Android and iOS market share: green ahead of apples. Which is better Android or iOS - comparison Which OS users download more applications

We made this conclusion based on summary statistics of the Liveinternet service on the RuNet. This interesting service allows you to find and analyze various information. Today we will calculate a few more interesting figures: how many Russians bought Apple equipment, what percentage of people in Russia use Android smartphones, and what is the share of mobile devices in general in relation to computers today.

So here are the summary usage statistics various devices to visit Runet sites for April 2015.

Liveinternet Statistics

It reflects the number of visits to sites where the LiveInternet counter is installed from various countries, so for calculations for Russia you need to know the share of the Russian audience. Here she is.

Visitor count report

Using this data, we can roughly calculate many interesting numbers.

Interesting information about use Russians of the Internet

OS Android
  1. The share of Russians among Runet visitors is 62%. For further calculations we will use direct proportion.
  2. To access the Internet Russians use 94 million different mobile and desktop devices(smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers).
  3. The total share of mobile devices in everyday life is 53%, if laptops are classified as stationary equipment (there is no technical possibility to calculate the share of laptops).
  4. The share of Internet penetration in Russia in 2015 is still below 50%. It is impossible to give exact data; many users have access to the Internet from work, from their home PC, from their tablets and smartphones.

Now let's talk more about mobile technology.

Market share of iOS and Android in Russia for 2015

As of April 2015, Russians bought and use almost 10 million iPhones different generations. To Apple's share in Russia you can add 3 million iPads and more than 850 thousand Mac computers. In total, about 14 million Apple devices have been sold in Russia.

There are 35 million Android smartphones and tablets in Russia.

Windows Phone— 1.2 million devices. This is less than the number of old smartphones running Symbian - there are still 2 million of them.

Let's repeat, We are talking only about equipment connected to the Internet. But today, most smartphones are connected to it. The exception is a decent proportion of pensioners, whose children and grandchildren buy modern equipment only for making phone calls. As a rule, the share of Apple mobile phone users among this category of the population is small; we can talk about an even larger share of Android.

According to available factual data, out of 51 million mobile devices connected to the Internet, the share of Apple equipment in Russia is about 25%, and smartphones and tablets of various brands are under Android control occupy 69% of the mobile device market.

The calculation may contain errors. For example, poorer Ukraine may actually have a lower share of iPhone users, making it marginally higher in Russia. In general, the data presented quite accurately reflect the state of affairs in the Russian mobile market in 2015.

Today we will not give further subjective opinions of individual people about who is the queen of mobile phones operating systems. Disputes between fans of the bitten apple and the green robot often lose sight of such an important thing as facts. What do the facts say?

Whose smartphones sell better in the US

Despite the fact that the American market is very far from us, it is still one of the largest in the world, which means it makes a decisive contribution to the global distribution of smartphone sales, so let's start with it. In mid-November 2012, Kantar Worldpanel Comtech presented data on sales of smartphones on Android and iPhone, and then the shares of these OSes turned out to be 51.2% and 43.5%, respectively. Despite subsequent jumps in performance, as competitors took turns rushing into first place, the overall picture between November 2012 and February 2013 remained unchanged:

Next comes a study from ComScore MobiLense, which took into account all smartphone users over 13 years of age. An important note: here the statistics do not go for a period, but cover the entire past up to the current moment. That is, over the years of development and distribution of smartphones, by January 2013 the ratio of Android and iOS owners in the United States looks like this:

Whose smartphones are selling better around the world?

We have dealt with the USA, and now the figures that are more important from the point of view of objectivity are global indicators. According to IDC, in the fourth quarter of 2012, Android accounted for 70.1% of all smartphones sold, while Apple accounted for 21%.

Whose tablets are selling better around the world?

Who sells more in the world

From all the variety of manufacturers Android smartphones we single out only Samsung as the only “dominator”. The rest of the Android manufacturers go like “and Co.,” but they all also make Android devices. Here's how things stood in the 4th quarter of 2012 on a global scale.

Who sells more in the USA?

Strategy Analytics reported that in the 4th quarter of 2012, Apple won the American market by a small margin.

Who makes more money

Data based on Canaccord Genuity research. In fact, this point has little to do with operating systems, but still.

Who has more apps?

Even if company X released the best OS in the world tomorrow, it still wouldn't attract anyone until it could boast an app store... a big app store. Please note that by now both operating systems have more than 800 thousand applications, and with such a number, further comparison is generally pointless - both have everything you could want.

We will not write anything about the ratio of applications tailored for tablets, because we could not find the necessary data on Android.

Who has the best apps?

uTest company collects ratings and reviews of all applications from Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The data is then transferred to a 0-100 scale, and by January 2013 the situation was like this:

In other words, some average general iOS app 5.3% better than the Android app.

Which OS users download more apps?

Canalys provides statistics according to which in the first quarter of 2013, every second application downloaded was an Android application.

Who makes more money from apps?

Money again - again Apple is out of competition. Data from Canalys for the first quarter of 2013:

Who is there more on the Internet?

NetMarketShare publishes monthly reports on the shares of various operating systems and browsers on the Internet, including mobile ones:

And this is where funny things begin. Research from StatCounter suggests that in March 2013, there was more Android on the Internet than iOS.

Perhaps the whole point is in the incorrectness of the information collection technologies used by this or that company, but in general the moral is this: do not believe the statistics.

Who is there more in the business sector?

Citrix showed the distribution of mobile OS in the corporate sector for the 4th quarter of 2012:

Bottom line

What's the result? We see that in various aspects the advantage passes from one giant to another, and it is still not possible to give an objective answer to the eternal question. Topic closed?

Gadget War Android And Apple moving to a qualitatively new level. Experts from IDC - a company that provides analytical reports on market conditions information technologies and telecommunications for 50 years, have been predicting a decline in sales of Apple smartphones.

Analysts note several interrelated trends:

  • The share of Apple smartphones in 2016 will be only 14.3%.
  • The share of Android smartphones will be 85% by the end of 2016.
  • Windows Phone managed to sell only a little more than 6 million devices or 0.4% by the end of the year.
  • Windows Phone OS - 0.3%.

It is worth noting that by 2020 Android and iOS will occupy almost the entire market, with a combined share of 99.8% of sales. At the same time, the share of the “green robot” will account for 85.6% of all production. The “apple giant” will remain on the market for quite a long time, delighting customers with its innovations, but the company will have to make room for a fair amount of space. 2016 is the first year of decline in shipments of Apple products. But no one is going to bury the company.

The report also states: “It is no secret that the Android OS has been and will remain the main platform for the majority of smartphones for the foreseeable future.”

"Hackers are becoming more agile"

Analysts from Check Point were able to detect virus programs for Android devices. According to expert estimates, software hacked about 1.3 million accounts on Google services.

The pest program is called Gooligan. It became known that the malicious program infects devices on Android 4 and Android 5 and steals addresses Email, as well as personal data that is stored there.

At the Check Point press conference, it was noted that thanks to the stolen data, hackers can gain access to applications containing important personal data, such as Gmail, Google Photos, Google Docs, Google Play, Google Drive and G Suite.

It is growing in China and Europe. In Russia, the situation is somewhat different.

The situation on the world market

In the first 3 months of 2015 in Germany, England, France, Italy and Spain, sales increased by almost 2%, compared to the same period of the previous year, the difference was 20.3%. According to analysts from Kantar Worldpanel, a third of users made the transition from Android smartphones. Research also states that the increase in popularity was due to the release (as well as its improved versions 6S and 6S Plus).

Analysts' forecasts for 2016

Judging by the forecasts for 2016, in terms of sales it can break the records of 2015. Experts doom the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to success. It is predicted that the total number of devices sold worldwide in a year could reach 245 million units.

The Chinese market is predicted to be the best received, as always. Smartphones on the iOS platform have every chance to take first place among all manufacturers in the Middle Kingdom.

The main reason for Apple's popularity in 2015 is said to be almost absolute user satisfaction new iPhone 6s (99%, according to Tim Cook). Tamish Timson, an analyst at Kantar, states that 38 percent of iPhone users have shared their experience and recommended it to friends, which has also led to increased sales. Another reason for its popularity is the expansion of the range. iPhone 5S has fallen in price and is now in the lower price segment, while the iPhone 6s Plus quickly became an alternative to other large-screen smartphones.

However, the forecasts of some analysts are not so optimistic. In their opinion, complex economic processes in China, as the main consumer Apple products, can affect a significant decrease in demand for this product. Moreover, flagships that are not inferior in quality to devices from Apple are advancing on all fronts, while the cost Xiaomi smartphones and Meizu is more democratic.

Most studies that compare iOS And Android, often analyze the situation in the USA or Europe. It's time to look at the domestic market of mobile operating systems. For this purpose, portal specialists HeadHunter especially for website conducted a study, the data of which we invite you to get acquainted with. Below you can find unique and comprehensive information about which mobile operating system is more popular and in demand among domestic users.

A total of 1,521 people were interviewed during the study. The survey was conducted between December 9 and December 13, so the information is absolutely current. Let's get started.

Exactly 50% of respondents own Android smartphones. For iOS, the same figure is 24%. As for tablets, the leadership here also belongs to the mobile operating system from Google: 24% versus 18% from Apple’s development. A fifth of respondents, or 21%, do not own a single device based on the systems being compared.

Now let's see how actively respondents use their mobile devices at work. iPhone is the most popular work tool - 56% of its users use a smartphone for certain work-related tasks. Smartphones based on Android are also in high demand at work, but the share of such people is smaller – 51%. But tablets based on iOS and Android are used equally in work. In this case, 34% of people each answered in favor of both mobile operating systems.

The Russian market of “smart” devices is characterized by a trend in which employers do not strive to provide employees with corporate smartphones or tablets. In cases where this does happen, the choice falls on Apple devices. 5% of iPhones and 7% of iPads were purchased by employers. For Android, this figure is at 2% in both cases. In any case, the numbers are quite small. Most people who want to use a smartphone or tablet for work have to purchase the device themselves, with rare exceptions.

Then respondents were asked to choose 5 most common work situations when it comes to their rescue mobile device . Very interesting results were obtained here. 91% of iPhone owners use their smartphone to communicate with colleagues. In this case, it is not taken into account telephone communications, and mail, various instant messengers and social media. Android isn't far behind. For smartphones this figure reaches 88%, and for tablets 76%. iPads are used in a similar scenario by 83% of respondents.

Many respondents use iPhone and iPad as a task scheduler: 50% and 54%, respectively. At the same time, the Apple tablet is used more often than other devices for surfing the Internet and typing texts. No matter how manufacturers improve the cameras in tablets, smartphones are often used for photo and video shooting. Moreover, the share of iOS and Android in this case is almost identical. But tablets take their toll when accessing professional services and tools. It can also be noted that almost all of the devices under consideration are used by respondents as navigators, but smartphones based on Android are still somewhat more common. This probably affects the availability of navigation programs.

At the same time, it is interesting to know to what extent the users themselves happy with the use of iOS and Android at work. Most respondents believe that in both cases the devices still have room to grow. But Apple's development is still famous for its level of user satisfaction, which is reflected in the results of this study. iPhone is completely satisfied with 37% of its owners, and iPad – 38%. For Android, the figure is noticeably lower: only 28% are satisfied with their smartphone, and even fewer are completely satisfied tablet owners - 17%.

Of course, we cannot ignore the topic user migration between platforms. At the moment, the majority of respondents are completely satisfied with their devices and do not intend to move to the competitor’s camp. Satisfied iPhone and iPad users reached 69% each. In the case of Android, 62% of respondents are completely calm and do not think about changing their smartphone. But only 57% of respondents are satisfied with tablets with Google’s mobile operating system. But these are the ones who are happy with everything. It is the owners who think about changing the mobile platform much more often. Android devices: 19% of smartphone owners and 21% of tablet owners. For iPhone and iPad, the figures are significantly lower: 11% and 13%, respectively.

Finally, the authors of the study suggested the imminent appearance tablets with 12.9-inch display. We have already talked more than once about the work in the depths of Apple on a similar iPad. But how popular can such a device become in operation? Most are firmly convinced that no. About a quarter of respondents believe that you should first try working with such a device. Slightly less than a fifth of respondents are ready to switch to a giant tablet for work right now. It is clear that iOS users are noticeably more wary of increasing display sizes than Android users. Still, Apple managed to convince users that big screen– this is not as convenient as it might seem from the outside.

These are the results of a study conducted by the HeadHunter portal specifically for the site. Still, the domestic struggle for mobile operating systems is developing according to the same scenario as throughout the world. Yes, we have some unique features, but they have little effect on the final result. Android is ahead in terms of the number of users, but in terms of ease of use and user loyalty, according to the study results, Google's development still lags behind its competitor, iOS.

Thanks to the head of the HeadHunter press service
Ivan Tyutyundzhi for coordination.

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