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Signs of pregnancy after embryo implantation Greetings to my blog readers! Now I will tell you how to get

targeted traffic

to the site without investing a penny of money at all. But in order for target visitors to flock to the site, you first have to prepare.

The whole process of preparatory actions is not complicated, and now I will tell you what needs to be done for this. And at the end of the article, be sure to receive GIFTS, the link to the page with which I left in the last sentence.

This way to get targeted traffic for free is also suitable for owners of different thematic websites to increase sales in online stores and from landing pages (read about landing pages).

We receive targeted traffic to the site

  • This means that you won’t be able to get instant targeted traffic. For this, you can turn to various traffic exchanges, where you can buy useless transitions of robots (bots), which are only suitable for boosting traffic statistics and then for those who do not understand how you can and should check the quality of traffic on the site where you want to place banner.
  • Next, you need to subscribe to the comments of all blogs found. For this purpose, under the comment form, there is a subscription form. As a rule, this is done after writing a comment, you need to check the empty checkbox and click on the SEND button.
  • After this, start regularly commenting on articles (any articles) of all these blogs, making about 15-30 comments per month on each such site.

Target visitors to the site for free

The goal of these actions is to get into the TOP commentator block on all these sites. And since it is located on all pages, sections and posts of these blogs, once you get to this place, you will receive user transitions to your site (avatars and names of commentators in this block are active links).

Well, as you understand, in order to stay in this block, you need to comment regularly. And in order to attract targeted traffic in this way in large volumes, you must comment on at least 30 sites.

Believe me, the transitions will definitely be targeted. If you don’t believe me, try working like this for 1-1.5 months and see for yourself. In addition, you will also receive links from all these sites (from comments in articles).

This method of attracting targeted traffic to a website works great and is actively used by some online entrepreneurs, website owners and online stores. But few of them talk about it somewhere. Because if this scheme, will become the property of the broad masses of Internet entrepreneurs, it will be more difficult to receive traffic in such an interesting way.

I will also say that target visitors to the site received through this scheme are very well converted into subscribers and referrals.

This will be the end of it. I hope that the article will help you and finally, I recommend getting 7 GIFTS that you can. And in the article, you will find out what you need to know when you want to buy visitors.

A constant, stable flow of quality traffic is one of the components of the success of virtually any project in the Internet space. We are talking about site visitors, whether they are regular (they come regularly) or new (they came in search of information that interests them at the moment). The point is simple: high traffic and a stream of views are an indicator of the success of the project, a hint of potential profit.

Targeted traffic to the site is the same influx of visitors. The only difference (or, more accurately, a feature) is that these people are truly interested in the product (service, content, etc.) posted on the site. Targeted traffic is a truly important aspect of the operation of an Internet project. Why?

General information

For clarity, here is a simple example:

You have opened the site. Topics: web technologies, development, etc. The site publishes articles, blogs, original videos and other similar content. Over time, the owner decides to make money on the project into which so much effort was invested. There are several options to ensure the profitability of the portal (advertising, promotion of courses, affiliate programs, etc.). This is a standard scheme, but... He will not be able to make money if visitors to his site are not interested and come for a purpose unrelated to the site’s theme.

In such a situation, even if the flow of targeted user traffic is huge, you won’t be able to earn much. The audience does not match the content.

Logical conclusions from this:

  • Target traffic – the flow of users classified as the target audience;
  • It is targeted traffic that ensures profitability (it is beneficial for advertisers that the product is of interest to the consumer).

This is because today it is not at all difficult to provide traffic to a website. Just use one of the advertising services and order surfing. For an inexpensive price, you will get up to 1 thousand views. This is understandable, but what about the target audience? No, she won't be. People who are completely far from its topic will visit the site. According to statistics, about 10% will be truly interested, the remaining 90% will simply leave the page after 1 minute.

How to get targeted traffic?

There are a huge number of different sources. Targeted traffic to the site can come in one of the following ways.

SEO content optimization

This is a popular method because it allows you to get people to your site for free. The scheme is simple. For example, you have a website. You have identified your target audience. Next, it needs to be filled with articles that are tailored to specific keywords. Later, based on search queries, this material will begin to be listed in search engines.

Of course, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are many nuances in optimization, but with the right approach, you can ensure a constant influx of visitors for free.

contextual advertising

This method of attracting visitors is partly similar to the previous one. All traffic comes from search engines, but people no longer find your site on their own, but stumble upon it based on the system’s recommendation. This is not free, you will have to pay for each direct click on your ad.

For example, you are selling a product. The whole simplicity is that right now you can place an ad and start an advertising campaign. The first clicks, and sales will immediately appear, will appear quite quickly.
This attraction method has several nuances:

  • Payment – ​​you will have to pay for each click. Moreover, prices depend on the industry and region.
  • Difficulty - you need to understand at least a little about contextual advertising in order to provide the right company, select key queries and set up an ad.

Social media

Traffic to the site, targeted traffic can come from social networks. Tergenting is supported by most popular resources. The only problem with placing such an ad is finding the target audience. You will have to do this yourself (split the groups), set up the company so that it maximally hits your target (English Target).

For example, the social network VKontakte. This is a site with millions of active users. Even if you limit the display of advertising by region, it will be broadcast on very large contingent people (most of whom you don't need). As a result, money from your account will disappear quickly, and there will be no influx of targeted traffic.

It all depends on the specific product. Some products are suitable for a wide audience, so targeting should not be set too strictly, according to the following parameters:

  • age range;
  • region, etc.

These are mass advertisements. Other companies require strict control, since the product will not suit everyone.

Banner advertising

Most bloggers and website owners have contact information on their resources for questions about advertising. They allow you to purchase the opportunity to place an advertisement for the sale of your product on the portal.

This is one of the easiest ways to attract visitors. You are not required to conduct analysis or set up an ad - find a suitable site with a similar topic and buy a certain number of impressions. The price differs depending on the traffic of the resource itself and the size of the target audience.

Traffic exchanges

This method is one of the most effective for two reasons:

  1. You don’t need to understand the intricacies of setting up an advertising campaign, composing advertisements, texts, etc.
  2. You begin to receive the most targeted traffic as soon as the project is launched.

Our exchange includes all these advantages. Try it!

We are developing a tool that allows you to analyze the link mass and site positions in organic results.

We noticed that users, in pursuit of traffic and positions, forget about the main goal - to convert site visitors into customers. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to increase the influx quality traffic to the site and accordingly increase income.

Most of the tips are about increasing organic traffic.

You only need traffic that will directly or indirectly convert into sales. There is no need to chase high-frequency keywords - choose those that will bring in potential clients. Keep in mind the purposes of readers who use this word to search.

As an example, the Email Soldiers blog. The main competence of the company is email marketing, with which the agency is associated. However, it is not the material optimized for the keyword “email marketing” that brings in the most traffic. And it is the article about html layout that gives the most clicks to the sales page.

That is, if you offer web design services, it is better to create content for the request “restaurant website design”, which will attract users looking for a site for these purposes. But the collection of brushes for Photoshop will be aimed at your competitors-designers.

2. Use your competitors' keywords

Study keywords- a labor-intensive task. To make things easier, use the words your competitors rank for.

Let's imagine that we are opening an online store selling equipment and clothing for kiting. What keywords will we focus on, besides “buy a kite”? Let's analyze competitors to gather ideas.

As a competitor, let’s take the store website - one of the top Russian online platforms for selling swimming equipment. Let's check it out in Ahrefs Site Explorer to see which keywords are bringing them the most organic traffic.

Then we export the list of keywords to Excel and select among them the most suitable ones for our store. When choosing, we look at the potential traffic they bring, the frequency of requests, and the complexity of the keyword for ranking.

For example, you can focus on brand queries and optimize sections of the catalog for keywords that include the names of well-known manufacturers of sportswear and swimming accessories. However, it is more difficult for new sites to reach the top for these queries due to their high competition.

It's better to use more specific queries related to the products themselves, such as "swimming goggles" or "pool player."

As you may have noticed, also maintains a blog. Let's analyze the keywords that bring targeted traffic to blog articles and use them to create our own useful content.

For example, the article “How to choose swimming goggles - advice from professionals” brings a competitor 177 visits per month. If you write an article that covers this topic better than competitors’ material, you can get to the top of the search results and get more targeted traffic.

Analyze the sites of at least two of your main competitors and you'll have an impressive database of keywords to use for content creation.

3. Answer potential clients' questions

Content will bring in tons of quality search traffic if it answers your potential customers' questions. And products or services must solve their problems.

It's actually part of our own content strategy at Ahrefs. Here's the "Most Popular Pages" report for our blog in Site Explorer:

Five of the top ten pages on our blog are comprehensive instructions. Moreover, targeted traffic to them is constantly growing.

How to find questions for content? These are the so-called “pain points” of users, which they often ask in the support chat, in a group on a social network, on various forums, etc.

Ahrefs Keyword Generator has a separate “Questions” service: it produces a list of keywords that answer user questions.

If you use services that don't have this feature, you can get such a list with a little trick.

Let's imagine that you sell running equipment. Search for the keyword “running shoes” and go to reports of phrase matches or duplicate terms.

Now let’s narrow down the list of suggestions by keywords, filtering it by question words. Enter the word “how” in the “Include” field and get a list of key question phrases:

They will become the basis for articles, for example, “How to choose the right sneakers for running in winter,” or “How often should you change your running sneakers: Expert advice.”

You can narrow this list by setting filters based on the number of requests or clicks.

4. Use longtails

Google's algorithm is smart enough to group individual keywords into topics and subtopics and understand synonyms. Our research has shown that a single page can easily rank for thousands of long-tail keywords. But content on this topic should be detailed and explore all aspects of the issue.

When creating a longtail, optimize your content by topic, not just one keyword. If you are writing a dog training guide, try to include all the questions that interest the animal owner.

Today it is ranked for more than 1.5 thousand keywords in Russia alone:

You can find dozens of longtail options in “Related Searches” in Google results, Google Trends, or Google Keyword Planner.

Make a list of longtails related to the topic you want to cover and write your article in simple language by writing these words into the text.

In addition, it is important to use semantically related keywords in h2 and h3 of the article. The simplest technique for finding keywords for subheadings is the same “Related search queries» on the search results page.

So, if you are creating a hair care guide, be specific about your topic. You will have h2 subheadings “Hair care in winter/summer”, “Care for oily/dry hair”, “How to choose the right shampoo/conditioner/hair mask”, etc.

And remember: your task is not to fill all the subheadings with synonymous keys, but to make the text as easy as possible to read.

This tactic seems to contradict the popular (but not very effective) advice to “publish fresh content more often.” But what's the point of publishing more and more articles on your blog that no one will see?

Instead, it's better to find pages that are already bringing in traffic and see how to improve them to get more traffic.

Our blog had a guide to analyzing competitor sites that averaged about 150 search visits per month.

We gave it a new life: we added some tips, got rid of outdated data and images, and added a section with the best tools for competitive analysis.

Management now receives almost 4 times more traffic from search even without link building.

More and more sites in the West are using the tactic of updating old articles. Google loves updated content and ranks it higher. Sometimes even a simple trick of changing the publication date works.

Caution: Do not change the URL of the updated article. Otherwise, the search engine will perceive the page as new and you will lose the traffic that came before.

If you still decide to rewrite the URL of the updated article, set up a 301 redirect to it throughout the site. This is relevant if the URL includes the year used in the h1 of the article (for example, “Which running headphones to choose in 2018”).

And make it a rule to use short URLs that do not contain unnecessary information, just the keyword. This way you will avoid unnecessary hassle in the future.

I don't question the expert advice and traffic generation case studies that are out there on the web.

But if one tactic or strategy works like a charm in one niche, it can easily fail in another.

Test and adapt tips to suit your needs. For example, Ahrefs was able to use large articles as the basis for small posts on social networks.

For example, we took our guide of 75 SEO tips and began posting 2-3 separate recommendations per week on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Targeted traffic - definition and example

So, targeted traffic is a flow of visitors who may actually be interested in what you offer on your website/landing page. Why is it so important that traffic is targeted? I will immediately give you an example so that you understand this better.

So, let's say I have a website. Or not even from me, but just from some webmaster. Website on the topic of web technologies, website building, etc. The site contains articles, possibly videos and other content. But sooner or later the webmaster will decide to make money on the site. There are quite a lot of options for earning money, you can even assume what he will do (put up a banner, start advertising some paid courses and affiliate programs, connect contextual advertising, etc.).

All this is good, but let's think about whether he will be able to make money if people with completely different hobbies and interests visit his site? Even if the flow of such people is very large, it is unlikely that you will be able to make serious money from them, because this is not the target audience of the project.

And who in this case will be this target audience? These are mainly men aged 20-40 years old who are interested in website building and want to learn how to create websites on their own. It is among such a public that there will be maximum interest - people will subscribe, click on classified ads, even buy something somewhere (books and lessons on website building).

There are 2 simple conclusions from this example:

Targeted traffic is a flow of people who can be classified as the target audience (TA, for short).

It is targeted traffic that can generate income

The fact is that today it is very easy to get traffic to a website on its own - all you have to do is go to some booking service (advertising service) and order surfing there. For 30-50 rubles you can get up to 1000 page views on your website.

Yes, but will the traffic be targeted? No, people who are absolutely not interested in the topic will come to your site. It is possible that 5-10% will be somehow interested, but 95% of people simply stay on the page for 10-60 seconds (the established time limit) and leave.

How to get targeted traffic?

SEO optimization or writing texts tailored to search engine user requests

This is very, very good way, because it allows you to get targeted traffic for free. How? Everything looks something like what I describe below.

Let's say you want to make money in the farming niche. Your target audience is summer residents and gardeners. One of the options to get this very targeted traffic is to create a website (blog or just an information site) on which you write a lot useful articles.

These articles need to be tailored to specific keywords that people enter into the search engine. For example, “how to plant potatoes correctly.” So you take it and write under this key and others like it.

After some time (usually several months), articles will begin to appear in the search engine and people will find them by typing various queries into the search engine.

Of course, I am missing many details in this case (how exactly to write, what to do besides this), but my goal in this article is simply to describe SEO optimization as an option for generating targeted traffic. With this approach, your target audience will 100% visit your website, because people will find you through a search for queries that they themselves entered.

And then, when at least 50 people a day visit the site, you can slowly monetize it. For example, selling on the website various books and courses on agriculture, sell goods (various seeds, tools for working in the garden).

Pros of SEO. The opportunity to receive hundreds and thousands of unique targeted visits to the site absolutely free due to the fact that you will have many useful articles on your project.

Minuses. It will take a lot of effort (if you do it yourself) or money (if you hire others to do the work). The result will not come in 1-2 months; you will have to wait at least 6-8 months until the site becomes more or less stronger. And then, at first you shouldn’t hope for big earnings.

Contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords)

In fact, this method of generating targeted traffic is in many ways similar to SEO, because the traffic itself also comes from the search engines Yandex and Google. But here you have to pay for it. Pay for specific clicks on your ad.

For example, you want to sell some goods for your garden. Advantage contextual advertising The point is that you can create an ad and run advertising right now and get the first clicks within an hour. And maybe the first sales.

But the downside in this case is that you have to pay for advertising. This is only one side of the issue; in addition, you will need to have at least a little understanding of contextual advertising in order to be able to create an advertising campaign, create ad groups, select keywords and set other settings. To put it very briefly, in reality you will have to do much more.

So, contextual advertising for a beginner is difficult. But only for that beginner who does not want to learn. Because in fact, there is nothing extra-complicated in creating and setting it up, you just need to start taking action (it’s trivial to watch a couple of videos on YouTube, read the official help).

Minuses. The need to understand what's what (how to set up, how to create ads, track statistics). The need to pay for advertising. There is a good chance that on your first attempts you will not get your money back.

Targeted advertising (VK Target, Instagram, MyTarget, etc.)

Many popular sites allow you to place targeted advertising. In general, target is translated as a goal, so it is obvious that targeted advertising can bring you targeted traffic.

Because the social network Vkontakte, for example, is visited by millions of users every day. And if your advertisement is shown to each of them, the money on your balance will disappear very quickly, but you will not receive any return, because the advertisement was shown to those who are not interested in it.

In other cases, on the contrary, you will need to choose a very, very narrow target audience, which will include only those who may really be interested in your offer.

Minuses. Again, you need to pay to advertise. You also need to deeply understand this topic. Namely, how to select the target audience, how to correctly compose advertisements, etc.

Banner advertising and advertising line

Nowadays, many webmasters and bloggers have advertising sales systems on their websites, with the help of which you can automatic mode You can purchase advertising on this person’s resource.

This is one of the most simple ways traffic extraction, because here you practically don’t need to analyze anything - just find suitable visited resources on the subject of your advertising and try to buy impressions there (banner or advertising line). The cost of payment varies in each specific case.

If you haven’t found the option to buy advertising automatically on the site you need, you can try to find the webmaster’s contacts and write to him directly with an offer to place ads.

Posting on social media networks

A fairly simple way to get targeted traffic is to create an advertising post that attractively describes your product, and then buy placement of the post in some popular community.

For almost any product/service, you can select dozens of communities in which the target audience will be located. Still, don’t think that buying advertising posts and making money on them is a completely simple matter, there are some things you need to work out:

As you can see, there are many issues that need to be resolved.

Bottom line

Don’t think that these are all ways to get targeted traffic, but if you continue to write further, the article will turn out to be too cumbersome. In the end, I would like to recommend that you do not try to master everything at once - it will not work. Better try to learn how to effectively get targeted traffic from one source. When successful, move on to studying another source, etc.

By the way, in the article I was the first to discuss this method – SEO optimization. It differs favorably in that you can receive targeted traffic for free, but not immediately, but when your website/blog is promoted in search engines.

So, there are still not many people who know how to properly promote websites in search engines. And if you know, you will get a great advantage, since you will be able to create your own projects and bring them to good traffic (from 1000 unique visitors). And, accordingly, a good profit.

Yes, all this will not happen in 1 week or even 2 months. If you are moving forward in your search, it takes time. But still the prospect is good, isn’t it?

So, we just have a course that is dedicated to the effective promotion of a personal blog and bringing it to a profit of 20 thousand rubles within a year after its creation. Here's something for you to check out. The information from the course can be used not only to promote a blog, but also an information site.

Target traffic to the site is the company's real and potential customers. After all, it’s not enough just to attract traffic. It is important that it helps solve the problems facing the site. So what is targeted traffic?

Target traffic is users interested in the goods, services, information presented on the site, as well as in performing certain targeted actions on it (filling out an application, placing an order, calling the office, studying or using content, etc.).

In other words, these are site visitors, most of whom will turn into customers of the company. Of course, a lot depends on what the target action is. It's one thing when information resource is looking for regular readers, and something completely different is a site that wants to sell cucumber seedlings via the Internet.

In this book, we will talk about methods of attracting targeted traffic in a situation where the desired target action is defined and the site owner understands exactly what kind of visitors he wants to see on his company’s Internet resource.

There are various channels to attract targeted traffic. We offer a classification without direct advertising on websites and black hat SEO methods (cheating by robots, etc.).

Search engine promotion

Search engine promotion is one of the most effective channels for attracting customers. Its competitive advantage is working not only to achieve set goals, but also to obtain returns in the long term. Gradually investing in the development of the site, search engine optimization and usability, you are making an investment in the future of the project, in that reserve that will work for results for a long time.

Search engine promotion is one of the most reliable and effective channels for attracting targeted traffic, because it meets the needs of the user, satisfies his interest according to the information entered into search bar request.

contextual advertising

Well-constructed contextual advertising (CA) is suitable for attracting traffic in most topics presented on the Internet, the products/services of which are in demand on the Internet. KR gives excellent results in increasing the flow of inexpensive traffic to information portals (due to the low cost of a click).

One of the tasks that KR copes with, perhaps best, is sales promotion. The ability to narrowly target ads based on requests and write text with a message for a specific audience allows you to attract targeted visitors.

Another task that this channel can successfully solve is increasing brand awareness. If the site has a good assortment and has a sufficient number of visitors, soon after the launch of the CD there is a significant increase in the weight of the company’s brand among competitors.

KR is also excellent for introducing a new product to the market. For example, Google AdWords allows you to independently select sites to place banners and/or text ads on. This type of targeting, combined with the minus of non-target words (see psed for details), allows you to show the most relevant ads to potential consumers of a new product/service.

Social media

Almost all social media platforms allow you to post links to third-party sites that can direct traffic where you want it to go. This means that millions of social network users can become your visitors.

To successfully attract traffic, it is important to use all the capabilities of social networks, including:

  • targeting with detailed settings (down to your favorite cheese, parrot’s name, etc.);
  • viral distribution of content (when users themselves replicate your content);
  • social proof mechanism (reviews, image articles, etc., see more here), etc.

Communities with thematic publications (content projects in social networks) can provide a significant amount of targeted traffic. However, in this case, much will depend on the attraction strategy and audience loyalty.

We will talk in more detail about the details of each of the techniques described above in subsequent chapters.

Other channels

Direct traffic to the site is transitions from bookmarks or entering the URL of your site into the address bar of the browser. This channel provides the most loyal traffic, because the visitor knows about your resource, has an idea about the service and, if necessary, returns to this site.

You can influence such traffic only through other marketing channels that work on brand awareness (online and offline advertising).

Transitions from other sites are provided by banners, referral (affiliate) programs, publications on forums, thematic advertising articles on other sites, etc. We are talking about various sources where links to the site are placed, through which users go to a specific resource.

All these channels occupy a small market share and mainly solve specific problems.

Channels for attracting traffic in figures and facts

In terms of investment volume, only media advertising is comparable to search engine promotion and CD (according to the results of the study “Runet Economy 2013-2014”, NP “RAEK” and the National Research University - Higher School of Economics). However, during the crisis, the situation in the online advertising market changed radically. According to the results of a survey by the Proximity agency, part of the BBDO Russia group of companies, in 2015 business representatives place bets primarily on advertising campaigns, SEO and SMM (see more details):

Rice. 1. The most popular areas of online advertising in 2015 (according to business representatives)

Among the priorities were also web development (53%), performance marketing (43%), online commerce (33%), mobile advertising (30%). In general, responses to the question about priority media channels showed that investments in radio, TV and print advertising will be reduced (according to the results of the same study.).

Next, we will look at forecasting and the specifics of attracting traffic through the two largest channels (SEO and CR), as well as one of the most promising areas - SMM. We will evaluate the effectiveness of each of them taking into account the characteristics various types sites.

Site Analysis, or Traffic Potential

Any resource that offers a product, service or information is potentially interesting to the user. But how do you know how much traffic you can attract to your site? What are the limitations and advantages when working with one or another Internet marketing channel?

Ruslan Mukhametkhanov

The amount of traffic that can be attracted to a site depends on many factors. But they are all divided into those that can be improved in the process (for example, usability, site development, content quality, etc.), and those that will be difficult to influence as part of a marketing campaign. For example, in order to supplement a women's clothing website with a line of shoes with fitting and free shipping, it is necessary to reconsider the entire business strategy. That is, at the traffic forecasting stage, it will be a women’s clothing site and nothing more. We will talk about these basic characteristics of the site and initial data first, since their objective assessment allows us to make an accurate and realistic forecast.


This is the first factor that largely determines how much traffic can be brought to the site. Everything is natural: if a wide range of people have a need for the information or product/service presented, it is easier to attract organic traffic than in the case of a highly specialized resource.

In any case, the most accurate analysis of the site’s subject matter and the amount of demand is an analysis based on experience working with resources in this area.

If you do not have experience in website promotion in various topics, you can resort to the evaluation method using such well-known tools as SimlarWeb and Alexa. They allow you to find out the structure of traffic to the site, assess possible demand and get an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of certain marketing channels in a certain topic. However, this method gives a large error. The fact is that these services do not provide information about the share of branded traffic (when people search on the Internet not for goods and services, but for the website of a specific company), and this value can significantly distort the statistics and, as a result, the forecast itself.

You can also obtain quantitative characteristics of demand using the Yandex.Wordstat statistics system. Let's look at an example.

The site sells women's clothing. Having experience in promoting this topic, we can safely say that it has great potential. The specialist can only determine the specific numerical characteristics of demand, taking into account the volume of products presented and the development of the site.

However, even if SEO experience and knowledge is not enough, you can evaluate the niche using Yandex.Wordstat data. To do this, select a query that characterizes the products presented on the site, for example, “buy a dress in an online store.” As we can see (Fig. 2), the number of impressions for this request and its trail (dirty demand) in the Moscow region exceeded 27,000:

Rice. 2.

For comparison, let’s take the website of a company that deals exclusively with refilling printers. As we can see (Fig. 3), such a service was interested in about 4,000 times per month:

Rice. 3. Data on the number of impressions in Yandex.Wordstat

As we can see, the topic of the resource and, as a consequence, the demand for the goods/services offered by the site largely determine its potential for attracting organic traffic.

Ruslan Mukhametkhanov, leading search engine optimization specialist at Ingate Digital Agency:

Don't be upset if the traffic potential of your site in terms of subject matter is low. In any case, work should be done to attract organic traffic. However, since data on the number of visitors will not be indicative, effectiveness should be assessed, for example, by the positions achieved in search engine results (SE).

Site volume

An important role is played by the number of pages in the search engine index, as well as the number of goods/services presented on the site.

Number of pages in the PS index

If a site page is not in the index, it is impossible to bring visitors to it.

One of the reasons for the lack of pages in the index is that from the point of view of the search engine, they are uninformative and unhelpful to visitors. Other factors may include:

  • non-unique content, duplicate content on the site;
  • pages without text, automatically generated or technical pages;
  • sanctions (ban) imposed on the site by search engines (see more details).

If, when analyzing the site, a significant discrepancy is discovered in the number of pages in the PS index and their total number, it is necessary to adjust the traffic forecast taking into account the indexing work. It should be understood that the flow of users will not begin immediately after the search engine indexes the pages.

The number of pages in the PS index is also important for information sites: the more materials on specific topics on the portal, the more significant the resource is compared to its competitors. Also, a special role is played by the overall relevance of the site pages to the search phrase (the more documents are devoted to a specific topic, the higher the positions and, as a result, the traffic will be).

Number of goods/services

If a site has a significantly smaller assortment than its competitor, search engines regard such a resource as less relevant to queries on the selected topic. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the content of the sections and strive to provide the most complete information about the product or service.

Site age

The older the site and the longer it has been working on its current topic, the higher its potential in terms of attracting organic traffic. It is not easy for young resources to outperform their “adult” rivals in issuing results. Of course, a lot depends on the topic, competition, quality of the new site, etc. If a young site does not have significant advantages, then, all other things being equal, it will be ranked lower than “experienced” competitors.

Specifics of information sites

Informational sites, compared to commercial ones, have virtually no restrictions on attracting organic traffic. For such portals, it is possible to generate unique legal content (for example, recipes, music, news, etc.) in quantities that are limited only by the imagination and professionalism of the authors.

Contextual advertising can provide a significant amount of inexpensive traffic to information portals. To do this, you need to use targeting settings (gender/age/interests/topics/placements) in the Display Network (Display Network), for example, Google AdWords.

How to get maximum traffic to your website

So, we have discussed the constant characteristics of sites that can both impose restrictions on traffic forecasts and provide significant competitive advantages. Now let’s turn your attention to the nuances that can optimize your efforts to attract traffic and increase the return on your marketing campaign.

When working on search engine optimization, make sure not to lose the level of traffic that is already on the site. There is a common belief that if a resource already has a certain traffic, it will remain at the same level. However, it is not. Firstly, competitors do not sit still and are constantly trying to beat you in search results. Secondly, if you stop working on the site, technical errors and form errors will begin to occur over time, the content will no longer meet the new requirements of search engines, etc., which will again lead to a loss of positions and, as a result, a decrease in traffic.

Traffic from contextual advertising can theoretically be brought to a site on absolutely any topic, except for those prohibited for advertising: casinos, weapons, alcohol, etc. (see more details.). It is ineffective to use contextual advertising for services/products that do not have sufficient demand on the Internet, for example, for the sale of passenger aircraft.

When attracting traffic from social networks, special attention should be paid to the experience of the SEO specialist/contractor or, in its absence, test the chosen strategy and evaluate its effectiveness. We will discuss specific work schemes in the next chapter, but for now we will give an example of how practical experience made it possible to abandon the original strategy in favor of an optimal solution.

For a comparison of traffic from different channels, see the figure.

Assessing the prospects

Search engine promotion

To attract traffic from search engines, work is being done to optimize the resource to bring it to a position in the TOP 10 and increase the number of site visitors. To achieve these results, it is necessary to evaluate the prospects for ranking in the TOP for a specific set of queries.

Drawing up a schedule for bringing requests to the TOP is a complex task that must be carried out by a promotion specialist. It is necessary to understand what work and when will produce results for each of the requests. If you incorrectly predict the site’s ranking in the TOP, you will not be able to build a traffic attraction graph. It is also necessary to coordinate the work of all specialists who work on the site.


The lack of coordinated team work can be fraught. In July, on a promoted site, without the consent of SEO specialists, the site owner carried out engineering works. This led to changes in page addresses and disruption of internal linking. The result is a 25% reduction in organic traffic to the site.

Rice. 4. Traffic statistics indicating the stages of work on the site

After assessing the prospects for a site to appear in the TOP 10 for all queries, you can get the exact number of impressions for each phrase in previous periods and, accordingly, make a forecast for the future (using Yandex or Google statistics systems). And here again you will need experience in promoting sites on this topic and the ability to assess trends in decreasing/increasing demand. If you plan to do this manually (without automated SEO tools), be prepared for painstaking work with a large amount of data, since you will have to look at the dynamics of demand for key phrases for all promoted pages on the site.

Now all that remains is to find out the approximate CTR (see more details) of your site for positions in the TOP and multiply the traffic forecast by it. You can find out the CTR through the Yandex.Webmaster service. To do this, go to the following tabs: “Search queries” / “My queries” / “Statistics”. If statistics were not previously kept: “Search queries” / “Popular queries”. CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions.

Rice. 5. Example of statistics on impressions, clicks and positions from the Yandex.Webmaster service

You should exclude from the CTR assessment data on the click-through rate of branded phrases, which will not be indicative (when searching by company name, the click-through rate is always high, since a specific site is being searched, and other search results are ignored).

All received data must be adjusted taking into account the increase/decrease in seasonal demand for products/information presented on the site. This is where statistical data and experience in promoting the topic come in handy. For example, let’s take the same request “buy a dress in an online store” and see whether the demand for it is affected by seasonality (according to Yandex.Wordstat).

Rice. 6. Impression statistics from Yandex.Wordstat

As we can see (Fig. 6), the peak in demand occurs at the end of November and December. Having an idea of ​​the seasonality of all phrases that are in the graph for displaying queries in the TOP, you can build a general graph.

So, to predict organic traffic from search engine results you need:

  1. Prepare a list of requests for all promoted pages on the site.
  2. Create a schedule for displaying requests in the TOP 10.
  3. Using the query output graph and statistics systems, determine the exact number of impressions.
  4. Calculate the CTR of a site using the Yandex.Webmaster service.
  5. Multiply the predicted number of impressions by site CTR for each request.
  6. Adjust the resulting forecast taking into account the seasonality of demand for a product/service or information.

contextual advertising

You can estimate the possible volumes of traffic from contextual advertising using the “Budget Forecast” of YandexDir.e.kta. or Keyword Planner .Google AdWords. However, the most reliable way traffic forecast - test advertising campaigns (RC).

The stumbling block when predicting traffic from the Kyrgyz Republic is the cost per click. During the traffic forecast period, this may be one price, and at the time of the start of the advertising campaign - another. As a result, actual traffic may differ from the planned one. Also, when making long-term forecasts, for example, a year in advance, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of demand.

Social Media (SMM)

The only sure way to make a SMM traffic forecast is to test the developed strategy. If your experience in SMM is limited and does not allow you to confidently predict the result, it is necessary to test in practice both different target audience segments and any creative solutions, including using A/B testing (see more details). The impact of various strategies and tools should be assessed using minimal investments. Once a winning methodology has been identified and the settings that best meet expectations have been determined, the entire activity can be scaled within the available budget.

Also, the composition of the audience of a particular site greatly influences the return on the SMM channel, since a lot of insufficiently high-quality projects attract non-target audiences (bots - user profiles created automatic programs, and offers - real subscribers who perform a set of prescribed actions in various communities for money or certain bonuses).

The issue of studying the audience in SMM is more than relevant. It is important to understand who your client is? What are his interests? How does he live? What does he eat for breakfast? Where does he go to work? The more we know about him, the easier it will be to offer him interesting creative, hook him and, accordingly, get the cheapest traffic possible.

The target audience for targeted advertising should be segmented in as much detail as possible. Not just men and women of a certain age or region of residence, but, for example, women over 25 who have a cat. Sounds fantastic? SMM has retargeting - a tool that allows you to find people even with such a high degree of awareness about them. By using third party services, Cerebro) you can collect users into retargeting databases (for example, people subscribed to more than 3 cat care topics are highly likely to have this animal at home).

Studying the audience and identifying retargeting groups allows you to estimate the amount of traffic that can be attracted to the community. But determining what share of it will go to the site will only be possible through testing SMM advertising tools.

Determining the scope of work

To forecast traffic with maximum impact, you need to understand how much work and, as a result, what budget will be required to achieve the desired results.

Search engine promotion

Work to attract search traffic is essentially similar to search promotion for certain phrases. However, there are a number of differences. Website optimization to attract organic traffic is aimed at the entire resource at once. You will need comprehensive optimization of each page, knowledge of statistics and analytics systems (Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica), and traffic assessment skills. It is also desirable to have automated tools for working with large volumes of data. The point is that it is necessary to work on all pages of the site: optimize those that allow visitors to achieve their goals, correct possible technical errors, close technical, empty pages, duplicates, etc. from indexing.

So that you can estimate the amount of work, we will outline the specifics of each of the stages of successful website traffic optimization:

I. Technical optimization of the site

Compared to promotion for specific queries, technical optimization is much more significant in attracting traffic, since it is aimed at the entire site as a whole. Only complete technical optimization of the resource allows all forms and pages to work. This, in turn, allows search engines to have access to all pages of the site at any time. Thus, competent technical optimization is the foundation for successfully attracting targeted traffic from the PS.

II. Selection of the semantic core (queries) for all pages of the site

It is necessary to select exactly those queries that can be brought to the TOP and that are targeted (i.e., they allow you to solve the problems facing the site: sales, ordering services, increasing the number of subscribers, etc.). For each page, it is optimal to select all types of queries based on frequency. For example, 5 HF requests, 5 MF requests and 5 LF requests. This will allow you to promote the site more effectively, because... Most high-frequency requests are highly competitive, the effect of promotion on them will be achieved after some time, while low-frequency requests will provide results faster. Should do as much as possible larger number“selling” pages, working towards the set goals, and for each of them select its own semantics.

If the site is already promoting and has positions in the TOP, you need to carefully approach changing the semantic core (SC), for which the resource pages are already optimized. The existing strategic language must be expanded so as not to lose the positions already achieved after the content adjustment of the pages. That is, for one page you should not select many different queries. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the site works to achieve your goals. We will talk about how to evaluate the quality of traffic in the final chapter of our book.

III. Adjusting content to suit your needs semantic core

Existing content on the site, as well as the semantic core, should be changed carefully. Judge for yourself: let’s say you need to increase the number of requests for a page, even though it is already optimized for specific key phrases. By rewriting the text, you accidentally delete several occurrences of key phrases. The result is a loss of position and, as a result, a decrease in traffic.

IV. Improving the behavioral characteristics of the site

This work must be carried out constantly, since it solves two problems at once. The first is to increase the number of sales by creating a more convenient resource and assessing user paths through the site. The second is to increase rankings in search results by improving user characteristics.

V. Analysis of site positions

It is important after each search engine update (update of program elements that affect the search results) to analyze the position of the site and make the necessary changes to the pages.

If you don’t yet have enough experience in traffic promotion, first of all pay attention to the following points:

  • when promoting, do not limit yourself only to HF requests;
  • be extremely careful and careful when changing existing content on the site;
  • track site positions using automated systems collecting statistics;
  • Monitor the functionality of all technical elements on the site.

contextual advertising

When planning work on CD, you should focus on using the maximum number of available sites and targeting settings. And after their launch, identify ineffective/low-quality channels and minus requests that do not provide the proper return.

In many cases, using remarketing/retargeting will be optimal. It is suitable for solving almost any problem.

And, of course, we must not forget about the test launch of the advertising campaign, which we talked about earlier.

Social Media (SMM)

There are many tools for attracting traffic from social networks. Each of them has its own specifics and solves different problems.

Content projects, as we have already said, involve creation based on social network a community in which people are attracted through quality material and internal advertising. Subscribers receive interesting content and go to the desired site using links posted in posts.

Targeted advertising in SMM owes its appearance directly to the social media format, which implies disclosure by the user huge amount information about yourself both during registration and during communication. This volume of invaluable data is successfully used by advertisers. The functionality of targeted advertising in SMM is truly unique. It allows you to show advertising messages to people selected according to certain settings. This includes an indication of gender, age, personal interests, place of residence (up to the nearest metro station, if available), and the person’s behavior on the Internet. No other type of online advertising provides such targeting settings. An experienced specialist, with the help of fine-tuning the advertising campaign, can generate traffic that is superior in quality, price and volume to other paid tools for attracting users (including advertising campaigns, display advertising, etc.).

Placing advertising posts is a very effective and widespread SMM marketing channel. The owners of many large content projects set prices for advertising in their groups. It happens that the queues are scheduled for weeks in advance.

In this case, special attention should be paid to the compilation of the advertising message. It is important to analyze the site on which placement is planned and understand: what kind of content does this target audience respond to most willingly? Usually, good results Linking the post to global trends, relevant messages on the topic of the day, etc. gives you. Viral dissemination of the most attractive content allows you to get an impressive audience reach.

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