Where is the system update located in Windows 10. How to disable and restore automatic Windows 10 updates

Windows 10 is different from previous versions OS in that when downloading the next update package along with the fix existing shortcomings and adding new functions, as a rule, new problems and errors appear during its operation. But today we’ll look at what to do if they don’t download Windows updates 10 due to the stoppage of the update center or problems with its functioning, which was also inherent in Windows 8 before the release of a large-scale update under edition 8.1.

The proposed material will tell you what needs to be done when updates on Windows 10 are not downloaded or their download is interrupted, familiarizing yourself with the causes of the problem, ways to solve it, and other options for updating the “dozens” without affecting the Update Center.

An application to get rid of problems with Windows 10 Update

The very first thing you need to do is use the application to fix problems that arise when downloading updates for the “ten”. Moreover, in new version The OS utility has become much more efficient.

1. Launch the tool through the Control Panel applet called “Troubleshooting” while viewing window elements as “Icons”.

2. Find the “System/Security” subsection and follow the link “Troubleshooting using Windows Update.”

As a result, the “ten” will launch a program to identify and fix problems that prevent the search and download of updates for Windows 10.

Once the scan is complete, some of the problem factors may be resolved automatically without prompting. For the rest, you will have to click “Apply fix” or “Skip fix” to search for other problems or complete the wizard.

Upon completion of the utility, information will appear about detected and corrected problems, as well as problems that automatic mode failed to fix.

4. Click “Close” and restart Windows 10.

5. Launch the Update Center and check whether the detected updates are downloaded if the center has started.

There is also a tool called BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service in the Troubleshooting section. Try searching for problems using this service, the likelihood that it will become a lifeline is small, but it is there.

Clearing the update cache manually

It happens that the troubleshooting utility does not cope with the task of clearing the cache, and it has to be done manually. This is done as follows.

1. Deactivate the Internet connection.

The best way to do this is programmatically through the network icon in the taskbar.

2. Call the command line with administrator privileges (via the Win → X menu or the Start context menu).

3. One by one, enter and execute the chain of commands using Enter:

  • net stop wuauserv - reset Windows services Update - if it is impossible to stop the service, repeat the command after restarting the computer;
  • net stop bits - disable the background transfer service.

4. Without closing the command line window, go to the “Windows” directory and delete the “SoftwareDistribution” folder from it.

5. Back to command line and execute the commands: net start bits and net start wuauserv.

6. Connect to the Internet and check whether the detected updates are downloaded through the Update Center.

Downloading offline updates for Windows 10 using the official method

Microsoft has provided the ability to download, and for users who do not have the Internet, its traffic is limited or the Update Center does not function properly, as in this case. Here you will need Windows utility Update Minitool.

2. If this is done using IE, follow the link “ Internet Explorer"(let's look at his example), otherwise click "Microsoft Download Center".

3. Enter the update code that needs to be downloaded for offline installation and click “Add”.

The system will automatically detect the bitness of your OS, and if the file does not contain information about the bitness, it is intended for x86.

4. Click on the “View cart” button.

5. Once you have completed adding the required files, click “Upload”.

Downloading updates using a third-party utility

Users of the forum.ru-board.com forum created a portable program called Windows Update Minitool, which uses the Update Center to function, but is superior to it in functionality.

  1. Download the utility, unpack the downloaded archive and run the program.
  2. Click “Update” to receive information about current updates.
  • installation of selected updates;
  • copying links to cab files to the buffer for later downloading updates via a browser or download manager.

In this way, you can update Windows 10 when the Update Center is not working, the computer does not have access to the Internet, or is using wireless Internet with limited traffic.

Other problems

In addition to the methods described above to update the “top ten”, you should consider the following points:

  • using antivirus program with a built-in firewall or a separate firewall, try disabling traffic filtering or network security programs and try updating again;
  • check the contents hosts file- perhaps the address from where updates are downloaded is blocked;
  • check your settings wireless network and find out if “Limited connection” is enabled.

And be sure to make sure that you did not deactivate automatic Windows 10 updates, which caused the inability to download files for the “tens” update.

Today, despite the abundance of various criticisms, Windows remains an advanced operating system, occupying a leading position throughout the world. This year, the company released a new OS to the public - Windows 10, giving users of old systems the opportunity to upgrade to it (the promotion is open until August 2016).

In general, the “ten” received positive ratings, unlike its predecessor, but certain elements caused some misunderstanding. One of these elements is the update center, whose operation is best described as “forced”.

Moreover, the initial settings involve installing updates during a reboot, which the user is not even notified about. Naturally, the user is not given any choice.

Update system

In Windows 10, it is made so that the computer system is restarted for the purpose of installing updates only if it is idle. An obvious measure that was supposed to prevent the system from interfering with the user's work.

It is worth saying that in the vast majority of situations, Windows 10 is quite good at detecting that the computer is not in use. However, many people who need to run their PC in background, such a system will not work, since unexpected reboots will create some discomfort.

In all past Microsoft operating systems, the update center was a permanent element that was responsible for downloading and checking for the latest patches and drivers for devices from the Internet, as well as their further integration.

Previously, all these processes were completely customizable. Even in Windows 8, the user could manually manage system updates through the Control Panel. You could optionally turn them off and on, and choose to download only the most serious fixes.

In the last 10 operating rooms Microsoft system The option to refuse updates has been completely removed. In this case, naturally, we are talking about configuration using built-in interfaces - the control panel and the program “ Options».

Now Microsoft alone makes decisions about updating your system. The only thing left to the user is the ability to postpone the installation of patches for a certain period of time. But even this feature is available only to owners of the Windows 10 Pro version. Owners of other operating system builds do not have this option.


The operating system update center in 10 has finally moved to the standard application " Options", which you can go to using the link from the menu " Start».

Among other subsections of settings, it is located on the main screen of the program under the name “ Update and Security».

Here you will find a modest number of customizable elements:

  1. Enable/disable PC restart when installing patches. If you want to avoid unexpected computer shutdown, you should change this setting, as a result of which you will receive notifications before the system restarts.
  2. Enable/disable updates for other Microsoft programs installed on your PC. If you don't want to receive Maintenance various company products, you should disable this option.
  3. Postponing updates. Using this option, you can postpone the system update. However, system security fixes will continue to arrive.

In addition, the basic functionality of the OS allows you to disable the download and installation of drivers. To do this you need:

  1. Open the Run dialog box using the Win + R keyboard shortcut
  2. Enter the following text in the window:
    Rundll32 newdev.dll,DeviceInternetSettingUi
    then click on the Enter button.
  3. In the window that appears, first select “ No, give a choice", then - " Never install drivers from Windows Update».
  4. Save changes.

By completing this sequence of actions, you will prevent the system from searching for drivers on the Internet, and order them to be installed exclusively from the memory of a personal computer.

Show or hide updates tool for Windows 10

Another way to stop automatic system updates is to use the Show or hide updates tool.

To do this, you should download the program from the Internet and run it, which will start scanning the system, after which you should click on the Hide updates button.

The screen that appears will prompt you to select the corrections you want to hide. You should proceed in a similar way if you want to return some of the updates.

Wi-Fi limiting

Another method of limiting updates. To do this, you need to set up an Internet connection via a “metered” Wi-Fi channel.

To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open menu " Options" and go to the subsection " Network and Internet».
  2. Then in the subsection wireless connection go to " Extra options" and enable the option " Set as metered connection».

Using the Windows 10 Registry

Using the registry, you can completely disable downloading of update packages.

To do this you should perform the following operations:

Thus, there are many options for customizing and limiting the Windows 10 update system, which more than pays for the modesty of the built-in functionality, which has only a few adjustable options.

Video on the topic

Thanks to the fact that Update in Windows 10 has been radically changed, it is now becoming very difficult to find it, since many users are not well acquainted with the new design of the operating system. So where is Windows 10 Update?

In addition to the difficult location, it is worth mentioning that the user will have to face the same difficulty when the process touches. And only users who have the “Professional” version can add new parameters related to innovations.

Other people, in turn, who do not have this particular version, will have to wait until the update arrives to them. Now let's find out where the parameter settings are stored.

Finding a Center

First, let's learn how to find our control center, so where is it located? It is located in the tab System Parameters. You can find these options in the menu Start. Having entered it, drive into search bar word Options, so you found out where these parameters are stored. For more detailed information, we recommend viewing these images:

After we entered them, we find a window Update and Recovery. By entering this menu, we can immediately see what innovations are already available for our device. You will also be faced with a window where you are offered to restart it at some time of the day or right now.

This reboot is necessary so that the resetting of parameters takes place without errors and boot files were not damaged. Even a switched off computer can abruptly start restarting, it depends on the timer that is set in the settings, usually it is set at 3:30 a.m. It’s not very nice to find your device rebooting at night before installation, is it?

We recommend that you reboot immediately, if possible, so that it, along with the reinstallation, does not take you by surprise. Also, if you don’t find notifications about upcoming innovations and a reboot timer in the menu, there will most likely be a button called Checking for Updates, by clicking it, wait a while and find out what options are already available to you. Now you know where the update settings are, let's move on.


Let's move on to adjusting the Center, the fact is that the operating Windows system 10 gives very little freedom to users, almost no choice. The only thing that was allocated to users in this case was the function Extra options.

Only thanks to them you can adjust at least a little this process for yourself, but where are they located and how to disable them? That's right, the files may be located in additional debug files. Let's start with the fact that in that menu you will be offered how the installation will proceed, automatically or with a reboot notification.

Of course, the checkbox will be for automatic updating, change it to a button associated with the notification. Now that you have these settings, you do not need to constantly save information on your PC, which is due to not knowing the exact update date. Now, knowing when the update will occur, you can already prepare for it, let's move on.

And finally, most importantly, in Windows versions Professional, in that menu there will be a function called Postpone Update, but we remind you that such services, one might say, are provided only by the tenth Windows, unfortunately, users of the tenth version who do not have the Pro function on their PCs will not be able to postpone and disable updates if you If you want to reinstall Windows to a more convenient version, on our website you can find an article on how to reinstall it.

Deferring or disabling parameters

With its help, as you already understand, you can endlessly postpone upcoming new products until you are ready to update your device. Now you know how to disable updates and where the settings for disabling them can be located. Now you not only know where Windows 10 Update is, but you also know how to configure it.

Self-configuration of auto-updates is a drop in the ocean compared to many other processes that you will encounter when using this system. This is where our website will help you; here you can find a huge number of other articles relating to all versions of operating systems.

If you haven’t figured out the settings after reading our article, we recommend that you watch the videos below for a more thorough understanding of our topic, since Windows 10 itself is still very new, one might even say crude. Thank you for your attention.

IN latest version Microsoft's OS lacks the classic Update Center application. Some users cannot install update packages on their computer because they do not know where the Update Center is located in Windows 10. You will read where the utility is located in this article.

Where is it located?

Microsoft developers have removed the classic Windows Update application from . It is now located in the Settings app.

Start menu → Settings → Update and Security → “Windows Update” item.

To check for updates for your computer, click the “Check for updates” button. There are almost no application settings in the main window. You will find them by clicking on the “Advanced options” item (available only for Pro, Enterprise, Education versions).

How to restore the classic version?

If you are used to using the classic application to update your computer, restore the classic Update Center.

Important! This method only works in early builds of Windows 10.

More detailed instructions indicated in the video.


Disabling the application is done in standard utilities - Services and the local group policy editor. Here you can turn it back on. You will find information on how to disconnect in other ways in the article “”.

In services

In the Local Group Policy Editor

Important! This method is only available in Windows versions 10 Pro and Enterprise.

Good to know! After making changes, go to settings and check for updates for your computer. Changes do not always take effect immediately.

The video shows the shutdown process clearly.

Fixing errors when downloading update packages


The classic Update Center in the new version of the OS is missing in the control panel. It's located in the Settings app. You can restore the standard utility only in earlier builds of Windows 10. If you encounter problems downloading packages for updating your PC, reset all Update Center settings.

Publications on the topic