Where the iPhone is developed and produced. Where are iPhones assembled? Original iPhones and copies of Apple where the head office is located

On the bottom back cover On most iPhones, the small print says Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China - "Designed by Apple in California, assembled in China".

In disputes with iPhone fans, owners of Xiaomi, OnePlus, Meizu and other typically Chinese Android smartphones often speculate on this. They insist that their devices differ from Apple devices only in price, but country of origin they have one.

Tim Cook is confident that the iPhone is an American smartphone

In this case, the question of availability of production capacity, qualified personnel, availability of natural resources, logistics convenience, and, in total, the overall price of such an undertaking will immediately arise.

That's why geography of Apple suppliers for the production of the flagship iPhone X is quite extensive:

  • Korean Samsung is responsible for OLED screens and RAM
  • Safety glasses are produced by American Corning.
  • Modules mobile communications supplied by American Intel and Qualcomm
  • Wireless chips are made by American Broadcom
  • A series processors are produced by Taiwanese TSMC
  • NFC chips for the device are created by the European AMS
  • Printed circuit boards are made by Japanese Fujikura and other Asian companies
  • Cameras for iPhone X are supplied by Japanese Sony
  • The speakers are mainly produced by the Chinese AAC Technologies
  • Other components are made by Korean LG, Japanese Nissha, Korean Interflex and many others

And these are just the companies that I managed to pull out from researching Chinese information resource iChunt, which tried to calculate the cost of all the components of Apple's current flagship.

Components for the iPhone are produced in various countries around the world - exactly where they can be made with sufficient quality and relatively inexpensively.

Chinese giant factories are responsible for assembling the iPhone

iPhones and other Apple equipment are assembled by Chinese giant factories Foxconn and Pegatron. This is not least due to the cost of labor, which is 3-5 times less here than in the USA.

However, not only the price, but also the qualifications of the employees play a huge role. Tim Cook has already emphasized this in an interview with CBS News.

“If you could get all the stampers in the United States, they could fit in the room we’re sitting in right now. In China, you need several football fields for this.”

But we are sure that the first place in the issue of assembly location has long been taken Natural resources- rare earth elements, which as of 2014 were mined in China more than 10 times more than in the United States.

As far as we know, it is almost impossible to export them from the country in a “raw” state in Chinese realities, but in the form of finished products - no problem.

China will likely continue to wield its influence over Apple and other smartphone companies over the next few years. Therefore, the inscription will continue to appear on the cover of the iPhone Assembled in China.

The main thing is that the smartphone is being developed by American minds

Yes, the iPhone has enough components that are not directly related to the USA. Yes, Apple smartphones are not assembled by American hands. But is this enough to call them Chinese, European, Japanese or something else?

Let's draw a banal parallel. Your favorite Coca-Cola is produced by the American company The Coca-Cola Company, but it does this not only in the USA, because transporting soda from one continent to another is definitely not the most profitable idea.

Therefore, it builds factories and licenses production in almost every country in the world - including Russia or Ukraine. But we do not believe that “Coca-Cola” is a local drink and do not put it on a par with our “Baikal”, “Crushon”, “Duchess” or anything else.

The question arises, why then are we comparing the iPhone with other smartphones that are assembled in China? This is fundamentally wrong, because it is important not where the device was assembled, but where it was invented how to do it correctly.

For the concept, design, appearance and other features Apple smartphones employees in the USA answer, so the iPhone should be considered an American smartphone, and not some other one.

Despite the enormous popularity of iPhones, many potential buyers have no idea how to choose the right model. After all, in addition to gigabytes of memory, color and cost, it also matters which countries’ cellular networks it is adapted to.

Therefore, before purchasing a new or used iPhone, we strongly recommend that you find out in which country it was purchased (or originally intended). If the seller does not have such data, you can find out this information yourself by studying its service numbers. They are listed on the back of the box, so even if the gadget is sealed in factory film, you can check all the ins and outs of the device without opening it. In the case of a used iPhone, be sure to check the data indicated on the box and registered in the settings of the smartphone itself. You can find them in the corresponding menu.
You can also find the IMEI on the phone itself. For the iPhone 6s, as in older models, the IMEI is registered on the SIM card slot. For 6 or 6 Plus - on the back of the case.
Plus, “break through”IMEImoreYou can dial the combination that is universal for all phones: *#06#. When this code is not detected, it is likely that they tried to “unlock” this iPhone (that is, untie it from a two-year contract with a specific foreign operator), and the attempt was unsuccessful. Such a device cannot be used and there is no point in buying it. Now it is only suitable as a donor of spare parts.

If at least one of the mentioned codes written in different places does not match, then this iPhone has probably been repaired and it is unknown how serious the damage was. It is definitely better to refrain from buying such a smartphone, even when its price is very tempting.

Analyzing the data

So, we found and checked the initial data. Now let's start studying the information hidden behind the codes.

First we enter our serial number- F2LNCRWBG5QR in the search engine on the site - http://www.chipmunk.nl/cgi-fast/applemodel.cgi. As you can see, this iPhone was produced in 2014 at the Chinese Foxconn plant. This means that this is definitely an original device.

A used gadget can be further checked by connecting it to a computer and launching the proprietary application – iTunes. Select iPhone in the list of devices and click the Browse tab. The program will display basic information about the smartphone.
But this is what checking on the manufacturer’s special resource gives - checkcoverage.apple.com. Here you can enter both the IMEI and the serial number in the search field - the data produced by the system will look the same.
A green check mark next to the first item on the list is a guarantee that this iPhone purchased legally. True, the one-year technical support period for it has already expired, which means that the smartphone was purchased and activated more than a year ago. When purchasing a 6s, the warranty must be valid, because... iPhones in this series were released quite recently - in mid-September.

In addition, by the serial number you can immediately identify a restored (or refurbished) smartphone - in this case, the prefix 5K is added to the standard code. There is often an additional discount on such gadgets, and if the restoration work was carried out at the manufacturer, there is no need to worry. However, if such a gadget does not have the same IMEI codes on the case, box and settings, it is possible that it was assembled illegally - from several broken or sunken original devices. There is no need to even talk about the reliability of its operation, much less about purchasing it.

It also makes sense to find out for which country the selected iPhone is adapted to understand whether such a gadget will work in your home country.

So, for example, models created for the markets of mainland America support 16 LTE networks, European or Asian models support up to 20 LTE, and these are almost all operators in the world.

So, to find out which country the phone was manufactured for, look for the model/batch number (again, on the box or in the settings of the iPhone itself).
We are interested in the letters before the fraction at the end, in our example it is RU. It is not difficult to guess that Russia is meant. This means that this smartphone has been tested for compliance with PCT requirements and will most likely work with all national operators. To determine the code for other countries, use the table below. Based on the table, the iPhone considered as another example, with the annotation LL next to the model number, was created for sale in the American market. Finally, we note that automatic free services Information about the iPhone is not always displayed correctly. But this does not mean that all other methods described are also unreliable. For greater confidence, use all possible verification methods to ensure that you do not buy a counterfeit or a locked (stolen, repaired) device.

Country of purchase and warranty

Finding out the place of purchase is also important if the free warranty period has not yet passed and you are applying to receive it. We draw your attention to the fact that if the country of purchase and the place of application for service do not match, you may be denied services, citing Apple's disclaimer clause. Here is a copy from the official source: In other words, wherever you bought your iPhone, get it repaired there. It is clear that such a policy is associated with significant inconvenience for the user. It is calculated that no one will want to take a long time to disassemble and send the device overseas. Most likely, the buyer will take the gadget to the local service center, and for the same money, without unnecessary nerves, he will quickly fix the breakdown.

Domestic users of Apple devices believe that their mobile phones come from the USA, Japan, Taiwan - anywhere, but not from China. Russians have long had an extremely negative image of Chinese production - as if they do everything “on the knees”, in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions and prefer quantity to quality.

This is actually a misconception. In China, the situation is the same as in other countries (for example, in Russia): there are underground production facilities that assemble penny devices from low-grade components, and there are also official factories whose assembly lines produce first-class products.

Apple also produces the iPad in collaboration with China, but this is by no means a reason to hang offensive labels on Apple devices.

iPhones and iPads are developed at Apple's head office, which is located in the American state of California, in the city of Cupertino. This is confirmed by the inscription that is present on the rear edges of all Apple devices: “ Designed by Apple in California».

The following activities are performed at Apple headquarters:

Mobile market experts claim that 99% of the total contribution to the creation of Apple gadgets is made by the employees of the Cupertino office - despite the fact that many of these employees have never seen how the devices are assembled.

Where are iPhones assembled?

The plant of the Taiwanese company Foxconn is where iPhones are made for Russia and other countries. The Foxconn plant is located in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. He has been collaborating with Apple since 2007. Apple is not the only company that partners with Foxconn; a giant Chinese factory produces almost 40% (!) of the world's electronics.

The Foxconn factory area is 5.6 million square meters. km, number of employees – 1 million 250 thousand people. Every day, 400 thousand new iPhones roll off the Foxconn assembly line, each of which is fully compliant high standards installed by Apple.

Foxconn has been repeatedly accused of forcing its employees to work in truly slave-like conditions. Chinese workers allegedly spend 12-14 hours at work, 6 days a week, eat rations of food sold on the streets, and are also discriminated against by their Taiwanese colleagues. Apple conducted many audits, which resulted in the discovery that most of the accusations of violation of labor laws are unfounded.

Buyers often wonder: why doesn’t the Apple company produce gadgets in its own country? There are many reasons for this:

  • Americans are too highly educated. In the United States, there is a shortage of citizens with secondary technical education who are able and willing to perform routine, monotonous operations every day.
  • Chinese labor is quite cheap. The salary of a Foxconn employee is 300 – 400 dollars per month. An American would have to pay four or five times more.
  • The USA has high taxes. If iPhones were assembled in America, then due to additional insurance and taxes, the final cost of the Apple product would be doubled.
  • China produces the lion's share of rare earth metals, which are necessary when creating mobile gadgets. If Apple were to move its smartphone production to another country, it would have to negotiate exports with China—not an easy task.

Foxconn has factories not only in China, but also in other countries - in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and India. In 2010, the factory was opened in Russia - in the village of Shushary, Leningrad Region. Now there is information that . Who knows - perhaps this is the first step towards starting the production of native American iPhones?

Who supplies components for iPhones?

Workers at the Foxconn plant assemble iPhones from components that are sourced from many countries. Chinese components Apple devices don’t have them, but American ones do. Among them:

  • Audio chips are manufactured in the USA by Cirrus Logic.
  • Radio modules are produced by the famous company Qualcomm.
  • Controller chips are created by American organizations PMC Sierra and Broadcom Corp.
  • Controllers touch screen– also manufactured by Broadcom Corp.

Other components are supplied by European and Asian manufacturers - for example:

  • Induction coils - Japanese company TDK.
  • RAM- Taiwanese organization TSMC.
  • Gyroscopes - Italian-French company STMicroelectronics.

The situation with iPhone displays. Now 3 companies produce this component for the Apple company - Japanese Japan Display and, as well as Korean Display. However, for the iPhone 8th and 9th modifications - and in huge quantities.

Among the suppliers of components for the iPhone there is a “full” international. Apple prefers to work with trusted and reputable component manufacturers, regardless of the countries in which their factories are located.

What is the cost of an iPhone?

Experts from IHS Markit, immediately after the release of the iPhone 7 in 2016, tried to calculate the cost of an Apple device by adding up the costs of all its components, including:

  • A10 Fusion processor – $26.9.
  • Intel module – $33.9.
  • Cameras – $19.9.
  • Electromechanical components – $16.7.

According to expert calculations, the cost of the iPhone 7 turned out to be equal to 220 dollars (approximately 13 thousand rubles). The market value of the Apple gadget at the time of inspection was $649 - 37 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate. It is worth saying that this price was relevant for the USA. In Russia, the seventh iPhone even now costs 50 thousand rubles. It’s easy to calculate that in our country, the rate of promotion on Apple devices is almost fourfold.

It's interesting that the difference in cost between iPhones different generations very small. Let's look at the diagram:

The cost of the iPhone 7 is only $8 higher than that of the iPhone 6S – in fact, 500 rubles. Gadgets of the same generation, but of different modifications (for example, 5 and 5S), as a rule, require equal costs for components. But what was most surprising was that the iPhone SE turned out to be the most economical smartphone in the Apple line (cost price: $160). Even the iPhone 3GS was more expensive to produce.


In 2016, Donald Trump, entering the presidential race, announced that he would force Apple to produce iPhones in the United States. If this day comes, then for Russian fans of Apple products it will definitely become “black” - the final cost of an iPhone created by American workers on American soil will be “unaffordable” for Russians.

Now Russian users can afford to buy Apple products only because they are assembled in China. By collaborating with the Chinese, Apple saves on labor resources. A worker from a developed country in America or Europe would not agree to work for an amount three times greater than what a native from the Middle Kingdom receives.

Heard about Apple and her devices. For example, about iPhones. These smartphones are distinguished by their quality and capabilities. These are unique and reliable devices worthy of attention. But such a device doesn’t cost that much. You'll have to spend money. Many people are interested in the country of origin of the iPhone. This is the only way to understand where Apple devices are actually made. This will help you avoid buying a fake.

Diversity of Opinions

In reality, answering the question at hand is not as simple as it seems. After all, today people have different opinions about where Apple gadgets are produced.

What opinions can you find? For example, some say that the iPhone manufacturer is Malaysia, while others claim that original Apple devices are produced in the USA. There are also those who claim that the gadgets under study are produced in Finland or Taiwan.

All these are misconceptions. Usually, ignorance of information about the country in which the gadget is manufactured leads to the fact that a person can easily be sold a counterfeit. This lack of awareness benefits fraudulent manufacturers. Next, we will talk about where the iPhone is actually created, and we will also figure out how to distinguish the original device from a fake one.

Project development

Apple is the main manufacturer of Apple phones and other devices. It is this organization that develops projects to create unique mobile products.

Apple is an American company. The headquarters of the organization is located in California, in the state of Cupertino. Here, designers, programmers, advertising managers, economists and other workers are working on the development of new Apple devices.

Accordingly, the iPhone manufacturer is the USA. It would seem that everything is simple. In reality, understanding the topic being studied can be problematic. After all, developing gadget projects is only half the battle. Devices must be assembled, tested for functionality, and components must be produced. These functions are not always performed in one country.


How to determine the manufacturer of an iPhone? It is necessary to learn as much as possible about who is developing, assembling, and testing these devices. In fact, everything is more complicated than it seems. As we have already found out, in the USA, Apple is inventing new projects to create its own branded devices. Where are their components made?

America does not have the capacity to produce its own components for iPhones. That's why they are made abroad. This technique allows Apple to save money. Components for Apple devices are produced in different countries. Apple usually purchases components for its devices from Samsung, LG, Elpida and Hynix.

Apple's main cooperation is with Samsung. This company is located in Korea. It is responsible for the production of processors for phones and tablets. Therefore, we can call every iPhone a Korean assembly. More precisely, a Korean device. In addition, Apple has entered into a contract with LG. It is responsible for the production of LCD displays. "LG" is also located in Korea.

Device assembly

So, you already know that iPhones are made in the USA. That is why such devices are most often called an American creation. Only the components for them are often purchased in Korea, as we discussed above.

Apple devices are assembled outside the USA. More precisely, in Taiwan. This task is carried out by the large Taiwanese company Foxconn. This is the only base on which iPhones and iPads are assembled from ready-made components.

Foxconn currently cooperates with many modern large companies. For example, with Dell. And the organization entered into its first contract with Apple back in 2007.

It follows that every Taiwanese iPhone can be original. But Taiwan cannot be considered a manufacturing country for Apple gadgets. After all, such devices are just assembled here. The main work on the development and creation of mobile devices is carried out in other countries of the world.

China and assembly

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the Foxconn plant is located in China. The company is Taiwanese, but it is located in China. More precisely, on the border with Hong Kong, in Guadong province.

It is in this place that the Chinese assemble iPhones and other devices from Apple from ready-made components. It turns out that, in general, Apple devices are produced in the USA, China, Taiwan and Korea.

Functionality check

Once the phones are assembled, they are sent for performance testing. But where exactly? iPhone manufacturer - USA. And all assembled devices will be tested for functionality exactly in the place where the projects were developed. There is nothing unclear about this.

About replacing components

Today, Apple offers all its customers special program recovery of faulty devices. Defective Apple phones are sent back to the manufacturer to be checked for functionality. Next, Apple either replaces the components and returns the device to the client, or sends him a new one. And the faulty gadget is reassembled and sent for sale, but with the appropriate marking.

In this case, several countries act as the iPhone manufacturer. Exactly the same as in the previous situation. After all, the device is initially sent to the USA, to the Apple device development center. There, the organization's employees check the components, after which they transfer the gadgets to the Foxconn plant. On it, an iPhone is reassembled from ready-made components ordered in one country or another (most often in Korea). Next, the device is sent back to America. So the reassembled iPhones also have different manufacturers - the USA, Korea and Taiwan.

Beware, fake!

Almost any modern popular technology is produced not only in the form of originals. It is often counterfeited. Therefore, it is important to know who the iPhone manufacturer is.

Apple is a US owned company. And fake Apple devices are most often produced in China, Taiwan and Finland. And distinguishing them from original gadgets can be problematic. If a buyer sees "Made in China" on an iPhone, don't panic. After all, as we have already found out, some components of Apple devices are actually produced in China, and not in America. Therefore, you will have to take a good look at the phone. And only after that should we say that what the buyer is looking at is a fake.

Who is the manufacturer?

Quite often the iPhone says Assembled in China. However, every person should know who the real iPhone manufacturer is. It is also important to understand for which region a particular device is intended. After all, in operating systems There are some differences between Apple devices. They depend on the country for which the phone was originally intended.

How to find out the manufacturer of an iPhone? Need to look at back panel device, as well as on the box with the device. It indicates both the country of production and the region for which the product is intended.

You can turn on the device and open the menu "Settings" - "General" - "About device". Here you will have to visit the "Model" section. The last pair of letters in the number is the country of origin. This combination must match the inscription on the box with the smartphone.

Here are some signature options:

  • RS - Russia;
  • T - Italy;
  • PR - Moldova, Russia;
  • TA - Taiwan;
  • LL - America;
  • KS - Sweden, Finland;
  • J - Japan;
  • E - Mexico;
  • CH - China;
  • B - Ireland, UK.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to thoroughly understand the topic being studied.

Difference from fake

Which iPhone manufacturer is better? It is generally accepted that only original Apple phones are distinguished by their quality. Customer experience often confirms this fact. But there are also very high-quality fakes.

In any case, the following features will help you distinguish the original iPhone:

  1. This Apple phone does not support additional memory.
  2. Original Apple devices do not have the ability to work with multiple SIM cards.
  3. The cost of a fake is often lower than that of a real Apple smartphone.
  4. When you connect a real iPhone to a PC via iTunes, the devices are synchronized. In the case of fakes, the smartphone will not be recognized by the software.
  5. If you try to open the AppStore, fake Apple devices will open Google Play. Original Apple devices do not support such a service.
  6. The operating system of Apple smartphones is iOS. Counterfeits are most often controlled by the Android base.
  7. Real phones from a company called Apple have no translation problems. No hieroglyphs, typos or errors. Their presence indicates a fake.
  8. The original devices on the back panel have the following inscriptions: Assembled in China, Designed in California. The model number and certification mark will also be written here.
  9. The back panel of a real Apple smartphone is not removable. In order to disconnect it, you will have to unscrew the production screws.

In addition, the fake (most often Chinese) iPhone has a USB or USB-mini charger, as well as a retractable antenna. Similar components are missing from real iPhones.

Having remembered all the listed principles and rules, everyone will be able to understand whether the phone in front of them is a fake or an original. A first generation iPhone or a newer device is not so important. The main thing is that the listed principles are relevant for all Apple smartphones.


We found out that the iPhone manufacturer is USA. This is where the development and testing of devices takes place. Components for Apple equipment are purchased abroad in different countries. For example, in Taiwan and Korea. And the phone is assembled in China.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. An iPhone from China is significantly different from original device. But sometimes the Chinese fake works quite well. But not everyone can see the difference between the original iPhone and a copy. An inexperienced user may not recognize a fake. But now it’s clear how to avoid such purchases. The main thing is to carefully consider the device you are purchasing.

The series of smartphones that the huge Apple corporation is working on is the most popular and noisy. Not much time has passed since the release of the latest model, but millions of people have already acquired a brand new gadget. “Apple phones” are selling like pies. Such popularity is associated with both the quality of the gadget and its prestige. Many simply spend money on social recognition; others look askance at Chinese smartphones.

But here's what's really surprising: many iPhone owners are ardently convinced that their gadgets are the best only because they have not been touched by the hands of the Chinese. But what a disappointment. The Apple concern is only a developer and designer of the smartphone, but few people know where iPhones are assembled.


Led by, she went through a huge path to becoming. Now Apple is known to the whole world. Previously, he was involved in anything but producing smartphones. It was Jobs who first came up with the idea of ​​creating such a phone. But in the beginning he worked on a tablet.

Then he wanted to get rid of the keyboard and create the touch model that we all already know. Jobs' main task was to develop a multi-touch display. He wanted the user to be able to type by touching the screen. When consistent actions led Jobs to see such a miracle of technology in front of him, he decided to abandon the idea with the tablet and implement multi-touch in a phone.


When the gadget became popular, few people thought about where iPhones were assembled. The main thing that remained important was the prestige and popularity of the company. By the way, there were no sales of the first 3 generations of the phone in Russia. But the iPhone 4 was first purchased by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Perhaps this was the impetus for the madness that has been going on for 6 years now.

The Siri-enabled gadget was the last for company president Steve Jobs. He died the day after the presentation. He was not destined to see the subsequent creations of the Apple concern.

Meanwhile, production was in full swing. It was necessary to maintain this snowball of popularity. With the release of the next gadget, people still didn’t think about where iPhones were made. Those who could not afford to purchase the original model decided to purchase copies.

Chinese smartphones

Starting with the iPhone 6, Chinese flagships began to appear on the smartphone market in parallel. They did not differ in the quality of materials or technical equipment. These gadgets were inferior to Apple phones only in price. Moreover Chinese smartphones were several times cheaper.

The owners of the American phone disdained them in every possible way and slandered the new flagships. They believed that since the smartphone was assembled in a Chinese factory, nothing good would come of it. But for some reason these people forget about where iPhones are actually assembled.


Few people know the location of the plant where American phones are assembled. It would seem that, logically, the factory should be in the USA. But it was not there. Foxconn introduces to us such a concept as a “Taiwanese iPhone”. The factory itself is located in the Republic of China.

Foxconn works not only with Apple products. It manufactures cameras for Canon, popular game consoles, cell phones companies Motorola, Xiaomi and OnePlus. Also creates motherboards not only under your own company name, but also for the popular Intel corporation.


It is worth noting that the history of the company developed rapidly. Its founder, Terry Gow, began his activities in 1974. At first he created small plastic parts for televisions. But after 14 years the company was able to open its factory in China. Now the company owns a huge number of subsidiaries, cooperates with huge concerns and produces electronics and components for it.

Why is the iPhone manufacturer located in China? To understand whether this issue is a problem, you need to understand the benefits of such work. The fact is that those who have visited Foxconn City at least once understand the scale of the entire enterprise.

At the moment, this is no longer just a company - it is a small town where more than 230 thousand people work and live. Some of them spend almost all their time here - 6 days a week for 12 hours. Some of the workers live on site, in barracks.

Foxconn City is a whole system that requires more than just this huge amount workers, but also certain rules and work patterns. There are 3 hundred security guards who monitor the flow of employees. Every day in the town's kitchen, cooks prepare tons of pork and rice. People work day and night shifts.

The place where iPhones are assembled is amazing. And not only for its scale, but also for its efficiency. And this, perhaps, is the answer to the question of why American smartphones are made here. The fact is that it is impossible to find such a number of free engineers in the USA. According to the study, it takes almost a year to gather such a number of people around you. In China it takes half a month.

Not quite Chinese

Despite the fact that the actual manufacturer of the iPhone is Taiwan and the factory is located in China, the gadget cannot be called a purely Chinese one. For example, to this day there are details that can be called purely American. First of all, it's glass. The Corning factory in Kentucky is where iPhone glass is produced.

Remains American software. To support users, a huge data center was created in North Carolina. Semiconductors can also be considered purely American; they are assembled in Texas.


Perhaps it is worth understanding where the production of a gadget begins. The main office is located in Cupertino, California. This is exactly the place indicated on the cover of the smartphone: Designed by Apple in California. It is obvious that all ideas and projects are born under the leadership of the Apple company. They work on design and software here.

So, we figured out where iPhones are made - the assembly and production of some parts take place in China. Here you should understand that if you suddenly hear about an American assembly, Malaysian, Finnish or some other - all this is not true, since from the very first iPhone phone I was going to China. And basically, that's all.


If you are now wondering where your “apple” comes from, but don’t know how to find out the manufacturer of your iPhone, you need to turn to the information about the device. This is where the model number is located. Of course, those who bought a smartphone from an official representative do not need such checks. But if suddenly you wanted to save money somehow and bought an iPhone on the side, it’s better to play it safe.

To find out if your phone belongs to any country, look for it. It is usually indicated on the box in which the device is sold, as well as in the phone menu. In “Settings”, in the “General” section there is an “About device” item. To quickly determine where your device is from, you can use the website iphonefrom.com. There we simply enter the serial number and find out about the origin of the device.

If you can’t determine it through the site, you can figure it out yourself. Usually the number consists not only of numbers, but also of four letters. It looks something like the MC354LL. We pay attention only to the last two letters. There is a list on the Internet with the decoding of all pairs of letters. For example, “LL” means that the phone is from the USA. If you have a Chinese copy, it will indicate “CH”.

Budget iPhone

As mentioned earlier, you can find yourself another iPhone. Taiwan and China can produce successful copies of this gadget, since they themselves produce the original. Therefore, it is easy to find Chinese copies of the Apple phone. Moreover, they are made quite well.

Most of the fake models are practically indistinguishable from the original in appearance. If you need an iPhone just for prestige, then few people will understand that you have a copy without holding it in their hands. Only the materials can give away the impostor; they, of course, are of low quality and cheap compared to the American version. It may also be in the name, for example Goophone i5s.

You can also notice the substitution in the inner shell of the phone. Firstly, the device is many times weaker than the original one. Secondly, it works under Android control, which they tried to stylize for iOS. Well, the quality of the camera will, of course, give it away as a fake. The smartphone more than satisfies all external needs.

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