fact that using an iPhone is fashionable, you also need to take into account the advantages of the OS on these devices, thanks to which some users love iOS so much. Before buying an iPhone or Android smartphone, you need to understand the main differences, the main ones of which are:

Previously, another strong argument in favor of Android was the price, but today, among the latest powerful models from Samsung, Sony and HTC, you can find many devices that are only slightly cheaper than an iPhone. On the other hand, in budget and average price segment Android has firmly taken the leading position; Android phones are bought by those who care about the quality of the camera, the screen, and the speed of the processor, but who are not ready or do not consider it necessary to pay $700-1000 for a phone.

The life of a modern person is probably no longer possible without mobile phone. Every day our requirements for phone functions are growing, but manufacturers are not lagging behind and offer the widest selection of devices with different designs and functionality. Recently, smartphones have become widespread. However, many consumers, and even employees of cellular communication stores, cannot explain the difference between a classic phone and newfangled smartphones. Often we, without realizing it, give preference to a smartphone, although modern phones are catching up in their functions to these “intelligent” devices. Perhaps in the near future, all phones will be smartphones.

Mobile phone is a portable means of communication. Allows you to make and receive calls and SMS, MMS messages, has Internet access, and provides the opportunity to play games.

« Smartphone"translated from English as "smart phone". And he really is. A smartphone can be called a transitional stage between a phone and a computer. An operating system is installed on a smartphone, just like on a computer, which makes it possible to use a large number of programs.

Often, in appearance, a smartphone is not at all different from an ordinary phone: the same keyboard, the same screen, the same dimensions. However, there are a number of smartphones that are a kind of hybrid between a phone and a PDA, and are more similar to the latter. They do not have a keyboard, and are controlled using a stylus or finger through touchscreen, the size of which is significantly larger than the screen of a regular mobile phone.

File format support

On a regular mobile phone, as a rule, no additional functions, except for viewing pictures and Java games. In addition to the same Java games, you can install Sis games, various programs (Word, Excel, Adobe Reader and others), and various applications on your smartphone. You can also view pictures and videos in 3GP, MP4, AVI formats without loss of quality.

The only inconvenience when watching movies is the small screen. Therefore, if you plan to watch videos on your device in the future, it is better to immediately take care of the screen size when choosing a smartphone in the store.

Installable programs

You can download games, ringtones, music, and pictures to a regular phone. That's probably all.

The capabilities of a smartphone are much greater:

  • for easy file management - file manager
  • for reading and editing text documents and PRC, PDB formats – iSilo
  • GPS module for using satellite navigation
  • organizer
  • archiver
  • On-line translator with a dictionary for eight languages ​​and much more.

The usual photo or video shooting on a mobile phone is also a function of a smartphone.

Simultaneous use of programs

All functions available on the phone are performed sequentially, one after another.

An undeniable advantage of a smartphone is the ability to use several programs at the same time: for example, listen to music and perform some calculations on a calculator.

Transferring files

It happens that you urgently need to transfer a certain file to someone, but there is no access to the computer. In this case, you can use your smartphone. Using this device you can send text documents, programs, games.

An ordinary mobile phone can only send SMS and MMS.


Regular mobile phones are quite reliable and durable. They are dropped on the floor, thrown into water, but after they are dried and sorted, they still continue to work. And in case of serious damage to the screen or case, they are simply replaced.

Smartphones are not like that. They are afraid of the slightest blow. If it gets into water, the chip components oxidize and the phone stops working. Repairing such devices is very difficult and expensive.

Conclusions website:

  1. A cell phone performs only one function - providing cellular communication. The smartphone is multifunctional.
  2. The smartphone has a processor that allows you to install the operating system.
  3. A smartphone, unlike a regular phone, allows you to multitask.
  4. The smartphone can be used as a video player to watch AVI and MP4 videos.
  5. The phone is more reliable and is not afraid of mechanical damage. The smartphone is more fragile and can be damaged even from a slight fall.

Articles and Lifehacks

Today, few people ask the question of how a smartphone differs from a telephone, but not so long ago it was more than relevant.

How it all started

The very concept of “smartphone” appeared quite a long time ago. In 2000, she decided that to highlight the advantages of her R380s model, something more was needed than the banal name “phone.”

The gadget was small and light, but at the same time it had touch screen. Unfortunately, from a modern point of view, it had a significant drawback - closed.

This meant that it was impossible to install applications on it other than those provided by the manufacturer. Subsequently, this flaw was corrected, and the new models received the first open operating system, Symbian 6.0.

In those days, there were two more classes of gadgets: pocket personal computers(PDAs), which played the role of an electronic organizer, which were already giving way to communicators, which were essentially the same thing, but with the ability to make calls and access the Internet.

When they were “crossed” with a touch phone, the concept of what we understand today as a smartphone appeared.

So what's the difference

The main differences between a smartphone and a telephone can be considered the presence of the functionality of a pocket computer and a touchscreen. However, modern phones are also very “smart”, although they are much inferior in capabilities to their older brothers.

In addition, although they have access to the Internet, it is limited to GPRS/EDGE technology, in which the cost of a megabyte of transferred data is prohibitively high.

Smartphones are required to have 3G, and many have a 4G module that makes Mobile Internet quite affordable in price and acceptable in speed.

It should also be borne in mind that this type of device is characterized by one of the powerful operating systems:

  • Google Android.
  • Apple iOS.
  • Windows Mobile.
Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, each has its adherents, but they are all united by a common feature: in terms of functionality they are not much inferior desktop computer or laptop.

As for operating systems push-button phones, it would never even occur to anyone to compare it with a netbook.

If both classes still exist mobile devices, which means that each of them has some advantages.

Pros of smartphones:

  • the functionality of a pocket computer, allowing you to use it for a wide variety of tasks;
  • touch display for convenient control of the gadget;
  • high-speed Internet access;
  • Availability additional features, such as GPS navigation, TV tuner, built-in audio system, etc.;
  • a huge amount of built-in memory compared to a phone, allowing you to store a lot of different information;
  • status of top smartphone models.
Pros of push-button phones:
  • very low cost of the gadget;
  • small dimensions compared to most smartphone models;
  • a design and control method familiar to older people.
Over time, “tubes” are increasingly turning into niche devices, the main advantage of which is the price.

If a person needs absolutely nothing other than the ability to make calls, then there is no point in buying even an ultra-cheap ultra-budget smartphone.

Not to mention the fact that such tempting offers of “exact copies of an iPhone for only 2,000 rubles” usually end in wasted money, while push-button models for the same price usually do not have such problems.

On the other hand, for most of us today life is unthinkable without at least periodic access to the Internet. " The World Wide Web"more and more persistently draws earthlings into its digital networks.

In this regard, push-button handsets are unable to offer the user virtually nothing, which sharply narrows the audience for such devices.

It is impossible not to mention a variety of entertainment content: in this regard, smartphones are again at an unattainable height: books, films, more than high-quality - except that in terms of music, “tubes” are at least somehow able to compete with their sensory counterparts, and even then only with using headphones.

Thus, the smartphone today is the main means of communication used by the vast majority of people, and the telephone is an ultra-cheap surrogate intended only for making calls, the popularity of which is falling from year to year.

We live in an amazing time when, thanks to the rapid development of microelectronics, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine what is the difference between a phone and a smartphone.

Just a dozen years ago this was obvious: a larger color screen indicated that the device belonged to a more advanced class. Accordingly, ordinary mobile phones used displays that displayed black and white images in pseudo-graphic mode. Much has changed since then, and this difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone has lost its relevance. For example, now you can buy a mobile phone with only basic functions, but huge

Smart devices

To answer the question of what is the difference between a smartphone and a telephone, it is necessary to remember what functions were added by the developers to an ordinary mobile phone, which subsequently made it possible to call such an improved model a “smart phone” (from the English smart). At one time, the emergence of new modifications was restrained by the fact that all existing devices even then coped remarkably well with their main task - making calls as in networks mobile operators, and to stationary terminals.

Increasing the transmitter power to increase the “range” was impossible, since it was necessary to meet the requirements for the permissible level of radiation. Something fundamentally new was needed that could attract potential buyers and interest them. So, first a calendar appeared in mobile phones, then a scheduler with a reminder mode, and a converter of the most popular currencies. Soon, in almost every communication device you could find a browser for viewing Internet resources, mail program, calculator, etc. In other words, the telephone began to turn from a device for making calls into a kind of pocket electronic assistant - a smartphone. This was the beginning.

So, in light of the above, we can formulate the first difference between a smartphone and a telephone - the presence in the device of additional capabilities that are in no way related to the main purpose. Currently, this area is actively developing: smartphones allow you to work with office documents, spreadsheets, watch movies and play games.


Of course, the difference between a smartphone and a telephone is not limited to the built-in additional programs. Since for ease of use of all features it is more advisable to use a large color display, this has become a standard in most modern mobile communication devices. The graphic component has also undergone a change, becoming much more perfect. To ensure acceptable speed of complex programs and graphics, it was necessary to install sufficiently powerful processors in the devices. Hence the following difference between a smartphone and a telephone - the former contains a high-speed computing unit, and the volume random access memory amounts to hundreds of megabytes. To understand where a “smart” and where a “simple” phone is, it is enough to compare the power of their processors: for example, it can be 1 GHz and 200 MHz, respectively.


Finally, one of the key differences is the presence of an open operating system for which big choice programs from third-party developers that the user can install at his own discretion. It is worth noting that although the majority cell phones allow you to install programs for virtual machine Java, this does not classify them as smartphones. Also, if in a regular mobile phone the operating system is strictly protected and does not provide for updates to new versions, then in smartphones running on Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Belle, and others, the user can install an advanced control program.

Nowadays a person cannot imagine his life without mobile communications. After all, using your phone you make calls and send messages to your loved ones and relatives. Recently, people have often become interested in the difference between a smartphone and a telephone. After all, with the help of both of them you can send SMS, take photos, and also transfer pictures, files, etc. Both the first and the second have Internet access. But in fact, these two things are very different from each other. To understand in detail what exactly it is, read to the end of the article.

For many years now, smartphones have been leading the mobile device market.

Uses them great amount people all over the world. A salesperson at a mobile device store can answer your question about the difference between a smartphone and a telephone. Even a person who does not understand this issue can compare a simple phone and a smartphone. In fact, people make the right choice when they buy a smartphone. He has a lot useful functions than a telephone. This is why a smartphone is superior to a simple cell phone. Let's conduct a comparative analysis.

Mobile is only for making calls and sending messages. Of course, in addition to this, you can perform other actions on it, for example, go online and play Java games. A smartphone is, one might say, a portable computer. You can perform on it various works: read a book, watch a movie and more. On a simple mobile phone, you won’t be able to watch movies normally - if you stare at a small screen for a long time, this can negatively affect your vision. It’s not for nothing that smartphone means “smart phone.” With its help, you can access the Internet via WiFi, while you will have to pay money to access the network from a regular phone.

Device operating system

The OS for mobile phones plays an important role, since it is the full-fledged RAM that distinguishes a smartphone from regular cell phones. The operating system gives the device a large number of capabilities and functions. It ensures the operation of the entire device. At the moment, there are a large number of operating networks for smartphones. The most popular are phones with Windows 8 OS. As a rule, one similar to it can be seen on Nokia smartphones. Besides Windows, there are other popular operating systems:

- Android. A popular system developed by Google. It is the fastest growing and most competitive operating system.

- iOS (Apple). Now many people have Apple phones. This is a popular system that has its own design and interesting functions.

- Bada- It is an OS developed by Samsung. Phones on this system are not in great demand, and it is not considered a full-fledged system.

But smartphones also have their downsides.

For example, if you dropped a simple phone, then the chance that it will break or break is small. And if you accidentally drop your smartphone, there is a high probability that it will break. Now you know the difference between a smartphone and a telephone. Always be mobile.

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