Additional memory for iPhone. How to increase storage capacity on iPhone

The most popular year after year iPhone model There was a model with a minimum amount of memory. Now Apple iPhone 5 16 Gb is the most popular model on the market in Russia, this conclusion can be made by looking at the offers in Yandex.Market. After a few months of using the phone, users have the question “how to increase memory in iPhone?” There are quite a few tips written on the Internet about how to remove applications that eat up memory and reinstall them, clear the cache and get rid of unnecessary messages. We bring to your attention a hardware solution for increasing iPhone memory. The story of how we managed to replace the NAND memory chip in the iPhone 3GS with a more capacious one.

What happens when an iPhone falls on a hard surface? The glass breaks, the case breaks, or, worst of all, the microcircuits come off the motherboard. Got in for repairs iPhone 3GS 8 Gb PCT. The previous owner dropped the device on a tiled floor, after which the device rebooted, but did not reach working condition. The first thing they tried to do was simply reflash it. But that was not the case, during the firmware process a status bar appeared, but was not filled in. The firmware simply could not install on the phone, and iTunes gave: error 1600. Moving the motherboard into a known-good case did no good. It became clear that the problem lay in motherboard.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that around the memory chip NAND Flash a perimeter crack in the compound. This means that the chip is partially or completely detached from the motherboard. Therefore, the device did not see it and could not start the firmware process. NAND Flash is a large chip, the largest in size on the motherboard. Therefore, removing it and reballing it, rolling the balls under the chip and installing it back is quite risky. If the largest microcircuit could come off the device, then what can we say about the smaller microcircuits? Will they come off the board during the heating process, or will new microcracks appear? During further inspection, no other damage was revealed, and a decision was made to remove the memory chip. We won’t go into the details of the technology for removing BGA chips on a compound, we’ll just tell you about the result.

The chip is half torn off from the board, 2 pads on the motherboard and one on the chip itself are torn off. In the photo under the tweezers one contact is missing. Inspection of the torn pads on the motherboard showed that they are simply fastening pads, that is, signals do not arrive at them. Naturally, there is no point in putting her in her place after a reball.

The solution is simple - remove the chip from a dead board or order it from China. It's good that there is a donor available. There was only one problem. The native memory was made by Toshiba, and the donor memory was made by Samsung, and of various memory sizes. The question arose about an equipment conflict after installation, but in practice it did not arise. After installing the new NAND chip, the phone turned on safely in recovery mode and flashed through iTunes in standard mode. After activation The device has 13.6 GB of memory available, 2 Gb is occupied by iOS. The repair procedure was completed positively, which means that on any iPhone you can increase the memory capacity using this method. However, it should be noted that the process is very complicated from a technical point of view and is associated with a high risk of complete loss of the device’s functionality.

It should be enough for many ordinary users. But, after upgrading your tablet with several top toys and a couple of movies, you will notice that the free space has come to an end. However, the purchase has already been made. What to do? How to expand the built-in storage.

In contact with

Wireless storage

The easiest way to add to iPad free space. Buy a third party HDD and connect it to your tablet - you don't even need Internet access for this. A good accessory “on the theme” - Seagate Wireless portable hard drive. For $100 you will get 500 GB of free space, which is enough for even an avid gamer or TV series fan. There is a built-in battery in case the owner is temporarily deprived of access to a power source. If desired, you can connect to the Internet via the built-in Wi-Fi module.

Sell ​​and buy better

If you don’t like “troubles” like the one described above, just sell or exchange iPad on apple tablet with a large amount of built-in memory. The option is not ideal - you will lose more money than if you bought a wireless drive - but for many it is the only acceptable one.

Cloud services

It is not at all necessary to store all the songs, films and TV series on iPad. Use the services of one of the popular “cloud” services - they allow you to store content on their servers on the Internet. Among the best are Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive.

Music may not be stored on iPad, and use a special streaming service for this - (if desired and with some luck you can) or Rdio. For video content, the same Youtube or MeGogo is suitable. Photos are usually stored in Dropbox, Google Drive. By the way, the same Google recently launched a new Photos application for unlimited storage of photos and videos. You can view content directly from the application; some pictures and videos can even be viewed offline.

The only requirement in this case is good internet connection(which, however, is not a problem for most users).

Free space

Free - and therefore perhaps the most The best way. Are you using all the apps and content on iPad? We are 99% sure that every user of an Apple tablet will have albums, films and games that are no longer relevant for him, but very large in size. Top toys sometimes “weigh” gigabytes! Even if an application takes up 300 MB of memory, the cache and history it generates sometimes amounts to hundreds of megabytes. Remove what you don't need and you'll definitely have more free space.

There is never too much memory - all users know this mobile technology. Previously, two or three gigabytes were enough for people, but today some people lack volumes of 32-64 GB. Device owners on operating system Android is simpler - most gadgets have slots for memory cards. By installing a high-capacity card, you can significantly increase the amount of memory for storing data. How to increase memory on iPhone?

Hardware memory expansion

Owners iPhone smartphones 4s, 5s and 6s (and older models) have to deal with limited memory in their gadgets. Specialists from Apple decided that users do not need support for micro-SD cards, so we will not find any slots for installing them here - it is believed that this volume is enough for people. What should those who don’t have enough built-in memory do?

There is a way out - you need to buy an iPhone with 32, 64, 128 or 256 GB of memory, but this can lead to serious costs. We will offer you a more economical option for increasing memory - purchase external hard drive that you can connect to via Wi-Fi. If you think that such devices are very rare, then you are mistaken, since today they are presented in many retail chains and online stores.

For example, after spending 10 thousand rubles, you will receive a WD My Passport Wireless 1 Tb wireless drive - this amount of memory is enough for any purpose. The battery built into the drive will last for 5-6 hours, and in standby mode it will last for 20 hours. The battery is built-in, so you can’t change it yourself. The drive is connected to the iPhone via Wi-Fi. The device features high read/write speeds, allowing you to store huge amounts of data.

The presented wireless hard drive is available in two versions - 1 or 2 TB. Anyone can work with it mobile devices. It also has a built-in card reader for micro-SD memory cards

Inexpensive wireless wireless hard disks Seagate Wireless with a capacity of 500 GB. Advantages of this model:

  • Neat body;
  • Two-year warranty;
  • Range of action – up to 45 meters;
  • Light weight - only 281 grams.

Having purchased this disk, you can increase the memory on your iPhone up to 500 GB - quite a respectable amount for storing music, photos, movies and other files.

Software memory expansion

Is it possible to increase memory on iPhone in other ways? If we talk about hardware methods, then there are no such methods, so we will go the other way - we will try to increase memory using cloud services. The most popular cloud services are Dropbox and Yandex.Disk. Let's look at them in more detail. The Dropbox service provides its users with 2 GB disk space. This is not very much, but you shouldn’t be upset - the basic volume is easily expanded to 16 GB by inviting friends.

In order to invite a friend, you need to send him a referral link. In return you will receive an additional 500 MB of memory. It’s not hard to guess that with the help of certain tricks you can “squeeze” out of this service the maximum space for storing your data. If 16 Gb is not enough for you, you can choose paid subscription. It offers users 1TB of storage space for $9.99. Payment in rubles is carried out according to the current dollar exchange rate.

This way you can get a decent amount of memory for little money. If you don't want to make monthly payments, save up some money and buy a wireless hard drive. The Yandex.Disk service is interesting because it immediately offers its users 10 GB of free disk space - an excellent add-on to the basic memory. To obtain additional volume, three tariff plans are offered at once:

  • 10 GB – 30 rub./month or 300 rub./year;
  • 100 GB – 80 rub./month or 800 rub./year;
  • 1 TB – 200 rub./month or 2000 rub./year.

Prices are very flexible, so you can always choose the amount of memory to suit your needs. Payment is made using bank card or through Yandex.Money.

Access to cloud storage carried out using special applications installed on the iPhone - you can download them on the official websites of these services.

Advantages of cloud services over hard drives:

  • No need to carry an additional gadget with you - which means an additional 300 grams of weight;
  • There is no need to be afraid of breaking or losing the disk - data is accessed via the Internet;
  • Ability to work on any device – Dropbox and Yandex.Disk are available from smartphones, tablets and computers.

As for the disadvantages, they are as follows - subscription fee with large amounts of memory, the need for unlimited Internet.

Must Have for owners of a 16 GB iPhone.

When your smartphone is constantly running out of memory, you once again think about installing some kind of application or maybe just that. The clouds are partially saved: documents in iCloud, music in Apple Music, photos on Flickr. Everything is ok until then until you find yourself without internet(yes, this happens).

For example, I constantly travel by train from Voronezh to Moscow and back. On the way there is practically no network reception, and Wi-Fi on the train is dead. As a result, I download music and some movie into memory, but it tends to end.

The other day they gave me a little thing to review that will inexpensively add another 200 GB to your iPhone’s memory! Is this even legal? Now I'll tell you everything.

What it is

The little thing is called PhotoFast iOS Card Reader, these guys sell it. A tiny device, but extremely useful. With it you can connect microSD card to any iOS device. The maximum volume is 200 gigabytes.

The gadget is very small and light. You can easily attach it to your keys so that it is always at hand. The design is elementary: a plastic case, at one end there is a connector, at the other there is a card input. It works just as simply: insert the card into the reader, the reader into the iPhone, and voila.

For normal operation you will need the i-FlashDrive ONE application. Once you connect the reader to your iPhone, it will offer to install the necessary software from App Store.

Why is it needed?

Despite its compact size, the device turned out to be very useful. I used it for a while and here's what I liked:

1. Music is always with you, no matter what

You can put it on a flash drive great amount music and listen to it anywhere, anytime. You don't need Apple Music, you don't need the Internet either. The tracks are played by the player built into the i-FlashDrive ONE application. The only pity is that he doesn't read Flac. Only mp3, aac, aif, aiff, wav, m4a and caf.

2. You can free your iPhone from photos

If your iPhone is filled to capacity with photos and videos, it’s time to unload it. You can make a backup of your entire gallery onto a flash drive and not be afraid that the pictures will disappear somewhere. Again, they are available at any time and without an internet connection. A big advantage over numerous clouds. jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif, tif, tiff, ico, xbm and cur are supported.

3. Create a backup of your iPhone data

In terms of backup, the device has great capabilities. It can backup calendars and contacts, and also pull files from the clouds. iCloudDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive are supported. However, this also works in the opposite direction: data from a flash drive is easily copied to cloud services. Backups saved both manually and automatically. If you are afraid for the safety of files in the clouds, you can enable automatic backup and not worry.

4. Your data will be protected

The developers also took care of security. The application supports a fingerprint scanner, so you can't get into it without your fingers. External memory also protected: access is controlled by the Lock system. Relevant for those who want to backup important documents and files.

5. You can easily switch from Android and vice versa

With PhotoFast iOS Card Reader you can easily transfer data from Android smart phone to iPhone and vice versa. Yes, yes, there is Google account, everything is transferred very easily. And I like the independence from the network. The thing is necessary and many will probably find it useful.

6. You can transfer photos from the camera to iPhone

Some cameras (Go Pro, for example) support microSD cards. Using the reader, it’s easy to transfer the footage to your iPhone or iPad, no matter where you are. A very real case: I quickly uploaded a video to my tablet so that I could comfortably see what you were filming there. It doesn’t matter whether there is Wi-Fi nearby or not.

7. Easily upload pictures from a drone

This thing will be very useful for all those who like to fly a quadcopter. For example, DJI Phantom writes videos and photos directly to a microSD card. I flew around, filmed what I needed, and transferred all the material onto the iPad. You can immediately see what worked and what would be better re-shot. Again, you don’t have to wait until you get home; you can copy it all onto your computer. Everything is in place, which saves a lot of time.

Question answer

I decided to talk about how the device works, its advantages and disadvantages in a question-and-answer format. I think it will be clearer this way.

Are any microSD flash drives suitable?

Yes, but there is a nuance here, namely, reading speed. It is advisable to use flash drives class 10. Firstly, the data transfer speed will be many times higher. Secondly, they are not so voracious in terms of energy. You can use something simpler, but photos from your vacation will take forever to copy. Moreover, the average price for microSD 32 GB is now around 500-600 rubles. You can go broke just once.

Why this thing if there is an original adapter from Apple

Apple also has a lightning adapter for SD cards. But it can do much less than the PhotoFast reader. This is just an adapter through which you can transfer photos and videos from the camera. Moreover, they end up exclusively in the gallery, after which you can do something with them.

At the same time, the card reader for iOS works with most photo and video formats, and is capable of playing music. Thanks to the proprietary application, you can work with various office software, create backups of data and archive them. Using the “Open in...” item, the file can be opened in different applications. Relevant for photos - we immediately open it in the desired editor, without going to the gallery. And microSD also consumes much less energy, unlike regular SD.

How convenient is the application?

The developers are a huge plus for the application. There are many possibilities, in fact, we have a pumped-up file manager. By the way, the application supports 3D Touch. But this is not even important, but the fact that in the settings you can specify which items will pop up when pressed hard. There are several options, but there can be a maximum of three.

The only negative is that the application is not optimized for iPhone screens 6/6s Plus. Why this is so, I can’t imagine. Not to say that it’s a huge drawback, but I would like to see an adapted application in a future upgrade.

MicroSD? Is this convenient?

Yes and no. On the one hand, more and more interesting devices like action cameras and quadcopters use this format. Thanks to the compactness of the flash drive, PhotoFast was able to make such a tiny reader. This is definitely a plus, but on the other hand, many DSLRs, for example, also use SD cards. In principle, the issue can be solved with a regular adapter, but the fact remains: you cannot insert an SD flash drive from a DSLR.

There is one more drawback - no regular USB so that you can quickly transfer all the data to your computer. More precisely, there is one in the PhotoFast product line, but you have to buy another device.


This PhotoFast iOS Card Reader is such an interesting thing. It is convenient both as a file manager and as a tool for Reserve copy. And, of course, for just 3,990 rubles you can expand the memory of your iPhone. For example, an iPhone 6s 16 GB will now cost 52,990 rubles, and the older model with 128 GB will cost 72,990 rubles.

The difference is 20,000 rubles, just for a second. And here is the opportunity to get more for less money.

Yesterday I came across another useful accessory that our readers should know about. The device allows you to connect any Micro SD flash drive to your iPhone or iPad through a special elegant mini-adapter that looks like a flash drive.

Full name of this device:

Ugreen MFi Lightning Micro SD/TF OTG Card Reader USB 2.0 Memory Mini Cardreader for iPhone 6/7/8 Plus iPod iPad OTG Card Reader

On Aliexpress it costs about 1300 rubles! Please note that the kit does not include a Micro SD card; you can either purchase one or insert an existing one.

On one side you can insert a Micro SD flash drive, and the other using the Lightning port into an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Next download special application from the App Store, which allows you to view files on a flash drive.

If necessary, the device is plugged into USB port computer and you can upload files to a Micro SD flash drive. I couldn’t understand this point for a long time, but it seems like everything is arranged in such a way that the Micro SD port fits perfectly into the USB.

This way we can get a complete analogue of a flash drive for iOS, but with removable memory.

Please note that the device is positioned as an MFI. For those who have forgotten, I’ll explain - this means that Apple has officially approved it, which means support for its iOS will not be stopped. That's why MFI devices are more expensive...

The device supports Micro SD up to 256 gigabytes. Through a special application, you can play many formats from a flash drive, or transfer files to other applications. No jailbreak is required to work.

If you don’t have a suitable Micro SD card at home, you can buy it there on Ali. I recommend this one:

Micro SD SunDisk (prices depend on the number of gigabytes. For example, 64 gigabytes costs 1210 rubles).

Happy memory expansion everyone! :)

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