If Touch ID does not work on iPhone or iPad: how to deal with the problem. What to do if your iPhone's Touch ID sensor is broken What is a touch on an iPhone 6s

After implementing the system iOS updates(usually these are updates to versions 10/10.1/10.2/10.3.2) When the user’s iPhone is rebooted, it may begin to display the message “Could not activate Touch ID on this iPhone.” Access to the user's Touch ID is blocked, and various “tambourine dances” aimed at correcting the situation usually turn out to be ineffective. In this article I will tell you what this error “Could not activate Touch ID on this iPhone” is on 5s and 6, and how you can fix it.

Error text "Touch ID could not be activated on this iPhone"

Causes of Touch ID error on iPhone

This problem is international in nature and is faced by many users around the world. Apple forums are full of complaints from Apple owners about the problem with activating Touch ID, which usually appears after installing system updates 10/10.1/10.2/10.3.2 on the iPhone.

I will outline classic tips from Apple on how to solve the problem “We couldn’t activate Touch ID on this iPhone” in the next section. For now, I’ll note that, judging by the reviews of specialists, the problem is no longer of a software, but of a hardware nature. And, in most cases, solve it software It turns out to be quite complicated (although there are pleasant exceptions to the rules). If you need to correct the situation, the article at the link will help you with this.

How to Fix “Touch ID Could Not Activate on This iPhone” Problem

To get rid of unsuccessful Touch ID activation, I recommend doing the following:


According to experts, the problem “It was not possible to activate Touch ID on this iPhone” is of a hardware nature, and it will be difficult to solve it using software methods. In some cases, installing an update helps iOS versions 10.3.3, as well as other methods I listed above. As a last resort, I recommend contacting Apple technical support with your problem - perhaps they will provide an effective solution to it.

One of the interesting features of the iPhone 6S smartphone from Apple is support for the unique Touch ID technology. Essentially, this is a fingerprint scanner that allows you to reliably protect your smartphone from unauthorized access and ensure the protection of confidential data. A scanner is built into the Home button.

Usually, special problems touch ID is not delivered to the owner of the iPhone 6S, it works for a long time and without failure. But still, problems with this function may arise, because the scanner is built into the Home button, and sooner or later it may fail.

Touch ID problems: what problems could there be with the sensor?

Among the main problems with the Touch ID sensor that every owner of an iPhone 6S gadget may encounter are:

  • Lack of proper response to placing a finger on the Home button;
  • The fingerprint is scanned, but the user is not initialized;
  • The Home button does not work at all and does not respond to presses at all.

For what reasons does Touch ID on the Home button fail?

Engineers Apple They take a responsible approach to designing their gadgets, so the iPhone 6S and its components are quite reliable and work for a long time. But at the same time, there are reasons why touch ID may not work:

  • Impact or mechanical damage to the smartphone;
  • Liquid getting under the Home button or on the motherboard;
  • The board is contaminated with dust or sand.

How to replace touch ID?

It should be noted that replacing touch ID on an iPhone 6S cannot be done by the hands of the owner of the gadget. The Home button itself and the sensor on it are located in such a way that you can only get to it by disassembling the smartphone using a special tool. In this case, you must not damage the cables and motherboard of the gadget.

The specialists of our center are ready to qualitatively replace the Home button, restoring its functionality. All work is performed quickly, efficiently and with a guarantee. Uses original parts and Apple certified tools.

It is important to remember that after replacing the Home key on the 6th iPhone, it will begin to function again. However, if the button is replaced, the touch fingerprint recognition will no longer work. The thing is that this is one of the ways to protect Apple from unauthorized access to a smartphone. The touch ID will not function even after replacing the button with the original one.

Touch ID is the official name of the fingerprint reader that is equipped with iPhone smartphones 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and tablets iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4, iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro. Apple claims that iPhone models 6s and iPhone 6s Plus have Touch ID more new version, and on forums users claim that Touch ID often does not work, both “old” and new.

Touch ID is, of course, a useful solution, not only from a marketing point of view, but also from a purely practical one.

Users can use it to unlock their iPhone and iPad, log into accounts in various online services, and even pay for purchases via Apple Pay.

But only if Touch ID works properly. But, unfortunately, like any other electronics, this one is also capricious sometimes. Therefore, let's figure it out.

To begin with, we note that if problems with Touch ID on your Apple device began after a recent update of its operating system to iOS 9 and/or even newer versions, then most likely you may need a downgrade (i.e., rolling back the system to previous version), or, if the problems are not so critical, then it is better to wait for the next update.

You can try to figure out other problems with the fingerprint scanner in iPhones from 5s and newer, as well as in iPads mini 3, mini 4, Pro and Air 2, so to speak, on your own and even at home. Fortunately, there are not very many such problems, and ways to eliminate them are already known. So if:

Touch ID doesn't work - crash

If Touch ID malfunctions, it is recommended to deal with this problem by simply reconfiguring it. In other words, you need to re-teach your iPhone (or iPad) to recognize your fingerprint. Since the advent of scanners, Apple has regularly updated their software so that users’ smartphones and tablets remember their owners’ “fingers” longer and better.

Radical optimization seems to have been carried out back in iOS 8, but, as practice shows, if you don’t refresh the fingerprint, then over time (from a month or longer) Touch ID fails one way or another, but it happens. The reasons can be very different, but, as a rule, they are purely cosmetic in nature: slight “wear and tear” of the fingerprint itself, dry skin of the finger, etc.

Therefore, if Touch ID suddenly fails, then first update the fingerprint in the memory of your smartphone or tablet. But first, you should carefully wipe the surface of the scanner and wash your hands. Next we go to “ Settings ", then - in " Touch ID and passcode ". We remove old fingerprints by swiping across the screen from right to left. After that we tap “ Add a fingerprint "and repeat the standard procedure for entering a fingerprint according to the instructions.

Touch ID doesn't work in App Store

This is also a noticeable problem. Most often, the reason that the scanner stops working with the App Store is also a cosmetic factor, but often the problem occurs due to software malfunctions. Some users complain that with iOS 8.3 Touch ID is simply not displayed in the App Store.

In such and similar cases, we do the following:

  • click " Settings » -> « Touch ID and passcode «;
  • In chapter " Using Touch ID » disable « App Store, iTunes Store «;
  • reboot iPhone (or iPad);
  • back to again “Settings” -> “Touch ID and password” and turn on " App Store, iTunes Store «.

After this, the Touch ID bug in the App Store should resolve itself. We also remind you that if you have not purchased anything from the App Store within 24 hours, the system will require a password at the entrance.

Touch ID doesn't work at all

Of course, there is also a possibility that the fingerprint scanner has failed. Although users complain about such breakdowns relatively rarely. If, after updating the fingerprint, Touch ID does not work properly, then you can try a “hard reset” by first creating a backup. If the problem is software in nature, then a hard reboot should fix it. Otherwise, you will have to visit a service center, since it is unlikely to be possible without qualified diagnostics.

Touch ID does not work in winter or cold

Statistics show that in low temperatures the fingerprint scanner in iPhone and iPad fails more often. The problem, again, in most cases has a simple explanation. The fact is that in cold weather the papillary pattern of the fingers changes. It is difficult to notice these changes with the naked eye, but Touch ID notices them and begins to fail. As you probably already guessed, the problem is also cured by updating the fingerprint. But you can do it even simpler and enter a special “winter” fingerprint into the device’s memory, i.e. scan the finger pattern immediately from the cold. True, they say that both methods only partially solve the problem, but it’s still worth a try.

Touch ID doesn't work when it's dirty or wet

Well, there’s not much to explain here. It is clear that moisture or dirt (whether on the skin of the finger or on the surface of the scanner) is very effective in preventing any fingerprint from being scanned. Therefore, if the scanner contains excess wet and/or dirty substances, it is better to wipe it with a dry, clean cloth. And you need to wash your finger (you can even wash it with your hands). However, you shouldn’t overdo it with water, because if you keep your hands in water for a long time, the fingertips will wrinkle and the papillary pattern will temporarily change. Apple claims that new iPhones 6s and iPhone 6s Plus Touch ID works better with wet skin, but the manufacturer still does not recommend using the scanner with wet hands.

Biometric sensor Touch ID first appeared in Apple devices in . A year later he moved to,. A nice addition for owners flagship smartphone The fingerprint scanner has turned into a real tool for protecting access not only to the mobile device, but also to individual applications, and has also become an integral element payment system. Unfortunately, Touch ID still does not always work as intended and as users would like. Let's try this to correct.

All the most profitable offer for iPhones (there are even 20 thousand cheaper than the market). They change something and even give it away for free.

In May last year, Roman Yuryev already discussed this topic in detail and described in detail how to set up Touch ID so that you could then forget for a long time about malfunctions of the sensor and manually entering a password. Unfortunately, over time, the algorithm of the fingerprint scanner still begins to work with some “quirks”, which subsequently only become more frequent. For example, after switching to the iPhone 6, I was completely delighted with the updated Touch ID - it worked perfectly and smoothly for more than a month, and then suddenly began to fail, and this happened more and more every day.

The main thing is not to give up your hands, or in this case your fingers. The problem can be solved, using improvised means and will not require much of your time. This method was first described about a year ago, but for some reason it was ignored by most thematic resources, although the method really works, as I was convinced of from my own experience.

So, the best way to start is to delete all the prints and set them up again, as described in last year. After this, restart your smartphone, ending all applications first. Maybe these steps are unnecessary, but let them be for the purity of the experiment. Now let's go to Settings -> Touch ID & Password-> Enter the password, if necessary, and get into the very menu where your fingerprints are stored.

Now - attention - no more manipulations or transitions are needed, just touch the scanner the same way you do to unlock your device. Please note that when you hold your finger on the sensor known to the system, one of the prints in the list on the screen illuminated. This is the fingerprint of this finger, and you have just performed an additional scan of it, the results of which iOS saved somewhere in the system on the chip.

It happens in such a simple way Touch ID training, the biometric sensor takes additional pictures of your finger and can use them to unlock. Take five to seven minutes to properly scan each of your saved fingers, applying them to the button while in this menu. Every time one of the prints is highlighted, it means that the procedure was successful. Additional scans of your finger will appear in the device’s memory, and Touch ID will work much better, the activation process will be noticeably faster.

We repeat once again: each finger, differently, many times - the result will be noticeable immediately and will remain with everyday use of Touch ID.

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