Instagram Stories: how and why to use this feature. Guide to the Interesting and Search section on Instagram How to find a story on Instagram

Using the social network Instagram, many users may ask the question: “What is direct on Instagram and where is it located?” Having heard about this strange word somewhere. Direct on Instagram is an analogue of personal messages in instant messengers. Using Direct, you can exchange personal photos, videos, write private messages, and so on. This feature is like a combination of email and private messaging. Using direct makes it very easy to use the social network, but how can you find and use it on Instagram?

Opening Direct in the Instagram mobile app

So, where is the direct message on Instagram? When you open the Instagram application, on the main page there will be a button with a paper airplane at the top right, this is the direct message. This feature works the same on both iPhones and Android smartphones, so it doesn't matter what kind of smartphone you have. Please note that to do this, you must download the latest version of the Instagram application from the official application store. This will not happen through a mobile browser.

It is noteworthy that you can select several profiles at once and write one message to them. Very convenient for... For a spammer, perhaps. But let's not talk about them. After identifying people you are interested in, we write a message and send it. You can select a maximum of 15 accounts at a time.

Direct in the desktop version of Instagram

If you don’t have a mobile device or don’t want to use it, there is a way out. After all, Direct is also available on a computer, but only for owners of Windows 8, 10 and higher. Where in the computer version of Instagram Direct read below. First, we need to download the Instagram application from the Windows Store. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for Mac owners; they will have to uncover their mobile phones. Going to the Windows Store, download Instagram to your computer and launch it. In order not to search for the program again, you can install it using the following link:

Having installed Instagram for your computer on Windows, open the program and look for a button with the paper airplane we are already familiar with. Here, in fact, the method is no different from the mobile version. When clicked, a menu opens with correspondence and search for interlocutors - nothing special.

Unfortunately, the method does not work without the application. You cannot fully surf Instagram in a browser; you can only view photos and profiles by logging into your account. You can’t upload photos, set up your profile, and even more so write in direct messages in the browser version of Instagram.

Direct on a computer via an emulator

The salvation for some people will be an Android emulator for computers. For example, Nox Player or Bluestacks 3 and so on. You can download them for free on the official website and, once running, get a full-fledged machine that emulates an Android device. You actually get a smartphone in a computer. Thus, we go to Google Play (or Play Market) and download Instagram there, then follow the steps from the first point about the airplane and blah, blah, blah...

Here are all the ways to log into Instagram Direct. The thing is extremely useful and, in general, is available to everyone without any particularly complex restrictions. Enjoy it for your health!

How to log into Direct on Instagram, because it is not only a means for publishing photos and videos, it can also be used to exchange personal messages with users. And therefore, many novice users are interested in the question of where to find Instagram Direct.

The developers of the new generation social network constantly delight fans with innovations. The ability to send personal messages did not appear immediately; initially, Instagram was used only for publishing media content. But now there is a personal social network messenger - Direct.

What is Instagram Direct

The messenger for Instagram users was added relatively recently, in 2013. With this innovation, users have the opportunity to share photos or videos not with all their subscribers, but only with some. It's easy to use - as soon as you receive a new SMS, you see a notification about it on the main screen of your phone. But how can you open and view direct messages on Instagram later, because notifications are immediately deleted.

Direct app is missing

Some social network users also wonder why I don’t have a direct message on Instagram. This cannot be, since this function is available in any program, regardless of whether you are logged in from a smartphone or computer, regardless of the operating system you use on your gadget, the messenger is always there.

If you don't have the direct icon on Instagram, the program may have malfunctioned. In this case, you just need to restart it and the icon should appear.

Another possible option is that you simply did not notice the icon, since it is small and inconspicuous, and even disappears if you scroll down the feed. Go back upstairs and carefully examine the object panel.

Direct - how to use

To use this feature, you need to know what the icons mean on Instagram Direct.

To send a message, log into your account and click on the “+” icon. It means "add". You can select any file, process it and prepare it for sending. You can send a file via PM to any user, even someone you don’t follow. The maximum number of users per sending is 15 people. To send, you need to click on the button with a green checkmark.

The instagram direct application, whose Instagram icon is quite inconspicuous, is very simple and easy to use, allows you to expand the functionality of the site and makes it a full-fledged social network. When you send a message to subscribers, they immediately receive a notification, and if the message is sent to other people, you need to log in to the messaging service to read it.

When you receive a file or text, be it a photo or video, you can rate it. If you don’t know what a heart means in a direct message on Instagram, then here it performs the same function as in any other social network - a heart is a like. You can also share received messages with other friends by clicking on the arrow next to the heart under the file.

Instagram has become so deeply integrated into the daily lives of its users. That they can’t live even an hour without visiting the app and checking their friends’ updates or posting a new publication.

Some people start their morning by scrolling through their Instagram feed to keep up with the latest events in the lives of famous people.

The Instagram mobile application and the official website of the social network are constantly updated. Developers are improving the experience, adding new features, and fixing bugs in the previous version.

Instagram stories have been appreciated by users and received recognition among them. Almost all popular people in the world use this service from Instagram.

We’ll talk about what it is and how to add a story to Instagram below.

Almost all users of the social network have heard about such a new product as stories on Instagram. However, for a new user, Instagram stories what they are and what they need remains a mystery.

Instagram story is a free feature that allows all users to share events in the form of photos and videos that happen in their lives during the day.

In Instagram stories of the world you can add:

  • Photos;
  • Video material;
  • Post in plain text;
  • Shoot and publish a video in reverse order;
  • Create a superzoom;
  • Create a boomerang.

In addition to adding the above material to stories, you can mark the location, attach , gif, create polls with a choice of answers, leave comments (respond to stories of other people’s users), sign materials. The recently introduced addition “Ask me a question” is especially popular in stories. This add-on is used by public people when answering questions from their subscribers.

This wonderful additional function also has very simple and at the same time interesting filters, which are created for the convenience of editing published material.

Attention! All materials that are added to Instagram stories will be available to other users and your subscribers within 24 hours.

Everyone wants to use this service at least once and create their own story of one day, but one frequently asked question among newbies is how to add a video to an Instagram story or how to post a photo to an Instagram story.

To make publications in stories, first of all you need your own page and an updated version of the application, so that no incidents happen during the shooting of stories.

The developers offer temporary posts in the story, which will be available for only 24 hours, and permanent ones, that is, when I publish stories, you can change the settings and either in the form of a publication on your page, or in the form of a permanent current post (album) of story publications under any name. It will be located under your photo on your page and anyone can view this story or even review it.

To view the stories of your subscriptions, you must first log in to the social network. The Instagram mobile app automatically opens to your friends' activity feed page. At the top are all the stories published by public people, friends, and family members that interest you.

To view their stories, you just need to click on the circle with their photo (user avatar). All new stories are outlined in red. When choosing whose story you want to see, click on the photo of this account.

As soon as the stories of one user end while viewing, the stories of the next profile from your subscriptions will immediately begin to play.

The developers did not stop at viewing publications in stories on Instagram and moved on. You can see views of your stories by users, and keep track of the dynamics of the number of users who visited your page in connection with the published story.

To see the number of people who were interested in the published events of your life, you need to click on your own stories and the total number of people who saw the story will be shown in the lower left corner.

And if you are wondering who exactly showed interest in your person, then click on the number of views and all Instagram users who viewed your story will appear in front of you.

The function of anonymously viewing Instagram stories does not yet exist; even if you accidentally clicked on view and left, traces of your profile will still appear.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make Instagram stories. First you need to log into your account. By opening and logging in through a special application on your phone or website through the mobile browser of your smartphone or computer. An activity feed opens in front of us. It is on this page of the top panel that all the stories of the people you follow are published. It is in this same part that the stories you create will appear.

  • Just click on the camera icon, which is located in the upper left corner and the camera will open in front of you. This method is suitable for any device, including a computer.
  • If you only have your phone or tablet with you at all times, just swipe to the right on the screen to open the camera.

After completing these steps, your story will appear in your subscribers’ feed. And so that your story does not disappear without a trace after 24 hours, you can change the settings, thereby saving it.

You have published your own stories for the world's instagram, now let's save it so that as many users as possible can enjoy it. To do this, open your stories, then click on the heart in the lower right corner, select save to album. An album called “relevant” will be automatically suggested; you can create your own album and come up with its name. After the selected or suggested location, select save. After 24 hours, your posts in stories will be saved on your page. The album can be updated with new story posts at any time.

Posting a photo or video from your phone

And yet, let’s look at how to post a video on Instagram history. So, first you need to decide whether you want to make a video or add an existing one to the gallery. This definition with action also applies to photographs. We will describe both options; the actions in both cases will be identical in working with uploading videos and photos.

How to make a video on Instagram? To shoot a video in Instagram stories, you need to swipe the gadget screen to the right side or click on the camera icon. The camera will open immediately. Press and hold the circle icon to record video for exactly one minute. After a minute has passed, the camera will stop recording video. The video is shot and can be immediately edited using filters and published.

To apply a filter, simply swipe your finger across the screen to the right or left, selecting the appropriate processing.

If we understand how to make a video, then the questions of how to record stories on Instagram and how to upload a video to Instagram history from the gallery remain open. To add an Instagram story from a gallery, you don’t have to put in a lot of effort. We perform the actions already known to us; they were described above.

After the camera has opened in front of us, there will be an active square in the lower left corner, this is access to your gallery. Click on it and the gallery opens. We select the video we want to show to everyone. Upload the selected video to Instagram stories and click on “your story.” Don't forget that you can use filters to change the color of the video.

To add an emoticon or a location, just swipe up on the screen before posting to open the library of additional options. You can add your publication an indicator of emotions. This is an emoticon on the slider; while viewing, subscribers will move it, thereby showing how much they like the publication.

Take advantage of all the features that the developer offers. Subscribe your stories and add text to them. And animated emoticons will become a decoration.

Just the other day, the function of publishing stories about the best moments of life became available on Instagram. At the same time, the main tape does not become cluttered. You will learn about what Instagram Stories are in this article.


General information

Instagram Stories - what is it?

The Russian-language version's stories feature allows you to post 10-second photos and videos with text effects, emojis, and handwritten notes. The main feature of this innovation is that posts are deleted after 24 hours.

Why is this necessary?

The official description from Instagram says that this feature allows you to share everyday information.

For example, a home or not very good photo will no longer bother you and will be posted in the main feed. They can be shared with friends and you will not hear reproaches, since they are not imposed and you can watch them at will.

How to use this feature?

In its meaning, this innovation is similar to Snapchat and its operating principle is almost the same, but there are some differences. Regardless of the fact that the functionality of Instagram Stories is not so wide, not everyone can figure it out the first time.

How to view stories?

All stories available for viewing are located at the very top of the feed in the form of circles with user avatars. They hide when scrolling. New stories are displayed as they are published, and after a day they are deleted. Moreover, their sorting depends on the number of views and comments, and not on the time of posting.

To view the desired story, simply click on the circle. A video or photo will open to you. If you press the screen while playback video, it will pause.

At the top, next to the username, the time when the post was made is shown. If people from your subscriptions have more than one story, but several, then they will be shown one after another. Switching between them is done by swiping in different directions.

Stories that you have already watched do not disappear from the menu, but are marked in gray. You can watch them again until they are deleted.

Comments are sent only via private messages in Direct and can only be seen by the author, and not all subscribers.

If you click on the plus at the top of the feed and swipe from the edge of the screen to the right, a menu will open for creating a new story. Everything is simple here - click on the record button and take a photo, or take it and shoot a video.

How to take or upload photos correctly?

It is possible to switch the front and rear cameras and activate the flash. You can also select a file from ready-made ones that were made in the last 24 hours. You can do this by swiping down.

How to process a photo?

New Instagram feature - Stories

  • When the photo or video is ready, you can publish it. But before that you need to do some processing. For pictures and videos, the effects will be the same.

Let's talk about them in more detail:

  • Filters can be turned on with simple swipes
  • The text can be enlarged or reduced, and placed in any convenient place. But write more than one

When an Instagram user has seriously taken up the promotion of his account, he periodically needs to view statistics that will allow him to obtain the data of interest and really assess the current situation of the profile. How to find out Instagram account statistics will be discussed in the article.

Instagram statistics reflect the dynamics of user subscriptions and unsubscribes, the number of comments, likes, etc. As a rule, tools for viewing statistics are required by users engaged in the professional development of their page, but, in addition, statistics will also be of interest to ordinary users for whom maintaining Instagram is a pleasant hobby.

Below we will discuss three effective ways to view statistics on Instagram, each of which can be used depending on the situation.

Method 1: standard method

Not long ago, Instagram implemented a function for displaying statistics for business accounts. The essence of this method is that statistics will be available exclusively to companies that offer various services. By linking a company’s Facebook page and an Instagram account, it will automatically acquire the “Business” status, and therefore the page will receive a number of new functions, including viewing statistics.

Method 2: View statistics on your computer using the Iconsquare service

A popular web service for tracking statistics. The service positions itself as a professional tool for analyzing one or more Instagram profiles, providing detailed and accurate data on user behavior on your page.

The main advantage of the service is that you do not need to have a business account to view statistics, so you can use the service in cases where you do not have a Facebook profile at all or you want to view page statistics out of pure interest.

Method 3: Using the Iconsquare smartphone app

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